y Sub. Exp. Date: Kansas State Historical Society FRIDAY Nowspaper Setction PO Box 3585 e ToDeka KS 66^ Dance KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN of the season Nov. 30,2001 % Kansas State University Manhattan, Kan. Volume 106, Number 69 www.kstatecollegian.com • ■■ p»g*9 RAISING AWARENESS Military prepares UPC sponsors afternoon panel for future in recognition of AIDS Day missions BY DANA STRONGIN Kanui Silt CU»U,M« The K Maic Student Union < nuns .ml became a place to learn, BY ROBERT BURNS quettion and remember ead) rhursday afternoon Vtorid AIDS Day ■ Saturday and the Union Program (ouncfl sponsored ■ hincMnw panel to rKM WASHINGTON, D.(. Hie unerfcan I he panel mi bid 10 is 11IV-positive anil local ionium commander ol tin in is nii> member* who wort toedui ate and to help thoee who hat i assembling a mixol ground la oeed with the din ■ in lii the most difl Bret [times i Kansas resident who has been FHV positive fa the 1111111.1 r\ wary was the Rrn to spi i) Hi began with idtmiMionnt die theme campaign: rooting oul laliban ai iw this years vvbrki AIDS Day, which I laklhe isi(H madon teaching people about HIV and \ms tunnels and other fortified hide "Sometimes I limit n is an uphill battle tl ■ Ung question commit 11. s ground troops to the who can and the group will grow fromd mission, but Gen Ibnun) hanks has lumersaiil heisespei ialh, com emedwith the education ol -ilnsciIn because he said current preventative measui working Dan million [Hi»: Idcontncl II In said cannot Brush the fob • for 10minutes, SOmon peewit : 000 Mart 11 southern AIDS PAGE 3 'siinin the loth RIGHT: Rebecca Ellis, junior In management information systems. Mountain I)i\ dinio places a pin on the panel of an AIDS quilt that Is In remembrance of nortl 1 .nil Kelly Roberts, a recent K State graduate Ellis: Meredith Duncan, ■ junior In mass communications: and Lauren Zellers. sending additJona i the senior In apparel design (not pictured), all members of ds in Seiual Health Awareness Peer Educators, helped make the panel. northi BELOW: A section of the AIDS quilt was displayed In the K State Student Union Courtyard on Thursday afternoon as part of a UPC sponsored event to raise AIDS awareness Photos by Matt Stamey/ base in base in thai formal he north ol inistan and fajikist Franks must pn sin has then and I length of tl .eni tUteft • ■•••■. r.V.V.V.V PS Most from from land bases in the Persian < lull and the Uzbei lan With only small pockets ol raUban resistance remaining in northe mi Kandal outhern > It) thai gave hirth to the militia movi inks wants Quilt's panels dedicated in remembrance of victims to tighten i'' with rid growing he BY DANA STRONGIN long 10 Hill: Mullah N«iit.) Mohammed Omar, ihe laliban lupn S.I I '■ ill. It weighs approxl Roberts warned people io understand I mighl llol leveal .1 pos contains more than ■ lions and is K Stall d foi Mills Inl |hn - nllls allel ' opposition cominanclers In too large to be displayed in one pi, Roberu lived from HIV Bn ith In an effort to Improi ii Is the AIDS quilt, and li has hen • nation ol ll i vhk h to fai in memory ol those who have died from the Roberts wanted peopk idents should gel I 1 die virus slid Si.- "Kel the lalihan in Kandal ihek State Studeni Union Courtyard tin the Rite?)' ountj Health Departmenl B <ill lymph iii\ positive IhuiM 1 the quill Broughmanvt Roberts during the andthi HI III\ positive Friend ti 1 \d111 Iota Stufflebeem said the displayi d ! hursda) afterm I at h pai ni hei life .il«ni; bleio ■ help lalihan inilitar\ is now lr.11 lined, with dedu aled Inime ; I died Irnni ess is the only little capability to i mu AIDS One Individual panel is I feet high met the love ol he. in. ale Donations to hospice program pay homage to deceased loved ones BY APRIL MIDDLETON day night placed theii Hint/ said the I lelit nl I ileiamp 1 «jmn SUM CnMrvmn omamentsonthi ms, IISU.I .h though, will In added about' 1 continue operations list beside the tree, which lists the I ihe with their lives, hut the) haven 1 forgotten >| those honored one t! • funding for the hospii e program is Importanl rhough they haw the couple updated each time ornaments are ■ It 10 thai they can contlnui ipentWedneeday night honoring theii lirsi : the HomecareeV Hospice allows terminally ill spouses at the Hon pice pportunit) ini people to theii homes with their FoUMktiOriS light Of Lit honor ll uid families, dud and helps support ihe foundations H (ini cUentswant InM is such s special thing Uice wim clients and the community. with them, InafJuniliarenvuonment," mills saul "IVebeen bn itace I Ins helps to make the community mom be program, because Irt aw.ue nl 0UI WOrit and the Minors 11 lakes us In something I ihmk Is importanl operate, since we are a nun profit organbi Edmunds saul said she utyi Involved with ih mpatgn, which Is hi Its eighth linn Hint/ said, ll is also a visual WBJ fol ihi' Light oi 1 lie camp ti nan allow, people to make donations to (he people torememba loved 01 - npar the holidays are an importanl time for ha to foundation I or their donation, resident! 1,mi in this time oi theyi hnnnr Inslirsl husband's men, abletoplaienrnainenlson the poll However Hint/said ll Steal at tte Manhattan B community projet i and not stalled toiiieni ' aid ihe Importance ol ornanienl is ms. IIIMII with the naun fan .I such" Lirlng trustimeofyi lamih iiieuilieinrllH'iiduliiilu-. died * MU program Islmportani tothecommu Hn the spirit of Christmas, I think it is Zach Long/Collegian ASIOOennlrihiitiunpla. is iinporiani that we are able 1 Importanl I Ihosewhoh Alice and Leon Edmunds sit In front of the tree of life while listening to Christmas music ind $20 a places a dove on the : donations with thisi impalgn Edmunds said 'This Is out way ol saying we Wednesday evening at the Manhattan Town Center. The two come to the tree every year to ho uttendiil the dedication continue our quality care," Hinti honor their first spouses. News digest AROUND CAMPUS Winter Dance will be at 8 tonight in Nichols Theatre. Tickets are $10 t for the general public and $6 for students. Friday. November 30, 2001 News Editor Jessica Pitts 532-6556 I news-tpub.k§u.»du help the insurance Industry covei ihe nisi oi (I,inns from an) fui imid off the mark by Mark Parisl ins .i partisan dispute ovet restriction! on personal lawsuits seeking lime there HW/MG loG Off 9MU&4S. ■ ■ LOCAL IN BRIEF 13, mostly pot part) lines as Demoi rats withdrew iheii carliei support aftei i amp inns on terrorism related Charitable Chili cook-off litigation were added to the bill, I In- seeking food donations (hanges clouded prospei is foi a| menl with ihe Senate on i ompro Iocs rap Room will have n-. tlmil mise legislation. annualChll tk mi on Saiurdaj I he lull would i ommit the From 11 .i m lo 5 p.m loe'! n. in Room will vis g 90 pen ent ol losses from o brings in food anothet lat donations foi the Flint Hills Bi TE IN BRIEF ild paj the rest I he Basket ild require insun "We i reimburse ihe government lor the Members push to promote i lull made bj people en i ipanies lhal write pol Concordia POW memorial propert) were hit han managei ol loe's rap Room, ii pi Ihe Sept 11 attacks with losses Ii m\^ » MwU^MtMB wanl lo laste the i lull lhal wi estin i billion in judging billion i he Indt Wart -.ml ill.II norm from the restaurant ind Justice Department seeks ASK THE FINANCIAL PLANNERS "We u information on terrorists U.nl Dear Financial Planners, I in WASHINGTON, D.t About three weeks ago I responded to an advertisement lor a job placement m called the toll free number, and a representative named Tim said that in order to verify my cooperal student status and to begin processing my application, he would need my Social Secunry villc b.ii I hi i ontesl I • nl nil I hUl number and my bank account number I gave him this information and have not It io Iocs rap fl i k. to from him since. Now that I have had time to think about it, I'm worried. Please let me ship ii Ihi , know if I should be concerned before .uul ihoughi ii ii ion Dear Student, good about terrorists. Our guess is that this job placement service is really a scam. We recommend you include the I Inn Hill's l check your bank account records very carefully to see if a withdrawal was made from your so il H account. Legitimate job placement firms will never ask lor a bank account number. There is no plausible reason a firm would need this information. ill,in inn poll We also are skeptical of firms or individuals who lohn want you to disclose your Social Security number over \sin mil said in announcing the Ihe phone. Legitimate firms will follow up phone conversations with a letter and an employment apph cation Your best strategy in the future is to be I lie program will provide il i .il ol anyone or any firm that asks lor personal information over the phone. hip. Questions answered by Future Financial Salina campus reviewing NATION IN BRIE Ilegal Planners Financial Questions can be emailed lo ffp9ksu.edu. dean's work performance immigrants with valuable information GMMMMIMMNI House bill prevents future \sin while faculty Advisor kMi dministration's stick in ■ the |>.isi in financial terrorism losses in wai on terrorism committee inclui mi to allov. membi FALL 2001 STAFF rists Newsroom 532 6556 Display adverting 532 6560 Bryan Scribner Chelsea Schmidt ClissMM advertising 532 6555 ON RECORD Delivery proMems 532 6555 Nick Bratkovic Dan Smith Photo reprints 532 6304 CAMPUS l'i Graduate School i' '>unces .lent Center. Fort Riley. was arrested lor failure to the final oral defense of VM m JoesTaproom will host its third appear Bond was set at $250. Jtsski Pitts JJ Duncan BULLETINS ool off Saturday to ■ At 7:49 p.m, Linda Ingram, /V»IV» Editor I 111 I today i' i.iuasket.Cail Junction City, Kan., was arrested for ZachLMg Michelle Bertuglia ■ The flrataass School 1 'nore information. worthless checks. Bond was set at Photo Edr. the Anal oial defense ol tr»- doctoral $250 Nancy Hull Hotel taduon at 8 POLICE REPORTS Jamie Barrett .'. Thursday, Nov. 29 City fi.'v Editor ■ Ihe Graduate School ■ At 205 a.m., Timothy Bartjour. Fort April Middleton Emily Rand Ad A* 0U.MOI ■'* »*«••,!'•,. dadral , was arrested tor driving on Cnmpus Editor Allssa Duncan dissertation of Mm* Hajara taster a suspended license. Bond was set at CorWn H. CraMe Ant Ad i*> Cento $750. Copy Chili CORRECTIONS & Sf» /. ■ At 322 a.m.. Jay Jemigan. 2100 CLARIFICATIONS Goodnow Circle, was arrested tor 001 - Lutheran Campos Ministi Bond was set at $750 1 Riley County lil.. , .1 ksu i-.|., '.., // i m Qapal K State Police CONTACT US ^^o^ i tautanStutan' Wednesday. Nov. 28 10 III ■ No reports of note were made. Kamai State Unfvanrty KattalM Manhattan. KS 66506 1 OUT OF BOUNDS n II (Uilij Moving? Need Carptes Ceaned? Basketball Gaweday Specials Like to use them again right away? Student Special c .inner &fo Powestic Pottles Sq 11 onl 0.00 me the HOS1 DRY( ARl'l I runt HillS ^ Wildcat Tea IK ( I I VNINGSYSTI M" no charge Fa mil a) Pitchers Mike's Dry Carpet Cleaning 785-232-0101 or 1-800-216-0102 ^Oy Entries m +> e* iia.M. • • • ebrate at's Vkto • twine veut> CM No Wet Mess, No Drying Time Gardner-W' WitH CWCK M>t I I.II If Dry Carpet Cleaning In N.E. Kansas '*** Dance w/ OJ JUDOinc at N9Pn! lomeifimt.tiiu//b-]59J $> Holiday Sale! STAR THE MUSICAL oil ol .ill in-stcM k men handise in< luding Items already on sale 6 I >( < ember is Selected tuxedos $50 until 12 <i 01 (includes full tux and backless book now foi nexl yeai -• • disiemi11 (in spei i.il IIMICI bridesmaids with ordei ol bridal gown ember 1, 8 00 p m now until 12-31 in Manhattan Arts Center 1520 Poyntz Ave, Manhattan KS Tel 537-4420 Celefaialictu./ *< 3ieaxt Bridal rhe Manl irl l>y the Kansas Ails Manhitl • ■nl lor the ' Ar i the City of Formal/Tuxedo K M.mi i ul Ini'iids. Maternity Mf i / ■ vv. M.inli.iH.iriAili IIICJ • \ '{) KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Friday, November 30, 2001 AIDS so thestlgmai i.ill i Senate passes campaign law changes, allocates funds 'Peopledon't want to talk aboul AIMS Continued from page 1 because we dorri like to talk aboul sexespedalrj diseases getting BY ALYSON RALETZ AH Karirni, Arts and Sciences Senators also observed a moment Novembei speakei passed OIL' Karuan Staff Coll," senator, wrote the bill, he said ol silence to remember n i Hoth hills passed with more ihan have contracted the HIV vlrui Don lallon, coordinator ol because he wants future election students who have died this month IS votes, but several senaton laid religious activities, said he agrees ilir Uldlng mom regulations to campaigns to be based mon on i ance Donley, Hnkx In ague ulture abstained from voting on tl» Timer said Ignoring the previ lirestyies associated wlm AIDS affect Student Governing Association Information than popularity, i Ion, and Ryan 1 Oder, senior ill religious group alloc atlons. lence of HTV and AIDS will not negate thewaj people view the disease He elections,Student Senatepasseda This spring we won't need he senators authored fohnO Ilaia. allocations ii. laidmosi religions have statements bill learricrjng candidate campaign banners and 1 shirts." Karimisaid two resolution! In honor ol the committee chair, said he noticed an \IIIK .mi sec II. so people like to staiingtliat rramoaexuality is wrong budgets al rhuradayanw 'I'd like to see candidates utilize I'd offering K-State students' unusual iri'iul ol abstentions during think ii is not around," heaakL'Ii is on Mme level I lit'li'Kisl;iiit>n limits cat lipirsi mon cost effective campaign tools, condolences to llieir families the evening and questioned the treatable, but thai doet not mean Ration read a lettei bj aminlstei dential candidates personal contri- unphletsand handouts Vbu In other action, senators reasoning behind them then is,11 ure whospeni 10 years hiding Ins butions to then campaigns to spend youi message a lot betti i i' ampusl rusade O'Han said he does not e\pec I The humanity ol thediw natality, He also hid his $300 cul from the previous statute, li these than more expensive hnst to help fund students III ation his (oramittee anothei concern lumei lias Hetaid diseasefoi seven yean [he man also extends sen.ilin i .nulidales methods attending a conference in Denver. mends to pass iinanimously he wanted the audience to remember described his shame, pain and personal contributions to their He said he plans on running lor Ihej aboalli to tpostolk hut then were too main ahslen then is,i peraon arm bed to the lllnessi ind lonely journey. i ampaigns tO $75, a $25 inc rease student body president this spring (a.npus Ministry to hind a lions Wills K-State students have concerns "ir is lor human," be laid Hie aboul theli senialtt) bei suaeol j. Blue Valley Manhattan First Presbyterian Church ECM Christian jft^ dfeease is as Individual as the person issues such as AIDS, said Dori / Memorial UMC Mennonite Church Explorers fZSr that basil Ihewaj each person dies i ambert, i therapisi with Unrversltj ^1 83'J Church St. 539 8790 sni i savenvmth St ■ from deals with and treats the I OllllscllMI I Worship Sat 5 30 p m/Sun.lO 30 a m Pis■ ton Game Night disease is different fw eai h pel "Students bi erned Free food first Sun. of the month Worship Sen ice limes Saturday, 9p m \s bespoke lumei explained tl»' abOUl linn sexual acdvit) and e-mail revs^Oflmthills com ■ 9:15 & 10:311 a.m. Rev Dr I Carolyn Wills Food, Fun, & Fellowship difficult) ol talking to other people behavior when awareness aboul lliv Sunday. S 30 p.m. about AIDS. came on llic su'tir." the Mad The Table line line I haw to Shand tohnson works with ; Bible Study I irsl l'i.i|> isl Chi "Managing Stress" Monday, 8pm iwalk, be said i wanted to show how on the UDS Regional Project, and SI MARY MAC/IMII Nl badli Is. but also that It is not the end ih/cs In educating African ORTI IODOXCHRISTIAN Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Sunda) 11:30 a.m. OR Wednesday, 4 p.m. of the world toucan In* with it, but American women MISSION Church School 9:45 a.m. free luncheon lor college stuJenls 1021 Denison Ave. n is not easj ommunlties h \l Hide in:i Denison Foi bee transportation within city 539 4281 or email at +ecmQksu edu lunm s.iid he would like people and speak with them," she limits, call the church Lutheran St. Luke's to l<«il .11 his Web siif will go have sex with . Irvine I iturj Pastors Karen & Alan Selig Campus Lutheran non infoi i, Inothet communities and \\l Saturdays in the I CM Ntve 2121 Blue Hills Rd. Ministry mation aboul his life the vlrui come home and expose iheii .-. Visit || 539-8691 .it Luthei I louts 1745 Andknon Church practk Ii and girlfriends to lliv. Ihese women at w xx w ksu.edu orthodox l «0 Sunset \u-nur It is Important to keep up wl Sunda) Evening Worship [An American Baptist Congregation! s.iicircla\- recommendations for safi worrj about who will tal p.m. Ir.t.liti. 6 mi p tn UirntT said, because the) i hange He their chUdn (frace <m in the Danlorth < h.ipel "■llllil JS <t said suggestions now an better than ighman a i s Hi a.m. the) wen when I < I HIV nurse who Baptist www ksu t'du/lcm-cL.i ly 9:49 a.m. Pastor Jayne Thompson . 1 I mi a in . the guidelii • mty Health wastau have FIRST UNHID Church \l [email protected]) 539-4451 ( .MN|»IIN PlttOI I r n ^SCMHI changed since thea" 'I.mned to Ml II IODIST CHURCH hi inKt — Open to /Ml (785) SM ZitM niBtblHt.COM uiiu'i panelists 'il*' Poynl/ • 776-8811 ♦ Sunda) ♦ work to in rease awareness and "li was no) my main cause ii MonUng Worship You ar» welcome at understanding d HIV and AIDS 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. First Assembly of God vlctoi! ol the II nursing. \IDs Regional Project, which i Sow I could noi ii king Bibk I programs to Inform ipei ei group ol pi lumcOllinthill- i I venii fUtlM groups, ilii'i 776-0424 Weekly Schedule of Services the Manhattan AIDS Pro)i Unitarian- WESTVIEW Sunday Wednesday grown in m> life," Broughn . in beprogn Universalist COMMUNITY My School 9 00 a m liegin at 7 00 p m CHURCH Worship Services 10 00 a m Prayer Meeting Fellowship Children's Church 10 00 a m Youth Group (grades ' S I 5. 9 30 II OOAM « aflOfM Worship Choir 4 00 p m Royal Rangers (Boys Club) of Manhattan q Worship 6 00 p m Club) CoSHiiarvgt*a ya nSdc hYoooul n<g 9MaIOrrm«i Cllo OupOoAnM Chi Alpha 8 00 p m lit*. <iudy O JOOfM lufvlay. Christian Fellowship for College Students (KSU Little Theater) Youth Mlnliiry Oppofiunhlrs £L FOUND Collrgr P^vloi A. ,>■ M.rtlti Nursery Provided tor All Services ■ ■ I Rev. Todd Weston, Pastor • Ihc K. ■ la JOOI li Rilsy Itlv.t 2310Candlewood Dr. Manhattan, KS KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN 103 Ked /T™_ / / I / < (785) 537-7633 www.manhattanag.org Sell your Textbooks For CASH Today at Varney's Book Store in Aggieville Sell your textbooks at Varney's and receive a token worth 10% off any non-texthook items! Get your yellow token, which is SELL YOUR BOOKS good for 10% off any non- AT VARNEY'S textbook items. Vbu decide what (regardless of where the token is worth by the amount you bought them) you purchase. Till: MORE AND GET YOUR YOU BUY THE MORE YOU YELLOW TOKEN SAVE! You can use the token whenever you want. Use it for PLUS A COUPON gifts to take home, for something GOOD FOR 15% OFF for yourself or for next semester K-STATE SPORTSWEAR when you buy your school AND GIFT ITEMS supplies. Store hours for textbook buy back: Fri. Nov. 30 - Sat. Dec. 1 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sun. Dec. 2 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Mon. Dec. 3 - Sat. Dec. 8 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sun. Dec. 9 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. BOOK STORE Mon. Dec. 10 - Sat. Dec. 15 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. IN AGGIEVILLE 539-0511 fax 785-537-2351 1-800-362-1574 "We Give You Our Best" e-mail textbksroivarneys.com Advance order your Spring textbooks at www.varneys.com Write to Us Opinion The Collegian welcomes your letters to the editor. They can be submitted by 8 mail to Icnen9spub.kiu.edu. or In Opinion Editor: Micholln Bertuglia person to Kedfie 116. Please include your full name, year in 532-0732 I letters "spub.ktu edu school and major. Letters will be < edited tor length and clarity. JL Fridav November 30. 2001 REGAINING VISION Americans must ask questions of selves to prevent terrorism On the dipper) slope, I nmsi not bevi simply just going alter another terrorist with mil Patriotism now seems to equate with weapons oi maw destruction. Mindly, we will Mind Nippon inr inilu,ir\ i impaigni m the support the Saddam Hussein hunt name of ending terrorism icrois the globe. I II. then, wc arc lusiilvmg the cause. ! dotrt. equate tnyseH with thai lineol thinking. I lee not been warranted lor quite sometime' i he same mysell realizing a diffenni leaden praatng for bombing an- the vision, i wwi the government to same ones whose vision failed at know than in people mil hen shaking up Saddam 10 years ago An who do no) want .ill out revenge exclusive air war didn't prove to be the .mil sec ret military trials m the solution then, and it still wouldn't today. : mourning Why won't the public support a I behave the only way wc can ground war? Because ground war might put a permanent end to Zac Cook cause American casualties llowver. if terrorism isiosloppartu ipaling a cause was just, wouldn't a ground war in it I believe we should explore not who we should show that we really back the just' cause' bomb Of where we should bomb, but wtl Mainstream media has gripped the country and targeted tlienaRirnprowueiuiwecanraalDi U pulled it into a cauldron of of revenge and hate. If we only i ould we the worlds parapet tin of out ndividual had to support war casual' I nation Our constructive vision has been robbed by would the war be justifiable? The media has set the liisiiie mentality. soc lal norm to be a irrational, retaliatory attitude lining our vliion will lie a pajnlul proi hill everyone away from the TV, Internet, radio and reinstall the pm ions gift oi sight to our nation print media for a while Would everyone go and musi promise lo emhi i Bed Hght the war if they personally were called7 ideas We must realize that wean not ah) • If we had a national draft, eyes would be ■ We must not meet ban opened If each pcrvm were called lo serve, the Does an at i such as Sept 11 |ustifj public might question policy dec isions I leach • |KTsc>n Wtm a pari of the retaliation force. Op \nii ned (o the death penalty Kill would begin tOMC MM questions Those are Ihe and \IIII will lie killed. An eve Inr in I ,s thai need to lie asked. I believe \iiiern 11 an be better than the tmdisc i Oi ' it killmgsworthechoed the plinnl acting upon vu Why would this sentiment, "is then never a time to question ourcountr] many government tmlicy? When did limiting free speech dbyourcummi becom m limit bee pride in only a discussion of things wv want to hi m t without propei restraint, in essence sell Lately the public has limited free SIXTC h tl dcsirui ling to the value it buying to promote Ig but In ignoring I he public feels it mid like to see America stop bullying die rJoaaril want lo hear and flips the channel to " nd be nice II something more patriotic I he government will not i gnt) rather than ring ever) little i ountry whk h tries to defy Instead, it will stick to the adage; 'you eiti:• red* lap drawing to Rand Mi \ i one of us or one of them.' Ihe public nccii- How will we open our i rcgam vision Opening) jing public senti With clcwr sight, the public should I* able ill should we all foUovi loan i ustomsol vigOanl upon Ihi ' iH'ing fustl iriddoesnl think so President Busht loiistnulivcdisa,;- | |he support Irom our I un . ilready is thn Freedom of ofl i :em viewpoint without feeling unpatriotic Patriotism is not blind confor Governor of Texas Bui the unerican pubtti inii\ continues to support the lcx.ui customs Our led Dead oi dive." I he publii seems to be na| ut . ■,I agricultural it iln M II bomb Iraq ihepubln tngin an email him 0 supports it It can be deemed a jusi i.edu Pizza topping Holidays bring back memories of choices diverse fourum high school days, need for families for KSU students I usually get a little round ■ spoiled ,u livil Pizza Some dig u at 2 ■ m the li- ■ Its Uegim'i < prefei ll foi old now thai I miss my family the most .mansmil ni system thatattorn 'in like lt seems strange lo think I graduated I W 111 I I never thought I would say this bui rttut •im Is obvious pizza From high school onK i I kind ol miss my dads lo bit ntbUeation consumption is rynonymoui with tl lo me, ll li nag) ked it HISS the stage h ■ d III Iheu high I miss having my I lie is a garden, dig ll college studeni It is as nun li iii .i si tple in id gown to i riigh school iround to tell me ■ out li I diploi i s only things would be "k no I was talking about nuc sin, 0 nun li nl || l remember my u 'Hill mattet how bad they ill's ■ dei Ided to share with well. I he promise oi fn i mi and Strt might i ■ OUR VOICE Indepenck with tin Sarah McCaffrey I hat - lohn Graham, youantheidiol Ihii is toppings on pizza ,: horizon l couldn't wa rhrough ill oi the is! things about ■ iplc burn their draft cards indgoto get out on I will tuae of people Uke you pies ■ iily thought out tine seh' be there loi MIII Whether MIII Hunk thai Mil belle Bertuglia e thing thai remi II e n youi family is still going to About |ohn Grahams article, then Anchovies kidding world H :i Sun ii might not make them once people who criticized the government 1 ID .1 slave lo the in high SCIH oi us from happy ii you rail your test bui ll ton"! who were heroes I hey were the founding pineapple .md, "iId without the-start and lhc\ re still (hi going to change tl iliout fathers too bad thi i now ■ peppers variety, although it s sometimes easj lo you Bryan Scrlbner reminders, as mj forget ihi h i i trying to figure out in the person who went to it rated ( iiilun II t table Nick Bratkovic ll seems like Ihe who you aie Al tunes. I leel like I 111 all with yOUl parents when you and April Mlddleton ruin! longer I'm in alone, trying lo figure things out when I III. you obvious!) missed the point ol ground heel and I'll Jamie Barrett college Ihe dim i nave a clue what's going on taunt Koehnsarticle Shedidnl nj you istslca Pitts takl Mil belles ndepen busiet I get M\ rhat'l when I puk up the phone and would lie si tewed up it Mm went to R-rated Michelle Bertuglia ant hoviei ii sin dent. c lassi i all mj dad I know lies lieen tluough movlei as a iliild She said your parents are Din Smith doesnt wanl them Corbln H. Crable At li more what 1 in going through now I know no I ig you al such a young April Miildletnn Ji Duncan what I thought a demanding, mailer bow much I dunk I've si icwed ■ li M . and I'm in things up, I always i amount on inv Hawaiian I don I r.il organizi family to back me up Win the I i checker ai DeibWednaadq iindentand the hinol fruit on pizza I ill oi mj i cilii lions i forgo) I think it must be thai whole un. on lunch please marry us' I'lc.i ■ me boiing. bui I sin k with |usi i bet s by, l i joined <litioii.il love thing VOID parents real!) Dan Smith I like peppeinni bui mil realize mon ind l feel like I don I have a choice but to love you I in leleiiiarkiieis,ire the devil with all the grease on It I BN I I0W mile h I have to si bccliilc thankful foi thai ■ need m\ I.iniily timejusl in relu With the holidays approai lung, now M&M sm Skittles' Both. grab I napkin and sop it all up before I ■ some people ity you and hang out with is the perlec t time to lei our families have my pizza goodness change the most in high my friends It's rare know how much we still need them and M) name is Isaac and I am Inpct lamie Barrett (all me plain lane, i |usi school I don't think that's in h ■ love them Mosi ol us pmliabK don't ■ slick to pi,un old lied true, i dunk we 11 weekend ilia! I say it enough. I think now thai Aaron I ocketl is, II Duncan II the girl who delivers it is the most in c olll | ai Hull) i all go Ihe best gilt you iiiiild give\oui we will have to shout every time wc get a cute, then I hope that she sucks to Being independenl home family OVei the holidays is the one that punt, let's |ust block ll ' ■ loo cooking your own meali During un lieshman doesnt nisi a thing It-It them you paying the renl and year. I used to go i el them know that having them in What ii is lessiia hits Anything withniii in ■ making dei Isioru on loinei".ri\ weekend your lite is the besi gilt of all. bow you wanl to live then wasn't i home I he guys looking OUt Oi Haymaker with Hryan Sc ribnei Vanilla icing, Ife can football game I Ins binocular-, in ■ Bntkovk \ Bratkovk (unify lailn.ilK illn I pi semester, I've been ioruh iv u iitnivr in publk relations I lias always betfl peppeioiu home i and utliri rutillg foil COT I "uul he al Drily two mine weeks until I never have iniislirooms and Italian sails Ben Doltral/Colliglin lings CUSS! ksu.edu. in i an about an ounting again. KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN ©- Friday, November 30, 2001 Next Door remains only Latin hat dance ends International Week BY RYAN DONAHUE internal al I ..ml smoke-free bar in 'Ville to share in all of our diversity," said Ali ills KevmVvanklyn, assistant coordinaloi ih,it performed at ii»' rhomas I. Pfith rhe beat .mil rhythm ol tradi inr lardine, unit] i entei during the talent lional I.uin imisii si'i ili. Stephanie H acts included a group BY SARAH BAHARI II in); tlirectot Foi ihe Department ol inglcad h\ loild i I lllll' I lousing and Dinning Services, ism scnioi II ition,and i| rj "H bine - bj More ill.in .1 yeai aflei Bannistei said she believes thi i lardini fang. )\ggieville's onlj nun smnkn i null.. alional and li irdinei ommunity. bpenedi ownoi Rust) Wilson said terrace Vpaitmenl residents ' t his IN OIII contribution to a 1 .'li slicslill ilir response has been Fair. during the evening talent slum. ll.lllol livedin( hi " There's noi nun h ol .i demand Dressed In traditional garb, called i.nniK week," Bannistei - lor non-smoking bars here,' he ajali) the iiulo programs (oi dehrate lai ood health," i s.iul Alcohol ,!!:■ |USI lin.ii event ol the lardine intema and cull ^(i hand in hand .i loi ol the lime' lional apprei iation Ihe event alsosho j Wilson, who owns Rusly's I asi born with liu cooking nif j hance Restauranl & Saloon, said Ing M\ mothci used to pi ige night Wed Wexi Dooi UMI.IIK is lull I hui null I open to all lingtosomeol the audit and I rldays rhe resi ol the would i r\ when she sioppi "We had .i pretty good turnout lor ii is preltj empty, he said uuisii \ii antai isaid all the events We hadalmn Hui Wilson said in- has no plans Nicole Donnert/ [oi Ihe cool somi'ili i usually |usi io Nil the smoking ban. It fills a Patrons enjoy Saturday night at Rustys Next Door. The establishment Is owned during the 1 ;;ol Io ili rhyming nu lie thai needs to l»' filled by Rustys last Chance and has a nonsmoking atmosphere. taste It Later, we put togethci .i ol ,m "li s ;i bar thai the family type I IHlMlOIlk oiil of I1 ■ prison will go lo :.in. nothing but good things about It." Wilso u oi levilleBusii ition me Dircc (or ( heryl nils (I. ' irtin, junioi "I rom my personal oh i mons and people I know. It's been wet) populai ' she said h- Dositive foi the community." lon'l mind it aftei former Studenl Bod) I'm there, but whi President lason Heinrii and I ■ mui h' Ifornia, where smol been banned In .ill restaurants .mil ,•(1 the proposal io Studenl Si nate, whh li'-! passed .i resolution asking the lattan (ity ( ommission to i nun smoking JDrdlm I Il;i Jordinani e but Wilson di "It's do Nicole Donnert/ Anna Alcantara, junior In elementary education, performs a Latin hat dance for an audience at Frith Community Center In Jardlne Terrace Apartments on Thursday night. As part of International Family Week, the Department of Housing and Dining Services sponsored a talent show featuring talent from several different countries How do vou define fusion? "...local service, great reception, It's defined in the 2002 royal purple • S29.95 • Kedne 103 • rjyalpurpie.ksu edu and over 3,000 minutes." ^tuuaj State "ZfHtoriJcfy P*4fti Hie M—mo/ ?e4Xvo/ <tf Wotefa? Watte 74c "Ka#jaj State (?4<x'i 74c Zk*4*4 State floia/c 74c "Kansas State Srasj 74c &a/:J<>dy /^wy^ 7X<tif S/u* S*ir—f nf4.u*r 7t< «3wW(km <?<w' tfttrr 4 SO ftm Come see Jerry for all your ( hristnms needs! JERRYS TRADING POST 8330 E. Hwy 24 565-9322 Mon. -In 8 >O-5:30 Sal 8:00-2 00 USEDFURNITURl i Bain Ikiiis • Beer Sigm 'minutes IlKlls • liihli' A ( hairs 1 (ouches - • Btdl A MaUri-ssis I <>\*' St;ils • Wood Knkknacki with 18-month merit 1 DITSMI\ A < lusts • Disk it (hairs 1 ( linos • Glanwait Pots & Pans • Sports I (|iiipimiit 11.arm1 Trampolines v^tLLULArx ONE **j^ anytime evening weekend 1.BOO CELL.ONE WWW.CELLULARONEWE8T.COM Drop off your unw I, store-bought Toys for Tots donations ot these locations: CellularONE CellularONE CellularONE Authorized Dealers Carpet Warehouse 1115 Westloop Plate • Manhattan, KS " Manhattan Town Center Mall • Manhattan. KS 6650? Hardt I KS8 785 776-1414 Kanv Over 600 Rolls of Carpet and Vinyl remnants Extended Holiday Hi Hours! VnotWkek 1944 Mon - In Ask for B i. Ask tm Angela. Sxott. w Mike Siii. S 00 .'.(HI SO Cil5» m« lilJii^nmiililmiMliillii n<i »il>iMi|iillii IIIIIUI iill i ill IIIIIIIII liu IHMJUIIII ■! HIM XftOm.»n#« ' 12,000 ft of merchandise ' -"'Wr ttmj&i I' i l ■• f41 <t«g» o, • m***m • ( a.mm Tile • Rubber M.its • Lota ol sizes! V.M*«, f*. T», i* ilw dglM Qovwag* am v«v- » may b. amog mvl cmlm <fcg*« fwhm 8330 E. Hwy 24, Manhattan, KS 565-9322 nS'm 66a. ptmKiritnl i*1#iw fr»»1*««-lM'>^)». s<A> UM^kmm wi*««0MBliHl SM. I ■ , "! . -Wi"".^i .—i*-, .-ftiwtnht •> *rff I-. r.ff^iw. iiti*. Ot«ri«MAani> Sports Sports Editor: Dan Smith -f 532-0732 I sports <"spub.fcsu.adu ~~3L Friday. November 30. 2001 SETTINGr/ieSTAGE VOLLEYBALL IN BRIEF Mimick cleared of criminal charges, will play this weekend I IS.I Mimii k .i senloi outside hlttei tot the Wildcat volleyball team, was cleared ol ,ill charges stemming from Sundaysarresi lor domestli battery rom Gilbert, assistanl sports Information dim loi announced rhursday Mimick, .i Drsi team \n Big 12 .Hid AH Big i.' Academic team selection mi head coach Suzie I rirrt team arrested al 1:45 s m Sunday in Rlley ( ounty Police Departmenl officers si hei tesldeni t fnesenioi who will plaj againsl sasin theWUdcatt' iir-i round lonii'si today, started In .ill but one ol the team) 26 matches during the season and lire .mic only the sixth ptayet in school history to finish hei career with al least I 000 digs Parking shuttle available for patrons of NCAA tournament l .ins won i have in iiiiht '"' a pai ■ spot III order to see Friday i Brsl round Nl \\ tournament action Due io.i limited .iiiiniiiii nl parking spacesat Mieam I leld Hou shuttle service running from ksi i Stadium in the west side ol Ahearn will be available to fans from2 p m to lOp m I riday. Patrons may park mi the east side ol Zach long/ ii.ct: the football stadium (the side opposite Senior outside hitter Lb Wegner and junior outside hitter Jennifer Pollard ha»e packed a powerful punch this season for K State. Both players will be looking (or solid play at 7:30 tonight against the press boi and the shuttle wil Arkansas as the Cats open NCAA Tournament play at Ahearn Field House them in \li. i be offered lor Pollard becomes extra scoring threat for Wildcats Saturd Wildcats sign prep standout to BY BEN FEHR eventually stepping Into a leadi rshlp In ordei in learn about thi "She is going to work, she is national letter of intent for '02 lone junioi in 2001, ni the players around you it is .1. going to stay on it and she is Although hei rnslei is sel h>r lllls role in the Idea to gel them I ill and thai i end's opening rounds of the \CAA hi K State volleyball's spi lopmenl ol the! .us' youn| , good p.is going to chip away at you [bumameni k State head coach Suite -mils last si 1 111 playi Pollard said passing is tin until she wears you down, and i riu added anothei name to next yeai i down with .1 broken right fool Pollard said .1 big part ol leadership aspei 1 "i hi 1 pei Dnal game lineup With Mimick projected to miss in Mrs in ,1 focused mentality I pin ,1 loi ol pride In my that is Jenny Pollard." |oy Hamlln. a foui al 11 tion, the Wild. \ lot ol what 11 Pollard s.iui ii contributes 10 Wlnheld (Kan High S< hool, has sigt trting outside hittei is the mental side ol volleyball," Pollard .1 II.IIIIID.II letter ol intern the Entei sophomore lennifer Poll said You have to be relentlessly II l .im passing, then it gets the Suzie Fritz, head coach Wildcats beginning in 2002 K S In Miinu k's n mati h absent e, .ill positive it Mui i .in (in that, it rubs oil on middle hitti sporis Information announced Pollard did as 1 stai 1 nl nobody outside hill itten Wednesday in kills twice .MKI nun in i>'.mi tops III down 01 too hard on themsi heir 'Joy is |usi itarting in realizi ihn: DM Pollard ,iiKi 1 s in beat leyball playei ' Frlu Pollard 1 ontinued ilns su< i rss with has had the benefit ol learning the game Pollard them, and then al .1 .ml 'She has .ill the physical and Mimii k s return and finished the from .1 talented cast ol players In hei look fot ,1 lot. ' ind .1 lot nl emotional gifts to become ■ great pi i 1 mill mi the team In total ,1 K State seniors: liming .is well. .1 il the ,ii ilns lei ■ ami fifth in total kills ( hristen, Mimii k and 11/ V\ tournameni play ims one game Haralin, .1two year .ill \ik Valli \nw ,1 junior, Pollard continui House omplete ■ 1 team selet lion, will lie 1 impress in 2001 ■■ and Pollard said the irio ol seniors k State's first test Is \rkan nl many players l riu will lie lookini the \n 18\\i!>! * instrumental in hei ability to 1 in/ n essential pan develop quit ki\ in ordei in Mil the Mr,nl 111.11 h Suzii 1 ni/ said Pollard is perform at.1 IUKII level l he Ra/01 plete .en by departing starting .in asset 1 who may not m prai in 1 they are there Ion in layne 1 hritten, 1 IS.I Mimick always get the rei ognition shi d< 1 .mil in the games loo Pollard MII .mil I izWegnei n't gel .ill tl in/ from them telling Poll nol But she is rlamlln chose K-State ovei several s.iul Bui sin (In. what todobul you also learn from Like then 1 (III going to othei M hools, Im luding the Uihh sis' pcilmiii.ui, e wati hing them p lightly it they ho| ill II .111(1 she is iiisi round opponent Arkansas, .is well .mil she is iusi .in Immeasurable rhey have been around the bloi k in the tournami .is \ik.nis,is si.11. • 1 .mil Ohm membei ol this .mil you respei 1 them fot that l hey li li.i is lenny State Being i'.in ol any learn mi lll'IIH played them, Pollard K-State begins NCAA Tournament play tonight against Arkansas BY SEAN PURCELL will be the home atmosphere al sheam Field House K State plays hosts KI the opening round) I \ toumameni foi the flrsi time si m opportunity senioi 1 IzWegnei welcomes as an advani Hei nuls. winning streaks and hi mati ii ups .ill n ■ mi held House and in nothing tonight when k Stale's volleyball team steps on the 1 nun against from ol out llffii "ii 10. gym WaaWi ^aW\ the University ol \rkansai used to the atmosphere and gel Bven though K Stati indled the Razorbai I .mi uill continue here al hoi In the schools' first meetini id coach K St nbined 10 1 ai \hearn this year, with ns sole less Suzie 1 ni/ said sin- knows .1 loi ol time has pa Scptembei Kiiniii riu said tin ess, nol only al home, 1 W " "^ . .ms.is struggled the first nine thi but then they left tint in the (onfereni e and against top programs lias always been a ,ind |iisi went mi .1 mil and ended up in llie linals ul die si I confer in pro) and lost 19 1.' in the fifth sel to 1 brlda who Ii 1 very nil e ball 1 'It's very excitin| raly lost just one match al Mtearn Field FO Dt 1 he Razorbacks are one of 11 Nl AA [bumameni teams k State h .I there is no othei plai e we would ralhei bt Hat played ihli season 1 lie 1 sts 1 ompued an 11 ilnsl those 1 Ins is a process whii h has evolved ovei nine. It isn't something thai teams, Im luding five straight 10 Finish the regulai season iusi In . 11 11 began foui years ago when I It Wegner, I isa 1 Anothei possible definitive fas loi siding with the < sts this weekend Mimii ■ were freshman so this has been a continual thing.' I in ol seniors has lost just eighl matches at home in their Action at Ahearn Field House with ►- State Wegnei said the experience she has. along Drew Rose K State will host an NCAA tournament match toronrythe . animates 1 hristen and Mimli k will propel them even more Into Sophomore Kris Jensen digs a ball in action earlier this season at Ahearn Field second time in school history this weekend at Ahearn hip roles during postseason play, House. This weekend, three teams will travel to Manhattan to compete In the "I have been In this situation the past ihree yean and l am used to It," NCAA Tournament's first and second rounds. Nebraska (271) Winner said "So, I see nnsclf as a leader in the sense lhal I have 10 tell omentum we've had is a >e and we look to use ivra rls who haven 1 experienced this lhal it is |usi anothei man h and to thai to mil advantage this weekend but wins aren'i just going to FRIDAY, M used .11 ah nines, inn they are handling Ii well, and 1 think we will happen we are going to have to wort hard and be 1 good volleyball 5 p.m. :\ In i ompete thia weekend " team ti iful." Oral Roberts (19-6) Perhaps the only possible concern, sophomore 1 arl lensen said, is the ihai same work eihu MH\ mentality contributes to the success the SATURDAY, 1 is.is hoping hu anothei remati h with rival team has had thus far, Friu said rallying a school record 15 conference 7 p.m. wins, ,[\u\ making a sixth consei uilve \< A \ tournameni appearam e is 1 he i ornhuskers defeated the< .ns In both meetings thisyeat and an assurance thai the team won") overlook the task al hand K-State (19-7) hold a 61 1 series advantage ovei the Wildcats, which is win the team 'We have a defending national 1 hamplon in Nebraska who I i .mi get ahead ol themselves, lensen said nemesis Im us mi llie same side ol llie lii.u kel as uc uc |0 ihe ||g| FRIDAY, . .HI 1 even talk iboul 01 think about Saturday and the possibility i am i hallengc is noi overlooking lhal nrsi opponent," 1 riu said 7:30 p.m. ni playing Nebraska," lensen said "Out team has to focus on doing whal "But, 1 .m ". erned with this team's 1 ompetitlva nature, Arkansas (21-11) best ami lhal Is staying on opponents' tendencies and taking they knovi how 1 mpete ami 1 .mi nol worried aboul them coming oui ii a time ♦- KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN Friday, November 30, 2001 Consistency cause for concern Cats seek complete victory this weekend for Wildcat men BY DEREK BOSS i IOJD, and return four Men's hoops action starters and lOletterwinnan Maanwhl i i lerans— Gardner Wet* (2 2) at K State (3-1) Inn Wboldridge has tome have no Idea why the) team thai is Iresh of) its transition ml anil had Beid .mil forward Iravii Reynold) n: noon, Saturday hope. < nun' out like ,i bum li of nant lea, yeai nun Division I basketball, so but the mens basketball : Bramlage Coliseum (13,500) lead the purple notching 16 and I5J It-States head basketball leaving the Bramlage Coliseum hew,lie Iin ,i mop Up performance team has one trend II hopes to o: Wildcat Sports Network: points, respectrverj Hm 180AM coach has been visibtj upael with crowd wonderingwhai the} had ihis weekend l he < .its should neutralize soon Head coach limvVbaklridgeii I ul > TV: None (he way his team has pisl easily mil i>\ with double digits l si li ni k States lb >i fout games has also relied on si comets, played so far iliis Mm one thing's GWU has already lost to both have followed one distini i patti placing three consistently in the se ison, and he loi sun I Georgia Southern and lames this season, with theWUi Sin i < inference, played < iotorado ; freshman Nick Ihould be ,i bettei team Madison thii railing bejiind eartyand I State late Huirsda) night. Williams, and transfers I lUsori rhe Wildcats than last year, ret, Its exact!) what defkil Into dte locket room, only to DelesusandPervis ■ have played iporadi K Si Wboldrtdge and ins troops are mourn Berce comebacks in the 60 in this year's season i Whatever the mix. tiiqugh. the gall) .11 best, and comebacks In the asking lor ,ii iliis point. I know hall halls from Ihe w players know they need to pit) bettei [helt iirsi halves Derek Boss second hall have everyone talks aboul bow compe luriu dnei Webb has posted inthefirst hall Williams said have looked more IItinn makes .> tewri better, bul have been enough to overtake the wtnsovei its two home iii'ilidni s,i\ anything th pathetli tl nj Telkm dented, and that's exai tl) whj ilus ballgame gives the purple .i competition In ihn i ntests, opponents this season didn't already know" WBUam said oi spins uiiici i trying i<> scon I I fhe) almost rallied i hance lo iron out some things senior forward Man Siebrandl said utdAsbury KY butlosl Wooldridgei luesday speech. "001 (late ii might bebesi II we l< lint deficit lo he,il Die and correct .i lot ol mistakes and the players will tab double digit contests on the road to ie was terrible, and liveware ili.ii u ,in inside joke Miss and the) probabl) ihould turnovers, lull control i irat- but thi ilrm Georgia Southern and lames M of the ball lazy Honestly, though, the team is have but iliis. team has some hall shooting, Attat king the offensive starts must be righted Madii I dun i knowwhai H Is right now King tin answers right now, fight. basket. All these things I "The positive thing l lead i O,K h Rkk s< i uggs1 squad it ed to figure it outWecarfl keep .Hid the siui\ is written all a Resiliency Is its wati h word, plagued the ( .IN In ever) lirsi hall know that we're going to led mi bj sei mesl olweU, :iK when n Mfooldridge's fai e ,ind they'll need il this season ilus year, and il must snip Siebrandl said luesda) "So thatsone ang 17 points pa game, comes to conference innr " see it in Ins reactions liui they'll also need to pla Give It sometime, and l think HIKKI thing, bul foi while senia foiward Bruce I Wda ,is he p.ITS back ind Forth on the complete game things will turn around, ii I ■ stop doing tl ilng to stan controls the post nettini Grandmaster Joon Y. Kim's sidelines, ins mannerisms the u ii in the Reld ami Iravis Reynolds continue catching up to us . . boards a i o «,i\ In' looks up and down ilir in lead the way. Plus lanerio to be soprctt) in I el bent ii !"i someone whi and iin i hey Spuriock is on the use as well, and I'liinl . Ihetw 11 is urns provide ■ know what ■ al si • lYavill ''can mil n il in Ins invaluable post player oil the indDatinl i ompetition. ["he Bulldogs finished post game interviews He'si Hum the bench, though hedidn'l play on minutes ■ ■I —■ ff^^f^aaapej^i said Ihey'n good team oldei guys iusi how mui U bettei luesday nlghl foi some reason I diiiii knovi what ii is. Its |usi favorites from our bookshelf right now they'll need to !»' |USl tO \nd where is fonj Mchison? coming read) to play, Reid sail Ironic Diversion \nii ilu II ihere's the living (imipi He used III lie one ol our go lo of Manhattan |)tiwii - on thecourt KU\N last year, and Ins shot lias -Mas Yendo K State hi i B) in K si,He desperatel) nei looked to be on thisyeai as well, really killed us killed From The ReateraOi Institute lor Contact Mr. Chris Hundven pl,i\ the worst ii possibly > an In up right now, .mil the despite his limited playing tii K Males i . Experimental Architecture and Lebbeus Woods come* this monograph on Mas (785) 313-2146 or (785) 770-8361 one half, onlj to storm out of the Kun ii MI Build But the wa) I lookal It, the Yendo From portable housing to reel Intermission liki Webb fit) tin llu-' ais to go is up n the machines amazing dramngs and models the halftimi ins life li s Is that ah tad li all start! i who explore the work ol this emerging PREGNANCY young archrtoct ipwith "Runnin al press time boat i Mi TESTING CENTER tesurrected from h Bulldo) I lie Runnin Bulldo lantk flaflln Roohi and &>plt± anything attempt todi ittentionto iiimr in print and \ui in mentioi independent boors for independent minds Supportive service' for pregnmtjL mail him ul dnl)H7()')(« ksii.edu. $6.50 9 HOLE /renting & adoption." Fats sBa r& <.r,l day nm-wimer rate Voice your opinion. Call the fourum at 365-4444 $25 TODAY (through lanuar) I ffl/OAV 9-3338 Get Paid to Study! Donate your life-saving $1.00 Margaritas Biymonol Ntubagar. Pregnant? Need help? m blood plasma and earn cash. 50< Tacos The Banquet of Ettrnity: For confidential help call I ice pregnancy testing '20th Century Psalms Bring a friend and qualify for $2.00 Bottles I * >t.illy confidential service additional bonu it+m Pialm M SATURDAY fees apply to new doners. ne day results rV»o-u a Ilrl emmthniinng M Ilak *w •a gl. t n ml l«ag ih■« • !■ irthright ZLB Plasma Services tin appointment palai of \n«r IIami Iht «ahi>i nan ft formerly Nabl EDomedlcal Center $2.00 Wells IkraoMi'rtn gkmisig |t-i >a I be SMKINMkSl r»ffi Kiti*k M(Moi ak t.h..a i intm FREE Pregnancy Test 785<-07 G7a6rd-e9nw1a7v 7 Spurtacenter of $2.00 Bottles SUNDAY Call or stop by m Manhattan ths-mAra m -* /" Manhattan, KS i No appointment needed. gtBaVIM 1/2 PRICE DRINKS s.itd Af" iii'Pi camnibiii AnddsrjnVilbge 1 ««rr cdl for hours rt^^./lb.com IOC Wings no cover ( Moil \ II ') -i in * p in Fall Favorites Do you need to turn electronics, jewelry, sporting goods, music, cameras, guns, DEFY THE COLD Your Choice of 776-55' DVDs, etc. into cash? We loan or buy any of these at the highest Onelffpezawflhcne Delivered fast prices in town. lopprigandonecjT* We also offer payday loans. For or >ly Or 4. 7(15 North Ilili 501 A Fort Kilrv Blvd. Iwocneesebfeods $ \|>Kit'>illt' 2 mi. rust of Mull wffictpprig sauce 565-0044) 937-1103 -State Ducks Unlimited HBar Night The women of Kappa Warm glovet, hats, headbands and socks December 3, 2001 Wide variety of coats Delta are looking Vettl, sweaters, fleece jackets forward to winter semi Long underwear Ticket includes food, drink, and formal with the women DU membership. YmfmviUi of Alpha Delta Pi. The WehiwjDtfyour fevorite brwkhr Christmas. Cats are l"cJ*grn Back! 84241. IIuy 24 21/2 miles hist Commerce ul Manhattan COW TOWN Wrangler Lee (785)-776-67l5 Mon. Iii. 10-6 ■mm Bank Classic \^ Sat. 10-5, Sun. I J_ Nov. 30/Dec. 1 prKJay tjarnvs: Date: Mon., Dec. 3rd 3 pun. Harvard vs. Idaho St. 5 p.rn K-STflTE Time: 7:00 p.m. vs. Qrombssng St. Saturday gam«s: Place: Forum Ha Tknsrs set for 3 & 5 pun. K-Stote W1.L play at 5 pun. KSU Student Union both rstghtsJ Admission: FREE 1-800 ZZl-CflTS www* statvsports.com Phone: 537-7633 Stop by Commerce Bank In Manhattan for your FREE IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS. tkksrtB to thw garnsrsl ^ Commerce Bank COME MAKE HIM FAMOUS. Lffe Features: Nancy Hull 532-6556 I nah6062"ksu.edu Friday, November 30, 2001 pizza IclCtS k* BY NANC "I've had prop!- KANSAS STATE COLLCQIAN ■M and coconut." he I'nng said "lust the timi (d it all, ApllU tupping menu might he someone tails and asks Eoi somtl Hemand mistaken tort grocers iiey'veprol Ding these d called own With the expansion of looking for it pizza topping opdoos, li Some slates and ■ an build might he hard lo mike the countries, he said, their own pii same pi/./.a twice. considei those Kick Hen merofthe retpiests normal. In g into ihattan Domino' i City, you different comhil d in the pi. ..iiinoi gel pizza ago, people thought I pun apple topped without beans 11 Somi ipleii on it. Taiwan has moving tov\ I'-St. corn, and pizza in gourmet I to pepperom with Cheddar cheese, if you ha kraui ' -mil liml it ill Jeff Duff, owner of Manhattan," Hern tndei laid I Manhattan's ]'-.. Photos by leanel Drske/Collsglm buds Shuttle, said while But in I) climb in pepperoni is itill hi morepopulai Hernandez said things options Domino's toppings have pj any othei topping pitta with en i call\ doub now offer 16. tl I) a loi ol p lugumup ! ip ordering cream chc i think there's a little b pizza history Ancwii Greek flat, baked bread with assorted toppings called plankuntos This might have derived from something Babylonians ate in earlier centi. '<! i toe tomato originally was thougt I poisonous. Spaniards who had been to Meiico and Peru intro duced the tomato to Italy in the 16th century Mozzarell. originally Ml made from the milk of Indian mater buffalo in the 7th century H MS MM duced to Italy in the 18th century _ The world pizzei \ •Antu.a Piweria Port'Alba." which opened In lHlOand it Via Port Alba 18 in Naples. In Italy and i peasants ate earlier forms of pizza foi several centuries bason it became a hit among aristocracy. In 1889, a Neapolitan named Rafaele Esposito prepared pi//a for King Umberto I and I who appar- ently lOW'i \ An Italian immigrant named Gennaro lomt W I J '"jj 3 opened the M tl S i • in 1895 in New York City. ■»« piwa is consumed all over the world, though travelers often are ama/ed by howditt' ■■■ have . L_ adapted Dim la IBS* own preferences. Smart eating can boost energy, provide focus during finals IV NANCY HULL i lead toa ■lert ■ md Focussed durii liu usbetlei rryti et) ol foods additional pouni i ml then Ihej usually are bol ill the food groups di ■ rhinkol healthy snacks such as raw In stressful limes, sometimes smarl stressed fruits and w ii dip popcorn, pretzels iis i.i III ..mil you're struggling to food ire the last things on tiles offered the following health ■ Avn iting When ami |uli e ic.ui the highlighted notes in from ol you, students' n .mil nutrition llpsfoi the last few M ■ H nervous ■ If you have Inn nun h sugai ami not Abagol i hips ■ handful of chocolate III,II,' III- lleallh i HI i la mighi' enough ql a balance in youi dlel yi not going to chip cookies and ■ Pepsi seems liki nutritionist, said ■ Be aware ol whai you rt doing i■ i. I ii the lime but |unktood is no) the siiniilii time inn sheh seaaildth s) tuedaetinntgs i don'i iusi em.i i bnuuilnd sump p.m iilh tihies twrohuebnl e ■ Stick loyout i unhealthy ■ Wan h hnu mm h i .illem! mr aykoeu ydoriun k finals time can bring out ih< ■ idy nun ■ I ,ii low fat, i> High m.ill ol us. inn 11 v loremembei lith) diel will help sin. i ■ A balanced dii fai and an Ini reasedcal i i equal ■ Sl! Weekender Art* & Entertainment Editor: JJ Duncan t- S32-0732 I arts "ipub.kau.edu Friday, November 30, 2001 ( R()SS\\ OKI) li\ Eugene Shifter ACROSS 40 Lobster, 2 "Who am 22 The Artful dance 1 Snapshot on a — ludge-'- Producers" 4 Trading mliied 3 Unworrled rM 12 center platter 4-Back to levator 8 One of 41-Sabrtna the nama ma Three the Teen Future" 25 0ualifylng Bears age Witch- surname race 12 Actress star 5 Ethereal 28 Like 000 Hagan 42 Safe and 6-Norma—' numbers 13 Florentine sound 7 Place- 27Falcoof farewell 40 Hebrew kickers The 14 Upon month pride Sopranos" ISEIsa'a 47 Walked 8 Folder 28 Agents atory (on) makeup 30 Real 17 Staff 41 Wapiti 9 One lime estate ad member? 49 It goes b« abbr 18 Hard to without 10... and 33 "No Exit* taich saying another writer 19 Los 50 -Scarbor- 11 Lemurs' 34 Publisher Angeles ough Fair* kin Bennett newspaper flavoring 18 Trawler 38 Blue 20 High 51 Plnkerton equipment shoe 22 Implement agency 19 Burg material 24GaHey logo 20 Missing 37 Fraud supply 21 Diamond 38 Dry water- 25 Trouble DOWN Head course » The lady 1 Tavarn locale 39 Composer MNstahbor Khacha off*gerla Mia»r* lurtan J1 Pralaa In tt 40 EPA versa L1UWJ 'Z'.Ull WUJl'JW concern tJ--WHh IdUIlOfclLl IJHlll-J 42 Abbr Morrie- ■ LIOIOtKIOir ILIO V t on a map 34FHm I C JW W|E|FBJL 43-pro TlblFI fragment W*M rs noW* 33 Crafts' u ::•; awu uwuu 44Tarzan MOmraatfe s h :nou uuwc Zili pRporntr ayar rival 3 il 1,11 " 45 Supple- J7 Honey r > 0 LJ li uu Eu E|D ment, with bunch' •our 1 1 t 2 3 4 S 7 8 1 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 ts ■to Photos by Evin Semdn/ 20 21 22 rs Amanda Goth, senior In fine arts, performs "First Time," the closing performance of Wlnterdance 2001. "First Time" Is a work that stems from personal stories written 24 73 26 27 28 and recorded by students and faculty at K State ■ n ■ 30 Winterdance showcases talent variety; six pieces student-choreographed 33 33 | 34 ■36 1 36 BY JJ DUNCAN and costumi ■ si.ul.in,i ic; iduatestudent in 37 38 39 apparel and textile marketing, and MoBy Bin*, 41 42 43 44 45 The work and long hours <ii tl In i hemistry, imth ihoreographed i ballet 46 47 46 Winterdanci |iu-ir litlfil "WhitiiMi .il love' with l.n.i Imvnsley ■ i show this sophomore In AMI i he pi* e Issix 49 50 (I in \u hi' minutes long with six dancen and il was fun For answers 10 Mtys waswwrd t»t I I :• iph) • ngwith Bing, her friend and roommate miunnv) t *oo4S4-«m»»«p«'minuit •oocf • Ingwith hei I J> 1 Ulflr til • ion»»W»ry phones IIS. omy )» King Fsaiuns serve*. NV(J d that Winterdance can IM- hones) with eat hothei the said You dmfl fed like you're walking on eggsheDi .ill die I 11-30 CRYPTOgi IP the pel Winterdance will be at 8 tides dam ingin the piece she iu-lin-ti to p.m. Friday and i loth performi ta four other d i H N X I S DLEP E P J X Saturday with a 2 p.m. worth HI matinee performance Python" ii the piece Goth i hon THYQ GSYQ. YISMG VDP from Ihe da Saturday. Tickets are d with BenaiahAmknoa kmfor in d i $10 tor the general who has experience as a fiRhi coordinatoi [he KPTV-RSLMHNHPG public, 16 for students. dance and Rghi choreograph) and joining ol the different worlds taught ha a different EPVPJHZLJHLZ KP L RSLYQ' Yesterday's Cryptoqulp: THE PRECINCT NOW ■im,ill HI the sweat and n sing space energy Goth ■s.m t PRINTS ITS OWN NEWSPAPER ITS CALLED that will be Being in Ove piece i solo in Ihe •THE POLICE DISPAK II i) matinee performance, can be exhausting, Today's Cryptoquip Clue Y equals C Winti 'BOOK V Send|4SOIchKkAno)to ■ tali (haui ICiyptoCHselrs Book 1. P.O Bo. 536475. OSsndo fL 328538475 torn one style to 1h« OyplonjHp ■ » suOmA*«\ aph*< H •»** arm kttttr s»s»* lr» anothet ne emotion to anothet IbhM enotwr It you Mr* **l X equals O. It wa squM O rwoughout *» puuss Single lees's short words and wonls using sn spoekoen* put logethei li\ students switch automatically kttr (Sve you dues to loceSng vowels SoluSon is by Mai srat snor i auditions for stud iirluk s,iul she hopes audiences enjoy ihe e 2001 by King FMiums Syntfcets. Ire Jennifer Rlfford. senior In theater, performs featured in I 'Mill. "Sinfonia" for the 2001 Winterdance. Wintei I lu!> liversity ol style and talent in Collegian Music Awards ii this is not only ,i c hani c foi the - : i !u( ni taleni rhe dancers have worked long and hard and ein front ol I Ins is nnr ul llir unlv liim-Mn llic M studied liin. :iul nowlhey gel the Don't forget to submit your vote lor the Collegian Muse Awards. The polls wiH be open through the beginning of next semester and ih liKliiine. dent. io integrate all th.it Into the |oy nl dancing." you can vote at wmii.iiistafecolegian.com lust e mail /our choices to wfcgan..wfee*e*na»'.ccim. Area children to appear in 'The Nutcracker' MOVIE TIMES BYCORBINH CRABLf panM make the buJk hey re just peribrmedThe Nun 11 MM SETH CHILDS CINEMAS ni theit eat • by Ihe multiple darling, Washington said 'From tl limes, T3 Chests" "Ossasstlc Ptsturhence rmances In Novembei he party son luseol my experience, l know 4:30 p.m., 7:20 p.m., 1:15 p.m., 4:10pm. I anil hi nun done entirely by locals Ihechildret Ihe iiiiisn inside and out, and I treated 9:40 p.m. 7:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m. all students from Manhattan and Ron ihe children like p .ill ushet in another ho ■ i '■ different "Harry Potter" BehM Enemy Unas" 3:45 p.m., 4:45 p.m., 7 p.m., 4:15 p.m.. 7:10 p.m.. ..hrii Ballet Oklahoma pi ■ i llns ji.irtu ulai |" I \in ihe irail mil's ni i lara and i ritz, versions ol ! he Nutcm ker, but the 8 p.m, 1015 pm 9:35 p.m. lln \ ■ line, ihnui' Washington said, are chBdrenfron IIUISU stays in Sunday ii Ihe area vVaahington said die performi Showtime "(MOW rHaT in \lci aln production Man ilrlils anil Ihey dedicated who will have dress rehearsals Satu 4 JO p.m., 7:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:50 p.m. Auditorium ■Ihe Nutcracker" Manhattan residents also will haw roles very proud ol them, and they're ready io nun and Sunday morning, are wry 9:45 p.m. will be shown at 3 TheHeW Ihr in the ballet, Martin said mm h looking forward to Sunday aftai p.m. Sunday m ■OISSSIBC Ohturfcsnce" 4:25 p.m.. 7:20 p.m., 10 p.m. Oklahi McCain Auditorium " l he Im als were auditioned In BaUel Marr; u i thai Manhattan show 1:15 p.m.. 4:10 p.m., I .Mil for ticket informa Oklahoma In October," he said "Mallei ort Idles children were selei ted la ' l here's a loi ol antli Ipation and 7:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m. "4 SpW.m«. , 7.05 p.m.,10 p.m present the taleoi ton, can the McCain mi III this production slums the excitement," Washington said 'rti^QMi box office at 532 The One" a little i;iil whose identify competent performers locally community has diverse taleni "428 4 JO p.m.. 7:25 p.m., null r.u kci doll ihey will use them I his production is I IK-SI- youngsterscaiM from ■ Yagetiinesaid she thinks' rhe 9:25 p.m. tonim Htf cornea i<> life ll»- designed ti children numbei ol dance programi here In ihe \iiii i "Monsters tec" "Oceans 11" isdebul in lulls " iiiiniiiiiniu. and I'mgratafulthai >' local i hililirn io work doserj wMh 12:15 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 7,9:30 p.m. rsburg, Russia, has become a SharronWashingloa a Imal d Instructoremihecrjmmunlt] have rienced dancers 4:46 p.m., 7 p.m., 9:15 p.m. holiday tradition foi families acrosi the irai lin ni the pleasure ol ere ouraged iheii itudenti to audition," i\Miiulrrliilo|i|>iMliiiiilvlnr working with a diverse group ol Martin said children to work with a professional "Black McM" Htm U Stlh am CmmttKt 1:25 p.m., 4 p.m., 7:05 p.m., U 50 for mifiwe) and J7 for 'I In has liri inn' performers In preparation lor' rhe IH\I eYagerl ite professot hallrt company, and lo danceon the 9:20 p.m. atmt sto«s traditional holiday fare foi fam <t kri ' ni dance, also helped the dancen Mil am stage is an honor and ■ prtvl linhaul Martin direiloi ol Mil aln tail "In the show the youngest tree Vip-rimr said the hai -he s.II,I THE *5oW(5TfV^rt£R . I P A Bt4AK fKOM rlV tWVA-j \ ii vAj<r WAaN'r ni^vvrvnoRt,) z num. ctofttmY ±£*>. wrtri nmNiT'.""j\ BY RANDY REGIER BY BRENT ENGSTROM - U0HKEYB0YC0MICm0TMAIL.COM Sports Sports Editor. Dan Smith 532-0732 I sports <"spub.ksu.edu JL Fridav. November 30. 2001 Guard adopts new role on younger, 'better' K-State team BY MICHAEL NOLL come in and work hard \i\ the team bebettei than thi a had played better, Il would have thinking stems from the i oai hes' ih.ii she's pi ' made things easiei foi Kristin." philosophy thai everybod) baa ■ \t a sign ui thai maturity, i remains I Ins season should have " mie i . inding Rethman spends her nine on the thai the( ata go as far as Her (be crowning achievement in ■ iii thai pine watching to see how she can ii women's basketball Such .in understanding isn'l contribute to the ti the sixth man il you can gel j'li-tjcf Krisiin Rethman common, head coai h Deb "You gel a different p nd oi pi,i\ when the younger I he wnloi baa act omplished Patterson said from the hem li she said You struggling, ii In l| mui li during her (enure in ' lh,n s rare in a senioi i an si i ng on and what lot. h lakes the load ol the world Manhattan thai she didn't complain, but thai MUI have in do scoring, taking off the offense .tm\ defense Out ,1 She started for threi she i ontinues to bring foi us and il the ball and keeping the I »she owns the k State season eilel. .nil team In the ofli i Patterson "We need hi i andean point So fat this season Helhlli.: field goal I>I " lli.n is Kristin Rethman Her done mine than just contribute, : result, this season could silll ■ she's within reach ol (he .ill ii tei i- spei in said while pi ■ lime men's and women's can anging role rVei minim "Shell mosl i.ii three point shots m Rethman, but there's one statist!) Rethman still has ilmosl Howevei this season, Rethman that's more Importam to the nine point! id the opportu starts il .ind i orning, Kan . i point shot! ound," wad lies Freshmen plaj the I hai is k State's conference aid minutes thai were hers In the past during Rethman' al K Ill II in e : hen li is ,i situation th e hard in the Paradise lam lournaiii' . point in the season the best inti i being on SI lh. II hing this tinned ihl blame the flooi bui n also bi Rethm i Rethman foi i little ii di blttei i out ol three games III Si attltudi hing them .lie has no "II tl nil I hoinas. Kristin i about and 11 the youngi Sui and the and In th she * II thi nosi wants in win sn had Panel struggled < II cow i warding to have the File photo by Steven Dtannge' minutes on the floor, ihen l opportunity Senior guard Kristin Rethman drives past: Ia Teias defender last season. Rethman has been replaced in the starting lineup this year by Laurie Koehn ■ K-State plays host to weekend Wildcat Classic at Bramlage Coliseum BY MICHAEL NOLL Hoops action Cmmmru Bar* WUcM Otsik k Si ird—allhavi **•»: 3 and 5 p.m. today and i the and combined with thi Saturday lhe\ liki mm*. Bramlage Coliseum (13.600) Manhattan, Kan. I a Inl o! Rjdk>: Wildcat Sports Network. sched WIBW580AM TV: Nona . rim lotion men n I inside ■ sail aftei the tournament lipo has thi k siaie will be i nth lonrii annual < NCM NCAA Volleyball Tournament M 1st a 2nd Rounds Wsw VI J m Friday Nov. 30 a Saturday Dec. 1st ^8 Ahearn Fieldhouse loor^ r Friday w 5 p m Oral Roberts vs. Nebraska CASH OHLV WOMENS 730 p.m. Arkansas vs. K STATE K-STATE 5TUPEMT UNION Saturday BUFFET VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m. Finals & GOTF100B fSZSSS Regional Ticket Inlermetion thamplanshlp All-Session Individual Games AdUll: $10 $6 For tickets call: Student/Sen. CK $6 $5 Children $4 II 1 800 221 CATS ^SS^1 www.union.ksu.edu/food/bluemont tte women of Alpha.Xi 'Delta would life to invite 776-7788 the following men to their winter format: NIGHT OWL SPECIAL Trevor Winchell Dusty Taylor Chris Clark Kevin Sloop Tyrel Nilhas Jim Gaither Jeff Heersche Michael Burson Scott Dugan Toby Leonard Mike Welch Ross Newell Brian Stimetz Mike Houter Danny Tokar Midnight - 3 a.m. Cody Whitney C-Roc Ryan Rosencrans Medium 1 topping Micah Emmit Jak^e Overstreet Will Burton Tyler Billinger Jeremy Kay Friday ft Saturday Jimmy Spangler pizza Matthew Carazo Scott Carlisle Scott Macke Michael Ray Barry Burson Brent Felten $5.99 Bryce Dawson Ryan Suderman Hugh Jazz Ryan Blick Bryan Aziere Doug Omenski \Medium 1 topping pizza Matthew Hedberg Matt Washburn Kurt Cornejo John Huff Josh Wehrly land 20 oz. soft drink Brian Roberts 2nd medium pizza Danny Adrain Brian Larson Robert Sumners Tyler Carey Richard Rush Adam Golubksi 1 topping Bradley Simmons Johnnie Haul $5.99 John Sumners Brett Trimble Clint Hamblin Brandon Buschart Mike Rogers Jeff O'Conner Josh Winter Add Cheesy Bread Dave Latty Ryan Sadler Royce Russell Jason Chanay Mike Faust Michael Hoffman for only Scott Legren Joe Lane Shane Landis Brad Swartz Austin Godsey deep dish $1 extra per pizza $1.99 David long Clint West Dustin Perry Cody Knudson Mike Hunt Mike Arlesic Toby Surber Nick Hunter Scott Barkley