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Preview June 17, 2016

SPENCER FAMILY DENTAL Gentle Caring State of the Art Dentistry For The Whole Family Cosmetic Dentistry • Restorative Dentistry • Preventative Dentistry CROWNS • CAPS • BRIDGES • COMPLETE and PARTIAL DENTURES New We Strive NON SURGICAL GUM TREATMENT • ROOT CANAL THERAPY Patients For Painless SURGICAL SERVICES Welcome Dentistry BREATH CLINIC-WE TREAT CHRONIC BAD BREATH HERBAL DENTAL PRODUCTS • All Instruments Fully Sterilized • Most Insurances Accepted Dr. Nasser S. Hanna Conveniently Located On Route 9 • (Corner of Greenville St. & Main St.) 284 Main St., Spencer 508-885-5511 Mailed free to requesting homes in East Brookfield, West Brookfield, North Brookfield, Brookfield, Leicester and Spencer V ol. XXXVII, No. #25 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: www.spencernewleader.com Friday, June 17, 2016 This week’s Problem solvers QuoTe “True originality ebes students participate consists not in a m o in ath lympiad new manner but in a new vision.” BY KEVIN FLANDERS NEWS STAFF WRITER Edith Wharton EAST BROOKFIELD — Tasked with solving problems that would e ’ stump many adults, East Brookfield diTor s Elementary School Math Olympiad o h participants were once again up for ffice ours the challenge. Kevin Flanders photo MondAYs 12-5 This was the second year of partici- Heading into his senior season at Quaboag Regional High WednesdAYs 1-5 pOalytimonp ifaodr, EwBhEiSc hs tuisd ehnetlsd i nin t hsec hMoaotlhs Sincgh owoitl,h Baenn i nWteisrnniaetwiosnkai l gboats akne tebaarllly t sotuarrnta omne onftf.-season train- FridAYs 1-5 throughout the world. For twelve weeks, students in grades 4-6 met after school and worked on problem solv- Taking his INSIDE ing strategies, putting their skills to the test while most kids their age were relaxing at home. skills abroad Obituaries .................B2 School officials were thrilled with the maximum enrollment in the pro- Our Towns ................B4 gram for the second straight year. Calendar...................B5 More than 30 students signed up for Classroom Corner ..A5-7 an offering that has quickly gained Q uaboag basketball popularity at EBES. Viewpoint ..............A8-9 “We had great participation again e standout plays in urope Police Logs.............A18 this year, and I can’t say enough about Sports ...............A10-12 the [six] teachers who put in their Courtesy photo time to help the kids,” said Principal BY KEVIN FLANDERS made us feel at home,” LOCAL From left, East Brookfield Elementary School Ron Tomlin. NEWS STAFF WRITER said Wisniewski, a three- Math Olympiad top scorers Madison Ethier, WARREN — Quaboag year varsity player. “It Ronald Pataky, Kayden Rodriguez, and Mason DeSimone. Please Read EBES, page A15 Regional High School was fun to meet different basketball star Ben kids [from local schools, Wisniewski recently including one from took the ultimate road Shepherd Hill Regional FOOD AND FUN trip, representing his High School], and I am school and his country in still talking with a lot of European tournaments. them through Snapchat.” The 10-day trip The trip was just as brought Wisniewski to enjoyable off the court for Germany and Austria the players as it was in Old time patri- as a member of the New the arena. Celebrating its England Colonials team. 37th year of international otic presentation Comprised of players travel and exchanges, the planned for July from throughout the area, New England Colonials 4 celebration the team went 4-3 in inter- program has enabled stu- national play and gained dents to visit new places, Page A3 valuable experience ath- make new friends, and of letes will bring to their course compete against respective squads next challenging opponents. season. Wisniewski and his LEARNING For Wisniewski, a teammates made several Kevin Flanders photo junior at QRHS, he’s fascinating stops in Berlin SPENCER — Mary Queen of the Rosary Parish held its 20th Annual Bazaar hoping the experience he and Vienna as part of the last weekend. And even though the weather brought attendance down gained abroad will trans- trip, including Olympic on Saturday, June 11, it certainly didn’t dampen guests’ spirits. Pictured, late into big numbers venues and other sport- parishioners have prepared the fried dough, and now it’s time to bring on the next winter. ing destinations. Among hungry customers! For more photos, turn to page A4! “It was a great expe- the most intriguing sights rience. The host fami- lies were really nice and Please Read SKILLS, page A15 A new frontier at Bay Path LMS inducts new Honors Society members Page A5 SPORTS ‘y , ou make us so proud and you lead us ’ to the future BY KEVIN FLANDERS five qualities of NJHS NEWS STAFF WRITER members – character, LEICESTER — At citizenship, scholar- the Leicester Middle ship, leadership, and School National Junior service – and the event Honors Society induc- also included remarks tion ceremony, 39 stu- from guest speaker, dents pledged to con- Beth Johnson. With win over tinue their quests for Having been both a excellence in scholar- student and a teach- Leicester, Pirates’ ship and service. er in Leicester Public baseball reaches The May 25 event saw Schools, Johnson fifth straight members of the classes knows exactly what of 2020 and 2021 induct- these students have district final ed into the National experienced – and Page A10 Junior Honor Society. where they can go from Kevin Flanders photos Students made indi- Beth Johnson delivers a speech during the ceremony. vidual speeches on the Please Read LMS, page A16 o pinion Leicester SC member speaks out against Common Core Get Your Point Across page a8-9 BY KEVIN FLANDERS system that isn’t making to state leaders seeking said Francis, who was Francis hosted an NEWS STAFF WRITER the grade. federal funds. But since named town captain informational meeting p l olice ogs LEICESTER — A state- Common Core oppo- the implementation of in the Leicester push earlier this month at the wide opposition group is nents needed to secure Common Core, students, against Common Core Leicester Senior Center. page ax working hard to elimi- 11,000 additional sig- teachers and parents and PARCC testing. “It Belonging to a statewide nate Common Core stan- natures by the mid- have complained about a stifles creativity, con- group of legislators and dards, but there is still dle of June in order to disorganized, often con- fuses kids, and in many activists known as End a lot of work to be done. place a question on the fusing structure of learn- ways has brought us Common Core, Francis Locally, Leicester School state’s November ballot. ing. backwards. They rolled has been reaching out to Committee member Scott Common Core standards “In their effort to this thing out and didn’t residents in area towns Francis and others have were instituted in 2010, make things simpler, even have enough profes- to better inform them of led the charge against a heavily incentivized they actually made them sional development for what they describe as a rollout that appealed much more difficult,” teachers.” Please Read CORE, page A16 2 SPENCER NEW LEADER • F riday, June 17, 2016 n b ews rieFs Barre, North Brookfield gram focused on driving innovation at 6:30 p.m. and are free to the pub- ities throughout the state at no cost. and transformation at the local level lic. The concert series is sponsored The event series begins on Friday, June via investments in technology. This in part by cultural grants from the 24 and will continue through Friday, awarded IT grant grant opportunity is specifically for North Brookfield, Rutland, Sturbridge Aug. 26. Worcester-area attractions cities and towns who applied for a and Warren Cultural Councils, local include the Worcester Art Museum, funding Community Compact on or before Jan. agencies that are supported by the EcoTarium, the Worcester Historical 29. Both towns signed their Community Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state Museum and Old Sturbridge Village. Compacts on Oct. 15, 2015. agency. Free will donations are encour- “This free event series is a great BOSTON — Sen. Anne M. Gobi Grants funding supports the imple- aged. opportunity for friends and families (D-Spencer) and Rep. Donald R. mentation of innovative IT projects across the state,” said Moore. “By Berthiaume, Jr. (R-Spencer) have by funding related one-time capital providing free access to cultural land- Gobi announces June announced that the towns of Barre and needs such as technology infrastruc- marks in our state, this programming North Brookfield have been awarded ture, upgrades and/or purchases of empowers parents and youth to make grant funding through the Community equipment or software. Incidental or office hours the most of their summer. I encourage Compact IT grant for a radio communi- one-time costs related to the capital area residents to spread the word to cations beacon. purchase such as one-time planning, family, friends, coworkers and neigh- Barre has received $83,500 to upgrade design, installation, implementation Tyler Wolanin, District Aide to bors who may be interested.” infrastructure to facilitate region- and initial training are eligible. Senator Anne Gobi (D-Spencer) will For additional information, includ- al technology cooperation between be holding office hours throughout ing a complete listing of free activities, Barre, Rutland, and the Barre Regional the district during the month of June. please call (617) 969-8900 or visit http:// Quaboag Choral Society Emergency Communication Center. Constituents and town officials are highlandstreet.org/freefunfridays. North Brookfield has received $36,100 invited to meet with Tyler to express to implement billing and collections is brushing up some any concerns, ideas and issues they Dog licenses due software upgrades as recommended by have. Walk-ins are welcome, but to the Division of Local Services. set up an appointment you can e-mail Shakespeare “I would like to congratulate both Tyler at [email protected], SPENCER — The Town of Spencer towns on being awarded IT grant fund- or call at 508-641-3502. Appointments are Dog Licenses are due by June 30. Pay in ing,” said Gobi. “Both projects will encouraged during so that information WEST BROOKFIELD — The Quaboag person during regular business hours, greatly increase efficiencies in both on cancellations can be shared. Choral Society is pleased to announce online or use the payment drop box at towns.” their spring concert season “Take This the East entrance of the Town Hall. “Congratulations to the communi- Monday, June 20 Stage.” All dogs must have a current rabies ties of Barre and North Brookfield on Ashby Town Hall, 2 to 3 p.m. Shakespeare penned, “All the world’s vaccine to be licensed. being awarded these IT grants,” said Ashburnham Town Hall, 3:30 to 4:30 a stage, and all the men and women mere- Questions? Contact the Town Clerk at Berthiaume. “This funding will go a p.m. ly players.” This season the Quaboag 508-885-7500, ext. 150. long way in assisting these towns in Choral Society will musically explore improving their communication infra- Tuesday, June 21 the seven stages of man by performing structure.” Brimfield Senior Center, 11 a.m. to Transfer station stickers several pieces of Shakespearean works The Community Compact IT Grant 12 p.m. masterfully set to music. Throw in a Program is a competitive grant pro- Wales Senior Center, 12:10 to 1 p.m. few contemporary pieces, a madrigal or set to expire Charlton Senior Center, 1:30 to 2:30 two and the cho- p.m. rus has the mak- Sturbridge Town Hall (Conf. Room 2), Charlton Orchards Farm ings of truly stage 3 to 4 p.m. SPENCER — It’s time to renew worthy tribute to your Spencer Transfer Station sticker. Holland Town Hall, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. the Bard. Current stickers expire on June 30. This marks the Town of Spencer 2016-2017 Transfer Wednesday, June 22 Pick Your Own fourth season Station stickers will be on sale at the Spencer Town Hall, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Visit our Farm Store STRAWBERRIES for the Choral East Brookfield Municipal Town Spencer Highway Garage, 7 Meadow Society. As with Road, on Saturday, June 18 and 25, Complex, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. ~ Pasture Raised Beef ~ all of the choral from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Sticker fee is Brookfield Town Hall, 2 to 3 p.m. Call for availability group’s concerts, $50. Second stickers for same household “Take This Stage” cost an additional $25. Monday, June 27 will continue the Lettuce, Tomatoes, Rhubarb, Eggs, Paxton Senior Center, 11 a.m. to 12 increasingly pop- p.m. ular tradition of Broccoli, Summer Squash A combining music Tuesday. June 28 lmAnAc with semi-staged Oakham Senior Center, 9:30 to 10:30 vignettes. a.m. 44 Old Worcester Rd. • Rt. 20 • Charlton, MA The year 2016 North Brookfield Senior Center, 11 508-248-7820 • www.charltonorchard.com marks 400 years a.m. to 12 p.m. since the passing Open Sun & Mon 10-4 • Thurs- Sat 9-5 • Closed Tues & Wed Rutland Senior Center, 12:30 to 1:30 Quotation of of Shakespeare. p.m. Shakespeare’s Monson Town Hall, 6 to 7 p.m. W influence still the eek reverberates today as his works Moore announces the are repeatedly “In their effort to make things adapted, rediscov- simpler, they actually made them return of ‘Free Fun ered and reinter- much more difficult. It stifles cre- preted throughout ativity, confuses kids, and in many the world. Fridays’ ways has brought us backwards. The Quaboag They rolled this thing out and Choral Society didn’t even have enough profession- 8x7-9x7 Steel Liftmaster 1/2 hp will perform five BOSTON — Sen. Michael O. Moore al development for teachers.” 2 Sided Insulated Chain Drive area concerts this (D-Millbury) is pleased to announce Garage Door season. Concert the return of ‘Free Fun Fridays’ - Leicester School Committee mem- 7ft Opener r-value 9.65 Inc, standard hardware & dates of June during summer 2016. The program is ber Scott Francis, commenting on track, 8 color & 3 panel design options $270 18 in Warren coordinated by the Highland Street the cons of Common Core. $570 at Emmanuel Foundation and provides free entry to inc Installation inc Installation price matching available on all written quotes Orthodox Church 80 museums and cultural events across and June 19 at the Commonwealth. real estate the Sturbridge Since 2009, Free Fun Fridays have Federated Church. enabled local residents to visit treasured All concerts begin cultural venues and recreational activ- SPENCER $229,000, 22 Northwest Road, Kirsten Shogren to Ryan and Larissa Proctor $230,000, 4 Oakland Drive, Paul and Sherry Magierowski to Luz Martinez and Zunilda Velez $251,000, 130 East Charlton Road, Brian Daoust to Christian and Leslie Heenan $500,000, 99 Clark Road, Marshall and Sharon Katz to Timothy Lermond and Deanna Mills LEICESTER $100,000, 57 Charlton Street, USA Housing to Equity Trust Company $306,656, 38 Virginia Drive, Prospect Hill Estates, LLC to James and Virginia Dickman 508LOCAL.com $245,000, 49 Crestwood Road, Doris and Annette Benoit to Stephen McCarthy H U ow to se A Stonebridge PreSS STAFF DIRECTORY BROOKFIELD PublicAtion President & Publisher $150,000, 202 Spruce Lane, FrAnk G. chilinski Heather Bachelor to Nabil Roufail (508) 909-4101 and Bishoy Atta [email protected] chieF FinAnciAl OFFicer rOn tremblAy EAST BROOKFIELD (508) 909-4102 [email protected] $380,972, 113 Pond View Road, OPerAtiOns directOr A.R. Belli Development, LLC to mOnOdFAFy itcher OhuOGhu rFsr:id Ay TOOU RS UTBOmWINT SC IATLEEMnSD:AR OR STAFF DIRECTORY Jim dinicOlA Nancy and Matthew Mullen 8:30Am-4:30Pm e-mAil: STAFF wRITER (508) 764-4325 $347,000, 104 Court Street, TAdOv eprLtiAsiCnGE eAx eRcEutTivAeIL AD: [email protected] k(5e0v8in) 9F0l9A-n4d1e4r0s mAAndAAGmin Gm eindOirt Or RAinctheatormd aansod Sherri Gatto to Joanne June simAkAuskAs TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO (508) 909-4130 (508) 909-4062 THE EDITOR OR SOUND OFF: [email protected] [email protected] NORTH BROOKFIELD [email protected] e-mAil: AdvertisinG mAnAGer [email protected] SpORTS EDITOR JeAn AshtOn $283,500, 2 King Street, Colleen TO pRInT An OBITUARY: nick ethier (508) 909-4104 Paradis to John and Jodi Lane e-mAil: TO pLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: [email protected] (508) 909-4133 [email protected] º(800) 536-5836 [email protected] PrOductiOn mAnAGer WEST BROOKFIELD Julie clArke SUBSCRIpTIOn SERVICES: TO FAX US: (508) 909-4105 kerri PetersOn (508) 764-8015 ADVERTISInG EXECUTIVE [email protected] $268,500, 88 Lakeshore Drive, (508) 909-4103 June simAkAuskAs Geoffrey and Michelle Clark to [email protected] (508) 909-4062 The Spencer New Leader (USPS#024- Timothy Conte stOnebridGe Press PhOtO POlicy [email protected] 927) is published weekly by Stonebridge $233,000, 40 Wigwam Road, As a community oriented family of newspapers, Stonebridge Press welcomes Press, Inc., 25 Elm St., Southbridge, Astrella Alfred to James and photos from readers, business owners, and other outside sources for publi- MA 01550. Periodical Postage paid at Michelle Wojcik cation in any of its titles. Any photos submitted for publication become the GOT A nEwS TIp, AnD IT’S AFTER 5 p.m. Southbridge, MA 01550. $200,000, 22 West Street, John and property of Stonebridge Press, and may be displayed in our newspapers, as OR A wEEkEnD? POSTMASTER: Send address chang- Jodi Lane to Breanna Lamoureux well as on our Web site. They may also be made available for resale, with cAll A rePOrter’s line, Or simPly diAl (800) 367-9898 es to Spencer New Leader, P.O. Box 90, any proceeds going to Stonebridge Press and/or the photo re-print vendor. And leAve A messAGe. Southbridge, MA 01550 Friday, June 17, 201 6 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 3 Old time patriotic presentation planned for July 4 celebration A W ccurAcy Atch The Spencer New Leader is committed to Hamilton, outlining his plan, accuracy in all its news reports. Although remarked “this project started as an numerous safeguards are in place to ensure idea over dinner with Ed Londergan, accurate reporting, mistakes can occur. who said, ‘wouldn’t it be great if some- Confirmed fact errors will be corrected one would read the Declaration of at the top right hand corner of page 3 in a Independence on the 4th.’ I researched timely manner. online productions of such presenta- tions and then reached out to the Choral If you find a mistake, call (508) 909- Society, and we began to move forward. 4130 during normal business hours. During As someone whose ancestors were here non-business hours, leave a message in the in Brookfield in 1776 and instrumental editor’s voice mailbox. The editor will return in the town’s acceptance of the decla- your phone call. ration, I feel a personal connection to the event here, the memories, and the tradition of honoring the birthday of America.” Amy Dugas, the historical society’s ENTERTAINMENT AND president, remarks that some residents of area towns may recall elaborate EVENTS Independence Day celebrations; photos of bunting and flower-bedecked homes, horses, buildings and parades exist in historical society archives or treasured photo albums. The Quaboag Historical Society, she says, is delighted to wel- DON’T MISS Courtesy photo come Dan and his great ideas, his will- A view of the West Brookfield Common from the air. ingness to participate, and his expertise A THING! to the society. The society, established in 1894 by representatives from all six of the orig- WEST BROOKFIELD — This town, otic presentation. To add this town’s inal Quaboag Plantation towns, holds long noted for its Independence Day special flavor, he has enlisted the help monthly meet- observances, will host a special added of local people — adults and children as ings at the soci- RONNIE’S SEAFOOD attraction this year — old timey, classy speakers, the Quaboag Choral Society, ety’s museum, the and produced by a Hollywood profes- and the Sturbridge Colonial Militia. former railroad R . 31 C D sional in a generous gesture to his new The focus of the presentation will station on Front t haRlton epot home town. be the Declaration of Independence. Street, at the end Dan Hamilton visited here three And the setting? West Brookfield’s com- of Central Street, “Proudly serving the community for over 40 years” years ago, in search of his family’s mon, at 7 p.m., near the fountain. The West Brookfield. 1600’s history in a burgeoning Quaboag stage? Two hay wagons from historic The museum, Happy Plantation. He liked what he saw, and Indian Rock Farm, all dressed up for open Saturdays decided to stay, settling in Wickaboag the occasion with bunting and strings from 11 a.m. to 3 Valley and acquiring a wealth of knowl- of red, white and blue lights. The his- p.m. holds mate- edge about the area and numerous his- toric script has been prepared, youth- rials from all of torically minded friends as well. ful speakers engaged, and the Quaboag the towns and Father’s Day With an affinity for history and exper- Choral Society is tuning up. Rob Lyon welcomes visitors tise in film production, he has pro- and his friends from the Sturbridge and new mem- vided the Quaboag Historical Society Colonial Militia have fifes, drums and bers. with an opportunity to enliven West muskets at the ready. And yes, there Brookfield’s traditionally lively July will be lights, cameras, action. The half- - Submitted by Open 4th celebration with an old-time patri- hour presentation will be filmed. Ruth M. Lyon Tuesday-Sunday W B s READING est rookfield ummer 11:00am to 9:00pm NEWSPAPERS r P ecreAtion rogrAms IS A QUEST Accepting most major credit cards LIKE NO OTHER Grade 1-3: 5-6 p.m. • Camp SOAR — Camp SOAR takes place at West Grade 4-6: 6-7 p.m. Brookfield Elementary School and is run by Amy Cost for program is free! LaRoche. Pre-registration is required. Week 1: June 27- July 1 For more information or reg- Week 2: Aug. 8-12 istration please e-mail Jerry Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost for program is Czub jerczub81@hotmail. free! Pre-registration is required. For more infor- com. mation or registration please e-mail Amy LaRoche, [email protected]. • Swimming Lessons — Lessons occur at the town beach and are headed by our Head Life Guard, Sydney Plante. Week 1: July 11-15 Week 2: July 25-29 Level 1: 4:30-5 p.m. Level 2: 5-5:30 p.m. Level 3: 5:30-6:15 p.m. Level 4: 6:15-7 p.m. Cost for program is free! Preregistration is required. For more information or registration please e- mail Sydney Plante driftawaymush- [email protected]. • Tennis Lessons — Lessons occur at the West Brookfield Elementary School and are taught by Ryan Hibbard. Week of July 18 Grades 1-3: 5-6 p.m. Grades 4-6: 6-7 p.m. Cost for program is free! Preregistration is required. For more information or regist ration please Your email Ryan Hibbard rhibbard@quabo- agrsd.org. Dental • Sports Camp — Lessons occur at West Brookfield Elementary School are Health taught by Jerry Czub Week of Aug. 1-5 by Edward Larkin D.M.D. LIFELONG CARE A n n ual Flea Market briWdg heFesO,t haRenr dDd evEneNtnaelT erAress Ltao rRrea EtsiuoSpnTps oOsrutRcehdA aTbsyI cOnroaNwtuSnrasl, teeth or implants, they require lifelong care. W. Brookfield Common Newly revised guidelines recommend that pa- tients with dental restorations visit their dentists June 18th • 8 - 2 at least every six months so that the dentist and/ or hygienist can clean, adjust, repair, or replace Admission $1 their restorations. The dental team can also Kids free! advise patients with dental restorations about home maintenance. Dental restorations made No Early Birds! of composite materials, metal alloys, porcelain, Live Music! Food! plastic, and other manmade materials collect dental “plaque” (the sticky bacterial film that Bounce House sponsored by constantly forms on the teeth) that must be re- moved with daily brushing and flossing. Other- Socks for Siberia wise, these colonies of germs will harden into ($3/5 min.) tartar, compromise restorations, and threaten gum and bone health. Sponsored by At 9 W. MAIN DENTAL, we are com- The First Congregational mitted to excellence in the fields of cosmetic and restorative dentistry. We work with our Church, UCC patients so they can achieve and maintain a beautiful smile and healthier gums and teeth. If problems are diagnosed and addressed ear- ly on, teeth can often be saved. We’re located S ee a photo you at 9 West Main St., West Brookfield, where ? we are currently accepting new patients. Please would like to order call 508.867.2777 to schedule an appointment. P.S. Tartar is calcified (hardened) plaque Photo RePRints AvAilAble that can only be removed by sharp tools in the dentist’s office. Call Stonebridge Press West Main St.,West Brookfield, MA 01585 for details 508-764-4325 PH 508-867-2777 or drop us an email at www.9-westmain.com [email protected] Accepting Most Insurances Including MassHealth 4 SPENCER NEW LEADER • F riday, June 17, 2016 Mary Queen of the Rosary Parish continues 20-year tradition SPENCER — Mary Queen of the Rosary Parish held its 20th Annual Bazaar last weekend. And even though the weather brought attendance down on Saturday, June 11, it certainly didn’t dampen guests’ spirits. Musical enter- tainment was provided throughout the weekend, as well as games and activities for kids. An array of food fenders offered everything from fried dough to pizza. Kevin Flanders photos Aydan Nanigian, 7, left, and Mikayla Moorcroft, 4, both of Spencer, are ready for a fun day. It’s not going to rain on Delphine Lynch’s parade. The Spencer 2-year-old makes a splash in the parish parking lot. Luke Ruksnaitis, of Worcester, and Holy Name Tom Brady certainly hasn’t been known for throwing overinflated footballs like this one lately. School science teacher Michael Hoogasian offer games for kids. Nolan Courtney, 11, left, and Thomas Martin, 12, both of Spencer, represent Boy Scout Troop 201. Samantha Holmes, 12, of East Brookfield, is Trinity Pervier, left, and her friend, Isabella Cote, 11, both of Spencer, ready to hand out the darts so guests can try their luck at a raffle. burst balloons for prizes. The Bokis family, of Spencer, has participated in the event for two straight years. If not for a tent, this band would be singing in the rain. Friday, June 17, 201 6 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 5 CLASSROOM CORNER A new frontier at Bay Path O fficials excited tO Offer new dental assisting prOgram program? “Absolutely. The dental field is growing. There’s a dental office, two or three of them, no matter where you go. There’s a couple of assistance per office. Once you’re certified, you can make around $20 an hour with a high school education. They have the opportunity to work and make a great salary and decide whether they want to stay there or move forward and become a dentist or get their master’s degree at some point.” What did you like about being a dental assistant? Lead Instructor Christina Genatossio poses with the freshman taking the “What’s nice about is that dental assisting program’s first exploratory. it’s a profession. It gives you Olivia Richman photos self-esteem and you feel good The brand new dental assisting program at Bay Path came to be during about what you do. If you care the school’s large renovation project. All of the equipment (and the about other people and want instructor) is brand new. to help them, this is all about health. We’re just as important as a nurse or doctor. There’s so BY OLIVIA RICHMAN seven years. I worked in the many different aspects - tech- NEWS STAFF WRITER field as a hygienist for 20 years nology, hands-on skills, social CHARLTON — Bay Path and I started adjunct teaching skills you need. You have to Regional Vocational Technical at QCC and liked it. I furthered be a well rounded person and High School’s brand new den- my degree and am current- you have to be smart and moti- tal assisting program will offi- ly finishing up my master’s vated.” cially be offered next school degree. I was on the advisory year, instructed by Christina board at Bay Path and the posi- How have you liked work- Genatossio. Bay Path decid- tion opened up and it just kind ing with this first group of ed to offer the program when of fell into place.” students? “We are the pioneers right here of the program at Bay Path,” said Lead they realized many vocational Instructor Christina Genatossio. “The students have been fantastic. I schools in the area didn’t offer How do you feel about this “We are the pioneers right thought I’d have trouble getting them to understand. But they’re rising any programs like it. opportunity? here of the program at Bay to the occasion. They’re stepping up to the plate and they seem to love “We wanted to give the kids Path. They’ve been fantastic. it. They’re not afraid to get their hands dirty and ask questions and help a chance to go into something “It’s very exciting. I just I thought I’d have trouble get- each other.” that has many different career think that having the opportu- ting them to understand. But options once they complete nity to start something from they’re rising to the occasion. important process.” putting all this stuff togeth- the course,” said Vocational scratch and make it your own, They’re stepping up to the er. These guys have given me Director Don Montville. “There put your own twist on it — plate and they seem to love it. How do you feel that the great feedback. They’re having are multiple job opportunities and use all the experiences I’ve They’re not afraid to get their students are so excited fun and getting along. That’s in this field. We felt this was had for past 20 years and pass hands dirty and ask questions about participating in this how you learn. I know they’re another way to provide kids it onto these students to give and help each other.” exploratory? learning something.” with opportunities and I’m them an opportunity to start sure it will entice a lot of kids their own career in their own What can students who “This is getting my feet wet as Olivia Richman can be once the program is up and life — is very exciting.” are interested in taking this well as theirs. It’s validating all reached at 508-909-4132 or by going.” program expect to learn? the work I’ve been doing since e-mail at olivia@stonebridge- As of press time, 22 freshmen What brought you from January. I’ve been by myself press.com. had signed up to explore the working in this career field “ W h e n new dental assisting program. to wanting to teach? the students As sophomores they will be leave here able to decide if they want to “I love doing what I did at they are cer- participate in the program. So the time. It’s a very difficult tified in radi- far, the freshmen taking part in position physically. Over time, ation health the program’s first exploratory people tend to migrate some- and safety. have commented that they love where else and I think it was They’ll learn the program and are hoping to time for me.” about X-rays get in. and how to Genatossio was hired back in Do you think there’s a take them and January and has been “work- definite need for this pro- how radiation ing hard,” said Montville, “at gram at Bay Path? affects the developing the curriculum.” body. They’ll Staff writer Olivia Richman “I think this area is under- learn OSHA sat down with the busy instruc- served for dental assisting and infection tor to discuss her excitement in high school setting. They control, know- for the upcoming semester, her are located in Worcester, out ing all aspects hopes for the program and her towards Springfield. I think of minimizing experience in the dental assist- there’s a need as far as this cross-contam- Get your tickets early! ing field. age group is concerned, giv- ination and ing them the opportunity to get how to ster- DATE: July 16, 2016 You were hired in into this field and touch upon ilize instru- January. Were you teaching the community services that ments and TIME: 7:30 AM Tee Off/ 12:00 Lunch before? are out here.” keep them FORMAT: 18 Holes Scramble with foursomes clean, wiping “I worked previously at QCC Are there a lot of opportu- down and set- WHERE: Leicester Country Club, 1430 Main St, at their Dental Assisting and nities for students who take ting up units, Leicester, MA 01524 Hygiene Department, a total of part in the dental assisting which is an P.A.L. of the Week Sponsored by Leicester Veterinary Clinic, LLC Name: Twinkle & Jack Your Local Roll-Off Specialist Ticket Information: Breed: DSH Homeowner’s Golf/Lunch $100.00 pp – includes 18 hole round of golf, delicious buffet, cart, Age: Young Adult Weekend Special $245 and a golfers gift package. We are a brother/sister duo who would LOVE to be adopted together. 10 yd. Rental 1 Ton * Limit of 144 Tickets Twinkle is very pretty and Jack is very handsome. They are feline teen- agers who are playful, curious and adventuresome. They were very shy 15 yd. 2 Ton = $320 • 20 yd. 3 Ton = $410 Don’t golf? when they first came to the shelter. Jack has become a very sweet fella and will bond with his new family after a short period of adjustment. Roll Off Containers Lunch Only $35.00 – Loaded buffet w/lots of wonderful choices. Twinkle is still very cautious with people. She is attached to her brother Weekend Dumpsters * Limit of 75 Tickets and together they make such a cute pair. Both of them are extremely compatible with other cats. Because of their personalities; a home for the Homeowner with no children would be best. We are hoping that someone will give Houses • Attics • Cellars For tickets, go to the shelter’s website at www.secondchanceanimals.org or this “dynamic duo” a home. With patience and love; we are sure that 10-15-20 Yd. Construction Sites call the shelter at 508-867-5525. Tickets are limited so don’t wait! they will be great feline companions for some person or family. 508-892-4193 • 508-769-6603 People for Animals League Other fun things at this event: Leicester, MA www.people4animals.org Silent Auction * 50/50 * Mulligans * Raffles * Other Contests Too! Fully Insured Spencer MA • 774-745-8041 Interested in sponsoring this event? Please visit our website for details on the great opportu- Leicester Give your Dad, Grad or nities! Veterinary Bridal Party the Gift of Time! Second Chance Animal Shelter is a non-profit no kill animal shelter located in East Brookfield. Clinic, LLC Second Chance also has a Pet Wellness and Education Center in North Brookfield and Springfield Community Veterinary Center in Springfield. Over 16,000 pets a year are helped by 1205 Main St. Leicester, MA 01524 Second Chance through the various programs including adoption, the spay/neuter clinic, P:508-892-9181 • F: 508-892-8791 wellness clinics, training, educational outreach, and the pet food pantry. For more information www.leicesterclinic.com on the shelter, visit the website at www.secondchanceanimals.org Wellness exams • Vaccinations • Cat Boarding Spays, neuters and routine soft tissue surgery ADOPTION CENTER: WELLNESS AND EDUCATION CENTER: SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY Dentistry • Radiology (Digital) 111 Young Rd., P.O. Box 136 372 North Main St. VETERINARY CLINIC In-house diagnostic laboratory facilities (Idexx) E. Brookfield, MA 01515 N. Brookfield, MA 01535 501 Belmont Ave., 25% Off in stock Eco-drive • Pharmacy TEL (508)867-5525 TE L . ( 5 0 8 ) 637-1333 Springfield, MA • Prescription diets Hills, Royal Canin Citizen watches 5/20/16-6/18/16 FAX (508)867-5019 FA X ( 5 0 8 ) 637-1417 TEL. (413) 739-2343 • Domestic health certificates and much more! with this ad. email [email protected] www.secondchanceanimals.org FAX (413) 372-4163 Dr. Colm P. Scanlon Veterinarian 136 Main Street • Spencer • 508-885-3385 www.cormierspencer.com 6 SPENCER NEW LEADER • F riday, June 17, 2016 CLASSROOM CORNER DPHS announces May Panthers of the Month pick at least one club and join it, wheth- er it be a sports team or a co-curricular club,” Fyrberg said. “It is one of the best parts of high school, and I would urge anyone to join some sort of club.” Added Melvin, “Just be yourself and enjoy your last years of school, because everyone at Prouty fits in and no one is left behind. Prouty is one big family, and these last four years really do go by quick.” Outside of school, Melvin enjoys read- ing, exploring old buildings, and volun- teering at the Richard Sugden Public Library. Both students emphasized the importance of staying active in and out of school, which has allowed them to find success at all levels. Kevin Flanders can be reached at 508-909-4140, or by e-mail at kflanders@ stonebridgepress.com. Courtesy photos S M Eric Fyrberg and Desiree Melvin were chosen as May’s David Prouty High School Panthers of the Month. chool enuS BY KEVIN FLANDERS honored to be named May Panthers of dent of the school’s Future Nurses Club. NEWS STAFF WRITER the Month by school officials. Fyrberg, Mrs. McCarthy is also one of Melvin’s BROOKFIELD SPENCER — Now that graduation a junior from Spencer, captained both favorite teachers, as well as Mrs. has come and gone, it’s time for David his soccer and outdoor track teams; he Bussiere. ELEMENTARY Prouty High School’s next wave of lead- was a member of the indoor track team “Mrs. McCarthy is someone the stu- ers to take the reigns. For the school’s as well. Fyrberg also managed to find dents can go and talk to about any SCHOOL May Panthers of the Month, leadership time for several other activities, serv- problems they are having, whether they and involvement have been important ing as the historian for his class, the are personal or academic. She wants to parts of their careers. vice president of Student Council, and help the students in any way she can Monday, June 20: Chicken in Eric Fyrberg and Desiree Melvin were as a National Honor Society member. and wants to turn our school around for gravy over whipped potatoes, car- Reflecting on his the better,” Melvin said. “Mrs. Bussiere rots, chicken salad sandwich. first three years at makes the students look forward to Tuesday, June 21: Deli Turkey Prouty as he gears going to school. Class with her is both pocket with lettuce & tomato, whole up for his senior fun and educational. She always looks grain sun chips, managers specials. season, Fyrberg is out for all of her students, and everyone Wednesday, June 22: Half Day, appreciative of all can count on her no matter what.” Last Day, No Lunch Served the teachers who Melvin’s favorite subjects are English have impacted his and history. She hopes to attend an BAY PATH career. eight-year college for either nursing “My favorite or psychology, with a goal of having a teacher at Prouty career that assists children in need. BREAKFAST would have to be “Either way, I want to work with Mrs. McCarthy. kids with disorders to help better their Monday, June 20: Pancakes with She does so much lives. I also want to do some traveling syrup, 4 oz. yogurt, 4 oz. fruit juice, for this school, because other cultures fascinate me,” fruit variety and she truly is Melvin said. Tuesday, June 21: Assorted bagel, a kind and car- Though graduation just occurred, assorted cream cheese, 4 oz. yogurt, ing woman,” said Fyrberg knows his class will be tossing 4 oz. fruit juice, fruit variety Fyrberg, whose their caps soon enough. After DPHS, Wednesday, June 22: Scrambled favorite subject is he plans to major in pre-med in college, eggs, sausage, whole-wheat toast, 4 biology. then pursue a career in a field known oz. fruit juice, fruit variety Melvin, a soph- as physiatry. Thursday, June 23: Homemade omore from “It is essentially being the leader of coffee cake, 4 oz. yogurt, 4 oz. fruit Spencer, has wast- a team of therapists – physical, speech juice, fruit variety ed no time in get- and occupational alike – to diagnose ting involved in and treat injuries,” explained Fyrberg, LUNCH sports and other who enjoys playing soccer, fishing and activities. She is spending time in the outdoors when he Monday, June 20: Chef’s Choice a member of the isn’t in school. Tuesday, June 21: Chef’s Choice tennis team, the As a new class of Panthers prepares Wednesday, June 22: Chef’s marching band, to make the transition from Knox Trail Choice Drama Club, Show Middle School to DPHS, both Fyrberg Thursday, June 23: Half Day Choir, and Ripple and Melvin had strong advice to consid- Effect, in addition er over the summer. to her role as presi- “I would tell an incoming freshman to 2016-2017 BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT In the Spencer New Leader Coming August 19, 2016 DEADLINE AUGUST 4 Reaching 12,000 households in Spencer, Leicester & The Brookfields, with drops in Warren too! There will be a limited amount of COLOR SPACE... front & back of the section. 1/16” page (5” wide X 2.5” tall) = $80 1/8th page (5” wide X 5” tall) = $150 1/4 page (5” wide X 10” tall) = $275 1/2 page (10” wide X 10” tall) = $500 Or vertical 5” wide X 20” tall = $500 FULL PAGE (10 wide X 20 tall) = $800 Full Color add $100 Each school in Spencer, Leicester & The Brookfields K-12 will be featured with updated information on building staff, grades in each building, person to contact in an emergency, cost for lunch, arrival and dismissal times, and more! To advertise in this guide, please contact June Simakauskas at 508-909-4062 or email [email protected] by Thursday, Aug. 4. Friday, June 17, 201 6 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 7 CLASSROOM CORNER EDUCATION NOTEBOOK Lasell College Springfield College for studies complet- North Brookfield Assumption College ed in 2016. Associates: Ashley J. DuBrino, Kevin Megan Stewart of Spencer, has W. Figueroa, Daniel Graham, Nathan NEWTON — Chrysoula Margaritidis WORCESTER — Six hundred nine- earned a bachelor’s of science degree R. Roberts of Leicester, has received a BS degree ty-three students received a degree in Recreation Management from Certificate: Mindy M. Gendron from Lasell College. The achievement during Assumption College’s 99th Springfield College for studies complet- Rochdale was announced during commence- Commencement exercises on Saturday, ed in 2016. Associates: Marlene Berry, Rebecca ment exercises on the Newton, cam- May 7, held at the DCU Center in down- M. Gleason pus in May 15. Margaritidis majored in town Worcester. Spencer University of Rhode Island Hospitality and Event Management. The following local students graduat- Associate: Michael J. Gadbois, ed with a Bachelor of Arts degree: Lauren M. Moreau NEWTON — Lasell College has KINGSTON, R.I. — The University Megan Cooney, of Leicester released the Dean’s List for outstand- of Rhode Island is pleased to announce Robert Hyland, of Leicester North Brookfield High School ing academic achievement during the that more than 4,986 undergraduates Caitlin Morin, of Leicester spring semester of the 2015-16 academic have qualified for the Spring 2016 Book Awards year. A student must earn a semester Dean’s List. The students represent Keene State College GPA of 3.5 or higher to receive Dean’s nearly all of Rhode Island’s cities and List recognition. towns, all six New England states, New NORTH BROOKFIELD — The follow- Chrysoula Margaritidis, of Leicester, York and New Jersey, other states and ing College Book Awards were present- KEENE, N.H. — Keene State College a member of the Class of 2016 with 25 countries. ed to the following Juniors at North is pleased to announce that 1,323 stu- a major in Hospitality and Event Victoria A. Phillips, of Rochdale, was Brookfield High School during the High dents have been named to the spring Management named to the Dean’s List. School Awards Ceremony on June 9. 2016 dean’s list. To qualify for the dean’s Chelsea Scannell, of Spencer, a mem- The Elmira College Key: Tory list, Keene State College undergraduate ber of the Class of 2017 with a major in Zalauskas students must be enrolled in a degree Quinnipiac University Graphic Design Saint Michael’s College Book Award: program, and must have completed a Itzel Feeney, of West Brookfield, a Rachael Orsi minimum of six credit hours in the member of the Class of 2018 with a HAMDEN, Conn. — The following Smith College Book Award: Amelia semester, receiving no failing or incom- major in Event Management local students received degrees from Jordan plete grades. Students must achieve a Connor O’Brien, of Leicester, a mem- Quinnipiac University during a com- The Student Sage Award: Amelia 3.5 or higher grade point average, on ber of the Class of 2019 with a major in mencement ceremony held in May. Jordan and Rachael Orsi a 4.0 scale to earn dean’s list honors. Communication Cherry Valley: Abigail Bernier, Rensselaer Medal Award: Kaitlyn Congratulations to the students below Emma Witbeck, of Leicester, a mem- Bachelor of Science in health science Burnham who made the list. ber of the Class of 2019 with a major in studies University of Rochester George Haylie Dolan, of West Brookfield Graphic Design Spencer: Rebecca Streeter, Bachelor Eastman Young Leaders Award: Austin Kowalchek, of Leicester of Science in management Rachael Orsi Charlotte Meyers, of Leicester University of New Haven University of Rochester Frederick Worcester Academy Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award: North Brookfield Schools Tory Zalauskas WEST HAVEN, Conn. — The follow- University of Rochester Bausch Reunion ing students were named to the Dean’s WORCESTER — Worcester Academy + Lomb Honorary Science Award: List at the University of New Haven held its 182nd Commencement Kaitlyn Burnham for the Spring 2016 semester. Full-time Exercises June 3 with 162 seniors grad- NORTH BROOKFIELD — The annual undergraduate students must have a uating. Among the graduates was Nell North Brookfield Schools reunion will 3.50 or better cumulative GPA for the Fitzgerald of Spencer. College of William & Mary be held on Saturday, Aug. 6, at Time semester to be eligible for the Dean’s Out in North Brookfield. List. WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — The follow- Set for 6 p.m., the event will allow Worcester Polytechnic Leicester: Paige Boss, Henry C. ing local residents were recently named anyone who went to a school in North Lee College of Criminal Justice and to the Dean’s List at the College of Brookfield to reconnect. Last year, over Institute Forensic Sciences - Criminal Justice; William & Mary for the spring 2016 100 people attended the event, some Joseph Zimmerman, College of Arts and semester: from as far away as Florida. Sciences - Music and Sound Recording WORCESTER — The following local Brookfield: Joshua Julian Galuska The cost is $5 per person, and guests North Brookfield: Kelly Bower, Henry residents were among 1,292 students are invited to bring a finger food to C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and from Worcester Polytechnic Institute share. For more information, or offer Castleton University Forensic Sciences - Criminal Justice (WPI) named to the university’s Dean’s to volunteer at the event, call Pam Spencer: Karl Doane, Henry C. List for academic excellence for the Wetherell Woodbury at 508-885-7016. Lee College of Criminal Justice and spring 2016 semester. CASTLETON, Vt. — Jared Leno, of You can also send an email nobrookfiel- Forensic Sciences - Criminal Justice Elizabeth Quevillon of Brookfield, is Rochdale, was recently named to the [email protected]. West Brookfield: Colin O’Donnell, a member of the class of 2019 majoring Castleton University Dean’s List for the College of Arts and Sciences - Music in biomedical engineering. spring semester of the 2015-16 academic Merriam-Gilbert Public and Sound Recording Chelsea White, of Spencer, is a mem- year. ber of the class of 2018 majoring in Library Mount Ida College industrial engineering. Southbridge Savings Bank Maddie Brennan, of Leicester, is a WEST BROOKFIELD — Ongoing: member of the class of 2019 majoring in Scholarship Recipients NEWTON — One hundred nine- mechanical engineering. Knitting Group, Wednesdays, 10 a.m. ty-four students received their associ- • Now through Thursday, July 28: ate, bachelor and master’s degrees at Southbridge Savings Bank is pleased New Art Exhibit: “Bee Dreams” featur- Springfield College ceremonies at the Newton campus of to announce the winners of their annu- ing longtime local resident, Dorothy Mount Ida college on May 16. al scholarship award program. The Benedict & her tapestries of rivers & Ronald Bynum-Regalado of Leicester SPRINGFIELD — Springfield College receipients are: fields in the Brookfields. All are crafted (01524) graduated with the B.S. in has named the following area students Jake Boisvert – Southbridge High from wool from her sheep & dyed with Business Administration degree in to the dean’s list for academic excel- School natural extracts from plants which bees Hospitality Management. lence for the spring 2016 term. Criteria Kaytlyn Mekal – Southbridge High visit on a regular basis on her farm. Casey Grant, of Spencer, graduat- for selection to the dean’s list requires School ed Cum Laude with the Bachelor of that the student must have completed Thomas Escobar – Tantasqua Merrick Public Library Science degree in Dental Hygiene. a minimum of 12 credit hours of grad- Regional Senior High School ed coursework for the semester, the Oscar Appleton – Tantasqua Regional • Tuesday, June 28, 7 to 8 p.m. The Saint Anselm College student must not have any incompletes Senior High School Professor and the Madman by Simon in the designated semester, and the Brittany Foley – Tantasqua Regional Winchester. The shocking story of student must have a minimum semes- Senior High School MANCHESTER, N.H. — Saint Anselm ter grade point average of 3.500 for the Rachel Bianculli – Shepherd Hill the single greatest contributor to the College has released the Dean’s List of semester. Regional High School first Oxford English Dictionary in 1857 high academic achievers for the sec- Kristina Krull, of Leicester. Krull is Brianna Higgins – Oxford High reveals that the man who contributed ond semester of the just-completed 2015- studying Applied Exercise Science. School 10,000 definitions to the book was in fact 2016 school year. To be eligible for this Laura Quink, of Leicester. Quink is Andrew Romano – David Prouty High a patient in an asylum for the criminal- honor, a student must have achieved a studying Health Science/Pre-Physician School ly insane. Grade Point Average of 3.0 or better in a Assistant. Natalie Terranova – Bartlett High • Harmonious Happenings: semester with at least 16 credits of study School Wednesdays at 11:15 a.m. to 12 p.m. which award a letter grade. Anthony Gautier – Bay Path Regional Pre-School Music Time with Ms. Renee. Mount Wachusett Mark W. Cronin, Dean of the College, High School Free snack and juice served. No sign- announced that the following students Nineveh O’Connell – Wachusett up. Funded by the Jeppson Memorial Community College from your geographic area have been Regional High School Fund for Brookfield, Greater Worcester named to the Dean’s List for the Spring Christopher Slavin– Wachusett Community Foundation, and the 2016 semester at Saint Anselm College, GARDNER — Mount Wachusett Regional High School Friends of the Library. Snack donations Manchester, New Hampshire. Community College celebrated the aca- Karishma Sewsanker – Leicester are always appreciated. East Brookfield: Mikaela Lachapelle, demic achievements of its graduates High School • For Adults: Fridays at 3 p.m. Free Nursing, 2018 during the college’s 51st commence- All of the students received a schol- home delivery and pick-up of library Leicester: Daniel Peltier, Criminal ment on May 18. This year, 810 associ- arship in the amount of $2,000. The materials for anyone housebound. Justice, 2016 ate degrees and certificates were award- students won the scholarships based This free service may be long or short Rochdale: Melissa Prest, Criminal ed to 734 graduates. upon their academic and extracurricu- term. This service is sponsored by the Justice, 2017 Brookfield lar achievements. Friends of the Library — call for more Associates: Amanda C. Donham, information. Framingham State University Mary K. Faugno Wiles Leicester Certificate: Jessika L. Little Turn To NOTEBOOK page A15 FRAMINGHAM — The following local Framingham State University stu- Professional Directory dents graduated this academic year: • Alyssa Robinson, of Brookfield, received a Bachelor of Science in Education degree. Merrimack College MASSAGE THERAPY SENIOR CARE NORTH ANDOVER — Spencer resi- dent Audreanna Sauro earned a Master Samantha’s of Education in at Merrimack College at the college’s 66th Commencement Exercises in May 2016. Therapeutic Massage Non-medical in-home services for Seniors by Seniors. Help support team Helping Hands Springfield College at the Relay for Life event on Donations are We provide dependable, friendly seniors to help with services like light June 17 at McMahon Field SPRINGFIELD — Springfield College also accepted housekeeping, transportation, shopping, companionship and more. in Southbridge (starts at 5:30pm) recognizes 2016 graduates. online at Like getting a little help from your friends®. Kristina Krull, of Leicester, has Contact us today 508-885-6004, [email protected], earned a bachelor’s of science degree There will be food, raffles, and more! relayforlife.org www.seniorshelpingseniors.com/worcesterarea in Applied Exercise Science from ©2010 Each office is independently owned and operated. Springfield College for studies complet- 125 Main St., Spencer MA 01562 ~ (508)885-5200 All trademarks are registered trademarks of Corporate Mutual Resources Inc. ed in 2016. 60 Minute $55 Erin Carpenter, of Leicester, has To advertise on this page, call June at 508-909-4062 earned a doctor 9of0 Mphiynsuictael $t8h5era- py degree in Physical Therapy from or email [email protected] 8 SPENCER NEW LEADER • F riday, June 17, 2016 VIEWPOINT 1 8 7 2 - 2 0 0 7 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550 O S , L B Telephone (800) 367-9898 piniOn and cOmmentary frOm pencer eiceSter and the rOOkfieLdS Fax (508) 764-8015 www.spencernewleader.com Frank G. Chilinski Don’t keep President and Publisher adam minor family in the Managing editor dark about Father your plans figures As children, it’s obvious that we need You might our fathers. work diligent- We rely on our fathers (whether we FinanciaL ly at building want to admit it or not) for just about Focus a financial everything. And if a father is doing his roadmap for job correctly, we rely on them for help- your retire- JEFF ing put a roof over our heads, for disci- ment years BURDICK pline, for leading us in what is right and DPHS STUDENT AWARDED and a com- wrong, for teaching, for correcting and prehensive for acting in a way that is an example SCHOLARSHIP estate plan. to mimic. But you can’t just create these strate- As an adult, I realize that even now, I gies – you also have to communicate depend on my father still for quite a bit. Courtesy photo them. Specifically, you need to inform He is the first one I call when anything WORCESTER — The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, Inc. has awarded your spouse and your grown children and everything happens. He’s the one I 52 scholarships to high school students nationwide, including Andrew Romano what you have in mind for the future – call when my furnace acts up, when my lawnmower fails to start or I have car of David Prouty High School. because the more they know, the fewer problems. He’s the one whose phone For the last 12 years, the company has awarded scholarships to students, the surprises that await them down the rings when there’s a project around the including children of employees, who have demonstrated academic excellence road. house I know I need help completing and a commitment to serving their communities. These scholarships help stu- Let’s start with your spouse. Ideally, because I am hopelessly talentless when dents to continue their education beyond high school, allowing them to further of course, you and your spouse should it comes to working with my hands. develop and enhance their many talents. have already communicated about your He’s the “Our scholarship program encourages these dedicated students to continue to respective ideas for retirement and the one I con- strive for excellence and build upon their skills,” said Paul A. Belsito, president have come to an agreement on the big sult in all of The Hanover’s Foundation. “It’s so inspiring to see the dedication these stu- issues, such as when you both plan to Minor matters dents have to not only their academics, but also their communities. We hope our retire, where you’ll live during retire- detaiLs atiuvet omanod- sacnhdo tlaalresnhtisp t aow haerlpdisn wg iblul ialldlo swtr othnegseer satnudd emnotsr et ov icbornatnint ucoem dmevuontiintige st.h”eir energy meeesn (tv, oalnudn twehera,t tyroauv ewl,a nwto trok d po aarst rteitmire- construc- and so on). ADAM t i o n , But what you both might have let L e MINOR because etters to the ditor slip through the cracks are the import- his mind ant specifics related to financing your is filled retirement. You’ll need to answer sever- with knowledge that I am even now just Fahey suspension ‘ridiculous,’ ‘unfair’ al questions, including these: beginning to tap into. Since I became When will you each start taking a homeowner nearly two years ago, I Social Security? think I’ve learned more from him about Are there strategies for maximizing To the Editor: paring ball fields before most people these things than in my first 30 years. both of your Social Security payments? As I write this, there’s a power washer I am writing in reference to the neg- have started off for work for the day. When will you need to start tap- that we are planning on working on ative articles I’ve read in the newspa- There is no way we will or others that ping into your respective retirement together in the garage. That will cer- per regarding the suspension of Chuck know Chuck would believe he would accounts, such as your IRA and 401(k)? tainly be a learning experience. Fahey at David Prouty High School, ever take funds for himself. And, once you do start withdrawing Watching him work is fun to watch. which is ridiculous and so unfair. The Leicester High School baseball from these accounts, how much should He always has a way to fix anything, We have known Chuck since he was team has been truly blesses to have you take out each year? even when anyone else thinks it’s bro- a teenager playing baseball. He has him coach this season turning the You may want to work with a finan- ken. His creativity when it comes to fix- always been known as very respect- team from losing seasons until this cial professional to address these issues, ing, building or making something out able to all teammates, parents, and year. Because of Chuck’s dedication of nothing is impressive. I will always others that know him! He is outstand- the team clinched first in their divi- but however you proceed, you and your be in awe of that. ing in this community and we have sion. Chuck is so respected by the spouse need to be “on the same page” But it’s not just all things construc- never heard a negative response from team and parents and shows quality regarding the key financial components tion that impresses me about my father anyone. for his character. of your retirement. — it’s his capacity for kindness, his Chuck has faced many adversities Prouty — wake up and do what Now, consider your grown children. heart to help other people and his hum- and always achieved each one. He is is right with a man that is highly You need to clearly communicate your ble attitude. So many times, he has gone estate plans to them, not only for the a man of integrity, well respected as respected by all that know him. out of his way to help other people, and sake of openness and honesty, but also a teacher and baseball coach going it’s a quality I want to mimic in my own because they may well play active roles above and beyond. People I’ve known Dave anD Diane Hart life and show my own son as an exam- within those plans. So when talking ple to follow. in this town for over 40 years have Spencer to your children, make sure you cover spoken of his going out of his way pre- As we look ahead to Father’s Day this these areas: weekend, my mind drifts to my own Letter Carriers Food Drive a success Durable power of attorney – You may role as a father, what I’ve learned from well decide to give one of your grown my own father, and how similar I am children the durable power of attorney with my son to how my father was with To the Editor: erously. I would also like to thank to pay bills and make financial choices me growing up. He was always more On Saturday, May 14, the Letter the city letter carriers, rural carriers, on your behalf if you are unable to do so. than willing to access his goofy side Carriers in Spencer conducted their clerks, volunteers, our supervisor and Estate executor – An executor is the with my brother and me, rough housing Annual Food Drive. The city letter post master for working so very hard person or entity you name in your will with us and making us laugh. For me, I see shades of my father in the way I carriers, rural carriers and volun- to make this food drive such a huge to carry out your wishes. An execu- have fun with my kids. teers collected approximately 6000 success. tor has a variety of responsibilities, The other night, working late on pounds of good non-perishable food. Thank you all sincerely. so you’ll want to choose someone who deadline (I’m talking middle of the Having the plastic bags also helped is honest and capable of dealing with night/wee early hours of the morning with contributions. Gary M. pelleGrino legal and financial matters. Again, you late), I heard the door to my son’s bed- I would like to thank all the resi- coorDinator, Spencer letter could ask a grown child to serve as your room creak open, and footsteps begin dents of Spencer who donated so gen- carrierS executor, but, to avoid potential conflict to stumble down the hallway toward of interests among your children, you where I was working at the dining room might want to go outside the family. 11 questions to ask when table, where I work at a makeshift work Talk with an attorney about how best to station (until someday I finish off my name your executor. basement and make me an office!). It Status of will and living trust – was my son, bleary eyed, and on the Assuming you have already drawn up a hiring a real estate agent verge of tears. He was obviously tossing will, share it with your grown children. and turning, and just woke up from a The same is true with a living trust, a nightmare of some sort. popular estate-planning tool that may “You OK, buddy?” I asked, taking allow your survivors to avoid going Most people only hire a real estate agent get an offer on their listings compared to off my headphones, saving what I was through the time-consuming, public a few times in their life. Hirinother agents. wstoorokdi.ng on and meeting him where he Fcaonr bmea sncya,r yth ains dp rinoctiemss- reaLtor’s pr5ic) eW htoa t sias leyso urp rliicset awnildl aenxpde na silivvei npgr otrcuessst wofi llp roobbvaitoeu. slAy He merely looked up at me through idating because you are ratio? This will help contain a great deal of information your half-closed eyes, a frown across his face, report entrusting someone you to see that not children should know about – so take and lifted his hands toward me, want- with your largest asset. all agents are created the time to explain your thinking when ing me to pick him up and hold him There is no reason to equally and if you hire you created these documents. to comfort him. Of course, I obliged. JAMES fear if you know what the right agent you will You want to enjoy a comfortable Holding him as he calmed down, I whis- questions to ask and BLACK actually make more retirement, and you want to leave a pered in his ear. what you should be money when selling meaningful legacy through your estate “I got you,” I calmly said. “Daddy’s looking for answers. your home. plans. To help accomplish both these got you.” 1) How long have you been selling real 6) Can you provide me with testimoni- goals, you need to include your loved He needed me in that moment. He needed his Daddy to comfort him. He estate? This is a great question to under- als and even references? If we interview ones in your arrangements – so open needed me to make everything that was stand if they are brand new or have been for a job they always ask for references, those lines of communication. going on in his head better. I walked in the business for 30 years. Neither is why not ask for references from the Edward Jones, its employees and him back down the hallway and into bad nor good since the newer agent may agent because they are interviewing for financial advisors are not estate plan- be willing to work harder for the sale a job. the bedroom, gently laying him back on ners and cannot provide tax or legal and if they have an experienced agent 7) Why should I hire you over another his bed. He was already asleep. I kissed advice. You should consult your helping them it will be like getting the agent? I don’t think there is a right or him on the head, and snuck out, won- estate-planning attorney or qualified experienced agent and at the same time wrong answer for this one but I think dering how many times I myself snuck tax advisor regarding your situation. having someone with that experience is it will help you to see how they han- out of that very bedroom when I was a invaluable. dle themselves with tough questions child and sought out my Dad to comfort This article was written by Edward 2) How many homes did you sell last because this is a similar question to why me when I was scared. It was probably Jones for use by your local Edward year? I think this is more important than should I buy this over another house. more than I remember. Jones Financial Advisor. Please contact years of experience because this shows In a way, at the end of the day, I don’t Jeff Burdick, your local Edward Jones experience in this current market. 8) Are you an individual agent or do think there will ever be a day where I 3) What is your marketing plan? This you have a team? Another question that I Advisor in Sturbridge at 508-347-1420 or don’t need my Dad. Obviously, our rela- is important to ask so you don’t assume don’t think has a right or wrong answer. [email protected]. tionship has grown and changed over they are doing something like taking pro- Many agents have teams that have spe- time, but in some ways, I’ll always need fessional photos when they just planned cialized people for each step of the pro- him. I wouldn’t have it any other way. on taking the pictures with their smart cess. Other agents will run the whole Adam Minor may be reached at (508) 909-4130, or by e-mail at aminor@stone- phone. transaction themselves. If the team has www.508local.com 4) How long does it take you to sell cohesi veness then I think that is the best bridgepress.com. homes? You want them to supply data on how long it on average takes them to Turn To BLACK page A9 Friday, June 17, 201 6 • SPENCER NEW LEADER 9 VIEWPOINT Creative multipurpose tips of a skewer in white glue, push the blooms. And you can whip • Have extra roof shingles? sticking to it. tAke it into the wall, break it off and up an effective air freshener Stow a few in your trunk paint over. The most creative with vodka. To do: In a spray during winter weather. If you *** the use of all? I once caught my bottle, mix together six ounc- get stuck, wedge the shingle Win Dinner for Two — Your hint niece using one of the wood- es water (distilled if possible), under the tire for traction. tips can win you a great din- en sticks as a hands-free Oreo one ounce of vodka, and your • Need to clean a grout stain? ner for two at the historic dipper. She just stabbed the choice of essential oil (about Saturate a cotton ball in bleach Publick House Historic Inn KAREN middle cream and dunked the 20-30 drops). Shake up and and place it on the stain until it in Sturbridge! Simply send TRAINOR whole cookie into milk! spray! fades out. in a hint to be entered into a • Or place a few drops of random drawing. One winner *** *** essential oil on a cotton ball per month will win a fabulous In today’s economy it’s Aluminum Foil: Hate to iron? Dental Floss: Hanging a pic- and put in your car ashtray three-course dinner for two important to get the most use Place a sheet of tinfoil under ture and don’t have any wire? or other niche to discreetly at the renowned restaurant, out of the products you buy. the ironing board cover (above Doubled up dental floss is refresh the whole car. located on Route 131 across Thanks to some creative repur- the foam but below the cloth) strong enough to substitute on • Save plastic newspaper the town common in histor- posing, many ordinary items to boost the heat of the iron lightweight pictures; Are pho- sleeves. The long bags pro- ic Sturbridge. Because I’m in can do double duty all around and get the job done more effi- tos stuck together? Instead of tect shoes from other clothing the business of dispensing tips, the house. Read on for some ciently and quickly! Run out of pulling apart, lessen the risk of when packing a suitcase. not inventing them (although I unusual uses for everyday steel wool pads? Crumple up a damage by gently shimmying • Wet boots from winter can take credit for some), I’m things. ball of tinfoil and use to clean the floss between the photos to weather? Stuff newspaper counting on you readers out And remember readers, send pans (not non-stick). And did pry them off. Swaging holiday inside your shoes and they’ll there to share your best helpful in your best tips and you’ll be you wonder why grandma had greenery? Green mint dental dry out faster. hints! in the running to win Dinner a sheet of tinfoil taped behind floss serves as a strong (and • Newspaper also works to for Two at the Publick House! the radiator? The shiny surface invisible) tie to wind around prevent odors in thermos bot- Do you have a helpful hint reflects the heat and boosts the garlands to hang down stair- tles between uses. Just pack or handy tip that has worked *** warmth. ways or along a mantle. And crumpled newspaper into the for you? Do you have a ques- Bamboo Skewers: Not just for unflavored dental floss can bottle before closing to store. tion regarding household or shish kabob or fruit arrange- *** also be used to truss a turkey. • Stuff Styrofoam packing garden matters? If so, why not ments, a package of inexpen- Vodka: Is your potpourri los- Dental floss even works as a peanuts into a bean bag chair share them with readers of sive wooden skewers come in ing its scent? Toss in a capful of quick fix to restring beaded to puff it back up without Stonebridge Press publications? handy! Use them to test the vodka and mix it up to renew jewelry. And if you happen to spending a dime! Send questions and/or hints to: doneness of cakes; to easily fragrance in the dried flower snap your fishing line, a length • Repurpose grass clippings Take the Hint!, c/o Stonebridge turn doughnuts and other foods mix. Want your fresh flowers of dental floss can serve as a into old, musty dresser draw- Press, P.O. Box 90, Southbridge, when deep frying; and insert to last a bit longer? Simply add temporary substitute. ers. Close the drawer and in a MA 01550. Or e-mail kdrr@aol. into cake layers to invisibly a few drops of vodka along with few days it will smell fresh. com. Hints are entered into stabilize a crooked confection. a teaspoon of sugar to the water *** • Spray some no stick cook- a drawing for a three course Wooden skewers are also in in the vase. The vodka kills Here are some additional ing spray on your snow shovel dinner for two at the historic the workshop. To camouflage bacteria, extending the life of multipurpose ideas: to help heavy, wet snow from Publick House Inn! a narrow nail hole, dip the end Antiques of our industrial past With the rich manufacturing ousels held triangular shaped it is desirable. Prices can range from heritage in our area it is appro- drawers that were stenciled hundreds to thousands of dollars. priate that I dedicate one of my with the types of screws they Decorators and collectors appreciate columns to industrial antiques. held. We sold 2 of these at past Americana and the nostalgia of old The minimalist design, sleek auctions and they fetched advertising pieces of all kinds. lines and sturdy construction of prices in the high $100’s each. Transportation related items are furniture used in factories and Printers’ cabinets, map, blue- also coveted by collectors, dealers and mills appeals to many decora- print and chart cabinets are designers. Vintage gas pumps, auto- tors and collectors. Companies some of the other wooden stor- mobiles, motorcycles, advertising signs like O.C. White of Worcester age pieces buyers crave. and other accessories continue to main- produced machinist lamps with Antiques, Many industrial machine tain strong interest and prices. Nautical swing arms during the early parts are repurposed. Artists items like brass ship telegraphs, brass ColleCtibles 20th century that bring strong and designers use machine diving helmets, compasses, ships’ prices today. Carts that were & estAtes gauges, cogs, gears and other clocks and steering wheels are just a used to wheel goods between parts to create decorative few of the many items collectors desire. stations in a factory are being pieces. Steampunk is a genre Engine bells, whistles, paymasters’ repurposed and finding their WAYNE TUISKULA of science fiction that uses desks, lanterns and signs are just a few way into homes as coffee tables Victorian era clothing, indus- types of railroad memorabilia that are or stands. With brick facto- trial parts and other pieces still on track with collectors. ries being transformed into apartment that may have been scrapped to create The estate sale calendar has been buildings, some of the signs and other futuristic designs that some say were very busy and we sometimes run mul- objects that were once part of the fac- inspired by Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. tiple sales on weekends to meet client tories are now being used to adorn the Repurposing of old parts has created a demand. Our next live auction takes walls. niche market for these old industrial place August 25th. Visit our website Courtesy photo Pieces for storing items are also pop- pieces. www.centralmassauctions.com and Washburn Co., Worcester, industrial drafting ular. Metal storage bins that held bas- Other antiques from the Second sign up for our email list or follow us on desk brought nearly $200 at our April 2015 kets for factory workers, parts bins and Industrial Revolution that took place social media to keep updated on upcom- auction. other vintage industrial metal storage during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s ing events. units are highly sought after. Wooden and later are also in demand. Country storage bins also appeal to designers store pieces like spool cabinets, dis- Contact us at: Wayne Tuiskula Sales and Appraisal Services www.cen- and those looking to furnish homes play cases, advertising signs and almost Auctioneer/Appraiser Central Mass tralmassauctions.com (508-612- 6111), or businesses. Octagonal wooden car- anything else with old advertising on Auctions for Antique Auctions, Estate [email protected]. Father knows best: Part 1 Even at my tallest he life, but I cannot say the and a slew of other things cuss as advice or informa- still stood almost a foot same. Throughout my MOM IN that he has to live with Tune in next week for tion, share with me your taller than me. He always entire life my dad and I each day, I would always part 2 of our Father’s Day favorite tip or recipe and stood up straight and had a rocky relationship. MOTION rather pretend he is column! join me on our next edi- had an air of confidence. Having had a rough child- just fine. He has always tion of “Mom in Motion.” Maybe it was the mili- hood with infrequent vis- been a gruff and slightly Please write in and E-mail me your thoughts JILL ROUSEY tary in him, or maybe it its with my dad gave me a grumpy crass man, but share your thoughts! As and tips at jill@stone- was the strict religious lot of animosity towards jill@ his mood has become always, take what you bridgepress.com. upbringing he had, but him. When I was 7 my stonebridgerpess.com more defeated over the want from what we dis- almost anyone who met dad got remarried and years. He is not a fighter him from afar felt a slight that didn’t sit well with and never has been. So had my first heart break intimidation by him. me. He married a woman when he wants to storm BLACK I flew home from across To me, he was the most who had two (grown) away, or get up and stress the country and my dad continued from page A 8 handsome, smart, talent- children herself, I was cook, he can’t. While he didn’t welcome me with ed man in the world. He the baby, but I was pet- is still mobile, he is limit- open arms, he greeted me option but if there is not good communication then the taught me how to drive, rified I would no longer ed and not well. So many with a rational thought individual agent could be a better option. You should how to pilot a boat, build be my daddy’s baby girl times he has just wanted of “what now.” When I find these answers in your reference checks. a retaining wall, land- anymore. No longer was to give up, but the mere got overwhelmed taking 9) What are your standards for returning phone call scape a garden, send my I the one and only sun- thought even came with care of my finances he and e-mails? This is important to ensure you know very first email, build a shine in his life, and that a hefty price. He will didn’t write me a check, what to expect when you have questions but also if a fire, and cook the best didn’t sit well with me. never get down on his he sat down with me and buyer calls on your home are they getting a call back soups many people have Throughout my adoles- knees and plant a lilac wrote every single thing within an hour or will it be 2 days and they already ever tasted. cence and teenage years bush again, he will never I owed on the back of an decided to buy another home. Another great question This was my dad. He I became very separated get behind the wheel of envelope and made me is when someone calls on your home who gets that was strict with me, I from him. He tried to be a car and drive listening face it. My dad is the rea- call? Is it going directly to that agent, to their team or knew there was very my dad, my role model, to his favorite doo-wop, son I joke when things get just anyone in their office. You just want to make sure little I could get away but I wanted nothing to he will never steer a boat tough, face every problem it is being routed to someone who has a stake in selling with and I knew he was do with it. into the open waters and with a solution and not your home. always watching. Until As every kid does, I enjoy the spray on his emotion, and make large 10) What happens when you are out of the office? I was in my twenties I went through a period tanned skin. But he will pots of soup in the middle Make sure when your agent goes on vacation that your honestly thought my dad of time in my late teen be there to watch my kids of the winter when I feel home does not go on vacation. This is an advantage of could see everything I did years where I was finding excel in life. He will be stressed. a real estate team to ensure there is coverage when the and knew about it before myself. Through all the there to answer the phone I am sure there are lots agent is out or ensure they have someone they partner I even thought of doing crud I put him through when my son wants to of people who wouldn’t with who will be covering everything when they are it. I learned that pulling he was there to pick up call and talk about his want a dad like mine. But out. over to call him from a the pieces every time, school event, or my I wouldn’t want any other 11) Are you a Realtor? This question is important payphone at midnight but he always did it with daughter wants to babble dad. because a Realtor is held to a higher level of standards because I was running a “I refuse to take any something incoherent to My dad’s health started and ethics. It doesn’t mean someone who isn’t a Realtor late for curfew was better bull-poop from you” atti- him over the phone that deteriorating a little over doesn’t have high ethics but it is another way to con- than just walking in the tude. And that is what only makes sense to her, 10 years ago. I couldn’t firm they are being held to a higher standard. house late and hoping no I needed most even if I he will be there. In two even list all his ailments These are only a handful of great questions to ask but one would notice. didn’t realize it then. years my husband and because part of me can’t it is a great place to start and should hopefully help you The phrase “daddy’s When I cried my dad I will celebrate our 10th keep track and the other feel a little more confident next time you sit down with girl” did not apply to me wasn’t there to wipe the anniversary and since part blocked many of a real estate agent to help you sell your home. until I was in my late tears away, he was there our wedding was across them out. Between heart teens. Many people with to stand me back up, tell the country and he was attacks, a bone marrow James Black is a licensed realtor for A&M Real an amazing father can me to go wash my face, unable to go, he will be transplant, dangerously Estate Consultants at Keller Williams Realty. He may say they have wonderful and come back and figure there to walk me down irregular blood sugar, be reached at (508) 365-3532 or by e-mail at jblack2@ memories their entire out the problem. When I the aisle, finally. failing memory, chemo, kw.com. 10 SPENCER NEW LEADER • F riday, June 17, 2016 SPORTS With win over Leicester, Pirates’ baseball reaches fifth straight district final W 16-7, 14- 2015 olverines finish see Win improvement from Buckley and Renihan who “I was just trying to throw have started all four years. It’s strikes, pound the zone and something special that they’ll work on my fastball, which remember for the rest of their was very effective tonight,” lives.” Buckley said of his efforts on While Oxford was making the hill. waves with their five-year plan In the bottom of the frame, of domination, in 2015 Leicester Oxford began to chip away at was wondering if they’d ever the deficit. A two-out Renihan crawl out of the Southern RBI single got the Pirates on Worcester County League West the board, but Russo was able Division basement. Following to get out of the inning shortly a two-win campaign, new head thereafter. In the fourth frame, coach Chuck Fahey stepped in it was right fielder Joe Grady and immediately turned the coming through for his squad, ship around. What resulted grounding into a force out, but was a stellar 14-6 regular sea- allowing Bryce St. Germaine son and two district victories (who walked) to score in before running into the power- through the back door, and it Oxford’s Dave Meech, one of head house Pirates. was now just 3-2. coach Justin Richards’ “three “I told Chuck Fahey before Buckley struck out the first aces,” started the game versus the game — their new coach three Wolverines he faced, and Leicester and was relieved by — that somebody should build retired the first seven over- Jared Buckley during a jam in the a gold statue of him. What he’s all, which was just what the Jon Gouin photos third inning. done with that program in a Pirates needed to get back into The Oxford battery by game’s end of Jared Buckley on the hill with Zakk year is just remarkable, it’s the game. In the bottom of the Renihan doing the catching versus Leicester in a Central Mass. Division good to see,” Richards said of fifth, Oxford captured the lead, BY JON GOUIN 4 district semifinal played Thursday, June 9, at Fino Field in Milford, were SPORTS CORRESPONDENT his counterpart. and it was Buckley’s bat help- almost all the Pirates needed to get past the pesky Wolverines, 7-4. Asked what changed, Fahey ing them out. MILFORD — The top-seeded responded, “I think just the Austin Greene (2 for 3, 3 Oxford High varsity baseball attitude of the kids. They runs, steal) led off the inning team has been here before, showed up ready to play and with a single through the left both literally and figurative- wanting to win. They strug- side and Meech dropped a sac- ly. They’ve made tough come- gled last year and knew they rifice bunt to put the tying run backs to win recently, and could be better than they were. at second. After Renihan (2 for they’ve also played at Fino They came in eager to learn 4, run, 3 RBI) reached on an Field for big games. Both hap- and ready to win.” error, it was Buckley’s time pened again on Thursday, As far as the game action to shine. The result was a two- June 9, when they faced No. went, after the top of the third, run single to right that gave 5 seed Leicester High in the the Wolverines held a 3-0 lead his squad their first lead of the semifinals of the Central Mass. on the Pirates. It was the bot- semifinal, 4-3. Division 4 district tournament. tom of the order that got things Leicester quickly tied it at It took some time for the rolling as Sean McCarthy sin- 4-4 when Anthony Notaro sin- Pirates to crack the riddle that gled and Ryan Stanick reached gled in Hart, who also singled, was Wolverine starting pitch- on a fielder’s choice when try- but in the bottom of that sixth er Christian Russo, but once ing to bunt him over. Leadoff inning, Oxford broke things they did, Oxford’s offense took hitter Brett Willand then got open. Noah Buckley singled to care of business, coming from hit by a Dave Meech offering to start the rally, and then Greene down 3-0 to pull away with a 7-4 load the bases, and a wild pitch did as well. Meech was then hit victory behind seasoned veter- scored McCarthy from third to by a pitch to load the bags for ans Jared Buckley and Zakk make it 1-0. The next batter for Renihan, who delivered. Renihan. Leicester, Mike Albro, lifted a The senior catcher ripped a “It’s five straight years Bryce St. Germain of Oxford keeps his head low on a ball he sent packing sacrifice fly to center to score two-run double to left to make [reaching the district final], as he earned himself a triple to start the second inning. Stanick. Camden Hart (2 for 3, it 6-4, and then Jared Buckley that means seniors like Jared run, RBI) then drove him in drove in Meech on a groundout and Zakk — who have played with a long single getting it to to second. At 7-4, that was all four years — and everybody St. Germain to end the game. the semifinals versus Oxford. 3-0. “Buck” would need. else playing with us has been Buckley finished his 4 1/3 “That’s a good team over there; In the midst of the rally, But, in a tough seventh frame, in it three or four times,” Pirate innings allowing one run on they swing the bats well from Meech (2 2/3 innings, 1 hit, he hit two batters, which was head coach Justin Richards three hits with seven strike- number one to number nine. 3 runs, 3 strikeouts) was wrapped around a strikeout, to said of the perennially strong outs. They’re going back to the finals pulled by Richards in favor set up the tying run at the plate program. Next up for Oxford is a date again because that’s the team of Buckley, who finished out with one down. He was then Richards added: “All of them, with No. 3 St. Bernard’s in the they are.” the game while pitching domi- able to induce a grounder to their season hasn’t ended short district championship game. Asked about a lasting nantly most of the way, which second, and Cam Cardoni made of the district championship “It feels great,” an excited impression he would take from allowed his mates to climb a great turn to start the 4-6-3 game and I don’t know if that’s Buckley said after the win. his team’s fine season, Fahey back into the game. double play, highlighted by a ever happened, especially with “Someone’s got to walk away responded simply, “Just a big great throw without the win,” Fahey said of smile on my face.” by shortstop ATTENTION sports briefs “Run Like the Dickens” Third place: Shelley Miranda, 53 Dunny’s Tavern — Week 5 Race to benefit Bay State First place: Tom Sokol and Derek Lambert Equine Rescue set for July Second place: Ralph Ballard and Bob Henry 10 Third place: Greg Sokol and Den Howard The “Run Like the Dickens” Race at Tuesday Ladies League Old Sturbridge Village to raise funds A Flight: Val Ricciardi to save and rehabilitate horses at B Flight: Mary Messier risk runners and walkers of all ages C Flight: Rosie Kadeski are invited to take part in the fourth “Run Like the Dickens” 5K race on Thursday Quota League — Week 5 Sunday, July 10 at Old Sturbridge First place: Jim and Lisa Kularski, Village. The race is the year’s prin- +9 cipal fundraising event for Bay State Second place: Chris Depasse and C. Equine Rescue, an all-volunteer non- Hussey, +7 profit organization that rescues and Third place: Mike Buffone and Joe AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS rehabilitates abused, neglected and Martini, +6 abandoned horses. The course of the race offers participants a unique Flexcon League — Week 4 experience of Old Sturbridge Village, Photos Wanted First place: Jim Hemenway and as it winds through the Village’s pic- Doug Gadaire, +5 turesque roads and trails. Second place: Rich Johnson and Prizes will be awarded to the over- Steve Allain, +3 all first place male and female fin- The 2017 Spencer, Leicester & The Brookfields Community & Third place tie: Pit Caron and Neil ishers, as well as to first place male Fitzpatrick; Ron Ducharme and Steve Restaurant Guide is looking for some GREAT photos that represent and female finishers in six age based Allard, +1 divisions. The first 150 registrants our beautiful towns. If you’d like to share your pics and possibly will receive “Race Like the Dickens” get them published in the 2017 Directory, please email a high T shirts. Blue Jays Baseball Club Entry fee for “Run Like the resolution jpg to me at [email protected] and please Dickens” is $30 until July 3 and $40 sponsoring high school exhi- put 2017 DIRECTORY PHOTO in the subject line, a description of from July 4 until race day. A children’s stickh orse race bition series in Cooperstown where the photo was taken, and your name and town in the email. will be part of the day’s events. I am looking for photos taking during all four seasons, of scenery, Participants can register online and The Blue Jays Baseball Club is find more information on the race landmarks, animals and people that make our towns great! sponsoring a high school exhibition and on the Rescue’s work at www. series in the Cooperstown, New York BayStateRescue.org. area next spring for varsity and junior This is not a contest, we cannot compensate you for your varsity teams. They are also sponsor- photos, but if we publish your photo, you will be given credit for Bay Path Golf Course ing three-game summer tournaments for 13U, 14U, 16U and 18U clubs. Night taking the picture and forever be in the archives of our directories! Results games can be scheduled. Trophies awarded. For additional information, Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. contact Harvey Sandig at (607) 652- Monday Night Ladies League June Simakauskas 7740 with your open dates. You can First place: Lisa Kularski, 45 also email him at Cooperstown314@ p: 508-909-4062 e: [email protected] Second place: Tracey Davenport, 48 aol.com.

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