DAMTP-2006-104 Kac–Moody Algebras and Controlled Chaos Daniel H. Wesley∗ Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 OWA, United Kingdom (Dated: 4 November2006) CompactificationcancontrolchaoticMixmasterbehavioringravitationalsystemswithp–formmat- ter: we consider this in light of the connection between supergravity models and Kac–Moody alge- bras. We show that different compactifications define “mutations” of the algebras associated with the noncompact theories. We list the algebras obtained in this way, and find novel examples of wall systems determined by Lorentzian (but not hyperbolic) algebras. Cosmological models with 7 a smooth pre–big bang phase require that chaos is absent: we show that compactification alone 0 cannoteliminatechaosinthesimplestcompactificationsoftheheteroticstringonaCalabi–Yau,or 0 M theory on a manifold of G holonomy. 2 2 n a INTRODUCTION Klein compactifications: quantum effects, fluxes, D– or J M–branes, orbifolds, conifolds, etc., are not included, 4 though it would be interesting to discover how these af- Ithaslongbeenknownthatgravitationalsystemstyp- 1 fect our conclusions. We also work in a free field ap- icallyapproacha bigcrunchchaotically–a phenomenon proximation,butevenifpotentialsareincluded,theonly 3 sometimescalled“Belinskii–Khalatnikov–Lifshitz(BKL) possibilityrelevantforchaosappearstobeamattercom- v oscillations”or“Mixmasterbehavior”[1]. Spacetimebe- 2 comes highly anisotropic,andthe directions andratesof ponentwith P >ρ [7], as requiredby the cyclic universe 2 [8]. Most other interactions [9], as well as matter with contraction(andexpansion)oscillatechaoticallyuntilthe 3 P <ρ, are irrelevant near a big crunch. big crunch is reached. This phenomenon deserves study 0 1 for several reasons. For one, it is quite common among 6 suitably general solutions of the Einstein equations near 0 spacelike singularities. Also, the study of supergravity THE WALL SYSTEM / h models in this regime has revealed algebraic structures t that are related to a conjectured underlying U–duality - We first review some essentialfacts regardingthe wall p symmetrygroupofMtheory[2]. Lastly,avoidingchaotic systems corresponding to gravitational theories, follow- e behavior is essential for any cosmological model with ing [3]. We study cosmological spacetimes with string h a pre–big bang phase; the universe must enter the ex- : frame metric v pandingerainanearlyisotropicandhomogeneousstate, i X which seems unlikely after a chaotic epoch. d Herewecharacterizethechaoticpropertiesofthelow– ds2 =−N2e−2β0(t)dt2+ e−2βi(t)[ωi]2, (1) r a energy supergravities obtained from simple compactifi- Xi=1 cations of the heterotic string and M theory. We begin inwhichspatialcurvatureis includedthroughthe choice with the remarkablefact thatthe dynamics ofthese the- of ωi = ωi (x)dxj, and d = 9 or 10, depending on oriesintheBKLlimitiscontrolledbytheBE andE j 10 10 whether we are studying a ten dimensional superstring Kac–Moody algebras [3]. This structure is invariant un- theory or eleven dimensional supergravity. In the su- dertoroidialcompactification[4],butnon–toroidialcom- perstring case, we define β0(t) = 9 βi(t) + 2Φ(t), pactificationchangesthestandardpicture[5]bydeleting i=1 and fix N = nexp −β0 , while forPthe M theory case andadjoiningrootsofthesealgebrasaccordingtosimple rules. Each compactification thereby produces a “muta- N = nexp − 10(cid:0)βj (cid:1). In either case, we will refer j=1 tion” of the original algebra. We apply this fact and ob- to the varia(cid:16)blesPβµ with(cid:17)µ = 0,...,9 or 1,...,10 as re- tain novelexamples where the dynamics is controlled by quired. The spacetime action becomes Lorentzian algebras that are not hyperbolic, previously seenonlyinEinsteingravityinspacetimedimension≥11 η dβµdβν µν S = −nV(β) dt, (2) or when the noncompact spectrum is constrained as in Z (cid:18)2n dt dt (cid:19) [6]. We also list the compactifications for which chaos is suppressed: these provide a set of potential cosmological where η is a flat metric of signature (−+···+). The µν models whose pre–big bang phases are free of chaos. effects of p–form energy densities, spatial gradients, and Inthepresentwork,weconsideronly“simple”Kaluza– curvature in the physical spacetime are thereby encoded 2 in the Toda–type potential Betti numbers chaotic? num. of Λ∨ that are: “root b b b s–like null t–like system” 1 2 3 V(β)= |cA|exp(−2wAµβµ) (3) + + + yes 0 2 8 BE10 XA 0 + + yes 0 3 7 DE 10 + 0 + yes 0 2 8 BE for the motion of the point βµ(t) in an auxiliary space- 10 0 0 + no 1 8 1 G+E(1) time. The {wA} are “wall forms,” indexed by A and 9 with components wAµ. They are determined by the p– + + 0 no 5 2 3 X10 form menu, and each corresponds to a Kasner stability 0 + 0 no - - - G+X1′0 condition [1, 3, 5]. The coefficients cA depend on the + 0 0 no 5 2 3 G+B9 initial energy densities in p–form fields, curvature per- 0 0 0 no 1 1 8 AE 9 turbations, spatial gradients, and other contributions. TABLEI:Summaryof thecompactifications oftheheterotic Itisconventionaltosimplifymattersbyrestrictingour theoryonM . VanishingBettinumbersaredenotedbya“0,” attention to a smaller set {r } ⊂ {w } of “dominant 6 A A non–vanishing ones with a “+.” “G” denotes a gravitational walls,” which are not hidden behind other walls. In the wall form that,whendeleted,leavesaremaining root system case of superstrings and M theory, the Cartan matrix of Lie type. Two previously unnamed root systems appear, AAB = 2(rA ·rB)/(rA ·rA), computed using the natu- denoted X10 and X1′0. The b1 = b3 = 0 examples possess ral metric η on the β–space, is precisely that of the special properties as described in thetext. µν E and BE Kac–Moody algebras [3]. The dominant 10 10 walls play the role of simple roots of the algebra. For the E and BE cases, the point βµ(t) is trapped by original algebra. There is no a priori reason that spe- 10 10 the dominant walls,and so the correspondingstring and cial properties of the dominant wall set should survive Mtheorymodelshaveonlychaoticsolutions,undergoing compactification, and in the next section we will give an infinite number of BKL oscillations as they approach examples where the new wall systems do not define an the big crunch. algebra. Anaturalquestionarises: cancompactificationremove enough walls to allow non–chaotic solutions to a previ- COMPACTIFICATION AND MUTATION ously chaotic theory, such as string or M theory? This was addressed in [5], where some non–chaotic solutions were found. Here we will give a more complete answer, Compactification changes the wall system associated using the “coweights”Λ∨A introducedin [3]. If the {r } with a given theory. To see why, consider that when A arelinearlyindependentandcomplete,thecoweightsare spacetime is non–compact, each p–form posseses a spa- defined by the condition r Λ∨Bµ = δ B. The region tially homogeneousmode that cangrowrapidlynearthe Aµ A farfromthe wallsis thengivenbythe coneW+ oflinear big crunch. These modes correspond to dominant walls combinations of coweights with nonnegative coefficients. and are responsible for chaos. The wall system is un- Non–chaotic solutions of (2) are null rays whose veloci- changed by toroidial compactification [3, 4], but it was tieslie inW+. Thesesolutionsexistonlywhenthereare shownin[5]thatcompactificationonmoregeneralmani- both spacelike and timelike coweights; thus proving the foldscanavoidchaosbyforbiddingthespatiallyhomoge- existence of non–chaotic solutions reduces to computing neousmodesofsomep–formfields. Theenergydensityin the norms of the coweights. the remaining modes scales like dust or radiation, which are irrelevant during a contracting phase. The influence of compactification on the wall system HETEROTIC STRING AND M THEORY is expressed by a “selection rule” [5]: If a Betti number b of the compact manifold vanishes, then remove from j {wA} all p–form walls arising from the electric modes of We now possess the tools required to describe the a j–form or the magnetic modes of a (j−1)–form. (We chaotic properties of a theory, given its p–form menu take the “p” in “p–form” to be the number of indices and the Betti numbers of its compactification manifold, on its gauge potential.) There is a corresponding rule which we now apply to the supergravities obtained from for gravitational walls, which we will not employ here. the heterotic string and M theory. For each theory, we The selection rules are subject to a genericity assump- begin with the full set of billiard walls as given in [3, 4]. tion that the compact manifold M does not factor, both We then remove walls in accordance with the selection topologically and metrically, as M =M ×M . rules described in the previous section and in [5], and 1 2 Since compactification deletes walls, it modifies the find the new relevant walls. From these we calculate the dominant wall set. If the Cartan matrix for the new new coweights and new Cartan matrices, which deter- dominant wall set obeys the generalized Cartan condi- mine the chaotic properties of the compactified theories tions[10],itdefinesanewalgebra,the“mutation”ofthe as per our discussion above. 3 BE E 10 10 DE10 b1 = 0 G + E7+++ b3 = 0 BE10 b2 = 0 AE10 b3 = b4 = 0 FIG.2: TheDynkindiagramsappearinginthecompactifica- G + E9(1) b 1 = b2 = 0 tion of M theory. affine (E(1)), and finite (B ) type. X b = 0 9 9 10 3 Compactification provides novel examples of systems where the dynamics is controlled by algebras that are Lorentzian but not hyperbolic – i.e. the simple root G + X1’0 b1 = b3 = 0 Grammatrixhas signature (−+···+), but deleting any single node does not yield a finite or affine algebra. The relevantnewalgebrasareX andX′ inFigure1. They 10 10 G + B9 b 2 = b3 = 0 are examples of the “very extended” Lie algebras of the type studied in [11], with various possible central node assignments. The appearance of these algebras is no- table, since previous examples of algebras arising in the AE9 b1 = b2 = b3 = 0 BKL limit have all been hyperbolic, except for the AEd serieswith d≥10for pure gravityin (d+1)dimensions, andsomeLorentzianalgebrasobtainedbygeometriccon- FIG. 1: The root systems arising from the compactification straints on M theory fields [6]. of the heterotic string on a six–manifold. There are two un- namedranktendiagrams,denotedX andX′ . “G”denotes Special care is required when all three Betti numbers 10 10 a gravitational wall. vanish, for the relevant wall set is linearly independent but incomplete. We can recover the coweight descrip- tion by introducing a (spacelike) covector Λ∨ such that The results for the heterotic string are summarized r Λ∨µ =0 for all A. The Λ∨A are then determined up Aµ b in Figure 1 and Table I. We assume compactification to Λ∨A ∼Λ∨A+kAΛ∨ for constantskA,which wefix by b on a six-manifold, which has three relevant Betti num- requiring η Λ∨AµΛ∨ν = 0, which amounts to minimiz- µν b bers b1, b2 and b3, and therefore eight possible vanishing ing the norm of the coweights. Now by analogy to the Betti number combinations. Our results indicate that usualcasewecantrbeatΛ∨ asacoweightandwritepoints controlled chaos requires either b3 or both b1 and b2 to in W+ as λΛ∨+ AλAbΛ∨A, with λA ≥0. Since λ may vanish. This agrees with numerical searches for Kasner take any value, WP+ is no longer a cone. Nonetheless, solutionswithcontrolledchaoscarriedoutbytheauthor. Λ∨ isspaceblbikeandthereforenon–chaoticsolutionsbexist. Theformulationreportedhereinissuperiorto thatof[5] When only b > 0, the dominant walls are not linearly b 2 and the numerical search since we can say definitively independent,andsoacoweightdescriptionisimpossible: that these are the only solutions with controlled chaos. however it is clear that this compactification has non– Significantly, Calabi–Yau compactifications, which have chaotic solutions since the b =0 compactification does. 3 b1 = 0 but b2,b3 > 0, appear incompatible with con- Wenextconsiderelevendimensionalsupergravity. The trolled chaos. resultsareshowninFigure2. The chaoticpropertiesare A wide variety of root systems arise from compactifi- entirely controlled by two Betti numbers, b and b , and 3 4 cations of the heterotic string. While the original wall in compactifications to four dimensions we have b = b 3 4 system is described by a Dynkin diagram, one sees from byPoincar´eduality. Thereforetheonlyrelevantalgebras Figure1thatthispropertyisnotsharedbyallofthewall for compactification to four dimensions are E (when 10 systems after compactification. However,a valid Dynkin b >0) and AE (when b =b =0). E+++ was found 4 10 3 4 7 diagramis always obtained by omitting a single gravita- to control the dynamics of an M theory truncation in tionalwall. Thediagramssoobtainedincludealgebrasof [6], though via a different construction and without the Lorentzian (X , X′ ), hyperbolic (BE , DE , AE ), additional gravitationalwall present here. 10 10 10 10 9 4 Our results imply that chaos can be controlled if b = model with a smooth pre–big bang phase. 3 b = 0. This yields AE , which is Lorentzian (but not ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4 10 hyperbolic)andpossessesspacelikecoweights. Thisisex- pected: with this compactification the massless bosonic We are grateful to Marc Henneaux and Daniel Pers- sector is identical to vacuum Einstein gravity,whose bil- sonformany useful comments,assistancewith terminol- liard system is described by AE10 and is not chaotic [1]. ogy,identifyingtheE+++ algebra,andforpointingouta 7 numberofinterestingreferences. Weenjoyedsomeinfor- mativeconversationswithMalcolmPerryandNeilTurok CONCLUSIONS regarding Kac–Moody algebras and their significance in physics during the later stages of this work. We thank We have studied how compactification influences the Katie Mack for a careful readingof this manuscript,and algebraic structures controlling the dynamics of string LathamBoyleandAndrew Tolleyfortheir commentson and M theory models near a big crunch. 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