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C KANSAS STATE HIGH LOW OLLEGIAN 83' 'sunny WEATHER — PAGE 2 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY, MANHA" Mail payment Rene Brooks, freshman In Journalism snd maaa communications, Is Just ona of about 30 to wait 1 year K-State students who have baen forced to pay for motels or stay with friends or family white waiting for the JJtWUTHW __ programs for another Five years, he completion of their Chase Manhattan Cottegiin said. Fee payment by mail was "In a reauthorization process, we Apartments. "We are originally scheduled to begin this see changes in programs, and one practically paying the fall, but K-State students will wait of the big changes was the Federal same (for rent), but another year. Direct Student Loan Program," we are having to live Don Foster, University registrar, Moeder said. In a motel,'' said said Fall 1994 was the original Next fall, K-State will begin its Brooke, who was told target for implementing a system first year in the program, he said, her apartment would by which students could pay tuition and only freshmen and sophomores be completed by the and fees by mail. will be phased into the beginning of school. However, delays system, in accordance CHAMHACK1H and difficulties have with Congressional Collegian set the target date guidelines. back a year, he said. "Congress is only Larry Moeder, ►A student allowing 5 percent of director of the Office protests the total student loan of Student Financial volume to be part of raised Assistance, said the FDSLP during the first most important delay tuition by year," Moeder said. is due to K-State's The financial aid paying in participation in a new office will process the program. change. students' loan K-State was one of eligibility and the universities promissory notes. selected by the U.S. Then, it will request Department of approved FDSLP loans Education to participate in the in a lump sum from the federal Federal Direct Student Loan government, he said. Program, Moeder said. "It only takes 48 hours to draw Once the program is fully in down the money," Moeder said. place, he said, students will receive "Another advantage to the program their student loans directly from the is the speed." federal government instead of During the second and third year individual lenders. in the program, up to 40 percent of "Getting into the Federal Direct the loan volume can be applied; Student Loan Program will involve after the fourth year, at least 60 a lot of computer support." Moeder percent can be a part of FDSLP, said. "They will be shifted to Moeder said. implementation of the program and After the first year, juniors, then into fee payment by mail." seniors and graduate students will Moeder said FDSLP was part of be phased in gradually, he said. the changes made in 1992 by Moeder described the phase-in President Bill Clinton's process as a safety net. administration. "It's a fail-safe process so that if It became law when Congress one program doesn't work, we have reauthorized all student-aid ■ See LOANS Page 3 Five-digit dialing on campus complicates calling Living out of a suitcase Calls on campus to other CORI CORNILISON Colle|iin campus buildings will require Making on-campus calls isn't dialing five digits instead of four, quite as easy as it used to be since Damkroger said. The University of five-digit dialing and new prefixes Kansas has been using five-digit MWAUmOAY done, and that, barring He said the situation is an were implemented during the dialing from the beginning (of CoUefian any rain, they were inconvenience, but his apartment summer. what?), he said. About 30 students are staying with going to have it LANDLORD WOES should be finished within two Th^ change, which affects Damkroger said the shortage of friends, parents, or at a hotel waiting finished," Brumit weeks. students in residence halls most extension numbers is due to the for their apartments to be finished. said. Who to call if you are having The response of students radically, is the result of a shortage convenience of single-line service The small community of 500 residents at A suggestion, problems with your landlord or who are unable to move into their of telephone extension numbers on on campus. Chase Manhattan Apartments is waiting on Toedter said, would apartment apartment varies, Taylor said. She campus. A single-line service phone has completion of one building. have been to construct said she has heard everything Residence halls have a new 395 its own extension, as opposed to a Several letters regarding the construction all the resident ATTORNEY FOR STUDENTS from students who are OK with prefix, which will allow key system, which requires an progress were sent to residents during the buildings first and Dianne Urban ^ the situation to students who reassignment of the halls' operator to answer the phone. summer. Deb Taylor, apartment manager, wait to put up the SGA Offices 532-6541 dislike it tremendously. approximate 2,300 extensions to "Single-line service has been the said. clubhouse. However, Taylor said the other buildings on the main biggest demand on campus because HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. "It is very frustrating," Taylor said. "We "People can always apartments will be completed and campus, Fred Damkroger, director every modem and fax machine want all of them (students) moved in. and we go two or three weeks Cornell MayfieW there will not be any of telecommunications, said. needs its own line," Damkroger can't get them in." without having a 1101 PoyntzAve. 537-0056 ext 254 complications for students at this K-State's main campus will said. The options given to students by Chase laundry right there, DEPT. OF CODE INSPECTION time next year. continue to have a 532 prefix, and Phone-number shortage on Manhattan include canceling the lease with a but it's more Although Taylor said her K-State-Salina will continue with return of the deposit, staying at a hotel until inconvenient to go 1101 PoyntzAve. 537-0056 first concern is the students, she an 826 prefix. See PHONES Page 9 Sept. I while paying a percentage of their without a place to also realizes it is bad business not rent, or staying with friends and relatives live," said Toedter. to have tenants living in the CAMPUS DIALING CHANGES. while waiting for apartment completion. Taylor said Chase began telling students apartments. Mike Niemann, junior in engineering, about construction and talking to them about "From a business standpoint, we want them -'The'procedure for calling somewhere from campus phone has changed. chose the hotel option. He said he regularly alternative housing in June. filled," Taylor said. "Everyone wants the Prefix on-campus dialing checks the progress in construction on his "We're talking to all the kids and know apartments done, but for different reasons. K-Slate main campus apartment. where they're at," said Taylor. "We are Un-fortunately, we are at the mercy of Niemann is paying $9 per night to stay at spending a lot of time keeping them informed, suppliers, and if they don't get supplies to us, Residence hals 395—» £••••« the hotel, due to a special offered by Best telling them they can use the facilities and we can't do anything." Western Continental Inn in conjunction with offering any help we can." Realizing the concerns of the students, she K-State-Salina campus 826-1*" £••••• the Chase apartments. He is staying at the Taylor said the Chase apartments, which said she informed them of a best-case scenario hotel with roommates Keil Brumit, junior in offer a pool, weight room, laundry and and a worst-case scenario as to when the business, and Steve Toedter, junior undecided, lounge, are well equipped for students. buildings would be completed. until their apartment is completed. "I'm looking forward to moving in there," "Hopefully, we can surprise the students "They told us when we signed up that it Chris Smith, junior in finance, said. Smith is and get them in before they expect it," Taylor was the last building they were going to have also staying at the hotel. said. SAM ■HHMiiM Editor-in-chief bids you welcome During the retreat, the editors we can't dig for the facts. Most of also devised a mission statement, Believe it or not, we do work all, we want part of which says, "The Kansas hard to get the facts right. We care to serve you, to the Kansas State Collegian State Collegian will accurately and deeply about the reputation of our the reader. fairly report all aspects of K-State. paper. Nothing is more We couldn't Our task is to deliver a product K- disheartening than sitting exist as a Welcome. but neither he, nor the weeks ago, we re-dedicated Staters can't get anywhere else." anonymously in class and hearing paper without A first-issue column is a administration, control our content. ourselves to serving our readers, the That is our goal, and we will everyone gripe about us. you, and tradition for the editor of the We publish five days a week, students of K-State. We're doing work every day to reach it. I will Our phone number is 532-6556. while we Collegian; a place where we list our and the paper is free to all students. that in several ways, from accepting say it right now — we will make If we spell your name wrong, or get might spend goals and try to help people There are several places on campus letters to the editor through e-mail, mistakes. But your job as readers is a fact wrong, let us know. more time in understand how we operate. where you can pick up a copy. to the Electronic Collegian now not to endlessly gripe about us and If you have a tip, or a potential class that First off, let me tell you a little I could give you the gung-ho available over the Internet, to never give us constructive criticism. story idea, let us know. • way, it about ourselves. The Kansas State journalism speech that my staff is a continuing our in-depth K-State If we don't know we've made a If the residence halls are on fire, wouldn't be Collegian is a part Of Student little sick of hearing by now, but I'll sports coverage with the Wildcat mistake, we can't fix it. If we don't let us know. nearly as fun. Publications Inc., an independent restrain myself. What I will tell you Watch. (We have more than 1,000 know that we are not covering a If you want to tell us how great Have a corporation. We are a student-run is we are your paper. We are here subscriptions now, and here's a group on campus, we can't start we are, (it happens so rarely), we'll great newspaper. Our adviser is a for the students. plug: it's a great gift for your covering it. If no one lets us know throw a party and slaughter the semester, and member of the journalism faculty, At our editors' retreat a few parents that only costs $10.) there's a problem in a department. fattened pizza in your honor. let the weirdness begin. V Q Monday, August 22,1994 KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN NATIONAL NEWS TIMM reports are taken directly from the dairy logs of the BULLETINS K-State and Rlley County Police departments. Because of BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS apace constraints, not all Crimea are listed. MONDAY, AUQUST 22 ■ K-STATE POLICE ■ Steel Ring will meet 6 p.m. Monday in Durland 166. ■ Have lunch with the members of the United Methodist ► CONFLICTING REPORTS OFFERED ON SIMPSON BLOOD SAMPLES FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 Campus Ministry 11:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m. Monday in the Union LOS ANGELES — There are conflicting reports with the CNN report and told the Associated Press At 9:30 a.m., an ambulance from EMS personnel. Stateroom I. responded to Wsters Hall for ■ At 3:47 p.m.. A strong odor on whether blood samples taken from the scene of on Friday that preliminary tests' on four blood drops subject having seizures, but the of gas was reported coming from the murder of O.J. Simpson's ex-wife and her friend found at the murder scene did not match Simpson's subject refused treatment from. the Chemistry/Biochemistry The COLLEGIAN have been linked to the former football star. blood. EMS personnel Building. Manhattan Fire The reports came as attorneys on both sides pre- Simpson is accused in the killings of his ex-wlfe. At 11:15 am., a man report- Department and K-Suuc Police pared for a hearing on Monday to determine how Nicole Brown Simpson, 35, and her friend, Ronald ed the theft of SI20 from an found that it was due to a prob- has gone Electronic. much blood is available for testing and to discuss the Goldman, 25. He pleaded innocent. unlocked desk at his unlocked lem with fume hoods. University complexity of the role DNA evidence plays. Tests are being conducted on blood samples office in AL ken Hall. Facilities were working on Point your World Wide Cable News Network reported a possible DNA taken from the murder scene, from Simpson's auto- At 12:15 p.m.. an officer repairs. match late Friday and said sources close to the pros- mobile and from a glove found at Simpson's estate. requested an ambulance for a At 4:04 p.m., a fire was Web-client to ecution told the network that blood samples may The tests sometimes take months to complete. female subject who was unre- reported in a trash can between have been sent to a second lab to confirm the result. It's not known if results will be ready in time for the sponsive at Abeam Field House. LoU A29 and A30. The Are was http:/ / www.spub.ksu.edu. But sources dose to the investigation disagreed trial set to begin Sept. 19. The subject refused treatment extinguished. Updated daily. ► NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING CHEMIST LINUS PAULING DIES AT 93 RHEY COUNTY POLICE SAN FRANCISCO —Two-time Nobel laureate A son and daughter were with him, said Stephen Linus Pauling died late Friday at the age of 93 at his Lawson of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and SUNDAY, AUQUST 21 home In Big Sur, 110 miles south of San Francisco Medicine at Palo Alto. At 2:12 a.m.. police were At 2:46 am., police received a He charted the chemical underpinnings of life An advocate of vitamin C as a life-extender, called to Arby's at IMS report of a stray cow in the road- TO THB i itself, worked for nuclear peace and helped start Pauling had maintained a vigorous schedule until Bluemont Ave. where a fight way at I2I70 Anderson Ave. America's health craze by touting the benefits of vita- recent months when the prostate cancer diagnosed was in progress. An irate male Officers were unable to make min C. in 1991 began to take a toll, said Dorothy Munro, a whose car had been towed was contact with anyone at the resi- it liegn^iuu. fighting with the management. dence but did move the cow out This 20th century Renaissance man in a floppy spokeswoman for the Pauling Institute. name, address, The Tight was settled after the of the road. beret was also "the greatest of teachers ... a fantas- He is the only person to win two unshared Nobel subject was given other options. At 3:13 a.m., officers received uu dent ID number tic showman," one colleague fondly recalled Prizes — first in chemistry and later the Nobel Peace At 2:46 am., Christopher I. a noise complaint for a party at Saturday. Prize for his work for nuclear disarmament. Thomlinson. 8I3 Sunrise Circle, 1507 Oenison Ave. An officer IAN reserves the was arrested for DUI at the 1200 spoke with a member of the what letters are pa! block of Moro St. The subject party and the issue was resolved. ► ZAIRE CLOSES BORDER WITH RWANDA; REFUGEES STRANDED was released on SI .000 bond. H-r-'^*' • BUKAVU. Zaire — Zaire closed its border with the closing, a Red Cross spokeswoman said. Rwanda on Saturday, barricading a bridge leading to Aid workers said about 25,000 refugees crossed the refugee-choked town of Bukavu. into Bukavu on Friday. Refugees were fleeing as The closing stranded tens of thousands of fright- Monday's deadline approached for French soldiers to ened Rwandan refugees on the other side of the withdraw from a safe haven they set up in southwest- Partly cloudy west and mostly bridge. ern Rwanda in June. sunny central and east. Highs in At least 15,000 refugees from Rwanda's civil war In Paris, French Defense Minister Francois YESTERDAY'S HIGHS AND LOWS the mid-80s east to around 90 fled across the border bridge Saturday before Zairian Leotard told the Liberation newspaper France would west. soldiers closed it, UN officials said. Thousands withdraw Monday, but leave behind 500 soldiers to more continued to trudge steadily toward Zaire after help medical teams at an air base in Goma, Zaire. Student injured in hit-and-run accident Mostly sunny with a high in the lower 80s. North winds 5 to 15 A K-State student was injured Road. of a driver," Nelson said. mph. this past Thursday in a hit-and-run She was taken to Lafene Health Additional information about the accident. Center and treated for minor accident will not be released until TOMORROW mLmmm Janell Venter, graduate student injuries. further investigation is completed, A 20-percent chance in agronomy, was struck by a vehi- Officer Hank Nelson of the Nelson said. for thunderstorms. cle at 3:44 p.m. Thursday on North Riley County Police Department The student denied any com- Warmer with the high Manhattan Avenue while she was responded to the accident. ment but said she was all right and around 85. crossing the street near Claflin "I have a possible identification her injuries were only minor. <1 WM lince I 1 •*• ■Hal Pyramid's New "Price Buster" Specials: Delivery, Carryout TWOZIE! THREEZIE! 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AROUND THE WORLD C KANSAS STATE K-State scene. And that tradition •BEADS OLLEGIAN •SO MUCH MORE continues today with a diverse 1126 MORO. AQOIEVUE. MANHATTAN KS •J9131776 118 Kedzie (east of the Union) 532-6560 selection of retail stores, restaurants, ( Ballard's 718Va HflYNES night spots and services. 539-5512 Manhattan So whether you need a bite to —Sporting Goods— In the Heart of Aggieville STYlE-^rSHOP eat, a good book, a haircut or even QEflOTY SUPPLY 1218 Moro a bicycle or sports equipment, make Mon.-Thurs. • Redken • Biolage • Audea 539-2441 8:30 a.m.-8 p.m. the short walk to Aggieville—the • Graham Webb • KMS • Paul Mitchell Aggieville 500 Ft. Riley Blvd. Fri.-Sat. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. cornerstone of K-State. Outlet 35776-4552 Sun. Noon-5 p.m. ^S ' Hmir & Mall Design Experience the tradition of Hair arriall Design Laramle Plaza Different In Aggie vIlk In Aggieville (913) 776-9100 (913) 776-9100 $ $ $ *5 off Haircut & Style ! 30 Full Set • 18 Fills • 10 Manicure $ 10 off Color or Perm w/haircut since ■ 1 s a 0 Call: Yvonne Brookes • Shelly Raines Matrix • Redken Products j Expires Sept 30,1994 OPI • Tammy Taylor Now Available - Gel Nails Expires Sept. 30, 1994 Serving K-State/Aggieville for over 10 years. _ J^on.-J1iurs^9 a.m.-8_p.m., Fri. &j*t^9ja m.-5 P^m. Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m.-5 rj.m. i KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Monday, August 22, 1994 System not perfect CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 One potential drawback to FDSLP is that it will eliminate the another program we can quickly need for private lenders and put all fall into," he said. student loans in the hands of the This year, students who have government, Moeder said. Stafford subsidized and "If you talk to lenders, they'll unsubsidized loans are still say it's not a good deal because it's borrowing money through private going to be administered by the lenders under the Federal Family Department of Education, which Education Loan Program. they say does not have a good track Larry Vitema, executive director record," Moeder sdid. "And there's of the Kansas program of U.S.A. some concern about the GROUP, said FDSLP will be government being able to cover reviewed by the National Advisory loans." Council on Financial Aid before it He said the lender system was replaces other programs. not perfect, either. U.S.A. GROUP is the parent of "Lots of students are having to companies such as U.S.A. Funds, obtain fee deferments because their which guarantees student loans for loans aren't available right now,' lenders under FFELP, Vitema said. Moeder said. The advisory council will "It can take some lenders too present its final report to Congress long to process loans, and that can after the 1998-99 school year, he cause delays." said. Moeder said he was positive At that time. Congress will about the government's ability to make the decision whether to administer FDSLP. implement one program or the "There has been an other or to let schools choose which unprecedented amount of technical program is good for them. support from the Department of "They want to see how it works Education for the implementation with improvements the student loan and operation of this program, so industry has made in the current we feel good about that," Moeder program." Vitema said. said. U.S.A. Funds will guarantee Mark Tomb, sophomore undecided, hands 55 cants to Amber Ronnebaum, freahman undecided, during fee SHANE KCoIlVleUgiaRn more than $200 million dollars in Vitema said he had reservations about FDSLP because it is an payment Friday morning in Ahearn Field House. Tomb was protesting the recent tuition Increase by paying the loans to Kansas students this year, untested program. $1042.55 tuition in nickels and dimes. he said. "The Department of Education Stafford Loans to K-State Student pays in change to protest tuition hike is having to develop new software," students amount to about $35 he said. "They will be expanding million this year. Moeder said. from about $1 billion in student Stafford Loan checks are made ■OO KUCHA two bags and Mark carried two and put one in the Big Eight. I would hate to mail in this and payable to the student, so they can't loans nationally to about $8 billion, Collegian a back pack. have to pay the postage on it." Tomb said. be fed automatically by the Billings and that's a big jump. Whether Have you ever wondered how much you'd "I hope your backpack doesn't break," Sean "Well obviously we're not going to count it and Receivables System into the their system will be able to handle have to carry if you paid your fees in loose said to Mark when they stopped for a drink by all now. but we'll let you know if it's wrong," student's account. that increase is yet to be seen." change? There's a K-State student who could the Union. Ackley said. Students with Pell Grants, Vitema said his biggest concern, tell you. "Don't worry, it's guaranteed for life." Mark agreed and then stepped out of the Supplemental Grants and however, is that the program will Mark Tomb, sophomore in arts and Mark said. way and waited for Sean to pay by check. institutional scholarships have eliminate competition that exists sciences and student senator, paid his fees Everything went normally until they got in "Watch it be a nickel off and I'll get my student accounts from which tuition now because of private industry. Friday morning in change to protest the line to pay. whole schedule dropped." Tomb said. "I also and fees are deducted. Moeder said. Without competition, the increases in tuition over the past several years. When Mark dropped the two bags of coins just love the way the pit boss came over." "If there is excess money, the government won't have to worry "Sooner or later, it will price middle-class to the floor, a few people looked around, trying Some students say they agree with Tomb. student is given the rest of that too much about making kids out of an education," Tomb said on the to figure out what the sound was. Tyler Palmer, senior in psychology and pre- amount, and there is one less line improvements, he said. walk from Fairchild to Ahearn. "When people They told the lady waiting behind them medicine. said this is the first year he's had to for the student to stand in." he said. He also had doubts about what get a student loan or something like that, they what they were doing and she went to another get a job because of the increase. Once the Stafford Loans are fed kind of client service the usually don't have any idea how much money line. Trisha Maag. sophomore in pre-veterinary electronically from the federal Department of Education could it really is. It's just figures on paper. When When they finally got to the front, it didn't medicine, also said she's got to get a job government, students with that type provide, he said. they see 100,000 coins, it's different." take long before Douglas Ackley, assistant because the fees went up. of aid will also have tuition and Regardless of which program Tomb said he wanted to do this now controller, was talking to Mark instead of the "It's not just the fees, it's the dorms going fees deducted automatically. will be in place, students should not because every other school in the Big Eight did usual clerk. up too." Maag said. Moeder said. see much of a change. Vitema said. fee payment by mail and he wasn't sure how "How much money you got there?" Ackley Bart Ransome. freshman in pre-law and That step will make enrollment "Interest rates are identical. much longer fee payment would last in said. history, said he went to school here last and fee payment much smoother, Regulations will be identical. Ahearn. "One thousand forty-two dollars and fifty- semester. Ransome said he's from California he said. Basically, they will do what they Mark and his brother, Sean, had to stop at five cents," Tomb said. and is at K-State on an Army ROTC "Eventually, it will lead into do right now to apply for student the Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship Table "Can we be expecting this from you every scholarship, so the fee money doesn't come touch-tone registration, and we loans," he said. near the Union for water because they were term, Mr. Tomb?" Ackley said. out of his pocket. won't be sitting in Ahearn sweating "It's the same amount of both tired before they reached Ahearn. They "Well, hopefully soon we're going to have He said it's still much cheaper to go to for three days in the fall." paperwork." were carrying five bags of coins. Sean carried mail-in fee payment like every other school in school here than California. ,o: 1 Cl SE D< CL A! LI SI 1 Hang-ups 00060 IH Mi. 05940 07SOO OtMO 10470 11700 14300 136)0 179)0 21120 239M 25740 2()M 33210 36170 19170 00MO 0))20 05950 07520 0*970 104*0 11720 14310 15(30 1*090 21190 24000 257M 21390 332)0 361M 19180 00090 033)0 059*0 07550 01910 10490 11750 14)20 13660 moo 21210 24020 25790 2(410 HMO 36190 39190 P042O 03370 05990 075*0 0*990 10500 11760 14330 15670 111)0 21230 24070 25110 2(4)0 33270 36200 39200 004 30 03N0 06000 07590 09000 10510 11770 14)40 I56M 1*140 21260 24100 251)0 214(0 13 2-Ml 36220 39210 00440 03400 06001 07600 09010 10520 11790 14)70 15690 1115(1 21270 241II 25170 21510 3 3 170 36270 39220 00460 0)410 06010 07610 09020 103)0 11120 141*0 15700 11160 2I2M 24112 25*90 2(520 13450 362M 19210 00310 0)4)0 06020 07620 09030 10540 11(50 14410 15710 11170 21290 24140 25940 2(540 II4MI 36300 39240 0MM 03530C 060)0 076)0 09040 10530 11930 144)0 IS720 11190 213(0 24170 26240 21590 3)3)) 16330 19250 OOiSO 0)570 06040 07640 09050 103*0 12140 144*0 1)730 11200 21361 24200 26250 21630 in.." 36390 39260 «WWi 0)650 06050 07740 09060 10590 12150 14410 15750 11220 21390 24410 26260 21670 33720 36470 39261 00*70 0)7)0 06070 07760 09070 10600 12160 14)90 15760 1(240 21400 24420 26270 21690 33810 36910 .19290 OOMO 03740 060*0 07770 090*0 10610 12170 14600 15770 1(230 21420 24430 262M 21740 33(20 365)0 I9 1U 00900 0)760 06090 077*0 09090 10611 121*9 146*0 15(20 11260 214)0 24440 26290 29170 33MO 36390 19)50 009*0 03770 06110 07140 09100 10612 12200 14690 I5MO 11270 21430 24460 26300 29190 33960 36600 19160 01100 037M 06120 07150 09110 10620 12210 14700 15*40 112*0 21470 24470 26310 29200 3)970 36660 393M OIIIO 03790 06IW 07960 091)0 10630 12240 14*10 13150 Mil 2I4M 244M 26320 29210 34040 36700 39420 01120 03*00 06140 0*000 09140 10640 12410 141)0 I5H0 11)10 21490 24)00 263)0 29220 MOM 36760 19450 01130 03110 06150 0*030 09160 10650 12450 14*40 15110 11)20 21320 24501 26)40 29230 34060 36980 394*0 01140 03130 06151 0*061 09170 10660 12500 14*60 13(90 1*330 21330 24320 26)50 29240 14120 371M 19540 01240 03150 06170 0*160 091*0 106*0 12510 14170 15900 11)40 21390 24530 26360 29230 34130 37220 I95NI 01320 OMSO 06190 0*170 09190 10720 12610 I4*M 15910 18150 21660 24540 26370 29260 34290 37240 195*0 016*0 03*90 06260 0*1*0 09220 10750 12620 14*90 15920 11)70 21710 24550 263M 29270 MM) 372M 19600 01700 03930 062*0 0*190 09230 10751 126)0 14900 159)0 113*0 21950C 24560 26420 292*0 34470 37290 .19620 01930 0)960 06290 0*200 09240 10760 12640 14910 13940 1(390 21970 24370 264W 29290 34)20 373)0 19750. 01940 039*0 06)40 0(210 09)10 10770 126*0 14920 15950 1*410 22060 245M 26440 29340 34540 37340 39770 01990 04000 06N0 0(220 09)70 107(0 12690 149)0 13960 1*450 22140 243(1 26450 29310 34560 373W 39(60 01960 04040 06400 0(2)0 095*0 10790 12700 14940 13970 1*460 22170 24590 26470 29400 34610 37)60 40030 01970 04210 06)20 0(240 09700 10791 12710 14950 I59M 1(470 22IM 24600 26320 29440 34620 37370 40290 019*0 04240 06570 0(250 097)0 10(00 12720 14960 15990 1*490 22210 24610 265)0 29470 34770 37391 4O460 019*0 044.10 06590 01260 10001 10*20 127)0 14970 1(000 1(570 22260 24620 26550 29411 347M 37410 40470 02000 04460 06620 01270 10002 10*30 12740 I49M 16010 115*0 22330 2*6)0 26560 29491 .14820 37411 41M90 02050 04470 066)0 0*2*0 1000) I0OI 12770 14990 160)0 115(0 22340 24640 26570 29301 34830 37420 40510 02060 044*0 06650 0*290 10004 10*40 127*0 13010 16040 1*600 22)50 24641 26610 29311 14(40 374)0 40520 02120 04490 06660 0(340 10005 10*50 12790 15011 16050 1*610 22360 24642 26620 29600 34*60 37440 40530 02110 04500 06670 0(350 10006 10(60 12110 15020 16060 1*620 22361 24650 26640 29610 34*70 374M 40680 02210 04510 066*0 01360 10007 10170 12120 13040 16070 11*60 223M 24660 26670 29660 14910 17460 40750 02230 04320 06740 01)70 10010 10(71 1)120 13050 16090 11950 22400 24670 26720 29710 34920 37470 40940 02230 045)0 06910 OHM ion 3d I0M0 1)190 15060 16100 19060 22420 246M 26770 29734 349M 37480 40990 02270 05010 06920 01390 10040 10*90 1)220 150(0 16120 19100 22430 24690 267M 29742 34970 37490 41080 022W 050)0 06930 0(410 10050 10900 1)240 15090 16160 19110 22440 24700 26790 29760 349M 37500 wil.'n 022*0 05040 06940 0*420 10060 10920 DMOC 15100 16170 19210 22450 24710 26(40 29761 34990 37MI Ml 30 02300 05100 06960 0*430 10070 109)0 13340 13110 16210 19220 22460 24720 26(50 29190 35000 37510 80140 02310 05110 06970 01440 100(0 10940 mill 15120 162)0 19290 226M 24760 26900 30091 33010 37530 MI50 02320 05120 069*0 0*460 lOOtl 10950 1M20C 151)0 16240 196*0 22750 24770 27000C 30370 35020 37540 Ml 35 02350 05140 06990 0*470 11)100 10960 1)430 15140 16250 19690 22*00 247M 27100 30400 350M 37610 MI56 02450C 05150 07000 0*4*0 111! 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02130 05640 07140 0*670 10220 II190 13900 15)00 16590 206*0 2)120 23020 27920 31010 35670 31700 ■ 1800 02140 05650 07190 0*6*0 10230 11200 l win 15)10 16(40 20690 2)130 250)0 27940 31290 35690 31731 •1(10 02930 05660 07200 0*690 10240 11210 13920 15)20 16650 20700 2)130 25050 27950 31)00 35720 31131 81820 03010 05670 07220 0*710 10250 II.'HI 1)940 15! XI 16660 20710 2)160 25015 27960 31310 ))7)0 1*880 81830 03020 056*0 07230 0(7)0 10251 11250 I39M 13.140 I66M 20720 2)200 25I0O 27970 31320 33740 38910 11*60 0)030 05690 07240 0*750 10260 11260 1)970 15350 16700 20740 2)240 25170 2*000 313)0 357M 31920 81890 03040 05700 07250 0*760 102*0 112*0 D9M 1)3*0 16*60 20760 2)270 25210 2MI0 )1)50 35770 18010 ■2160 03050 05710 07260 0*770 10290 11290 14000 15)70 16900 20770 2)2M 25)20 2*040 31370 3S7M 38940 123(3 0)060 05720 07270 0*7*0 10)00 11)30 14010 I5M0 169M 207M 2)) 10 2))M 2*050 3IM0 35110 38950 •2440 THE ART PRINT b POSTER SALE 0)070 05730 072*0 0(790 10)10 11400 14070 11390 16940 20(10 2))20 25)60 2*060 31390 )5»30 38970 00))009*00 0055774500 0077))0100 0o*n10io0 1100332)00 1111445600 1144100*00 1155441000 1176090500 2200(*6700 22))349000 2255)37M0 22*M07M0 3311662)00 3353*87M0 3381998900 0)100 05760 07)) 1 0*120 10340 11470 14110 15420 17010 20*10 2)4)0 25)90 2M90 11640 15890 39000 0)110 05*00 07)40 0*1)0 10)50 114*0 14120 15430 17230 20(90 2)460 25400 21100 )I720 35900 390)0 Monday - Friday, August 22 - 26 0)120 05110 07360 01140 10360 11490 141)0 15440 17231 20900 23480 25420 21110 31110 35910 39050 0)1)0 05120 07370 OH 50 10370 11370 14190 13430 17250 20910 23500 25460 21120 31110 359.30 39060 0)160 05130 073M 0*160 I0MI IISM 14170 15460 17)20 20920 23510 25470 -'mm 31*60 35940 191170 0)170 05140 07MO 0*170 10390 11590 I4IM 15470 17420 209)0 2)520 234M 21140 31900 35950 191 ISO 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 0)1*0 05150 07400 0*1*0 I0M1 11600 14190 I54M I74M 20940 2)5)0 25490 21150 31950 35960 39081 0)190 05160 07410 0*1*0 10400 11602 14200 15500 17440 210)0 2)340 25300 2(160 32000 35990 39090 0)200 05170 07420 0*900 10401 11(20 14220 13910 17510 21040 23351 25570 21170 32010 36020 39100 0)210 051*0 074)0 0*905 10410 II6J0 14230 13520 17520 21030 2)5*0 255M 2IIM 32061 36070 39110 K-State Union First Floor Concourse 0)240 05*90 07440 0*910 10420 11640 14240 155)0 17660 21060 23*20 25650 21190 32330 360*0 39120 0)250 05900 07450 0*920 104)0 11630 14230 13350 17*70 21070 2)6*0 236M 21200 33000 36120 391)0 0)260 05910 07460 0*9)0 10440 11660 14260 I55M I76M 210(0 2.3MOC 25690 21350 3.30*0 .361)0 39140 0)270 05920 07470 0*940 10450 II W.I 14270 15590 17710 21090 23110 25710 2(360 3)1)0 36140 39130 0)M0 059)0 074*0 0*9)0 10460 11662 I42M 15610 17790 21100 23*70 25730 21)70 33170 36IM 39160 1 k-state union C - Cancelled Class Updated on 08/20/94 upc arts •Closed class list also available lo Unicorn PINION BVK KANSAS STATE COLLEC ■■■mas M—t__J—i _——, 1 _22£ MARLETT'S WORLD IN OUR OPINION By the Collegian Editorial Board Fee payment should be available by mail The K-State school year once again started Students who are on financial aid have to W— payment off with the hassles of paying fees at Ahearn be there to pick up their checks. by mall should Field House. But those who do not have loans, The University originally had planned on scholarships or grants could easily pay by mail ba availabla to having students pay by mail this semester, but now, especially since student ID cards are no studanta who that plan was delayed because of K-State's longer validated. do not raceive participation in the Federal Direct Student Loan Students could request the mail fee financial aid. Program. payment plan by dropping by Eisenhower Hall . When the loan program is implemented, or by checking a little box on the enrollment students will receive their loans from the federal sheet. government directly instead of individual The University could send the students the lenders. bill and an address and emergency notification Paying fees at Ahearn is an inconvenience sheet, which would need to be verified. for many students who have good jobs or Students could then return the sheet and.a internships in other cities and states. check written for the amount. These students have to quit and lose a If this were to happen, many students could week's wages so they can spend a few minutes keep their summer jobs a little longer and needlessly shuffling papers. crowds at Ahearn might be a little smaller. Finding your way around VlAHLEIT ' S WORLD 1J OUR OPINION Motor-voter bill a positive step for Kansas the Collegian opinion page EDITORIAL Come on in. Come on over this way, and local issues. If you have any CARTOON EDITORIAL We have been straightening I'll show you the editorial ideas for them, they would be m m ftef e* *MM>S mm set- MTMW*v *a*wtyfh k *• ** t*gmm m•m*•u mw m«MwPy* Ma>t mtma m <m-.m., mr. Opinion of the place up. Hope it looks OK. cartoon. Ain't it a beauty. happy to listen to what you Opinion of the i.»t+*m~Lm*r*>*tP»» b«a■y•.*-:—— —amM — »f *——.* T»■W% ■—■«* ■t ttmm Im*. tMm cartoonist While you are here, let me The Collegian features two have to say. Collegian show you around. editorial cartoonists. The editorial page will also editorial board Saying good-bye War patriotism outdated, JssSSSES&fi Up at the top is our editorial. Mike Marlett, creator of feature guest columnists on to a neighbor The difference between an Marlett's World, is a local alternating Fridays. Material A no longer a survival skill ^|^«~= editorial and a column is the cartoonist. Marlett is a senior in for guest columns needs to be editorial is the opinion of the art and print journalism. timely, well written and not OK«* * B •— r—4 .p.* nlmm, IMH 9mm •«.-.•*■ wi '-ft. «»M n *>*• Collegian. That's why we don't "I take situations and find libelous. Space is limited, M4 m mm »—<* —4 ■*** - have a the odd thing about it and though. photo exaggerate it," Marlett said. Finally, let me show you the next to it "It's my opinion and no one area for the letters to the editor. — we else's." It's like the guest room of the couldn't Marlett enjoys getting editorial page. all fit in feedback from his cartoons. You may notice the area is a group You shouldn't have difficulty rather cramped. I apologize for shot. getting in touch with him, this, but we just don't have Ideas unless he owes you money. room for 20,000 plus opinions. COLUMN Mffiififr i:r.s".?.-^ra originate from The Collegian also features We will try to publish as Opinion of the ...>.«-••— —i*j Tom Toles, creator of Toles. many as possible. But at certain editorial columnist He is the editorial cartoonist at times of the year, we can board the Buffalo News. His cartoon receive lots of letters and we • Mi .ee."-"^ members. is used by more than ISO will have to be a little more ,,*. — »!».— *■*»»» « ■■-■w*> Members newspapers nationwide. selective about the ones we *«*m*~ •m *«m■. -m»,*m , .» *• **-*,• *.-**m•*m*. * * *1 **P. mM . I *.*... . -. —W.t- e * —— LETTERS present "My cartoons are me. They print. When that happens, we REAUKHS W KITE TO THE their idea are not detached illustrations of will try to do several things: to the EDITOR events. They are less than ■ Publish letters that are editorial board. objective but more than representative of a particular Readers The editorial board *"• mm P-M* M«a m*M*mm4 >--« •» unfair," Toles said. view. response to discusses the issue and tries to decide what members think Over here are the ■ Publish letters that »«•*•«* frW.*.,l ■ ., wmtmm t.*..i • issues columnists. Please walk softly contradict the opinion of the about the issue. The majority view becomes our editorial. — they tend to go off from the Collegian, columnists or Remember the real victims in the O J. Simpson case If determining the editorial slightest movement. cartoonists. stance of the Collegian sounds Columnists' views are their Bring all letters to Kedzie 0 interesting, give me a call. We own. The Collegian supports a 116. Please include your name, are looking to hire several more columnist right to write about address, phone number and • h. •• ••> .«••» - -- "..•«. ■»•*■ S-W students to the board. You just any topic, but (he paper doesn't student ID. W»k<%>MMN)KMi need to be aware of local necessarily support those events, be opinionated and views. John Melrowsky la the ■ *N ■■ s» Mi mt •*■■* m ..■•■•• oj *•*" ** •*■* ^++* tm*n «* ■» !■• w«ew» mmemm* 9mA ■ *mt^mi -, . . - _ _ vocal. This semester, columnists opinion page editor and a Mnlor are going to try to explore more In print Journalism. Local issues to dominate columnists' agenda READERS WRITE Someone has to get stuck argue it editorially. Association. crazed Christers with guns — ' writing Monday columns. It seems the editorial page How about trying to and it's hard to believe you Drop letters off at Kedzie 116 or send them to: Letters to the Editor, c/o It still beats searching out is going to narrow its focus, change the world, instead? don't think about this and John Melrowsky, Kansas State Collegian, Kedzie Hall 116, Manhattan, and reporting the news stories dealing only with close-to- Are student writers many big issues — why kill Kan., 66506. Letters should be addressed to the editor and Include s — if you want to know the home issues — something allowed to hope we might trees to blast a takeover of the name, address and phone number. real heroes of this paper. new for the Collegian. among us help raise up a few local Republican Committee? There are worse places to No kidding. persons of power — some Africa? Bosnia? ► ™ feel trapped than Tuttle, even At least a few columnists years down the road — who Maybe not until your kids as another summer ends with may be thinking it's no longer need us or Rush or go to war in a newly Non-union teacher organizations are available only a few students returning something new in the history even the New York Times to destabilized world. Not our from exotic locales brave of print journalism. think for them? problem, then? We could Dear Editor, Another non-union teacher enough to wear a thong ai the Which it isn't, of course, Maybe Collegian readers make that same argument association which has been beach. but neither does it have a really don't care what we against most environmental For any teacher or future available for more than 40 years Don't try this at home, great history of producing have to say about the world. coverage. teacher who is interested in is Christian Educators kids — the midday beach, editorial pages with much fire We'd like to believe they How about them Cats? joining a non-union teacher Association International (CEAI). that is, not the thong. or interest. do. Many readers care a lot organization, there is a new one Their membership dues vary One thing the writer has Are local issues really But maybe not a fraction about such stuff that doesn't called the Association of according to income, but the that you don't is 20-some more important to Collegian of Newsweek readers care make'a rat's ass of difference American Educators (AAE). combined cost of dues and fewer years to live — and readers? what their columnists think, either here or in the real It is a non-profit group that liability insurance coverage are having come late to the sun, Some are, of course. Many either. Big deal. Except for world. stresses a moderate, non- similar to that of AAE. he thinks it unlikely a little of are total yawners, too, even to the letters, an editorial page is Let's hope a few religious, non-sectarian agenda Their publication is available it will cause much damage, those people who should care a luxury. Quit paying us. columnists dream of better aimed at improving a young with membership. except for the threat of brain- the most. Then see who keeps things to write about. person's character as well as his Teachers in Focus, can also be bake. Not a whole lot of them turning in columns — and Agreed, most world and or her intellectual abilities. purchased from Focus on the Dues are only $49 annually or Family, P.O. Box 35500, Bear with me, though — call for 750-word opinions, what they think is worth national "news" is non-news, $79 if you would like Colorado Springs, CO 80935- circumstances demand at and column-length "local writing about. and generic hand-wringing professional liability insurance 3550. least one of us waste ink on editorials" are temptingly National health, for over it even more boring. coverage and legal assistance For more information about something that shouldn't even easy to ignore. example? But the underlying issues protection. CEAI write to Christian be an issue. True, we aren't going to The day you get off your — the real stuff of the To contact this organization, Educators Association The real trap is what's on sway Washington. At K- parents' card, you'll find out. editorial page — are the write to Association of American International, P.O. Box 50025, many a columnist's mind State, where even a majority If this falls through, some history we're forced to repeat Educators. 26285 Amapola Lane, Pasadena, CA 94 115 or call: about now, even if some of us vote can have zero effect on hopeful K-State student until we remember it and Mission Viejo. CA 9I69I or call: (818)798-1124. aren't asking it out loud. big-dollar student issues, it's reading right now will end up understand it. (714)582-3206. "How are you gonna handle pure hubris to imagine impoverished for life by the They have an impressive list Barbara S. Sunley this local-emphasis thing?" Collegian influence reaches U.S. health care system. Bob Kirk la a gradual* of advisory board members. Wamego The first thing that comes even across the street to the The Christian Right? student in Ornamental to mind, no surprise, is to Student Governing - If readers don't care about Horticulture. i-^ KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Monday, August 22,1094 g IHH^HIL — v - fci i ■ ■ Woman threatens cat; both killed AM0CIAT1P PIMM the aisle, moved bystanders One officer opened fire. 1 away and called police. The woman dropped the cat as GRESHAM, Ore. — Police Officers asked the woman she collapsed. ^■^ ■!____ is lT Jin i shot and killed a woman who to drop the knife, and she "The cat got loose in the was holding her cat at began threatening to kill the store. Animal control officers knifepoint in a grocery store cat, Lerwick said. The woman were called, but they could not has not been identified. on Sunday. locate the cat," Lerwick said. The woman got up and The woman came into the It remained somewhere in began walking toward the store with her Siamese cat and the store Sunday evening, he officers, who sprayed her with a knife and sat down in an said. 1 pepper gas in an effort to stop [ - aisle, said Sgt David Lerwick, her advance. The officer was placed on J a police spokesman. "She then raised her knife routine administrative leave Managers placed rows of above her head and charged following the shooting. shopping carts at either end of the police," Lerwick said. Lerwick said. iSk 4 k ••■I Check out * „ ^ifj 4 the new Life OVERLAND TRADING CO. section l every i Wednesday Fire destroys traveler's home, van An Iron worker, living out of his van, lost his horns when it caught firs at about in the 6:30 Sunday night outside the Rocky Ford David Robinson, a traveling iron whole life had been contained in the Tavsrn. Collegian worker from Vevay, 1ml., said his now-gutted van. PHOTO a STONY BY DMMI WHITLSY 1980 Ford van, which caught on Davis said he disagreed with fire Sunday outside the Rocky Ford Robinson's assessment of the tavern, was his home. damage and said it was more in the Investigators suspected arson range of $10,000. w»»»w»njwv because the fire was of suspicious Robinson said he had no idea origin. Blue Township fire chief how the fire had started. He said he JO*®* , Leighton Davis said. anticipates being homeless as a Officers from the Pottawatomie result of the fire. County Sheriff's Department The fire was noticed by Jim arrested a 38- or 39-year-old white Johnson of Manhattan. V_5 female Manhattan resident in Johnson said the patrons of the connection with the fire. tavern smelled smoke and saw the Investigator Gerald Schmidt said. flames in the van. , A Specialty Shop That's Truly Special Robinson said he lost all of his "I was scared," Blanton said. "I >1^&1 possessions and worried the fire was freaking. I was afraid it was had destroyed his work tools as going to blow up. I told them that well. on the phone." Make every occasion a § "Man, all my tools are wasted," Blue Township's volunteers had very special one with a he said. fire trucks out of the station only gift of— Total damage was estimated at two minutes after the call came, $25,000 by Robinson, who said his Davis said. China • Figurines • Glassware Crystal • Jewelry • Stainless Steel Silver • Jewelry Boxes • Oift Certificates Linens • Brass • Dept. 56 Houses Porcelains • Collectibles • Music Boxes Come in and see our entire collection You need money. Bridal Gift Registry 1 in kn p-i i M K cradles your fool VISA in a foolbt-il that mirrors your footprinl in soft sand. Choose Be a registered bride from our outstiuiding Hirkenstoek selection and gel a colorful MASTERCARD We need staffers. COttOII long sleeve mock turllencck FRKE with purrhase ,AM. 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Lorotfa Whitnoy Doug Bliwoll LaRae Davis Credit Union President Loan Officer Accounting/Operations Officer Checking Accounts Loans ^«■■■■m* •New/Used cars, trucks, vans •New/Used recreational vehicles, boats,motorcycles Open your Checking •Miscellaneous -computer Account by 8/31/94 and -stereo equipment receive 50 checks freel •Personal Loans for -tuition -books and supplies •Free Travelers Checks for one -bill consolidation •ATM Card Savings Accounts —^™ •Earns Interest Monthly if balance is above $300. •No Service Charge If balance Is above $300 (plus life Insurance at no direct cost to you) (only $3 if balance goes below $300.) •Passbook • Unlimited Check Writing •Certificate of Deposit 1455 Anderson Ave. Charles Thomas and Unda Puntney receive Credit Union service from Member Service Representative Scott Raleigh and Betty Hours: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Crowel. Credit Union Employees Kathy Howard and LaRae Phone: 776-3003 Fax: 776-2286 Davis research computer options. Call or como by trv reclit Union offico today. 6 AP TOP 25 COLLEGE FOOTBALL POLL I.Florida 8. Colorado 15. Texas A&M 22. Virginia Tech 2. Notre Dame 9.PennSt. 16. Oklahoma 23. Washington PORTS 3. Florida St. 10. Wisconsin 17. Southern Cal. 24. West Virginia 4. Nebraska 11. Auburn 18. Texas 25. Clemson 5. Michigan 12. Alabama 19. N. Carolina K-State received 47 votes 6. Miami 13. Tennessee 20. Ohio St. In the preseason poll. 7. Arizona 14. UCLA 21. Ilinois UST22.1994 KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN ► COLUMN Fans need to hate Jayhawks Every year, the sports editor writes the first column of the year, usually asking for suggestions and introducing readers to the sports page- However, this semester, instead of asking the students to help the newspaper, I'm asking students to put a new spark into an old rivalry. That's right, folks. We need to re-evaluate our hatred for the school down the river. Last spring, new basketball coach Tom Asbury ignited a flame under the Jayhawks' tail when he said he was going to "come after" m ar^Ham Kansas. ^fu Joe Gordon, a Roy mfm possible starter at L J Williams cornerback, ISf!.- ^Lf wasted no r ■ participates in a drill time in H H during practice. The responding at Cats open their theKU season Sept. 3 ^Hpr basketball m against SW banquet. Louisiana at KSU which m—m Stadium. incidentally MARK LIFFIMQWELL was the same Collegian day as Asbury's press conference. "South on 177, East on 70. West Lawrence Exit," Williams said. "When somebody says they're going to come after you, you can do one of two things. Cats attempt to fill defensive void "You can run and hide, or you can tell them where you're going to be located." I realize that it is football season and the Wildcats have three other games to worry about before the play. game at Lawrence, but that doesn't DIRBK SIMMONS "I feel very confident that they will be a I 55* WILDCAT DEPTH CHART mean the fans can't start building Collegian If one area of K-State's 1994 team looks unfamiliar, it's solid Big Eight secondary and a group we bitterness toward KU. I mean real bitterness. Worse proTbhabe lyW tihled csaetcso nedxapreyr.i enced a 100-percent turnover from canL winineb aa clokte or fa bnadl l cgoa-mcaepst awinit hK."i rby Hocutt DEFENSIVE BACKS than the bitterness students feel when they've been ticketed by our last season in the defensive backfield, losing all four said the defensive backs do possess talent. CB 8 Clyde Bouler 18 Gordon Brown starters. "The guys that left were great leaders, but friendly parking police. Three of the four — Jaime Mendez. Thomas Randolph we have some great athletes back there," he FS 28 Steve Hanks 49 Chris Sublette The kind of hatred a man feels and Kenny McEntyre — moved on to the National Football said. "They are just as good or better SS 21 Chuck Marlowe 4 Mario Smith when someone is trying to pick up on his little sister. League. athletes. CB 1 Joe Gordon 17 Chris Canty Mendez and Randolph were first-team all-Big Eight "I think the weak point for us defensively Because of the enormous scope selections last year, while McEntyre was a second-team all- will be mentally. If we let things go to our of anger, we are dealing with and we can simulate what they did and take it a step further." Big Eight member. head or are not able to play like we can, that is what will the fact K-State fans have to wait Gordon, who played in eight games and had nine tackles Mendez. K-State's third consensus all-American in hurt us," Hocutt said. until Oct. 6 before they can spit, last year, said the secondary took the initiative to practice school history, was a four-year starter for the Wildcats. K-State lists Hanks as the starter at free safety, and cuss and wave obscene banners at during the summer months. But now. names like Steve Hanks, Chuck Marlowe, Joe Gordon and Bouler as starters at cornerbacks. the Jayhawks in person, a plan is "We practiced on our own this summer, and I feel we Gordon and Clyde Bouler will take the field in the Hanks has the most experience, playing in 11 games and needed. have a lot of young guys with lots of talent," Gordon said. secondary. starting three in the Cats' 9-2-1 1993 campaign. Therefore, I have devised a "I feel that during the course of the spring and the summer, "We're working really hard to try and not be the weak "Defensively, our major concern is probably how good four-part plan to give the fans our goals were to gain discipline and become more mature. I point of the team," said Marlowe, who is expected to start at we are going to be in the secondary." head coach Bill something to work with. think we've done both of those." the strong safety position this season. "We want to be the Snyder said. "I think we have the ability to develop with First, call up any former friends Marlowe said he expects opponents to go to the air more strong point." seven or eight guys who are capable of playing at this level. who may have made the mistake of often this season. Secondary coach Bob Stoops said he isn't convinced the What we don't have is experience." attending the school down the river "We're ready to accept the challenge of teams trying to new players will pose a problem. Marlowe said working with last year's, standouts and and tell them that as long as they pass on us," he said. "We know teams are going to come out "A lot of people might think we are starting from scratch, with the Wildcats' offense has helped the new players. are worshiping their from day one and try to pass. but 1 don't think so." Stoops said. "All these players that are "We learned about their work ethic and their Birkenstocks™ and cheering for "We're just preparing for it and we are ready for the coming back are guys that always worked with our first and commitment to the game," he said. "We saw what it took to chickens, they are no friend of challenge." second teams as backups. They were always prepared to bring the team to last season's victory total. We just hope yours. Any ties to the enemy must be severed if true hatred is to be achieved. Hanks provides game-day Murt Hanks Jr., to become mayor of enthusiasm for organized football. Second, sit down with some Manhattan. "I was one of those little kids that came friends and make up dirty jokes "He strived to achieve a goal, and he to the games, but was on the other side of about Kansas players, coaches and, experience for defensive backs got it That's what I'm trying to do," the fence playing scramble football," he especially, the cheerleaders. Hanks said. "I'm said. striving to achieve a At about the time he entered junior Third, sustain the hatred for the CRSSTON KUINZI the games because we'd go nickel goal and I'm getting high. Hanks had a change of heart Jayhawks throughout the year by it. "People started telling me, 'you should Colkfitn attending every K-State-KU Don't tell Steve Hanks that the weak (defense)," he said. "I'm trying to be * go out for football.' That's when I started contest, regardless of the sport. link of the K-Stste football team is the Due to the experience he picked up last the best athlete on die trying." Hanks said. It's easy to be rude at the secondary.. year. Hanks has accepted the role as leader field that I can be for As Hanks grew, so did his desire to football and basketball games, but That upsets me." Hanks, junior free of the secondary. my team." play college football. wouldn't it be great to be the first safety, said. "Everybody says that since "I lead by example," Hanks said. "They This year's "I had a lot of aspirations of playing," obnoxious fan to attend the K- we lost all of these seniors in our look to me at times for technique and to secondary may be Hanks said. "I saw those big guys running State-KU golf dual? secondary, we're just going to drop off." see things that they might not see the first lacking experience, around and hitting. It looked like fun." Finally, take 10 minutes out of In fact, don't tell him the Cats have a couple of times on the field." but Hanks said bis Hanks said he's going to enjoy football every day to sit and just hate the weakness, period Leadership is not a new value for the teammates can make Hankf now that he has the opportunity to play. Jayhawks. "Our whole team is just ss good as the Hanks family, however. up for that with an "Football to me is a whole lot of fun, This can be done early in the team from last year," Hanks said. "There "My grandfather was a former mayor underrated virtue. it's not really a job," Hanks said. "It's morning, after lunch, before bed or is no weak link on our team." of Manhattan." Hanks said. "We weren't "We've got a lot of heart," Hanks said. going out and doing what you like to do." anytime K-State fans feel annoyed. Although Hanks only started a couple that well off or anything; we were just an "We've got a lot of guys that want to play. Hanks said he has little fear when it Rivalries are the best way for a of games last year, he had see some everyday middle-class family." "We make op for the lack of experience comes to other players. university to come together and significant playing time. Hanks is applying the same mentality with bean." "If he steps in front of me, I'll go gain recognition for its athletic "A lot of times. I played the majority of to football that enabled bis grandfather. Hanks did not always show such against him," he said. department, but realize that hatred for KU shouldn't go beyond friendly competition. Although I have broken away from tradition by not introducing the sports page and asking for the ► FOOTBALL ASSOCIATED PRIM Montana, who sat out all or part of six Matt Blundin and Steve Bono. students' suggestions, I would like Bears travel to games with a hamstring problem last year, "We've got to have the decision made to uphold the tradition of making a KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Joe Montana, also took it easy during most of the morning when we begin to prepare for New Orleans," football prediction. who hobbled often last year by a pulled drills at the Chiefs' complex in River Falls, said Hackett. "There is enough opportunity Arrowhead to hamstring, is taking steps to avoid further Wis. Feeling fit and ready, he figured to see with Joe only practicing once a day that you 1. Nebraska trouble. his last extensive action of the exhibition can get three guys ready in camp. So I don't 2. Colorado First he takes steps to the left, then to the season Monday night against the Chicago see any urgency at all. When we start to get 3. Oklahoma face Chiefs in right. Post-practice sprints under the watchful Bears. The 7 p.m. kickoff will be the Chiefs' ready for New Orleans, then we'll focus on 4. Kansas State eye of offensive coordinator Paul Hackett are second appearance on Arrowhead Stadium's that." 5. Kansas part • of a careful approach to easing new grass field. They close out their practice The Chiefs are 2-1 in the exhibition 6. Oklahoma State preseason game Montana's 38-year-old body through its loth schedule just four days later at Buffalo. season, including a loss to Minnesota in 7. Iowa Stole season. After Monday night, the rest of the Chiefs' Tokyo. The Bears are 2-0 in their second 8. Missouri "It's Paul's hamstring drill," Montana said preseason will probably be devoted to the preseason behind head coach Dave with a laugh. issue of the second team quarterback between Wannstedt. .«. Woiatle Savings To Check Out Stuart Hall SPIRAL Best Choice CHARCOAL NOTE- RRIQUETS BOOKS CASE! 70 Sheets 10 Pound Bag of 24/12 oz. Cans Assorted Flavors Oforl JIF PRINGLES BIC PEANUT POTATO BUTTER PENS CHIPS 18 OZ. 6 oz. Can 10 Pack Jar Assorted Flavors Creamy or Crunchy 1 valuable coupon every week, for 4 weeks! *WEEK1 Good thru Aug. 30, 1994 IK^^M * WEEK 3 September 7 thru 13,1994. Stuart Hall Kraft 7.25 oz. Box SPIRAL NOTEBOOK MACARONI & CHEESE FREE! Limit 1 please with coupon 'Limit 1 please with coupon FOOD^LESS * WEEK 2 Aug. 31 thru Sept. 6,1994 * WEEK 4 September 14 thru 20,1994 Food 4 Less 20 oz. Loaf Wells' Country Rich 0! »m^SANDWICH BREAD ICE 49 FREE! CREAM Half Gallon Square Limit 1 please with coupon =—TT;—i *Limit 1 please with coupon" ■ifaoPxtes IFOOD^LESS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■< Back-To-School Sale Now In Progress! FOOBALESS Prices good Aug. 22 thru 30,1994. Limit rights reserved. •401 E. Poyntz -222 N. 6th •3011 Anderson In Manhattan, Kansas OPEN 24 HOURS EVERYDAY! 8 Monday» August 22, 1994 KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN EET YOUR Steph: Neil: Cris: Derek: Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editor Design Editor The Collegian's top This is the No. 2 position This is the No. 3 position. The design editor tracks editor is responsible for at the Collegian. It is In essense, the news the elements of a well- STEPHANIE all facets of the N. STEWART critical to the success of editor is the dayside CRISTINA designed Collegian, and DEREK FUOUA newspaper — from all ANDERSON the newspaper. The ME managing editor, the NE [ANNEY the editor then pulls SIMMONS content through all runs production-day produces the daily together those elements facets of staff budget meetings, and this bulletin, tracks news into daily design. This management. The buck editor manages production releases, handles reader editor supervises all stops here. The editor in from the rim. compliments and Collegian design and chief serves as the complaints, edits copy works closely with other public's primary liaison Office Hours: 2:30 to and ensures coverage of editors producing pages. to the Collegian. 5 p.m. Mon., Tue., Thurs. the day's breaking news. Office Hours: 3 to 1 to 5 p.m. Wed., Fri. 8 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. Office Hours: 10 to Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 1 a.m., Sun.-Fri. 6 p.m. Sun.-Fri. Shane: Marie Sara: Robin: Photo Editor Asst. Photo Graphics Editor Copy Chief Tht photo editor applies Editor The graphics editor helps The copy chief is in skill in photojournalism, develop story ideas and charge of the copy SHANE news judgement, MARK The Assistant photo editor implement their SARA editors. Collegian copy- ROBIN KEYSER dmeasnigang,e smtaefnf t and LEFFINGWELL ipsh iont ocghraarpgeh yo ffo r the panreds einnfotartmioant iothnr.o Tughhis ajortb SMITH ecodnitisnisgt etenacmy aennds ures KlCKHAEFER organization. The photo Collegian's special requires strong news accuracy in the paper. editor hires Collegian sections. judgment and strong photographers and communication skills. Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. contributing Office Hours: 1 to 5 p.m. to 1 30 p.m. Mon., photographers. Mon.-Fri. Office Hours: 3 to Wed., Fri. 6 p.m. Mon. 3 to 5 p.m. Office Hours: 2:30 p.m. Tues.-Thurs. to 1 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. Lola: Jennifer: Mike: John: :; City/Gov. Editor Campus Editor ECollegian Opinion Editor The opinion-page editor This editor is responsible The campus editor must Editor directs columnists and for covering Student closely monitor campus The ECollegian editor is coaches them on Senate, Kansas Board of events and coordinate responsible for taking the diversity of effective Regents, Manhattan appropiate coverage information available in opinions on the page. school board, the Riley through story assignments issues of the Collegian County Police and photo requests. and making it available on Office Hours: 2 to Department and more. the World Wide Web — 7 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to part of the internet. Office Hours: 1 to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Office Hours: 6 to 10:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. LOLA J.R. MIKE JOHN SHRIMPLIN PRATHER MARLETT MEIROWSKY Wess: Jeremy: Andy: Sports Editor Asst. Sports A&E Editor This editor directs and Editor Along with coverage of daily entertainment produces coverage of K- The assistant sports editor events, this editor designs State athletics, club is in charge of the Wildcat and coordinates sports, intramurals and Watch, the Collegian's production of professionals sports of weekly sports section. He entertainment pages. interest to Collegian assigns stories, photos Event precedes, reviews readers. He assigns and columns for this and A&E features stories and coordinates section. predominate this desk. columns, in addition to daily page production. Office Hours: 1 to 5 p.m. Office Hours: 3 to Mon.-Fri. 6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Office Hours: 3 to 7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. WESS JEREMY ANDREW HUDELSON CRABTREE TOMB ' Monday, August 22, 1994 9 KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Phones change for campus Andrta Saez, frMhmin In English, and Xavtor Mora, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Damkroger said before the fraartman In Industrial sngjnssring, dsnosd campus is not unique only to K- telecommunications upgrade, the during ths competition State, Damkroger said. It is a K-State campus had less than 400 at ths wstcoma party for nationwide problem. numbers left that could be assigned. Intsrnatlonsl studsnts "We're running out of area Telecommunications slowed Monday, Aug. IS In codes all over the United States,'' down work orders for telephone Union Station. Ths two he said. numbers on campus in order to won ths sscond contsst Damkroger said he doesn't think conserve until the upgrade. without competitors area code 913 would be split up in Otherwise, the campus would have sines no others were the near future. run out of numbers this summer, he brave enough to dance Five-digit dialing will free 3,000 said. numbers that can be assigned to The upgrade in the phone system various buildings on campus, cost the telecommunications budget DAfHWN WHm.iv Damkroger said. about $15,000 after the engineering Collegian A prefix has 10.000 lines, and and software, Damkroger said. before the five-digit dialing was Nyambe Harleston, junior in initiated only 7,000 of these 10.000 finance and resident of Ford Hall, were capable of being used, he said. said she heard one student's parents Only 7,000 numbers were couldn't reach her without first available because 0 and 9 were going through the operator because used for the campus operator and there is a 395 prefix in Kansas City. outside-line access, and 8 has been Harleston said she personally assigned to cellular phones, he said. hasn't had any problems, though. Dance supplies chance to meet —U IIOH TAJIK the International Coordinating place to meet some different student in physics from Denmark. Colle|iui Council, also spoke at the people," she said. "The only problems are too International students new to K- orientation. Often new students — especially much chlorine in the water, and it's State got to know each other with a "International students have international students — feel out of a bit warmer here. But the people dance and a game of International tremendous support and place when they come to K-State, are warm and friendly, which is Bingo in Union Station last week. opportunities available from the said Mary Taylor, chairwoman of nice when you come to a new New Fall Arrivals The dance was part of an Kansas State community and also the UPC Multicultural Committee. place," Ehrenreich said. orientation planned by the Union from the city of Manhattan," "I think this is a great Program Council Multicultural Sundhararajan said. opportunity for international Committee as an opportunity for Jon Wefald, University students to feel like they belong new international students to get president, was also present to greet here at K-State." Taylor said. familiar with the K-State Union, the new international students. Many of the guests at the MsssssslMft Annie Gilliam, program adviser for In the past, the international orientation said they were eager to the committee, said. student orientation was done in the learn about K-State and the United "It's also to help the students get morning, said Shazia Aqeel. co- States, and were being helped by YOURSPOOTS to know each other," Gilliam said. coordinator of the event and junior other students. The students were taken on a in chemistry. "I arrived only five days ago, HEADQUARTERS tour of the Union and introduced (o "For the past two years, we have and I am sometimes confused by facilities, such as the bookstore and been doing it in the evening and the different language and different the information counter. having a party to make students customs, but the students I have $1.50 Bottles After the tour, several K-State more comfortable and let them have met have been very helpful," said officials welcomed the students. more fun," Aqeel said. Bing Long, a graduate student in .50 Bigboys Among them was Bernard Franklin, The orientation also has the civil engineering from China. .50 Junto 60 ox. ■ assistant dean of student life. potential of being a good way for "I'm so lucky to be here. I'm Pitchers Franklin said international all K-State students to meet people anxious to learn everything about .99 Chicken students help give K-State the of different cultures. Gilliam said. this culture and the University," Steak Si opportunity to make the University "I wish this was something that Long said. a more complete learning we could do with all of the students Manhattan is an adjustment, but environment. at K-State. so they could gel to not altogether a negative one, said Srini Sundhararajan, president of know each other. This is just a great Thomas Ehrenreich, a graduate 3240 Kimball Ave. JR IMPRESSIONS 537-8383 We 708 N. Manhattan Ave. in Aggieville J^, HAIR DESIGN AND NAIL STUDIO accept Welcomes you to K-State! news $ 5 OFF tips. • Haircut w/style • Highlighting 532-6556 • Nail care • Body Massage $2 Tans Bring This Ad -orner 1129 Moro • Aggieville • 537-1332 ie Manhattan source for Hours: MUM -l-ri. '>-<>, I Inns. H-H, S.il. H i and Software Sales, id Consulting. Thla 99 jnonth's specials: 9MB Conner HD . $279 i Fax/Modem $90 i Helix CD $32 * [Qussl CO $28 ! Quasi IV CD $28 i tooZork CD $30 ilastsrldMCD $99 jndblaster SCSI-2 $185 WEDNESDAY ; CD-ROM Drive $140 £3X CD-ROM Drh/a $339 Gravls Analog Pro $34 I Diamond Stsarth32 2MB $199 LUNCH : Diamond Stealth24 1MB$139 | MBTMHSSSI tyitMi Ansr-i 3X-20mhz $1250 JDX2-66mhz $2470 11 a.m.-1 p.m. with the Collegian. I Pantera Systems: .__J"-««mhz $1870 I itlunvOfl" $2470 99<t PEPPERONI PERSONAL PAN i m My sacked outl I Thla M (NO 5 MINUTE GUARANTEE) tera Pentlum-90mr 16mb Ram 99C REGULAR ORDER BREADSTICKS JN ow you can pick up your IB Local Bus IDE HD ! CD-ROM & 1.44 3.5 FD 99<t ONE TIME THROUGH SALAD BAR IB PCI Video Card Collegian day or night. Stop by EL PROCESSOR 99<t LARGE SOFT DRINK ZIF Socket Bluemont, Calvin, Duriand, 3 PCI & 5 ISA Slots MIX & MATCH OR PICK ALL 4 Flash BIOS ■ ' 6-bay Desktop Case OFFER GOOD WEDNESDAY ONLY AT THE Fairchild, Justin or Seaton halls OWATT POWER SUPPLY 101-Keyboard AGGIEVILLE LOCATION ON DINE-IN ORDERS I expandable to 192 MB before your night class for the latest SORRY—NOT AVAILABLE FOR CARRYOUT. 14" SVGA 28mm Monitor Mouse IS-DOS 6.2, WFW 3.11 AGGIEVILLE edition of the Collegian. 14.4k Fax/Modam >undblastsrMCD18 1121 MORO kers 15 watt amplified 3400 539-7666 KANSAS STATE •NOT VAUO WITH ANY OTHER SPECIAL IUTER CORNER OLLEGIAN OFRR«V20 CENT CASH REDEMPTION VALUE »0 PIZZA HUT Of AGOEVIU 1URYDRIVE\ 199?»EXP«ES 12-31-94 Kadife lr.it of thr Union) 532-6S5S 10 Monda *Au9 u«t 22, 1994 KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Wildcat Week offers fun, chance to meet leaders Course Now MUMNCIMIBIRT the University's services and know that was even there." advancement and dean of students; Open for programs. Informational forums dealing Robert Krause, vice president for Collegian Union Program Council worked "Non-traditional students usually with leadership, University policies institutional advancement; Larry with several campus organizations are not involved in the orientation and student concerns will be Moeder, director of student Regular to give students an entertaining and for younger students," said Nancy addressed by student leaders on financial assistance; and Tricia informative welcome to K-State. Blaine, assistant director for Adult Wednesday and by administrators Nolfi, coordinator of Student "A Wildcat Welcome," which Student Services. on Thursday. Activities and Services, are some of Play! began Wednesday and will last The service assists the non- "The speakers either have hands- the administrators who will be until Saturday, includes workshops, traditional student, who is a student on knowledge or know about key answering questions Thursday. information tables decision- "If they don't know who their making points," administrators are, it's a time to I Twilight Rate and social events WILDCAT WELCOME EVENTS said Patrick meet them," Willits said. organized to Carney, UPC The end of Wildcat Welcome rinetturorndiuncge snteuwde anntsd to Monday, Aug. 22 Thursday, Aug. 25 Issues and offers movies, a BACCHUS pool $C 9reen fee Ideas tourney/social and football activities and ■ Martial Arts Demonstration by ■ Meet Your Administrator, sponsored Committee autograph party and spirit rally. A services on campus. University fa Man, noon-1 p.m., K-State by UPC Issues and Ideas, noon-1 pm, chair and senior welcome-back picnic sponsored by Offer good through August 31, MM "What UPC is Union Courtyard. K State Union Courtyard. in political Black Student Union and Black Play all you want after 5:30 p.m providing is more Tuesday, Aug. 23 ■ A Student's Guide to the Bewildering science. Pan-Hellenic Council is scheduled Tuesday through Sunday. along the lines of World of Apartment Rental, sponsored Jeff for Saturday. WWIITTHH TTUHIISC AADrT I (Course cloaed on Mondaya) entertainment and ■ "For Adults Only" Brown Bag Lunch, by SGAConsumer Relations Board, 3:30 Peterson, That is something that would BUY TWO eodpupcoarttiuonniatile s," said sapmo.n-1so pre.md .b, yK A-Sdutaltt eS tUundieonnt SSteartveicroeos,m 1 1 p.m., Union 208. presstiuddeenntt; bBordayd dfoerf inthitoesley sbteu dae wntesl c—om tion gg eatc ttihveitmy BUCKETS I STAGG HILL Sharon Willits, Mai. ■ Usher Orientation, sponsored by Finkeldei, acclimated to the University and to GET ONE I McCain Audrtorium, 4 pm, McCain FREE! program adviser and ■ Zed (acoustic musician), sponsored student body the other students they'll be GOLF CLUB Lobby. I graduate student in by UPC Eclectic Entertainment, noon-1 vice president; interacting with, Willits said. college student p.m., K-State Union Courtyard. ■ KSU BAC.C.H.U.S. Purple Pride and Clayton 3 Miles West on K-18 personnel. Party, sponsored by Alcohol and Other Wheeler, 90 balls 539-1041 "What the other Wednesday, Aug. 24 Drug Education Service, 7 pm, K-State Student Senate departments are ■ "For Adults Only/ Brown Bag Lunch, Union Recreation Area. chair, will be offering is a little bit sponsored by Adult Student Services, 11 Friday, Aug. 26 some of the like an open house a.m.-1 p.m., K-State Union Stateroom student leaders — activities that No.1„ ■ KSU Football Autograph Party and at Wednesday's Spirit Rally, sponsored by UPC Special forum. will welcome the ■ Student Leaders at K-State, sponsored Events, 12:30-1:30 p.m., K-State Union "Students can, students and make by UPC Issues and Ideas, noon-1 p.m., Courtyard. on their way in them feel at home," K-State Union Courtyard. between Willits said. Saturday, Aug. 27 ■ KSU Information Center Open House, classes, or if A welcome 3-5p.m.,HoltonOQ2. ■ Welcome Back Picnic, sponsored by they're reception for new 6^ Student Unwn and Bat* Pan- stopping off to international t\ M- Hellenic Counci, 3 p.m.Quinlan Natural eat lunch, come students, class Area. down to the schedule tours, a Courtyard and rappelling demonstration ana 25 years or older, married, a parent interact with those student leaders an architecture and design bazaar or returning to school after a few in a forum setting," Willits said. were events scheduled the first few years' absence, Blaine said. Carney said the tuition increase, days. Students confused about tenants' parking and financial aid are issues "Some of these events are rights can attend a workshop expected for discussion at the COME TO VARNEY'S BOOKSTORE AND basically just letting students know Thursday and receive "A Student's forums, particularity the Meet Your what is available on campus." Guide to the Bewildering World of Administrator forum. Willits said. "Some of the different Apartment Rental." "Students can ask what they (the FIND GREAT SAVINGS AND SERVICE workshops, like the 'For Adults The workshop is sponsored by administrators) are doing to Only' workshop, might introduce the Consumer Relations Board. alleviate these problems and where We are here to help. Save 25% on textbooks by buying the Adult Studem Services group to "A lot of students don't their money is going." Carney said. someone who might not have understand some of the Pat Bosco, associate vice used book from our large used book selection. We'll help known it was there before." landlord/tenant agreements, such as president for institutional Saturday, the For Adults Only you locate books and supplies. If you need a special order, what they might want to make sure workshop, sponsored by Adult they do before they rent that first we can order it for you. And we offer free parking. So start Student Services, provided the apartment." Willits said. "That is a opportunity for non-traditional service the student government the year off right. Begin at Varney's. students to become acquainted with provides. They might not even 539-0511 Open 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday NESPOR FUN GIFTS Open noon until 5 p.m. Sunday FOR ALL OCCASIONS Wines & Spirits Handmade In Class, Metal, Wood, b Stone fioe-tfoiw Pleasure, BOOK STORE IN AGGIEVILLE * Specializing in domestic & Imported wines "We Give You Our Best" * Large selection of cordials & liquors •Large selection of domestic & Imported SERVING MANHATTAN AND KANSAS STATE SINCE 1908 beers us *10% discount on wine & spirits with CLASS IMPRESSIONS 329 Poyntz Ave.» Downtown KSU student I.D. 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