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Jurassic Origami PDF

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EDWIN EE © 199E3dw iEne Publisbhye d HeiaInn ternatiIonnca.l West Street 1815 205" Suit#e3 I0 TorranCcAe 9, 05I0 Web site: www.heian.com E-maiald dress: [email protected] Origiendailt ipounb lisbhyeS dN PP ublishPitneLg t dS.i ngapore Allr ighrtess ervNeod p,a no ft hipsu blicamtaiyo nb e reproduscteodr,ie nda r etriesvyaslt eomrt, r ansmitted ina nyf orm ora nbymy e anse,l ectromneicch,a nical, photocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwiwsiet,h opurti or pennissoifto hne p ublishers. Covedre sibgynA lbert Tan H1ustratbiyoA nlsv iEen, Kent Goh anSdo hHP oeohn FirAsmte ricEadni tion 1998 9899000102987654321 ISBN 0-89346-861-4 PrintienSd i ngapobyrC eh ongM ohO ffsePtr intPitneLg t d $or8h an --- ----- ..... - - - -- - - -- - ------- --- - - -- - --- - - - - -- -- - -- Preface Alolfu sw,h etyhoeuron rog l adr,ee n thrbayl ldeidnW oesa arfuear ssc.i bnyta hteeemdv, ew nh ewne cant'eatl l frmo a Howevtehra,tn onku sm erdoiunso bsoaouokrust t h ere Diplodocus Brachiosaurus. anfdli mlsi ke wea rsel obweliyen xgp otsoe,de dauncdaa btoe(udut s umaulcllhay t er JurassPiacr k, thoauncr h ildtrhweeon ro)kfp, a laeonatnotdlh oeagisirts otnsii nsshiiagnshg ht tosodw i nosmaauyr s havlei vaenddd i ed. Ih ope thwiisil snlbo omwoeak ay d tdto h iene rteistnth e"stee rlriirzbdalwseh" i ocnhcr eo amed the eamritlhly ieoaanrgs o . 65 Contents Introduction 1 GettSitnagr ted 2 BasFiocl dsB aasneds FoldSiynmgb ols 7 Valley Fold 8 MountFaoilnd 8 ReveFrosl(ed1 ) 8 ReveFrosl(ed2 ) 8 CriFmopl( dI ) 9 9 CriFmopl (d2 ) CriFmopl (d3 ) 9 CriFmopl( d4 ) 1 0 CriFmopl( d5 ) 0 1 CriFmopl d I I (6) RabbiFto-leda r 1 2 SinFko l(d1 ) 1 3 SinFkol d (2) 1 4 15 SquaFsohl d PetFaoll d 16 PerlinamriBya se 1 7 OffPsrete limBiansaer y 1 8 • Bird Base 19 FroFgo ld 20 Frog Base 22 23 BoFxo ld Tail Base 25 HadroBsaasuer 29 DinoMsoadure ls 35 Tyrannosaurus 44 Compsognathus 57 DiplodocaunsdA patosaurus 66 Ceratosaurus 72 Allosaurus 79 Megalosaurus 85 Deinonychus 90 Coelophysis 96 Velociraptor 130 Brachiosaurus 101 Camarasaurus 151 Trircaet ops 132 Stegosaurus 1 3 1 Saurolophus 193 Parasaurolophus 164 Lambeosaurus 194 Iguanodon 165 Stegoceras 126 Pteranodon 107 Dimetrodon MakiYnoguO rw nD ionsaPuarr k 177 ApproxDiimnaaotuDseri mensions 1 8 1 PapSeirzt eoU se 128 Refeenrces 138 Introduction coverosft hmeo erp opudlniaors aaunrrdse lpetlsii vdiunrgti hnJegu raasnsdi c jllrasOsriicg a/lli 20 Cretuasc epoeArlilom dosd.ea lroser igwionraaklns sd o moeft herme quaib rimeto rper actice 20 befyoorcuea gne tth ermi gBhymt a.k isnlgim gohdti fitcota htei omniosntd hebilossoy ko suh ould bea btloem a kmea nmyo roefy ouorw nd inomsoaduetrloa s dt doy oucro llection. Asm osdti noslaouaorlksi ( kee. g. and yosuh opualyd TvrannosaurAulosls,a urusC erataousrus), careaftutlet nomt iiondnoe rtI washi e mna kitnhgee m.,sg h.ao pfte hh ee ad, tohftih jceak wlne,en sgst h otfh teaa in bdo dpyo sture. Sokmneo bwalacebkdoggturehdto ei u nnodes .awguh.re, ti hiteas v r i cious I hunotdreo rc vielgee tlarargaiena dn ,l umobrse mraailnnsldgp eewdiyhl,elt l rpe menydI.o usstlr ongly reocmmetnhdya oti un vienss ot mdei nobsoaou(krpse r fertahbolwsyie tp hl eonftp yi ctfuorre s) reefnercTeh.aw ta yyo u ccoamanpr yeo ucro mplweotroekjfd o wyi tthhp ei ctiuntr hbeeo oakn idn, doisnopg.e rhuanpdse rwshtyya onudr loolkisaks ea d-lookingi nstead Tyrannosaurus Hadrosaurus ofth fei efrlcees h-tehaetriiowtnpaog sd meant to be. Inc reamtyi nmgo mdyee lmsp,h aitssmoi a sk teh erme alIit shtitinhcikia.s sv eriymp ortpaonitn t iw ea rteoe ncoutrhaaergo tefo rigPaemoip.l ien tleoirsyfeeo ssu ht o twh ema mabni guous-looking r , ' modaenlcd a ilatl jubsetc aiuhtsa tesh rheoer An cso.n seqoutfeh naictset eamrtp eitas lm Triceratops itsh maots otfm y moadremela sdw ei tthwp oi eocfse qsu paarpere art thheaarsn i npgileeTc hei.s enabmlete gos i tvheme o deatl hsr deiem-enspiroonafanitldloie n ucdlmei ndoert wahiilmcsah k teh e modesloms u cmho rree alPiusrtimisacty. s f corauytl ptrhaicsbt uiIttc hei,tn hkaa slt o nags ayroeu abtloef oalm do dweiltj hus t tposa tpawerirtta hnh da veen joyyoeudlr ifsnte hper octehsetsnh, e esseonfoc rei ghaambsie e cna ptured. Witthh iIws i,sy ho guo oldu cikny our feonlddeianvMgoa uyyr osu.r loolkia kne Iguanodol1 anydo ur a Mosotfa l.ld. o.n f'otr geentj yotoyou rself. Igual1odon TyrannosaurTuysr annosaurus. I GettiSntga rted IIy'o ua rea beginnaetro rigamIis .t rongsluyg getshta yto ur eadt hrouBgahs iFco ldasl lBda ses (page7s t o3 1)t og eta cquaintedt hwevi atrhi ofuosl dbse foraet tempttihnemg o delIs.ti s f rustrating wheny oua reh all'wmaayk inag 1 110delh aavnetd o rebfaecrkt ot heb asisct eptso see ah Io'wo ilsd executOendc.e y ouc ani ntuitidvoea lr ye verfsoel dc,r ilf1o1lpad n ds infko ldy,o uw ileln joly1 1aking them odelwsh.i cihs w hato rigaimsia bout run I Fort heex perienpcaepdef ro lder,sjkuismtt h routghheB asiFco ldasn dB asesse ctitoosn e eiI t'h ere area nyI 'olodrbs a setsh aatr en otf amiltioayr o u. aIllnli kelihyoooud wiblefl a miliarf owlidbtshu t kn owt hemb yd i I 'rerneanmte s. WhatT ypeo fP apetro U se I Anyt ypoef papeIr' iiFnsoe r.p ractice purspuogsgeessy.to uu set hjeu nkm aitlh ayto ug eti ny our letterbRouxm.m aget hrougyho urs tudyY.o um ight foilndpd h otocopnioetde wsh icha reA 4 size (21x0 297m m).J ustte atrh emi nt2o1 -cms quar(ewsh icihsw hatu sem ostltyh roughtohuitbs o ok). I Whenm akinagd inosapuarr ku,s et hiccko lourpeadp e(rv anguasrhde eatrswe a yt oot hickNe)v.e r mindiI i'ti sc olouroendo nes idoen lyT.h icpka pearl,t houhgahr dteorf oldw,i lgli vyeo umro delmso re "bodya"n dt het hree-dimenesfifoenicastld efinietaesliyte ora chievTeh.es tiffnoefts hsep apewri ll alloywo umro deltsos tanodn t heiIr' eweitt,th h e toaliTlrsgh reo unWdi.p et hpea pewri tahd amp cloth tos oftietni ly'o ur inidtt ooh artdo f old. Nearlaylt lhed inosamuord elisn this book farroelt 1wl1op1 i1eacdoeefs s quarpea peOrn.e p iece isu sedt om aket heh eadT.h eo thepri eciesu sedt om aket heb odya ndt aiTlh.e h eadi s usumaaldley I'roal s1m1a llpeire coefp apetrh atnh et ai(lw ith etxhcee ptoifoB nr achiosauntTsh)ed. i fferpeanpte r sizeasr ei mportant il't oym oauk eaw maondte lt haits p roportionate. Making DinosauMro dels YOUl- Iti si mportarnhtay to um aket hesteh remeo delfsi rst: T\lranl1usauff.ls • Compsognalhus • Diplodocus • Thesmeo delcso vearl tlh et ypeosf foltdhsa yto ua rel iketloey n countSeirn.ct eh eot hedri nosaur modelasr eb aseodn t hesteh re1e1 10dyeolusw ,i lfli ntdh ei nstructeiaosnitseo rf olloown cey ouh ave mastermeadk in gt hesteh remeo dels. TheD inosauHre ad Ify oul oockl osealtpy i cturoefds i nosauyrosu, wiflilnt dh atth eayl slh arsei milbaord ys hapeTsh.e differeinsic net he hePaady.c arefautlt enttiodo ent ailliskt eh el engtofht heh eads,h apoef t heh ead, thicknoerst sh en ecka nd thicknoefsts h el owejra w.T heym akea loto fd ifferetnoct eh ef inal appearaonrcy eo ur1 110del. Gettitnhged etIasic orredcetp endasl ootn t hep ositionsa ngalneodfs y oufro ldWsh.e nm aking anyC ol(de .agr .e verfsoel odr c rimfpo ldl)o,o ckl osealtwy h erteh ef olidst ob em ade.A nalysyoeu r resualntd a sky ourself, "Dhoeeasdl otohtkeo ol ongA?r et hel egtso ot hin?a"n,ds oo n. 2 TheD inosauBro dya ndT ail Thbeo doifdeis nos(oafru rmtsah titesev rea,nn imaarlvese )rs yi milarg.r oCusephrsats raieimr ni la cahracstteircis. Thbeo doifle asr tghee roep.ogd.s , and TyranllosaAullroussa,u rCuesr,a staourus Megalosaurus, arsei mri:sl tarboancgpk osw,e rlfeaugnlst d al is. Thel arsgaeu roep.ogd.s . and have DiplodocAupsa,t osaurCuasm,a rasaurusB rachiosaurus, bulbkoyd ieelse.p hlaneatgnisvdn e erl yo ntga ils. Theo rnithoep.ogd.s , and have ParasauroloSpahuurso,l ophLaumsb,e osaurus Iguanodon, simiboldasyrh aptoet shle ra gteh eroepxocdfesopt rth heu ncbhaecdak nsdd fi fenrtbe odpyo stures. Thes matlhle rohpaovdes b tohdiiOnea st,tb iascthkh sbi,in r dl-elaginsktd ea tihlgasit v e them ana iorfn eet-footedness. nt hbioso tkhb,eo doinfee sa arltllhyde i nomsoaduearlr msea dfeo llocweirnstgta ainnsd taerpds . I Ih avoeu tltihneessdte e ipns the mode(lr epretshelena tritgnhege roapnodd s Tyrannosaurus ornithotphoed s), mod(erle pretshesenm tatilhnleg r oapnotddh se) model Compsognathus Diplodocus (repnrteitsnhesgea uropodmsa)k.it nhWbgeho ednoi fte hsoe t hmeord eyloswu,i b lerl e fetroar neyd onoeft hetsherm eoedl es. 3

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