KABBALAH AND EXODUS zev ben Shimon Halevi Kabbalah and Exodus z' ev ben Shimon Halevi Kabbalah and Exodus t 1980 SHAMBHALA BOULDER Shambhala Publications, Inc. 1920 Thirteenth Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Cl 1980 by Warren Kenton All rights reserved published by arrangement with Rider & Co. Distributed in the United States by Random House and in Canada by Random House of Canada Ltd. Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Kenton, Warren. Kabbalah and Exodus. Includes index. 1. Bible. a.T. Exodus-Criticism, interpreta tion, etc. 2. Cabala. I. Title. BS1245.2.K46· 222'.1206 80-50743 ISBN 0-87773-185-3 (pbk.) ISBN 0-394-73950-7 (Random House) For Mosheh &bbenu Contents List oj Figures II Preface 13 Introduction IS I General Kabbalistic Scheme 19 INCARNATION 2 Prologue Genesis 29 3 Bondage of Body Exodus 1 3S 4 Birth of Consciousness Exodus 2 38 SLEEP AND AWAKENING S Initiation: Personal Exodus 2 43 6 Moment of Grace Exodus 3 49 7 Moment of Decision Exodus 3-4 S3 8 Moment of Hesitation Exodus 4 S6 ACTION 9 First Reaction Exodus 5-6 61 10 Phenomena Exodus 6-7 64 II Ph}"$ical Resistance Exodus 8-9 69 8 Contents 12 Breakthrough Exodus 10-12 72 13 Start ofJ ourney Exodus 13-14 75 14 Point of No Return Exodus 14-15 78 REBELLION AND RULES 15 Regrets Exodus 15-16 83 16 Beginning of Discipline Exodus 16 86 17 Refreshment Exodus 17 89 18 First Battle Exodus 17 93 19 Teacher Taught Exodus 18 96 INITIATION 20 Preparation Exodus 19 101 21 Revelation Exodus 19 104 22 Instruction on Divine Exodus 20 109 23 Instruction on Man Exodus 20 112 24 Rules Exodus 20-3 lIS 25 Vision Exodus 24 1I9 26 Ascent Exodus 24 122 KNO WLEDGE OF EXISTENCE 27 Readiness Exodus 25 127 28 Divinity Exodus 25 133 29 Creation and Spirit Exodus 25 136 30 Wodds within Wodds Exodus 26 141 3I From Heaven to Earth Exodus 27 144 KNOWLEDGE OF MAN 32 Human Hierarchy Exodus 28 151 33 Levels in Man Exodus 28 154 34 Degeneration of Knowledge Exodus 29 158 35 Regeneration of Knowledge Exodus 30-1 162 36 Day of Recreation Exodus 31 165 REVOLT 37 Defection Exodus 32 171 38 Inner Conflict Exodus 32 177 39 Justice and Mercy Exodus 32 180 40 Consequences Exodus 32-3 185 Contents 9 EXPERIENCE 41 Ulumination Exodus 33 191 42 Enlightenment Exodus 34 194 43 Radiance Exodus 34 198 WORK 44 Organization and Direction Exotius 35 205 45 Construction Work Exodus 36 208 46 Architect Exodus 37 2II 47 Material and Skill Exodus 38-9 214 48 Assembly and Consecration Exodus 39-40 217 Epilogue 225 Glossary of Kabbalistic Terms 229 Index 231