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Kant'Csr itiPchaill osophy TheD octrionfet heF aculties GillDeesl euze Translabteyd HughT omlinasnodn BarbHaarbab erjam THEA THLONEP RESS London Firsptu blish1e9d8 4b yT heA thloPnree sLst d 44 BedforRdo w,L ondoWnC IR 4LY Orginally publisinh eFdr ancine 1963a s LJ PhilosoCprhiitei dijIUe K antb yP ressUensi versitdaeiF rreasn ce. © PressUensi versitdaeiF rreasn c1e9.8 3 © Prefaacned t hitsr anslatiTohneA thloPnree s1s9,8 4 TheP ublishaecrksn owletdhgefe i nancaisasli stoafnt cheeF rencMhi nistry ofC ultuarned C onununicatiino nt het ranslaotfti hoinws o rk. BritiLsihb raCrayt aloginu iPnugb lication Data DeleuzGei,l les Kant'csr itipchaill osophy. I.K antI,mm anuel I.T itle II.La philosocprh.iiet idqeu e KantE.n gluh 193 B2789 ISBN(). ..48S-11249-3 TypesbeytI nforum Ltd,P ortsmouth Printaenddbo undin GreaBtr itaibny BiddJLetsd , Guildford and King's Lynn Contents Preo/cbye G ilDleelse uze vu TranslIanttorrosd'u ction xv Abbreviations xvu Inrrod:uT chtTeir oannscendental Method 1 Reasoanc cordtionK ga nt First sensoeft hew ord' Faculty' HigheFra culotfyK nowledge HigheFra culotfyD esire Seconsde nsoef t hew ord' Faculty' Relatiboent weetnh et wo senosfte hse w ord' Faculty' J The Relationosft hhiFepa culirn1i eMCs ri tique of PurRee ason 11 A pn"ona ndT ranscendental TheC opernicRaenv olution Syntheasnidst heL egislaUtnidveer standing Roleo ft heI magination Roleo fR eason Probleomft heR elationbsehtiwpe etnh eF aculties: CommonS ense Legitimate EmplIolylmeegnitt,Ei mmpaltoey ment 2 TIRu!e latioonft shhFeia pc uelsit nti heen "qluioef PractRiecaaslo n 28 LegislaRteiavseo n ProbleomfF reedom Roleo ft heU nderstanding MoraClo mmonS ensaen dI UegitiUmsaetse KantC'rist iPchaill osophy Probleomf Realization Conditioofn sR ealization PractiIcnatle raensdtS peculaItnitvee rest 3 The Relatiooftn hsFeha icpu litnti hCeers i toifq ue J�g�1 % Ist herae H igheFro nno fF eeling? AestheCtoimcm onS ense TheR elationbsehtiwpe etnh eF acultiinet sh eS ublime TheS tandpooifnG te nesis SymboliisnmN ature SymboliisnmA rto,r G enius IsJ udgemean Fta culty? FromA esthettioTc esl eology Concl:uT she iEonndosRf e ason 68 Doctrionfet heF aculties Theoroyf E nds HistoorryR ealization Notes 76 Index 79 VI Preface GillDeesl euze Onf oupro elfiocrm ulawsh icmhi ghslu mmarize IhKea nlipahni losophy I Thef irissHt a mletg'rse afto rmul'aT,ht ei mies o uto fj oint'. Timei so uto fj ointti,m iesu nhingTehde.b ingaerste h ea xis arounwdh icthh ed ootru rnCsar.do ,i nL atidne,s igntahtee s subordinoaftt iiomtneo t heca rdipnoailn tthsr ouwghhi cthh e periodmiocvaelm ents tmheaats uirptea ss s.i oAnsag s t ime remainsi thosin n geisti, ss uborditnoam toev emenitti: s the measuorfme o vemenitn,t erovrna ulm beTrh.i wsa st hvei eowf anciepnhti losoBpuhtty i.m oeu otf j oint sitghnreie fiveesro sfa l them ovement-triemlea tionIstih sni opw.m ovemewnht icihs suborditnota itmeeE .v erythcihnagn giensc,l udmionvge ment. We movef romo nel abyritnoat nho thTehre.l abyriinsnt oh iongaec ri rcolrea ,s pirwahli cwho ultdr ansiltactsoe m plica­ tionbsu,ta t hreaads ,t railgihntale l,t hmeo rem ysterifoours beinsgi mplien,e xoraasbB loer gseasy 'st,h lea byriwnhtihci hs composoefda singslter ailgihntae n,d w hich inidsi visible, incessTainmte'i .sn ol ongreerl attoetd h meo vemewnhti ciht measurbeustm, o vemeinsrt e lattoet dht ei mweh iccho nditions itt:h iisst hef irgsrte Kaatn tiraenv erisnta hlGe rihqtU!o fP ure Reason. Timei sn ol onger debfysi uncecde sbseicoanu ssuec cession c�nceronnslt yh inagnsdm ovemenwthsi cahr ien t imeI.ft ime itsweelrfse u ccessiitwo onu,ln de etdo s ucceienad n othteirm e, ando nt oi nfinTihtiyn.gs su cceeeadc oht heirnv ariotuism es, butt heayr ea lssoi multanienot uhses amet imea,n dt hey remaiinn a ni ndefitniimteeI. ti sn ol ongae rq uestioofn vu KanrCsri tiPchaill osophy definitnigm eb ys uccessnioorns ,p acbey s imultanenoirt y, perman encbey e ternitPye.r manenscuec,c essainodsn i multa­ neitayr meo deasn dr elationosfth iimpeTs.h usj,u satst imcea n nol ongbeerd efinbeyds uccesssipoancc,ea nnobte definbeyd coexisteBnoctehs. p acaen dt imhea vet of incdo mpletneelwy deternUnatioEnvse.r ything mwohviecsah n dc hangeissi n timeb,u tt imiet selfn odtco heasn gdeoe,s n otm ovea,n ym ore thaint i se ternal.I ti st hef ormo fe verythincgh atnhgaaetns d movesb,u ti ti sa ni mmutabFloer mw hicdhoe sn ot chaIntgie.s nota ne ternaflo rmb,u t fianc tth ef ormo ft hawth icihs n ot eterntahlei, m mutabfloer mof c hangaen dm ovemenStu.c ha n autonomofuosr ms eemtso i ndicaat per ofoumnyds teriyt: demandasn ewd efiniotfit oinm weh icKha ntm ustd iscovoer r create. II 'Ii sa nothetrh'i:s forfmruolmRa i mbaucda nb es eeans t he expressoifao nno thaesrpe cotf t heK antiraenv olutaigoanii,nn theC n'tioqfPu uer Ree asoInti. st hem ost diffiacsupelctt . IndeeKda,n te xplaitnhsat th eE goli tseilsif nt imea,n dt hus constancthlayn ginigti: sa passiovrer ,a threerc eptiEvgeo,, whicehx periecnhcaensg ienst imeB.u to,n t heo thehra ndt,h e JIi sa na cwth iccho nstantly caars ryinetsh eoosftui itsm ea,n d oft hawth ich hapipnet nism eb,y d ividiunptg h e pretsheen t, pasatn dt hef utuartee very inTshteaI na tn.dt heE goare thus separabtyet dh el inoeft imweh icrhe lattehse mt oe acoht her, butu ndetrh ec onditoifaof nu ndamendtiaflf ereSnotc hea.mt y existecnacnen evebre determinaestd h aotf a na ctiavned spontaneboeuisn gW.e cannosta yw ithD escart'eIts h,i nk, therefIoam reI am at hintgh atth inks.i'ti stI rfu teh atth e/ . thiinsak d eterminaittii omnp,l iienst hirse specatn i ndeter­ minateex iste(n/ace m )B.ut n othison gfar telulssu ndewrh at formt hiesx isteinsdc eet ermibnyet dh e/ t hiintik sd: e termin­ abloen liyn t imeu,n detrh ef ormo ft imet,h uass t hee xistence ofa phenomenal, reacnedcp htainvgei enggo .c aIn notth ere­ forceo nstitmuytsee lafsa u niquaen da ctisvueb jebcutt,a sa Vlll Preface passievgeow hich reprteosi etnsteosln flt yh e actoifiv tiostw yn thoughtth;ai tst os ayt,h eI ,as a nO thewrh icahf feicttI.sam separaftreodmm yselbfyt hef ormo ft imea,n dn evertheIl ess am oneb,e cautsheeI n ecessaarfifleytc htisfs o rmb yc arrying outi tssy ntheasnidsb ecautsheeE goi sn ecessaarfifleyc atse d conteinntt his formf.o rTmoh fet hed eterminmaebalnets h at thed etermiengeodr epresednettse rminaatsai noO nt herI.ti s likaed oubldei versoifo nt Iha en dt he Eignot het imweh ich relattehse mt oe acho thers,t itcthheesm t ogethIetri .st he threaodft ime. In ones enseK,a ntg oes furthtehra nR imbaudF.o r Rimbaud'fsa mousf ormul'aI i s anotherre'l atbeasc k strangteola ynA ristotewlaiyoa fnt hinki'nTgoo: b ad ftohre wood whicfhr ods iat vsieollfi ni!ft hec opperw akeusp a buglet,h aits n oti tfsa ul.t.'. F orR imbaudi,ti st husa questiooftn h ed eterminfionngno fa thing so ifna ra si ti s distingufirsohme dtm haet tienrw hicihti se mbodieadm :o uld asi nA ristoFtolreK .a nti,ti sa q uestiooftn h ef ormo ft imien generwahli,c dhi stingubiesthweeset nh ea cotf t heI ,a ndt he egot ow hicthh iasc ti sa ttribuatneinfini dt:e modulationno, longaem ro uldT,h ust immeo veisn ttoh es ubjeicnto ,r detro distinguiEsgho f trhoemt heIin itI.ti st hef orm unwdheirc h theI a ffetchtese got,h aits t,h ew ayi nw hicthh em inda ffects itseIltfi .si nt his stehnasttei mea si mmutabfloer mw,h ich coulndo l ongbee rd efinebdy s implseu ccessaipopena,r eads the forimn toefr io(riintnsyee rn sew)h,i lsspta cweh,i ccho uld nol ongbeerd efinebdy c oexistenacpep,e arfeodir t psa ratst he formo fe xterio'rFiotrymo, f i nteriomreiatnysn' o to nltyh at timiesi nterntaolu s,b utt haotu ri nteriocrointsyt andtilvyi des usf room urselsvpelsi,ut sis n t woa:s plititnit nwgow hicnhe ver runist cso urssei,n ctei mhea sn oe ndA, giddinaenso ss,c illation whiccho nstitutes time, III Thet hirads pecotf t heK antian revolutiotnh eec no'ntceirnqsu e ofP ractRiecaaslaon ndm, i ghatp peari nf ormulaaksi tno t hose IX

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