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Routledge Library Editions KARL MARX ECONOMICS KARL MARX thes tooryf h ilsi fe KARL MARX 'TheS toofr Hyis L ife by Franz Mehring Translatebdy EdwardF itzgerald New Introductbiyo Mna x Shachtman AnnA rboPra perbacks Fort hSet udoyfC ommuniasnmd M arxism The UniversoiftM yi chigaPnr ess Firsetd itiaosna n Ann ArborP aperba1c96k2 New Introductcioopny rig©h tb yT he UniversoiftM yi chiga1n96 2 Allr ightrsese rved Reprintbeyds pecipaelnn ission Publishiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA mericbay The UniversoiftM yi chigaPnr ess saindm ultaneously inT orontCoa,n adab,y A mbassadoBroo ks Limited Manufactuirnetd h eU niteSdt atoefsA merica Hardbounedd itipounb lishbeydt he HumanitiPesr essN,e w YorkC ity TO CLARA ZETKIN INTRODUCTION INTERESinTe conomiacnsd p olitiicnsd,e eidn,t het renadn d probleomfss ocidaelv elopmienng te neracla,n nobte e nlightened withouatn understanding-regoaftr hdelc eosnsc lusidornasw n fromi t-otfh ei deaosf K arlM arx.I gnoranocfeM arxismo,r eveni ndifferetnoci et i,s a si nexcusaibnlt eh efi eldosf s ocial scienacned p olitaisci sg noranocfe Newtaonnd D arwin would be (tou sea loosbeu ta dequatceo mparisoinnt) h efi eldosf physiacnsd b iologTyh.eb elitehfa Mta rxishma sb eeno utlived, or� haitt i si rrelevtaoen vte ntasn dp robleomfso urd ayo,r t hat ith asf ailiendt hiosr t haotr i na lrle specitsns o,w herseow idely hcJda si nt heU niteSdt ateIst.w ouldb em orea ppropritaot e hold tthhaitbs e lief iantdsi enla fl,il t fso nns,h asb eeno utlived andi si rrelevtaotn hte n eedt ok nowM arx'isd eas. Marxi su niquaem onga ltlh es ocial thoifnh kiestr ism eI.f "hitsi mei"s e xtravagantly brtooia ndcelnuetddhe e c enturies thath avem arkedt hep assagfer omt hef eudawlo rldt ot he modern,h isd istincitsoi nolney n hanceTdo. t hen ameo fM arx, ast ot hato fn o onee lsien h isfi elda,r ea ttacheendd uring interepsats,s iocno,n trovearnsdyg ,r eapto litimcoavle mentisn almosetv erpya rto ft hew orldT.h isa lonien vittehso ughtful consideraBtuitot nh.e ries m ore. The governmenotfss o meo ne-thiorftd h ew orldp roclaim Marxisma s theiorffi ciadlo ctrianned guideT.h e relations betweetnh esgeo vernmenatnsdt her esotf t hew orlfdo rmt he princiapxailos f w orlpdo littiocdsa ya;n dt hek indo fr elations thata ree stablislhaerdg edleyt ermitnhee d irectiinow nh ich thea xirse volvTeos s.e esku chr elatiwointsh ouutn derstanding thed octrinnoem inalalvyo webdy t hef orctehse sgeo vernments represeinsat t b espta rochialTihsem l.e gitimoafct yh ec om­ munisgto vernmenctlsa'it mo M arxisims d ebatabTlhee.c laim ofM arxistmo b es tudiiesdn ot. Int hec ountrioefst heW esto utsitdhee c ommuniswto rld, thep olitilciafalen dd estionfyt hem osti mportacnotu ntries­ theU niteSdt ataepsp eartosb et heo utstandeixncge ption-are decisivienlflyu encbeyd s ocialmiosvte mentwsh iche njotyh e allegiaonfcm ei llioUnnsl.i kteh ec ommunismto vement, the socialmiosvte mentto daiys n otM arxisitn n ame.D espitiet s substantMiaarlxliys t origins, contemposroacriya lEiusrmo pean hase ithdeirs avowMeadr xisomr h ass ignificarnetvliys meadn y ofi tisd eaTsh.e i mportanocfte h idsi savowaanldr evisicoann ­ notb e disregarId edtdo .es notf ollotwh atM arxismc anb e disregarded. WhatM arxismm eansh asb eeni nterprettote hde s atisfac- Vlll INTRODUCTION tioonf l iterhaulnldyr eodfsw riteornst hes ubjebcyts ,u pporters asw elals o pponenbtyst ,h osweh oh aves tudiietda, n db yt hose whor egards tau doyf i ta sa nu nnecessiamrpye dimeWnhta.t ­ eveMra rxismma ym eant oo therMsa,r xh imsetlofo pka intso sefto rtwhh ath ec onsidehriesod w nc entrtahlo ughHte. m ade itc leairn 1 852i na famoulse ttteora partfyr iend, Georg Weydemeyear f,o rmer Prussiano ffiacretrwi hlol wearsly a ter activient heA mericaCni viWla r asa Northerrne gimental colonel: " ..a.s f orm yselnfo,c rediistd uem e ford iscovetrhien g existeonfcc lesa seisnm odersno cientoyry ett hes trugbgeltew een themL.o ngb eformee bourgeohiiss torihaandds e scritbheed histordiecvaell opmoefnt th icsl assst rugagnldeb ourgeeociosn ­ omistthse e conomainca tomoyft hec lassWehsa.t I d idt hawta s neww ast op rove(:I )t hatth ee xisojt celnacisesos nelsby o undu p witph artihciusltpaohrra,iis cnte hsde e veloojpp mreondtu (c2t)tih oatn ; thec lassst ruggnleec essalreialdyts o t hed ictatoojtr hspehr iop­ leta(r3it)ah tatt;h idsi ctatoristhsieopln flc yo nstittuhtete rsa n­ sititoont' h ea boloji tailcolln a sansdet osa classsolceisesty ." Theo ldt erm" dictatorosfth hiepp r oletarhiaaslt o"n agg o beend iscardbey da lls ocialuinsdtesr,s tandaanbdlw yi selIyt. hada cquired abhcoornrneontta twiiotnthsh er isoeft heS talinist regimweh,i cwha sn othibnugt a dictatorosvhteihrpep roletariat anda gainisttA. m biguiatnyd m isconcephtaivoenb eenr e­ ducetdo a minimumb y usintgh et erm"sl aboorr"" socialist" governmeInnta .n yc aseb,y t hahta rsLha tinpihcr asMea,r x hadi nm inda,s h ep uti ti nh isc lassisctaatle meonftt h eC om­ mum'Msatn ife"stthofie,r s stt eipn t hew orkerrse'v olut[iwohni ch] ist om aket hep roletatrhiera utl icnlga stsoe, s tabldiesmho cracy." 'Ihe valuoef k nowinMga rxisims d ifficulttor eje.,c.T th e validoift:M ya rxisimsn ots od ifficutlotr ejecItti. si ndeefda r morew idelrye jecttehda na ccepteAdn.d wherea,s i nt he Communiwsotr ldi,ti sh onoreidnt hew ordi ti so utragientd h e deedI.ti sh ardlnye cesstaorg yo m uchf urthtehra nt oc ompare ther ealiotfyt hes o-calcloemdm unissotc ietoifte osd awyi th whatw ase xplicsietftlo yr tahst hev iewo ft hee arlcyo mmunists ofM arx'tsi meO.n lya feww eeksb eforMea rx wroteh is Manifeisn1t 8o4 7t,h efi rsEtn glish journali npL uobnldiosnh ed byt heG ermanc ommunissotc iewthyi cshp onsotrheedM anifesto declared: "We aren ota mongt hosceo mmuniswthsoa reo utt od estroy personlailb erwthyo, w isht ot urnt hew orlidn toon eh uge barraocrki ntao g iganwtoirck houTshee.r cee rtaianrlesy o me communiswthso ,w itahn e ascyo nsciernecfeu,ts oec ountenance personlailb eratnyd w ouldl ikteo s hufflei to uto ft hew orld INTRODUCTION IX becatuhseey cotnhsaiititda s eh ri ndrtaoncc oem plheatrem ony. Butw eh avneo d esitroee x chafnrgeee dfoomer q ual.i.t".y Thep resCeonmtm unriesgti mmaeysd ratwh eiinrs piration fro"ms omceo mmuniosfat c se"n taugroyb, u nto ftr oMma rx. Theayr neo m oraec onfirmaotfMi aornx itshma tnh eayr iet s realizatiopne-rehxaicpnets ph tse e nisnew hicMha rxw rote thawth erteh set rugogftl hece l asdsoeensso etn di na " revolu­ tioncahrayn ignet hweh olset rucotfus roec ieittey n,d""s i n thceo mmornu ionft hceo tne ndcilnags ses." Iti ss aitdh awth atemvaeyrb et hmee roifte xplaitnhien g "failoufMr aer xisimnb" a ckwacrodu ntlriikteess a rRiussts ia orC hiniat,fs a iliunrt eh ec apitalidsetvieclaoWlpelesydt ern countcrainensbo ete xplaianweadyT .h iissu ndoubtterduley. Thei ncontefsatctathb altteh cel asstsr ughgalsne o t-iann y cashea,ns o yte t-lteotd h reu loeft hweo rkicnlgat shsaw ta s tob et ransittoai c olnaasls les(st hpseeo rcsipeettcyht aMitav rex himsheellftd ob eh iusn iqcuoen tribiusat c ihoanl)l teona glel Marximsotssot,fw homh avbee etno ooc cupwiietdch o mmit­ tinbgl undienMr asr xn'asm teo l eatviem feo rre flecotnit nhgi s difficuanldtc omplperxo blem. Tom eetth icsh allehnogwee,v oetrh,ef ra catlss doe serve considearnadtb iyco rni,to ifMc asr xiasswm e lOlu.t stanidsi ng thfea ctth aetv etnh ocsoen tinsuoicnigap lairstotif eE su rope thahta vaeb juroered x tensmiovdeilfiyMe adr xisamn,de ven officiarlelnyo untchecedl asstsr ugdgonl oest,e eamb lteom ake af undamentailn t chheoaiwnrncg lea cshsa racTtheearip.rp eals tom iddle-eclleamsesen nttsi,rp erloypw eirt hliinm itsn,ohta ve elimintahteee sds enftaictathl a tth erye matihne o rganized workicnlgai snps o liTthiecpisrr.o graanmda immsa yb ef ormu­ lateevde sro m oderaatnedlm yo destbluyts, ol onags t hey contitnosu ter fiovpreo litpiocwaeilrnt hhea ndosfa no rganized workingf-ocrlcatesh,ser ye maai nc onfirmaotfit ohneb asic histoarnidsc oaclmi oavle mtet nh aMta rxf oresaw. Int hirse speecvtet,nh eU nitSetda tmeasyp rovbee fore toloo ntgh aitte sx ceptpioosniatillis oe rnse sa ltihtafyno ramn d appearaMnacrex.i assma ,t heorestyisctahelam ns,e vfeoru nd grepaotp ulairnti htciyos u ntCrlyas.st sr ugegvletenh, ee x istence ofc lasissae lsm,o usnti verdseanlilIeytdi .sr epeatreedpluyd i­ atendo to nlbyy s pokesomfge onv ernmbeuntbt y,l eadoefr s labaonrdc apiCtlaalhs.as r moindye,n toirat tly e,a msutt uality ofi nterestisst- hteAh maetr icwaanyo fl ifYee.tt hem ost conservlaatbiolvree a ddeore nso tp ropotsoae b andtohne striwcotrlkyi ngc-hcalraasocsft t ehrue n iotnhsme;o slti beral capithaalasic sotr respornidgiaintdgt liytw uidtrehe gatrotd h e unioonfcs a piatnadcl o mmerNceei.t shiedrhe a yse vti gorously x INTRODUCTION propotshemede rgoeftr h tew ot ypoefcs l aosrsg anizianttioo ns onea sal ivtiensgt imtootn hiiead le notfii tnyt ertehseetyss p ouse soc eremoniMoourseloyvt.eh crel, a osrsg anizoafbt oitoshni sd es havbee einn creaasnidna gnltya goniascttiiicvnape lo llyii tni cs receyneta rEsa.c h steoie nkcsr eiatpssoe w earn di nflueinnc e governmeeancth, steore ekdsun coeot n ltyh peo litiincflaule nce butt hpeo litaicctailov fit thyoe t heTrhso.u ghtofrau tll ,e ast instinccatpiivteja,ul digsmtme onrtoe r l egsrsa stphsoe b jective implicoaftl iaobnoosrr 'gsa niczleaidsn,st erviennttpoio olni tical lifeev,ei nfi ti ss tinloalt s a dvancoepde,n -faancdae sds,e rtive asi itis n o thceoru ntTrhiieissns .o t th ceo nfirmaotfMi aornx ism, tob es urNee.i tihsie ttr h ree futaBtuiitot tn,o. oi ,sa c halleng­ indge velopcmeerntta,ni onttlo sy u pporotfMe arrsx iaslmo ne. Oncaeg aiank ,n owleodfwg hea Mta rtxh ougahntdw roatned diids a v aluaabiltdeo u nderstanding. FranMze hrionngc ree caltlheatdth ep hilosoFpihcehrt e scoltdheGede rmarne adfeorhr i rse futsora ela ad b oobke ­ cauhseefi rswta ntteodr eaadb ooakb outthb eo oWke.A mer­ icadness etrhvseea moer a s tronsgceorl dbiencga,uw sefie r st wanttor eaadna uthorirteavtioiefvaw eb ooakb outthb eo ok. Thabte itnhgce a saen,dr efoorfhm a bibtesi anl go nwga yo ff, Mehrinbgi'osg raopfMh ayr xi st ob er ecommendeidt- as alwahyassb eebny s erisocuhso laanrdss t udenttsh-beae ss t introdutcott hiweoo nr ktsot, h lei faen,ds trugogftl heme o st eminefingtu rienw orlsdo cialism. 1962 MAX SHACTHMAN

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