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Preview July 2010 - Amusement Today

TM www.AmusementToday.com Vol. 14, Issue 4 JULY 2010 $5.00 Ghost Ship attraction docks at Morey’s Piers New themed attraction Having materialized at the cost $1 million and is site of the former miniature golf course, Ghost Ship is a 14,000-sq.-ft. in size completely immersive experi- Scott Rutherford ence featuring costumed ac- Amusement Today tors, animatronics and other surprises. Shrouded in mystery and “The Ghost Ship was re- code named Project 5292010 incarnated from the original during its construction, Mo- Seaport miniature golf course rey’s Piers’ newest major thrill that our father, Will Morey Sr. is a haunted walk-through and architect Fred Langford, Diabetes claims known as Ghost Ship. The dreamed up in the early 80s. heart of the attraction is the Numerous ideas came forth, Holiday World’s PHOTO COURTESY MOREY’S PIERS 14,000-square-foot cargo ship but in the end we decided to Morey’s Piers’ newest thrill is a haunted walk-through owner, Will Koch, 48 Ignis Fatuus – another victim get back into the custom-built, known as the Ghost Ship. Shown here, the ship also incor- of the U.S. Navy’s mysteri- classic boardwalk attractions ous Philadelphia Experiment. 4See MOREYS, page 4 porates a waterslide, Sky Ships and Sky Cycles rides. Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari owner and president, Will Koch, passed Disney California Adventure unfurls World of color away June 12 at his Indiana home from what the family New show heralds believes to be complications from diabetes. He was 48. major multi-year Born and raised in the expansion at DCA town of Santa Claus, Koch attended Heritage Hills Dean Lamanna High School in Lincoln City, Amusement Today and was Valedictorian of his graduating class in 1979. With a typically impres- He graduated with honors sive burst of fanfare, fire- from the University of Notre works and famous faces, Dame in 1984 with a B.S. in Disney California Adventure Electrical Engineering. In (DCA) at the Disneyland 1986, he received a Master’s Resort in Anaheim, Calif., degree in Computer Sci- premiered its newest attrac- ence from the University of tion, “World of Color,” to Southern California. hundreds of media, VIPs and Koch was Chief Ex- invited guests on the evening PHOTO COURTESY DISNEYLAND RESORT ecutive Officer of Koch 4See DCA, page 5 Disney California Adventure’s new “World of Color” debuted on June 10. 4See KOCH, page 4 INTERNATIONAL AMUSEMENTP ARKS WATERPARKS BUSINESS MIDWAY/CLASSIFIEDS SEE PAGES 7-12 SEE PAGES 13-18 SEE PAGES 19-26 SEE PAGES 27-32 SEE PAGES 33-39 NEWSPAPER POSTMASTER:Dated material. PLEASE RUSH!Mailed Tuesday, June 29, 2010 .P GOLDEN TICKET 20 @ wSewew c.oGmopldleetnoeTr di cvekitseaittiAlsw oanr dpsa.gcoem 6 9602 # TIMREP .I.V AWARDS 10 XT HTROW .TF BEST OF THE BEST! DIAP EGATSOP SU DTS TRSRP 2010 Golden Ticket Awards • Busch Gardens Williamsburg • Williamsburg, Virginia 2 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2010 TM Gary Slade Founder and Publisher [email protected] Will Koch remembered The sudden and untimely death of Holiday World owner Will Koch not only shocked the town of Santa Claus, Indiana and its park staff, but sent out a flurry of emails in the amusement industry, asking if the news was true? At only 48 years of age, how could this be. It appears that complications from diabetes is to blame. “Will did such a good job of controlling his diabe- tes through the latest in pump technology, many in in the industry probably didn’t even know he had diabetes,” one industry person told Amusement Today. How true. One look at Will Koch, and one would never suspect he had diabetes or even wore a pump. Will was not one to let his medical condition slow him down. Andrew Mellor He served as Chief Executive Officer of Koch Devel- opment Corporation, the parent company of Holiday Entertainment at its best World Theme Park and Splashin’ Safari Water Park. Under his direction, the theme park followed an aggres- A couple of months ago I wrote a ing the way and to the credit of the sive growth program including the addition of Splashin’ news item for AT on a report by the owners and operators of such venues Safari Water Park in 1993, The Raven and The Legend leading market intelligence company and their continued investment in the Mintel on how well theme parks in product. But parks also offer great wooden roller coasters in 1995 and 2000, plus The Voyage the U.K. were performing, despite the value for money, despite what some wooden coaster in 2006, for which he was a designer. In economic downturn of the past couple critics might say. 2004, Koch received the international Applause Award of years. I’ve paid vastly more than the aver- from the amusement industry; the criteria for the coveted The report noted that even with Mellor age adult price at a theme park to go award include foresight, originality and creativity, plus lower consumer spending overall, the to a Premiership football game here sound business development and profitability. Each year park sector has traded strongly during the in the U.K., for example, or a good concert, since 2006, annual seasonal attendance at Holiday World recession with the outlook for the next few while when you compare prices and what is & Splashin’ Safari has topped one million visitors. This years also looking positive, a real boost for actually on offer at some other day out ven- year, the park premiered Wildebeest, the world’s longest the industry in these tough times and proof, ues - and stop to think about the huge invest- water coaster. if it were needed, that theme parks are offer- ment needed at parks year in year out - our ing a very popular form of entertainment and theme parks remain superb value for money Will also helped Amusement Today launch the Golden good value for money. with all that they provide. And where else can Ticket Awards into an annual ceremony, when Holiday The fact that more people are choosing to the whole family go and be genuinely and World hosted the first ever official event in 2001. Since holiday at home rather than go abroad was properly entertained for a whole day? then, the awards ceremony has grown into what has another contributory factor to this success But there’s another angle to all this too now become a two-day summer meeting for amusement and if it is happening in the U.K. it is surely and that’s the fact that people still want, and professionals. For this and all of his many other contribu- happening elsewhere in the world too. And indeed need, to have fun even during a time tions to our amusement industry we say “Thank You.” not only does it bode well for the future of of recession and a tightening of the proverbial Will Koch may be missed by all of us, but certainly the theme park industry but perhaps for other belts. It’s human nature. And where better to will not be forgotten. sectors of the visitor attractions market as forget about the stresses and strains of life —Gary Slade well. than in the fantasy filled, fun drenched envi- Theme parks, however, are clearly lead- ronment of a theme park. AMUSEMENT TODAY STAFF ADDRESS, SUBSCRIPTION, POSTMASTER INFORMATION Mailing Address Deliveries Gary Slade Sammy Piccola P.O. Box 5427 2012 E. Randol Mill Rd, Suite 203 Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Accounting / Circulation AWARD WINNER Arlington, Texas 76005-5427 Arlington, Texas 76011 (817) 460-7220 [email protected] [email protected] 1997 • 1999 • 2000 • 2002 • 2004 • • EDITORIAL (817) 460-7220 Member of: IAAPA, AIMS International, PAPA, ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION Fax (817) 265-NEWS (6397) NEAAPA, NJAA, OABA, WWA and IALEI Tim Baldwin Subscription rates are: 1 year (14 issues) $50 in the USA; $70 elsewhere; 2 years Sue Nichols Stacey Childress / Affinity Communications [email protected] (28 issues) $90/$130; 3 years (42 issues) $130/$190. Send check or money order (615) 662-0252 Graphic Design (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank) to Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, P.O. Box 238 [email protected] Scott Rutherford Texas 76005-5427. Your cancelled check is your receipt. Please allow up to six weeks Pegram, Tenn. 37143 [email protected] for your subscription request to be processed and the first issue mailed. [email protected] Terry Lind / TLCreative Design Website Design & Maintenance Pam Sherborne Amusement Today is an independent newspaper, published monthly by Amusement Beth Jenkins [email protected] (615) 221-5149 Today Inc., P.O. Box 5427, Arlington, Texas 76005. Presort Standard Postage (Permit (615) 794-7288 [email protected] No. 2069) pre-paid at Fort Worth, Texas. The entire contents of this newspaper and its 2040 Belmont Circle John Robinson / W.H.R. Inc. related Web sites are copyrighted and trademarked by Amusement Today 2010, with Franklin, Tenn. 37069 Daily E-mail Newsletter Bubba Flint all rights reserved. [email protected] [email protected] Cartoonist [email protected] POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Amusement Today, P.O. Box 5427, Contributors: Dean Lamanna, Andrew Mellor, Janice Witherow, WHR Inc. Arlington, Texas 76005-5427. July 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 3 Favorite amusement ride My idea of a good surprise is … Millennium Force at Cedar Point … incredible! Projects that turn out good when you did not expect them to. If I wasn’t working in the amusement industry, I would be A history teacher (I am somewhat of a history buff). If you could have a home with the most beautiful view Compiled by Janice Witherow in the world, where would it be? Biggest challenge facing our industry There are a lot of places with stunning views. I have Monty Jasper The high cost of new attractions. always liked California, Nevada and Colorado for the Cedar Fair Entertainment Company mountains. If it comes down to a choice, I would prob- I could eat this every day and never tire from it ably settle for someplace in central Texas (my home state). When you first meet Monty Jasper, Blue Bell ice cream. you notice his Texas accent, nice laugh I know I need a vacation, when … and dedication to his profession … this The funniest person I know is … Even I begin to notice my Texas drawl! easy-going Southern disposition and I have always liked Bill Cosby and Steve Martin. strong work ethic have served him well What is your definition of fun? during his tenure in the amusement My favorite thing about July is … Traveling to historical places. industry. Monty got his start in the The celebration of the Fourth of July holiday. business at Six Flags Over Texas and To me, the biggest news story of the summer of 2010 is … Jasper stayed with the chain of parks until 1995 I am in the best mood when … The comeback of the amusement industry (wouldn’t that when he landed a position as director of It is quiet. be great?)! maintenance and construction at Cedar Point. He is now on the corporate side of things with Cedar Fair I think I would be a good contestant on this game show … What would you rather give up: voice-mail or e-mail? Entertainment Company and relishes in the challenges Jeopardy. Hands-down … voice-mail. and rewards of his job as corporate vice president of safety and engineering. If I could do anything when coming home from work, it Best place to hang out on a rainy day would be … My home. Title Relax by reading a good history book. Corporate Vice President of Safety and Engineering. The coldest place I have ever visited is … It would be so cool to co-star in a movie with … Italy … it was beautiful, but chilly! Number of years in the industry Zoe Saldana. 37 years. The ultimate fried food is … The celebrity I am most tired hearing about would have Fried chicken. Best thing about the industry to be … It is fun, and it keeps you young at heart. Tiger Woods … enough already. The thing I like most about amusement/water park If I could meet anyone in history it would be … To suggest a candidate for the Two-Minute Drill season is … Teddy Roosevelt. feature, contact columnist Janice Witherow at jwith- The warmth. I am originally from Texas, and I really can’t [email protected] or (419) 357-3520. stand the cold in the winter. CCrreeaattiivvee MMaarrkkeettiinngg JJiinngglleess BBrrooCChhuurreess && aarrttwwoorrkk PPhhoottooggrraaPPhhyy iinntteerrnneett ssoolluuttiioonnss PPrrooMMoottiioonnss ggrroouuPP ssaalleess ttrraaiinniinngg && MMoorree!! 1428 Maple Ave. • Hamilton, OH 45011 • 513.737.9012 • www.TheBigIdeaPeople.com 4 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2010 MOREYS KOCH Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 business,” said Morey’s Piers Development Corporation, President Will Morey. the parent company of Holi- Construction began in day World Theme Park and January 2010 under the direc- Splashin’ Safari waterpark. tion of Jack Morey. Over 100 Under his direction, the theme designers, technicians, and park followed an aggressive builders took part in the for- growth program including the mation of Ghost Ship, costing addition of Splashin’ Safari well over $1 million to build. waterpark in 1993, The Raven Will Koch helped convince The result is one of the most and The Legend wooden roller Amusement Today publish- impressive and original walk- coasters in 1995 and 2000, plus er Gary Slade to make the through dark attractions seen The Voyage wooden coaster in Golden Ticket Awards an in a long time. This is espe- 2006, for which he was a de- annual ceremony. His park cially true on the Jersey Shore, signer. In 2004, Koch received hosted the first such event. which was at one time home to the international Applause a number of such experiences. Award from the amusement “He was a gentleman, fair, It is not the intention of PHOTOS COURTESY MOREY’S PIERS industry; the criteria for the reasonable, approachable, and this report to reveal all the sur- Morey’s Piers Ghost Ship set the scarey tone on the out- coveted award include fore- supportive of the entrepre- prises in store for those brave side of the ship, then continues it inside with the use of sight, originality and creativ- neurial spirit. It is a privilege enough to board the new themed props and live actors and actresses. ity, plus sound business devel- to have known Will and to Ghost Ship, but it is clear that opment and profitability. Each have seen the realization of his the Morey family pulled out all year since 2006, annual sea- vision for the park,” Bill said. the stops on this one. The at- sonal attendance at Holiday Quassy’s John Frantzis II tention to detail is impressive. World & Splashin’ Safari has said, “All of our small parks A video pre-show sets up the topped one million visitors. group are saddened and action at the start, instructing This year, the park premiered shocked by this news. We guests on what has happened Wildebeest, the world’s lon- have lost a great friend, a great to the ship during an experi- gest water coaster. mind, and a good person. ment gone wrong. Guests are Koch served as president Will’s innovative ideas and his then ushered to a 1,120-foot- of the Lincoln Boyhood Drama ability to think outside the box Association, which worked brought creativity and stabil- The Philadelphia with the State of Indiana to ity to his park and to our park Experiment explained reopen the Lincoln Amphithe- group. He will be missed by atre in 2009 with a new drama all of us.” honoring the bicentennial of Jerry Pendleton, who de- Though denied by the Abraham Lincoln’s birth. He livered two water rides to U.S. Navy, the Philadelphia was also a past member of the park said, “I have had the Experiment refers to an Oct. long evacuation route that Fla.); Animations, Bo Sherman the board of directors of the good fortune of knowing the 28, 1943 military endeavor leads not to safety but deeper of Works Unlimited (Orlando, International Association of Koch family since 1982 and at the Philadelphia Naval into the nightmare. Guests Fla.); Architect, Rich Stokes Amusement Parks & Attrac- have watched Will, with the Shipyard in which the U.S. travel in small groups as they (Philadelphia, Pa.); and Scenic tions; and he served on the help of his mother, pick up the Navy destroyer escort USS explore 30 different scenes and painting, Pete Bieling & Son, administrative council of the vision of his father and create Eldridge was rendered invis- rooms – some quite graffic and (Burlington, N.J.) Santa Claus United Methodist a truly great amusement park. ible to enemy radar. Also frightening – and rooms lo- Amusement Today spoke Church. He was still in college when I known as Project Rainbow, cated on various levels of the with Jack Morey after Ghost “Will was not only our first met him. It was clear to the experiment was based doomed cargo vessel. Utilizing Ship had been operational for leader, he was our dear friend,” me from that meeting that he on an aspect of Albert Ein- dim (or pitch black) lighting, several weeks. When asked said park spokesperson Paula would someday follow in his stein’s unified field theory claustrophobic hallways, ac- about guest reactions to Mo- Werne. “Our park family is in father’s footsteps. and used extremely power- tors, special effects and classic rey’s resurrection of this cher- mourning for this sweet man “My company had nu- ful EM generators to stimu- dark ride scares, Ghost Ship ished but rare type of attrac- who worked tirelessly to bring merous dealing with Will and late a ‘degaussing’ effect. reminds one of the old haunt- tion, Morey said, “The Ghost fun and happiness to so many he was always a pleasure to Observers claim that the ex- ed houses once staples of the Ship represents the type of families in the 20 years he ran do business with. There was periment did indeed work, amusement industry. attractions that make seaside the park. never any drama about him but it also had an unexpect- “To the dreamers and parks so unique. It has been Just as AT was going and he always made me feel ed side effect: the ship was dream builders, we cannot 33 years since a walk-through to press, Holiday World & like he was talking to his el- for a brief time “relocated” thank them enough. From of this magnitude has been Splashin’ Safari announced der. You always knew where to Norfolk, Va. where it concept artists, architects, en- built at the Jersey Shore and that the park will continue to he stood on any issue. He was in full view of the SS gineers, graphic designers, our guests are responding be owned and operated by the had a way of making you feel Furuseth’s crew. When it re- writers, scenic painters, spe- as if they are reconnecting Koch Family, naming Will’s good even when he had given appeared in Philadelphia, cial effects experts, actors, and with a long lost friend – com- younger brother Dan Koch as the ride sale to a competitor,” numerous crew members artisans to carpenters, electri- plete with all the emotions of the company’s new CEO. Pendleton said. were either dead, miss- cians, steel workers, laborers, screaming, laughing, and an The Gravity Group’s Koch is survived by his ing or fused into the ship’s and numerous other trades occasional crying,” said Mo- Larry Bill, who has been in- wife, Lori, and three children: bulkheads. that all came together for one rey. “The attraction is not rec- volved in the design of all Lauren, Leah, and William. He The Philadelphia Ex- specific purpose: to build the ommended for those under 12 three wooden coasters at Holi- is also survived by his mother, periment inspired a motion world’s best haunted walk- (or with heart conditions) as day World said, “I’m not sure Pat, and siblings Dan, Kristi, picture of the same name through attraction right here the 12 actors on the inside tend what words describe this great Philip and Natalie. in 1984 as well numerous in Wildwood, U.S.A.,” said to not like the faint of heart.” loss. Vision, intelligence, an in- Donations may be made TV shows and books. The Jack Morey, executive vice For Ghost Ships hours of novative spirit, and pursuit of to the Lincoln Boyhood Dra- alleged event remains one president. operation and additional in- excellence were qualities Will ma Association (P.O. Box 721, of the most intriguing and Ghost Ship’s core team of formation, visit: www.morey- Koch possessed that propelled Lincoln City, Ind. 47552) or controversial mysteries of creators include: Lead design- spiers.com. Holiday World to its growth the Juvenile Diabetes Research the 20th century. er, Russell Betheau (Orlando, and success. Foundation (www.jdrf.org). July 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 5 DCA breathing volcano combined, amped-up visually and au- Continued from page 1 rally fivefold, and then graced of June 10. with a rich lighting palette, A nighttime multimedia bubble-making machines, la- spectacular presented on the sers and animated characters park’s manmade Paradise Bay, projected onto a dreamlike, “World of Color” uses power- 19,000-square-foot curtain of ful water fountains, kaleido- mist, and you’ll have a good scopic colors, compelling mu- idea of what to expect. sic, fire, lasers, special effects With its theme taken from and outdoor digital projection the Emmy-winning 1960s tele- to bring Disney and Disney- vision series “Walt Disney’s Pixar animation to life in an Wonderful World of Color,” exciting and enchanting new the 25-minute show draws on way. Disney’s classic stories and It’s a grand Las Vegas characters as well as the newer Strip-style outdoor extrava- Disney-Pixar films. Animated ganza done in Disney’s best sequences projected onto the family-friendly tradition. giant water screen take audi- Picture the Bellagio’s foun- ences on a condensed jour- tains and the Mirage’s fire- ney into the colorful worlds of Finding Nemo, Toy Story, FAST FACTS The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, WALL-E and more. Special effects help drive the Attraction/Park narrative—creating not only “World of Color” graceful movement and gor- Disney California Adventure geous hues, but drama and Disneyland Resort dynamic action that delivers Anaheim, Ca. emotional highs and sensory thrills. Type “‘World of Color’ is a tes- Outdoor nighttime water/ tament to the creativity, pas- multimedia show sion, innovation and talent of people throughout our orga- Duration nization,” said Robert A. Iger, 25 minutes (twice nightly president and chief executive during the resort’s “Summer officer of The Walt Disney Nightastic! 2010” season) Company, during introductory remarks at the premiere. “The Water Features combination of water, light, 1,200 programmable fire and music makes it a truly fountains (various magical event that showcases configurations reaching beloved Disney characters in 30 to 200 feet high); an entirely new way.” 380-foot wide water screen A “living Fantasia” is how Steve Davison, creative direc- PHOTOS COURTESY DISNEYLAND RESORT Projection Features tor of “World of Color” and “World of Color” combines animated wizardry, high-tech show technology, lush sur- High-definition digital, vice president of the Parades round-sound orchestrations, and the timeless elements of water and fire to create a with 28 projectors (14 and Spectaculars division of 25-minute nighttime spectacular at Disney California Adventure. submersible); more than Walt Disney Imagineering, 100,000 animated images aptly describes the new show. innovative technology—with- ence is the soundtrack. The “World of Color” rendered in formats includ- “We want our guests…to be in the 3.5-acre Paradise Bay la- From tender melodies to score was recorded at the ing computer-generated, immersed in the show so that goon to support the intricately menacing crescendos, every fabled Abbey Road Studios 2D and 3D projected onto a they experience the laughter, choreographed production. sequence in “World of Color” in London. In addition to the screen of mist 380 feet wide drama and beauty. The secret The huge underwater system is supported by familiar music orchestra, the soundtrack fea- by 50 feet high to ‘World of Color’ is to create features three electrical rooms, associated with the films and tures more than 100 voices a kind of ‘ice skating’ effect: each the size of a semi trailer such popular characters as (soloists and choir) and parts Sound Features It has to tell a good story and and weighing 30,000 lbs. In Buzz Lightyear, the Little Mer- for guitar, drums and synthe- World-class surround sound seem effortless while it’s do- performance, these rooms can maid, Simba and the jovial Ge- sizer. It opens and closes with with more than 100 ing it.” travel up and down with the nie from “Aladdin.” The lush the original theme from “Walt speakers and 48 tracks of Although Disney public- platform like submarines as score, which carries the show Disney’s Wonderful World of show audio ity politely declined to discuss they control the power and through a series of story arcs, Color” TV show, composed the attraction’s price tag, it is infrastructure that runs the was composed and arranged by Oscar-winning Disney leg- Special Effects obvious that no expense was fountains and lifts. by Mark Hammond—a vet- ends Richard M. and Robert B. Integrated, synchronized spared to create just such an More than 75 miles of cable eran musician and producer Sherman (Mary Poppins, “It’s bubbles, fire, fog and experience. supply the nervous system for who has worked with artists a Small World”). state-of-the-art lasers Walt Disney Imagineer- one of the biggest show-con- ranging from Whitney Hous- “World of Color” has en- ing and Creative Entertain- trol systems ever assembled— ton to Michael Bolton. Orches- tailed additional upgrades at Design and Production ment spent five years design- with more than 18,000 active trations for the 100-piece or- DCA. A terraced park was con- Walt Disney Imagineering ing, developing and building points of control ranging from chestra were created by fellow structed on the lagoon’s bank and Creative Entertainment the show’s various elements. elaborate fountain movement industry veteran David Ham- opposite Paradise Pier’s Cali- These include a one-of-a-kind to extensive LED lighting. ilton, who has directed music fornia Screamin’ roller coaster Public Debut submersible “stage”—nearly Just as crucial to the im- for Shania Twain and many and the 150-foot Mickey’s Fun June 11, 2010 4See DCA, page 6 an acre of superstructure and mersive quality of the experi- others. 6 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2010 The 1,200 DCA viewing positions. acrobatic The June debut of the sig- Continued from page 5 fountains of nature production doubled as “World of Color” an opportunity for the Dis- Wheel, which form a backdrop assume their neyland Resort to preview its for the show. This area offers multihued “at prime waterside viewing (and ambitious multi-year DCA expansion slate—designed to rest” pose on a few wet surprises) and also boost the profile and strength- Disney California will serve as a venue for live en the identity of a park that, Adventure’s man- entertainment, music festivals on the eve of its 10th anni- made Paradise and outdoor film premieres. versary, must operate in the Special “World of Color” din- Bay. shadow of its venerable older ing options include sit-down sister, Disneyland. New DCA dinners and boxed picnic AT PHOTO/ entertainment and family- meals that come with reserved DEAN LAMANNA oriented attractions which are expected to help increase both attendance and the length of visitor stays at the Disneyland Resort complex include The Little Mermaid–Ariel’s Under- sea Adventure in 2011 and a 12-acre attraction subdivision called Cars Land, based on the hit Disney-Pixar film Cars, in 2012. For the moment, how- ever, it’s all about celebrating “World of Color.” “This show transforms the landscape of the Disney- land Resort and marks a major milestone in the expansion of Disney California Adventure,” said Thomas O. Staggs, chair- man of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. “It is a spectacular show…unlike any attraction we’ve created before. It will captivate our guests with an end-of-day experience that is exhilarating, emotional and highly memorable. We are ex- cited to debut this great new experience and extremely proud of the talented team that drove its creation.” AT PHOTOS / DEAN LAMANNA “Desperate Housewives” TV star Teri Hatcher (above) and Oscar-winning actress Geena Davis delight fans at the Genie-blue “magic carpet” premiere of Dis- ney California Adventure’s “World of Color.” July 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 7 INTERNATIONAL www.AmusementToday.com PARKS ATTRACTIONS RESORTS ENTERTAINMENT SUPPLIERS BRIEF Largest ever Asian Attractions Expo set for Malaysia KHS&S brings Andrew Mellor attractions to life Amusement Today at Singapore resort The IAAPA organized Asian Attractions Expo (AAE) The innovative themed 2010 is set to host the biggest construction of KHS&S In- trade show ternational took center stage area in the when Resorts World Sen- event’s history tosa Singapore unveiled its when it opens signature attractions, Lake its doors on of Dreams and Chamber of July 14. Treasures. Due to PA Safety Institute, while the Visitors experience take place Bray annual exhibition commences KHS&S's unique construc- in the Kuala the following day, July 14, and PHOTO COURTESY IAAPA tion technology, which plays Lumpur Convention Centre continues until July 16. This year’s Asian Amusement Expo will take place at the a major role in these multi- “Asian Attractions Expo (KLCC) in Malaysia, the Expo sensory attractions. In its de- Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. begins on July 13 with the IAA- 4See EXPO, page 8 sign-assist role, KHS&S took the attractions from concept Supplied by Intamin to implementation. The at- tractions are the concept of Alton Towers unveils world’s Emmy award-winner Jer- emy Railton. first with new roller coaster Lake of Dreams, a mu- sical extravaganza, features Andrew Mellor synchronized high-speed development. water jets and flaming fire Amusement Today Best described as an excel- pits. KHS&S played a key lent family attraction, Alton role in nearly every aspect Touted as the world’s first Towers’ latest addition fea- of this centerpiece display, free fall drop coaster, Th13teen tures a track length of 740 me- including supplying and was opened to the public at ters (2,428 feet) and has a maxi- installing “vines” of glass the start of the 2010 season mum track height of 19 meters fiber reinforced polymer at the Alton Towers Resort in (62 feet). Maximum speed is (GFRP) that transform into Staffordshire, U.K. 67 kph (41 mph), ride time 120 fire-breathing dragons. Built by Intamin, the new seconds and three trains each Chamber of Treasures, thriller takes riders on a twist- with five, four-seater cars are a multi-sensory escalator, ing, turning journey through utilized, providing an impres- transports visitors to the the Dark Forest area of the sive hourly capacity of ap- resort casino via a kaleido- park where they “battle the proximately 1,300. scope of sights and sounds overwhelming force of the 4See ALTON, page 10 showcasing works of world- woods, before plummeting renowned glass sculptor into the unknown.” With high Th13teen, the newest roller Dale Chihuly. speeds, rapid reversing, nu- coaster at Alton Towers “These projects truly merous left to right combina- was supplied by Intamin showcase the talent of our tions, drops and a pitch black and features a freefall attraction and show control indoor section, not to mention vertical drop on the ride. experts, and the comprehen- a fun storyline to complete The coaster was two years sive services we bring to the the experience, Th13teen has in development. entertainment and theme proved an instant hit with park industry,” said Philip RENDERING COURTESY visitors following all the hype Cherne, KHS&S COO. ALTON TOWERS and secrecy surrounding its 8 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2010 EXPO Asian Attractions Expo 2010 • July 14-16 • Malaysia Continued from page 7 Exhibitor list as of 06/14/2010. Check expo program for last-minute additions and cancellations. 2010 will be IAAPA’s largest 3-D Branded Attractions ..................................................................................................................................600 Leisure Activities Co., LTD ................................................................................................................................801 show ever held in Asia,” com- 3DME Photo Novelties ......................................................................................................................................908 Leisure Entertainment Company ..................................................................................................................807 mented Charlie Bray, IAAPA ABC RIDES SWITZERLAND ..................................................................................................................................55 LifeFormations ..........................................................................................................................................................4 president and CEO. “In fact, Aerophile SA .........................................................................................................................................................511 Lo-Q plc ..................................................................................................................................................................808 Afortune International Pte Ltd ....................................................................................................................2406 Mack Rides GmbH & Co. KG ............................................................................................................................711 the exhibit floor is sold out AIMS International ...........................................................................................................................................1919 Malaysian Assoc. of Amusement Themepark & Family Attractions ...............................................2408 with more than 200 exhibi- Airglow Co., Ltd. ................................................................................................................................................1910 Martin & Vleminckx Rides LLC ......................................................................................................................1210 American Locker Security Systems, Inc. ...................................................................................................1705 Maurer Soehne GmbH & Co. KG ..................................................................................................................1008 tors filling more than 4,000 American Ramp Company ............................................................................................................................2004 Mediak, LLC.........................................................................................................................................................1911 square feet of exhibit space. Amusement Corp. ..............................................................................................................................................210 Megma Print-O-Pack Pvt.Ltd. ............................................................................................................................54 Amusement Today ......................................................................................................................Publication Bin Mirage Amusement, Inc. ..................................................................................................................................805 In addition to the trade show Antonio Zamperla SPA ...................................................................................................................................1401 Modern Masters, Inc. .......................................................................................................................................1105 floor, AAE 2010 will provide Aoqi Inflatables Co., Ltd. .......................................................................................................................................7 Mondial World of Rides ....................................................................................................................................710 educational and networking Arihant Industrial Corp. Ltd. .........................................................................................................................1005 Moser’s Rides S.r.l. .............................................................................................................................................1301 Attractions Audio Visual Ltd ...........................................................................................................................411 MP GROUP srl ....................................................................................................................................................1609 opportunities to 3,000 indus- Beijing Jiuhua Amusement Rides Manufacturing Co., ..........................................................................507 Neptune-Benson, Inc. .....................................................................................................................................1703 try professionals. Specifically, Beijing Shibaolai Amusement Equipment Co. Ltd. ..............................................................................1508 Nicco Parks and Resorts Ltd. ...........................................................................................................................309 Bertazzon 3B Srl. ...............................................................................................................................................1805 NTK Entertainment Sdn Bhd ........................................................................................................................2604 AAE 2010 will host an IAAPA Bimbit.com Sdn Bhd ........................................................................................................................................2509 nWave Pictures S.A. ............................................................................................................................................601 Safety Institute (one of nine Blooloop Limited ..............................................................................................................................................1808 OASE Asia Pacific Pte Ltd .................................................................................................................................301 IAAPA is hosting around the Bob’s Space Racers, Inc. ....................................................................................................................................910 Ocean Amusement Machine Co.,Ltd ...........................................................................................................408 Bolliger & Mabillard Consulting Engineers, Inc. ....................................................................................1107 Okamoto Mfg. Co., Ltd. ...................................................................................................................................1804 world in 2010) as well as sev- Bombay Amusement Rides Private Limited ...........................................................................................1108 OmniTicket Network .......................................................................................................................................1110 eral sessions related to leader- BRC Imagination Arts ........................................................................................................................................211 OY C.E. Lindgren AB ..............................................................................................................................................50 C2 Turnkey Solutions.......................................................................................................................................1309 P&P Projects BV ...................................................................................................................................................311 ship, marketing, and opera- Centaman Systems ...............................................................................................................................................26 Park Games Equipment (M) Sdn Bhd ........................................................................................................2600 tions. Cheah Chyuan Yong (M) Sdn Bhd ...............................................................................................................2606 Park World Magazine .......................................................................................................................................1814 Cheer Amusement Equipment Corporation ............................................................................................401 Pax Company Ltd. ...............................................................................................................................................706 “This year’s location, China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions...................................................................2106 Polin.......................................................................................................................................................................1101 Kuala Lumpur, provides CIAE Guangzhou ...............................................................................................................................................1812 Premier Rides, Inc. ..............................................................................................................................................904 unique settings for network- Circus-Circus Amusement (M) Sdn Bhd ...................................................................................................2404 Premierworld Technology Limited .............................................................................................................1505 CLM Entertainment, Inc. ................................................................................................................................1206 Preston & Barbieri S.r.l. ......................................................................................................................................607 ing events, such as Aquaria, Clostermann Design GmbH & Co. KG ..........................................................................................................909 Prime Play by Whitewater ..................................................................................................................................24 Sunway Lagoon and Genting CNC Laser Co.,LTD .................................................................................................................................................15 ProSlide Technology, Inc. .................................................................................................................................811 Cobay Sdn Bhd ..................................................................................................................................................2501 PT Image Qreator Indonesia ..............................................................................................................................32 Highlands Resort. These Cogan S.R.L. ........................................................................................................................................................1908 PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol ......................................................................................................................2006 events allow a less formal Comet M-One Sdn Bhd ..................................................................................................................................2511 Qubica AMF ........................................................................................................................................................2704 environment for key players Comfy Edutainment Centers ..........................................................................................................................209 Rave Sports .........................................................................................................................................................1810 Cosmic Animation Entertainment Sdn Bhd ............................................................................................2401 RCG Holdings Limited .....................................................................................................................................2410 – new and old – in the indus- Creek - Surfing Ltd. ...............................................................................................................................................33 Reka Setia Playground Sdn Bhd ..................................................................................................................1601 try to build or renew business Dominic Fun Rides PVT LTD ..........................................................................................................................1604 Resort Photo Services, Ltd. ............................................................................................................................2002 Dotto S.r.l. ..............................................................................................................................................................510 S&S Worldwide, Inc. ...........................................................................................................................................701 partnerships. All of us at IAA- Dreampark International ...............................................................................................................................2113 Sally Corporation ................................................................................................................................................905 PA look forward to July and a ECA2 ......................................................................................................................................................................1710 Sanderson Group Pty Ltd ..............................................................................................................................1501 eibe Produktion + Vertrieb GmbH & Co. ....................................................................................................110 Sanford Tools Co., Ltd ......................................................................................................................................1407 great show. Embed ..................................................................................................................................................................1903 Sartori ...................................................................................................................................................................1803 And he continued: “The Emotion Media Factory Laserland GmbH ...............................................................................................2612 SCS Interactive .....................................................................................................................................................705 growth we see taking place Empex Watertoys ...................................................................................................................................................10 Semnox Solutions Private Limited .............................................................................................................1702 Engineered Arts ..................................................................................................................................................306 Severn-Lamb ......................................................................................................................................................1011 in the region currently is tre- Evans & Sutherland ............................................................................................................................................409 Shenyang Chuangqi Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. ......................................................................1510 mendous for the industry. Fabbri Group ......................................................................................................................................................1111 Shenzhen Hongmen Machinery & Electrical Equipment ..................................................................2201 Facto Edizioni S.r.l. ............................................................................................................................................2204 Shenzhen Playfun Culture & Technology Co. Ltd. .................................................................................1801 IAAPA is helping to facili- Falcon’s Treehouse, LLC ..................................................................................................................................1307 Showtime Entertainment Productions ..........................................................................................................25 tate that growth by creating Family Fun Corp. ...............................................................................................................................................2111 Sim Leisure Consultants Sdn Bhd ...............................................................................................................1209 environments for buyer con- Forrec Ltd. .............................................................................................................................................................205 SimEx- Iwerks .....................................................................................................................................................1606 FotoSmile Pegaso Control System SRL .....................................................................................................1920 Skafos International Limited ........................................................................................................................1507 nections to form and through Galloway International Ltd............................................................................................................................1009 Space Dome Technologies Ltd ....................................................................................................................2108 valued member service, such Game Art (Hong Kong) Limited ..................................................................................................................1511 Steelman Partners ............................................................................................................................................1711 Game Plus Ltd. .....................................................................................................................................................201 Subway International B.V. ................................................................................................................................508 as continued education and Game Time International (GTI) ....................................................................................................................1713 Sunway Manufacturing Limited..................................................................................................................1204 training in the areas of safety, Garner Holt Productions, Inc. .........................................................................................................................504 Suzhou Fwu-Long Amusement Equipment Co; Ltd ..............................................................................312 Gateway Ticketing Systems, Inc. ...................................................................................................................810 Tan Kok Aun (M) Sdn Bhd ..............................................................................................................................2400 leadership, operations and General Group (Inflatable) Co., Limited ...................................................................................................1104 Tank Mobile Kiosks Limited ..........................................................................................................................2200 marketing. You may also be Golden Horse Amusement Equipment Co. Ltd. ....................................................................................1504 Technical Park S.R.L. .........................................................................................................................................1809 interested to know that as Gosetto S.r.l. ........................................................................................................................................................1813 Tecway Development Co. Ltd. .....................................................................................................................2100 Great Coasters International, Inc. .................................................................................................................708 The Korea Amusement Industry Association ..........................................................................2701 & 2306 the industry grows globally Guangzhou Channal Inflatable Carnie Facility Co. ..............................................................................2206 Theme Builders Philippines, Inc. .................................................................................................................1411 so does IAAPA. Later this HAFEMA Water Rides GmbH ........................................................................................................................1605 Theming and Animatronics Industries S.A. ...............................................................................................107 Hankook Leisure(Zhongshan) co.,Ltd .........................................................................................................108 Tianjin Brother Tourist Train Co. Ltd ...........................................................................................................1509 year, IAAPA will open an of- Heege Freizeittechnik .....................................................................................................................................1607 Total Immersion ................................................................................................................................................1900 fice to support the attractions Heimo animated attractions Mordelt GmbH & Co. KG .........................................................................707 Triotech Amusement Inc. ..............................................................................................................................1201 industry in the Asia-Pacific Hengtaihua Amusement Equipment Co; Ltd ...........................................................................................406 Unique Green Recreation Sdn Bhd ............................................................................................................2110 Herborner Pumps ..................................................................................................................................................43 Unite Art Co.; Ltd ................................................................................................................................................404 region through government Hindustan Amusement Machines Ltd. .......................................................................................................405 Universal Space Amusement (H.K) Ltd. ....................................................................................................1001 relations, education and pro- Hopkins Rides, LLC ...........................................................................................................................................1208 Van Egdom B.V.....................................................................................................................................................911 Hot Games ..........................................................................................................................................................1802 Vekoma Rides Manufacturing B.V.................................................................................................................901 fessional development, and HUSS Park Attractions GmbH .......................................................................................................................1610 Vortex Aquatic Structures International Inc. ..........................................................................................1704 member service.” Hytechnology, Inc. .............................................................................................................................................804 Waterco (Far East) Sdn. Bhd. ...........................................................................................................................200 I.E. Park S.r.l./Amusement Rides & SOLI Bumper Cars............................................................................410 Waterplay Manufacturing .............................................................................................................................1611 The exhibition will again IAAPA Central .................................................................................................................................1215 and 1706 Wave Loch, Inc. .......................................................................................................................................................11 feature a wide variety of in- IdeAttack, Inc. ....................................................................................................................................................2101 Weike Creative (S) PTE. LTD ...........................................................................................................................2107 dustry manufacturers and Indiabungy ...........................................................................................................................................................505 Westech Ltd. .........................................................................................................................................................611 Indian Association of Amusement Parks and Industries ...........................................................................2 Whitewater West Industries Ltd. ......................................................................................................................22 suppliers with everything Industrial Frigo ICE .............................................................................................................................................101 World Equipment SDN BHD .........................................................................................................................2301 from rides, games, merchan- Intamin Transportation Ltd./ Ride Trade Intl. ..........................................................................................1010 Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone Authority .............................................................................................2610 Interlink LG Ltd. .................................................................................................................................................2010 Yuehua Token Company ................................................................................................................................1405 dise, F&B, ticketing, water- International Play Company, Inc. ................................................................................................................1902 Zebec, Inc. ...........................................................................................................................................................1701 slides, theming, design and InterPark Magazine .................................................................................................................................................3 Zhengzhou Wolong Amusement Equipment Co. Ltd. ..........................................................................100 more being on offer from sup- IREC Beijing Co. Ltd. ..............................................................................................................................................35 ZhongShan G-Look Amusement Machine Co., Ltd. ..................................................................................19 ITEC Entertainment ..........................................................................................................................................2208 Zhongshan Golden Dragon Amusement ..................................................................................................305 pliers from across the globe. IvanXTeam S.r.l. ....................................................................................................................................................104 Zhongshan Guang Yang Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. ...................................................................37 Additionally, running along- Jack Rouse Associates .....................................................................................................................................1004 Zhongshan Jinying Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd .........................................................................1708 Jackson Digital Imaging Corp. .....................................................................................................................2000 Zhongshan Junye Amusement Facility Supply Co.,Ltd. .....................................................................1800 side the show will be an ac- KCC Entertainment Design ................................................................................................................................46 Zhongshan Luck Amusement Co. Ltd ............................................................................................................51 companying education pro- Kodak (Thailand) Limited ................................................................................................................................501 Zhongshan Redsun Amusement Equipment Co., Ltd. ..........................................................................308 Korea Tourism Organization .........................................................................................................................2309 Zhongshan Rodeoride Amusment Equipment Ltd. ..............................................................................310 gram which also commences Kuka Roboter GmbH ..............................................................................................................................................1 Zhongshan Supergame Amusement Machine Co. Ltd ......................................................................1921 on July 14 for a three day du- Lagotronics BV..................................................................................................................................................1409 Zierer Karussell- und Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH .................................................................................13 ration. LCI Ltd. ....................................................................................................................................................................208 Z’odd Design Sdn Bhd ......................................................................................................................................206 July 2010 AMUSEMENT TODAY 9 10 AMUSEMENT TODAY July 2010 ALTON Continued from page 7 The coaster was two years in development and features a host of theme park ride tech- nologies. The freefall element occurs in the dark - the track drops freely under gravity and is brought to a smooth halt at its lower position by magnetic brakes on the fixed structure. Riders are taken backwards at high speed, brought to a sudden halt, the track is raised to its initial po- sition by hydraulic rams and riders are then “fired” back PHOTOS COURTESY ALTON TOWERS into the station to complete Various new coaster technologies have been used in Th- the experience. 13teen, including one segment in which the coaster train “Th13teen is a hugely ex- experiences a freefall vertical drop. The Alton Towers ride citing addition to the Alton also takes riders right through the heart of the Dark Forest Towers Resort and demon- area of the park. strates our commitment to developing the very best thrill sales and marketing director uously raises the bar in terms Th13teen is certainly testa- perfectly, it is also the first attractions in the world,” com- at the Alton Towers Resort. of devising ground-breaking ment to this. Capturing the roller coaster in the world to mented Morwenna Angove, “Alton Towers Resort contin- names for its attractions, and essence of the ride experience be named after a number.” Parques Reunidos buys Movie Park Germany Andrew Mellor “ Amusement Today This acquisition is an additional Spanish based Parques step within the growth strategy of the Reunidos, the second largest leisure park operator in Eu- Parques Reunidos Group of acquiring rope, has acquired the largest movie-related theme park in and successfully integrating leading Europe, Movie Park Germany, for an undisclosed figure. parks. Taking into consideration the The group now owns or operates 69 different parks current situation of financial mar- from all sectors within the in- dustry, including theme parks, kets, this acquisition underlines the animal parks and waterparks, situated in 10 different coun- ability of the Parques Reunidos Group tries mainly throughout Eu- rope and the U.S. The group to deliver its growth strategy. ” is the third largest leisure PHOTOS COURTESY MOVIE PARK GERMANY park operator worldwide Movie Park Germany has much to offer the whole family with many well-known names –Richard T. Golding, in five different theme areas, including this one, the Santa within it, including Parque Monica Pier. Warner Madrid, Bobbejaan- Parques Reunidos Group CEO land, Mirabilandia, Palace En- tertainment, Idlewild, Kenny- wood and TusenFryd, to name Warner Bros. expired at the ence. but a few. end of the 2004 season. “We are extremely proud Movie Park Germany is a The venue opened the fol- of the integration of a leading leading venue in the country, lowing year under the new park like Movie Park Germa- located 60 km (37 miles) north name of Movie Park Ger- ny within the Parques Reuni- of Dusseldorf at Bottrop-Kirch- many and today features five dos Group,” said group CEO hellen, and opened in June main themed areas - The Old Richard T. Golding. “This ac- 1996 as Warner Bros. Movie West, Streets of New York, quisition is an additional step World. It was subsequently Hollywood Street Set, Santa within the growth strategy of sold to Six Flags, Inc., in 2000, Monica Pier and Nickland. the Parques Reunidos Group and a few years later changed A wide range of rides and at- of acquiring and successfully hands again when Six Flags tractions is on offer, including integrating leading parks. sold almost all its European those based on world famous Taking into consideration the parks to the U.K. private equi- IP such as Shrek, Ice Age and current situation of finan- ty partnership Palamon Capi- SpongeBob Squarepants and cial markets, this acquisition tal Partners, in April 2004. The various other characters from underlines the ability of the park became part of the Star the Nickelodeon stable, while Parques Reunidos Group to Live entertainment is always a major part of the show Parks Group as a result and live entertainment also plays deliver its growth strategy.” offerings at Movie Park Germany, as seen with this stunt the licence agreements with a big part in the guest experi- show scene.

Jul 4, 2010 classic boardwalk attractions the industry in these tough times and proof, if it were needed, that . was not one to let his medical condition slow him down. He served as I have always liked Bill Cosby and Steve Martin. by Mark Hammond—a vet- for Shania Twain and many others emy
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