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everyone comicasn,dm ovie-of-thsec-hwmeae.lk.t .zW hat 'i:!nnalPp�lDeIn4�c,h antpirnogs hei:pb utc ompanionaibtl e, "Kaf0k1a1t hSeh oriesa r eapla gteu-rner,as w ell mor.e. .F inishingo nKt ahfkSeh ao riesl ikwea king asan insistentylm etaphysicalm ind-bender." hasc hangebdu,te verytahbionugtt h ew orlldo okdsi fferent -JohUnp dikeTheN ewY orker -MalcolJmo nes, }f I MURf\ , � "Murakaimsli i kaem agiciwahnoe xplawihnast hdeo'isna gsh ep �rrfms the ands timlalk eyso ub eliehvehe a s supernpaotwuerr.as.. Al sellfteIsn W musbte p utb actko gethale irtf;eh aitss talmluesdbt ek ick-started and ithK afka on theS horeH,a ruki � inttoh be ruisbiuntng e cessparroyc eosfcs h angRee.c onc�iulitnotg h a�t . Murakagmiiv uessa n oveelv erbyia ts iss omethsitnogr hiaevsde o nfeo hru manistiyn ctei miem meona1D.r easd �I t, ambitiaonudes x pansaisTv hee Wind­ tooB.u tw hilaen yone tcealansl t otrhya rte sembald erse ami,tst hrea raer tilsItk,e UpB ird Chrwohniicchhla ebs,e eanc claibmoetdh thiosn ew,h oc anm akeu sf eetlh awte a rder eamiintog u rselves." . heraen da rountdh weo rlfdoi rt usn commoanm bi­ -LaurMai lleTrh,eN ewY orTki meBso oRke VIew tioann da chievemaenndtw ,h oses tilli-nggr ow the i)opulsaurgigteyts htaisttw ilble reada damnidr ed o n fodre cadteocs o me. Thism agnificennetw n ovehla sa similarly extraordsicnoapraeyn dt hes amec apacittoy HarukMiu rakawmais b orinn K yotion 1 94a9n d amazee,n tertaanidnb ,e wittchher eadeAr t.o ur nowl ivneesa Tro kyoH.i sw orhka sb eetnr anslated def orcoefm etaphysicali tir spe oawleirtebydy, inttoh iroluyrl- afnguaganedst ,h em osrte ceonft twor emarkable chaa treaecntaebgroesy K:,a fka hism anyh onorisst heY omiuLriit erParriyz e, Tamuraw,h or unasw afyr ohmo mee ithteoer s cape whosper eviroeucsi piiennctlsuY duek iMoi shima, a gruesome operdoipphaeloc rty o s earfcohhr i s Kenzabou Ore,a ndK oboA be. long-mismsoitnhgea rn ds istaenrda; n a ginsgi m­ pletcoanl lNeadb taw,h on everre covefrreodam wartiamfflei ctiaonndn owi sd rawtno warKda fka HarukMuir akamAift'estr h eQu ake; DDaannccee forr easotnhsa lti,k teh em ostb asiacc tiviotfi es DancTeh;eE lephVaannti sHhaersd;- BoWiolnedde r­ dailliyf heec, a nnfoatt hoTmh.e iord yssaesmy y,s ­ lanadn dt heE ndo ft heW orlNdo;r wegian Wood; teritoout sh ema si it st ou si,se nrichtehdr oughout Soutohft hBeo rdWeers,ot ft hSeu nS;p utnSiwke et­ byv ivaicdc omplaincdem se smerizeivnegn Ctast.s hearUtn;d ergroAu Wnidl;Sd h eeCph asaen;d T he andp eoplcea rroyn conversatai gohnoss,t like Wind-UBpir d Chroniacrleae v ailaibnVl ien tage pimpe mploay Hse gel-quportoisntgi at fuotree,s t paperbaasci ksV, ni taMguer akaams ie,l ecotfih oins harbosrosl diaeprpsa renutnlayg esdi ncWeo rld fineswtor k. WarI Ia,n dr ainstoofrfi mssh( anwdo rsfea)lf rlo m thes kyT.h eriesa b rutmaulr dewri,t thh eid entity Translfartoetmdh Jea panbeysP eh ilGiapb riel ofb otvhi ctainmd p erpetraa rtiodrd le-tyheits , alonwgi tehv erytehlisniegse, v entually answered, jusatst hee ntwindeeds tionfiK easfk aa ndN akata Jackpehto togrbayGp ehosSff p ear areg raduarlelvye alweidto,h n ee scapihnifgsa te SculpbtyuE ries Thaik aoka entiraenldy tohteh geri veafn r esstha ornth iosw n. Jackdeels ibgyCn h iKpi dd Extravaignia tnastc complishKmaefknaot n,t he � Shordei sploanyeos f t hew orldt'rsug lrye astt ory­ 52595 tellaettr hseh eigohfht i pso wers. AlfrAe.dK nopPfu,b lisNheewrY ,o rk 1111111111111 111 Alsboy H arukMiu rakami Fiction Aftetrh eQ uake DanceD ance Dance TheE lephaVnatn ishes Hard-BoiWloendd erlaannddt heE ndo ft heW orld NorwegiWaono d Soutohf t heB ordeWre,s to ft heS un SputnSiwke etheart A WildS heeCph ase TheW ind-UBpi rCdh ronicle Nonfiction UndergrouTnhde:T o kyoG asA ttacakn dt heJ apanePssey che Kafkoan t heS hore Haruki Murakami Kafkoan t heS hore Translfartoetmdh eJ apanebsyPe h ilGiapb riel ThiIs sa BorzoBio okP ublishbeydA lfrAed.K nopf Translation cop2y0r0i5bg yhH ta'"r ukMiu rakami Titlpea gea rtK:u mamoto2'"0 04b yI riWse instein Allr ighrtess ervuendd eIrn ternataionndPa aln -AmeriCcoapny rigChotn ventions. Publishientd h eU niteSdt atbeysA lfrAe.dK nopfa, d ivisioofRn a ndomH ouseI,n c., New Yorka,n di nC anadbay R andomH ouseo fC anadLai miteTdo,r ontDoi.s tributed byR andomH ouseI,n c.N,e w York. www.aaknopLcom Originaplulbyl ishienJd a painn t wov olumeass U mibneo K afukab yS hinchosThoak,y oi,n 2 002. Copyrigh2t0'"0 2b yH arukMiu rakami. Excerfprto mE lektirasf romP aulR ochet'rsa nslaotfit ohnep lay. KnopfB,o rzoBio oksa,n dt hec olophaorne r egistetrreadd emarokfRs a ndomH ouseI,n c. Thibso oiksa w orokf fi ctiNoanm.e sc,h aracbtuesrisn,oe rsgsa nizaptliaocneesvs,e, n atnsd,i ncideenittsh er arteh pe roduocftt h aeu thoirm'asg inaotrai rouens efidc titiTohuesa luyt.h ours'eos fn ameosfa ctupaelr sons (livoirdn ega dp)l,a caensd,c haracatreiern sc idetnott hapelu rpoosfet sh pel oatn,da rneo ti ntentdoec dh ange theen tirfiecltyi ocnhaalr acotfte hrwe o rokr t od isparaangyce o mpanoyri tpsr oduocrts se rviTcheisbs.o ohka s notb eepnr eparaepdp,r ovoerld i,c enbsyea dn yp ersoonrcs h aracntaemresid n t htee xtth,e siurc cesosro rs, relactoerdp oreanttei ties. LibraorfyC ongress Cataloging-iDna-tPau blication Murakami, Haruki, [date) [Umibneo K afuka. English) Kafkoan t hes hor/eH arukMiu rakam;i translabtyeP dh ilGiapb riel. p. cm. ISBN1 -4000-4366-2 I.G abrieJl.P, h ilipI.IT .i tle. PL8S6U.6 73U482 005 89S.6'3S-dc22 2004048907 Manufactiunrt ehdeU nitSetda toefAs m erica PublisJhaendu a2r4y2, 0 05 ReprinSteevdeT ni mes NintPhr intDiencge,m b2e0r0 5 Kafkoan t heS hore TheB oyN amedC row soy ou'arlesl e fto mro neyt,h ent?h"eb oyn amedC rowa skisnh itsy pi­ casll uggviosihc Teh.e k inodf v oiclei kweh eny ou'jvues wto keunp andy oumro utsht ill feealnsdd uhleBlau.vth y e 'jsu sptr etendHien'gs. totaalwlayk Aes.a lways. In od. "Howm uch?" Ir evitehwen umberisnm y head".C lotsoet hirtyh-ufinvder iendc ash, plusso mem oneyIc ang eftr oamn A TM.I k nowi tn'osta l otb,u ti ts hould bee nougFho.rt het imbee ing." "Nobta d,t"h eb oyn amedC rows ay"sF.o trh tei mbee ing." Ig ivhei ma nothneord . 'Tmg uesstihnigis s n't Chrmiosntemfyar so mS antCal aus." "Yeayho,u 'rrieg hItr ,e"p ly. Crows miraknsd l ookasr oun"dIi. m agiynoeu 've sbtyar ritfleiddnr ga w­ ersa,m I r ight?" Id on'sta ya nythiHneg k.n owwsh osmeo neyw e'rtea lkianbgo usto, therneo'n se edf oarn yl ong-winidnetde rrogaHtei'ojsnu ssg.ti vimneg a hartdi me. "Nom atteCrr,o"ws ay"sY.o rue alnleye tdh imso neayn dy ou'groei ntgo geitt -begb,o rroowrs, t eIatly.'o su fra thsem ro'neys,ow hoc arersi,g hGte?t youhra ndosn t hamtu cha ndy ous houlbdea blteo m akei tF.o rt het ime beinBgu.tw hatt'hspe l aanf tietra' lsgl o neM?o neyi snl'itkm eu shrooimnas for-esittd oesnj'utsp to pu po ni tosw ny,o uk nowY.o u'nlele tdo e ata,p lace tos leeOpn.e d ayy ou'groei ntgor uno ut." 'Titlh inakb outth awth ent het imceo mesI,s "a y. "Whetnh tei mceo mesC,r"o wr epeaatsis fw, e ighitnhge sweo rdisnh is hand. In od. "Likbeyg ettai njgoo br s omething?" "MaybeI, "s ay. Crows hakheissh ead".Y okun owy,o u'gvoeta lotto l earanb outth e worlLdi.s t-ewnh atk inodf j ocbo uladfi fteen-yeakri-dgo elitdn s omef ar­ offp lachee 'nse vebre ent ob eforYeo?uh avene'vte finn ishjeudn ihoirg h. Whod oy out hingko'isn tgoh iryeo u?" Ib lusahl ittIltde o.e snt'atkm eu cht om akem e blush. "Forgietht,e "s ay"sY.o u'jruesg te ttsitnagr atneddI s houldlna'aytl t lh is depressstiunofgnf y ouY.o u'avler eaddeyc idwehda yto u'groei ntgod o,a nd altlh atl'esfti s t os etth ew heeilnsm otioInm .e ani,t y'osu lri fBea.s icyaolul y gotgtoaw itwhh ayto ut hiniksr ight." Thatr'isg hWth.e na lilss aiadn dd onei,ti sm yl ife. ''It'elyllol u o net hintgh,o ugh. You'trohe a vgteoo gi enatgl otto ughiefr youw antto m akei t." 'Tmt ryimnygb estIs, a"y . 'Tms uryeo ua reC,r"o ws ay"sT.h elsaes fte w yyeoarus'g voet taew nh ole lostt ronIg'evrge.o tto h andi tt oy ou." In oda gain. "Butl etf'asc ie-t you'ornel fiyf teeCnr,o"w g oeosn ." Youlri fej'uss t beguann dt heraet 'osno ft hinogusti nt hew orlydo u'nveev elra iedy eosn . Thingyso un evecro ulidm agine." Asa lwaywse,' rsei ttbiensgi edaec oht heornt heo lds ofianm y father's studCyr.o wl ovetsh es tudayn da ltlh el itotbljee cstcsa ttearreodu ntdh ere. Now he'tso yiwnigt ah b ee-shagpleadps asp erweiIgfmh yt f.a thwears a t homey,o uc anb etC roww oulnde vegroa nywhenreea irt . "ButI h avteo g eotu to fh ereI,t "e lhli m".N ot wow ayasr ounidt ." "YeaIhg ,u esyso u'rrieg hHte.p "l actehsep aperwebiagchoktn t het able andl inksh ahnidsbs e hinhdih se ad".N otth artu nnianwga yg'osi ntgos olve everythIid nogn.'w ta ntto r aionn y oupra raodrea nythibnugtI, w ouldn't counotn e scapitnhgips l aciefI w eryeo uN.o mattheorw f ayro ur unD.i s­ tancmei ghnto ts olavney thing." Theb oyn amedC rowl etosu tas igthh,e rne satfi sn gerotnie pa cohf h is closeeyde lainddss peatkoms e frotmh ed arknweistsh in. "Howa bouwte p laoyu rg ame?h"es ays. "Alrli ghIts ,a"yI c. l omsyee yeasn dq uiettalkyae d eebpr eath. "Okapyi,c tuatr ee rrisbalned stohrems ,a"y" sG.e etv erytehlisnoegu to f youhre ad." Id ow hahte s aygse,et v erytehlisnoegu to fm yh eadI.f orgwehto I a m, evenI.' ma totballa nTkh.e nt hinsgtsa trots urfaTchei.n gtsh a-ta sw es it heroen t heo ld lesaotfhiaenm r y f athesrt'usd y-booftu hsc ans ee. 4 "Sometifmaetsie sl ikae s malsla ndsttohrtamk eepcsh angidnigr ec­ tionCsr,o"ws ays. Sometimfeast iesl ikae s malsla ndstotrhmak te epcsh anging direc­ tionYso.uc hange dirbeucttt hieso ann dstcorhma syeosu Y.o ut urang ain, butt hes toramd jusOtvse.ra ndo veyro up latyh iosu tl,i kseo meo minous dancwei tdhe atjhu sbte fodraew nW.h y?B ecautshei sst orims ns'otm e­ thintgh abtl ewi nf romf aarw ays,o methitnhgah ta sn othitnogd ow ith youT.h isst orimsy ouS.o methiinngs iodfye o uS.o a lylo uc and oi sg ive int oi ts,t erpi gihnts itdhees torm, cyloouseriy negas n dp luggiunpyg o ur earsso t hes anddo esng'etti na,n dw altkh rouigths, t ebpy s teTph.e re's nos unt herneo,m oonn,o d irectnioos ne,n soeft imeJ.u sfitn ew hitsea nd swirluipn ign ttoh es kyl ikpeu lveribzoende s. Tthhaetk 'isn do fs and­ storymo un eedt oi magine. Andt hat's wehxaatc dtIol I.yi magianw eh itfeu nnsertlet chiunpgv erti­ cally alt ihkiec k Mryo peey.ea sr e cltoisgehhdat n,d s cuopvpeemrdy e ars, sot hosfien eg raionfss andc an'btl owi nsimdee. T hes andstdorramw s steadcilloysI ec ra.nf eetlh ea iprr essoinnm gy s kiIntr. e alilsgyo intgos wal­ lowm e up. Theb oyc allCerdo ws oftlrye sath sa ndo nm y shouldaenrdw, i tthh ta thset orvma nishes. "Form nowo n-nom atter what-gyotot uob' evt eh ew orldt'osu ghest fifteen-yeTahra-tot'lhsdeo . n lwya yy ou're gtoosi unrgv iAvned.i no rder tocl ot hayto,u 'gvoett ofi guroeu tw haitt m eantso b et ougYho.u f ollow­ ingm e?" Ik eempy e yecsl osaendcld ontr' eplIyj .ut sw antt os inokf ifnt os leleipk e thihsi,hs a ndo nm ys houldIeh rea.tr h fea iflnutt toefwr i ngs. "You'groei ntgob et hew orldt'osu ghfiefstte en-yeaCrr-oowwl hdi,s"p ers asI t rtyo f alals leeLpi.kh ee w asc arvitnhgew ordisna d eebpl utea ototo n myh eart. Andy our ealwliyl hla veto m akei tt hroutghha vti olemnett,a physical, symbolsitco rmN.o mattehro wm etaphysoircs aylm boliitmc i ghbte , maken om istaakbeo uitt i:tw ilclu tt hrouflgehs lhi kae t housarnadz or bladePse.o plwei lbll eetdh eraen,d y ouw ilbll eetdo oH.o tr,e db lood. You'clalt cthh abtl ooidn y ourh andsy,o uro wnb looadn dt heb lood ofo thers. Ando ncet hes torims o veyro uw on'rte membehro wy oum adei t throughho,w y oum anagetdo s urviYvoeu.w on'etv enb es urei,nf act, 5

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