June, 2015 CURRICULUM VITA GEORGE AARON BARNETT 1302 Hemlock Lane Department of Communication Davis, California 95616 University of California - Davis 370 Kerr Hall Davis, CA 95616 Office: 530-754-8382 Mobile: 716-998-5040 [email protected] Born: Chicago, Illinois July 16, 1949 Marital Status: Married--Marion E. Fox, 2 children--Sarah and Zachary EDUCATION Ph.D. Michigan State University, East Lansing, IL, USA 1976 Communication, concentration in Linguistics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, IL, USA 1973 Linguistics Institute M.A. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA 1972 Sociology B.A. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA 1971 Sociology, minors in Psychology and Political Science TEACHING AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Research Assistant, Survey Research Center, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1971-1972. Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1972. Teaching Assistant and Instructor, Department of Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1972-1975. Assistant Professor of Communication, Department of Language, Literature and Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 1975-1981. Research Fellow, East-West Communication Institute, Honolulu, HI, 1979. Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1981-1984. Associate Professor, Department of Communication, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1984 to 1993. Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Speech Communication, University of Texas, Austin, 1988. Professor, Department of Communication, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1993 to 2009. Chair, Department of Communication, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002 to 2006. Visiting Professor, Department of Communication, University of Maryland, College Park, 2006. Professor & Chair, Department of Communication, University of California, Davis, 2009-2015. Distinguished Professor, Department of Communication, University of California, Davis, 2015 to date. Visiting Professor, Department of Scientific and Technological Communication and Policy, University of Science and Technology of China, 2015. AWARDS AND HONORS Scholarship to attend Workshop of Multidimensional Scaling, Bell Laboratories and the University of Pennsylvania, June, 1972. Top three student paper, Theory and Methodology, Association for Education in Journalism, 1974. James W. Mackham Student Paper Award in International Communication, Association for Education in Journalism, 1975. Top three paper, Intercultural Communication, International Communication Association, 1977. Top three paper, Political Communication, International Communication Association, 1977. Top three paper, Organizational Communication, International Communication Association, 1981. Top four paper, Information Systems, International Communication Association, 1982. Top four paper, International and Development Communication, International Communication Association, 1984. Top four paper, Information Systems, International Communication Association, 1985. Top four paper, Public Relations, International Communication Association, 1986. Top paper, International Communication, International Communication Association, 1995. Top paper, International Communication, International Communication Association, 1998. Top paper, Conference Theme, International Communication Association, 2006. Top three Interactive Paper, International Communication Association, 2006. Top four in Peace and Conflict Communication, National Communication Association, 2007. Top three Interactive Paper, International Communication Association, 2009. Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award, International Communication Association, 2012. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS: Woelfel, J., Holmes, R., Kincaid, D.L. & Barnett, G.A., How To Do a Galileo Study. Troy, NY: Good Books, 1980. Goldhaber, G.M. & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Organizational Communication. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1988. Barnett, G.A. & Woelfel, J. (Eds.), Readings in the Galileo System Theory, Methods and Applications. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1988. Richards, W.D. Jr. & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), Progress in Communication Sciences: Advances in Network Analysis, vol 12. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1993. Thayer, L. & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), Organization<-->Communication: Emerging Perspectives, vol 4. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1994. Barnett, G.A. & Thayer, L. (Eds.), Organization<-->Communication: Emerging Perspectives (The Renaissance in Systems Thinking) vol. 5. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1997. (Nominated as book of the year National Communication Association, Organizational Communication Division.) Barnett, G.A., & Boster, F.J. (Eds.), Progress in Communication Sciences: Attitude Change and Persuasion, vol.13. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1997. Palmer, M.T., & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), Progress in Communication Sciences: Mutual Influence in Interpersonal Communication: Theory and Research in Cognition, Affect and Behavior, vol. 14. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1998. Barnett, G.A., (Ed.), Organization<-->Communication: Emerging Perspectives (Power, Gender and Technology) vol. 6. Greenwich, CT: Ablex, 1998. Barnett, G.A. & Sawhney, H. (Eds.), Progress in Communication Sciences: Telecommunications, vol. 15. Greenwich, CT: Ablex, 1999. Cheney, G. & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), International and Multicultural Organizational Communication. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, 2005. (Nominated as book of the year National Communication Association, Organizational Communication Division.) Barnett, G.A. & Houston, R. (Eds.), Advances in Self-Organizing Systems. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, 2005. Vishwanath, A., & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), Advances in the Diffusion of Innovation, New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011. Barnett, G.A. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Social Networks, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2011. CHAPTERS: Barnett, G.A., The Measurement of Organizational Culture. In Proceedings of Organizational Communication Conference. Goldhaber, G.M. & Wiio, O. (Eds.), Buffalo: State University of New York, 1979. Barnett, G.A. & Hughes, C.E., Communication Theory and Technical Communication. In Research in Technical Communication. M.G. Moran & D. Journet (Eds.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984, 39-84. Barnett, G.A., Communication and Organizational Culture. In Handbook of Organizational Communication. G.M. Goldhaber & G.A. Barnett (Eds.), Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1988, 101-130. Barnett, G.A., Communicating Accounting Information. In Behavioral Accounting. H. Ramanauskas-Marconi & G. Siegel (Eds.), Cincinnati: South- Western Publishing Company, 1988, 400-446. Barnett, G.A., An Associational Model for the Diffusion of Complex Innovations. In Readings in the Galileo System Theory, Methods and Applications. G.A. Barnett & J. Woelfel (Eds.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1988, 55-74. Barnett, G.A., Frequency of Occurrence as an Estimate of Inertial Mass: Pigs in Space. In Readings in the Galileo System. G.A. Barnett & J. Woelfel (Eds.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1988, 243-264. Beninson-Germano, M., G.A. Barnett, J.W. Dinkelacker & K.A. Downing, Automated Ordering in the Pharmaceutical Industry. In Readings in the Galileo System. G.A. Barnett & J. Woelfel (Eds.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1988, 265-294. Barnett, G.A., Precise Procedures for Longitudinal Network Analysis. In Readings in the Galileo System. G.A. Barnett & J. Woelfel (Eds.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1988, 333-368. Barnett, G.A., Bibliography of Galileo Materials. In Readings in the Galileo System. G.A. Barnett & J. Woelfel (Eds.), Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1988, 379-394. Barnett, G.A., Approaches to Non-Euclidean Network Analysis. In Small World. M. Kochen (Ed.), Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1988, 349-372. Johnson, J.D. & F. Tuttle (G.A. Barnett), Problems in Conducting Intercultural Communication Research. In Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication. W.B. Gudykunst & M.K. Asante (Ed.), Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1988, 461-483. Barnett, G.A., Communication and the Diffusion of Information. In Readings in Communication Science, J. Woelfel (Ed.), Buffalo: State University of New York, Department of Communication, 1990, 1-32. Barnett, G.A., The Role of the Bilingual in Multilingual Societies. In Multilingualism and the Media. G. Muskens (Ed.), Vienna: ISSC Vienna Centre, 1990, ML-ETH Report Bled 4. Barnett, G.A., Danowski, J.A. & Richards, W.D., Communication Network and Network Analysis: A Current Assessment. In Progress In Communication Sciences, vol. 12. W.D. Richards, Jr. & G.A. Barnett (Eds.), Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1993, 1-20. Barnett, G.A., Correspondence Analysis: A Method for the Description of Communication Networks. In Progress In Communication Sciences, vol. 12. W.D. Richards, Jr. & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1993, 135-164. Freeman, C.A. & Barnett, G.A., An Alternative Approach to Using Interpretative Theory to Examine Corporate Messages and Organizational Culture. In Organization<-->Communication: Emerging Perspectives. L. Thayer & G.A. Barnett (Eds.), Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 60-73, 1994. Barnett, G.A. & Cho, S., Cycles in Television Viewing. In Cycles and Dynamic Patterns in Communication Processes. J. Watt & A. Van Lear (Eds.), Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 231-253, 1996. Barnett, G.A., Multilingualism and Transportation/Telecommunication. In Handbook on Contact Linguistics: An International Handbook of Contemporary Research. H. Goebl, P.H. Nelde, Z. Stary & W. Wolck (Eds.), Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, vol. 1, 431-438, 1996. Barnett, G.A., Quantitative Analysis of In-Person Interviews. In The Practice Analysis of Management Accounting. G. Siegel & J. Sorgensen (Eds.), Montvale, NJ: Institute of Management Accounting, 1996. http:///www.rutgers.edu/Accounting/raw/ima/pracana/chap-5.htm Barnett, G.A., Organizational Communication Systems: The Traditional Perspective. In Organization<-->Communication: Emerging Perspectives: (The Renaissance in Systems Thinking) vol. 5. G.A. Barnett & L. Thayer (Eds.), Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1-46, 1997. Barnett, G.A., The Social Structure of International Telecommunications. In Progress In Communication Sciences, vol. 15. H. Sawhney & G.A. Barnett (Eds.), Greenwich, CT: Ablex, 151-186, 1999. Barnett, G.A., Commentary on Common Ground in Organizational Communication. In Perspectives on Organizational Communication: Finding The Common Ground. S.R. Corman & M.S. Poole, (Eds.), New York: Guilford, 89-95, 2000. Barnett, G.A. & Lee, M., Issues in Intercultural Research. In Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication, 2nd edition. W.B. Gudykunst & B. Moody (Eds.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 275-290, 2001. Barnett, G.A., A Longitudinal Analysis of the International Telecommunication Network: 1978-1999. In Globalization & Cultural Communication, Z. Guo (Ed.), Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press: Beijing, 2004, (in Chinese). Barnett, G.A., An Introduction to Self-Organizing Systems. In G.A. Barnett, & R. Houston, (Eds.), Advances in Self-Organizing Systems, Hampton Press: Cresskill, NJ, 3-32, 2005. Barnett, G.A. & Hwang, J., The Use of the Internet for Health Information and Social Support: A Content Analysis of Online Breast Cancer Discussion Groups. In R. Rice & M. Murero (Eds.), The Internet and Health Care: Theory, Research and Practice, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 233-253, 2006. Barnett, G.A. & Rosen, D., The Global Implications of the Internet: Challenges and Prospects. In Y. Kamalipour (Ed.), Global Commendation 2nd edition. Wadsworth: Belmont, CA, 157-180, 2007. Barnett, G.A., The Role of the Internet in Cultural Identity. In L. Leung, A. Fung, & P.S.N. Lee (Eds.), Embedding into Our Lives: New Opportunities and Challenges of the Internet, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 347-368, 2009. Barnett, G.A., & Chung, C., Communication and Evolution of SNS: From the Perspective of Cultural Convergence Theory. In H. W. Park (Ed.), Understanding Social Networking Service Research (pp.12-31). Gyeongsan-si, Korea: YeungNam University Press, 12-31, 2011. Barnett, G.A., Kim, J.H., & Lim, Y., The Nation-State and the Global Telecommunication Network. In J. van Dijk & K. Hacker (Eds.), Democracy in a Network Society, Hampton Press: Cresskill, NJ, in press. Lim, Y. & Barnett, G.A., The Impact of Global News Coverage on International Aid. In G.J. Golan, T.J., Johnson & W. Wanta (Eds.), International Mass Communication in a Global Age. Lawrence Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ, 89-108, 2011. Barnett, G.A. Mathematical Models of the Diffusion Process, In Vishwanath, A., & Barnett, G.A. (Eds.), The Diffusion of Innovations: A Communication Science Perspective. New York: Peter Lang, 103-122, 2011. Barnett, G.A. Telecommunications Networks. In Barnett, G.A., (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 847-850, 2011. Barnett, G.A. SOCNET. In Barnett, G.A., (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Networks. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 811, 2011. Barnett, G.A. Scholarly Communication of Communication Studies. In Donsbach, W. (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication. London: Wiley-Blackwell, in press. Kim, J.H., Barnett, G.A., & Kwon, K. Comparing The Influence of Social Networks Online and Offline on Decision Making: The U.S. Senate Case. In Livermore, C.R., E-Politics and Organizational Implications of the Internet: Power, Influence and Social Change. (pp. 198-219). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, (2012). Barnett, G.A. Scholarly communication of Communication Studies. In Donsbach, W. (ed). The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell Publishing, Blackwell Reference Online, 2013. http://www.blackwellreference.com/subscriber/tocnode.html? id=g9781405131995_yr2012_chunk_g978140513199524_ss137-1 Barnett, G.A., & Jiang, K., Social Network Analysis: A Research Method for China. In J.H. Hong (Ed.), New Trends in Communication Studies (pp. 861- 887), Tsinghua University Press: Beijing, 2014. (In Chinese) Chung, C.J., Barnett, G.A., & Park, H.W. International Hyperlink Networks. Kazienko (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Heidelberg Germany: Springer Verlag, in press. Barnett, G.A. Social Networks. In R. Mansell & P.H. Ang (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication & Society. London: International Encyclopedia of Communication. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/9781118767771). Barnett, G.A., Vishwanath, A., Diffusion Theories: Logic and Role of Media. In P. Roessler (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects, Wiley-Blackwell: London, in press. Barnett, G.A., Convergence of Innovations and Networks. In K. Lee (Ed.), Convergence Innovation, Taylor & Francis: New York, in press. Barnett, G.A., & Jiang, K. Issues in Intercultural Communication Research. In L. Chen (Ed.), Handbook of Intercultural Communication (vol. 9), Handbooks of Communication Science, Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin, in progress. JOURNAL ARTICLES: Wigand R.T. & Barnett, G.A., Multidimensional Scaling of Cultural Processes: The Case of Mexico, South Africa and the United States. International and Intercultural Communication Annual, 3, 139-172, 1976. Barnett, G.A., Serota, K.B., & Taylor, J.A., Campaign Communication and Attitude Change: A Multidimensional Analysis. Human Communication Research, 2, 227-244, 1976. Barnett, G.A., Linguistic Relativity: The Role of the Bilingual. B.D. Ruben (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 1, New Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 397- 414, 1977. Serota, K.B., Cody, M.J., Barnett, G.A., & Taylor, J.A., Precise Procedures for Optimizing Campaign Communication. B.D. Ruben (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 1, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 475-494, 1977. Barnett, G.A. & Woelfel, J., On the Dimensionality of Psychological Processes. Quality and Quantity: A European Journal of Methodology, 13, 215- 232, 1979. Barnett, G.A., Applications of Communication Theory and Cybernetics to Technical Communication. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 9, 337-347, 1979. Barnett, G.A., & McPhail, T.L., An Examination of the Relationship of U.S. Television to Canadian Identity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 4, 219-232, 1980. Barnett, G.A., Hamlin, D.M., & Danowski, J.A., The Use of Fractionation Scales in Communication Audits. M. Burgoon (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 5, New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 455-471, 1981. Barnett G.A., A Multidimensional Analysis of the 1976 Presidential Campaign. Communication Quarterly, 28, 156-164, 1981. Barnett, G.A., Harrison, R.B., Wigand, R.T., Woelfel, J., & Cohen, A.A., Communication and Cultural Development: A Multidimensional Analysis. Human Organization, 40, 330-337, 1981. Woelfel, J. & Barnett, G.A., Multidimensional Scaling in Riemann Space. Quality and Quantity: A European Journal of Methodology, 16, 469-491, 1982. Kapp, J.E. & Barnett, G.A., Predicting Organizational Effectiveness from Communication Activities: A Multiple Indicator Model. Human Communication Research, 9, 239-254, 1983. Barnett, G.A., Seasonality in Television Viewing: A Mathematical Model. Systemsletter, 11, 23-27, 1983. Barnett, G.A., & Kincaid, D.L., Cultural Convergence: A Mathematical Theory. International and Intercultural Communication Annual, W.B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Intercultural Communication Theory: Current Perspectives, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 7, 171-194, 1983. Kincaid, D.L., Yum, J.O., Woelfel, J., & Barnett, G.A., The Cultural Convergence of Korean Immigrants in Hawaii: An Empirical Test of a Mathematical Theory. Quality and Quantity: A European Journal of Methodology, 18, 59-78, 1983. Palmer, M.T. & Barnett, G.A., Using a Spatial Model To Determine Accuracy of Language Translation. International and Intercultural Communication Annual, W.B. Gudykunst & Y.Y. Kim (Eds.), Methods of Intercultural Research, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 8, 129-147, 1984. Barnett, G.A., Palmer, M.T., & Noor Al-Deen, H., An Examination of the Use of Multidimensional Scaling to Determine Accuracy of Translation. R. Bostrom (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 8, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 659-679, 1984. Rice, R.E. & Barnett, G.A., Group Communication Networking in an Information Environment: Applying Metric Multidimensional Scaling. M. McLaughlin, (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 9, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 315- 339, 1985. Barnett, G.A. & Rice, R.E., Network Analysis in Riemann Space: Applications of the Galileo System to Social Networks. Social Networks, 7, 287-322, 1985. Danowski, J.A., Barnett, G.A., & Friedland, M., The Structure of the Public Relations Industry. M. McLaughlin, (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 10, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 808-830, 1987. Barnett, G.A., & Siegel, G., The Diffusion of Computer Assisted Legal Research Systems. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 39, 224-234, 1988. Woelfel, J., Barnett, G.A., Pruzek, R., & Zimmelman, R., Rotation to Simple Processes: The Effect of Alternative Rotation Rules on Observed Data in Time-Ordered Measurements. Quality and Quantity: A European Journal of Methodology, 23, 3-20, 1989. Johnson, J.D., Olivieria, O.S., & Barnett, G.A., Communication Factors Related to Closer International Ties: An Extension of a Model in Belize. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 13, 1-18, 1989. Barnett, G.A., Olivieria, O.S., & Johnson, J.D., Multilingual Language Use and Television Exposure and Preferences: The Case of Belize. Communication Quarterly, 37, 248-261, 1989. Barnett, G.A., Fink E.L., & Debus, M.B., A Mathematical Model of Academic Citation Age. Communication Research, 16, 510-531, 1989. Barnett, G.A., Chang, H.S., Fink, E.L., & Richards, W.D., Seasonality in Television Viewing: A Mathematical Model of Cultural Processes. Communication Research, 18, 755-772, 1991. Gillham, J.R. & Barnett, G.A., Participation in Burglary Prevention and World View: Thinking About More Effective Communication Approaches. Security Journal, 2, 227-232, 1991. Barnett, G.A., The Acoustical Presentation of Technical Information. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 22, 39-52, 1992. Woelfel, J. & Barnett, G.A., Procedures for the Comparison of Time Dependent Data to a Theoretical Criterion. Quality and Quantity: A European Journal of Methodology, 26, 367-381, 1992. Barnett, G.A. & Danowski, J.A., The Structure of Communication: A Network Analysis of the International Communication Association. Human Communication Research, 19, 264-285, 1992. Barnett, G.A., Cho S., & Choi, Y., Seasonality in Television Viewing: A Dampened Oscillation Model. Cycles, June, 1993, 137-141. Sun, S., & Barnett, G.A., An Analysis of the International Telephone Network and Democratization. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 45, 411-421, 1994. Jang, H., & Barnett, G.A., Cultural Differences in Organizational Communication: A Semantic Network Analysis. Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, 44, 31-59, 1994. Gillham, J.R., & Barnett, G.A., Decaying Interest in Burglary Prevention, Residence on a Block with an Active Block Club and Communication Linkage: A Routine Activities Approach. Journal of Crime and Justice, 27, 23- 48, 1994. Barnett, G.A., & Choi, Y., Physical Distance and Language as determinants of the international telecommunications network. International Political Science Review 16 (3), 249-265, 1995. Barnett, G.A., & Wu, Y., The International Student Exchange Network: 1970 and 1989. Higher Education, 30, 353-368, 1995. Kim, K., & Barnett, G.A., The Determinants of International News Flow: A Network Analysis. Communication Research, 23, 323-352, 1996. Doerfel, M.L., & Barnett, G.A., The Use of CATPAC for Textual Analysis: Presidential Debates. Cultural Anthropology Methods, 8, 4-7, 1996. Reprinted in The Content Analysis Reader, K. Krippendorff & M. Bock (Eds.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008, pp. 416-420. Barnett, G.A., & Salisbury, J.G.T., Communication and Globalization: A Longitudinal Analysis of the International Telecommunication Network. Journal of World-Systems Research, 2, 16, 1-17, 1996. Barnett, G.A., Jacobson, T.L., Choi, Y., & Sun-Miller, S.L. An Examination of the International Telecommunication Network. The Journal of International Communication, 3, 19-43, 1996. Feeley, T.H., & Barnett, G.A., Predicting Employee Turnover from Communication Networks. Human Communication Research, 23, 370-387, 1997. (Nominated as article of the year National Communication Association, Organizational Communication Division) Lee, M., & Barnett, G.A., A Symbols-and-Meaning Approach to the Organizational Cultures of Banks in the United States, Japan, and Taiwan. Communication Research, 24, 394-412, 1997. Jang H.Y., & Barnett, G.A., The Relationship between Communication Network and the Perception of Organization Climate in a U.S. Police Organization. Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies, 43, 2, 1998. Salisbury, J.G.T., & Barnett, G.A., A Network Analysis of International Monetary Flows. The Information Society, 15, 31-49, 1999. Doerfel, M.L., & Barnett, G.A., A Comparison of the Semantic and Affiliation Networks of the International Communication Association. Human Communication Research, 25 (4), 589-603, 1999. Barnett, G.A., Salisbury, J.G.T., Kim, C., & Langhorne, A., Globalization and International Communication Networks: An Examination of Monetary, Telecommunications, and Trade Networks. The Journal of International Communication, 6(2), 7-49, 1999. Kim, K., & Barnett, G.A., The Structure of the International Telecommunications Regime in Transition: A Network Analysis of International Organizations. International Interactions, 26(1), 91-127, 2000. Chen, T.M., & Barnett, G.A., Research on international student flows from a macro perspective: A network analysis of 1985, 1989 and 1995. Higher Education, 39, 435-453, 2000.