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Preview Juniatian Vol 92 2015 to 2016

‘gone Connor Hane rym the oder coped ‘SePRISM ser To School & ian suders tat be Hatha es Coreg Sere te erga ung Cty Pe st “The omrtehch oak pcs Sept 19 anced PRE Pe Wek Aly or gender ea bese ‘hat outing the sede” ane Kj ogg ths forte month tore Tate we sre dn if in the anise, Sedan ert rintd Tt hare sll io come ot vethabang Bangg _ up what spuked A her Ke ‘end ion ad we wo tng tnd exing dans and we tag ‘tethie woe oa en Al fle, we made thse pone ‘all tied w some people nee them know of ome ese we ba, BTC. nyo “We nl to ee ee awa suppor and aay of Je Se wid he gu otc Flamer Ker il ima Pde Weck wa fom Spel exh ay hortng So oet lair ets ‘hg sina” ad lrg iad avon 9 ppl Sow ‘porta tne? Tuodey we al 2 Saya is ‘Eos ot te She ke coat lg plea eater Steet as Tae ey emo Fiday mong, PRISM took 36 Jina ants to Washington DC to sea dag show 2 Tow Fase PRN page ies Cle itnin pe dep ey na Seeds eo sve paren $e Calg al sn ave Sonata Capen dn fara ging pe Soisanasain® orcas ‘niente coer Sethe i cs es pe hen Gio Ee cacy Be poe bag So Tow wie Sven at dy em Jn Cale Peet oT "i pre oe, sabe Ded Cacti bp ig fi den of te Set The pe hg ta ban of as il pe ae or es ‘ast Dew Sn tn Cape iT dn ‘nine ad me we ire Gee a fc cnth polinencpoo” “jt Be eye Fiat weir looking fr song tes Fie wo ing be 2d opering temo pa be vel ob apr of i Joni ‘nmi Take "The dean of sede ex ot only Become vile part ‘Be compas coment at so cenbody sole ashok 58 good for sen ees set wth tbe dean of ens, Inighing and king eo ents sed ang fon wh sens, But inthe same brent Tn tee ‘0 make ou ou long the mic Its for Jour sly a for Jourehxaton sopping sce Dean page Pope closes U.S. visit in Philadelphia Beas Misraerza Fane the 26 Pope of she Caicks Charhmieh ot ‘ppeanncein be US ower eat ‘rok of Sep Holy ope Fanci toe of or pope toast the US Altogh bef ed Wasngton, DC and New “Yk fe at a ork le in Phinipia the wesken! a s 7 i tm Sa di Pl epeghre wetjtia Ceg caet Semper et waite oer Pak Tomei oe mate ee oe ihe creat, mae dinar irafa rhe uaiesos Test ie a a ra On Say ope Fone ele bp ome aa) learn pe at Recerca faite oP, Semaacs areee 1,600 people. Sy Ba Des Phe potenr of ef on he Ropes tt the US" spe Inport when the ad fe Comes 0 he US and be Pope only head of eb ao Sotelo Cate Chachi Healy poyog oro hee” ‘id Pe "Tarai de Fe ie finpoptin ti Ame, tod ie wily adr among, Teal saoary nes dnd wenn at nee fot {tn Aree nd dt of seus" ‘Aough” posh ong many ae "cng oes wor uncatunel th n One the cee The weed seo xe by ad T we Tie bene of te Ine T Cana wach eco cen Ga sad es Sem Stem, 7 “Td oe wich the Page be cow T on Cale ld Serbomore Stephane Ringe“ ait tao nias be var a ing or wher T cdl ne 1 ined” "lmerin Philp oe 40180 ppl wen sede wen the Pope ited Inspr ee Mal hpe Hance pee ta ech fo he ome et nner Las as ‘Sie de Comey Aten, Da pe Rp Pc paste iow fen "oe Bc cutie the once of Anns lang Thr Biory in onder tad ‘pttion He do gute of ne (Sos Bay ad what ee {5 hve ftdom of sion, He Shand his etn on fees {ef eprenion ase Sato Shon wot he to ide ee fig Beles wel hepa ey Beveyibend bat tk esa Pace eos sol wo {hearmor shou ut on ‘Se Baer "thnk es ben She bare bt Tim ll ct 9 ieee? — isa othe pope Hata He excorge pe within the [ews OP KED. 5 CAMPUS SPIN 67 ARE #9 ‘SPORTS 10-1: ] 2 News ‘THE JUNIATIAN October 1,2015 Alumni, students collaborate for homecoming band performance Be Lava Serpe On Oct 4 cen band st ocean sane wil tegen the 80 Aner ‘sy Band Conc soci necoming mod Fury Wee co Te cone wl be fd in Renabene Aud 3 py sed en and cnn wa Be seal Chis Calg, ca of 94 ‘em South Coon oe of fe shot tated tis cen aa ote beet er ay wee all ely cited abot ie” “The band has pried since che Iagioning of the year and i ae opuing gest poem Aa [ertshow te harar ae ing Tiodig of rome ting tof epee wore "Tin he ining of hi con ceri ging 0 be aly fete Se wc hoe sens on ‘Spas wel ne pay wel Bare sen fer al a ng tuilng eons, sik he oppormniy eth wee vo pt pt dpc Sit moni tg sd nd Slice wht indo lass Encore, be its pokes” Fs canat have hi of Seing vy ice in cp Gabe i, “Tame tk 0, tec or fr near” aight and acy of re tow bats pla ing 18 umn Joist shod manage {© come back and vis vn fon 1 fr amy a South Caodo. Trmeap cone tack opealy thet ow ya oer ‘case ae es hat ‘stor Andie Kabech sad"You db rma gett se arn tc sant fgeber inthe band {ol thik ths concert wl eae ‘eae phono, a etsy t's pc Scored pe in Ear "ik yd held cane tee cuore tat wk act tay dow byl ‘titan Ta ar ig c Gage ByTanon Suaiswoo0 “You dot know where ye * si Ani Profsor "The Un that the pfrmes villa ut She runes come om “Zombie Tow A Door ‘etary Play Tin Bax Sa doer tee ape fae been aigned dienes vine ce Pa Rael rin ener whoa ben paring shows june Coleg nce hs fr tan es std Sone perl en the dpurment ae ging tbe ‘ning mls and he bach ‘ther peopl aging tbe da a tae sd what hie wil be, Reged "Tn ging be ne of the pope come the Sox and ping hace "Thee a ceil bx psi cesand chante bef the cent Ae; wees Utecback not sping 0 ml iver oi Tin ting ake tt ft pr {ipnts and he ance fn i work iba bet igh impacto oid ce "he ce wil gino eer tan il min the won “My lies ae pasty comet hike Theatrical zombie 5k to raise money for Huntingdon Food Pantry ‘we mighe ty go forte gos, andcombicenturaramentned ae cage o prtcpte nd Due tw ening of en, Exar wih the smb maa” cen tng epi lb ‘Raed supe Sisigh enna a al pa "he rr de icy fan un 2 2 ng tom oes epee ot otters wo pra a3 ‘Al pry wl be il Paeryperaasd axes yen tea gt fran peer thn em wy sping ep te mo te smb nat The eps oad when Untick toned I pone ap dat be wer elo, fon rm bt ante gong ‘ine Rest foe wn co ape Useback ow the which Keyan he using ub Tibcectbstaoyied “emmy cbpcioed ing bee rung icin Snes spent choo mune, he lang th ean ft abo motvatonat "The more wha te scent appced ings cen aa tkling 2 Jourmyoupickupsaaeaneg thir hie at Leer Fry whee Joian Cage Utes plas Sermy aid Uncba™ Jemiss chbe ae put co dr to we the dno tw ce he ‘Ridge eine tht he nd pay Key and he Rng ch iinlcott then wn deat ere can oan ca pt ‘Une contd the oer Ghereminicrofthemoocytethe So whueen ‘son and Rudge sd “We, ining food Paty aly Think ping to iewoddbe pata worn Albugh tis cent i xing Paps may ce peng besredhredy eel our lope ‘ry fom rnb Wit be connate ye ae pa aerbycotcng Ned UnebeckWathe socehTape Bats be Sater department dis zoie= ment nd the rneng cSt ry may ees one night pole ae down py tad themed finde” Roth ther mui tule, fey and ello ca smh conbe™ PA'S ULTIMATE HAUNTED EXPERIENCE! Fridays & Saturdays October 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 23 & 24, 30 & 31 Family Tours—11 AM—5 PM Saturday Featuring 2 Crystal Caverns—One Haunted & One Natural PLUS FAMILY HAYRIDE! ‘Pilday & Saturday Evenings 6 PHt—0:90 Pit 90 Minutes of Terror! Jn The Cave... Thru The Woods & On The Wagon FRIDAY NIGHT & SATURDAY AFTERNOON GROUP SPECIALS! 2015 ‘Always a discount for Juniata Students with 1D! Ghosts & Gobins Call 814.643.0268 for Tickets & Group Reservations 7703 William Penn Highway US. Route 22 t 3 Miles West of Huntingdon, PA Pag Get Tickets At wwwilincolneaverns.com Today! Volume 97, Issue 1 ‘THEJUNIATIAN News 3 Empty beds, smaller incoming class raises questions about tuition Sige dee amt ‘Opptngs, &Geshman sradent stung’ computer so (Bbc Te ote ihe fey al rye th ae By “Ton cons raed wih Sepa pog can oad Sa Pe eee Pours at te (Clee esd pede Satay ng ciate SS ete tr Sednnatn ter Sigreil GP "Whi se nl ag pe Solar ES Mend nal it wat eon wid ‘eae chant and afer Tas prey much ying tae moat 9 ha i fa deca forme Tot came Jas teense Tk the shoal And ot becae i wa 7 me ‘Morse thn the othe coe, ‘There aw sll clases, 4 sll sesdent bdy and eof thes ‘Thermos ert ito hes ped ta ooo $5003 enone a pages he rage! oman yet ets at sensrs em aes Feat tare pod rte Calg ate an adi gaat or tosadens” ‘Daag Pies, + sion > sori: Geman and atc ttebprane mais owe Terie an sat toa fore “he eae schoo wa fom the $112 nll endow ment which ar eal ee 2 su thelongevisyof the inion iether” ‘hee alicia intentional plan plea, ben he dipped to a freer bor 5 tng Bad Cicer da of ‘ttt imo, abr Steapy b in cp pols Pert peepreerering conidia forme Seoemyoode ovo eelog © niin mam roe Cates Hon en cial mach nas Ca tpi Spectator yn Remon er es Foci: of feo kes who rer Juniata Coleg he Fein l By Buzasern Hour The freyear Seale Phan sa J ot once = pt of the wenyear Mater as sve changes that sent a Tone forward 1. beining SOF ate hangs ecu, he there a a few ing Doon Weis ch of eso srunaos deparment ih pe hat is ew Mei aed Sao’ Ans bling ing bein back ofthe eae I po Ing be whee the tei ot fe The om cour ae gig "Kina Kopsc, «Sean sedenef'5 ets aye ‘lente need Mi As rogram af erp i Tin x reese hey penn oy ‘Weimer the ea of ‘ne ah prof the ela fi re tah {ean cours and Sige Hal When the start oe ‘we ave pone in the ner plan sep In fi, ‘THE JUNIATIAN October 1, 2015 Hunter-Kysor, Kessler aim for tolerance > form Pash page ‘ink we me oxy the doi” Se Hiner Kj a Hl Fert] ani ny TH i 2 i wai i i | is Tn ation os changes, dean_new process have been inple”_pose experience "Bvery ine iF Tecing with he eas is « tus On the web! ‘Www-standingstone coffeecompany.com ont RSEAT Toe Weng Pacicun rreunianorg ‘tentang gmalicom 5 vowumes7,1ssue1 OPINION & EDITORIAL —_TeeJowaray Out with the old, in with the reusable eco-clamshells Reflections oT roe seat 5 oe sree Se, Boner es ia peter Sa misipieac tees Suenos sees pore sn pat red eis one po Sees poe seer pee cheertyle gueieenn Si tae ies racy eerste Sage ie popes pieces ESD. & Lr etree ete ee ores Sioa Pree ener Soa eS Stead meee the amount of waste we humans “The signs ace cbviows, a does promote the com ‘sine Tes up tow a tents to tae espontty and inform ures meting many Et do eventhough we ae retevng {higher edcstion-Ina sess we te flag 0 reprseat ors ‘no: Ik re, At "The price per non-eecable shells 135 cens, ween a e= ‘able one i $5.98 This means Uae in order for the tumble fontaine have an impact they would. need to be awed roughly 44 times I ‘eenunt how many ays weaten school, t would be es forthe ‘ost of buying more expensive, emable shell be eliminated veal itmakes x hog impact aly reusble clamshels. “le 1s highiy ely hatsadents wl wash their container oot {in dorm-zo0m sins, leaving fake into potential mes" sald Yelaoiy. Tisisthe a poten of dents ot stung the shell to Soden. a mi Ss ot Pend cence it incense male aes Petre etd soir mie ise Sina a eo siweeos “acer ‘i ary rn Smee bappaleopieget serena hos seve Sy ciency et Thiet et Soot Seer ay aed Srecerg oe Pree Seo a Raed Seer Patented Smeets ef nei rds in becoming. covey ‘endian snow up tena 0 do the pre Te he job of allow unatan to ld mcf a higher standard by ‘ing insite for change Feta beter tomorow Politics, music effected by media bias ——— ‘An unrest rth i hat snort ofthe news we a oor Aly es red. Whether Set besdne on Facebok or 4 CaN bade tie aa Sie ae fly repented Ts 1s exmemely petty ling Inno sean the ct hat fcrtion runt on apace, Scie information. Dy fo iy, wwe are bombard with newt 1d opinoes planers al ert ‘i kde at ies Bele Scruily inking ito an oe sre contractions wen we Sly know cto ofthe ving in mes ike thes, ith so'much ging onan sch lage wig pe ss afomed we ca By being ier normed we ae she 12 ea beter aspires. in oie tay an at to ke pe tod change. Ath mdi bis oth Inge shocking how ro Sete may Ee een ronal candid" Bomie ‘etd i bing beld back bee cee at eo ‘o teat him ar come tender in the primary presen See Soden & femaly peiteoes bee are view ar ot presented oer sewed sew he pope dont rete porn ee tnd make he bes snd mot a Formed decison forthe county. evan inter wih CNN Be ‘hecho ith media ‘omen: treo pln Conenge here nore cow ‘Bove the pola gossip canpuign bt wen yb Set he medi jo 2 sy, ‘Look, these are the mr’ freon the weh However wen {nlked people ke my par sto get ow oft ews fom {cvson othe newspapes they Hale cu whe te tore Tee ‘media pees the denecae ‘oof he pinay eatin ins vray hat ores you nt thinking That the ony nomine options sue ely Cho Joe Bakes ie oer orn papeer ed Drama i the medic main focer nmend of eer aes tnd rout the pale Soo ft the oppor to realize Si of tek opsone. The we is ame for the Repblen cone Gide: Donald ‘mp, a hs Sime inthe devon be ing made ou a he cnterpice i the Repuhican Pry when 1a ey Be dee ct prt ean, or even ball {Fhe for ht mes People ‘at mike nfrmed. dec Seer they dont ow allo the soge, ineruped Taylor ‘Swift and made » scene. Since that happened, websites, news network an every other frm ‘of media demonized West and took every 10 male the man look bad. Never did ‘hese nee sources fake the ime tei ft at She ere econ age <i eta oe I dned tore (07 BET ‘rat 308 Aer Maa ‘te Cem he ek jar ey pad We en sl ae cs pops Wire Seng ih ey ibe ge lke “Maybe Kanye Wes itso cad Toad seth song ‘ends and fy tng were tering to change Went coor Pec the point he bought up at Stes and opiion he ha ad tod epee for tome ime ‘ow the oly ference tat {ie mada hoon ‘hose scons nthe pati ‘Wie te a ur the media going nha toes our opens heh mnes ie impos for cat be eae of te information we tk i athe fie we sho se to Jnr ums before sting pet oi econ og npr oe "Ar so at we open op wb browser, he word at ur Sageripr undies ~ ven ‘hoards of sure awa Si cnn ood ech es fing vo pret sory der Eng Net time yout ooking ‘ke time to conaier ech side [the tor: Foeey Fax New Sec read, eck outs Hu {Sgt Bot sng ond by ing {hat we can all wok tobe wel rounded wel informed ins (a behalf of The Juniaian, 1 woul ket welcome you back {o Janina! Whether you ean Sessa Tin gid ou picked up The o- sista andhesomehow Hem pages Ava den abecay tice ite hy nosey was gp lank pote wok eae ter pcad own oth et fi, gow beeper Hower, wre member of the Janae, Dental ed ht pues Popeater is ong on wt a Earl ad er el et ‘nae So hak you for rag! "Thank you for chosing o bet prt of our newopaper td at Letter from the Editor ——— SDE sctng sho Poe (Office and the zombie un that, Tone rT ura tobe so active prof itor: Irani, we need your fede Jon ike yoo are Tsing fom our clanes and aeigent Sern more aout hoy sobet ‘Bier newpaper very tne we ‘lee snr Te more yout {snow what you want see ia the paper what ou le or dis ie out oor pues, the more accutane oot oly the penpoctves of the sal bak ‘the perpectves sd iter ‘of you oo Jian, ‘id Jou spor an er? Pee, lets Know Hyon gee with an arte oe eto tea Tet ‘Sito he Eat you dings swith ve pepcte wie et tery the Bator Find one of ‘ovr Ra member apd le hem iw what your cbs Singer coh ou bare ead ogo ond campus "We know tat 30_sdent cannot erst samp com ‘unity of over 16D) people on ‘Er om bat wth yor Bp tm conden The Juniata ean be more than jan newsppe. Tecan be a comeration sae ‘Welle you nertione, Able Ressaleni Ay aly 6 Volume 97, Issue 1 Campus SPIN "Tae Juana Warm welcome: are you home? VERITAS. ny LIBERAT sinouri & 1 sed tthe sed eld in font of me and wondered why Te so empey T had: made coun new Beads Juniata Sn ee ie belonged loved the academics, and crying Tea esming trance 1 Was bony all the ‘time except for om Ths wa the ft Sime Thadexpnncedbomec ew aon Lite Thom, Tiras oe alone. “Dy gue would be about 10 percent 1020 percent of the ‘ging bon pr Son expense some Lodo femesskners” sae, Jonathan ns 4 ounce at the Heath nd Weller Cente. Revle-Coben contnaed, sting, "Yous lkng about Toning heir bomctows th core group of fends an fae land youre ling hat ec ‘yo dood Ae of tis tked inthe begining by the ‘citement of indpendecs and sew enroamet So, bly that doe ven unl two Foor wes ad seine een ‘monte fear” E10 pers of 20 percent of incoming rent fds wy, en men who. have been a Juni for years would have some eta fo thowe ‘ring some “Hesther Gabe «cio with, + commusietons POE, shared 4 couple reat way she propels Semel frwasd when beng Confronted with te smptont of homeschne. “Tee one {poe ha ays sy to mye When somethings relly ha "AM this too sal pe’ T dont ow why but yr comfort ing tome Talay ok ford tore end date hn Ths howl, but after est we i oat be tele Tha arp me Fingal hie eploking fr those nd dates” "Those end dates come sooner than oe may think, and keping ‘oneself buy tems tobe the ane ‘er to making tne fy Coan Selo ReveleysCohen con ‘mends "Having lot of things to do each dayne only ae you sing to be by, but pote gor fg fo actully de relation ships with other peopl, and Youle gong ove to eae (Ghose enisipe™ Hower, in order f propel, neelT though these ‘ough times and say bun, Matthew Calas sophomore with 2 religious stu POE, recom tmends one w“Ask for ile bit othome" “Atk for that cae package” ela ining” My ne xan, [called my grandma sn ‘ai Grandma, you need bake ‘me Cooke and you ned send ‘hem here soon a possible pti very early T got two lat Lins of chocolate chip cookie, Desiniey to get your parents to rend you heme-aoked ook seems to have ans of come ss Jonas ay How Sy omber fiends “Te fund «group of pope tae Teal ik ss Bg direct me fom king ela ‘eme* Obi ges on ty Bow the peopl Jit wre put of whe sersctl ert nin thee place “Coming here, X thik 1a 4 led werd hat mayb T ‘rule ad soreone tat had ‘As wells sent eying cn one sot thea ant Stpyrt service vale" (oie Of of Student Act tes (OSA), they ea ep wth saying” ty Clie, car feny an employe of ‘OSA creimpa "Galera recommends peer sod councogscrvces ae Heaton Wenew Cente. Tilt pile on camp fe someone you can ral el on ind if you sed go the covonng se tey ely phen Be pen t eehing be- cae Jou doa ely iow whats her” sid OB con Sey. “Even hough sal ‘Sng, thew ely ig ‘Spyies 0 ke whee ‘satu wth pce “Tat esd Colaba Final iad int eogh theres suport group designed for ths purpose Counlor Revley-Cohen has designed sic psy bly oe with this fing of homesick: est tents maybe experene- ing Tam ating easton college group for anybody jut talk about what tye expe ing ina gop tig a i more priate. or ajone inreted in be coming pat of this Support soup, Retly-Coben ines mal at evefjonin ed The Pi open. fremen, ‘rl ts pperchnmen who wah {oshare ir stare we For thoe fling ike home is vey far samy, thie Op ory to lok aa new hoe Fightin foot oyu Jonata ‘communi, and the campus ie $ suport goup in and of ae Dororte ald of reaching out and eying now ‘aubecause afterall your home where your ear Pride Week eit cub AWOL bees PRY sprees Ca Kal et Core arena css raw ares rd tre cb oa (op) Shor et eked rg seer ty worst (ert ny Sep tess one ase bs fer sn Bin ag he sehen ace proertan ot am et) Sur rate Pie ies by yer hrs ne pag [oer ers at hie Fes een Sp 2 oom i). David Wilkins establishes leading role as ‘Human of Juniata’ a iitiminse@r = em Ne Tay “Tosome he is known a pro ‘exocTo ater, he i known a a clleagu, Howeves, hele of We David Wilkins comes with ‘many more des then the "Twaslvingin Saud Arabia at sn undergraduate, said Wing, “Thave + Bachelor of Fine Arte In performance from that col lege 1 did 20 0 30 years of po ‘esional_ performance in Man- ‘ara, then went back to grad school My speci in masters {nd almost a PhD in Elzabe than Shakespeare, gender, seul palit, thar kind of hing within the plays Wilkins ike many of ar dots college carer in seach (of future, Hower, his sar pe, Wiis Gnd ime here At Junta teaching English ne Iie the goal he inially wanted to. purse yeas before. While ‘eBlcing on hie image of Nin se a ld, Wiig ree ‘Spells dame ‘ict Moy oe oer an gon Iwan ‘Sacha ir wane be sear a Wiehe Sng eda od eee Taker ai, Wir ct hs tne lr ne ape tay ware RD at wskag cing Bo Ft wong We We Ted ge ra oe fsa Ue coap CMs In ny sei ean hg Tipe pete ny Tins sta begawah Rel ang ots etn pag on Scien whee Shag weg yaa ‘eg bw an eek rma Soran goinny we” ‘hin ch prea sch Wr ssng Se tnd ae Fare ye” md Wt "Bec ilar hee of i wa shot lig and go- ing to New Yok snd tying st ta th eof Ta bn Anow « ecitoe fr mein ac ei ote, his rere ars Tn piled ay ees Pulled aby te po sity {bathe masa cats dont Hk echnical ballae mii 16 fot hone dosnt ave 2 saa But with seg an diya verte pave Ten to debit of eying | think tha he pence inte. IT ecient i not prety bt Lam na Feb at you can el aot about eo fom he omens of ther walt or the main thee eae Although Willins ex presiedinteree nay cael Pies of mi that ae whats Flying carom back Foie o Ste "Wile shared, you ten wo the mi min tech ‘ow Lan De Rey id 3 cet tbe theme song to Cider Gl whi bt te endo Max iefcene” aid Winn “A hide Cites to Ot ong Ganges eveything Ith stnningand ifs dey that must play” Sharpe beyond it momentin At Wii wide has done timed mals itancterallove lot showe Whe eeag omg tats both ica and ep on of it poet ifn solaneony Ist > fSrmancen, Wins shes ‘nate by thar” ssvce with the many sving So afer all seems Wilkins perfor ofthe worl “Lew sexed tue to hime Art four cat be id“ was the forme ad a teacher be il brim put of + wucly ole Einay dca ofte'twe eget cue cto oe ‘Avinmany diferent ways "pana Jobe T made $25 “Ive pedormed slong, long. S'verk for tar theater Bot T time, and Tve done alt of halo play the atom pr of ‘hows! id Wilkos. “When Tuc rocking cae wea sudyng theater at Ihc, a acts who pled the op the move Amadeus came out part and then an ates who sa Tnew noting abot ie Tse- Same and the monologue” aly was not that intrested "Ar fet Wilkins waned in’ period drama oc anything by thi cng, Howere his way ie that and Twen boe tot of handling sich a ovent coud ‘movie theater and sai eas serve pl adie oe {in upetis mov the There sang witht le ine vere abou for ote pope im Wilkins i "0 ade the Testor” consiow choice 10 gre ox, ‘Wilkins then chbonted on how ey do you brome he the experince stain “afer bent bot pur oft uekng the flo, I coldat sop ying oki ci tha you foe abou hee hours 1 Fee Gam Iwas the best ps of somedy had goten ino iy the suealy ocking che He ‘oul and ppd out everything ater cocladen “Ts no sch thats so lmensly pte and thing ar eal le and “Doct eon T made Gechion at fons Innd be th ot that pole tht tht rl Ames Denitrer ge up" JUNIATA ae YA AaRCK s,; Homeconiag Spit ny wil Homecon- ing Dap It ee dayne 7 en uit gre vires bomen athe Als Mister on ca thay pecs eras belo Mie hotel in clog ethpr cannot ras wha Sw cen bck Nee oo hae to oar with che oe of ean Hao Geta he leg bert Pech Wee pee oer pepe or the aplaeap eerpe oc Ire Bat they crore ange Bovey repeated four yes of salle cet foi sb Sac, conc el tase Soe tenia i one hag Imo of tc Alaa Mates ‘ten hye Ser eps aod exapaes i paces ‘whee thy actly ood How the, 2 change! When thy mec fend nt seca yy 2 ples! How cle) ‘eience and como. But she ‘an ofr something that wil be 2 greater source of hapines 10 the visto than any of there: 2 student body, whichis consid trae of ether, a seadene body, filed withthe deste to wel ome them Te wl ao mater 0 much othe sam what mate Sal provements hey te at thei caleba it wil ater to them what spr they find in the siden hee, "We must welcome these uni- sans othe camps, and in the ‘pif courtesy take them fa ‘at home again. Give them pre ‘Beaches seat nthe Soto td evry Thlr apps tha day il pe depend on ‘ur ares We ibe newer ‘Berth impresion they er 20a someone with the pei ewig inca aepererer se fle Let or ake thi day ‘ne for aul Wena Nel 31 “The "Junin Seon Wey” Hutiagon, Phe Wendy Nowa BBN Homecoming continues to be guerng of fits shai Seiden present and past rere ing “home” to cekbate their ‘Juniata Homecoming 1935, and alumni ave been ited 0 play with ‘ur cureat Bd Tes sll eve that a curent saadens, we annot undestand ‘wt is ike to er ot Ds fll of past memories We ering 88 am on clasts gesagt [ivithand ging he cis” "The moment el ni Ing Monday or toes ‘When ne ton, change was nevi: Our sport teams ae larger and more impresive (considering the un moved opinion of our fend- 4p 1935 autho) and we have face added new dormitories, ‘demic hale anda beter gymnasium, Since then, we Five gained recoguton both Snteroaionaly and in. poplar ‘llge-slecton boos, ‘Cerminly the college exei- nce hae changed since 1935, More student are going ea lege farther from homey pe pe becaue technology ‘ike tthe Raytown id Station sa on the Quad 1130.im.-130 pm Proc Lach onthe 100 pm Footbal Joes Hopkins UnretyKoae Sem 100 pon Men Soter Ute of Scant t Wnt Fl ek 53.00 pam -540 pm Bec Garden on the Quad ‘330m. Woman Soc Utes of Scranton at Wit Hil ele 700 pan Pied Hockey ve. Wingo &Jfevon Calle Kane Sou 800 pn - 40 an. Michael Kent Comedian 6 Magica in Rovererges Aura $00 pan. - midnight Homecoring Danc"A Night Among Sine anamal Gym call phones and Slype allow: ‘hem to fel more connected ven ros greater ditances, ‘Ar jsiata grown Homecoming twekend eacomnpaser a growing umber of sndent and retume ing ala "Ahough it was writen be- fore most of our grandparents veer bor, i many was this {le fom 193i ines and ‘plicable. Te welcoming me ‘See that junit, chough seal, an imprest umn with, the ‘pectic and motivation ff tadens remains tv t this fay Le us contin to uphold fur reputation with Kndnes 1 origin ae now on Samat Lt wr ened hem he fae weconing hand they et reer deed "Tees geacrinal d feet beech the went of 1955 and 915. While ses in 1938 were taught to rapt Schr od age we hve ben tele quan Tam gia at Te gown pin an age whee wee dept of te epons Wh de pat Howey thee te Studland eo eed ome prt Whe eto tt sic Twaeminde of eer ‘one in hry and god an 643-1250 By app ointment or walk-ins welcome! 1 weekend, we should set ade ‘ny uals we have abot older (pertions and simply show em spect, "Wea sl very polite cam- put. Since I have been hee, 90 ‘be ha Been re to me in the Tet and never once fas some fe let a door sham in my fice (the doorholding promize in ‘carpus tur io te) Les be ‘uly generous ad Kind vo ny ‘sig sumo we may have cis homecoming ‘we extend thi same courte- sto our alums, maybe in 30,50 ‘reven 80 years, our clas willbe feared n'a flashback ace ia 8 vowwmeszssver ARTS 8& ENTERTAINMENT = TurJonuxnian Examining pros, cons of gaming in Special Ed. classes Over the simmer, 1st cd working in tee diese Sok cade oe Se for my lo spans ‘Sloot aati T worked wth ee eanp of Glten om ‘e521, sone of whom cos ‘oe wal nd hers could not ‘peak Some had minor bb St eo, ots al severe interna Ren Brey sade met had om lec” diferent crams ‘egalng thee dailies One ‘Bag Ind paral incr ting we het that whee Iyer wa te ‘ool or he high schoel he ‘aden loved vdeo pe (Arte clement schol th sc wood ke © ts 9 iy cot te Ee py wih timed ade. Mow of the dents in my clas bnew ‘ct wat gun heya play snd woul go ight ed Fecome immedi sind Tod hep nteresing tonstrng, out tro hows tate, tbe saci cold oot ‘ame’ what ‘toa it wat or esrb the weather ute “he same goes for the high scl The eet he coer ote b eco weak whee {Beyspends pron th ery to othe computer, Some woud Hien to muse on Yous Gi “Tube and some would wateh TV shows, but large hand would Pall up online guning websites. "One ofthe stent T worked seth atthe elementary school, Nate, loved play “Minera? on the iPad. Argnby one of the ‘ighet fanctoning in his he was the ony verbal ss ‘ent end one of few who could read and write bac. word Bae when "Nate would ply ‘Minera would ge sof ced on that even when play tine ended is fous was sll on the game and not his work. Te ‘wok Tong ie fo coral i at terion eck to what ie weap pep Enc anther aden worked wy us ever 10 pa oder She Be we ie pot ae of wat be ald oe lopheese meaey cad Toe He ected ane the bathoomy and Berea Shi gate tating eel Eat we gesaly deed wih Trl PiySeton re led $Sttight Ch Ste Roane” Epp ge trteg (Guat wile yas, hich then had oa i Te tot eur Wr he sally pled he game ot home oF EU Actcent eal p on Sect and‘ pal'op 2 ss theegh of te game T ‘Rink he tan hae watched i hie Gey, what Twat ‘bk topck on fons pooch eriareeieoct or tase But"Minight Cb Stet Rac Ing” ld do eomeng for Ws he noting ce T ound Guleitwoul ‘cn Him ‘tod larpingEse"cdn "ws ince’ “lopeuan’” et pay Aap ere became, the more tly hie having eure would become Belo, the teacher and other sss would jut ignore him ‘eezuwe they didst understand what he wa saying. id some seach into the Rae mysell “his helped give me convert tion pies, and alto elped me Figure out what he war tale ing about most ofthe tne: He responded very well © me, and T got many compliment fom the a becine Ta abe tog this aden who wat once Tentand unpredactine to be calm, sly journals and wis on the cio of wile games on ‘Silden wih special nets, bot vast able f fod anything rofessonal ot scene, Mort [Sf what found wer blog posts Sed the like Te ale one Slotofindependent rsa nto {heeft playing videogames fon non-ddled len and bien: ‘With at hilo shink ‘ths an ely dierent Se Besse the ‘rommees ‘oad, there i realy 20 way 0 (doc winters pane oe ‘her pod orb forte see std Bente mat be ene ined ons eae-y-e basi ‘Sealy sed cry Ta Nat cam ir eo game tabi wer weer: tas eden in tat hey wrod debe foo. Bor tonal gues programmed to Jhlp them Team at reasonable ues ames which ocr on so Et alis in eae setings ‘Sod games which help older a= re adlecent ation into the eal word Regarding. the. videogame Sill aa whe this i an we, Irish could ust moe esearch, ‘We need wo know what slp. ing and wha isn, for whom sad ty "Working fr thi school d= ence. ook oeward t gong, back this summer and ooking ino these qoeion fut. Classic country cooking offers Ese gouthcem food to ‘0 Huntingdon teem, god pen fen Gomi on Yep tt pst sumer about Woody Bar BQTAT te name ses, this tmnt is ous Fr the bar rege, pull pot beset ac perl meat epéons you mame they have ‘ha hat Mini and Boe po secs Wendy ese om = IF yon ain ou Gr wadernieco fro, Woody BarB- OQ) te eS es cence Sera ieee Siwcenetres Sere Srey ‘san option inthe north, especially iSiye atts pig bectn os Saieete 2S ca ulti eor te Pree Sciniateneta heady know at yo We T'S glo he (ert the deme Lie sh, desert it igh? was ples Sy supped wth he stem To Fight training ce tolhelping you get into enters comin the mat oe, Uniram $s deicow sanich ee tbe dated by he te T pt {the Bench Ben Afr Eg ia nce fr yea Tam ted ‘out fie To he igh debt They won ogy ed Soe far rt othe dy ‘cad on own too ch rh anor 100 pect cree ot wil ot dine 5 tut the fc Te test ad ther stern seteminfon Td oe paying the thoogh how se econ of ‘cron the meu sd lb the mare wet init The iso oft bane ecg of fal ent, he a frst coded ht my he Ro ce ts hrs hy te 50 somewbe! f ‘wok! omen! aoe, po peti oces yap ‘jon aa soutien Sade who ‘rer home oe od (x ts becatoel eedon wo ‘oe her oud aan sat on caie I otng yo ‘lsh eps we ScherintieSore ‘and take pride it in providing each navi dulallwith the fis +o be a part of the aviation world! oductory flight with a professional flight instructor. = Become a recreational professional pilot. Dont waste another second on the ground... Call us today! 814-793-2194 or Call Steve Chief Flight Instructor 319-210-2301 IG Flight Training Center 222 Aviation Way, Martinsburg, PA 16662 Ants & ENTERTAINMENT ‘Tae JUuNiArian October 1, 2015 9 Success through surprises: new way to realease music albums op wold embed the su pe abu mote a ny ther (feof maic Mom ofthe bigs prop ror of he yearns vat / MUSIC MADNESS G eit tT tones So nga ee ae tyke tony re coe When ‘cette to naira wo eles tae pop cre eden Bf inate ‘range eng ny ising dy Sermme sear tego ‘euonnnnen enemas tly very eight ing wp & meio bum (tm looking st you, Mig). At ast tobe one ofthe bigs sours of when Miy Crores tthe ys you begin alae hat ‘ey ete nc te ge oma a np Micy Cyne Her Dead Feo”) in Acgun the dsapoinmentwas_dnomr Dake ad ojos hare Eeclivactitayeial oan prea pony soda was coming ‘ven thei wich eveyone ‘burn format I chik hats prey ‘eto io tan shah inp ngs ont yop Radiohead’ "King of Limbs" and Media presents Civil Rights history by remembering the Titans fl that de tg on your beatae say: people edn work i bE eh f i if TE! ai el remember ‘gated by the time TC, Willams "Tecan be ery to tum off the Sale teen and Hack ot what yo 'No one thew a bck shough sin movie, You psa but ‘Coach Boones window. Tea, ton, and ie dsspesr Une in ‘hep wa analy taiet”reliyoucan um ofthe cam {C.Willans High Soa was fore 1970 Va You can sence the ot the fine to have an Aliza prejudice ant a ply sled ‘Ameen fol couch — the Sach You can gp back (your ‘ine was Chace Price at Langley duly ie ett HEE 1908. The No 1 ba ofce mane on Oct 1, 2000 wae "Remeber High Scoalin 966. TNot eee i afd dat eT” ‘There mast be a pt wih e- oppornigy bate there were "Toma ong xy movi besa shear people who ill xpecone ‘om, crimination and poh Serine oes Brena epee ie cocina wet tel ey, Your local Hearing & Balance Center with ] ris. Reco s fe toad the ony opp Siam oie Rn ahaa Bon Sea peepee ae) the latest in BrainHearing™ technology. BrainHearing™ + Uhring’s = Best Hearing Solution born Hine you known anyone who Elise North Uhring, Au.D. and Angela G. Boonie, AU.D., || has hai’ bck tows "hgh ‘he window nthe pt few yea? How many is ve you come to shoal 0 pope po Doctors of Aology. nite outs by the Aka ISK FREE fr «ter wook al tame ony nee raeersiee meer gee a, 8 | gl eran Gat Uvings Hearing Abaco o |W /@ UHRING’S er an experience Brantearng™ technology | Rave H EAR I N Gif Sore Sars w tt 1-877-643-4327 BALANCE saionis noc the only way that ie sw Take i fom the Pate — on] Alta ‘We have four convenient locations to deliver the best possible service. (2)State College | Lewistown | Huntingdon Teng one tem, one fay an eel All T wuld ak ou fo do itremenbec 10 ‘Tue JUNIATIAN SPORTS VOLUME 97, ISSUE 1 Women’s soccer combines new youth with experience Br Auvssa Fasoto ‘The women socer team le stepping onto the Bld hi so Son with ig goal of ces and Improvement: With an espe ily young eam of four esos, four no, ceven sphomoes td sven eshmen the pers “tend enh St Mckee Seeeminene Sigmon ries So ay 2, aoa Sarees pertain} vgcste sie ieee ie Ses tage Sends oe ht ies ee i el pee es Soule Nees Sree Ts a Reese Sr lng on oer 9 Song ides Serhinsel Arete tee Wako emingesieiane Rr Saree TEE ee ans See SP ee eee bay eee eee ured Feeeieheat gniatosts ee sates ae ba eprint a pers pie ela ap guacenns Sao pa Pepi enrs Seoean eee ein wes pronto Ml cer 1 har bern e- con Ne ce bes rues gost os =o Sore oe ae pr cigar teat ee ing Mee ae al oenerae SA Sine rit ee ae ones pele Ti ad na he te See asy SS eee wel as am opportunity 10 improve fover the yearr that they wil ‘pend together ve good becase we have 2 Jot of fewer casnen who ae ping tbe wot opt ernest ste or ur ea, so wee ging to ast t know {ach ote eal well and kaow Sw eal mo tgs 00 the Bl sophomore mideler Prema id cf the young ce be ds Stall community, and they ft ie eg ih wk he ors Br pe Seiralete tore pak Cran apo al of er oe canbe we re Sy Do ial oe pol sehen ey ohne Sec pk ey ‘ov per ech 2k Jorn tam wo de Rrncinsd he cof cmmnity vette" Soe we Sar Tan of te ung poes Fame ap eg Tae roy wee’ fetes foe Wye Ain ad “Ereyue onthe eam cn ie jie wey ‘peak oof ces at ten a Tey er sn Ty erie ol ate etn ford Am ena ea to fie he eam wre Sn hyd cme Soha nl payee, Frethran per Oba Cycanb cas dou abl m0 try oP Monae ae “Think the import Bog nr oe es wat the ea and shink tht wor Song razon why came ere? Konto ‘While the young tim ha mma side eo that tho fced it far share of i fecises, many of ch come ong with bere yong poe. “8 tenon ee eco yout timid you Sok py how Jos koow you can pay” Green ISAT thik he eames ot fost of that afer presen A Io of Geen sey sepped ‘pth gue, a T hn at "ye Th wet id to i or bac hey ot afraid to do wha they know how {odo 1s not ike (bey ping {0 sp on ou tes, ut they aking uv al compete = ming the ston junio, sophomores ‘compete and wee that” ‘MeKene ager. thatthe ing conf Keele yoke am ‘onrinued sucess “think they ned to, el more comforablcontont can do. that, then thee no end tm what they a accep” Men’s tennis team looks to upperclassmen in abscence of coach By Ansa THEA “The Jit men ei em tad increible seu yar Ser fer Head Coach Jon {Caen They won hi eee dak Cones Tie sd tmade tothe send rod of {Be NCAA Trumaent Coben sr med Lande Confer ace Coach of the en and Soe Deso Poiera was nated andar Conference Per of tee “The men team ha een ‘uring ple ml ya and alo aed fie fesben 0 ths yer roe They ae ok > condnve adding on ot sci cco dh yar than ‘deed now ead cnc, de fe abo excited about how ck ‘ther tee sock wp aint "When ated aboot the teas hs yeas, Gregory tr the at rita mar teri thar ear We want win the confer fee ei teee eee) Lie they are caently witout coach. ce apn and make ie farther bead Into the play this ye. Ale, ‘we were amost repo ake Tas eso, so we actually want setraked thse eoncloyen og SSS Sa nw bet jag sphng Tarte at ma tthe ean pet Bacio “Tens tinh ‘snd png Bug Seyi Look cae nel eons popes ett Sinan oes etd revs gtandes howdy Sejupb coop pi ee "Rh ile am fis on sain! Sate tece earl Soa eis Sees pene Bisons kee nn paowons rowed be chalnging ye [Eferplaeron he eats Fh ssid Gregory. Coben Spare wat sur ev eeyone, bu he pa Eas decried ot et le hm dove och Cohen bad lng term plan fr thi eam, nde Scfntely made me want be a porofth team, il bese to de sew conch wpe Gan work fon 9, ‘wich wee pbb ang ot Said Owen Gr can ee an “He wer deity the mont commute cach ou of te other caches 1 wa king tod ght ews png Fea Tpwccetintr ma coke toes hard adwtnent for mee aa Den eof Cohn Jo sin ee aig roves eer yt ere Bow beet Coe oct pe pci fe stot op hw 5 ws Sime oe me bee Tet

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