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Preview June 2013

2 SILVER LINING June 2013 Silver Lining Counseling Elders’ Letter The Silver Lining subscriptions are due Greetings in the Savior’s name! from the following in July: The Silver Lining is an important publication to us as a brotherhood. It 1. Belvidere fosters relational connections by sharing news from congregations, keeps 2. Bern us informed of our national outreach organizations’ activities, publicizes 3. Columbus volunteer opportunities, and provides spiritual support and teachings. We 4. Elgin, IL are blessed to have it. 5. Francesville 6. Princeville We are thankful for all of you who contribute to make each issue come 7. North Clarendon together, whether it’s as a correspondent, article writer, page designer or Suggested donation: $18/subscription. proofer. It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it. Send all payments to: To make the Silver Lining even better, the layout team is working on an Apostolic Christian Publications enhanced look for the magazine that will make it more attractive and much 805 W. Cruger St., P.O. Box 52 easier to read. Look for that starting in the July issue. We hope you like it. Eureka, IL 61530 In His Love, Silver Lining Counseling Elders Correspondence For July Issue (news from May 16-June 15) Sermon by Bro. Ron Palitto, Akron, OH Due: June 20, 2013 Psalm 79 and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 The Silver Lining (Vol. 68, #6) “The Magnet.” That was the title of We might wonder what does it 1523 County Road 400N the hymn (Zion’s Harp #63). We’re mean to be repelled by God the Fa- Congerville, IL 61729 all matured, aren’t we? We all know ther and His Holy Word? God gives what magnets do. The magnet can grace to the humble, Brethren. He USPS 496780 repel, or the magnet can draw. So we gives grace to the humble, but what Published Monthly by the Apostolic have faith to believe that we’ve gath- happens to the proud? (James 4:6) Christian Church of America. ered this afternoon because of the So may it be that the pride within Counselors: drawing of the Magnet – the Word us is lost as we heard this morn- Tom Stock, Rick Plattner of God, the Truth, inspired and ing. It’s subdued. It’s set aside. What encouraged and strengthened by the comes forth then is the love of God, Official Apostolic Christian Church love of God Himself. In the hymn that fellowship with the children of Website: we sang about true fellowship and God, that inspiration and commu- www.apostolicchristian.org true communion. It’s in that fellow- nion with the Holy Spirit that you ship and communion that we have and I can be truly rejoicing today Send correspondence to: gathered together this afternoon. in the goodness, in the mercy, and [email protected] in the love that God is extending to (email is preferred) Sometimes I wonder if we really The Silver Lining us. May we not be in such a man- truly understand and appreciate the 1523 County Road 400N ner that we’re repelled, but may it communion we have with the Holy Congerville, IL 61729 be that we find ourselves closely Spirit and the fellowship we have Ph: 309-965-2626 entwined, absorbed, completely with holy brethren. So trusting that Fax: 866-389-9835 involved, and covered by the love of it will please God, we look to Him God. to open His Word and inspire It to Periodical non-profit postage paid at Roanoke, IL 61561 and additional post offices. The subscription you and to me. Let’s be sure, Breth- It’s such an encouragement, isn’t rate is a donation. Send zip number with address. ren, that the magnet that is within it Dear Ones, to read in the Psalms. Remember to send changes of address. Send both us is turned in such a way that we David and those who wrote the old and new addresses (with both zips). Postmaster send address changes to: are not repelled by the love of God, Psalms must have had a very special The Silver Lining we’re not repelled by the truth of the heart and a very special closeness Word, but that we’re turned in such to God. Not everyone could write 1523 County Road 400N a manner that it draws us with great words such as are penned down for Congerville, IL 61729 strength. Sermon continued on Page 47 June 2013 SILVER LINING 3 “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, Light from the Word saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive The Faithful Church: you” (2 Cor. 6:17). Separated from the World - Part 2 Writings based on God’s Word The Faithful Church: Separated from the “The wicked in his pride doth persecute the How uncomfortable would we be if Jesus World-Part 1 focused on what constitutes poor: let them be taken in the devises that saw how we use our time and resources? worldliness (carnality, ungodliness, being they have imagined” Ps. 10:2. “Pride goeth We were reminded at the Rockville spotted by the world), the misuse of wealth, before destruction, and a haughty spirit conference that there are activities that for and the abuse of technology. This article before a fall” Prov.16:18. “For all that is in many years, we have been cautioned to will focus on modesty and relationships. the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust avoid. We were also reminded that these Modesty will include attitudes of the heart of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the warnings are based on the scripture and (pride/humility), lifestyles/entertainment Father, but is of the world” 1 John 2:16. we cannot change the scripture. Therefore, and appearance. we should pay attention to these kind Among the many examples of those who admonitions. When we are tempted to do Modesty is motivated by a love for were overcome by pride are Haman (Esther something that we are advised to avoid, Christ. It includes good moral behavior, 6:6) and the Pharisee who was so “thankful” perhaps it would be helpful to ask ourselves wholesome appearance, appreciation of for how good he was (Luke 18:11-12). if we would do them if Jesus planned to be values, such as: submission, humility, Humility is very different from pride with us for the day. kindness, and a lack of sensuality or desire and draws us closer to God. Humility for power. Modesty is sometimes called If Jesus came to our home for a short stay, demonstrates meekness of spirit and “sweet reasonableness”. Modesty and what impact would it have on our lifestyle helps us to think neither more nor less moderation go hand in hand. or those things that would occupy our of ourselves than God would have us to time? Would we take Him where we planed We may struggle to put the works of do. We are God’s creation and should not to go or would it be necessary to adjust our the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21) in proper think of ourselves as having no value. schedule? Of course, we realize that He is perspective with modesty. However, Jesus (Matt. 16:26). Neither should we lift indeed with us at every moment and sees had no problem with that. He went to the ourselves above others and think ourselves not only our actions, but also our thoughts core of the matter: the attitude of the heart. to be more than we are. Many scriptural (1 Chr. 28:9). references encourage us to strive for “And he said, that which cometh out of humility. “Better is it to be of a humble Our outward appearance is often a the man, that defileth the man. For from spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil reflection of what is on the inside. We within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil with the proud” Prov. 16:19. “Whosoever do not ask our brothers and our sisters thoughts, adulteries, fornication, murders, therefore shall humble himself as this little to make themselves unattractive or thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of undesirable to be with. We simply need lasciviousness, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: heaven” Matt. 18:4. to avoid being sensual or trying to attract All these evil things come from within, and inappropriate attention to ourselves. A defile the man.” Mark 7:20-23 Although there are many examples of humble appearance is one of the ways we humble men in the Bible (David, 1 Samuel Jesus didn’t distinguish which of those can separate ourselves from the world and 7:18; John the Baptist, Matt. 3:14; the sins were the most serious. Throughout bring glory to God (1 Pet. 3:3-4). Centurion, Matt. 8:8), there is no greater His ministry He seemed to stress the example of humility than Jesus Christ. He “Relationships” relate to how we interact importance of the heart (attitude) of man. did not strive for physical beauty (Is. 53:2), or are interconnected with other people, We must be careful that we do not take for popularity (Matt. 8:20), for rank (Matt. and more importantly, with God. With lightly some inappropriate behavior while 13:55) or for worldly possessions (Matt. whom do we chose to spend our time? condemning others. All of them are evil. 8:20). Do we love the Lord with all of our heart, Although pride in and of itself may not soul and mind? Are we able to keep the The attitude of the heart, whether proud be worse than the other issues, pride seems commandment that we love our neighbor or humble, will impact our life style and to lay the foundation that other heart issues as our self? (Matt. 22:37-38). how we use our time. It has been said that build upon. What is in the heart will be our checkbook and our personal “calendar” Do we seek relationships with those who revealed by our actions. Jesus recognized reveal much about our attitude toward God. encourage us to live more godly lives, or this and helped us understand that if our It is not evil to allow some entertainment do we choose those who draw us to more heart is not separated from the world in our lives, but we must avoid those things worldly behavior? Most of us spend some (pure), our actions cannot be separated which increase the likelihood that we will time with those who may have a faith from the world. Pride is a feeling of the fall into activities that Christ said would different from ours. In these circumstances, heart that causes us to be deceived and to defile us. we must maintain a close walk with God think more highly of ourselves than we and not be drawn toward the world. should. There are many scriptural warnings We also need to be careful that we do not (Eph.4:14). against pride and many examples where fill our schedules to the point where we do pride caused the downfall of the proud not have enough time to devote to God. If we are truly successful in separating person. We should think about how our choice of ourselves from the world, we will be drawn activities is looked upon by Jesus Christ. closer to God. An editorial committee of elders prepares articles for this section of Silver Lining to address some special needs of our times. Suggestions for subjects are welcome and can be sent to: Silver Lining Editorials, 1523 County Road 400N, Congerville, IL 61729 or [email protected] 4 SILVER LINING June 2013 ...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37-38 Serving in Ft. Myers about October, the brethren from The ministry is in need of another Ft. Myers, Florida is a small the North begin to arrive, and their mentor couple to live there, as well numbers begin to grow steadily. as two young sisters in the faith. If church that desires to grow in January, February, and March are you have a heart and a calling to number and closeness to God as the big months for worshipping help change lives for Christ, please they seek to fulfill the mission of the together. Often there are as many contact them for more information: Apostolic Christian Church. In 1979, it was decided to have as 225 present. The New Beginnings a place of worship in the Fort My- Two local ministers, Bro. Marvin 4807 Tudor Drive ers area because of the increased Steffen and Bro. Bill Masters serve Cape Coral, FL 33904 amount of brethren living and win- the Ft. Myers church. The Elder is Bill Masters: 309-824-3981 tering there. A place was rented in Bro. Ed Schwartz from Bluffton, www.thenewbeginnings.org the Charlotte Harbor area. In 1983, Indiana. Sunday Services are at with continued increase of northern 10:30am and 12:30pm. Wednes- Small church living brethren and friends coming in the day night services from November A small church has unique dynam- winter, it was decided that it was through April start at 7:30pm. ics. First, it is easy to have an all- time to build a church in North Fort church potluck. Second, everyone Myers. Offering deeds of service gets involved with what is going on The church family is active in sup- or needs to be done. For the most porting their local ministry, “The part, everyone can get to the church New Beginnings,” which helps in 30 to 45 minutes. The weather young single mothers turn their is great, with no snow or ice to lives around and become self- hinder outdoor activities. There are sufficient. The ministry is located numerous employment opportuni- about 35 minutes from the church ties, especially with education and and consists of a six-unit apartment healthcare. building. Each unit has two bed- The other two churches in Florida The site chosen was along Route rooms, two baths, kitchen, dining are Sarasota and Ft. Lauderdale, and 41. Dedication of the new church room and front room. It also has a they are only a little over an hour was March 11, 1985. They are cur- duplex with the same accommoda- away. Ft. Myers is approximately rently in the process of building a tions and a large playground area. 1,200 miles from the Midwest new, larger church south of the cur- churches. There is an excellent rent location. major airport. The church is also located near Interstate 75 at the fol- Edifying the body of Christ lowing address: The Scripture teaches to encourage 2801 Rustic Lane a sanctified life and faithfulness by Trail Dairy Circle NE God’s grace and through His Word, North Fort Myers, FL 33903 “teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man per- fect in Christ Jesus” (Col 1:28) “for Invitation to visit the perfecting of the saints, for the Three mothers and their children You are invited to visit Ft. Myers and work of the ministry, for the edify- presently live at New Beginnings. see what it is like in sunny Southern ing of the body of Christ.” (Eph 4:12) There is room for one more mother Florida. They would love to show Seven families, five singles and and her children. A mentor couple you around and share their hospital- five children worship together at the lives in one of the apartments and ity with you. Who knows, you might church on a typical summer Sunday. helps guide and nurture the mothers want to stay. There are plentiful They also get vacationers during and children as they seek to change opportunities to share God’s love the summer months. Beginning their lives. with others for the Kingdom’s sake. www.acmission.org June 2013 SILVER LINING 5 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10 Changed Lives A Journey of Faith under that protective authority and Most of us enjoy reading stories depend upon the resources from the A Child-like Faith that conclude with happy end- brotherhood. Here is how you can At two years old, Jorge arrived at ings and clear demonstrations of be involved: Casa Vida y Esperanza (CVE) God’s power in swift and physical Prayer – Through your prayers, in Magdalena, Mexico with a badly manifestations. But more often, the the brothers and sisters are strength- broken leg. Child abuse was sus- journey at CVE is long and arduous, ened and encouraged. There are pected, and to compound the matter especially with the older children. specific emails sent monthly to further, the absence of good medical It can be a bit of a “bouncy ride.” those who would wish to pray more care had produced a leg severely Walking with young adults who specifically. To subscribe, send a shorter than the other. Without have been emotionally or spiritu- request to [email protected]. surgery, Jorge would walk with ally wounded often requires many Financial – With growth in cam- a severe years, or even a lifetime of love and pus population (50 children), the and life- hope demonstrated to see the fruit of school (65 students), and the church long limp. changed lives. The power of Christ (attendance of 180), financial help A Bloom- comes slowly to those who have not is needed. The monthly budget is ington, yet learned to respect others, often over $70,000 and donations, small IL doctor because respect has never been or great, are received with gratitude. examined modeled in their own life. Financial contributions can be the X- It requires loving as Christ loved, made for CVE by making a contri- rays and especially when love is scorned. bution through your local church agreed to The patience of Christ is needed World Relief representative or perform the needed surgeries, after when respect and kindness are re- online at www.acworldrelief.org/ which long-term therapy would jected, often because of fear and a donate-online. begin. lack of trust. Through the grace of People – CVE is short staffed and Upon arrival to Illinois, new X- Christ, we will not take rejection there is a specific need for more rays revealed a miraculous change. personally, and choose to show “seasoned” couples to serve both The doctor said he had never seen forgiveness when hurting words short term and longer. One should anything like this before. Jorge's are spoken. With the compassion of not be deterred by the Spanish leg was miraculously healed, and Christ, there is the strength to smile, language barrier. The language of surgery was unnecessary. and offer a hug, a word of love and love is universal and the campus is Back in encouragement. largely English-speaking. But over Mexico, This journey is not a sprint. More time, the acquisition of language this amaz- often it is a marathon. But, there is proficiency becomes essential. ing news much hope in a safe, loving envi- Operations Director – As the s p r e a d ronment where needs are met and workload has increased signifi- through- children can begin to grieve their cantly, an Operations Director is out the losses, face the profound hurts from needed to come alongside the Ad- CVE cam- their pasts and find healing through ministrator and share the load. The pus. Two Jesus Christ. Every step is worth it Operations Director is responsible of Jorge's housemates, Osmara and because there is great rejoicing in for the day-to-day operations of the Keyla, received the news joyfully heaven over one soul that comes to organization and coordination of and expectantly. They had prayed repentance and experiences a true construction activity on the campus. daily for Jorge's leg to be healed. conversion and a new walk in faith. Although just months earlier they For more information contact: knew nothing of Jesus, their simple Participation of the Church Bill Schick - [email protected] request, asked in childlike faith, was CVE is an extension of the Apos- Kirk Plattner - [email protected] miraculously answered. tolic Christian Church. They live CVE website: www.cvemx.org www.acworldrelief.org 6 SILVER LINING June 2013 APOStOLIC CHRIStIAn HOmE spending time together during brothers and sisters in Christ, whom FOR tHE HAnDICAPPED their Independence Day celebration I know and love, may have their achh.org together watching the Morton own secrets that would make me fireworks display. tremble. The important point is not “But grow in grace and in knowledge Please continue to keep us in your that we should be alarmed by each of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” thoughts and prayers as we continue other’s depravity and brokenness, 2 Peter 3:18a to serve our residents as they but that we would understand that As springtime has approached, our residents have been enjoying continue to grow in Him. we are all sinful, and needful of the warm weather and the ability grace and mercy. The universal need GAtEWAY WOODS to be outside more often. Many of for a Savior to cover the penalty APOStOLIC CHRIStIAn them have been assisting in planting CHILDREn’S HOmE and power of sin is absolute. From the gardens at their respective Philip Fischer, Counseling Intern/ the greatest to the least, grace homes. They plant flowers and top Quality Coordinator is completely undeserved and some vegetables including: completely essential. As Christians, “For the LORD seeth not as man tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, it is not our duty to show picture- seeth; for man looketh on the and pumpkins which they enjoy perfect presentations to the world outward appearance, but the LORD eating in the summer. The residents around us, because we’re not looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 really enjoy watching the plants perfect. What we can do is point to and flowers grow throughout the Since becoming an intern at the One who is. spring and summer months. God Gateway in January, I have realized “So when they continued asking him, has blessed the home with people just how superficial my view of he lifted up himself, and said unto who volunteer to assist our residents myself and others can be. I grew them, He that is without sin among during this task. up in Leo, so I’ve met quite a few you, let him first cast a stone at her… In addition to watching God’s residents over the years. I didn’t get they which heard it, being convicted creation grow throughout the spring to know many of them very well, by their own conscience, went out and summer months, our residents but I assumed they had their life one by one, beginning at the eldest, will be doing some growing and pretty well together from the way even unto the last… And Jesus said changing as well. Some of our things appeared. Since getting more unto her, neither do I condemn thee: residents have already moved to involved in the Counseling Program go, and sin no more.” John 8:7-11 their new homes in early spring, and over these past few months, I they really seem to be enjoying their have seen the depth and breadth News: new surroundings. There are others of problems many of the children Mark your calendars! The Annual who will be moving in the summer faced in the past and are currently Gateway Woods Auction is coming to new homes as well. We are all struggling to overcome. Problems I this year on Saturday, August excited about watching them grow saw varied from drug abuse starting 3. Come join us and nearly two in their new home. We are looking at a very young age, to severe abuse forward to what God has planned perpetrated by parents or siblings, thousand others for a wonderful for their lives in the future. God has to systems of dysfunction that teach day of fellowship with loved ones, blessed us with some new staff that aggression as the only way to resolve good food, giving and so much will help those residents continue to conflict. more! Also, if you are interested grow in His grace. What I realized with these in donating an item for this year’s As the summer continues, our kids—whose stories would likely auction, please contact your local residents are looking forward to horrify any who heard them—is representative or call Ross Feller at growing their relationships with that you wouldn’t be able to learn 888.443.4283. their friends and family. With much about them from casual Gateway Woods is seeking a Memorial Day approaching, our conversation or even relationships dedicated individual to serve as residents are planning on spending that continued over several years. the Executive Director for the time with their family and friends, The more personal and far-reaching organization. If you feel that enjoying their day off from work. implication is that just as these kids God has gifted you to lead an They are also looking forward to do, I hide much of who I am. My organization, and you have a June 2013 SILVER LINING 7 passion to serve children and Please continue to lift us up in We would LOVE to have families, please see the notice in this prayer, check our website www. volunteers come down this summer month’s addition of the Silver Lining. gatewaywoods.org and our (or really any time throughout the We are looking for summer Facebook page at facebook.com/ year) and teach, cook, aide, etc. volunteers! This is a great gatewaywoods often for updates, There are accommodations at the opportunity for brothers or sisters and make sure that you are on our Guest House, so please call or email of any age to serve children in need, mailing list. If you would like be me if you have questions or would spend time with old friends, and added to our mailing list, please like to volunteer: make new acquaintances. If you are contact us at 888.443.4283 or send [email protected] (309) 202-4897 interested in volunteering, please an email to info@gatewaywoods. visit gatewaywoods.org/supporters/ org. Finally, if you would like to ALABAmA, AtHEnS volunteer or contact Bro. Derek receive a monthly email detailing Roger and Becky Roberts Steffen at Derek.Steffen1@gmail. how the work at Gateway Woods is Recently the question was posed: com or via phone at 616.822.8409. bringing help and healing to those “Are you a fan or follower of Jesus?” Gateway Woods welcomed one in need, please consider joining our What is the difference? A fan will new resident to campus this past Restoring Hope email list. You can know all about Jesus; where he month. Please pray with us as do so at our website or by emailing was born, who his parents are, she becomes accustomed to her [email protected]. the miracles he has done, who his new home. It can be a difficult disciples are, etc. If Jesus would adjustment for new residents as APOStOLIC CHRIStIAn come face to face with his fan, PRESCHOOL they discover a very different he would not recognize him. A AtHEnS, AL living situation than they have follower has a deep relationship Susan Koch experienced before. We are excited with Jesus. He is a personal friend Our themes for May were review, to work with these new children and has an intimate relationship graduation, and the colors, black and their families. Also, please keep with Jesus. Which are you; a fan or and white. We had our preschool the teachers, houseparents and follower? graduation on May 17. It was so counselors of these children in your We were thankful that Bro. Randy encouraging to see our assembly prayers. (Sis. Evie) Mogler (Washington, IL) room packed with family and We are grateful to God for came and ministered to us. We were friends of the students. Each class providing us with wonderful staff. able to have sweet fellowship with got to perform a few songs/poems We currently have several career them at a supper at Bro. Mark and and everyone did an excellent job! positions available: one opening Sis. Rebekah Klaus’. Also serving This year we did have some shy for Alternate Houseparents, us from the pulpit this month was students who didn’t want to perform an opening for a Development Bro. Mike (Sis. Susan) Walder for their audience, so the teachers Coordinator, and an opening for (Smithville, OH). We were blessed sang a few solos. We had two special a Foster Care Program Manager. that they could join us for a cookout guests this year with a surprise visit For more information, please see Sunday after church at Bro. Matthew from Ms. Sarah (Sis. Sarah Hodel, the notice in this month’s edition and Sis. Kristy Moore’s. Roanoke, IL) and a planned visit of The Silver Lining or visit the We now have a guest apartment from Bro. Duane Reutter. Career Opportunities page on our available in the Fellowship We had nine graduates this year. website at www.gatewaywoods.org/ Hall across from the church. Congratulations to the class of 2013: supporters/career-opportunities. Reservations can be made by Braylen, Steven, Allison, Amari, We trust that God will continue to contacting Sis. Susan Koch (309) Madysen, Malia, Natalie, Brooklyn, provide qualified, mature brothers 202-4897 or Sis. Kalla Knobloch and Haley! Our theme verse, I and sisters who will serve Him in (309) 231-1755 . believe, captures the essence of the a ministry that is ‘Turning Lives When traveling to the Fellowship preschool. Around’. Perhaps this includes you! area using a GPS, use Frankewing as You are an important advocate the final destination. Once you turn “Train up a child in the way he to help us spread the word about off Hwy 64 the Fellowship area is should go, and when he is old he will God’s work at Gateway Woods. the first drive on the left. not depart from it.” Prov. 22:6 8 SILVER LINING June 2013 ARIzOnA, PHOEnIx Dean, Tom and Doug as they begin CALIFORnIA, SAn DIEGO Heather Hinrichsen their new jobs. Janelle Brewer We also want to thank Bro. Ben We are thankful that the Lord is “I have fought a good fight, I have for making the trip to Tucson to be still calling souls as Sarah Fulop finished my course, I have kept the present at our meeting. We know (Bro. Dennis and Sis. Joy) has come faith; Henceforth there is laid up for it was a sacrifice for his family to in humble repentance to the foot of me a crown of righteousness, which be without him on Mother’s Day the cross. We rejoice with her and the Lord, the righteous judge, shall weekend. May God bless his willing continue to pray for more to come give me at that day: and not to me efforts. in repentance while the door of only, but unto all them also that love We congratulate Sean Keller grace is still open. his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (Stephanie) on his recent graduation “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall from the University of Arizona We remember in sympathy and be in heaven over one sinner that with a Master’s Degree in optical prayer the families of Sis. Shirley repenteth, more than over ninety engineering. Sean is the son-in-law Mohrmon, Bro. Harold Meiss and nine just persons, which need no of Steve and Maria Bauer and the (Washington, IL) and Carl Steffen as repentance.” Luke 15:7 grandson-in-law of Bro. Don and they have entered into their eternal rest. Sis. Glo Bauer. Our congregation was blessed to A graduation reception was held Our days are getting warmer. We partake of Holy Communion on May 5 in the fellowship hall. The 8th have not officially hit the 100 mark May 4. It was beneficial to reflect grade graduates were Elijah Baum, yet this spring, but we’re getting on the body that was broken and Grant Katich, Daniel Knochel and pretty close! Any year we can head the blood that was shed for us Alyssa Witzig. The high school into the 3rd week of May without at Calvary. We thank Elder Bro. graduates were Jessica Baum, Mark hitting 100 is a great spring and we Marvin Dotterer (Sis. Nancy, Hand, Fredric Hoerr, Bro. Nathan are very thankful indeed! Forrest, IL) who came to share Huette, Bro. Philip Huette, Kelsey in this special work. May God CALIFORnIA, ALtADEnA Katich and Sis. Kristin Knochel. richly bless him for allowing God The college graduates were Whitney Spring has arrived and quickly to use him in His service. We are Baum, Bro. Tyler Knochel, Camille turned to summer here in Altadena also thankful that Bro. Joe Klotzle Steffen and Sis. Laura Wiegand. area. We would love to have visitors (Sis. Sue, Altadena, CA) and Bro. The Single Group served lunch on to enjoy it with us. So, keep us in Mike Rieker (Sis. Carol, Peoria, your travel plans! IL) recently visited us. We pray a Mother’s Day and we thank them Our congregation was blessed blessing upon them for bringing for their willingness to serve. to celebrate Communion together forth the Word. ARIzOnA, PRESCOtt and remember our Lord’s sacrifice. The funeral service of Sis. Joanne Denise Steidinger Elder Bro. Tom Hoffman (Sis. Kathy, Varga was held on April 23. Elder Roanoke, IL) was willing to come Bro. Bill Schlatter (Sis. Emily, ARIzOnA, tUCSOn and assist. We were also grateful for Junction, OH) was here for that. We Lisa Knapp Bro. Doug Wagenbach (Sis. Lillian, appreciate his part in the funeral San Diego, CA) for sharing the service. Our annual business meeting was Word with us later in the month. We bid farewell to Sis. Jenna held on Friday, May 10. Elder Bro. Our prayers are with Bro. Laszlo Dotterer as she moved back to Ben Wiegand was here to oversee and Sis Maria Cser as Laszlo is Illinois before her wedding. We the meeting. Bros. Dean Knobloch, recovering from an operation. We enjoyed her presence in San Diego Tom Koch and Doug Bauer were are also thankful to have Aaron and for the short time she was here. We elected to new terms in office and Ann Yaussi return to our fellowship hope that she will come visit again Bro. Chris Hattan has finished his after a long absence due to illness. after she gets married. We wish her 3-year term as the Sunday School Bro. Bob Crockett is recovering God’s blessings! Superintendent. We thank Bro. from some health complications Our prayers go with Elder Bro. Chris and Sis. Sara for all their hard also. Peter Petrovic as Lord willing, work and ask God to add his richest he plans to travel with a group to blessing. We are praying for Bros. June 2013 SILVER LINING 9 Eastern Europe for World Relief. We Zion’s Harp #200 vs. 1 as his brother, Ken Whitman, has trust that God will keep them in His recently passed away. We thank Elder Bro. Steve Sauder care as they travel. (Sis. Mary, Tremont, IL) for assisting Note of Thanks: “God be with you till we meet again; our Elder Bro. Mike Leman on May Thank you each one in the ‘Neath his wings protecting hide 18 as we shared Holy Communion Rockville congregation for the you, Daily manna still provide you; together. It was a humbling evening love you have given me. I am so God be with you till we meet again.” as we remembered our Lord’s thankful for the opportunity to Hymns of Zion #216, vs. 2 suffering and death that He endured spend time among the brethren here for us! and feel the love of God. May God On May 4 we were blessed CAnADA, KItCHEnER, richly bless you for your love and OntARIO to listen to Bro. Danny and Sis. kindness. Sis. Edith Funk Johanna Fortenbacher Carolyn Andrej and Bro. Douglas Andrej share their testimonies of DIStRICt OF COLUmBIA, “He that giveth to the poor shall not faith. WASHInGtOn lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall Henrietta meyer have many a curse.” Proverbs 28:27 COnnECtICUt, ROCKvILLE Sheila Gerber Over the years there have been FLORIDA, Ft. LAUDERDALE Lauren Gottier many people who have not hid Renee mangold their eyes from doing good to us “But as many as received him, to We were grateful to have a few in Kitchener. This month we had them gave he power to become visiting ministers this month. minister Bro. Tom and his wife, Sis. the sons of God, even to them that The visiting ministers were Bro. Lanae Bahler, from Rockville who believe on his name.” John 1:12 Tony Manz (Sis. Denise, Junction, came to share God’s Word. Then OH), Bro. Mark Gerber (Sis. Barb, Over the weekend of April 27- we had minister Bro. Todd Graf Bluffton, IN), Bro. Rich Aberle 28, we were privileged to hear from Akron and a whole vanload (Sis. LaNae, Atlanta, GA). We are the testimonies and witness the of hard-working boys. It was spring thankful that they came to share baptisms of three souls. We rejoice cleaning time and they helped with God’s Word and to fellowship with with Bro. Sam Schneider (Bro. Tim that as well as accomplish a major us. We pray they will be blessed. and Sis. Dana), Bro. Seth Bahler construction project that we could Bro. Tom Gerber will be attending (Bro. Ronnie and Sis. Bonnie), and not have done without their help. our church while serving an Bro. Ben Luginbuhl (Bro. Scott From Detroit there was a group who internship in our area. We welcome and Sis. JoAnn). We appreciated came to help with spring cleaning. him to our church family. the labors of Elder Bro. Gerry All this help was much appreciated Bro. Rodney and Sis. Sally Gress Hertzel (Sis. Ellen, Sabetha, KS) as by us all. God bless you! are in our prayers at the passing of he assisted with the baptisms and We also want to thank Bro. Wayne his mother, Marie Gress, in West serving Holy Communion. Saddler who has been working so Bend, IA. We entreat the Lord to grant grace much on different things here and Our prayers for comfort are also to Janelle Gottier (Guy and Sis. there at church. The most important with Sis. Doris Huber at the passing Beth) as she has turned her life to thing he did was install a new sound of her sister-in-law, Sis. Marie the Lord in repentance. system which is equipped to receive Huber, in Illinois. We welcome Bro. Ian Maibach call-in services. Congratulations to Andrew from Smithville, OH as he has Mangold (Bro. Mike and Sis. COLORADO, DEnvER recently moved here for work. We Renee Mangold’s grandson) on his Lily zarkovacki wish Bro. Tom Gerber Godspeed graduation from Roanoke-Benson as he will be attending the church High School. Andrew will be leaving “O, Spirit of God’s strength and in Fort Lauderdale, FL for a few for basic training in the Army in a might, Create in us new life and light; months to pursue his education. few weeks. Our prayers are with him O, join us all in heart and mind, That Our sympathies are extended to and that God will keep him close access to God’s throne we find Bro. Will Whitman (Sis. Fredricka) and watch over him. With in Thy light!” 10 SILVER LINING June 2013 FLORIDA, nORtH Ft. mYERS Ephesians 5:14-16 “Awake thou that God’s nearness and His direction victor Beer sleepest, and arise from the dead, for the lives of Jeff Streitmatter On and during the Memorial Day and Christ shall give thee light. See (Elder Bro. Jeff and Sis. Lynne) and weekend, most of us are feeling then that ye walk circumspectly, not and Julia Roscher (Bro. Bill and very thankful for God’s rich blessing as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the Sis. Beth). With their outstanding on our United States. Wounded time, because the days are evil.” achievements in their schooling servicemen returning home from thus far, may they have continued At the end of the chapter, it talks the current war and others that success along their journey of of us members of Christ’s body. served in other wars remind us life. We are thankful that God has Reflecting on all of this, are we forcefully how dear life and liberty outlined success in His Word, the being useful members of Christ’s are. We realize they come from Bible. We pray that this outline body? Are our limbs paralyzed by God, our Heavenly Father. These are would be part of our new grads’ our excuses? I’m too busy. I’m not some of our thoughts. desires and goals. adequate. I don’t have the training, As we think on the meaning “My country, tis of Thee, sweet land etc. If we are the body, are our arms of success our hearts turn to our of liberty, of Thee I sing. reaching? Are our hands healing the Retired Elder Bro. Dale Eisenmann Land where my fathers died, land of hurts? Are our feet going where the (Sis. Judy, Chicago, IL) who recently the pilgrims’ pride, hurting live? Are our lips preaching passed away after a courageous from every mountain side let freedom the Good News? battle with cancer. His life spent ring. Brothers and sisters, there is a walking side by side with God Our fathers’ God, to Thee, Author of sin-sick and hurting world out along with his servant heart gives liberty, to Thee we sing: there. We have seen lives that have a living definition to the word Long may our land be bright with been ravaged and are spinning in success. What a wonderful feeling freedom’s holy light; dysfunction and confusion in just he must have had to cross the finish protect us by Thy might, Great God the short time that we have been line of life’s race and know that he our King! open to single mothers who need had completed his journey here on Hymns of Zion, #573 help. There is much work to be this earth. Not just to simply have done. Our church was richly blessed by finished, but to have kept God’s the service of Bro. Jon Zeller (Sis. John 4:35 “Say not ye, There are love and the cross of Jesus Christ Christine, Morton, IL). He blesses yet four months, and then cometh in focus all the way to the end. We us as he passes through from Haiti, harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift are thankful for Bro. Dale’s loving where he does electrical work at up your eyes, and look on the fields; example of Jesus and for God’s grace Hospital Lumiere. for they are white already to harvest.” to allow this special brother to live News from the New Beginnings What function of Christ’s body are the successful life that he did. He we filling? has been an inspiration to us all. All Our young ladies are fully engaged glory to God for the strength He in summer classes at Edison FLORIDA, SARASOtA will give us if we will only turn our College. It is somewhat of a lighter Kim Ott hearts to Him. load than during regular semesters. “This book of the law shall not depart We are thankful to announce that But, the classes are more condensed out of thy mouth; but thou shalt Ben Barth has looked to God in and cover more material in a shorter meditate therein day and night, that repentance of his sins and confesses time. This program wants to ensure thou mayest observe to do according his need for our Savior. We will that these young mothers get job to all that is written therein: for then continue to lift Ben up in our training that will enable them to be thou shalt make thy way prosperous, prayers as he begins his walk with self-sufficient. and then thou shalt have good the Lord. After reading another tragic success.” Joshua 1:8 Our hearts were stirred with the story in the newspaper, I began sermons of Bro. Chris Huber (Sis. to wonder, “why do so many evil We wish to congratulate our two Sharon, Francesville, IN) as he things happen day after day? Is there high school graduates this year visited our church. We wish God’s anything we can do to reverse this as they end one chapter of their many blessings on this dear couple tide? life and begin another. We wish

within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries . reflection of what is on the inside. We soul and mind? Are we able . heaven over one soul that comes to repentance . Braylen, Steven, Allison, Amari,. Madysen
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