(cid:1) July 2000 Volume 84 Number 7 CONTENTS David Sumner, K1ZZ Publisher Technical Mark J. Wilson, K1RO Editor Steve Ford, WB8IMY 28 The Micromountaineer Revisited Managing Editor Joel P. Kleinman, N1BKE Wes Hayward, W7ZOI and Terry White, K7TAU Associate Technical Editor Build this QRP transceiver and take advantage of the fantastic conditions Larry D. Wolfgang, WR1B; Dean Straw, N6BV; on 10 meters. Robert Schetgen, KU7G; Charles L. Hutchinson, K8CH; Paul Pagel, N1FB 34 Flags, Pennants and Other Ground-Independent Low-Band Senior Assistant Technical Editors Receiving Antennas Earl W. Cunningham, K6SE Joe Bottiglieri, AA1GW Assistant Technical Editor You don’t need acres of real estate for these high-performance antennas. Ed Hare, W1RFI; Zack Lau, W1VT; 38 Verticals, Ground Systems and Some History Rudy Severns, N6LF Mike Tracy, KC1SX; Al Alvareztorres, AA1DO Laboratory Staff Squeezing the best performance possible from this popular antenna design. Rick Lindquist, N1RL 47 Everything Works Thomas H. Schiller, N6BT Senior News Editor Of all the components of your Amateur Radio station, nothing is more Rosalie White, K1STO Public Service important to your operating enjoyment than your antenna. Dan Henderson, N1ND 63 Product Review Joe Bottiglieri, AA1GW Contests ICOM unveils its new IC-718 HF transceiver and QST puts it to the test. Mary E. Lau, N7IAL At the Foundation Also, the Yaesu FT-1500M 2-Meter FM mobile transceiver. Bernie McClenny, W3UR How’s DX? Bill Moore, NC1L 28 DXCC, VUCC John Hennessee, N1KB Washington Mailbox John Troster, W6ISQ; Emil Pocock, W3EP; Diane Ortiz, K2DO; Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU; Paul L. Rinaldo, W4RI; Al Brogdon, W1AB; George Fremin III, K5TR; Roger Burch, WF4N; John Dilks, K2TQN; Rich Arland, K7SZ; 63 H. Ward Silver, N0AX Contributing Editors Michelle Bloom, WB1ENT Production Supervisor Jodi Morin, KA1JPA Assistant Production Supervisor/Layout Sue Fagan Graphic Design Supervisor News and Features David Pingree, N1NAS Senior Technical Illustrator Michael Daniels 9 “It Seems to Us. . .”: Galileo Technical Illustrator 15 DC Currents Steve Mansfield, N1MZA Joe Shea, Paul Lappen Production Assistants Congress heads into the political season as telecommunications bills Steffie Nelson, KA1IFB continue to drift. Proofreader John Bee, N1GNV 45 A Tale of Cell Sites and Towering Heights Ralph Henes, K9VDD Advertising Manager When representatives of a major cellular telephone provider came to town, Hanan Al-Rayyashi, KB1AFX this ham welcomed them with open arms. Find out why. Advertising Production Coordinator Melissa Yrayta 70 Happenings Rick Lindquist, N1RL Advertising Assistant Restructuring generates application avalanche; ARRL President Haynie Debra Jahnke proposes “The Big Project”; ARRL launches continuing education pilot project; Circulation Manager League continues opposition to experimental video plan; FCC debuts ULS Kathy Capodicasa, N1GZO Deputy Circulation Manager Internet filing; nominees sought for ARRL Board of Directors; more... In order to ensure prompt delivery, we ask that you periodically check the address information QST (ISSN:0033-4812) is published monthly as its official journal by the American Radio Relay on your mailing label. If you find any inaccura- League, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494. ARRL yearly membership dues (including a cies, please contact the Circulation Department subscription to QST), are $34 worldwide. To compensate for additional postage for mailing outside immediately. Thank you for your assistance. the US, please remit $47 for Canada and $54 for other countries. Complete membership information is shown on page 5. Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT, and at additional mailing offices. See page 10 for detailed contact information. Telephone: 860-594-0200 POSTMASTER: Form 3579 requested. Send address changes to: QST, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111-1494 Volume 84, Number 7 Fax: 860-594-0259 4 July 2000 QST Workbench 54 The Doctor is IN QSLing with “greenstamps;” a linear-loaded dipole for 30 meters; operating from inside hotels; more... 56 Build a Simple SMD Workstation Rick Littlefield, K1BQT Have you been avoiding surface-mount devices (SMDs) because they are so difficult to work with? This clever project brings an end to the “bad old days” of toothpicks and tweezers 58 Short Takes Steve Ford, WB8IMY Prolog2K for Windows F 59 Test Your Knowledge! H. Ward Silver, N0AX 0JH Time to polish up your “jargon” vocabulary. SM 60 The Help Desk SKI, W Characteristics of commonly used transmission lines. O T O K 61 Hints & Kinks Bob Schetgen, KU7G K Y A universal logging computer interface; field repair of ribbon cable. NR E H Our Cover 56 92 Snow-encrusted antennas in July. What better visual relief can you find during the height of summer? This impressive antenna farm belongs to club station SK0UX near Stockholm, Sweden. On their half-acre site the club has managed to erect antennas for every amateur band from 160 meters to 3 cm. Try some of the antenna ideas in this issue— before winter makes a return visit. Membership in the ARRL, including a subscription to QST, is available to individuals at the following rates: $34 per year in the US and possessions, $47 Canada, $54 elsewhere, payable in US funds. Age 65 and over, with proof of age, $28 (US only). Operating Licensed radio amateurs age 21 and under may qualify for special rates; write for application. Life membership is also available. Membership and QST cannot be separated. Fifty percent of dues is 46 Net Directory Registration allocated to QST, the balance for membership. Sub-scription rate for libraries and institutions: $34 51 1999 Simulated Emergency Test Results per year postpaid in the US and possessions, $47 Canada, $54 elsewhere. Single copies $5 in Steve Ewald, WV1X the US. 92 2000 ARRL UHF Contest Rules Membership without QST is available to the immediate family of a member living at the same 93 ARRL 10-GHz And Up Cumulative Contest Rules address, and to anyone who is legally blind, for $5 per year. 94 1999 ARRL November Sweepstakes Phone Results Dan Henderson, N1ND Foreign remittances should be by international postal or express money order or bank draft negotiable in the US and for an equivalent amount in US funds. Departments Copyright ©2000 by the American Radio Relay League Inc. Title registered at the US Patent Office. International copyright secured. All rights reserved. Quedan reservados todos los derechos. At the Foundation..............................86 Public Service....................................75 Printed in the USA. QST®, DXCC®, VUCC® and DX Century Club® Contest Corral.................................100 QRP Power.........................................85 are registered trademarks of the American Radio Coming Conventions.........................89 Radios to Go......................................81 Relay League, Inc. The ARRL and QST in no way warrant the Correspondence................................24 Section News..................................101 products described or reviewed herein. Digital Dimension..............................80 Silent Keys.........................................87 QST is available to blind and physically handi- capped individuals on audio cassette from the Feedback...........................................69 Special Events...................................91 Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Ham Ads...........................................142 Strays...............................59, 86, 92, 93 Call 1-800-424-8567. Indexed by Applied Science and Technology Index, Hamfest Calendar .............................89 The World Above 50 MHz.................82 Library of Congress Catalog Card No: 21-9421 How’s DX?..........................................77 Up Front in QST.................................19 Reprint Permission Index of Advertisers........................158 W1AW Schedule................................88 For permission to quote or reprint material from QST or any ARRL publication, send a written New Products .......33, 44, 46, 53, 69, 87 We’re at Your Service........................10 request including the issue date (or book title), article, page numbers and a description of where Old Radio...........................................79 75, 50 and 25 Years Ago..................88 you intend to use the reprinted material. Send the request to the office of the Publications Manager (e-mail [email protected]). July 2000 5