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Just Enough Election Fraud, A 2020 Executive Summary PDF

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Just Enough Election Fraud, A 2020 Executive Summary  “A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.” —Dr. Joseph Goebbels   Introduction Elections are the hallmark of democracy, but this only works if they are honest. The 2016 vote was one of the most honest elections in recent history and a huge shock to the Democrats who always assumed they had it sewed up via their deeply placed fixers. Allegations were of blaming it on Russians instead of just part of their own ineptness. There are confidential sources that say what really happened involved careful intelligence monitoring of the HRCfake win over Sanders to discover the exact mechanism she used, followed by a form of cyberwarfare to remove access later when she tried to use it on the Trump campaign. By contrast, in 2020 the Democrats had to pull out all the stops, every trick they knew to guarantee a win. To Democrats the idea of a 2020 stolen election is a Big Lie, to Republicans the announced win is a Big Lie. We live in a society where conflicting news and social media can push people further apart. Like the Civil War the population is forced to choose between choices with unhappy consequences. Only today the number of choices doing the pushing has expanded to a much larger panorama. We see discrepancies in media voices, political voices, medical voices, entertainment voices, racial voices, legal voices, academic voices, technical voices, even food voices. We come to feel that half the people around us are lying to us and cannot be trusted. The focal point of these disagreements is the use of the media to create and perpetuate the divisions. People with money and power who control the media substantially affect the way international decisions are made, what is legal or illegal, how the economy is run, how people make a living, who they have as friends, even whether they can go to church or not. The turncoats who choose money over ethical conduct may find they are now overnight billionaires as long as they toe the line. Over 500 people became overnight billionaires as a consequence of the COVID fiasco. People's minds get so tied up with the cycles of media distractions and name-calling they become so tangled that they cannot or will not step back and try for a bird's eye view of what is going on. The globalists want international power of all lives (blue narrative), the nationalists want local control of their personal lives (red narrative). So simplistically speaking this short chart illustrates how this interlocking mesh hashes out: Polarity Narrative Matrix  Factor  Blue  Red Leaders  Biden/Obama/Pelosi/CIA Trump Family/NSA  Mouthpieces  MSM (CNN, MSN, NYT,et al) FoxNews, WND, Examiner Election  Free and fair Stolen ‐ NWO/deep state actors Donald Trump  Sore Loser President in Exile  Brandon  Champion of Democracy Traitorous Chinese fool/puppet Hunter  Innocent victim $$$ laundering drug addict Hunter’s Laptop  Russian disinformation Dumpster full of dirt  Borders  Wide open to good and bad Screen the flow  Epstein legacy  Jeffrey who? More than just dirty pictures Corruption  Who me? It’s everywhere, it’s everywhere COVID  Dangerous pandemic Hyped curable flu  Fauci  Faithful public servant Greedy liar, genocidal maniac Democracy  But this is an EMERGENCY! Our rights suspended indefinitely National unity  Divided we fall into fear United we stand in greatness Pizzagate  Fake news nonsense Satanic pedophiles at work Spygate  More nonsense Durham still talking to juries MSM  Best source of truth Den of fake presstitute stories Race and gender  Racists & terrorists abound New arrival hit list members Character smears  Those liars are despicable Hate speech blocks free voices Ofr Sicknick death  From fire extinguisher Natural heart attack days later Censorship  Protects us from red lies End of free speech amendment Mass Psychosis  No such thing Sheep are on the garden path Technocrats Galore  BigTech has rights too Need modern Bill of Rights Fact checkers  Our facts are the only truth Soros funded narrative echo Democratic Party  Shining stars of goodness Liars, cheats, thieves, traitors Partisanship  Reds lies are biggest danger Blue lies are biggest danger Trafficking  Never seen abuse/slavery Officer viewers commit suicide Arrests/Convictions Head for the open borders Chessboard in motion Qanon drops  Conspiracy fruitcakes Military intelligence clues UFOs  Could invade & kill us all Helping us to drain the swamp Ukraine  They’re all helpless victims Surgical hits / mafia scrub/biolabs Russia/China  Russia is our enemy China is our enemy  Economy  Moving right along Why is gas/food so expensive? Climate Change  Can’t live without it Politicized fake science Public awakening  Things just fine as they are How many eyes have to open? Critical Race Theory  Black Nationalist? White Nationalist?  Martial Law  Who says so? You’ll find out Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth –Albert Einstein The Mainstream Media (MSM) Not only is the media a focal point of power, the way it is now being used in the U.S. changed during the Obama administration in a unexpected detrimental way. For decades we have been guilty of political and economic manipulation of many smaller surrounding countries by extensive propaganda, economic and social meddling in elections, wars, and resource theft under CIA control. Obama signed a bill that made it legal for these honed skills to be used within U.S. borders against our own citizens. That means the CIA MK-Ultra media mind control manipulation could now turn our population into mass psychosis victims ala Joseph Goebbels, a globalist dream come true. It worked like a charm. A slow process of acclimation turned the MSM audience into an obedient blue channel and split the consciousness of the nation as never before with its fabricated news. So this is the point where the reader needs to pause and reflect, an inner soul searching about whether you find yourself a dyed-in-the-wool blue narrative believer. If you are unable to stand back and see how this happened and whether you would be able to try to recalibrate your truth detector. Evidence-based listening could turn your trust in personality journalism to flip if you go that route. There are many books available these days on news reporting that evaluate/criticize MSM techniques like True or False; A CIA Analyst's Guide to Spotting Fake News by Cindy Otis. Victims become addicted to trigger words that evoke an instant emotional reaction. If you can challenge yourself to make a list of such words as if you were the one writing the copy to sway the audience, it could bring a new perspective. If you are unable to see any truth in the listed items from the red narrative, it may be too late. Reflect that it could ultimately affect your job, your health, your friendships, your lifestyle, your family, who you believe and who you don’t. We are entering an arena where people’s true colors are showing where they were not visible before. Watch closely and ask is this the life you signed up for. Each day, inch by inch, keep watching. Can you see motives that were hidden before that are visible now as journalists and office-holders explain or refuse to explain what is really going on in a way that is believable or not. For example, is the effect of a new announced policy on the economy to make it stronger or weaker? The most important tipoff is the fear factor, is this person just trying to scare me into thinking some new kind of bug is more terrible than me losing all my civil rights and maybe even all my income. How many billions of dollars has this or that person already made or will this person now make if they keep getting their way? Follow the money. We cannot understand the media portrayal of election integrity as a standalone issue. It is part of a weave of many factors in a stressed-out society pulled out of shape that involve many factors.   Axiom Motives:  Globalists want more of the loot while keeping out of jail, more money, more power. Nationalists want the loot back and more of them in jail to restore democratic rule. Each has a great need for an election win to sustain itself. For Democrats winning an election is no simple matter especially if your position is at very low ebb. It will take a huge effort, lots of money, long-term planning and a malleable population that will jump whenever the media says jump. The Republicans had a very strong, actually unbeatable, candidate with a good campaign. The Democrats were sunk without buying lots of corrupt aces in the hole.  The core element was the psyop media full of fabrications and smears to divide us  The next card was the COVID hyped by the media to build mass hysteria/compliance  The third was lots of money to pay/blackmail a corrupt election infrastructure   It was never about COVID Covid was a key element in a much bigger master plan, years in the making, to destroy human rights and thus the Constitution that had to be bashed by electioneers in their efforts to fiddle ballots. In COVID 19 And The Global Predators, We Are The Prey Dr. Peter Breggin pulls back the curtain for all to see the whys of these depopulation machinations like: ■ Distribute mRNA and DNA vaccines that killed lab animals and now humans? ■ Give so much power to Dr. Anthony Fauci? ■ Impose draconian closures on our society and economy? ■ Disproportionately harm or destroy small businesses and churches? ■ Make us wear masks and distance ourselves from each other? ■ Exaggerate the death rate from COVID-19 to frighten us? ■ Hide the high and growing vaccine death rate from all of us? ■ Make experimental "vaccines" that turn our bodies against ourselves? A second authoritative list includes items like: 1. Eliminate record economic gains 2. Eliminate record unemployment gains 3. Shelter Biden from public appearances, limit public exposure of his mental condition 4. Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure / narrative change 5. Shelter Biden from public debates 6. Delay [D] convention for strategic take-over of nominee post conf 7. Eliminate or delay POTUS rallies 8. Eliminate ability for people to gather & divide them 9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures] 10. Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method , bypass NSA election security 11. Push state bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items 12. Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position to regain leverage 13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obedience] 14. Test conditional limits of State authority by Governors and mayors [to alter voting laws at the last minute] 15. Test conditional limits of Media/social censorship RFK Jr. reports in The Real Anthony Fauci how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts used their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi- governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent. Most specifically he says in an interview “I think what's happened in this country is this bizarre imposition of totalitarian controls, the deconstruction of the Constitution, the rise of censorship, the rise of a suppression of religious freedoms, property rights, closing a million businesses without U.S. compensation or due process, the abolition of jury trials, which are guaranteed by the 7th Amendment for any vaccine company that hurts you, all of it, and the rise of a kind of track and trace surveillance state has been troubling to people,…” “James Madison, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson all said, we put freedom of speech in the First Amendment, because if a government can get rid of that one, then they have license to commit any kind of atrocity they want. If you can't criticize them, they’re going to destroy you and going to expand their power till there's nothing left for you.” “And so during that first year, we literally got rid of every amendment to the Constitution except the Second Amendment. It's the only one that's left. And what I tell people is ‘we have to love our freedom more than we fear a germ.’” So that takes care of two of the three. The mainstream media did its job, the COVID mavens like the FDA, CDC, NIH and Big Pharma did their job, that leaves the fixers to finish the job. Corruption “Let me count the ways” —William Shakespeare There are more puppets are out there selling their soul than you could possibly imagine, hundreds of thousands of them, at least in the U.S., alone. From street beggars to the head of SCOTUS and a long series of governors and presidents beholding to the likes of Jeffrey Epstein. If you had a problem, he would know who to fix it. Corruption is a very messy business and the higher you go the more your stomach needs to be able to handle. Genocide aka depopulation is at the top of that list. It is the blood sport, piled with body bags. Next is the real meat of our little dissertation here on elections. Once the basic pieces are in place the ballot traffickers get to do their job so the MSM can pretend to be reporting the truth to the unawakened. The election puppets, including governors on down, prep the state system for the forthcoming illegal vote by creating unauthorized illegal “emergency” provisions such as not requiring voters to show an ID at the polls, blocking off poll watchers into distant pens so they cannot question or watch the proceedings up close, turning off security cameras so there will be no legal record of what went on, mass mailings of unrequested ballots to voters, counting extra hidden illegal freshly printed ballots after hours that were shipped in from an outside supplier, violating the required ballot retention time making an audit impossible, having police on hand extra friendly to those in office. Such may be done at the last minute so there would be no way for the legislature to object or appeal the unconstitutional activities. There is no shortage of ways to count ballots the wrong way at the street level: •  Submitting stolen ballots from mail boxes   •  Forging voter signatures on candidate ballot qualification petitions  •  Voting in someone else’s name in person or through absentee ballots  •  Registering and voting under a false identity or in a district where the individual does not actually  reside  •  Submitting fraudulent, altered, or forged absentee ballots  •  Registering in multiple locations within a state or in different states to vote multiple times in the  same election  •  Voting even though they’re not eligible because they’re felons or noncitizens  •  Paying, coercing, or intimidating people to vote for certain candidates All these methods were described in the recent documentary movie 2000 Mules produced by filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza about the fine points of cheating that were detected. Let’s focus on summarizing the findings of that documentary which is rich in street-level detail for some high points: Dinesh: Elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. They are the mechanism by which the American people choose who is going to rule on their behalf and for their interests and welfare. Without elections, there would be no way for the American people for us to exercise our legitimate sway on the future direction of this country. In the movie Dinesh starts by showing a set of MSM news clips illustrating the tenor of the election coverage, particularly the stolen election “Big Lie” name-calling. His lead question “But is it a Big Lie? Is it a lie at all?” sets forth the raison d’état for the rest of the documentary. He connects with Catherine Engelbrecht, founder and president of TrueTheVote., a non- partisan fair elections public watchdog organization. She has partnered with Gregg Phillips, an international election intelligence consultant with decades of experience to look into the 2020 election for hard evidence of fraud. They present Dinesh with a summary of evidence they found based on extensive analysis of cell-phone data they purchased for the election period in swing states combined with official security camera footage of the ballot depository boxes obtained from the state of Georgia. Gregg presents Dinesh with his findings in a series of case by case examples where the footage exactly matches the conclusions indicated by the activities of fraudulent activity indicated by the cell phone data. He is able to trace the tracks of over 2000 hired “mules” who start at NGO ballot trafficking stash house distribution points and then drive one-by-one to a series of ballot deposit boxes where they stuff stacks of ballots in each one. They spend the day doing this starting each route from a different distribution point for each route. He is able to use the data to present it in an animated way for the benefit of easy viewing during the movie. This methodology was used for data from the states of Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. “In no state in America is it legal for nonprofit organizations to collect ballots and pay mules to deliver them to mail-in drop boxes.” These acts are crimes in all cases. Such NGOs are funded by deep pocket moneymen like “ZuckBucks” and Soros. Dinesh: Now we come to the most important question of all was the magnitude of vote trafficking in these key swing states enough to tip the balance in the 2020 presidential election? Let's first narrow in on just our 2000 mules. Their average number of drop box visits. 38. Their average number of illegal ballots deposited per visit five. That's 380,000 illegal votes. “But no one thinks that our 2000 mules were the only mules trafficking illegal votes to widen the search. Greg and his team lowered the criterion from ten or more to five or more drop boxes. This revealed a huge upsurge in the number of mules from 2,000 to 54,000 mules. Next, they used a very conservative estimate of just three ballots for drop box visit. Now, when we multiply this increased number of mules times, the five drop box visits per mule times just three illegal votes per drop. We find election fraud on an astonishing scale. In Wisconsin, 83,565 illegal votes were trafficked. In Georgia, 92,670, in Pennsylvania, 209,505, in Michigan, 226,590 and in Arizona, 207,435. “Using this calculus, Trump would have won all the key states and the final electoral vote 305 to 233.” After the vote count analysis he shifts to testimony from whistleblower Heather Mullins, and a second informer in Arizona. He then interviews an expert witness who is a former member of the Federal Election Commission, Hans von Spakovsky in the light of his findings. Hans tells us “But unfortunately, this is so common in some parts of America, particularly the Hispanic community, that they have a special name, they call them politicaroes.” Hans: Fraud happens often enough that elections get overturned. I mean, just go back three years to 2018 and a congressional race was overturned. I can cite to you another case in Mississippi. It was just overturned by a court because of fraud. Same thing in Florida. But look, that's just the tip of the iceberg. A segue to another expert witness Scott Walter tells us more about who pays the bills for all this corruption. Dinesh: We now know where the ballots could have come from, but to pull off a heist like this on a national scale would take deep pockets. I wanted to find out where the money might have come from, who could have funded the heist. I met with Scott Walter, an old colleague of mine at the American Enterprise Institute, who is now head of the Capital Research Center. … Dinesh: Now, let's talk about some of the key elements of this particular network that we're focusing on. We have we have drop boxes. And those drop boxes are, most people would think, funded entirely by the states. In other words, the drop boxes in Georgia are funded by the state of Georgia. But that's not entirely the case, is it? Scott: In the 2020 election, there was an unprecedented hundreds of millions of private dollars going into government election offices. The 470 million or so dollars were sent by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. In closing the interview: Trump clip: They're sending millions of ballots all over the country. This is going to be a fraud like you've never seen. Dinesh: Trump predicted it. He said the Democrats are going to cheat, that they're going to use the pretext of COVID, they're going to rig the rules in their favor. Nevertheless, Republicans focus their efforts on the campaign while Democrats focus their efforts on the process of actually running the election. Scott: The two sides don't approach elections in the same way. The Democrats, they understand that the rules, the process by which elections are conducted is just critical. Dinesh: We must now face the chilling reality. The Democrats conceived the heist. They funded it. They organized it. Then they carried it out. They rigged and stole the 2020 presidential election. We cannot be okay with this. We cannot simply move on. The fix was in. In his moving closing to the film he continues: Dinesh: Without free and fair elections we are not a democracy. We are a nation run by a criminal cartel masquerading as a democracy. Never in U.S. history has a presidential election been as thoroughly corrupted by coordinated fraud across multiple states, as we now know took place in 2020. Today, totalitarian regimes camouflage their fake elections with the appearance of democracy. But they're not real democracies. We don't want to join them. Our elections must represent the will of American citizens. We who believe in constitutional democracy must be diligent. If we give up, they win. In fact, if enough of us give up, they won't need to cheat anymore. Don't stay home. Get involved. Get out and vote. Do what is necessary to save this great country. The America we love needs us now more than ever. DINESH D'SOUZA has had a prominent career as a writer, scholar, public intellectual, and filmmaker. Born in India, D'SOUZA came to the U.S. as an exchange student at the age of 17 and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth

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