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Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary PDF

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"Enterta.i.n.i ng Insigihntthsoo wt hemi nd ofa c reatdievvee lowpoerrk s." -Newsweek LINUS TORVALDS Creatoofr LINUX and DAVID DIAMOND JustF UfNo r or THE STORY OF AN ACCIDENTAL R EVOLUTION ARY LINUST ORVALDS, CREATOR OF LINUX, AND DAVID DIAMOND HARPER "ltsh Lei nuRxev olutOivero"nb eginonnip nagg1 e8 6i sr eprifnrtoZemDd N et, Augu2s6t,1 999w,i tpherm issiCoonp.y r©i g1h9t9 9Z,D NetI ncA.l lr ights reserved. JUSFTO RF UNC.o pyr©i g2h0t01b yL inuTso rvaladsn dD aviDdi amond. Al{r ighrtesserv ed.P rinitnet dh Uen itSetda toesfA mericNao.p arotft hibso ok may beu seodrr eprodiunac neymad n nerw hatsowevietrh owurti tptermeinss ion excienpt th cea soefb riqeufo tatemiboonsd iiencd r itairctailacl nesdr eviewsF.o r informaatdidornHes asr perColliPnusb lisIhnecrJ.Os,E as5t3 rSdt reNeewt , YorNkY, J0022. HarperCollbionosmk asy b ep urchfaosered du catibounasli,no erss asl,pes r omo­ tionuasleF .or informatpiloeans wrei teS:p ecMiaarlk eDtesp artmHeanrpter,­ ColliPnusb lisIhnercJs.O ,E as5t3 rSdt reNeewt Y,o rNkY, 10022. FirsHta rperBusipnaespser bedaictki pounb li2s0h0e2d DesigbnyFe rdi Mtezt sch TheL ibroaryfC ongrhesascs a talotghhueae rddc oevderi taisfo onll ows: TorvalLdsi,n u1s9,6 9- jusfto fru :nt hset ooryfa na ccidenrtaevlo lutiIoL nianryuT so rvaladnsd DaviDdi amond. p. cm. ISBN0 -06-6620(7h2e-)4 1.T orvalLdisn,u 1s9,6 9-2.C ompuptrero grammers-Finland-Biography. 3.L inuIx.D. i amonDd,a viId.I T.i tle. QA76.2.TT6677 2 001 005.1'092-dc21 (BJ 00-054199 ISBN0 -06-6620(7p3b-k2. ) 12R RD1 211 ToT ovea nPda trDiacniliaaae,,n Cde leIs tael.w aytsbo e w anted surroubnyyde odu wnogm eny,o muaa ndeid st o . ToT iaan Kda lBeyoyd .oI fe ebll essed. Thiwsod un'lqtu alaisafy c knegodmwelwnittsh tohduert oi pnopgfs ome ipmortnaanmte s,g oseos :h ere Wea ckneodowgeule rid tAodr,r iZaanc khwehicoma ,vi entdoo u erv ery dmean;d ERriiconhw tn,h Heap rerCoallsisniessd tiawtnhowtora mso re ont oopft hpirso tjhecawtnew eroeua;rg eBnlltiGs l,a sdtoofnW aet er­ siPdreo ductKiroiDnsas h olfIa CnMdw, h coo lud'nhta ves epbeedeine r int hfeor wardofio nucgrh etcuoks Ss;a rTaorv aldwshh,o a tsh bee st bacpk umeomnot ryhFe e onsncapnednsiiuanl a-oaepnrda tes in three langsu-aangdWe illiaamn Rdu tDhi am,ow nhrdoea td hoer iginal mancursiapnktde rppetea ti"nNgor,,ea lliyst,g ' oo"d. Myh eartw asi nm yt hrowahte nh ew asg rowiunpg:H owo nE artwha s heg ointgom eeatn yn icgei rtlhsaw ta y? -AnnToarv alds Inrtoductino: Post-iftrso ma Revolutino Duritnhegepu hoorfti hafie n ayle aorfts ht ew encteinettauh ry , reuvtoilwoahnsa ppenaimnogan llgt hoet hreeurvt oilSoenensmg.il y overnigthhLtei, n ouepxr atsiysntge mt hwceoa rulagdth'tts e Inhtt aido n. epxlofdroemtd hsem ablle droofio tcmsr eatLoir,nT uorvsa ldtso, attract ac ulftollioswhio nfn ge ar-mgieleSikutdsdae.nn itlwt ya isn fitlitnrag thcepo orrpaotwee rhousetshp elc aonFnerttoarp.m oa llriotfnoy gni et nocwo unmtielldio ofun sseo rnes v ecroyn tiinncleunAdtin,tan rgc tica, anedv oeunts aepcrie fy, o cuo uNnAtS Ao utpNoosottny swl .a istt h e mocsotm moopnetr isanygs rtuenmn sienrvcgeo rm pduithseirnsga llto huet conotnet nhWteor lWdi dWeeb ,b uittv se drye vpemlemonotd el-an intrwiecobafi ttoesw n, enchoumrnpedaodftsss hi nogus so fav nodlunteer comppurtoaegmrrm ser-hagdr otwbone ctohmleea rcgoellsatb orative proijnte hcheti sotfto hrywe o rlTd.h oeep ns ouprhcieplh obyse ohiiatnll d wassi mIpflnoerm:a tiinot hnci,as ts hese o ucrocodeerb a siincs tructions behtihnoeedp r astyisnstghe ombu,fel re dae n fdre eslhya frorea dn yone itnereisnitp merdo vuiponnig tB .ut th oismep rovsehmoeaunllbtsdeso freeslhyra eTdh.se a mceoc nehpatsd up porcteendt oufsr ciieedsni ctsoificv ­ ery.N owi wta fisn dianh go mient hcepo orrsahpteera eni,dwt a s possi­ blteo imiatpgsoi tneeans atf irmaaelw oforrc kr eatthbieen osgft anythali engsgat:tlr e agayno, ep ra. Sofmolek csa uagg hlti mopft shfeeut uarnedd i 'dltni wkhea t thseya wL.i nruosu's,bn edspeccotuancltebeden caaanf macveeo rdaerdt ­ boatradr getM iwciftrt Cohospirooanrt iwohni,wc ahns o fwac ewdi tiht s firhsto ne-sgto-otcdoonmepsest itBiuvtme,o rotfteehn pr,ee oawptal.ne t ed tloe amronra beo tuhktei w dh of-h iedi d sntoaitrat tll -atl east ix jump-sitatan wrdat sie,nefd fe cti,tl sea dTehr.te r owuabstl,hem e o re succLeisnsaufnxuod lp s eonu brecceat mhleeeh, se ws a nttteoad al bko ut itT.ha ecc idenrteavlo lusttiaoLrnitanebryude x c paluasyeoi nanc go m­ putweafrsu (na nadlb seoc tahuaesl et erwneartteihnvaa'etttst ractive). Sow hesno metorniteeco do nvhiintmcso ep eaatakm ajeovreb nytt e lling hitmh haitms i lliooffno sll ojwuewsratsn ttaeotd l easesheti mi,nt he flesLhi,ng uos� d-noaffteutrrpoeea ddr ltyii cnaid puantke- tank instead. Thawto ublemd o fruehn ee, x plaAinndawe ad.oy rf a ismionnegy . Thedye.cl iInwtea d.s tnh'eitid orehf ao twro u anr evolution. Revolutairoebnnoa'rRrtnei .ve osl cuatnbi'epot ln asn Rneevd.o lu­ tiocnasnb 'emt a naged. Revolhuatpip.oen.ns . . -DavDiida mond x ]11sftor F 11n X-Authentictaion-Warning: penguin.transmtea.com: torvalds ownedp rocessd oing-bs Date: Mon, 18 Oc1t 9991 4:12:7-20700 (PDT) From: LinuTso rvalds <[email protected]> To: David Diamond< [email protected]> Subject:Ho humm. . MIME-Version: 1.0 I hope this iss till your emaila ddress.I noticed that Id idn't have any contacti nformationf ory ou anywhere, probablyb ecause I'ev trashedy our business carda long with allt he others, and becausey ou've actualyl contatced me by phone much more than by email. I've thoughta loto ver the weekend, and yiofu 're interested, I thiIn'k mg etting more and more inter­ ested. Let'sc ut a deal: If you thinwke can make a fun book, anmd ore importantliyf you thiwnek can have fun makingi t, let'sg o for it. You'dd rag me (with family) camping and (withoutf amily) skydiving. Things that I wouldn't ever do otherwise, just becauseI think I'mt oob usy. Give me ane xcuse to do the thingsI haven'td one duringt he lastt hreey ears even though all the opportunitiesa re ther.e . So. maybe I wouldn'tr eada book aboutm e when it'sd one, but atl eastI 'dh ave fuwni th it. Linus ..A.n ds ometriemveosl,uj tuigsoetsnt ta urwciiketi sht . LniuTsorv alds xi

"I was a nerd. Geek. From fairly early on. I didn't duct-tape my glasses together, but I might as well have, because I had all the other traits. Good at math, good at physics, and with no social graces whatsoever. And this was before being a nerd was considered to be a good thing."In this witty and
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