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500 Pages·1996·16.15 MB·English
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KANT AFTER D U C H A MP THIERRY DE DUVE AN OCTOBER BOOK THE MIT PRESS CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS LONDON, ENCLAND © 1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electromc or mechamcal means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher This book was set in Bembo by Graphic Composition, Inc. Printed on recycled paper and bound in the United States of Amenca Library of Congress Cataloging-m-Publication Data Duve, Thierry de Kant after Duchamp / Thierry de Duve. p. cm "An October book." Includes index. ISBN 0-262-04151-0 (he : alk. paper), 0-262-54094-0 (pb) 1. Aesthetics. 2. Aesthetics, Modern—19th century. 3. Aesthetics, Modern—20th century 4. Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968. 5 Modernism (Art)—France. I. Title. BH39.D85 1996 111'.85—dc20 95-38235 CIP 109876543 In memoriam Michel Foucault, who wrote . Do not ask who I am and do not ask me to remain the same: leave it to our bureaucrats and our police to see that our papers are in order. At least spare us their morality when we write. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xiii PARTI: THE UNIVERSAL AND THE SINGULAR 1 CHAPTERONE: ART WAS A PROPER NAME 3 ACT ONE: IN WHICH YOU ARE 3 COMING FROM OUTER SPACE AND ASK YOURSELF "WHAT IS ART?" ACT TWO: IN WHICH YOU SHARE THE 14 PLIGHT OF HUMANKIND AND ASK YOURSELF "WHAT SHOULD ART BE?" ACTTHREE: I N W H I C H Y OU HAVE 31 BECOME JUST YOURSELF AND KNOW WHAT ART YOU LIKE AND DISLIKE ACT FOUR: IN WHICH YOU LAND 50 UPON A THEORY OF ART AND GET READY TO LEAVE THE PLANET MODERNITY CHAPTERTWO: GIVEN THE RICHARD MUTT CASE 89 CONTENTS PREFACE 89 WARNING 95 ALGEBRAIC COMPARISON 99 THE FACTS: RICHARD MUTT AND 101 LOUIS EILSHEMIUS MORE FACTS: RICHARD MUTT AND 116 ALFRED STIEGLITZ DEMONSTRATION? 121 STILL MORE FACTS: RICHARD MUTT 124 AND THE ASH CAN SCHOOL ALUMNI DEMONSTRATION? 131 PART II: THE SPECIFIC AND THE GENERIC 145 CHAPTER THREE: THE READYMADE AND THE TUBE 147 OF PAINT THE MISSING LINK 147 PURE COLOR IS TO PURE PAINTING 154 WHAT ABSTRACTION IS TO ART IN GENERAL THE READYMADE IS TO ART IN 159 GENERAL WHAT THE TUBE OF PAINT IS TO MODERN PAINTING CONTENTS L' IMP O SSIBI LIT E DU EER 166 LA FIGURATION D ' U N POSSIBLE 172 THE DIVISIONIST DIVISION OF LABOR 175 LE CELI B AT AIRE BROIE SON CH O C OL AT 184 L U I~ M EME TRANSITION 191 CHAPTERFOUR: THE MONOCHROME AND THE BLANK 199 CANVAS SOME INTERPRETED FACTS 199 SOME FACTUAL INTERPRETATIONS 206 SOME REINTERPRETED FACTS 216 SOME FACTUAL REINTERPRETATIONS 222 MORE REINTERPRETED FACTS 230 MORE FACTUAL REINTERPRETATIONS 238 A CRITICAL REINTERPRETATION 248 A REINTERPRETED CRITIQUE 264 PART III: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING 281 CHAPTERFIVE: KANT AFTER DUCHAMP 283

"You don't have to agree with all of Thierry de Duve's premises and arguments (needless to say I don't) in order to recognize that he has written a remarkable book. The essays gathered in Kant After Duchamp mount the most formidable case yet made for Duchamp's importance, and what makes de Duve's ac
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