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June 2016 Section A PDF

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Preview June 2016 Section A

6 1 0 2 / 6 0 Alhambra selects Mark Yokoyama as City Manager The Alhambra City work ethic will be of added Council announced benefit to continue to evolve that Alhambra Chief the City of Alhambra.” of Police Mark Yokoyama Mr. Yokoyama was selected became City Manager on to lead the Alhambra Police May 24, following the Department as Alhambra’s retirement of City Manager Chief of Police on June 6, Mary Swink. 2011. As Chief of Police, Mr. Police Chief Mark Yokoyama has been The City Council began Yokoyama has been credited selected by the Alhambra City Council to its search in January by hiring with enhancing Commu- succeed Mary Swink as city manager. Bob Murray and Associates to nity Oriented Policing and conduct a statewide recruit- community engagement in a ment search for the next City culturally diverse community technology in an effort to build better Manager. through various community police community relations. Evike Chang, evike.com, will be installed as president of the Alhambra “We received and inter- programs and innovative Mr. Yokoyama holds an Associate of Chamber Board of Directors at the Chamber’s 113th Installation viewed a number of highly outreach initiatives. Arts degree from Golden West College in Dinner on June 17. qualified candidates and During this time, the de- police administration, a Bachelor of Arts believe Mr. Yokoyama is the partment has received awards degree in public administration from best person for the job,” said and national and internation- the University of La Verne, a Masters Chamber to induct Mayor Barbara Messina. “His al accolades for its progressive of Arts degree in behavioral science capable and approachable and contemporary use of from Cal State Dominguez Hills, and a new directors at 113th >> see ALHAMBRA’S NEW CITY MANAGER Page 10A Installation Dinner Alhambra High School seniors Evike Chang, owner Friday, June 17, at Almansor of evike.com, will be Court, 700 S. Almansor St. installed as Chamber The installation will honor create award-winning video president at the Alhambra 2015 President Robert Fukui, Chamber of Commerce’s the Chamber board of direc- 113th Installation Dinner on tors, and new officers. BY ANTONIO GONZALES >> see CHAMBER INSTALLATION DINNER Page 12A At rio of Alhambra High School seniors has been awarded high honors for their success in a nationwide filmmaking contest. Andy Chan, Aaqil Khan, and Shannon Kha took CITY NEWS PAGE 2A second place in the west division for their participation in CSPAN’s Stu- CHAMBER NEWS PAGE 11A dentCam, which is geared toward students taking on the nation’s most COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 14A polarizing social and political issues in a short, documentary-style film. ACADEMIC NEWS PAGE 22A This year’s contest topic was “Road to the White House,” where students were instructed to create a 5- to 7-minute video based around the question “What is the issue you want candidates to discuss most during the 2016 presidential campaign?” The three Alhambra students chose to make their video on the topic of Social Security. Alhambra High School seniors receive high honors in the west division Titled A Sense of Security, this video for their participation in CSPAN’s StudentCam for their video A discussed the demographic changes Sense of Security. From left are U.S. Rep. Judy Chu and students that have affected Social Security Shannon Kha, Aaqil Khan, and Andy Chan. >> see AHS STUDENT VIDEO AWARD Page 22A 2A CITY NEWS AROUND ALHAMBRA 06/2016 Mayor’s Corner Incredible young people in community doing amazing things BY MAYOR BARBARA MESSINA One of the most exciting opportunities I have as Mayor is going to events that I normally would not go to, and meeting people I, otherwise, would not have. We have some incredible young people doing amazing things in our community. In March, I attended Cal State LA’s EcoCar 3 team unveiling of their 2016 advanced vehicle technology competition. These students are participating in a competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of En- ergy and General Motors and have worked incredibly hard to transform a Chevrolet Camaro into a hybrid-electric vehicle that is safe and high performing while reducing their environmental impact. Their intent is for police vehicles to improve our fleet of Mayor Barbara Messina police cars. At the May City Council meeting, I presented students from Alhambra High State Fullerton. In 2014, she became the School a certificate for their award winning youth basketball director after receiving her video project for C-SPAN’s Student Cam Bachelor of Arts degree in kinesthesiology. Documentary Competition. Their doc- She has been a “Y” kid since the first grade umentary won second place among over and said “it is an amazing feeling to give 6,000 participants worldwide. back to the community and watch these One Saturday, I attended the “Healthy young aspiring athletes.”Another example Kids Day” at the “Y” and met an amaz- of young people giving back to the com- ing volunteer team that Valarie, YMCA munity is George Young, the aquatics executive director, put together for the instructor at the YMCA. He started summer program. Many of the volunteer swimming as a youth, became a lifeguard coaches started out as “Y” kids, like Sydney instructor for the American Red Cross, and Huynh, who after working the front desk now has come full circle to the YMCA by volunteered as a coach for two years while instructing and certifying all YMCA staff in doing her undergraduate degree at Cal CPR and First Aid. >> see MAYOR’S CORNER Page 5A 06/2016 AROUND ALHAMBRA 3A 4A CITY NEWS AROUND ALHAMBRA 06/2016 Innovation can help deliver 710 tunnel is a monthly publication with a total circulation of 40,000. It is mailed to every business and residence in the city of Alhambra. Around Alhambra is also mailed to all interested local, state and county officials. BY THE 710 COALITION engineers, and investors. This P3 tive for the P3 team to build a safe, The decades-long battle to com- team would be responsible for the high-quality project. We welcome comments, press releases and plete the 710 freeway continues to be design, construction, operation, and The P3 approach has been success- community interest stories and will make every effort to include all appropriate information. a high priority for cities and residents maintenance of the tunnel over a fully used for transportation projects throughout the San Gabriel Valley. fixed period of time, typically many all across the U.S. The Las Vegas For advertising rates and other information, contact Support for the 710 tunnel is strong decades. P3 teams also bring money Monorail Project, the San Diego Alhambra Chamber of Commerce and growing despite the grousing by a to the table, investing millions or even South Bay Expressway, and the Foley 104 S. First St., Alhambra, CA 91801 Tel: 626 282-8481 Fax: 626 282-5596 small, yet vocal, group of opponents. billions of dollars. Public funding Beach Expressway in Alabama are all www.alhambrachamber.org The 710 freeway must be completed, frequently is combined with investor examples of successful transportation and the data shows that a tunnel is money to pay for the project. For the P3s. the best solution. Unfortunately, 710 tunnel, this means at least $780 A P3 approach can help pay for the opposition chooses to ignore the million of Measure R sales tax funds the 710 tunnel and shift financial project’s overall environmental bene- approved by Los Angeles County risk to the private sector. This is smart fits and the reduction in cut-through voters in 2008. and one of the options Metro will traffic in cities like Alhambra. The P3 team would be responsible consider to close the missing link in Like all major public works proj- for building and maintaining the 710 our regional freeway system. Voters ects, the 710 tunnel will not be inex- tunnel within a fixed budget. This were promised this project when they Executive Committee pensive. This is especially true since protects taxpayers from potential cost approved the Measure R sales tax, President: Robert Fukui, High Point Marketing a surface freeway is no longer being overruns. In exchange, Metro would and the 710 tunnel is essential to the Vice President: considered. But one innovative fund- agree to pay the P3 team a fixed fee future of the San Gabriel Valley. Evike Chang, Evike.com ing strategy that holds a lot of promise each year so long as the tunnel is Please stay informed and engaged Immediate Past President: is a “public private partnership,” also operational and maintained in a safe as the 710 tunnel continues to get Lee Lieberg, Landz Real Estate referred to as P3 or PPP. way. The fee would only be paid if ready for construction. For all the lat- At-Large members: Frank Chen, Law Offices of Frank W. Chen A 710 tunnel P3 could be built the tunnel is available for use by the est on the project,t go to www.metro. Valarie Gomez, West San Gabriel Valley YMCA by a consortium of contractors, public, providing a very strong incen- net/projects/sr-710-conversations/. Megan Moloughney, The Ratkovich Co./The Alhambra Mark Paulson, Anthony Venti Realtors Farmers Market adds Board of Directors Nickie Chan, LifeWave Iris Lai, Alhambra Hospital Medical Center Thursdays to its schedule Rafael Garcia , Republic Services Joe Pavon, Al’s Towing Todd Sakamoto, The Mailbox Shop Helen Romero-Shaw, So. California Gas Company The Alhambra Certified hambra Certified Farmers Lorraine Simpson, Credit Union of Southern California Dr. David Snyder, Optometrist Farmers Market recently Market will celebrate its Walter Tang, Superior Scientific announced it is expanding 32nd anniversary with free Joanna Vargas, The Fit Factor Studio the market by opening punch and cake, free arts Ambassadors from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and crafts, free games for Nickie Chan, president every Thursday beginning children 12 years old and Sam Yue June 2. under, and a free raffle for a Eddie Garcia The same fresh and chance to win the market’s Phoebe Lew Kay Lee Fukui healthful food will be 32nd year anniversary Mary Ann Torres-Co available on Thursdays as apron and more. The Frances Lo it is on Sundays. There will anniversary events will take Jewelyn Co be live music, free raffles, place on the south end of Staff and two new features: the market. Executive Director: Sharon Gibbs “Culinary Corner,” where The market will be open Membership/Advertising Sales: Stan Yonemoto Legislative Affairs: Owen Guenthard flavorful food at affordable its regular hours, but the Office Manager: Irma Hernandez prices (maximum $5) anniversary activities will The Alhambra Certified Farmers Market will be open from 5 Editor: Dulcy Jenkins will be available, and to 9:30 p.m. on Thursdays beginning June 2, in addition to be concentrated between Writers: William Kinman, Gary Frueholz, Adriana Maestas Office Assistant: Rosemarie Valerio “Inventors Row,” where 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sundays. 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Published by: Alhambra Chamber of Commerce not only inventors, but For more information, new entrepreneurs, artists, please contact Harry Wong AROUND ALHAMBRA is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, non-profit organizations, hambra Certified Farmers gathering from 8:30 a.m. to during weekday business nor responsible for product availability that may be advertised. Opinions and advertisers will display Market has provided fresh 1 p.m. Sundays on south hours at 626-570-5081, or expressed in columns, letters and guest editorials are those of the authors. All rights reserved. Reproductions in whole or in part without permission new products as well as old fruit and veggies and more Second Street, between e-mail questions to him at is prohibited. favorites. to health-conscious Alham- Main and Commonwealth. hwong@cityofalhambra. For 31 years, the Al- bra residents at its weekly On Aug. 14, the Al- org. 06/2016 CITY NEWS AROUND ALHAMBRA 5A Annual Fourth of July event offers fireworks, games, entertainment Almansor Park, 800 S. Almansor St., will host the City’s annual Fourth of July celebration from 2 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Monday, July 4. The fireworks show will begin at 9 p.m. The fun begins at 2 p.m. with family competitions, such as the traditional three- legged race, the potato sack race, the “Pie and Chew” relay, and more, and carnival games that include the basketball challenge, the frog ring toss, the shooting star toss, and other game booths Celebrants can bring food — barbe- quing is allowed, but do not bring propane tanks — or purchase a variety of made-to- Alhambra’s annual Fourth of July party starts order food and drinks from the many food at 2 p.m. at Almansor Park and concludes at vendors operating on site. 9 p.m. with a dazzling fireworks display. At 7 p.m., entertainment headliners the “MVP’s” (Most Valuable Players) will pro- Please do not bring fireworks or vide a mix of rock, R&B, Latin, swing, and alcoholic beverages to the park. For more current pop hits. The group has performed information about the event, contact the with Santana, Ray Charles, the Gypsy Community Programs Office at 626-570- Kings, Chaka Khan, and many others. 3242, or visit www.cityofalhambra.org. Sign up now for summer Leisure Classes The summer session of City of Alham- Leisure Classes, log onto the City of bra Leisure Classes begins the first week Alhambra website at www.cityofalhambra. of June, and registration for the summer org. Check out the class information and session will close at the end the first week of then phone 626-570-3242 to determine June. Quick action can mean the difference class availability and to register for either between participating during the summer guest participation or the full session. in a desired Leisure Class or waiting for the The summer session offers a full range fall session. of parent/child classes, enrichment classes, That first week in June is also the only computer and academic classes, arts and opportunity to check out a class as a crafts classes, music classes, dance classes, “guest” for just a $7 fee. If still interested in health and fitness classes, yoga classes, and the class and registering for the full session tennis classes. following the guest experience, that $7 can For more information, please phone cover part of the overall fee for the class. 626-570-3242 during weekday business To check the complete list of summer hours. MAYOR’S CORNER From Page 2A As we conclude another school year, Monday, July 4; Almansor Park; 2p.m. now is the time to start thinking about to 9pm; fireworks show at 9 p.m. summer and all the fun events we have • 710 Day 5K Run: Sunday, July in store for you and your families: 10; Fremont and Valley; 5K r ace begins • Alhambra Day at the Races: Sat- at 7:10 a.m.; $25 per runner; register at urday, June 18; Santa Anita Park; races 710coalition.com begin at 2 p.m.; children $10 (4-17) and And now with our former Police adults $12; tickets includes admission Chief, Mark Yokoyama, coming on and parking at Gate 6 and are available board as our city manager I am looking at the Alhambra Civic Center Library. forward to many great new things for our • Fourth of July celebration: City. 6A CITY NEWS AROUND ALHAMBRA 06/2016 Library offers reading programs, movies, classes At the Alhambra Civic Center From Resentment to Reverence at 11 a.m. Library, 101 S. First St., the Summer Saturday, Aug. 27. Reading Programs appeal to all ages, not Summer movies for adults are at just kids. 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays: Adults are encouraged to make at The Bourne Identity (PG13), with least weekly visits to the library to share Matt Damon, on June 7. information concerning books read Honor and Duty: Mississippi Delta during the past seven days and are Chinese, a documentary, June 14. rewarded by incentive gifts. To Catch a Thief (NR), with Grace In addition to the encouragement Kelly and Cary Grant, July 5. of regular reading during the summer Zoolander 2 (PG 13), with Ben Stiller months, adults are invited to attend a and Owen Wilson, July 12. variety of programs designed especially In addition to the Tuesday showings, for them: The Assassin (NR), in Chinese with Chinese Book Discussion Group at English subtitles, will be shown at 6:30 10:30 a.m. Thursday, June 2, in Reese p.m. Monday, June 13. Hall. Exercise mind and body Library Tour, in Chinese, at 11 a.m. Yoga classes at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, June 23. Please meet at the June 21, and 1 p.m. Saturday, July second-floor Reference Desk. 16. Sign up for free yoga classes at the A Jet Propulsion Laboratory scien- second-floor Reference Desk, or phone tist will share fascinating information at 626-570-3212, ext. 1. 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 28. Zumba Gold class for seniors from Performance by Stein for Strings, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, June a concert of classical music for strings 28. Sign up for free Zumba class at the featuring members of the L.A. Philhar- second-floor Reference Desk, or phone monic at 7 p.m. Monday, July 18. 626-570-3212, ext. 1. Quiz Game Dinner, a time to test Crafts and hobbies knowledge and winning teams get Cook Book Club at 10:30 a.m. great prizes, at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 19. Saturday, June 11. “Make it – Sample it Space is limited. Please register at the – Discuss it” Attendees will share recipes second-floor Reference Desk, or phone and food for thought from their favorite 626-570-3212, ext. 1. cookbooks and authors. Space is limited. Author Raymond Wong talks about Register at the second-floor Reference his books, including I’m Not Chinese: Desk, or phone 626-570-3212, ext. 1. 06/2016 CITY NEWS AROUND ALHAMBRA 7A How to Contact Alhambra Fire Chief Your Representatives CITY ELECTED OFFICIALS Bill Walker resigns 626-570-5010 Mayor Barbara Messina Vice Mayor Dr. Steven Placido Alhambra Fire Chief Bill Walker nity relations. Councilmember Luis Ayala has resigned and has accepted the “Chief Walker has done an amaz- Councilmember Stephen Sham position of fi re chief for the City of ing job growing and transforming Santa Monica. our Fire Department. On behalf of Councilmember Gary Yamauchi Chief Walker was hired as the the Alhambra City Council we wish City’s top fi re offi cial in 2011. Prior him the absolute best. He will surely to his fi ve-year tenure, he was the fi re be missed,” says Mayor Barbara chief for the City of Fountain Valley. Messina. His background includes expertise in At the April Council meeting, the the areas of administration, building, Alhambra City Council appointed and safety, Urban Search & Rescue, Tom Phelps, a former battalion chief, fi re prevention, emergency medical as Interim Fire Chief until a replace- services, staff training, and commu- ment can be found. Alhambra Fire Chief Bill Walker alhambra construction projects in progress Project Description Dates Sewer Line Replacement Sewer line replacement on Ross Started April 2016 - July Avenue, Edgewood Drive to 2016 Campbell Avenue High-intensity Activated Valley Boulevard and Seventh Completed & Operational Crosswalk (HAWK) System Street Water Main Replacement Replacement of the 4” and 14” Start May 2016 - August Project Water Mains on Westmont Drive 2016 between Sherwood and Norwich Avenues Food, fun available for kids in Alhambra’s parks through Aug. 5 Free lunches, free afternoon snacks, a full program of recreation, and arts and crafts activities are available for children ages 1 to 18 in Alhambra’s parks every summer. Th anks to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the California Department of Education, and the recreation supervisors and leaders of the City’s Parks & Recreation Department, Alhambra’s kids are enjoying their fi rst full month of food and fun at Alhambra Park, Almansor Park, Granada Park, and Story Park during the hours listed below: Lunch Snacks Alhambra Park Noon to 2 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Almansor Park 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Granada Park Noon to 2 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Story Park 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Lunches and snacks are served on a fi rst come, fi rst served basis and must be consumed on the site in the designated area.Th ey are served regardless of race, color, national origin, sex or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated in any CDE-related program should write to Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Arts & crafts, Recreation Tuesday and Th ursday only Alhambra Park 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Almansor Park 1:30 p.m.to 4 p.m. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Granada Park 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Story Park 1 p.m.to 4 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Free, drop-in recreational programs are scheduled Monday through Friday and include tournaments and games supervised and conducted by trained recreation leaders. For more information, please phone 626-570-5081 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8A CITY NEWS AROUND ALHAMBRA 06/2016 Noted artist Robert Tyler to exhibit artworks in City Hall Art Gallery in June The City Hall Art Gallery, 111 S. First St., presents the artworks of Robert Tyler in June. Mr. Tyler has played a large role in everyone’s lives through his artistic A second annual City of Alhambra Neighborhood Clean-up has been scheduled for 8 a.m. to animation work in movies noon Saturday, June 4. and television shows, including his first Walt Disney Studios assign- ment Robin Hood and his Neighborhood Clean-Up Emmy-winning work on The Simpsons. For more than 40 years project scheduled for June 4 he has excelled in the animation arts, working with, among others, Following a successful neighborhood of the San Gabriel Valley New Gen Rotary Hanna-Barbera, Chuck Robert Tyler, animation artist who has worked in movies and clean-up last year, helped by volunteers Club, whose members played a huge roll Jones, Warner Brothers, television shows, including The Simpsons, will present a fine art from City staff, Alhambra churches, service in this effort, have noted the feelings of and many others. exhibit at City Hall Art Gallery in June. clubs, and individual residents, a second community togetherness engendered by But it is the fine arts annual City of Alhambra Neighborhood their efforts, and they said it was fun. that have occupied Mr. Clean-up has been scheduled for 8 a.m. to The selection of this section of the com- Tyler’s attention in recent prints, that will grace the the City Council or the noon Saturday, June 4, in an area bounded munity is based upon an effort, over the years, translating his walls of the City Hall Lobby Planning Commission has a by San Marino Avenue on the north, First next few years, to cover the entire city and artistic vision into varied in June. scheduled evening meeting. Street on the east, Valley Boulevard on the not on any basis of noted deterioration. artworks that feature Visit the exhibit during For information concern- south, and Sixth Street on the west. The residents of this area have pride in their landscapes, faces, masks, regular open hours: 8 a.m. ing art exhibits in City Hall, Volunteers will sign in at a booth lo- properties, as other Alhambra residents do, cars, and more. It is these to 5 p.m. Monday through please contact Cynthia Jarvis cated on Shorb Street, between Sixth and but some — seniors, disabled, those on artworks, captured on Friday and on those Mon- at 626-570-5011. Seventh (adjacent to Moor Field), with fixed incomes, veterans, and those without colorful, intriguing giclee day evenings when either their work gloves, small gardening tools, appropriate tools and resources — may wheelbarrows, and other work implements need a bit of help in achieving the standard to provide assistance to residents, who have to which they aspire. responded to an area survey, who need In addition to the volunteer clean-up some assistance in landscape maintenance, efforts, there will be a low-cost pet clinic such as trimming, clipping, etc., or the on site hosted by the L.A. County Animal removal of unwanted furniture, appliances, Care & Control Department and an tree trimmings, trash, junk, and debris E-waste curbside pickup of unwanted into large, roll-off dumpsters provided by electronic devices. Republic Services. For more information about the June Volunteers can sign up for this project 4 Neighborhood Clean-up, please contact by contacting City of Alhambra Code Code Enforcement and check out the Enforcement during weekday business information on the City’s website: www. hours at 626-570-3230, e-mailing code@ cityofalhambra.org. cityofalhambra.org, or just showing up on Thanks go to the co-sponsors of this June 4 with a willing spirit of community City of Alhambra effort: Republic Services, service. Veterans of last year’s clean-up Petsmart, Smart & Final, The Home De- effort, including Mauro Trejo, president pot, and Starbucks Coffee. Alhambra swimming pools will keep residents cool this summer Summer arrives this month, and help check the schedule in the Leisure Classes, for the hot weather is at the Granada Park Activities & Excursions Guide, available on swimming pool, 2233 W. Whitney Drive, the City’s website at www.cityofalhambra. and at the Alhambra Park swimming pool, org. 500 N. Palm Ave. Also in the Guide and on the City’s Alhambra residents, in addition to con- website is full information concerning all sidering a wide range of aquatic programs, aquatics programs. Click on Online Ser- can cool down during Recreation Swim or vices and then click on Leisure, Recreation Lap Swim, or at Alhambra Park, families & More. There is specific information can enjoy the Wet Play Area adjacent to the about swimming lessons, programs for pool from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. all week long. youngsters, such as Guppy Guards, Jr. Recreation Swim is available every Lifeguards, and the Novice Swim Team, day of the week, alternating between the and Lap Swim/Aqua Aerobics. Granada Pool and the Alhambra Park For prerecorded information about Pool, and two nights a week, alternating rules and regulations, swim attire, fees, between pools. Lap Swim is scheduled each registration, and general information, evening, alternating between pools. Please please phone 626-570-5093. 06/2016 AROUND ALHAMBRA 9A 10A CITY NEWS AROUND ALHAMBRA 06/2016 Th e City’s Summer Serenade concert series, beginning July 22, presents four Fridays of music in Alhambra Park: July 22, Beta Maxx; July 29, Th e Main Street Swing Band; Aug. 5, Hit Me 90s; and Aug. 23, Dons of Distinction. ALHAMBRA’S NEW CITY MANAGER From Page 1A second Masters degree in executive lead- I look forward to working with such ership from the University of Southern a dedicated City Council, staff , and the California. community to make the quality of life “I am excited and honored to be se- the best possible for everyone to live, lected to serve as the new City Manager. work and play,” said Mr. Yokoyama. Th e following crimes were reported to the Alhambra Police Department in April. Th e areas of occurrence are listed to the nearest block—not exact addresses. By publishing these reports, it is hoped that Alhambra residents will take the necessary measures to ensure their individual safety, as well as the safety of their property. Neighborhood Watch Works! To join Neighborhood Watch, or for more crime prevention information and safety tips, contact the Alhambra Police Department Crime Prevention Offi ce at 626-570-5177. District One District Two District Three District Four Burglary (5) Burglary (4) Burglary (5) Burglary (10) 400 S. Second 700 S. Eighth 3100 W. Sherwood 1600 S. Meridian 500 S. Seventh 900 S. Ninth 00 S. Meridian 2900 W. Midwick 600 N. Hidalgo 300 E. San Marino 2200 W. Larch 1500 S. Campbell 700 N. Stoneman 1800 S. Azalea 800 N. Curtis 2500 W. San Clemente 100 E. Mission Theft/Burglary from 500 S. Meridian 2500 W. Carlos Theft/Burglary Vehicle (12) Theft/Burglary 1700 W. Garvey from Vehicle (10) 900 S. First from Vehicle (13) 2700 W. Montezuma 00 N. First 600 S. Second 100 N. Marguerita 2400 S. Hitchcock 400 S. Seventh 600 S. Sixth 100 N. Curtis 2500 S. Hitchcock 00 N. Garfield 1000 S. Sixth 800 N. Atlantic 2100 S. Primrose 400 N. Garfield 1400 E. Valley 200 S. Elm Theft/Burglary 100 N. Chapel 600 E. Valley 1800 W. Commonwealth from Vehicle (5) 400 N. Chapel 800 W. Valley 100 S. Electric 2500 W. Valley 100 N. El Molino 400 W. Valley 900 S. Fremont 1100 W. Valley 500 W. Main 1600 S. Granada 2700 W. Grand 900 S. Edith 400 E. Main 1400 S. Vega 1900 W. Cedar 1000 S. Atlantic 400 S. Cordova 1800 S. Vega 2300 W. Main 2600 W. Shorb Grand Theft Auto (4)1400 S. New 300 S. Westboro Grand Theft Auto (6) 00 N. First Grand Theft Auto (6) 600 S. Westminster Norwood / Fremont 00 N. Stoneman Eighth / Valley 400 S. Winthrop 1400 S. Westminster 00 E. Bay State 1000 E. Valley Grand Theft Auto (5) 2900 W. Front 400 E. Main 600 E. Valley Raymond / Grand 3100 W. Ramona 1000 E. Valley 2600 W. Main 2700 W. Ramona 700 S. Stoneman 2100 W. Main 2000 S. Palm 500 E. Hellman 1100 W. Main Robbery (1) Robbery (2) 500 N. Palm 2700 W. Montezuma 00 W. Valley Robbery (2) 00 E. Valley 1200 S. Fremont 500 N. Palm

2015 President Robert Fukui, the Chamber . AROUND ALHAMBRA is not responsible nor liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for .. solve real-world significant problems in a VIP seats and an ad and listing in the.
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