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Preview k patogenu Xanthomonas vesicatoria

Mendel University in Brno Faculty of Agriculture Department of Crop Science, Breeding and Plant Medicine Resistance of edible tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to the pathogen Xanthomonas vesicatoria Thesis supervisor: Author of the thesis: Ing. Jana Víchová.Ph.D. Vedran Milosavljević Brno 2012 1 STATEMENT I declare that I have worked my diploma thesis independently, and I used only source, that quote and mention in the attached list literature. I agree, that the diploma thesis be enclosed in the library of Agricultural faculty, Mendel University in Brno and available for the purpose of education. Day…………………………………………….. Signature of student…………………………… 2 LETTER OF THANKS I would like to thank my thesis supervisor Ing. Jana Víchová, Ph.D. for professional leadership in solving the problems related to my diploma thesis, for interesting, time and suggestion during the writing. I thank my parents, who are supported me and helped during the study. 3 ABSTRACT Resistance of edible tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to the pathogen Xanthomonas vesicatoria The aim of research was to determine the level of virulence of four Xanthomonas vesicatoria strains for further resistance tests of ten tomato varieties to this bacterial pathogen. The high level of virulence was determined in strains LMG 934 a CFBP 2537. The varieties Start and Pedro showed the highest resistence to bacterial spot. On the contrary, the varieties Pavlína, Toro, Stupické polní rané and Zlatava were evaluated as highly susceptible. The varieties Darinka, Denár, Šejk and Semaprim could be considered as moderately susceptible. Key words: bacterial spot, Xanthomonas vesicatoria,virulence,resistance. ABSTRAKT V roce 2011 byla v laboratorních podmínkách hodnocena virulence čtyř kmenů Xanthomonas vesicatoria a rezistence 10 odrůd rajčete. Nejvyšší hladina virulence byla zjištěna u kmenů LMG 934 a CFBP 2537, střední hladina virulence byla zjištěna u kmene LMG 667 a nejnižší u kmene CCM 2102. Kmeny s vysokou hladinou virulence byly použity v testech na rezistenci. Z testovaných odrůd poměrně vysokou hladinu rezistence ke X. vesicatoria vykazovaly odrůdy Start a Pedro, naproti tomu nízkou hladinu rezistence vykazovaly odrůdy Pavlína, Toro, Stupické polní rané a Zlatava. Střední hladinu rezistence vykazovaly odrůdy Darinka, Denár, Šejk a Semaprim. Klíčová slova: bakteriální skvrnitost, Xanthomonas vesicatoria, virulence, rezistence 4 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................7 2. AIMS OF DIPLOMA THESIS.........................................................................9 3. LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................10 3.4 Diseases of tomato.....................................................................................10 3.4.1 Bacterial disease.................................................................................10 3.4.2 Basic characteristics of phytopathogenic bacteria..............................11 3.4.3 Development of disease in plants.......................................................12 3.4.4 Dissemination of the pathogen...........................................................13 3.4.5 Symptoms caused by bacteria.............................................................13 3.4.6 Diagnosis of disease...........................................................................14 3.4.7 Control and management of bacterial disease....................................14 3.4.8 Bacterial pathogens of tomato............................................................15 3.5 Bacterial spot of tomato............................................................................26 3.5.1 Taxonomy...........................................................................................26 3.5.2 General characteristics of the pathogen..............................................26 3.5.3 Host of the pathogen...........................................................................28 3.5.4 Symptoms of the pathogens................................................................28 3.5.5 Epidemiology of the pathogen............................................................29 3.5.6 Isolation and identification of the pathogen.......................................30 3.5.7 Management and control of pathogen................................................31 5 4. THE AIM OF PRACTICAL WORK..............................................................36 5. METHODS AND MATERIALS....................................................................37 5.1 General part...............................................................................................37 5.2 Virulence of strain Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria...................38 5.3 Determination of resistance at selected varieties of tomato to the Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria........................................................39 6. RESULTS.......................................................................................................41 6.1 Assessment of virulence to the strain Xanthomonas vesicatoria..............41 6.2 Determination of resistance to the Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria on selected varieties of tomato.....................................................43 7. DISCUSSION.................................................................................................47 8. CONCLUSION...............................................................................................49 9. LITERATURE................................................................................................50 10. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL........................................................................57 6 1. INTRODUCTION Plant pathology is defined as the study of the organisms and enviromental conditions that causes disease in plants,the mechanisms by which this occurs, the interactions between these causal agents and the plant (effects on planth growth,yield and quality) and the methods of managing or controlling plant disease. It olso interfaces knowledge from other scientific fields such as mycology,microbiology,virology,biochemistry and bioinformatics. Plant disease caused by biotic and abiotic factors represente a significant problem in intesive agricultural production and garden production. Despite the progress of phytopathology, activities of experts and producers,and a large number od preparations for plant protection,we are still witnesess by temporary occurrence of certain disease with significant intensity. Their occurrence causes multiple effects,including the reduced of economic effects of productions,loss of yield and quality. However,we are often confronted with the consequences occurred indirectly as a result of inappropriate or excessive use of chemicals preparation for plant protection and their negative influence on humans and environment. Because of this imperativ of research in plant protection need to ensure effective shield to protect the plant from causal agents in order to achieve high yields,with preservation of human health and nature. One of direction in finding solutions is also finding alternatives to not use chemical substances for protection of plants,because the chemical substances are potential contaminants of food and life environment. We need to ensure equally effective replacement for chemical substances and find new solution which will be environmentally acceptable and economically justified. Recent research indicate that among the biological agents,widespread in the nature,exist organisms with parasitic and antibiotics potential which can be effectively used in plant protection. Phytopathogenic bacteria,according the dangers they represent in production,take place at the top of the list causal agents of plant diseases. So far is 7 known about 1600 species of bacteria,of which about 100 are inducers of plant diseases (Agrios,2005). Their control represents a great challenge in agricultural practices,especially under conditions favorable for the emergenceand spread of infection. Control populations of phytopathogenic bacteria based on the prophylactic and therapeutic measures of struggles. My diploma thesis was done as part of project: NAZV Mze ČR QH 71229 “Diagnostika a metody integrované ochrane rostlin proti karanténním a dalším ekonomicky významným patogenům plodové a listové zeleniny”. 8 2. AIMS OF DIPLOMA THESIS Obective of diploma thesis „Resistance of edible tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to the pathogen Xanthomonas vesicatoria”are: • Preparation of literature review • Inoculation method for evaluating the pathogenicity • Determine the level of virulence strains of Xanthomonas vesicatoria • Determine the level of resistance in selected varieties of tomatoes 9 3. LITERATURE REVIEW 3.4 Diseases of tomato 3.4.1 Bacterial disease Today in modern agricultural that we could understand how plant disease develop and function, we need to understanding the taxonomy of plant pathogenic organisms. This is very important that we understand their biology and the best way to control disease (Steven et al., 2007). The causes of disease that occurs in plants are very similar to human and animal disease in their development. Sources of disease in plants can be different such as: pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, protozoa, nematodes and environmental conditions. Plant pathology is the study of plant disease. They study the pathogenic of microorganisms and abiotic factors which causes plant diseases, the mechanism of their occurrence, interaction between causal agents and diseased plants, and finding measures for their control (Agrios, 1997). Bacteria as plant pathogens can cause many disease, ranging from spots, mosaic patterns or pustules on leaves and fruits, or smelly tuber rots to plant death, hormone based distortion of leaves and shoots called fasciation, or crown gall, a proliferation of plant cells producing a swelling at the intersection of steam and soil and on roots (Sarah et al., 2011). Today the most important bacterial disease of tomato is: Bacterial canker (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis), Bacterial speck (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato), Bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria), Tomato pith necrosis (Pseudomonas corrugate), (Steven, T. K et al., 2007). 10

effective replacement for chemical substances and find new solution which will be environmentally acceptable and Gram-positive bacteria are classified within the Phylum Actinobacteria, or Gram- negative in the for manual and mechanized harvesting especially in lighter soil, with water shortages
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