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Preview June 2010 - Amusement Today

TM www.AmusementToday.com Vol. 14, Issue 3 JUNE 2010 $5.00 Supplied by Germany’s Mack Rides First of its kind in North America Tom & Huck’s RiverBlast opens at Silver Dollar City Cliff’s Amusement Park opens Scott Rutherford with Larson Int’l. Giant Loop Amusement Today Pam Sherborne Silver Dollar City is mark- “We knew we were get- ing its 50th anniversary this Amusement Today ting the larger version,” said season with the introduction Gary Hays. “But since the of Tom & Huck’s RiverBlast - In Albuquerque, N.M., larger version couldn’t be America’s biggest water battle Cliff’s Amusement Park ready by the 2010 season, ride. Supplied by Mack Rides, owners Linda and Gary Hays we bought Larson’s smaller this new interactive attraction went about doing the normal version knowing we would sets the world’s record as the chores to prepare for their swap it out this season.” German company’s longest 2010 season last month. So, when the park Boat Blaster ride built to date. Yet, there was one thing opened for the season April Sporting plenty of the im- that wasn’t normal. They 10, so did the ride, equipped mersive thematic details for were also preparing to open with an LED lighting pack- which SDC’s parent company North America’s first 22-me- age. Response has been great, Herschend Family Entertain- ter (72-foot) Giant Loop. Hays said, and the height of ment (HFE) is renowned, Manufactured by Larson In- the ride is very impressive RiverBlast is based on the ad- ternational, Plainview, Texas, for parkgoers. ventures of two of American the new ride replaced the “We are very excited writer Mark Twain’s most en- smaller version installed for about it,” Hays said. “It is the 2009 season. 4See CLIFFS, page 4 dearing chracters, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. The five-minute River- Blast experience begins with eight guests boarding one of eight rafts equipped with an equal complement of hand- powered water soakers (63 total). As the rafts are then re- leased into the main channel, a gentle current propels them along the 570-foot-long Mighty White River. Despite the lei- surely pace of the ‘river,’ rid- ers instantly find themselves 4See SDC, page 6 PHOTOS COURTESY SILVER DOLLAR CITY AT PHOTOS / GARY SLADE SILVER DOLLAR CITY Silver Dollar City celebrates its 50th anniversary this sea- The Giant Loop, from Larson International, lights up the son with Tom & Huck’s RiverBlast, Mack Rides’ longest TURNS 50...PAGE 5 Cliff’s nights, thanks to this impressive LED light package. Boat Blaster interactive water ride. INTERNATIONAL AMUSEMENTP ARKS WATERPARKS BUSINESS MIDWAY/CLASSIFIEDS SEE PAGES 8-10 SEE PAGES 11-18 SEE PAGES 19-24 SEE PAGES 25-32 SEE PAGES 33-39 R al. E eri NEWSPAP POSTMASTER:Dated matPLEASE RUSH!Mailed Monday, May 24, 2010 .P GOLDEN TICKET 20 @ 9602 # TIMREP .I.V AWARDS 10 XT HTROW .TF BEST OF THE BEST! DIAP EGATSOP SU DTS TRSRP 2010 Golden Ticket Awards • Busch Gardens Williamsburg • Williamsburg, Virginia 2 AMUSEMENT TODAY June 2010 TM Gary Slade Founder and Publisher [email protected] New Six Flags CEO must correct years of wrong While it probably comes as no surprise that recent Six Flags CEO Mark Shapiro won’t be around to see this year’s daily operation get underway, (he has been replaced by former Para- mount Parks CEO Al Weber, Jr., who was named Interim CEO) or next year’s 50th anniversary of its flagship park, Six Flags Over Texas, one does not have to look far to find what’s right and what’s wrong with the entire chain. What’s right Shapiro made it known he wanted a clean park and most of all, clean restrooms. He achieved this system-wide and even upgraded and built additional restrooms. This simple move resulted into all-time highs on guest satisfaction surveys. Shapiro was all about capacity. He removed rides and coasters that were high on down time. He gave the parks ad- Scott Rutherford ditional maintenance budgets to get rides running and at full capacity. He did the same thing in the food services depart- Here comes the rain...again ments, giving restaurants makeovers and additional cooker/ fryer capacity needed to handle in-park demand. The flooding that ravaged Tennessee Texas and Valleyfair are prime examples Sponsorship. Bleeding money and trying to fight off bank- and Kentucky this spring was a sober- of parks accustomed to having portions ruptcy, Shapiro turned to corporate sponsorship in an attempt ing reminder that Mother Nature is to be of their property and rides inundated. to keep the chain afloat. While he did secure record cash in ad respected. While hurricanes are more dra- Even picturesque Knoebels in the Central deals, it was not enough to save the chain from the bankruptcy matic when they pummel coastal regions, Pennsylvania mountains has to contend process. they are relatively predictable. Storm- with the frequent flooding of two creeks What’s wrong, and has been wrong for years related floods can strike almost anywhere, that bisect its property. Theming. We are going to call it like it is. Six Flags does anytime with little to no warning. Rutherford But amusement industry folk are a not operate theme parks any longer. They operate amusement Especially painful to watch was the resilient bunch. Those who find them- parks that have some themes. Corporate sponsorship plastered news coverage of the destruction wrought selves victim to weather-related disasters on the citizens of Nashville, particularly the immediately respond by assessing damage, ral- all over coaster trains, in-park buildings and more has taken Gaylord Opryland Resort. Had the former lying their forces and getting to work to reopen the lack of actual theming in the parks to an all-time new low. Opryland theme park survived, it too would have as soon as possible. Pitching in to help a neigh- Shows. In some parks, live stage productions were pulled suffered almost unthinkable damage. These same bor seems to be part of our makeup. Indiana’s in favor of less expensive to produce, video taped storms ravaged Beech Bend Park, which suffered Holiday World recently ‘auctioned’ themselves presentations. Just wrong in so many ways. its most costly flood in 73 years. off to raise thousands of dollars that went directly Poor ride selections. For many years prior to Shapiro’s ar- Park operators have always been at the mercy to Nashville-area flood victims. In the same vein, rival, Six Flags focused almost exclusively on record-breaking of weather. Especially vulnerable were those AT’s own Sue Nichols – who just suffered her own roller coasters or DC Comic character-themed rides as a way situated on major rivers. When in check, these share of losses in the floods – spent much of her to boost the front gate and retail. It was a “scare the hell out of vital arteries brought in crowds via steamship free time during and after the disaster deliver- them” mentality. Rarely did any of these installs fit the area’s and ferries, but when out of control, they could ing hot food and supplies to the ruined homes of theme. Just as rare was the lost art of using stories as a device prove deadly. Cincinatti’s Coney Island endured her neighbors (and their pets) who lost virtually to entertain guests. a staggering number of submersions. The Ohio everything they owned. And that is exactly what the new CEO must do with Six River’s perennial flooding was a major impetus I find such selflessness in the face of disaster Flags as it heads into its 50th anniversary year: return the parks for the park’s relocation and revamping into admirable and inspiring. Bravo to those who give to that time of “telling a story and entertaining its guests.” Kings Island in the 1970s. of themselves during difficult times like these. —Gary Slade Today, Six Flags Over Georgia, Six Flags Over Bravo. AMUSEMENT TODAY STAFF ADDRESS, SUBSCRIPTION, POSTMASTER INFORMATION Mailing Address Deliveries Gary Slade Sammy Piccola P.O. Box 5427 2012 E. Randol Mill Rd, Suite 203 Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Accounting / Circulation AWARD WINNER Arlington, Texas 76005-5427 Arlington, Texas 76011 (817) 460-7220 [email protected] [email protected] 1997 • 1999 • 2000 • 2002 • 2004 • • EDITORIAL (817) 460-7220 Member of: IAAPA, AIMS International, PAPA, ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION Fax (817) 265-NEWS (6397) NEAAPA, NJAA, OABA, WWA and IALEI Tim Baldwin Subscription rates are: 1 year (14 issues) $50 in the USA; $70 elsewhere; 2 years Sue Nichols Stacey Childress / Affinity Communications [email protected] (28 issues) $90/$130; 3 years (42 issues) $130/$190. Send check or money order (615) 662-0252 Graphic Design (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank) to Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, P.O. Box 238 [email protected] Scott Rutherford Texas 76005-5427. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please allow up to six weeks Pegram, Tenn. 37143 [email protected] for your subscription request to be processed and the first issue mailed. [email protected] Terry Lind / TLCreative Design Website Design & Maintenance Pam Sherborne Amusement Today is an independent newspaper, published monthly by Amusement Beth Jenkins [email protected] (615) 221-5149 Today Inc., P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, Texas 76005. Presort Standard Postage (Permit (615) 794-7288 [email protected] No. 2069) pre-paid at Fort Worth, Texas. The entire contents of this newspaper and its 2040 Belmont Circle John Robinson / W.H.R. Inc. related Web sites are copyrighted and trademarked by Amusement Today 2010, with Franklin, Tenn. 37069 Daily E-mail Newsletter Bubba Flint all rights reserved. [email protected] [email protected] Cartoonist [email protected] POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Contributors: Dan Feicht, Andrew Mellor, Janice Witherow, WHR Inc. Arlington, Texas 76005-5427. June 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 3 Best thing about the industry My life motto is … The camaraderie, friendships and smiles we put on faces. “We are not here for a long time … We are here for a GOOD TIME”! Favorite amusement ride The Beast at Kings Island. If I had to eat one thing every single day, it would be … Compiled by Janice Witherow Artichokes. I just love those prickly little devils any way Biggest challenge facing our industry you can prepare them. Dennis Speigel The maturing of our industry and also coming up with al- International Theme Park Services, Inc. ternatives and options for people to visit parks to improve I usually call it a night at … their visit and work with their hectic schedules. 11:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. As President of International The thing I like most about amusement/water park The song that always makes me want to dance is … Theme Park Services in Cincinnati, season is … Anything by Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett or The Tempta- Dennis Speigel is recognized globally Seeing all of the people come and have a terrific time! tions … I love Mo-Town. as a leader and expert with 50 years of experience in the amusement and attrac- It’s June! My favorite summertime drink is … If money were no object, my next vacation would be … tions industry. Dennis began his career A bourbon and water on my front porch in Jackson Hole! I have over 6 million air miles and have been basically path as a ticket taker at Coney Island YEE HAW! everywhere because of our wonderful industry, so I am Amusement Park where he quickly Speigel happy to just be home with the family. caught the “bug” to stay in the business. Most bizarre favorite fashion statement at the moment He later held management positions Young people who pierce their ears with those huge rings. My friends all call me … at both Kings Island and Kings Dominion, was affiliated What in the hell are their ears going to look like at my Spig … or when they need something! with Taft Broadcasting Company and served as President age? of IAAPA. Dennis has generously volunteered his time At lunch time, you can usually find me … and expertise to the industry by sitting on many different My biggest fear is … With a friend … Robert Brown, Mu Sinclaire or Ron Boards and committees over the years. In addition to his Getting too old to enjoy going to an amusement park … Felder … downtown Cincinnati at one of our favorite great success, Dennis is approachable, efficient and just Nah, second thought, that will never happen! restaurants. plain fun. All this, and the man is a great chef! The three words that best describe my car are … The household chore I least enjoy is … Title Bright, fast, sexy. Cutting grass … only did it once. Hey … I was working in President (28 years). parks in the summer! When I say Oprah, you say … Number of years in the industry Uma … David Letterman tried that at the Oscars opening This summer, I am really looking forward to … Celebrating 50th year! and flopped big time! Swimming with my grandson Dayton in our pool we built for him. He’s my best buddy! If I wasn’t working in the amusement industry, I would be … When ordering ice cream, I typically get … To suggest a candidate for the Two-Minute Drill A maitre d’ at a swanky 5-star restaurant (How many are Butterscotch … yum, yum. feature, contact columnist Janice Witherow at jwith- in your party?). [email protected] or (419) 357-3520. CCrreeaattiivvee MMaarrkkeettiinngg JJiinngglleess BBrrooCChhuurreess && aarrttwwoorrkk PPhhoottooggrraaPPhhyy iinntteerrnneett ssoolluuttiioonnss PPrrooMMoottiioonnss ggrroouuPP ssaalleess ttrraaiinniinngg && MMoorree!! 1428 Maple Ave. • Hamilton, OH 45011 • 513.737.9012 • www.TheBigIdeaPeople.com 4 AMUSEMENT TODAY June 2010 CLIFFS concentric rings, one rotating going counterclockwise, then within the other, forms the four times going clockwise. Continued from page 1 hubless wheel structure. The “Our real target for this very unique in its action, be- design allows the ride to oper- ride is the smaller to mid-size cause it takes riders complete- ate like a ferris wheel but with parks,” Novotny said. “It is ly upside down.” no visible means of support. a very flexible ride, as far as Jeff Novotny, Larson’s The larger ride has two theming.” owner, said the company had and one-half times more steel Because the center is hub- been conceptualizing the larg- in it than the smaller counter- less and spokeless, the cen- er version for quite some time. part. ter section may be fixed with “There was a lot of work- “Our other versions are a sign, logo, and projection ing together with the Hays,” manufactured to go down a screen. The hubless ride could Novotny said. “We worked highway,” Novotny said. “But, be used as an entrance into a with them on color, lighting we did make the larger one to park or, as Novotny said, or a and the train. We worked with fit inside an ocean freight con- route through which a coaster them on the capacity and the tainer for international trans- could go. loading platforms. It has been port.” But, for right now, Hays AT PHOTOS / GARY SLADE a long time since we first start- The LED lighting package said they are just using it as At 72 feet tall, Cliff’s new Giant Loop from Larson Interna- ing producing the smaller ver- was added at Larson Interna- their new piece. Improve- tional is not only visible height wise, but also showcases sion.” tional’s headquarters and sup- ments were made to the area visible smiles from riders and is rapidly becoming one of Like the smaller version, plied by Crossroads, located in where the ride is located in the the most popular rides in the park. the Giant Loop consists of two Tulsa, Okla. park. continuous and concentric Even though this is the first “That one was also cus- variable speed. As it goes “We added some games rings, one fixed and one rotat- Giant Loop in North America, tomed-designed,” Novotny up one side then the other, there and remodeled a bum- ing. The fixed ring forms the it is the second one world- said. “It was manufactured to it slows as it reaches its apex per car building,” he said. track and supports the ride. wide. The first was installed in withstand heavy winds associ- until it turns the riders com- “Now we are just praying for The rotating ring is the passen- an amusement park in Taiwan ated with a typhoon.” pletely upside down. It makes good weather.” ger carrying system. The dual about 10 years ago. The ride operates with the complete turn four times June 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 5 Silver Dollar City’s history began with Marvel Cave Park themed to 1880s mining town celebrates its 50th in 2010 In 1946, Chicagoans Hugo and Mary Herschend vaca- tioned in the Ozarks and dis- covered a tourist attraction now called Marvel Cave. By April 1950, the Herschends re- located to Branson with their teenage sons, Jack and Pete, and took over the manage- ment and tours of the cave. the site. After implementing im- Following Hugo’s death in provements to make cave ac- 1955, Mary and her sons began cess easier, the Herschends building the 1880s Ozark vil- researched above-ground im- lage. Mary was committed to provements, such as creating authenticity and preservation; a pleasant waiting area. They there would be no imitation eventually settled on the idea storefronts. She also insisted of recreating an 1880s mining on preserving the natural town that had once existed on beauty of the area, especially the trees. The park’s name origi- FAST FACTS nates with a promotional cam- paign that involved giving change to visitors in the form Silver Dollar City of silver dollars. The word-of- key historical dates mouth advertising from guests spread far and wide about an •1950 - the Herschend exciting new destination in the family acquires long-term PHOTOS COURTESY SILVER DOLLAR CITY Ozarks. lease of Branson’s The Flooded Mine remains one of Silver Dollar City’s most beloved rides. Recently, When SDC opened in Marvel Cave. arcade-style guns were added that allows guests to fire at targets during the indoor 1960, the village was home to •1960 - Silver Dollar City section. a blacksmith shop, a general opens on top Marvel Cave. store, an ice cream parlor, doll Pete Herschend. ested in the demonstrations overwhelming success, Silver •1969 - CBS-TV’s The shop, and two 1800s authentic Under the Herschend’s that more resident craftsmen Dollar City still manages to Beverly Hillbillies films five log structures which had been guidance, SDC embarked on were added, including a glass balance down home family episodes at SDC. relocated and restored along a steady path of brand growth blower, a weaver, a potter and attitude with modern theme •1972 - Fire in the Hole, with the Wilderness Church. and expansion. Over the a silversmith. park mentality. mine-themed enclosed A daily outdoor re-enactment years, a steam train and stage Today, Silver Dollar City is While Silver Dollar City steel roller coaster. of the infamous feud between coach rides were added while one of the world’s most popu- was the company’s first en- •1981 - American Plunge the Hatfields and McCoys was the long-standing tradition of lar and charming theme parks. deavor, Herschend Family En- log flume. a highlight of the entertain- craft demonstrations began. It has grown to encompass tertainment today owns, oper- •1984 - Tom Sawyer’s ment. The first craft festival held at more than 55 acres, offering 40 ates and manages 24 themed Landing play area featur- That first year, Silver the park in 1963 had native shows, 22 exciting rides and at- entertainment properties ing Becky’s Carousel. Dollar City drew more than craftsmen demonstrating 19 tractions – including five roller across nine states including •1990 - Furniture Factory 125,000 people, four times crafts including woodcarving, coasters and four water rides Tennessee’s Dollywood and opens more visitors than the num- tie hacking, shingle splitting, – along with a showcase of Georgia’s Wild Adventures. •1993 -Thunderation, an ber that toured Marvel Cave. blacksmithing, weaving, lye America’s heritage crafts with And as the Herschend clan Arrow Dynamics mine “We discovered we were in soap making and candlemak- a demonstrating colony of 100 is fond of saying, ‘it all began train coaster. the theme park business,” said ing. Visitors were so inter- resident craftsmen. Despite its with a hole in the ground.’ •1994 - Marvel Cave commemorates 100 years of tourism. •1999 - BuzzSaw Falls, Pre- mier Rides’ steel coaster/ water ride hybrid. •2001 - Wildfire, a B&M steel looping coaster. •2005 - Powderkeg, S&S Power air-launched steel coaster, opens from a re- working/enlargement of BuzzSaw Falls. •2006 - The Grand Exposi- tion children’s area. •2007 - Giant Barn Swing, S&S Power Screamin’ Swing ride. Several of Silver Dollar City’s classic rides include the •2010 - RiverBlast, Mack Rides interactive boat ride. American Plunge log flume, far left, and the always popu- lar Fire in the Hole, center and above. 6 AMUSEMENT TODAY June 2010 “ Not only is this the longest such ride worldwide, but with its concrete trough, the use of real river rock lining the reservoir, and great Tom Sawyer theming everywhere, HFE and the park executed a really beau- ” tiful family attraction. –Bob Dean, Leisure Labs LLC SDC FAST FACTS Continued from page 1 embroiled in a soaking water Ride/Park fight. Along with battling rid- Tom & Huck’s RiverBlast ers on other rafts and different Silver Dollar City, points along the course, they Branson, Mo. can retaliate against a total of 17 sharp shooters on the riv- Type er bank who are armed with Interactive boat ride their own soakers. Additional- ly, RiverBlast offers riders 150 Course Length unique targets on which to fire, 570 feet PHOTOS COURTESY SDC but even some of those shoot Sporting Herschend’s trademark theming, SDC’s new Tom & Huck’s RiverBlast allows rid- back. It’s a safe bet that SDC’s Ride Duration ers and spectators alike to engage in friendly water battles. newest adventure is virtually Five minutes guaranteed to get guests wet, one way or another. Amusement Today spoke Ride Vehicles about the RiverBlast installa- Eight 8-seat rafts tion with Bob Dean of Leisure Labs, the company who repre- Special Features sents Mack Rides in the U.S. Onboard hand-powered “Silver Dollar City was able water soakers (63 total); to integrate their Boat Blaster land-based hand-powered beautifully into the topogra- water soakers (17 total); phy of the park and it is ab- 150 targets solutely seamless with its sur- roundings. Not only is this the Manufacturer longest such ride worldwide, Mack Rides, Germany but with its concrete trough, the use of real river rock lining Opened the reservoir, and great Tom March 19, 2010 Sawyer theming everywhere, HFE and the park executed a really beautiful family attrac- fort is every kid’s dream, and tion.” filled with special targets and Some of the more dramat- water guns aimed directly at ic theming HFE created for the riders. RiverBlast adventure include: •Leaky Sluice - Super •The Foggy Bottom - a bil- soakers and shooting geysers lowy blanket of fog hanging may splash up enough fun on over the river to offer an at- their own, but Tom and Huck’s mosphere of mystery and false overhead sluice has sprung sense of security. a leak and a deluge of water •Stuck in the Mud Sur- may fall right on the rafts. prises - a small vessel snagged Silver Dollar City officials while traversing the White are pleased with the reaction River has scattered its cargo from guests to the park’s new along the water. The floating RiverBlast. “From the laugh- debris, buoys and bells are ter, smiles and water-soaked filled with special effect tar- crowds, it’s obvious that Tom gets, some of which fire back and Huck left Silver Dollar at the shooter. City a new adventure that our •The Whitewash Fence guests love. We can build the - instantly recognizable from tallest, the fastest, the wildest Twain’s stories, the white- ... but we are at our best when washed fence may seem the we create attractions that in- best place for bystanders to volve the entire family,” said get a look at the action, but it’s SDC Attractions Manager also the perfect opportunity Kevin Lotter. “RiverBlast gave for riders to drench those risk- us the opportunity to create ing a peek. a unique and highly-themed •Tom & Huck’s Tree Fort area that fits perfectly into the - Tom & Huck’s makeshift tree storyline of our park.” June 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 7 8 AMUSEMENT TODAY June 2010 INTERNATIONAL www.AmusementToday.com PARKS ATTRACTIONS RESORTS ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLIERS Supplied by Mack Rides BRIEF Space Fantasy opens at Universal Studios Japan Bobbejaanland presents Zorro Andrew Mellor Amusement Today themed show A new themed spinning coaster in the dark is the latest Belgium's Bobbejaan- major ride attraction to debut land has a reputation to at Universal Studios Japan. uphold when it comes to Installed in an existing its horse shows. And the building which previously 2010 season will continue housed the ET Adventure at- that tradition as the park traction, it is the first installa- stages a show based on tion of Mack Rides’ Spinning the world-famous figure of Coaster 2.0 which utilizes a Don Diego de la Vega, bet- combination of free spinning and controlled spinning of the ter known as Zorro, and vehicles, with a drive on the his black steed Tornado. bottom of each car. Thus the Running through the attraction takes advantage of end of August, the new both systems for different sec- presentation offers a spe- tions - the high speed thrill cific interpretation of the ride elements in which the cars legend of Zorro, and casts Above, Space are free spinning and the more an original light on his re- Fantasy – The serene “story telling” dark lationship with Dona Es- Ride has ride elements where passen- perança. The performance replaced ET gers are moved in the direc- starts with a masked lady tion of the themed areas. The Adventure at sitting in the audience, systems also allow for a more Universal Stu- who attracts the hero's at- comfortable ride on the lift hill dios Japan. At tention. Zorro approaches and after the “uncontrolled” right, riders be- her, but she steals his horse spinning elements. gin and end their and makes off into the dis- The storyline around the Space Fantasy tance. Zorro must find out ride, named Space Fantasy – experience in an who she is, but that entails The Ride, is a mission to save impressive, con- the risk that his identity the sun which begins on plan- tinually moving will be revealed, which he et Earth and takes guests on a loading/unload- wants to avoid at all costs. journey into the Solar system to restore the sun’s power be- ing station area. What follows is a thrill- fore returning to Earth. PHOTOS COURTESY ing sequence of dance, ac- Describing the attraction, MACK RIDES robatics, heroic dueling, Mack project manager Harry roman riding and spec- Endres commented: “The cre- the track very tightly along the different work at the site and high-speed thrill sections. tacular horse stunts, with ation of the layout which best walls and around the existing was a real full time job. How- In total 19 trains were deliv- spectacular fire and light fit the existing building was an piles of the building. ever, the whole project was a ered, each with two cars and effects, and a surprising exciting job. Our goal was to “Due to building limita- great teamwork of all parties seating for eight people. Ride ending. integrate all design elements tions the ride erection had involved.” time is 270 seconds and an The ‘Zorro’ show lasts desired by Universal Studios to be planned in great de- Space Fantasy has a track impressive hourly capacity of approximately 25-30 min- into the ride layout. To en- tail, while in addition to this length of 595 meters (1,952 1,920 riders is achieved via the utes and can be seen the able this we had to utilize the Universal Studios also had feet) and a maximum height use of a conveyor belt station, park's Horse Arena at the full size of the building and in to bring in huge theming ele- of 7 meters (23 feet). The result so the trains never stop in the Cowboy Village. some areas were forced to lead ments. The co-ordination of all is a combination of dark-ride station. June 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 9 Kolmården to open unique Safari gondola experience Andrew Mellor Amusement Today A unique new ride attrac- tion that will take guests into the heart of a wide range of animal enclosures for an “up close and personal” experience is to be added to Kolmården Djurpark in Sweden. Set for opening in 2011, Sa- fari will be the world’s first zoo gondola ride and will provide a truly thrilling adventure as it takes visitors through the sa- fari park in specially designed gondolas that will travel 2.5 meters – 20 meters (8 feet – 66 feet) above the ground. It will RENDERINGS COURTESY KOLMÅRDEN DJURPARK bring guests as close as possi- The new Safari attraction at Kolmården Djurpark will offer guests a unique, ‘up close and personal’ experience. ble to animals from around the world including lions, bears, via,” said Jan Roy, president and a great way to celebrate of 1,200. “We expect an increase giraffes, wolves and many and CEO of the park’s owner, and show our appreciation to “We wanted to create an in the number of guests from others. “create unique, high quality our visitors.” attraction where one can ex- about 600,000 to about 800,000 The announcement of this and innovative experiences to The new ride will feature a perience the animals in a new (as a result of the new attrac- latest attraction comes on the delight our guests of all ages. 2,640 meters (8,661 feet) track and unique way,” explained tion). A ride with Safari will back of Kolmården’s most suc- We had a fantastic 2009 and and gondolas will travel at a park President Magnus Nils- be included in the entrance cessful year ever in 2009 and are thrilled to be able to make speed of 1.5 meters (5 feet) per son. “Today you travel by car ticket.” will mark the park’s largest this kind of investment off second during the 26.5 minute through the safari park and The new attraction is be- single investment to date. the back of a deep recession. experience. There will be a to- the new attraction will be more ing built by Austria compa- “Safari is a shining new This is our largest investment tal of 78 gondolas each accom- environmentally friendly be- ny Doppelmayr Seilbahnen example of what we do best to date – 120 million SEK (ap- modating up to eight riders, cause the cable car will be run GmbH. at Parks & Resorts Scandina- proximately U.S. $16 million) providing an hourly capacity by renewable electricity. Innovative Leisure installs major ropes course at Scotland Zoo Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo Innovative Leisure recent- ly completed the installation recently became home to of a major high ropes adven- major high ropes ture course at Scotland’s Edin- adventure course, which burgh Zoo. was designed and installed Featuring a collection of by U.K.-based Innovative challenges, the new Sky Trail Leisure. offers a new form of family en- PHOTO COURTESY tertainment to the zoo and is INNOVATIVE LEISURE the first installation of its type to be completed by Innova- tive Leisure in a U.K. zoo. The The trail consists of a structure blends well into the 262-foot-long track, 19 feet surrounding landscape with above the ground, and pro- its jungle theming and having vides a challenging experience been finished in outdoor natu- carried out in perfect safety ral colors. with the use of a continuous The attraction has been in- belay system throughout the stalled adjacent to the award- course. A series of testing ele- winning Budongo Trail chim- ments suitable for all skill lev- panzee enclosure, providing els make up the course and, participants with a ‘chimps unlike on some other high truly impressive structure and those who take part and, in zoo just to have another go. eye view’ of the enclosure and ropes courses, participants are blends in perfectly with its the case of children and young It is also very positive for the perhaps a chance to imitate able to pass slower users at surroundings, with the special teens, their parents, who see zoo to have this type of play some of the climbing exploits intermediate platforms using theming chosen and the mate- them as offering a healthy al- equipment beside a chimpan- of the adjacent primates. a unique node connection sys- rials used. Having it right next ternative to other, less active zee enclosure where the kids The Sky Trail Discovery tem, thus helping to maintain to the chimpanzee enclosure options,” he added. can interact with the chimps 10 pole at Edinburgh Zoo good throughput. adds further to the experience Also delighted with the in the same way the chimps takes up to 25 participants at “We are delighted to have too and is obviously highly installation is Edinburgh play in the trees. The chimps any one time, providing an had the opportunity to install appropriate. Zoo’s Commercial Director also seem to be very interested hourly throughput of approxi- our first major high ropes “Fun, exciting, physically Gary Wilson, who said: “The in all that is going on and they mately 100. It can open with a course in such a prestigious challenging activities such as first reviews from the public too look to be stimulated by minimum of two staff rising to location,” commented Inno- those provided by major high are all saying that they think the experience as well as all three or four when at full ca- vative Leisure Managing Di- ropes courses have grown the Sky Trail is fantastic and who have a go on it.” pacity. rector Phil Pickersgill. “It’s a massively in popularity with they will come back to the 10 AMUSEMENT TODAY June 2010

Jun 3, 2010 son with Tom & Huck's RiverBlast, Mack Rides' longest . at both Kings Island and Kings Dominion, was affiliated with Taft .. •Storytown Train - Fea- turing a journey .. formidable, fire-breathing dragon joined the cast of.
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