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1! IIflii ~ I(cid:9) ' T0 DAKUS5AL Iishrs and Distr Kalamullah.Com The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukha^ri Arabic-English Volume 4 Translated by: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan Formerly Director, University Hospital Islamic University Al-Madina Al-Munawwara (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) } DARUS SALAM Publishers & Distributors Riyadh-Saudi Arabia ALL RIGHTS RESERVED(cid:9) © (cid:9) Ue No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher or the translator. Published by: jAil(cid:9) <L.11 - DARUSSALAM Publishers and Distributors P.O. Box 22743, Riyadh 11416 !tbl (cid:9) J-101 Tel. 4033962 Fax: 4021659 Kingdom of Sa- udi Arabia '~&—V~ (cid:9) Printed in July, 1997 (cid:9) Printing supervised by ABDUL MALIK MUJAHID Computerized Typesetting, designing and proof reading carried out at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan assisted by a team of highly qualified persons. Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 1997 King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data Al-Bukhari, Muhammed Ibn Ismaiel Sahih Al-B ukhari\ translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan.- Riyadh. 500p., 14x2lcm ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set) 9960-717-35-6 (v.4) 1- Al-Hadith Six books(cid:9) I- Khan, Muhammad Muhsin (tr.) - II-Title 235.1 dc(cid:9) 0887/18 Legal Deposit no. 0887/18 ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set) 9960-717-35-6 (v.4) I 4rt(L Z/\v~ o ~.jjA :L(cid:9) tyj 4 4 ) 4::;, .41Jl(cid:9) L:Jt)t (cid:9) &.4LJI L, LJJt i 19 3yJt 3ii J(cid:9) L4U Ji iI o(cid:9) Jj(cid:9) *j(cid:9) ~i4U •c M.th 4i, L 4aj • - (Z U 41t La4L,j E) (cid:9) Z: :J) 'fl ii (cid:9) Z461-J LJt ;L4c uL(cid:9) .JL ll A Lr LJ (cid:9) a &j (cid:9) 1t (cid:9) UL(cid:9) TiI JL4 .L ts 41 L$Laj CONTENTS OF VOLUME FOUR(cid:9) il jl 5 CONTENTS OF VOLUME FOUR &)Jl ciJ I jj6 55— THE BOOK OF WA SA VA says, "My house is Sadaqa for (cid:9) Allah's sake,............................... 27 (Wills and Testaments) ............ 15 (15) CHAFFER. If someone says, (1) CHAFFER. Al- Wardyci............ 15 "My land is Sadaqa for Allah's sake (2) CHAFFER. To leave inheritors on my mother's behalf,.................(cid:9) 27 (cid:9) wealthy than begging others.......... 16 (16) CHAFFER. To give part of (3) CHAPTER. To will one-third of wealth or slaves or animals in charity one's property.............................(cid:9) 17 or as an endowment.....................(cid:9) 28 (4) CHAPTER. The saying of a (17) CHAPTER. Whoever gave testator to the executor, "Look something to his representative to (cid:9) after my son,............................... 18 give in charity and then the latter (cid:9) (5) CHAFFER. If a patient gives an returned it to him........................ 28 evident clear sign by nodding........ 19 (18) CHAPTER. The Statement of (6) CHAPTER. A legal heir has no Allah ,iL: "And when the relatives (cid:9) right to inherit through a will....... 19 and the orphans and Al-Mascikin are (cid:9) (7) CHAFFER. Giving in charity at present at the time of division..... 29 (cid:9) the time of death........................ 20 (19) CHAPTER. Charity on behalf (8) CHAFFER. The Statement of of a person who dies suddenly. And Allah J-i : "...After the payment the execution of the vows.............(cid:9) 30 of legacies he may have bequeathed (20) CHAPTER. The witnesses in or debts.....................................(cid:9) 20 the foundation of an endowment or (cid:9) (9) CHAFFER. The explanation of in giving in charity....................... 31 the Statement of Allah (21) CHAFFER. The Statement of "...After payment of legacies that Allah(cid:9) "And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with they may have bequeathed or (cid:9) (cid:9) the orphan-girls..." ..................... 31 debts......................................... 21 (10) CHAPTER. If somebody (22) CHAPTER. The Statement of Allah ): "... if you find sound founds an endowment (or bequeathes) his relatives by a will.. 23 judgement in them, release their (cid:9) (11) CHAPTER. Are children and property to them......................... 32 women included under the term of CHAPTER. How a guardian is to relatives (concerning wills)? ..........(cid:9) 25 deal with an orphan's wealth........(cid:9) 33 (12) CHAPTER. Can the founder of (23) CHAPTER. The Statement of an endowment have the benefit of Allah )u:"... those who unjustly (cid:9) (cid:9) his endowment? ........................ 26 eat up the property of orphans..... 34 (13) CHAPTER. If one declares his (24) CHAPTER. Allah's Statement: wish to found an endowment ........ 26 "The best thing is to work honestly (cid:9) (14) CHAPTER. When someone in their property........................... 34 CONTENTS OF VOLUME FOUR(cid:9) 6 (25) CHAPTER. The employment (8) CHAPTER. The superiority of of an orphan .............................. him who goes in Allah's Cause and (cid:9) (26) CHAPTER. If somebody gives dies on the way........................... 53 a piece of land as an endowment and (9) CHAPTER. (The reward of) the does not mark its boundaries ........ 36 injured in Allah's Cause..............(cid:9) 53 (27) CHAPTER. A jointly-owned (10) CHAPTER. (The superiority piece of land as an endowment ..... 37 of) the wounded in Allah's Cause.. 55 (28) CHAPTER. How to write the (11) CHAPTER. The Statement of (cid:9) endowment9............................... 37 Allah(cid:9) : "Say: Do you wait for (29) CHAPTER. The usufruct of an us except one of the two best things (cid:9) endowment ............................... 38 (martyrdom or victory)9 ..... ..........(cid:9) 55 (30) CHAPTER. The foundation of (12) CHAPTER. The Statement of an endowment for building a(cid:9) Allah J(cid:9) : "Among the believers mosque...................................... 38 are men who have been true to their (31) CHAPTER. Animals, property, (cid:9) covenant with Allah..................... 55 gold and silver as endowments....... 39 (13) CHAPTER. Practising good (32) CHAPTER. The salary of the deeds before taking part in a battle. 58 administrator of an endowment..... 39 (14) CHAPTER. Whoever is killed (33) CHAPTER. If somebody keeps (cid:9) by an arrow................................ 58 an endowment, or stipulates that he (15) CHAPTER. Whoever fights so should benefit by it as the other (cid:9) that Allah's Word be superior....... 59 Muslims do ................................ 40 (16) CHAPTER. Whose feet get (34) CHAPTER. To say: "We will covered with dust in Allah's Cause. 59 demand its price, from none but (cid:9) (17) CHAPTER. The dust which Allah." ...................................... 41 falls on head in Allah's Cause....... 60 (35) CHAPTER. The Statement of (18) CHAPTER. To take a bath Allah j.-,(cid:9) : "When death (cid:9) after fighting .............................. 60 approaches any of you, and you (cid:9) (19) CHAPTER. The Statement of make a bequest........................... 41 Allah ll: "Think not of those who (36) CHAPTER. The payments of (cid:9) are killed in the Way of Allah as the debts of the deceased ............ 42 (cid:9) dead......................................... 61 56— THE BOOK OF JI1L4D (20) CHAPTER. The shade of (cid:9) angels on the martyr................... 62 (Fighting for Allah's Cause) .....44 (21) CHAPTER. The wish of the (1) CHAPTER. The superiority of Mujcihid to return to the world...... 63 Jihtid.........................................(cid:9) 44 (22) CHAPTER. Paradise is under (2) CHAPTER. Striving with both, the blades of swords ....................(cid:9) 63 (cid:9) life and property......................... 46 (23) CHAPTER. Who wishes to (3) CHAPTER. The invocation that beget a son to send for JihOd........ 64 Allah may let adorn with (24) CHAPTER. Bravery and martyrdom.................................(cid:9) 47 cowardice in the battle................(cid:9) 64 (4) CHAPTER. The grades of the (25) CHAPTER. Seeking refuge vIuftIhidIin..................................(cid:9) 48 with Allah from cowardice............(cid:9) 65 (5) CHAPTER. To proceed in (26) CHAPTER. Whoever (cid:9) Allah's Cause ............................. 50 described what he has witnessed in (6) CHAPTER. Al-FliEr-ui- Em....... 50 thewar......................................(cid:9) 66 (7) CHAPTER. The wish for (27) CHAPTER. The obligation of martyrdom.................................(cid:9) 52 going out for Jihcid......................(cid:9) 66 M CONTENTS OF VOLUME FOUR(cid:9) c(cid:9) (28) CHAPTER. A disbeliever kills (49) CHAPTER. Whoever beats a Muslim and later on embraces somebody else's animal during the Islam......................................... 67(cid:9) battle (intending to help its rider).. 83 (29) CHAPTER. Whoever (50) CHAPTER. Riding on an preferred Jihild to Saum (fasting)... 69 unmanageable animal or a stallion (cid:9) (30) CHAPTER. There are seven horse......................................... 84 martyrs other than killed in (51) CHAPTER. The share of the (cid:9) Jihcld......................................... 69(cid:9) horse (from the booty)................. 84 (31) CHAPTER. The Statement of (52) CHAPTER. Leading somebody Allah J.-.' : "Not equal are those else's animal during the battle....... 84 of the believers who sit (at (53) CHAPTER. The saddle and the (cid:9) home)....................................... 69(cid:9) stirrup of an animal.................... 85 (32) CHAPTER. Patience during (54) CHAPTER. The riding of an (cid:9) fighting...................................... 71(cid:9) unsaddled horse......................... 85 (33) CHAPTER. Rousing and (55) CHAPTER. A slow horse...... 86 exhorting people to fight.............. 71(cid:9) (56) CHAPTER. Horse races........ 86 (34) CHAPTER. The digging of the (57) CHAPTER. IdmOr (t(cid:9)he IcJandaq (trench)........................ 72 preparation) of horses for racing 86 (35) CHAPTER. Whoever is held (58) CHAPTER. The extreme limit (cid:9) back from Jihtid by a legal cause.... 73(cid:9) of the race of horses.................... 87 (36) CHAPTER. The superiority of (59) CHAPTER. The she-camel of (cid:9) observing Saum in Allah's Cause 73(cid:9) the Prophet(cid:9) ........................... 87 (37) CHAPTER. The superiority of (60) CHAPTER. Going to holy (cid:9) spending in Allah's Cause............. 74(cid:9) battles on a donkey...................... 88 (38) CHAPTER. The superiority of (61) CHAPTER. The white mule of (cid:9) one who prepares a G/j.Ozi or looks the Prophet ........................... 88 after his dependents .................... 75 (62) CHAPTER. The Jihad of (cid:9) (39) CHAPTER. To apply Hantit women..................................... 89 during the battle......................... 76 (63) CHAPTER. The participation (cid:9) (40) CHAPTER. The superiorLy of of a woman in a sea battle............ 90 the reconnoitrer.......................... 76 (64) CHAPTER. Selection of one (41) CHAPTER. Can the wive to accompany in holy battles.. 91 reconnoitrer be sent alone? ......... 77 (65) CHAPTER. The Jihild of (42) CHAPTER. The travelling of women and their fighting along (cid:9) two persons together.................... 77(cid:9) with men................................... 91 (43) CHAPTER. Good will remain (66) CHAPTER. The carrying of in the forelocks of horses ............ 77 water by the women to the people. 92 (44) CHAPTER. JihOd is to be (67) CHAPTER. Treatment of the (cid:9) carried on whether the Muslim wounded by the women................ 92 ruler is good or bad..................... 78 (68) CHAPTER. The bringing back (45) CHAPTER. keeping a horse of the wounded and the killed by the (cid:9) forJihad.................................... 79(cid:9) women....................................... 92 (46) CHAPTER. To name a horse (69) CHAPTER. Removing the (cid:9) and a donkey............................. 79(cid:9) arrow from the body................... 93 (47) CHAPTER. What has been said (70) CHAPTER. Vigilance during (cid:9) about the evil omen of a horse....... 81(cid:9) holy battles in Allah's Cause......... 93 (48) CHAPTER. Horses (are kept) (71) CHAPTER. The service, during (cid:9) for three (purposes).................... 82(cid:9) holy battles................................. 95 CONTENTS OF VOLUME FOUR(cid:9) 8 (72) CHAPTER. The superiority of (93) CHAPTER. The fighting him who carries the luggage of his against Ar-Rum (the Byzantines).... 112 companions during a journey......... 96 (94) CHAPTER. Fighting against (73) CHAPTER. The superiority of the(cid:9) Jews ...................... ............... 113 guarding (Muslims from infidels) 96 (95) CHAPTER. Fighting against (74) CHAPTER. Whoever sets off the(cid:9) Turks................................... 114 for a holy battle accompanied by a (96) CHAPTER. Fighting against boy-servant ................................. 97 people wearing shoes made of hair. 114 (75) CHAPTER. To go on a sea- (97) CHAPTER. Whoever arranged voyage....................................... 98 his companions at the time of (76) CHAPTER. The help of poor defeat, and got down from his and pious men in war................... 99 riding animal and requested Allah (77) CHAPTER. Do not say that so- for (cid:9) help .(cid:9) .................................... 115 and-so is a martyr........................ 100 (98) CHAPTER. To invoke Allah to (78) CHAPTER. Exhortation to defeat and shake A1-Mushrikiln ...... 116 archery (i.e., arrow throwing) . ....... 101 (99) CHAPTER. To preach to the (79) CHAPTER. To play with people of the Scriptures, or teach spears and other similar arms........ 102 them the Holy Book'(cid:9) .................. 118 (80) CHAFFER. The shield, and (100) CHAFFER. To invoke Allah shielding oneself with the shield of to bestow guidance(cid:9) upon Al- his companion .(cid:9) ........................... 102 Mushrikuin .................................. 118 (81) CHAPTER. The (leather) (101) CHAFFER. The invitation to — shield .(cid:9) ........................................(cid:9) 1 b4 Islam is essential before declaring (82) CHAPTER. The straps for war.(cid:9) .......................................... 119 suspending swords and the hanging (102) CHAPTER. The invitation of of the sword by the neck . ............. 105 the Prophet jW to embrace Islam ... 120 (83) CHAFFER. The decoration of (103) CHAPTER. Concealing the swords (with gold and silver etc.)... 105 true destination of a Ghazwa ........ 127 (84) CHAFFER. Whoever hung his (104) CHAPTER. Setting out after sword on a tree at midday nap . ..... 106 midday.(cid:9) ..................................... 128 (85) CHAPTER. The wearing of a (105) CHAFFER. Setting out in the helmet....................................... 106 last part of the month.................. 128 (86) CHAPTER. To break the (106) CHAPTER. Travelling in weapons and to slaughter the Ramadan................................... 129 animals of the deceased ................. 107 (107) CHAPTER. Bidding farewell. 129 (87) CHAPTER. The dispersing of (108) CHAFFER. Listening to and the people away from the Imdm to obeying the Inuim ....................... 130 rest in the shade of trees.............. 107 (109) CHAPTER. The Imtim should (88) CHAPTER. What is said be defended ............................... 130 regarding spears.......................... 108 (110) CHAPTER. To give a(cid:9) ai'a (89) CHAPTER. The armour of the for not to flee duriig a battle.. ..... 131 Prophet (cid:9) t ................................ 109 (111) CHAPTER. The Imdm should (90) CHAPTER. The (wearing of a) order the people to do only within cloak on journeys and in war......... 111 their (cid:9) ability . ............................... 133 (91) CHAPTER. The wearing of silk (112) CHAPTER. Delay of the inwar........................................ 111 fighting...................................... 134 (92) CHAPTER. What is said about (113) CHAPTER. Asking the theknife.................................... 112 permission of the Imãm ............... 134 (114) CHAFFER. Participation in his horse for Allah's Cause and then Jihdd by the recently married........ 136 he sees it being(cid:9) sold................... 151 (115) CHAFFER. Participation in (138) CHAPTER. Participation in Jihdd after the consummation of Jihdd with parent's permission....... 152 marriage.................................... 136 (139) CHAPTER. Hanging of bells (116) CHAFFER. The setting out of round the necks of camels . ........... 153 the Imiim, before the people at the (140) CHAPTER. If a man has time(cid:9) of fright.............................. 136 enlisted himself in the army and (117) CHAPTER. To be quick at then his wife goes out for Hajj ...... 153 the time of fright......................... 136 (141) CHAFFER. The spy............ 154 (118) CHAPTER. Setting out alone (142) CHAPTER. Providing the at a time of fright........................ 137 prisoners of war with clothes......... 155 (119) CHAFFER. The wages given (143) CHAFFER. The superiority to fight on somebody else's behalf.. 137 of the one through whom a man (120) CHAFFER. The labourer .... 138 embraces Islam........................... 156 (121) CHAFFER. The flag of the (144) CHAFFER. The prisoners of Prophet(cid:9) ................................. 139 war (cid:9) in(cid:9) chains . ............................. 156 (122) CHAPTER. "I have been (145) CHAPTER. The superiority made victorious............................ 140 of the people of the Scriptures (Jews (123) CHAPTER. Providing oneself and Christians) who embrace Islam. 157 with(cid:9) food................................... 141 (146) CHAPTER. Probability of (124) CHAPTER. To carry the killing the babies and children....... 157 journey-food on one's shoulder...... 143 (147)(cid:9) CHAPTER.(cid:9) Killing the (125) CHAPTER. The sitting of a children in the war . ..................... 158 woman behind her brother ............ 144 (148)(cid:9) CHAPTER.(cid:9) Killing the (126) CHAFFER. The sitting of two women in the war........................ 158 men together over a riding animal. 144 (149) CHAFFER. Not to punish (127) CHAFFER. The sitting of two with Allah's punishment . .............. 159 men together on a donkey............ 145 (150)(cid:9) CHAPTER.(cid:9) (Allah's (128) CHAPTER. Holding the Statement):(cid:9) "...Thereafter(cid:9) (is(cid:9) the riding animal of somebody else...... 146 time)(cid:9) either(cid:9) for(cid:9) generosity(cid:9) or (129) CHAFFER. Not to travel to a ransom (according to what benefits hostile country carrying copies of the Islam)......................................... 159 Qur'an ....................................... 146 (151) CHAFFER. Is it legal for a (130) CHAFFER. The recitation of Muslim captive to kill or deceive Takbfr (Ailcihu Akbar) in the war... 147 those who have captured him so that (131) CHAFFER. Raising the voice he may save himself from the when saying Takb,Tr ...................... 147 infidels? ..................................... 160 (132) CHAPTER. Reciting Subluin (152) CHAPTER. If a Mushrik Alldh when going down a valley..... 148 burns a Muslim, should he be (133) CHAPTER. To say Takbfr on burnt (in retaliation)? .................. 160 ascending a high place................. 148 (153) CHAPTER . ....................... 161 (134) CHAFFER. A traveller is (154) CHAPTER. The burning of granted reward ........................... 149 houses and date-palms . ................ 161 (135) CHAFFER. Travelling alone. 150 (155) CHAPTER. Killing a sleeping (136) CHAPTER. Hastening in Mushrik ..................................... 162 travel......................................... 150 (156) CHAFFER. Do not wish to (137) CHAFFER. If someone gives meet the enemy . ......................... 164

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