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Preview June 9

i .. --------THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868t-------- . t e I I a t I I r OWAN.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 50¢ WWW.DAILYIOWAN.COM l ( • Man 40 ALCOHOL ADVISORY BOARD gets years in robberies oar BYDANIELLE Iowa City grocery store. Inn, 704 First Ave. Jones bound the counts of first-degree robbery and STRATTON-COULTER Sixth District Judge Sylvia Lewis man in an office before fleeing with other charges of fraudulent credit sentenced Jones, 29, to 15 years in an undisclosed sum of cash. card use, third-degree theft, and THE DAILY KlWAN prison for the theft and 25 years for Later that night, Jones and another tampering with a witness. Curtis Cortez Jones was ordered the burglary. The two terms are to man, one of whom was anned, robbed The 29-year-old has previously to spend 40 years in prison Wednes run consecutively. an Iowa City Cub Foods, 855 High pleaded guilty to forgery and day after he pleaded guilty to first Coralville police charged Jones in way 1 W. '!hey demanded money from numerous charges oft heft, according degree burglary and theft. February with two counts of first an employee, who was later treated to online court searches. The charges stem from two inci degree robbery for threatening a for minor wounds, police said. He also pleaded guilty to assault dents in mid-February when Jones clerk with a gun and demanding In a plea agreement tiled last causing bodily injury in 2003. held up a Coralville hotel and an money at the Coralville Cantebury week, the state dismissed two SEE J<HS, PAGE 5A answers eS I I BY ALEX LANG THE DALY IOWAN l ' Continuing its efforts to curb binge and underage drinking, the Iowa City Alco hol Advisory Board on Wednesday discussed having intoxicated patrons' cars delivered from downtown McGuire and changing the birthday manager of specials at the bars. Whateva We Can Whateva We Can Deliva, Deliva, service wlll which captured Iowa City's begin offering to Innovative Business Award drive cars home for 2005, has recently for students who announced that its employ have had too ees will deliver students' cars much to drink from downtown. If students have had too much to drink, for $15, the company will drive the cars home for them. "Every weekend, there are people at my place who I know wish they could get their cars out," said Leah Cohen, an alcohol-board Cohen Rachel Mummey/The Dally Iowan co-chairwoman and the alcohol-board Patrick Yoerger gives Proctor Lure man a shiatsu massage at the Bradley Center on Wednesday. The center, which focuses on holistic healing, will owner of Bo-James, 118 E. co-chairwoman, open a apothecary tea shop soon. Washington St. owner of SEE ALCOHOL BOARD, PAGE SA Bo-James Shop to offer alternative treatments Ex-Regina BY DENA SCHWORN COMMON AILMEN'IS THE medicinal purposes. It ended up becoming a THE DAILY IOWAN project that Suzanne Bradley wanted to student alleges APOTHECARY'S HERBS AND explore and expand. When Suzanne Bradley's daughter, Adeline, Jason Bradley owns the Bradley Center, had pinkeye, Suzanne knew exactly how to TEAS CAN HELP which offers naturopathic medicine, chiroprac treat it. She concocted a tea made with the tic medicine, physical medicine, rehabilitation sex abuse herb Eyebright, and later that day, Adeline's • High cholesterol- Monacus Purpurea servioos, and adult internal medicine in addi pinkeye was gone. • Asthma - Lobelia tion to other servioos. Months later, Bradley is preparing to open the first store in Iowa City to focus on alterna • General pain, such as arthritis - Tumeric "There really is nothing like it anywhere, Michael Gould is suing • Common cold - Goldenseal and I believe it's important that we have tive treatments by offering a wide variety of • High blood pressure - Hawthorn Berry these services offered together and a for damages he claims to teas and herbs from around the world. The collal;>orative team of professionals working Apothecary: Tea and Herbal Constitutionals will open later this summer as an addition Bradley originally planned on opening the together with the patients' interests in have suffered from a to the Bradley Center for Wellness, 505 E. tea shop for her husband Jason Bradley's mind," Jason Bradley said. Washington St. patients to have a place to buy herbs for SEE BfW)LfY CENTER, PAGE 5A former Regina principal ck BY NICK PETERSEN Despite tight budget, city parks thriving THE DAILY IOWAN A former Regina High School student accused his one-time principal and now retired bishop, who was honored by Pope John Pau1 ll BY JASON PULLIAM "It's tough," he said. "I face it other states, because our land is last year, of sexually abusing him after calling t THE DAllY KJWAN daily. We're struggling with day-to fertile, and its best economic use is the boy to his office for disciplinary reasons. day operation money. We do not as farmland," he said. Michael Gould is suing for damages he Local leaders are firm in their have an active expansion plan going Iowa City Parks and Recreation claims to have suffered as a result of Bishop assessmen ib..st I.:rwa City's parks on. Our priority falls in improving Director 'Thrry Trueblood agreed that Lawrence Soens' alleged "wrongful sexual - ~.4 • ecreational facilititte are the structures and facilities we monetary constraints coMtitute the contact" starting in 1963, according to a meeting the demands of a growing have." toughest obstacle facing his depart lawsuit filed in Scott County on Tuesday. The community. This comes in spite of A recent study by the Natural ment and others like it. However, he suit also names the high school and the Daven budgetary shortfalls at the state Resou~es Council of Maine said, Iowa City's parks and recre port Diocese as defendants. and local levels that have caused revealed ll!! at Iowa is next to last ational facilities are exceptional rom "While ... principal of a Roman Catholic High agencies to favor facility mainte nationwide rn the amount of land it pared with cities similar in size in the School, he engaged in repeated harmful, illegal, nance over land acquisition and has reserved fo~ public recreation. state. . immoral, and sadistic sexual contact with park expansion. Less than 2 pereent of the state's "Money is the biggftrt; challenge," he numerous minor-aged boys attending Iowa City Kevin Szcodronski, a Iowa Depart total land is contained in state or said. ~ere isn't enough to go around. Regina High School," the lawsuit alleges. ment of Natural Resources bureau federal public parks and recreation. It's safe to say that we stack up well in The lawsuit accuses the diocese and the high chief, said the $13 million annual Szcodronski feels that the data terms of parks to people, although school of failing to take appropriate action budget for state parks does not gen from the Maine survey are mislead there are not precise figures." against Soens and neglecting to prevent erally include excess funds for land ing because of Iowa's vast amount of 'lb eni!UI'e that the growth of park further abuse after learning of his "improper acquisition, which cou1d be oonverted arable land. space coincides with urban develop and illegal" conduct. into public recreation space. "It's not fair to compare Iowa with SEE RECREATI~. PAGE 5A SEES EX ABUSE, PAGE 5A DRAFTY BOLIVIAN UNREST GUILTY IN STABBING INDEX f 88 Two Hawkeye baseball Protesters continue to fill the streets Joseph Willie Lee pleads guilty to Arts 8A 11C ! players are headed to the of La Paz even after forcing President stabbing his ex-girlfriend in February. Classifieds 98 ___ &I.e Partly cloudy, bright lights of the Carlos Mesa out of office. 7 A 3A Crossword 68 40% chance Opinions &A of rain minor/rookie leagues. 18 Sports 18 ., 2A-The Daily Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa-Thursday, JUne 9, 2005 NEWS Bayo prepares for flowering- The Daily lowan i~i.J Volume 137 Issue 4 BREAKING NEWS •sTAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: 'Our presence followed as eason of growth. Now, we are about to blossom E-mail: daily·[email protected] William Casey. ........... 335·5788 Fax: 335-6184 Editor: and show how much we have grown.' Jennifer Sturm ............3 35-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 - Olabayo Olaniyi, gallery owner Annie Shuppy. ........... 335-5855 Polley: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Edllora: BY AU GOWANS and theaters nationwide, and accuracy and fairness In the reporting Traci Flnch ...............3 35-6063 THE DAlY IOWAN they say the closing of their of news. If a report is wrong or mis Alex Lang ............... 335-6063 gallery will not be the end dtheir leading, a request for a correction or a Opinions Editor: Preparing for what may be presenal in Iowa City. clarification may be made. Erik Owomoyela ...........3 35-5863 their last show at Old Capitol "If they ask us to leave, I PUBLISHING INFO Sports Editor: Town Center, Bayo Gallery guess our job there is done," The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360)is Jason Brummond. ........ 335-5848 owners Olabayo Olaniyi and Olaniyi said. published by Student Publications Inc., Arts Department. ..........3 35-5851 Reena Patel drove through the "We have bloomed, but E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa Copy Chief: Iowa countryside June 4, flower blooms also close after a City, Iowa 52242-2004, dally except Beau Elliot. ..............3 35-6030 headed to a farm outside the time." Saturdays, Sundays, legal and universi· Design Department. •...... 335-6030 tiny town of Morse. In the meantime, they are ty holidays, and university vacations. Graphic: Designer: Their goal was to harvest focusing on Flowering, which Periodicals postage paid at the Iowa Elizabeth Wilson .......... 335-6063 grass to perform on this will open today from 5-10 p.m. City Post Office under the Act of Photo Editor: weekend. It will continue on Friday and Congress of March 2, 1879. Amanda May. •...........3 35-5852 Olaniyi said Flowering, Saturday noon-8 p.m. and SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor: which will open tonight, will June 12 noon-6 p.m. Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 Tony Phan ...............3 35-5829 Business Manager: focus on how the artists The art will be housed in the E-mail: [email protected] Debra Plath ..............3 35-5786 involved have grown and upper level of the old Younkers Subscription ratea: Advertising Manager: blossomed since their first space in the Old Capitol mall. Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Cathy Witt ...............3 35-5794 show six months ago - fea The space will be divided into semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Classified Ads Manager: turing flowers and plants of several mini galleries show for summer session, $50 for full year. Cristina Perry. ............3 35-5784 all kinds. casing individual artists, Out of town: $40 for one semester, Circulation Manager: "My purpose going there [to including Cody Brennerman, $80 for two semesters, $15 for sum Pete Recker. .............3 35-5783 the mall] was to bring so much Leslie Hollis, Dustin and mer session, $95 all year. Day Production Manager: life to the house, to bring so Misty Blank, Willy Richard Send address changes to: The Daily Heidi Owen ..............3 35-5789 many people," Olaniyi said. son, Kasali Akangbe, and the Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Night Production Manager: "Our presence followed a sea Nike Center for Arts and Cul Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. Bob Foley. ..............3 35-5789 son of growth. Now, we are ture. There is a $5 admiBSion about to blossom and show fee to the space each day, and how much we have grown." Olaniyi will perform on his At the end of the month, grass set on Saturday. POLICE BLOTTER however, Olaniyi and Patel's The grass to be used to lease at the mall will be up, construct the set was no tame, Lauren Baker, 18, Clive, Iowa, was use of authentic driver's license/10 of and it is unlikely mall man mowed lawn. Rather, the charged Wednesday with public another. agement will renew it. stalks grew several feet "What we thought the art high, waving in the wind Intoxication. Katflryn Sm(tft, 20, 2a1 E. gallery would be is not how it above the heads of the James Rich, 23, 2709 Wayne Ave., Burlington St. Apt. 1521, was was charged :ruesday with posses charged Wednesday with c ended up," Old Capitol 'lbwn harvesters. Center manager Kevin Dig Once harvested, the grass is sion of an open container of alcohol possession of alcohol under the legal in public. age. mann said. "So we just made dried and combined with last the decision not to renew." Nick Loomis/The Daily Iowan year's harvest. Olaniyi Abigail Schlldrath, 20, 308 S. Gilbert 5ata Stlnd, 19, 201 E. Burlington St. Olaniyi and Patel wondered Olabayo Olaniyi sets up "Inner Workings of a Saint" on learned the technique of fash St. Apt. 1134, was charged wHh oper Apt. 1521, was charged Wednesday if, had they been playing pri Wednesday afternoon for the Bayo Gallery Flowering exhibit, ioning grass while growing up ating while Intoxicated and unlawful with PAULA. marily piano or classical in Nigeria. located on the second floor of the former Younkers store In the Old music, rather than rap, they There, he said, grass is used Capitol Town Center. The Bayo Gallery will not receive a lease would have received com to build many things, includ plaints. renewal from the Old Capitol mall after only one year of business. ing houses. DON'T "Who gets to decide what is "Grass is a great resource," classy?• Patel said. Patel's home who helped said. "I'm sure they'll continue he said. MISS OUT! "I think the kinds of them secure the mall space, creating it." "The essence of life as a per galleries in Iowa City that predicted the move from the Indeed, Bayo Gallery is not formance is making c.ll 318-35-1053 people are used to are really mall will not mark the last of the ample's only enterprise. They use of things people don't usu M-4' 1o.e, a.t 1o.e, b1N different from what we do." their endeavors. are also owners of Bayo Art and ally use." Mall co-owner Dean Oakes, "The art that they're Design, a oompany that designs £-mall 01 reporter AU Gowans at: the landlord for Olaniyi and presenting is unique," Oakes shows for museums, galleries, [email protected] cnv Coralville man pleads February; he had pleaded guilty to two plan for the annexation In April, and previous charges in 1998 and 1999. it is set to rezone the land for com· guilty to assault Assault causing injury is a serious mercia! development at a future misdemeanor punishable by up to meeting. A Coralville man accused of strik· one year in jail and a $1,500 fine. The development comes one day ing his girlfriend and her 6-year-old - by Danlelle Stratton-Coulter after the city rezoned a separate brother pleaded guilty Wednesday to piece of land in western Iowa City two counts of assault causing bodily Board OKs annexation for a similar relocation by Wai-Mart injury, said Assistant Johnson - which is planning to move from County Attorney Rivka Sorensen. for Menards move its 10 01 Highway 1 W. location to a During an argument with his then larger location near the Iowa City A state board approved Iowa girlfriend, Brandon Paul Rundell, 32, Airport. City's plans to annex 62 acres of hit the woman's brother, who was Iowa City City Councilor Connie farm land for the construction of a seated on her lap, according to court Champion, who opposed the larger new Menards Superstore records. Wednesday. Wai-Mart but supports the new The blow created a lump on his The City Development Board, an Menards, said she didn't see any forehead, police said. independent state body that agriculture, is located just west of inconsistencies in that position. NEW MUIDOWNSI According to court records, monitors annexations in Iowa, Highway 218, north of Highway 1 and "I think they're a little different," Rundell then punched the woman, unanimously approved the plan to east of Kitty Lee Road. Menards is she said. Evai'Jihlaulalha bacll mustuol causing "some pain and redness" to add the land to the city's south planning to relocate from its current "I don't think Menards has the her head and neck. western edge. Iowa City store, 1375 Highway 1 W., reputation that Wai-Mart has among Making room for an ew business in our back room I Rundell pleaded guilty to a third The site for the Menards, currently approximately a mile down the road. consumers." eeeeeeeeeee charge of domestic assault in a vacant strip of land zoned for The council already approved the - by Jim Butts The Daily lowan-Iowa City, Iowa ·Thursday, June 9, 2005 -SA NEWS Man pleads guilty to CnY AWARD 'It isn't surprising that Iowa City was ranked fairly high, because of the number stabbing ex -girWriend of educated people who reside here.' ... 335·5788 - Steve Nasby, Iowa City's economic-development coordinator. . . . .3 35·6030 IC scores 'Super City' rating ... 335·5855 .. 335-6063 BYDANIELLE murder could have sent the 19 lacerations on her face and arm. ... 335-6063 STRATION-COULTER year old to prison for up to 25 Lee returned 10 minutes THE DAILY IOWHI years. later, said his mother, La-Nowel A Trade magazine The Old Capitol 'lbwn Cen automotive supplier, to ...3 35-5863 Assistant Johnson County Lloyd. The woman said she saw ter is under renovation in an retool part of its facility. A man charged with attempted Attorney Victoria Cole said the Davis and others "beating on" ... 335·5848 murder for stabbing his former state dropped the charge of her car and maintained that her names Iowa City effort to attract people to the Several high-tech compa ...3 35-5851 gknirilffer ipelneda dwedit hg uai l3ty.5 W-inecdhn eksidtacyh eton aUt!tee'sm apgtee dan md uprrdeveiro buse ccariumsein oafl sdoefne'nss ea. ctions were in self as one of the top areTah,e h Ge aszaeitdte. and Hills Bank tnoiegse thaerre wailtsho wwiorrekleinsgs ...3 35·6030 background. She added that he moved into new spaces earlier communication in town, lesser charges. Davis contended that Lee ... 335·6030 could be required to serve both this year. The Plaza 'lbwers, Nasby said. "I stabbed my ex-girlfriend," sentences consecutively, despite would not have stabbed her if high-tech cities in 221 E. College Sl, are sched VizTek, 1910 S. Gilbert St., ... 335·6063 Joseph Willie Lee told the court Lee's request that he be allowed not for the urging of his mother. uled to be completed in is one technology-based com about an incident that occurred to serve them concurrently. Lee was charged last summer the country December. pany that plans on growing in February. Danielle Davis, Lee's former with domestic abuse with intent ...3 35·5852 Iowa City businesses are in Iowa City. , With his bead lowered, he girlfriend and the mother of his to commit injury after throwing I pleaded guilty to willful injury, young child, told The Daily a glass ashtray at Davis. He expanding to attract more "VizTek is located in Iowa ...3 35-5829 l a Class D felony offense punish Iowan in February from her pleaded guilty to a lesser charge BY DENA SCHWORN people, evidenced by the con City, which means it's in the of assault with intent to commit struction on Highway 1. The presence of fantastic minds able by a maximum of five years hospital bed that the couple had THE DAILY IOWAN ...3 35·5786 bodily injury and received a 30- Iowa City City Council of the university," said in prison and a fine of up to split up four days before the day jail sentence. Iowa City was recently rezoned space for a Wal-Mart Joseph Nolte, president of ...3 35-5794 $p7le,5a0 t0o. Hdoem alessoti ec-natbeuresde aa sgsuaiultlyt Fasesba. u2l8t .t hWaht esnh es dhied tnooldt wLaene to tno In June and November of last ranked as one of "America's Super-Center near the air the company, which offers ...3 35·5784 with a dangerous weapon, reconcile, he stabbed her in the year, Davis pleaded guilty to bSyu pEexrp Caintiseios no fm thaeg aFzuintuer, ea" apnordt aont iWts eTduneessddaayy ,m ae esttiantge, vtiiorntu teacl-hrneoalloigtyie sa.n d simula which carries up to two years in stomach with a knife, she said. assault and disorderly conduct. title given to areas that board approved plans to There are a number of ...3 35-5783 prison and a maximum fine of According to a police report, U!e E-mail 01 reporter Danlelle Stralton-Coulter attract high-tech comparues. annex land for the construc Iowa City businesses that $5,000. "continued to slash at her," at In Expansion's tion of a new Menards have grown in the past, he . . .3 35·5789 A guilty plea to attempted which Davis said resulted in danlelle-straHon-<:oulterCulowa.edu third-annual study, Superstore. said, noting that the city "Knowledge Worker Nasby said the city is offers a place where partner ..3 35-5789 Quotient, n Iowa City was working with high-tech and ships can be made and cited for attracting industrial companies, such growth can occur. technologically-advanced as Lear, 2500 Highway 6 E., Em ail 01 reporter Dena Schwom at: VI internal-medicine department ended a companies and well-educated the world's largest dena-schworn@ulowa edu entrepreneurs. two-year search by naming Mark Anderson The findings were based license/ID of on the number of Ph.D. per as the new director of the cardiology division capita. GIFTS FOR BABIES AND COli.EGE STUDENTS "It isn't surprising that Iowa City was ranked fairly high, because of the number Cardiology gets new head of educated people who reside here," said Steve urlington St. Nasby, Iowa City's economic Wednesday development coordinator. He believes Iowa City is rein venting itself as changes are BY JASON PULLIAM 'It [cardiology division] medical school in particular is being made throughout town. THE DAILY IOWAN beginning to rebound from the has a long history faculty losaes it has sustained in The UI internal-medicine of being a recent years. department has found a "' think the College ofM edi leader to continue its long superb program. cine is doing well in filling standing cardiology tradition those prominent positions," He is af igure after a two-year search. she said. Mark Anderson, who has both of superb stature "We're beginning to climb an MD. and a Ph.D., has been out of that hole. I'm very and is a nationally named the new director of the pleased." cardiology division in internal and internationally Compensation was cited as medicine. He will assume the key concern among resigning Graduation directorship Oct. 1, replacing car recognized leader.' UI faculty in a 2003 satisfac diology's interim leader, Neal tion survey. Bonus! Weintraub, who will return to - Paul Rothman, the Ul head Clark said the university being an associate professor of of Internal medicine has been effective in address • 6 Mos. from Graduating? AVAILABLE IN 0 TO 18 MONlHS internal medicine. ing salary concerns and that it • Graduated within last 2 years? Anderson is a professor of a long history of being a has not hindered recruitment cardiology at the Vanderbilt superb program," Rothman efforts. • Currently in Graduate School? University Medical Center in said. "He is a figure of superb "The UI has said repeatedly • No Previous Credit Needed Nashville, Tenn., where he stature and is a nationally that its No. 1 priority is get • No Money Down ROOM SERVICE specializes in electrophysiolo and internationally recog ting salaries comparable with • Pteferri:d Finance Ratts gy and arrhythmias. He is a nized leader." peer institutions," she said. University of Minnesota The medical school was Rothman agreed that the alum, where he received med one of the hardest hit of the medical school has been suc "Specializing in rare and ical and doctoral degrees, and UI's 11 colleges during a cessful in attracting leading fine antique and early is a past fellow at Stanford series of resignations that physicians such as Anderson University. left the university with 1,679 to the UI and that its ongoing twentieth century jewelry" Paul Rothman, the UI head tenured and tenure-track searches to fill remaining fac of internal medicine, says faculty members in 2002-03, ulty vacancies are proceeding Anderson is precisely the the lowest level since the smoothly. 117 ~ COUEGE SmEET I IOWA CITY. IOWA I 319 248 4848 caliber of physician the mid- to late-1980s. The cur "I think we're getting great Carver College of Medicine rent number of UI tenured people to look at these jobs," was looking for to build upon and tenure-track faculty he said. "All of these searches IN THE HEART Of IOWA CITY'S CI.A.TIJRAI. DISTRICT the cardiology division's excel members is 1, 713. are going well." them lent tradition. Lee Anna C1arl<, associ E-mail 01 reporter Jason Pulliam at: "It [cardiology division] has ate provost for faculty, said the [email protected] ' f Thursdays Fridays Saturdays ITREIE REGISTER SUMMER TO WIN! Brothers MUGCL um61 s.oo Long Islands Buys a Filled Mug! $1.50 \?Q~ , • 4A-The Daily Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa -Thursday, June 9, 2005 NEWS Senate moves on judges Father, son charged in Bo I 1 CaiW. Qaeda probe l ALl CO NT II .I .l Most 1 with the I' said, and BY DON THOMPSON according to an affidavit up card ASSOCIATED PRESS released through the Justice establis Department in Washington. LODI, Calif. - A terrorism "Potential targets for attack r students investigation in this quiet included hospitals and large ( "We're• farming town has led to the food stores." I said Wh. arrests of a father and son who The father, Umer Hayat, lied said he trained at one of Al about his son's involvement l Qaeda's camp in Pakistan for and money he sent for the son's potential attacks on U.S. training, the affidavit said. hospitals and supermarkets, A cousin of the younger authorities said. Hayat, Usama Ismail, said he Federal investigators believe was in Pakistan with his rela a number of people committed tive and that Hayat never had to AI Qaeda have been terrorist training. He said his operating in and around Lodi, cousin went to Pakistan to a wine-growing region marry and "never got into approximately 30 miles south politics. All he talked about of Sacramento, FBI Agent was cricket." Keith Slatter said Wednesday. "We were always together," [ He would not elaborate. said Ismail, who lives down the Slotter added that street from the Hayats in a Ben M1rgot/Assoclated Press investigators did not have Rich PedronceiH!Assoclated Press modest, blue-collar California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown smiles during a court session In San Francisco information about any specific FBI Agent Keith SloHer (left), neighborhood. "He never went on May 27,2003. plans for an attack, and the flanked by McGregor ScoH, the anywhere. He was always in father and son were charged U.S. attorney for the Eastern the village." BY JESSE J. HOLLAND dangling, moving on to other will confirm Michigan nominees only with lying to federal District of California, answers The father's attorney, ASSOCIATED PRESS matters after devoting a month David McKeague and Richard agents about the son's training Johnny Griffin III, stressed at the Qaeda camp. Two local questions concerning the that his client "is charged with to historic but exhausting debate Griffin, nominated to the 6th WASHINGTON - The over judges. Circuit in Cincinnati, said Muslim leaders also have been arrest of Umer Hayat and his nothing more than lying to an Senate on Wednesday confirmed President Bush commended Majority Leader Bill Frist, detained on immigration son, Hamid Hayat, In agent." Neighbors described California Judge Janice Rogers violations. the elder Hayat as a nice man the Senate for voting to confirm R-Tenn. Sacramento, Calif., on Brown for the federal appeals Brown. "During her tenure on While those two weren't part 'Hamid advised that he Wednesday. who sold ice cream during court, ending a two-year battle summer months from a van. the Califorrria Supreme Court of the deal to avoid a fight over filled with accusations of racism and California Court ofA ppeals, judicial filibusters, Democrats specifically requested to and 2004, according to an The younger Hayat's and sexism and shadowed by a Justice Brown has distinguished withdrew their objections to come to the United States affidavit by FBI Agent Pedro attorney was not in court; a dispute over Democratic herself as a brilliant and their confirmation during the Aguilar. message left with the lawyer blocking tactics. fair-minded jurist who is back-and-forth negotiations. to carry out his jihadi Hayat said photos of was not immediately returned. Senators quickly followed by President Bush and other In Washington, President efinlidbuinstger , aclneoartihnegr t helo wnagy- tfeorrm a Bcoumshm siatitde din t oa stthaete rmuelen to. f law," BnorBowyw- ccnol,en afriirPnmgrye tdoh reU f.iSlai.b nAudsp teprestah olesf - an amHiisdsavioltn re.' leased Apamsetreidca on nptooli ttiacarlg feigtsu rdesu wrienrge oBnu tshhe s maiadt theer .h ad been briefed vote today on former Alabama The Senate voted 56-43 to con Court Judge Priscilla Owen, the through the Justice weapons training, the affidavit "I was very impressed by the Attorney General William Pcyor firm Brown to the U.S. Senate has taken care oft he first Department In Washington said. At the end of training, use of intelligence and the as outlined in an agreement last Circuit Court of Appeals for the part of the Senate participants were given the follow-up," Bush said. "And month that averted a showdown District of Columbia and 67-32 agreement. The son, Hamid Hayat, was opportunity to choose the that's what Americans need to that could have brought Senate to end the filibuster of Pryor's Seven Democrats and seven interviewed by the FBI on nation where their attacks know, that when we find any action to a halt. nomination to the 11th U.S. Republicans signed the pact last June 3 and at first denied any would be carried out. hint about any possible After giving Pcyor a final vote Circuit Court of Appeals- the month pledging not to filibuster link to terror camps. But the "Hamid advised that he wrongdoing or a possible cell, next day he was given a specifically requested to come that we'll follow up - by the and confirming two Michigan last of the three nominees judicial nominees except in polygraph test and admitted to the United States to carry way, honoring the civil liberties nominees to other appeals court Democrats agreed to clear in extraordinary circumstances. At he attended the camp in 2003 out his jihadi mission," of those to whom we follow up." posts, senators plan to leave exchange for Republicans not the same time, they agreed to President Bush's other banning judicial filibusters. oppose attempts by GOP leaders controversial nominees As a bonus, the Senate today to change filibuster procedures. NATION S11DSbine Tan and Wash Latinos now ran a close second. Increases in both groups are due largely to immigration one-seventh of U.S. and also higher birth rates, said Lewis population Goodman, an American University expert on U.S.-Latin American WASHINGTON (AP) - One of relations. every seven people In the unned "If we didn't have those elements, States Is Latino, a record number that we would be moving into a s~uation 218 East M3ar1ke9t S-t3re3et 9• -D9ow4n1to6wn Iowa City probably will keep rising because of like Japan and Europe ... where the Immigration and a birth rate populations are graying in a way that • Dry Cleaning outstripping non-Latina blacks and Is very alarming and endangering their • Drop Off L.undry whites. productivity and endangering even • Eerly Bird Spec~Mt The country's largest minority their social-security systems," he • FREE So.p Sunct.y group accounted for one-half of the said. • NEW Taming Beds overall population growth of 2.9 Most immigrants to the Unned million between July 2003 and July States tend to arrive in their 20s, when • Corporne Discounts 2004, according to a Census Bureau many people have children. • Semester btn Av.U.ble report being released today. Af ar greater percentage of non-Latina Up To 50% Discount The agency estimated there are wh~es than Latinos Is 65 or older; the 41.3 million Latinos in the U.S .. The opposne is true of those under 18. One-way fares• from Moline/Quad Cities bureau does not ask people about Immigration has become a volatile their legal status; that number Is issue in Congress and border states, Atlanta-Nonstop $69 intended to include both legal and as well as in Georgia and other places Charlotte $79 other residents. where there has been a surge in new The population growth for Asians arrivals. Ft. Lauderdale $99 • All new Boeing jets Ft. Myers $99 • AffordableB usiness Class Grand Bahama Island $119 20°k OFF JEAN SALE Gulfport/Biloxi $89 Forsaking • XM Satellite Radio Houston (~obby) $119 • Spacious overhead bins Jacksonville $89 all others • Coast-to--coast destinations Memphis $99 Miami $99 Wdh AirTran Airways, you'll always get low Myrtle Beach $99 fares even at the last minute. Book at New Orleans $99 JOiiS~ alrtranJ:om or call ~IHRM. Hurry, Orlando-Nonstop $89 KASIL the sale ends soon. Pensacola/Gulf Coast $99 UNK:>N Ralei&h/Durham $119 Sarasota/Bradenton $99 SIL~ Savannah/Hilton Head $99 LUCKY StiH Tampa $99 West Palm Beach $99 lfVI'S forsaking Pulthlse lictets by 619105 and fly by 11/8105. MA\11 V1ew all al our sates fares II lirtnn.com. SAlNORKS all others Q.l)f,.~ ~~ ~,.·rr TOMMY B.AJ.tA.MA ~pthrjint.-, (lf~to-dMt BGI~ ~a.·· ~~&.Q.O~ jorrhtrllfgptht- Jiwr "" , .,i s otlm. ··-- EXCLUDES SEVEN HERTEEH& ._,. STOCKER Rt#llll& ........... EiiDEiiiiURS JEWELERS 1 J1 5. Olnton • low• City 101 S. Dubuque 338-4212 .......... (31t)337-t444 _... Looelly OWn«/. Opnlld .@ INM_O<.,_OW't""""".._, The Daily lowan - Iowa City, Iowa -Tbunday, June 9, 2005 -5A • NEWS n Board examines drinking 'I just wanted to tell the court that I'm sorry for the things that I've done. I made a bad decision, ac ouple of bad decisions, that led me I to this courtroom today.' ! ALCOHOL BOARD York, and California. have consumed. - Curtis Cortez Jones, plead guilty to first-degree burglary and theft CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A When customers call the On July 15, the group will I delivery company to have their hold a seminar for students and Man guilty of robbery I Most bars support working cars driven, they must sign a bar owners about the responsi Ii swaiitdh, tahned d meloivset rpyl acno monpa pnuy,t tsinhge faonrcme, ahned s parido.v Te thhee cyo hmapvaen iyn swuirl l hblaes d brienekni nsgu,c wcehsiscfhu,l C oonh aen n suamid , affidavit then deliver the cars and keys .. up cards or signs in their ber of other campuses. Justice to the desired locations. gton. i establishment to inform "We do a lot of weird things; The board also added adver JONES and his family in the future. appeal his sentence. faonr da tltaarcgke ll sstau"iWdde eWn'rtesh taortfye tihvneag ntWoe bwee Co inpantnioo vnDa. teilviev,a" MwacyGsu tior eh eslapi dp.e o"Wplee. •t ry a lot of Totiuhstie n obgno ad"roedxl lhpaaarnssd tteaodl k greeedtt a wtihli tenh i wglohoctra.d"l CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A th"aIt j rumst s worarnyt efodr ttoh ete tlhl itnhges c tohuartt heW rehqiulee setxeidti pnegr tmheis csioounr ttroo ocmall, manager Edgar McGuire. cuTssheed aclchoahnogli nbgo asrodm ael soof dthise merchants to keep their busi In a statement to the court, rve done," he said. his children before being taken Jones expressed regret for his "I made a bad decision, a \, "[Having to deal with a car birthday specials, Cohen said, nesses open later on Fridays to actions and said he hoped to couple of bad decisions, that led to jail. downtown on the weekend] is although it made no decisions. provide students with an option work on becoming a better per me to this courtroom today.• E-m~~ I 0/lf(MJ IBllellll ~ ci: just a pain for everyone." Bars need to be aware of who is other than going to the bars. son in order to help himself He waived the right to danielte-stratton-coullerCulowaedu He said he had heard of simi asking for these deals, she said, E-mail 01 Metro Editor Alex tmg at l lar services in London, New and how much alcohol patrons alexander-langCuiowa.edu I . Ex -student alleges abuse 'We, Americans, spend more money on health care per capita than any other country and yet rank 37 in overall health and well being. That's ah arsh reality check: l -Jason Bradley, owner of the Bradley Center SEX ABUSE additional comments. allegations unrelated to Soens A different sort of tea shop CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A Current _Regina Principal Ray for $9 mill~on in October 20?4. Pechous directed all comments The d1ocese has smce to the Davenport Diocese. attempted to address the issue Soens, who is now retired, Bishop William Franklin of the by advertising a victim-assis was at Regina from 1959 to diocese was unavailable for tance coordinator and initiating BRADLEY CENTER more money on health care from the New Pioneer Co-op, 1967. comment Wednesday. programs to educate clergy, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A per capita than any other Suzanne Bradley does not The accuser said he was con In a Januat?' statement, the staff, and volunteers. country and yet rank 37 in think the Co-op, 22 S. Van ditioned to comply when Soens Davenport D10cese reported In this most current lawsuit overall health and well Buren St., will affect her busi started "unzipping his pants Suzanne Bradley believes that there have been three ' being," Jason Bradley said. ness. Instead, the two will and fondling him while claiming allegations of sexual abuse the accuser :eport~d that he her tea shop, in conjunction "That's a harsh reality check." complement each other. to reprimand the plaintiff for against Soens dating back to suffered emotional distress ~d with her husband's medical As an herb selector, Jason "I think the tea shop will be misconduct that was alleged" the mid-1960s· he maintained had to go through psycholog1cal practice, will offer a place Bradley will give advice on a nice service in addition to because of his authority position his innocence.' One claim was treatment because of Soens' that will take into account herbal preparations. what Iowa City has to offer," as a priest. settled in 2004 for $20,000. alleged actions. the patients' health-care In addition to selling tea said Co-op marketing director Timothy Bottaro, an attorney Facing widespread accusa- DI~MerimMalk1/~klllisfllXrt needs. and herbs, juices and baked Jenifer Angerer. for Soens, denied the allega tiona of sexual misconduct by E-mail Of reporter Nlclc Pelllsen at They will examine the goods may be offered. E-mail Dl reporter Darla SciMtom at· tions; he would not give priests, the diocese settled 37 nlcholas-petersenOulowa edu alternatives in medicine that Located across the street dena-sehwornCu1owa edu have been scientifically founded and may be benefi cial to the patient's overall good healing. The tea shop will feel and look like an old French clean apothecary in New Orleans mixed with turn-of-the-20th century English and Ger food man health movements, Suzanne Bradley said. Although Jason Bradley is not against modern medi cine, he believes that drugs Own your co-op. are used recklessly in the Become a member American health setting. "Create a good foundation & enjoy the - lifestyle management - benefits! natural medicines first, then drugs and surgery as a last • mop ac mclf pricei resort," he said. He added that drugs work great in life-or-death situa • YOU & choow: the tions. When a person's life direction of your co-op is in immediate danger, it may be a necessity, but JoinJune 1 ...1 5 drugs are failing people in the treatment of chronic dis and receive a gift I eases, he said. Jessica Green!The Dally Iowan Basic lifestyle counseling A one rime 001t of $60. I Shaun Zimmerman, 17, skates at the Iowa City Skate Park early on Monday. Zimmerman, who attends and the prescription of Sb.lra will &e rrp wrchastd Clear Creek High School, says he drives to Iowa City three or tour times a week to skate at the park. vitamins, minerals, and hy tlK Co-op ify ow 'boose to essential fats and herbs mil" your rMm&ersbip. In I City parks in good health are greatly effective in «Mr wonis. ic$ IT.furuWik. managing for long-term New Pioneer Co-op • www.newpi.com • since 1971 conditions. "We, Americans, spend 0ownwwn Iowa Oly •119-338-9441 ac City Caaccr Squarr. Coralville • 319-358-SSU RECREATION parks and green space is a big Club, to Iowa City. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1A draw for those considering a "Iowa City citizens should move to the community. consider themselves very "I think it's great that the city fortunate to have such resources ment, the city has implemented f has emphasized green space," at their fingertips," he said. a Neighborhood Open Space he said. "I like to see natural "I think we're at the forefront Plan. facilities. Parks and recreation of setting examples for other "When new developments are a crucial part of expanding cities. Compared with the rest occur, the developers are the city. Public access to of the state, we don't have much required to dedicate a certain amount of park land that will parks and green space is to complain about." benefit that part of town," important and makes the city Although Iowa City's highest Trueblood said. more marketable." priority is taking care of its "If they don't have land to set With 62 parks, the city existing natural resources and aside, they have to pay fees, affords its residents access to facilities and making them which we use for land acquisi some 1,400 acres of public land accessible to all of its residents, tion." and nearly 30 miles of trails. Trueblood said, the city is con Local realtor and Parks and Those resources attracted Nick stantly interested in acquiring Recreation Commission Maybanks, a Cedar Rapids new sites for recreational space. member Ryan O'Leary feels attorney and the group "If we can get it for a good that the city's emphasis on chairman of the local Sierra price, we're very interested," he t r I aeLIDI'I ( TBB I.AOI.AR'f IKVALID •t: t 17-JULY 10,1001 L'I1J5B OI'I'T PARK, IOWA Ol'l't r OR TICKETS, CALL I 19-338-7872 W.IUYI&IIDIIBI&IJU.IM &JYJaiiDI '181&1&1 Ill. IILBiaT II., lOW& OI'IY , ~ 8A-The Daily Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa -Thursday, Jline 9, 2005 T ,. Amnesty's O P I N I O N S LOTS OF OPEN SPACE ... l· . . . and you can be the one to fill it. Send a letter to the editor at: dally·[email protected] absurdity JENNIFER STURM Editor • ERIK OWOMOYELA Opinions Editor • ANNIE SHUPPY Managing Edltor • ALEX LANG News Editor f CHAD ALDEMAN, DAVID GOODNER, JAYNE LADY, MARK SIMONS Editorial writers EDITORIALS reflect the majority opinion of tile 01 Ed~orial Board and not tile opinion of tile Publisher, Student Publications Inc .• or tile University of Iowa. GUEST OPINIONS, COMMENTARIES, and COWMNS renect tile opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board. When Amnesty International announced that the U.S. detention STAFFEDITO~S----------------------------------------------- center at Guantanamo Bay represented "the gulag of our time," I OOP, Democrats launch contest anticipated that reasonable people f would be unwilling to accept the claim, even if they were only vaguely familiar with the history of Soviet prison camps. for gubernatorial election Nonetheless, when such a ridiculous moral comparison is advanced from a once reputable human-rights organiza. tion, it deserves an historical compari son that properly illustrates its With a year to go before primaries and a year and a half until the general Many state Democrats also went out of their way to criticize spending and absurdity. 'lb his election, the Iowa gubernatorial race is beginning to take shape. Rep. Jim the deficit in Washington while Nussle served on the Budget Committee. credit, David Nussle, R-Iowa, recently announced his candidacy for the GOP nomination, Nussle defended his chairmanship by stating the deficit was a result of the Bosco of The New joining Sioux City businessman Bob Vander Plaats. Nussle, who is serving 2001 terrorist attacks and subsequent wars. Ultimately, that Nussle has Republic did an his eighth term in the U.S. House of Representatives, brings experience to been targeted by such an organized Democratic effort this early in the cam exceptional job the race, and he has shown he is capable ofg arnering considerable Democra paign demonstrates that he is viewed as a very formidable candidate, which tic support. He's sure to be a popular candidate and probably has the upper he certainly is. of putting the two Bolivian hand to win the Republican nomination. As for the Democrats, they'll likely have a more contested primary field to camps in their ment In But Nussle shouldn't be too quick to discount Vander Plaats, who sought the choose from. Rep. Ed Fallon, D·Des Moines, and engineer Sal Mohammed of proper context. party's nomination in 2002. According to the Des Moines Register, Vander Plaats Sioux City have already announced their candidacies. Other notables who The following Mark Simons I raised $340,000 in 2004, which, he says, is 10 times more than what he started have not yet declared include Senate Democratic Leader Mike Gronstal, who are a few with in 2002. Vander Plaats will also have considerable support in western Iowa, helped the state Democrats pick up four seats last November and earn a 25- comparisons: which has traditionally been a Republican stronghold. He has not held an elect 25 split in the Iowa Senate. Additionally, Iowa Treasurer Mike Fitzgerald, Individuals Detained: ed office, which might hurt his chances, considering Nussle's experience. But Secretary of State Chet Culver, and Attorney General 'Ibm Miller are consid • Gulag: Approximately 20 million, Nussle has his own potential problems- namely, he was the chairman of the ering entering the race. The three all have statewide election experience, with a usual population of around 2 House Budget Committee when the U.S. deficit grew to its current level. which may help them in the gubernatorial contest. million; Overall, Nussle seems to have received the most attention so far. He's cer It's a wide-open election, and voters will certainly get to know these names • Guantanamo: 750 total. tainly caught the Democrats' attention - they have already launched radio better in the months ahead. We look forward to hearing what the candidates l rE Numbers of camps: ads in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids to counter his early campaign blitz. have to offer Iowa. • Gulag: 4 76 separate complexes of r LETTERS---------------------------------------------------------- thousands of individual camps; • Guantanamo: Five camps on the U.S. military base in Cuba. Union needed to preserve benefits Reasons for Imprisonment: B't In a June 7 Daily Iowan article, "Staff OKs union deci • Gulag: Owning too many cattle or ...[ 'GAU-We sion," a staff member notes that "we [UI professional and being Jewish; LAPA scientific staff) have really great benefits," and she does COULD AFf{)I(P-.. • Guantanamo: Fighting for the who for n't see how a union would help. Tali ban in Afghanistan or having links Mesa to Many (likely most) professional and scientific staff feel toAl Qaeda. streets' the Ul is a great place to work and offers excellent bene Judicial Review: a congrE fits, and they want to see them continue. In the face of • Gulag: None; replace recent and ongoing cuts In funding to the state's regent • Guantanamo: The U.S. Supreme early el1 institutions, collective bargaining (i.e., au nion contract) is Court ruled that prisoners must receive the pre! the best and possibly only means of protecting and retain hearings on their legal status. an anti-1 ing these benefits. ubsequently, 150 detainees decided to EvoM Another statement indicates some confusion: challenge their detention, and lawyers leaderw "Supervisors can give their employees larger raises if have been arranged to represent them. in the o their work Is superior, something that would be lost In a All together, 248 detainees have been brought union-negotiated contract." Fortunately, this Is not true. released, according to Gen. Richard said ear! There Is no reason these bonuses need to be discontin Meyers, the Chairman of the Joint key to c ued. In fact, this is the type of program that could be Chiefs. political made permanent through a union-negotiated contract. Red Cross Visits: Heal! The bottom line is that the university is facing dwin dling funds from the public sector, with no near-term • Gulag: None; tional 1 • Guantanamo: Regular visits since demanc relief in sight. Ul professional and scientific staff are the January 2002. Indians largest unprotected pool of employees. When it comes to cost-of-living salary Increases and retention of benefits, Deaths as a result ofp oor treatment: on nati1 which body Is most likely to bear the cost? EDITORIAL CORRECTION • Gulag: At least 2 million to 3 t industry "TheE Vote Yes for Service Employees International Union to million; not halt, ensure professional and scientific staff benefits. Because of a technical malfunction, the last sentence of the June 8 Dally Iowan staff editorial was cut off. The full • Guantanamo: No reports of Some Holly Hart sentence should have read: "Let us see some real progress In determining the role of the Iowa regents; either keep the prisoner deaths. ants, a Ul employee status quo by letting the regents make thedecisions or look to other models for reform." The Dl regrets the error. In addition, detainees at through Guantanamo Bay are provided copies Around LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent via e-mail to [email protected] (as text, not as anachment). Each letter must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters of the Koran and allowed daily times riot poli• for prayer. Moreover, meals are pre ers war should not exceed 300 wprds. The Dl reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. The Dl will publish only one letter per autllor per month. Letters will be chosen for publication by tile editors according to pared according to Muslim religious Indians space considerations. No advertisements or mass mailings, please. guidelines. Just for the record, what and cam GUEST OPINIONS that exceed 300 words in length must be arranged with the Opinions editor at least three days prior to the desired date of publication. Guest opinions are selected in accordance with type of gulag allows prisoners to read coloredf word length, subject relevance, and space considerations. from the very text they use to justify COMMENTARY killing innocent civilians? 'lb be sure, the United States should L Finding meaning and liberation be held to a higher standard, and being better than the gulag is no place to j settle. However, Amnesty International's comparison trivializes the deaths of mil lions of innocent people who actually did die in "the gulag A few weeks ago, with thoughts "I got a book," he said. example of the kind of com sent to accomplish." of our time." It also demagogues what darker and more hopeless than an "You got that fire?" mitment God requests, Liberation theologists call on all of empty keg of Guinness at midnight, I Written by Catholic writing: us to develop a "preferential option for should be a legitimate policy debate MJ sat on my front steps all. night long bishop Gustavo Guti6rrez, "Jesus Christ identified the poor," one based on liberation about U.S. national security. One of the I waiting for a sunrise I wasn't sure Teologta de la liberaci6n with and is therefore to be praxis, a term that implies action overarching questions we face is how ' would come. charged the world's found in the poor and lowly, informed by reflection. democracies that respect human rights AIIM Now don't get me wrong - I've got industrial and military in the powerless, not the That night, I told Angel that all the should deal with non-state, non-uni lndl it as easy as you do. As middltH:lass superpowers with inflicting powerful. It is our mission Frisbee golf, girls in sundresses, and formed combatants who don't abide by 121 Americans, our acceBB to health care, poverty and injustice on in Christ to end poverty, backyard barbeques in Iowa City traditional rules of 20 education, and material goods gives millions in the developing oppression, and injustice, couldn't hide the anger and shame warlare and deliberately target Cr; us a security unimaginable to much of world - "structural just as Jesus tried to do, the world's population, who often can't violence" caused by sinful DAVID GOODNER even though that course of that I sometimes feel for this world. innocent civilians. American troops will Kelly amffeodridc aftoioond , omr utuchbe lerBcuBl opsliass taicn dsu ArgIDerS epcoolincoiems.i cA nagnedl qpuoolitteidc aal Editorial Writer ac"tiIonn may flaeacdt, t o them craonssy. wh"yO Gnloyd tmhaed geo uosd y doiuen gy oaunndg b;a tdh,"a ht'es cboatnttlienfuieel dtos coaf pIrtauqre a tnedrr Morgishtasn oins ttahne a nd MA$N1 ies, liposuctions, and fancy shoes. liberation theologist: theologians say Jesus was replied. "'lb give imperialists an ass will need to interrogate them, some Yet despite this disparity, many of "Social systems that killed precisely because he kicking they never had." times for an extended period of time. If 19 us find a meaningful life elusive, rely deprive people of bread and freedom was trying to overturn the social In spite of myself, I started laugh this doesn't occur at Guantanamo, then ing. And as the rosy-fingered dawn A1 ing on video games, television adven also deprive them of their God-given order, bringing down the powerfuJ and it will occur somewhere else. began to peak through gray clouds, as Kelly tures, and profit margins to escape dignity. If Christians believe in an raising up the poor and oppressed. He Don't get me wrong - I do think from life instead of relying on our incarnate God revealed in history, they ate with sinners and tax collectors. He the scent of my roommate's Fair Trade some criticisms concerning the MAN selves to find the meaning ofi t. have to do something about the impov scorned status and prestige. He coffee began to fill the air, my mood effectiveness and legality of I thought about going to church. erished human beings around them. H touched the untouchable, healed the finally lightened up too. Guantanamo are relevant. However, But how can anyone talk about God they do not, their talk about God is unworthy, and returned the outcasts "Thanks, man," I said, giving Angel when homeless teenagers are roam meaningless." to their communities. He was such a a pound and a bear hug. like too many criticisms of the Bush ing Iowa streets high on grass? My Later, my mother's sister, liturgy threat to the ruling authorities that "Go now in peace, David," he administration, it's not the concerns Kelly neighbor Angel was still up partying and bereavement consultant Amy Flo they had to kill him, and he replied. the critics pose that bother me but that 11M that night, and I called him over for rian (also the executive director of accepted death rather than abandon "And may the spirit of love the criticisms never seem to be some emotional support. Stauros USA), gave me a profound who he was and the miBBion he was surround you, everywhere." accompanied by a realistic alternative. If one believes Guantanamo Bay 2G ON THE SPOT should be shut down, then we should Ll expect to hear an alternative of how to Howd o you feel about a newW ai-Mart Super-Center being constructed in Iowa City? properly detain and interrogate I 11M non-uniformed, non-state enemy $1 combatants. No one condones torture " Completely " This is a " I'll probably " I think it's a • or the detention of someone who hasn't and utterly disgrace. Sam never use it. " bad idea. There committed a crime. We do have an 201M unnecessary. I'm Walton must be are too many obligation to he better than our De furious." spinning in his Wal-Marts in one enemies. But we need to be realistic in I grave. " area." 11M., balancing the extent of rights we give to people who chop off heads ofPOWs with protecting U.S. troops and • ....,..,.,.. innocent bystanders. • MID..._ llcllnza Cook Amlhed ... Mark Simons Is aU l sludent Ul graduate Ulllllior Ul senior Ul graduate student majoring Ine conomics and llnance. The Daily"towan -Iowa City, Iowa· Thursday, June 9, 2005 • 7A ,.. NEWS 's I· UNREST IN BOLIVIA Officials say Iran plans to ity up uranium enrichment Tens of thousands go\'errunents last November to sion in advance of the agency's suspend enrichment activities. board meeting next. week in of advanced The concern centers on the Vienna, Austria. possibility that, after The agency has been investi· f centrifuges are developing sufficient gating Iran's n11clear program l enrichment capabilities, Iran since an exile group disclosed expected to be could more readily shift pro the existence of Natanz in duction from low-level August 2002, slowly unravel installed in Iran's enriched uranium for nuclear ing an ambitious Iranian effort reactors to high levels for that was kept secret for nearly underground weapons, either secretly or two decades. While questions after withdrawing from the remain, the nuclear watchdog nuclear plant nonproliferation treaty. says it has found no evidence of Iranian officials pledged a weapons program. nearNatanz Sunday to extend the volun Two intelligence officials and tary suspension of enrichment a nuclear expert, all from a until the end of July as part of government opposed to Iran's BY DOUGLAS FRANTZ negotiations with Germany, nuclear efforts, said they had LOS A.'.Ga.ES TIMES France, and Britain over the developed "very solid informn· disputed nuclear program. But tion" about plans to install ISTANBUL, 'furkey - Iran Tehran has said the suspen· 54,000 centrifuges at Dado GaldlerVAssociated Press plans to install tens of thou· sion is both voluntary and tern· Natanz. They said up to Bolivian farmer Pedro Chura tries to protect hlmseH from tear gas as he demonslraln against the govern· sands of advanced centrifuges porary and that it intends to two-thirds of them would be ment In La Paz, Bolivia, on Tuesday. at its huge underground e\'entually produce fuel for the advanced model, known as nuclear plant near the central civilian reactors. the P-2. Bolivian protesters city of Natanz, which event· The complex at Natanz, They conceded that they ually would enable it to enrich approximately 150 miles south were uncertain about the key f uranium nearly twice as fast of Tehran, is the heart of Iran's issue of when Iran would build as anticipated, according to enrichment effort. Plans call and install the machines and Western intelligence officials. for more than 50,000 cen that they did not have hard Iran's timetable remains trifuges to be installed in two evidence that Iran was cur unknown, but the officials said return to the streets vast underground halls where rently manufacturing P-2s. preparatory work is under way they could produce large quan Tehran told the atomic at the plant, and the decision tities of enriched uranium, the agency last year that it had to rely on the superior type of f Western intelligence officials stopped all research and devel centrifuge suggests Iran could said. opment on P-2s. manufacture fissile material Earlier this year, Iran fin· If Iran is building the for a possible weapon sooner ished covering the main plant advanced centrifuges, it would than expected. BY BILL CORMIER 'The street mobilizations widely seen as a conservative with 25 feet of concrete and an violate its agreements with the Diplomats with knowledge ASSOCIATED PRESS wi II not halt.' and free-market supporter. of Iran's nuclear program said additional layer ofe arth. Satel three European nations and His party, the MIR, has been lite photos show that the the international agency, diplo they could not confirm the LA PAZ, Bolivia -Protesters mired in past corruption scandals entrance to the underground mats said. information, but Tehran said who forced President Carlos - Evo Morales, and is widely discredited among plant and two large air shafts In separate interviews, last year that it intended to Mesa to resign returned to the leftist Indian leader Indian and labor groups in the were concealed by what appear diplomats close to the nuclear use the updated centrifuges at i sat rceoentgsr eWsseidonneasl dlaeya dtoer d peonioseudn ctoe Weeks of such protests, cou we"sVtearcna hDigiehzla, nwdes oafr Lea r Peaadzy. for somIrea pno iinnt sinis tthse fiutstu rneu. clear to Jboeu drunmalmisyts b tuaikldeinn gosn. a gov lwikaetclyh dNoga tsaariud twhiallt ,e wvhenilteu iatl liys r replace him and to demand pled by blockades of highways war!" marchers chanted in the program is for peaceful pur ernment tour of Natanz in house P-2s, they have no infor early elections that could boost nationwide, crippled Bolivia's streets. poses, but the United States March reported that the mation that Iran is working on the presidential aspirations of economy and strangled La Paz, Morales, wearing a black T and European Union fear 1,100-acre site is ringed by at the machines. an anti-U.S. Indian leader. the capital. His government sbirt with a picture of leftist 'Thhran intends to build atomic least 10 antiaircraft batteries. "Their having made some t Evo Morales, the leftist Indian buckling, Mesa offered his res revolutionary Ernest "Che" weapons in violation of the Iranian officials said the mis planning should not be overly leader who has been a key figure ignation Monday night after Guevara, said be wouldn't let Nuclear Nonproliferation siles and underground facili surprising," said a Western in the opposition protests that only 19 months in power. Vaca Diez govern. Treaty. ties were prompted by con diplomat in Vienna. brought down Mesa this week, Lawmakers scrambled "We will not allow them to cerns over possible attacks by Stopping Iran from "However, if there were pro said early national elections are Wednesday to arrange a special take power. Now is when the the United States or Israel. f key to defusing the country's congressional session to choose national majority has to govern mastering uranium enrich An inspection team from the duction going on, it would be a political and social crisis. his successor Thursday the country," he said. ment is the central goal of the International Atomic Energy breach of the suspension." I He also demanded a constitu morning in the historic capital Morales and other leaders are United States and the Euro Agency, the United Nations' A senior Iranian official dis tional assembly to address of Sucre, hundreds of miles trying to persuade Vaca Diez to pean Union. They have threat nuclear watchdog, will begin missed the idea that Iran was demands for more power for southeast of La Paz. But local immediately resign the ened to refer Iran to the U.N. work today in Natanz. The working on P-2s now, but he Indians and to begin a debate news media reported peasant presidency, sending it to Security Council if Tehran team will check electrical work said that Natanz was designed on nationalizing Bolivia's oil protesters were headed to Sucre second-in-line House leader abandons an agreement under way and verify that Iran to accommodate either the P-2 to3 industry. in an effort to prevent Congress Mario Cossio. They want Cossio reached with three European is complying with the suspen- or the less advanced P-1. "The street mobilizations will from convening. to resign as well, sending the not halt," he said. Morales vowed the protests presidency to third-in-line of Some 2,000 teachers, peas would escalate if Senate leader Supreme Court Justice ants, and laborers marched Hormando Vaca Diez - who, Eduardo Rodriguez. through La Paz on Wednesday. under Bolivia's Constitution, If Rodriguez becomes presi Around the Government Palace, becomes president when law· dent, he must call elections riot police with tear-gas launch makers accept Mesa's resigna within five months, while either ers warily eyed the column of tion - accepts the post. Vaca Diez or Cossio would be Indians in bright red ponchos A farming businessman, Vaca allowed by law to serve out and campesinos waving rainbow Diez, 56, hails from the eastern Mesa's term, which runs until colored flags but didn't intervene. region of Santa Cruz and is August 2007. MANA&ER'S SPECIAl All Managers Specials indude 12·roonth 1 12k·mile warranty .. 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Fn. 8:30-6:00pm, Sat. 9:00-§:0QIJm 1445 Hwy. 1 West • Iowa City • 351-1501 • 1-800-345-1442 , From Thursday evening to Sunday he Weekend in Arts & Entertainment sec MLB ChJC:ago C LA Angels Washingto Pl111adelp/1 P1ttsburgh Florida 5, Cincinnati THUR THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 WWW.DAILYIOWAN.COM weekly calendar of events Today Music • Neko Case with low Skies, Englert, 221 E. Washington, 8 p.m. • OJ Bird, Siren, 124 S. Dubuque, 124 S. Dubuque • Big Sandy and His Ry-Rite Boys, Gabe's, time TBA, 330 E. Washington Friday Music • Sny Magill's Farewell Show, Glass House, Martin Carpenter & JJ Alberhasky, Yacht Club, 13 S. linn, 8 p.m., $5 • Saul Lubaroff Quartet, Siren, 9 p.m., $5 • Tight Phantomz, Call Me Lightning, Signal To Trust, Torn Avalanche, the Tanks, Gabe's, time TBA Theater • David's Redhalred Death, Dreamwell Theatre, Old Capitol Town Center, $12 general admission, $10 seniors, $8 students Saturday Music • Jensen Connection, Electric Junction, Yacht Club, 9 p.m., $5 • Robert Welch and Helen Reisen, Mill, 120 E. Burlington, 9 p.m., $5 r • Inception, Sanctuary, 405 S. Gilbert, 9:30 p.m. STORIES BY AUDRA BEALS Dreamwell Theatre's production of few days, I have been, already peo • Janelle Lauer, Siren, time TBA, lHE DAILY IOWAN David's &dhaired Death exposes ple look at me a little differently," THEATER $10 this magical world for all those unfor Rood said. • The Blood Brothers, the Plot to There's another world out there tunate blonds and brunettes out While blondes are associated David's ·Redh aired Death Blow Up the Eiffell Tower, Big - a mythical, magical, red-haired there as it delves into the struggles of with unfavorable stereotypes, red Business, time TBA, Gabe's world. It's a seductive kind of alter two women- one subtly auburn and heads are seen as mysterious, she When: Opening 8 p.m. Friday nate reality in which life is more another who chooses a shade that's said. She has picked up on this Where: Oreamwell Theater, Theater vibrant and those lucky people who brilliantly, unmistakably red. feeling and says she can see where second level, Old Capitol Town Center • David's Redhalred Death, inhabit it possess a bewitching Angie Thomsen fits her role per· the notion of an enchanted world Admission: $12 general admission. Dreamwell Theatre, $12 general power over everyone else. fectly with her fiery-hued locks. comes from. $10 seniors, $8 students. Reserve admission, $10 seniors, $8 stu· This world is rather exclusive - She and the show's other actor, the For Toomsen, this red-haired tickets at www.dreamwell.com dents it's only open to redheads, of oourse. naturally brunette Braden JP reality keeps appearing. But all it takes to enter this magi· Rood, say the play's emphasis on Just last weekend, she got a Coincidence? Maybe. But Thom cal place is a little bit of dye. Red is this idea of a "mythical, magical tarot card reading at the Iowa City sen says that lately, she has seen red - even if it's out of a bottle red-haired world" may not be a Arts Festival, and it was none signs similar to this all over the labeled with some exotic name such complete fantasy. other than the Princess of Staves place. new moVI• es as Molten Lava or Sunset Blaze. "Even just being a redhead for the - the fiery, red-haired woman. E-mail 01 reporter Audra Beals at: Production creates connections opening d1is week High Tension There's as much of a story behind the "''b already have that solid basis is nice fHaute tension) scenes of Dreamwell Theatre's produc and comforting, and it's an extra thing tion of David's &dhaired Death as there that a lot of shows don't have the oppor campus 3 is right up on stage. tunity to create," Rood said. The three women who are bringing Neither of them have acted in full this play to life- director Jessica Link length shows for a while. Since returning The Honeymooners and actors Braden JP Rood and Angie to Iowa within the last couple of years, Campus 3 Toomsen - have quite a history. Rood they've instead appeared, separately, in and Toomsen were roommates at the 10-minute shows with Theatre Cedar Mr. and Mrs. Smith University of Northern Iowa. Then they Rapids directed by Link. moved to New York and started a theater Cinema 6, Coral Ridge 10 For the time, the three are involved company together. Toomsen was even a with this Dreamwell production that Link bridesmaid in Rood's wedding. The Adventures of herselfs uggested producing to the theater Now, they've moved hack to Iowa and are acting together, one-on-one, for the oompany. Shark.B oy and Immediately following the show's Rood, left, and Toomsen, right, "It's a hurdle you have to get first time. And in an interesting tum for two-week run, however, they will head in Lava Girl in 3-D the two, they'll be playing women who star in David's Redhaired Death over," said Oreamwell President fall in love with each other. different directions. Rood, now four Coral Ridge 10 at the Dreamwell Theatre. The Matt Falduto. "The connection is more a soulful one months pregnant, will take a break from May 20 grand opening of the play Most of the problems arose as a than anything else," Thomsen said. "They theater. Toomsen plans to focus on her was delayed due to a lil:k of a nec resul of the spa being converted become compelled by each other, faacina~ band, Violet Island, and finishing her Notre Musique fiSSIIY buikilg perml, as wei as fire from a retail space to an assembly ed by each other, because they believe graduate degree in journalism. Link will Bljou or il1d bliki1g I1IQUiremll1ls ltllt tm space, said Iowa City senior they've found the mirror to their soul." get back into acting as Rose Sharon in ~ be rrlll wilh proper Dis, aiiiiT1s, txikD;I inspector Tin Hennes. For the two adml, ~totheet¥with tbe Classics at Brucemore production of Schultze Gets the il1d sprilkllrs. - by MaJ1( Bosworth this existmgr+tionship JJllllai t. -ier. Grapes ofW roth in Cedar Rapids. Blues Bljou SCOREBOARD D/SPOR S DESK MLB Houston 4, NY Mea 1 Ctwcaoo Cubs 2. Toronto 0 Boston 4, Stlou•s o THE 01 SPORTS DEPARTMENT WEL· LA Angels 8. Allanta 4 NY Ya~kees 12, Milwaukee 3 COMES QUESTIOIIS, COMMEITS, I SlJ&. wash111gton 7. oakland 2 Chi Whtle Sox 15, Cotofado 5 GESTICIIS. Plliladelphia 2, Tws 0 CIM!and 6. San Otego 1 Pittsburgh 6. Baltimore 1 Minnesota 10, Anzona 0 PHOIIE: (319) 335-5848 Ronda 5, Seatlle 4 LA Dodgers 3 Detroill FAJt (319)335-6184 ClnclnnatJ 11, Tampa Bay 9 Kansas Ctly 4, San FranCisco 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 BELMONT STAKES: AFLEET ALEX IS FAVORED TO WIN, 28 WWW.DAILYIOWAN.COM 400 CLUB NBA ANALS Yanks' Rodriguez SPURS VS. PISTONS becomes youngest TODAY, SAN ANTONIO, player to 400 homers 8:19P.M. CDT., ABC MILWAUKEE (AP) - Alex Friends Rodriguez of the New York Yankees became the youngest player to reach 400 homers nts when he hit his second of the square off game against the Milwaukee Brewers on Wednesday night. Rodriguez's two-run shot inNBA off left-hander Chris Capuano In the first Inning gave him 399, and his solo shot off left hander Jorge De La Rosa in the eighth made him just the 40th BY CHRIS SHERIDAN player In major-league history to hit 400 homers. ASSOCIATED PRESS Rodriguez is 29 years, 316 SAN ANTONIO - Rasheed days old. Ken Griffey, Jr. hit his Wallace gained a full realiza 400th homer at 30 years and tion of the depth of the friend 141 days. ship between coaches Larry He leads the majors with 19 Rite Boys, Brown and Gregg Popovich home runs. 330 E. when the Detroit Pistons were trying to come up with a strategy to stop a specific opponent. "We were in the locker room, and he said, 'I just got off the phone with Pop. Let's try play _., ing these guys like this/" Wal Nick Loomis/The Datly Iowan lace recalled. Iowa catcher Kris Welker slides Into home plate during the Hawt<eyes' Aprtl18 game against Indiana. Welker was picked by the Strategies POINT/ White Sox In the 41st round of the MLB draft. are only one COUNTERPOINT or many Wait over for Lytle, Welker things shared by Who will win the the two NBA finals? coaches in PG2B the NBA finals who have developed such a close Iowa shortstop ANDY lYTlE is drafted by the Cleveland Indians, friendship that Popovich was the best man at Brown's wed and catcher KRIS WELKER is picked by the Chicago White Sox ding. Brown was the head coach UIFOOTBALL and Popovich the lead assistant BY MICHAEL VITII before leaving for Ohio to join door and a chance to show for the U.S. Olympic men's bas· THE DAILY IOWAN one of the Indians' Single A them that I can play at a pro ketball team last summer in Holloway joins Death, affiliates to play a short sea fessional level." Athens, and they also spent the Capitol Greyhounds The Lytle family can son. Dahm, who was juggling prior summer together with the breathe a little easier now The now former Hawkeye Olympic qualifying team. They general phone caBs Wednesday from Former Hawkeye football that Iowa senior Andy Lytle overcame a great deal, retwn talk on the phone nearly every $8 students Lytle and Welker, talked hero Warren Holloway signed was taken Wednesday after· ing for the 2005 r-eaRon after day, and they and their families with the United Indoor Football noon in the Major League back surgery. He credits much about how great the experi have shared more meals than Association's Ohio Valley Baseball draft. of hls success this season to ence is watching his players either can remember. Greyhounds Tuesday as the After waiting for nearly two his coaches, Jack Dahm and Lytle Welker getting drafted. "They're homies," Wallace wide receiver tries to extend days, Lytle was selected in the Ryan Brownlee. shortstop catcher "It's a very rewarding feel said. his playing career. 25th round by the Cleveland "They were the ones who ing, and I have to give some "I'm sure tonight they'll be y Holloway caught a 56-yard Indians. A senior shortstop for really taught me how to win," with his bat, but he does have credit to my assistant coaches together and go to dinner," Pis touchdown pass from quarter the Hawkeyes, he was one of said Lytle, who was the 754th the defense to carry him a who helped in the develop tons assistant coach Dave Han back Drew Tate on the final play the three seniors from Iowa to overall selection. "They were good ways." ment of such unselfish play ners said on Wednesday. "And I of the Capital One Bowl, giving make the All-Big Ten team, able to get the players to buy Welker called Lytle around ers," he said. "Not to take any think [today], when they throw the Hawkeyes a 30-25 victory and he finished the season into a winning attitude and the 35th round, questioning thing away from the players; it up, they'll be competitors. Electric .,,, over LSU and propelling with a .338 batting average, raise our expectations of what his chances of being selected they worked extremely hard And that's what they love." pI. m., $5 Holloway to legendary status. knocking in 36 RBis with a we could do." in the 50-round draft. The to get where they are." The friendship between n Reisen, L Attempts to reach Holloway .418 slugging percentage. Lytle was one of the seniors self-doubt ended six rounds Iowa football recruit Jake Brown and Popovich is one of 9, p .m40.,5 $ 5S . .t' Wanedd netshdea y wGerree yuhnosuuncdcse ssfounl. th"ef pvaes bt efeewn rdeaayllsy, annedrv iot'uss j ufosrt twhheo t seeatm th teh atotn reea fochr ethde t hrees Bt oigf laantneoru nwcehmenen th deu rhinega rad r atdhieo CChinrcisitnenna twi aRse sdesl eicnt etdh eb y5 0ththe tthhee mNoBsAt cfoimnaplesl lbinegtw steoernie st hoef The touchdown catch against a real relief that I was taken, 'Thn Thurnament for only the broadcast of the draft. The San Antonio Spurs and Detroit round Wednesday night as LSU was the only score of and pending some signatures, second time in the last 15 sea Missoula, Mont., native hit Pistons. time TBA, Holloway's Hawkeye career. The it's done," Lytle said from his sons. Along with the other .356 with four home runs and the 1,486th overall pick. The Game 1 is today, with tipoff Homewood, Ill., native caught 29 home in Denver. departing seniors, he had a 46 RBis and earned third Lockport, Ill., native, who at 8:19p.m. CDT. the Plot to passes for 283 yards during his Lytle teammate catcher real positive influence on the team aU-conference accolades. plays outfield, signed a letter "' think they know each other Tower, Big senior campaign after rebound Kris Welker was also drafted younger players. The 1,233th selection of intent on Feb. 2 to play for so well, the chess game may be ing from Injuries in 2003. on Wednesday, going in the "Andy was a great young thinks he'll join one of the Hawkeye coach Kirk Ferentz; a little more interesting than it The 5-10, 188-pound receiver 41st round to the Chicago player who had a real drive to White Sox's roolrie teams. he is considered to be one of would be with other people," didn't get much of a look from White Sox. win," Dahm said. "He's a very "I had a headache all day," the best quarterbacks in the Spurs assistant coach P.J. Car Death, the NFL because of his lack size Lytle - a 6-0, 165-pound athletic middle infielder with Welker said after the rough country. lesimo said. "With these two, 2 general and experience. Holloway went shortstop - will spend the an above-average arm. He afternoon. "I feel great, E-mail 01 reporter MlkB Vitti at: they spend so much time $8 stu· to several free-agent camps in next week with his family will need to work a bit more because I have a foot in the [email protected] together that they know how the Canadian Football League the other one thinks." but didn't get an offer. The relationship between With the Greyhounds' five Ul CONSTRUCTION Brown and Popovich grew dur remaining regular-season ing the mid-80s, after Popovich • games, Holloway hopes to was a college coach at Division make an impact. Hawkeye tennis finally has a home Ill Pomona-Pitzer College in On Wednesday night, the Claremont, Calif., and took a Greyhounds finished their last yearlong sabbatical to observe \veek practice of the week; the team coaching techniques, spending will leave Friday for Huntsville, half the time at Kansas and the BY BRYAN BAMONTE The gr01.mdwork is still being Ala., where it will face the other half at North Carolina Tennessee Valley Raptors. THf DAILY r:JWAN laid, but the oonstruction is the under Dean Smith, Brown's foundation for a program in need - by Jason Brummond For a decade or so, the Iowa ofa n upgrade, one that puts Iowa mentor. tennis program has been in on an even keel with the rest of Brown hired Popovich in July GULTY limbo over its facilities, a blue the Big Ten in tenns of facilities. 1988, to be an assistant with the Spurs, and the friendship print without a home. But more importantly, it also puts blossomed from there. There have been serious the team equal in recruiting. Former Baylor player talks for the past 10 or 15 years "When we've had recruits "When I was a college coach, my dream was to play against pleads guilty in about construction of new visit in the past, the thing they Coach Smith in the finals of the courts, but like a thumbprint remember is the facilities situa NCAA. I always felt it would be teammate's death on a window, they have been tion," Houghton said. "They go a win-win, and I could probably wiped away. Until now. to other Big 'Thn schools and see WACO, Texas (AP) say the same thing for [playing Well, actually until August. there is no oomparison. We told Former Baylor basketball play· against) Pop," Brown said. New indoor and outdoor them to choose the school based er Carlton Dotson pleaded The two grew even tighter oourts are part of the west-cam on people rather than build guilty Wednesday to killing over the past two summers, teammate Patrick Dennehy. pus project, and the outdoor ings, but that doesn't resonate their Olympic roles taking Dotson, whose trial was oourts will be ready in August. with 18-year-oldkids." them through Puerto Rico, Ger dscidh endout leedn tetor inbtoe gain p leJau naeg re1e3·, Tulheed itnod boeo rf icnoiushrtesd airne Ascuhgeuds t AThnedy w sehea bt utht edyo nh'at vheea sre. en in A piece of construction equipment heats up In the Rseuend fafhte t hDea llys iItoew aonf mGraeneyce, . THuarnkneeyr,s Sreecrablilead, haonwd ment with prosecutors. The 23· 2006. the past is a multi-purpose the west-campus project on Tuesday In western Iowa City. When fin· the two dined nightly at the year-old faces from five years "Over the years, there have recreation building with sur lshed, the facility wllllncludetennls courts and recreational areas. best restaurant on the cruise to life in prison on the murder been fits and starts on this faces slicker than a grease job Ship Queen Mary II, which conviction. Sentencing was set thing," said Iowa men's tennis at Jiffy Lube. A compromise women's ten didn't want to play on it, and in housed the U.S. team in for June 15. coach Steve Houghton. "We "We've been outdated for a nis coach Daryl Greenan didn't fairness to them, we felt that we Athens. the Dotson did not speak during have been telling recruits for a while now," Houghton said. "All make. Instead, he took his needed a consistent court." "They both have an unbeliev the brief hearing other than while now that this thing will other schools have a facility team to Cedar Rapids. The relocation to a racquet able love and appreciation for one-word answers to questions be done by such and such a solely for tennis use, and they '"The surface at the Rec Build club in Cedar Rapids was one of great wine. Pop may be one of from state District Judge Ralph year, but now we can literally don't have to compromise on ing isn't a standard court sur many telling signs. the world's best connoisseurs, Strother. take them to the site." the surface." face," he said. "'ncoming teams SEE 'TENNIS, PAGE 38 SEE~. PAGE 3B 2B-Tbe Daily Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa-Thursday, J\me 9, 2005 SPORTS Who will win the NFL SPORTS 'N' STUFF Verba buying his agreed to the amicable split rather NBAfinals? than drag out a contract dispute - freedom from that began when the eight-year Browns veteran said the club reneged on a By The~,_ promise to redo his current deal, .WAAf'hI.lMIlllT eOnhIdliIManMl glelallolloCn*nO T W333123l 22211eP11 et ..555&2310351 8 -21 ~ AIB!Alyl STTT1EIMhIIeH C CeOOTN ~FER W.E.H.C.LE. Pct08 Before I PteIllS yTouO wNhSy the Detroit The PistonSsP dUo RaS l ot of things othfafeCt nLshEievV eEc LataAncN'tk Dleg e (RAt oPas)s n-VeewrF bcrauo swntrtiralla tecbdte, 2w0h0Ric5eh p aawnydiiln l 2gp 0at0hy6e h . bimon $u2s .9he m riellcieoniv eind OCSFNll'etollown.rci. :dla.Yna.gD .lo .r Dt I¥Won 32331w 81I1 22221l1771 5&55P312Weo854t G226' 8\> eW-ONoeeMnw.lrnI llY*..lclI Dg:. rtcto unt •2244 35311 .....2458887000100011 -321 gPDeiustn tocnaasn fweiswil l twhteihn i nbthgeess tN sBptlAraa yfiiegnrha tli:sn , lTtehitmi'ss tmraekiaselhl yaa wdpvsea,ll n. taTanhgdee y o cpfr leathay etesi rti fcjluionsugtn dteeenrfpeonausrgte'hs, borenolecneau sseh.de rbeyp athyse aC l$e4ve6l5an,0d0 0B rroowstnesr TBinor omMw aCnrcsoh n gdwaoavnse. oTVnheeer b ooaft thwaenord w ohpaistsi ot anogs g etihnvete, .~....,._ 22118 3310 .447835 1e0' ; CWhUatTto£llRe H CONFER1E NC5t ' . 187 3 year's finals, bar none. The Spurs offense to win the majority of their Verba and the Browns have Verba permission to seek a trade. Clnl::niU 23 35 Jf7 14 WLPctOB are the best team In the Western games. They have the reigning three Houlton 22 35 .. 15 Secnw.- 5 I .833 - LSWaon.i.A tO nDliggMMoI IIo n 33W41 221l51 ..55P72e85t G-38 ISHAeoimaualetletoc n:M 534 322 ...8571011407 2\1 fCaonn, fIe rheonpcee ,th aen dS paus rsa wCihni ctahgeo f inBaullsls. tYimeaer , NonBeA oDf ethfeen sleivaeg uPe'lsa ymero sotf otuhte SMazna Fna ,_ 3214 32131 452117 3I '; LPohlo AenluQ eiN 32 54 ..422888 32l\r Having said those three things, standing coaches, and are the most Cc*lrldo II 38 328 14'. San Antonio a-2. 8 250 4 San Antonio Isn't going to beat recent team to holst the Larry Wed!IMdlly'a Detroit. First of all, the Pistons are O'Brien Trophy. Sealllt 78, Oel101181 Pl'oMx 88. Lol AnQe1N 83 the defending champions. They still Problem is, they have never played a 8AyII TThIe,. A.CoOaoTc '-<1 "' TNooc gleaym'aMo IC:h-ldulecl have the heavyweight belt that more complete team than the San I8!llMlbmt DOMtea loll 3W5 2L4 .5P8e3t 0-8 SF'arkaltlllye' a11 wo"'*-"""", 8 p.m Rasheed Wallace didn't hesitate Antonio Spurs. And of all the things that ao.ton 32 27 542 3 Challotla II Oetral. 8:30 p.m showing the TNT crew Monday the Pistons do well, the Spurs do better. TNOewIOYnOl)I I< 3281 3210 .541t21 48 ~ CNoewnn Veocrtli<c o11t I1.I- H.aaue,lo 1n p, .7m;3. 0 p.m. night after they beat Miami. By the time that the NBA finals T-Bav 20 38 .338 16 ~ •• ~.tp.m The Pistons also have experience begin tonight, the Spurs will have ~ Dlvtalon W L Pet OB ~- ~ 11 1178 - winning series without home-court been off for over a week, thanks to .814 4 -CII·Yt-lan-d 3285 2212 .411 11 lyThiA~...._ advantage. Last year, Detroit won their rapid dismantling of Phoenix in Dettoll 27 30 474 12 AIITI-COT the Eastern Conference finals and the Western Conference finals, which lwL<o.al. nAtl Dnag MCliiIMtIyo n 13w 4g 32l85 ..53P27e88t 2G-0B~ NBToa8cnAl eA yF,nI NJluoAnnLleSo Iv( . s.. .~.- of·7) wi. athned NthBeAy bfienaatl sth ew iHtheoaut ti n thaa Gt aemdeg e7, fnoorr mtahlely cobualndg leeadd-u tpo ruSspt. uHrso,w etvheisr, Tt- 32 25 .541 1 M~ami·Oetroil winner al San AntoniO, 8 p.m S..lllt 25 32 .438 • Iunday, J-12 on the road, a nearly impossible actually was a blessing in disguise. OWaelddannMd dey't a.-23. 35 .387 10. . 'Mll1l8d11d1l1y-0,e Jvuofnt We 1lm4 tf II San Antonio. 8 p.m feat. Sure, the Pistons controlled Shaq HWotucilinOeIe\ c4l,r fN'l Yln !1HitfilullC IIIt Glmtt 'STal1n1 Anndlarylo, oJ ulnlelo l1laem i-Oetroll """"' 8 p m Even though San Antonio has a from having a series-changing per CIF.1.lAwoo :laAdgan o5g ,Cl lSul b8.a., l Ml2l,ta T 4no irao n4l o 0 SSl_uaannnc ,AlAlm.nyto,o, Jnn l. ioo. .aa.t t1M 1Ml llmlmi-iO-Oeterlallot l-l wlme· f8, p8. mp.. m., K gguiftaerdd ,b sigo dgiudy M ainadm ai, ganreda tth sehyo foatiliendg fpoorminta ninc eth.e iBr uret slpeet'sc tivfaec eca riet,e rast, Tthimis 5oc 50c WUIWiglon 7. Otldand 2 to get the job done when it mattered Duncan Is the best big man in the G~J·Light & Pucker PPllt1llsebdulltpghho 8e, 2B. ra-~o I ~1_1111,111.1-0,,eJii OIIMI Ww2l1m er 11 S.n Anlenoo, 8 p m , H most. game. He is a two-time league MVP, Bud Stilect Shots er.c.nu 11, Tttnp& Bay e NY YanktM 12, Miwaukee 3 Tllulldly, June 23 Which also tells me this: If the finals MVP, and the best overall blon4.61. ..... 0 loloami-OeiiOII winner 11 San Anlonlo, 8 p.m., If Pistons can keep Shaq and Dwyane player in the world. Don't believe Chtc8go While Sox 15. Colorldo 6 -ry CIIM!and 8, San Diego 1 Wade from doing their thing against me? Ask the Nets, whom Duncan LA Oodgtrw 3, Oetroil I lA~ IO,Mzonl 0 their vaunted defense, then they can was two blocks short of posting the SATURDAY 2 SUNDAY TKoldneayu't OCiteym IIt S an Fr8IICIICO, 10 15 p.m lASEB All keep Duncan and Manu Ginoblli first ever finals quadruple-double on 8 2 50 8 T8H:oc1dM0ecpyo'.man l (nPItI.I.Ittl.eg :uHti Cllle InHiH Mel8 (OitYine 4-5), JBAKtAAmoNIee.lbSrl!ioAcf. aSOSn eRC QLIETuu YOee lRR ufIo•OO r aYLnAljELpslm~-TerIlnldt eId dOF REHll P fromTh ed ooitnhge rt htheiinrsg ayso uw ehlal.v e to keep in tThhee d reecaild rienags Gona mbee hSinixd othf 2e0 S0p3u.r s ,0Y:3o0uP C-Ma ll It 1SC2K--ieI18InaY))e,,l U t~22laI~ 3 3n (C55dSH epp(ylW..e mm( 4U•..I - bm5r)o lI <(I) l.Fk5l )o2 an-8ld )Sa 1a 1(nl lS eFactnWb tD1lliae 7gc-3oo) ((, El8oa w0to5lny TSOIMNESNFX. <Cn AFIl.roAS1olll N eR Pa OMneA MdANa CnG.TtglrEtaHlhoRl ancLso.a -.nEP ailTtdeeaI,d.lC lLoHn~Pe ItRoll o IBneI rIlImJ.lIaIaIl OWlaAyitIh ol onr whinai nvme, tianhdo 2 u-3gbeh-2f,o friose r mthpaaicttk irthnagteh eNarB ttAheaa fnmi n tahtloes Trimehtepusrrneo v eatodre t hnpeloa tfy in yaoolufs r tMholaidsne uyr ebaGrro initsho ebthril'eis. V0o0.d SPkaH.M D-.O rinVksV ~'R.AP,<0IZ::;0Z A0.S PP- tIM-Tt-e P>IZVZVA p5OTT(La).om,mH. i(8p_ Ja~:a0m~n 5( dPBa p .n (Aa.Bdm1rel1 a(.za Fnc 1tooo1oe-n2 l2 1u1.-m 8-85) :1)20 1-a53 t1Pp W8h.m1ou l.cht d.onenolpgnhtnolana a(P (ICHIuRdal o2n· ftARtNhr:oRe:e8Qmg ItZol1N olO51lno1 -l1N ldo1lflr aAr o1 Iy U5mD. O-H1 0tOiALgag.Mn kyuAm laO0tch 1e1N.onJ.v O1m~1 BtleR Adoe lCO chKaF lS eG-PdPlC lR iayRLHo HM ePPd N aROICytkfeu nW- JIr. tn2rwoe-u2oxn-t, 1 dtth-shr1.ee -neS1 o (i ati flfloj uoDrmsnet tatrhntoe ei te hIdsnosp ml ittteohs feltwoh oeino r)tf hitr hesert ASouprrpg utDehrsnuen.ti cncToaihaunenr td a Ataroely l-fs eSo eovtdaef rrwD',s aa thvulkaipdinnb gkRes aot thb teoisn tsybtohlaenel.l M~l)l"f.l e8i:O1!0ap (.tm.o. t.l 6-3) al Mzonl (Vazquez 6-4), T~r..l..troon o hno tmhe T 1u5c-:0.oany o0l1 .t.h Re ePcCaLle d Of Scott as the Pistons did against the He's becoming a superstar, and his 8Fr~idapy'm• OIIIMI tAhTeL 1A6 N-TdAay B DRLA. C'IEalsle-dP uitpe aCd M Ca End ld.liceC P8erntn~ zIr oonm Lakers last season. running through the lane, around F MFBroiklwlltolaynu' kaIe Ile nC t1et1locP taehgeooglt udCee liGpahai,a m1, .6e2t:00 5p .pm.m. . MIINerIFImI IYMa owInPhePhl IE RoaHf mtPhb e.ai oSr,t orR(u HDlhPea WmJe tLelf.re eLaygH uLPye mB Aeaagnut, e OJaodfn l eoe , ablWe, hoilnee p tihckiningg Isa cwleinarn e-r ist hdise bwaitl l twhien-dbinagc k,d owspni,n nreinvger,s e slhaoyt--ucplo ctok TTOLTKBSCC0Na.oA1aeihelYm.er1nifxlcp tYct0d nml~ulAa1Yaliel~Og1n nall1 t1tol dBg 1t Inn1CI e eIaIW akIF Cl lIyI aW lleIHyo hI oAIIe1 ri ao1Cl 1ItieSloted1u l loPi NlraaelMSinnloI,tndSIYo dlo1l1z aog1nnIxS.F:o, . t.3n Mb ro 8.Ina457aunI.:elanr: :3l, .pg0t0.S ,c5 a8.h. 8558iam,.:.lp :0pn. pc818 ~.. .o75m .mOm 01,0p 1 t0p5I.p e.0 ;m m.gpp 1mpo..5 m .m, . m p0. . 0m5. p.m. JKSCJwNPMPWINooyoOSHEllAltlFllNh<de WLaITS Ll anlA O3 rCHA OCCnoY8lRDIo ymooNfOS A fl oERTittcGoeR1roDLuyh nmla TKdPlOeaDo nO.M anHlWzM 0enR NoIZ<at! A.rEt,Jo Oizo N ImInlPTIicNCtn A lms H1lFeKol -ze lIAmr BOILr EmRAgriUNansrHganoeE-AntP.rdee\ s I loo.adU-esnrdT ae-g t lrgtAo.ueo4a uagd otd1eelnr hrelt el-do<m rUe <m a1tIdrNen tbWt :d1Fwmin101 iRa 1lPlhlte I .lHaw IIn3IN nPCinl8dFh iad o keowbPevenhisee cDettpreohnoy ne niott hsh'n'stbe eeb beaae esBrllaidt nsu stiNdg ulalL s riBodp A~lbsra aDei ssAenfatitedntn rd gaoUdy,eile ostttlaha ne hsoresb .iu na i-angscfh ketfe e,ijvut 1riebf s9 ay.tt9l ohal8ues~, ffpshSaoerapcoranIu ttlotdo r'hsGfslree o bai .wnfemP S etiitlheslphn at ueOpoat r.rnnn ssoHseeov i ,enrtea hi be gwsetusaoiri.txli ln f .Dba bsenute nttPa tochhsoaeotn i cedm naesuniecxcdia dhw stinho atogens $CLHAOR1OGSEE 6M AEIAY9L 2D 9EFOALR 14W1P•I N1iGz- zDltIaNe Gm 81 JfAallP aCPp$hEei5cnTk.oeI9 ZnP9 ESo RptrpiSpe rss - by Brendan Stiles - by Andy Shanks $5.99 & 10 Wings 8 Mozzarella Sllx HORSE RACING $1299 $5.99 •1r1·tt.Ptm .,. . Pokey Stlx 4 Pepperoni Rolls • Afleet Alex runs right into ..•. 8. .P.ep.p.e.r.on.i Rel.ll. . $5.99 l large Fries Small fries •20Wllp ..., $5.99 $3.99 r { favorite's role for Belmont ~ ! r BY RICHARD ROSENBLATT diiubiiUIII~& r ASSOCIATED PRESS $3.00 • NEW YORK - All along, Domesti D aws I $}.50 . trainer Tim Ritchey believed • Domestic Pitchers Margaritas the more miles he put into Afleet Alex in the mornings, the FREE CHIPS & SALSA! better the results would be in • IIU & SA'I W-Cl.OSE • the afternoons. SJ.50 • SJ.50 • So far, so good. Domestic Draws Well Drinks Despite an unusual training SJ.50 • SJ.SO • regimen of two-a-day workouts Well Drinks Domestic Draws since late last year, Afleet Alex S2.00 • S3.00 seems to be thriving from all the Stoll Mixers •lmportPints extra romps around racetracks. M.A.C. $ • Domestic Pints All that's left, after a few more • Margaritas • Burgers morning gallops, is the grueling Mon-Fri 2-Spm & Salsa 1Y. miles of Saturday's Belmont Stakes. That, Ritchey says, means the Preakness winner is more than up to the challenge against 10 rivals, including Kentucky Derby winner Giacomo. '1'his horse has a lot of stami na," Ritchey said. "I think he'll run as far as they run races." The Belmont is as far as most thoroughbreds are asked to run, a reason the final leg of the Triple Crown is known as the "That of the Champion." Ed BelliA ssociated Press Afleet Alex has shown he is Praaknns winner and Belmont Stakes contender Afleet Alex Ia walked by Carloa Martinez after his all champion, especially after morning workout at Belmont Race Track In Elmont, N.Y., on Wednnday. his remarkable recovery in the Afleet Alex was tabbed the 6- "He's pretty much showed me "If we're within four or five Preakness. The son of Northern 5 favorite at Wednesday's post he can do anything you ask lengths at the quarter pole, I Afleet was nearly knocked to his position draw, with Giacomo the him," Rose said. "And he listens don't think anyone in here can knees after Scrappy T veered second choice at 4-1 in the rub completely. That's the biggest outkick me, if he's relaxed at into his path at the top of the f ber match between the Derby advantage." that point." stretch, but Afleet Alex regained and Preakness winners. Last year, Derby and Preak Giacomo could be the one, I his momentum and pulled away The rest of the field totals one ness winner Smarty Jones was though. The Derby winner fin I for a 4}'.-length victory. graded stakes win - Southern pushed in the early going and ished a credible third in the "He's got something special, Africa won the Grade 3 Lone lost his Triple Crown try in the Preakoess, and trainer John ! which he had to have to overcome Star Derby - and it has a com final strides to Birdstone. Rose Shirreffs has said the Belmont the Preakness fiasco," Ritchey bined record of 16 wins from 54 doesn't think a similar scenario fits his gray colt's dosing style said. "He's the most athletic and starts. The field looks to be the will occur Saturday. best ofa ll the 'friple Crown races. agile horse I've ever been around." weakest since Commendable "Smarty was a speed horse "It doesn't get any better than Afleet Alex came up a length woo in 2000, without the Derby who liked to be up close, and this," Shirreffs said. short in the Derby, finishing or Preakness winner in the race. when be got pressured, he On credentials alone, Afleet third behind 50-1 long shot Gia Handling the long, sweeping wanted to go," Rose said. "Alex, Alex is way out in front of the field. como and 71-1 shot Closing turns of the Belmont will be a he just goes when you ask him. I The colt has won seven of 11 Argument, but his miraculous formidable task for Afleet Alex could take him back to last if I races and earned $2,165,800 for recovery in the Preakness has and jockey Jeremy Rose, who want. I could put him on the owners Cash Is King, a group of racing fans anxious to see hasn't ridden very often at Bel· lead if I want. I can send him five Philadelphia-area partners what's next. mont Park. Rose isn't worried. wide if I want. It doesn't matter. who bought Alex for $75,000. J

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