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Judicious partitions of uniform hypergraphs 7 1 John Haslegrave ∗ 0 2 January 23, 2017 n a J 0 Abstract 2 The vertices of any graph with m edges may be partitioned into two ] partssothateachpartmeetsat least 2m edges. Bollob´as andThomason O 3 conjectured that the vertices of any r-uniform hypergraph with m edges C may likewise be partitioned into r classes such that each part meets at . least r m edges. In this paper we prove the weaker statement that, h 2r−1 for each r ≥ 4, a partition into r classes may be found in which each t a class meetsat least r m edges, a substantial improvementon previous 3r−4 m bounds. [ 1 1 Introduction v 5 The vertices of any graph(indeed, any multigraph)may be partitionedinto 5 two parts, each of which meets at most two thirds of the edges ([4]; it also 8 5 appears as a problem in [2]). An equivalent statement in this case is that 0 each part spans at most one third of the edges. These two statements give 1. rise to different generalisations when a partition into more than two parts is 0 considered. In this paper we shall only address the problem of meeting many 7 edges; the problem of spanning few edges is addressed in [6] for the graph case 1 and [5] for the hypergraphcase. : v A particularly interesting case occurs when we partition the vertices of an i r-uniform hypergraph into r classes. Bollob´as and Thomason (see [3], [7]) con- X jectured that every r-uniform hypergraph with m edges has an r-partition in r a which each class meets at least r m edges. The author [10] recently proved 2r−1 the conjecture for the case r =3. The previous best known bound for each r >3 was provedby Bollob´as and Scott [7], who in fact obtained a constant independent of r. The method they usedwastoprogressivelyrefine a partitionby repartitioningthe verticesintwo or three parts to increase the number of parts which met cm edges; in doing so they showed that r disjoint parts meeting at least cm edges may be found for c=0.27. Our strategywill be to combine those ideas with the methods usedto prove theconjecturedboundinthecaser =3[10]. Weshallobtainvaluesofc = r r 3r−4 ∗ResearchsupportedbytheEngineeringandPhysicalSciences ResearchCouncil 1 for r > 3, and so c → 1 as r → ∞. While this is a significant improvement r 3 onpreviousbounds, itisstillsomedistancefromthe conjecturedbounds which approach 1 in the limit. 2 All results obtained in this paper apply to hypergraphs in which repeated edgesarepermitted, andinfactwe shallneed this extrageneralityinaninduc- tion step. 2 New parts from old In this section we give two lemmas which show that if we have a partition inwhichsome partsmeetmany moreedges thanrequiredwe maylocallyrefine thatpartitionandincreasethenumberofpartswhichmeettherequirednumber of edges. The first of these lemmas was proved in [7]; the second is a new result in the same spirit. The setting for eachlemma is the same. G is a multi- hypergraph,butnotnecessarilyuniform;edgesmayhaveanynumberofvertices, andedgesofanysizemayberepeated. Ghasmedges,butthemaximumdegree of a vertex is less than cm where c>0 is an arbitrary constant. For A,B ⊂V we write d(A) for the number of edges meeting A and d(A,B) for the number meeting both A and B (we shall only use the latter notation where A and B are disjoint). Lemma 1 ([7]). Let c > 0 be a constant and let G be a multi-hypergraph on vertexsetV with medges suchthat∆(G)<cm. IfAandB aredisjoint subsets of V, each of which meet at least 2cm edges, then there is a partition of A∪B into three parts, each of which meets at least cm edges. Lemma 1 was proved in [7]; we provide their proof for completeness. Proof. Wemayreplaceeachedgebyasubedgeifnecessarysothatnoedgemeets eitherAorBinmorethanonevertex. WemaythenpartitionAintothreeparts, A1,A2,A3, such that the union of any two meets at leastcm edges: we may do this by taking A1 to be a maximalpartmeeting fewer than cm edges,and then dividing A\A1 into two non-empty parts, since any set which strictly contains A1 must meet at least cm edges and A2∪A3 = A\A1 meets d(A)−d(A1) > 2cm−cm = cm edges. We find a similar partition B = B1 ∪B2 ∪B3. It is sufficient to find i,j such that d(A ∪B ) ≥ cm; then A ∪B ,A\A ,B \B i j i j i j will be a suitable partition. We shall show that this is always possible. Since each edge meets A in at most one place then d(A) = d(A ) (and Pi i likewise d(B) = d(B )). Similarly, if an edge meets both A and B then we Pi i may find unique i,j for which it meets A and B . Therefore, i j d(A,B)=Xd(Ai,Bj). i,j Also, d(A ∪B )=d(A )+d(B )−d(A ,B ), i j i j i j 2 so Xd(Ai∪Bj) = X(d(Ai)+d(Bj)−d(Ai,Bj)) i,j i,j = 3d(A)+3d(B)−Xd(Ai,Bj) i,j = 3d(A)+3d(B)−d(A,B) ≥ 3d(A)+2d(B)≥10cm. Since there are nine terms in the LHS, at least one must exceed cm. Thisproofshowsmorethanrequired: wecanalwaysfindapartitionofA∪B into three parts, two meeting at least cm edges and the third meeting at least 10cm. However,we cannotalwaysfind apartitionintothree parts,twomeeting 9 morethancm+1edgesandthethirdmeetingatleastcm,asseenbyconsidering the case where each of A and B have three vertices, two meeting cm−1 edges and one meeting 2 edges. A part which does not meet the desired number of edges can also be useful providedwehaveanotherpartmeetingsufficientlymanyedgestocombinewith it. Lemma 2. Let c > 0 be a constant and let G be a multi-hypergraph on vertex set V with m edges such that ∆(G)<cm. If A and B are disjoint subsets of V, with d(A) ≥ 2cm and d(A)+2d(B) ≥ 3cm, then there is a partition of A∪B into two parts, each of which meets at least cm edges. Proof. Asbefore,wemayreplaceeachedgebyasubedgeifnecessarysothatno edgemeetseitherAorB inmorethanonevertex. Wemaythenagainpartition A into three parts A1,A2,A3 such that the union of any two meets at least cm edges. Itisnowsufficienttofindisuchthatd(A ∪B)≥cm;thenA ∪B,A\A i i i will be a suitable partition. We claim this is always possible. Again, d(A,B)=Xd(Ai,B) i and d(A ∪B)=d(A )+d(B)−d(A ,B), i i i so Xd(Ai∪B) = X(d(Ai)+d(B)−d(Ai,B)) i i = d(A)+3d(B)−Xd(Ai,B) i = d(A)+3d(B)−d(A,B) ≥ d(A)+2d(B)≥3cm. Since there are three terms in the LHS, at least one must be at least cm. 3 Inparticular,wemayfindsuchapartitionwhend(A)≥2cmandd(B)≥ cm; 2 this is the only case in which we shall apply Lemma 2. 3 The bounds Throughout this section G is an r-uniform multi-hypergraph on vertex set V with m edges. Our goalis to prove that there is a partitionof V into r parts such that each part meets at least c m edges for some suitable constant c . In r r order to use Lemmas 2 and 1 we need to reduce to the case ∆(G) < c m. To r thatendwe apply inductiononr. If somevertexmeets atleastc m edges then r we may removethat vertex,replacing eachedge of G by a subedge of size r−1 not containing that vertex, and then use the result for r−1 to partition the remaining vertices into r−1 parts, each meeting at least cr−1m edges; this is sufficient so long as cr−1 ≥cr, which will be the case. We shall take c2 = 32, so the case r =2 is known. Our plan will be to look at partitions for which d(V ) is large, and show Pi i that if some parts meet too few edges then there are enough parts meeting at least 2c m edges to allow us to construct a good partition by combining parts r as above. Certainlyanypartitionwhichisoptimalinthesenseofmaximising d(V ) Pi i alsosatisfiesthelocaloptimalityconditionthat d(V )cannotbeincreasedby Pi i moving a single vertex. We shallconsider particularlythe yet weakercondition that d(V ) cannot be increased by moving a single vertex into V . We begin Pi i r by establishing bounds on partitions satisfying this condition. Lemma 3. Let V1,V2,...,Vr be a partition for which Pid(Vi) cannot be in- creased by moving a vertex into V . Then r r Xd(Vi)≥(r+1)m−rd(Vr). i=1 Proof. For eachi<r and eachv ∈V , since movingv into V does notincrease i r the sum, the number of edges e such that e∩V = {v} must be at least the i number of edges e containing v which do not meet V : the first quantity is the r decrease in d(V ) effected by moving v and the second is the increase in d(V ). i r Thus X X |{e:e∩Vi =v}|≤X X |{e∋v :e∩Vr =∅}|. i6=rv∈Vi i6=rv∈Vi Since, for v 6=w, {e:e∩V =v} and {e:e∩V =w} are disjoint, i i X X |{e:e∩Vi =v}| = X| [ {e:e∩Vi =v}| i6=rv∈Vi i6=r v∈Vi = X|{e:|e∩Vi|=1}|. i6=r 4 For 1 ≤ i < r, let E = {e : |e∩V | = 1}. For each edge e write f(e) for the i i number of parts (including V ) which meet e. If f(e) < r then |e∩V | > 1 for r i some i, and so e is in at most f(e)−1 of the E ; trivially if f(e)= r then e is i in at most r−1=f(e)−1 of the E . Thus i X|{e:|e∩Vi|=1}| ≤ X(f(e)−1) i6=r e r = Xd(Vi)−m. i=1 Also, X X |{e∋v :e∩Vr =∅}|=r(m−d(Vr)), i6=rv∈Vi since each edge not meeting V is counted exactly r times in the sum, once for r each vertex it contains. Combining the above relations, we see that r Xd(Vi)−m≤r(m−d(Vr)), i=1 as required. The reason for considering the condition that d(V ) cannot be increased Pi i by moving a single vertex into V is that, as we shall see, it is preserved by r moving vertices into V . If we are able to start from a partition which satisfies r the condition and in which V1,...,Vr−1 are “good” (in the sense of meeting at leastacertainproportionofedges)then we cantry to improvethe partitionby moving vertices into V while keeping the other parts good. In this way we will r either obtain a partition into r good parts or we will be forced to stop because V1,...,Vr−1 areallminimalgoodsets. Weformalisetheseideasinthefollowing lemma. Lemma 4. Let V1,V2,...,Vr be a partition for which Pid(Vi) is as large as possible, ordered such that d(V1) ≥ d(V2) ≥ ··· ≥ d(Vr), and let c > 0 be a constant. If d(Vr−1) ≥ cm then either there exists a partition W1,W2,...,Wr, with W ⊆V for 1≤i≤r−1 (and so W ⊇V ), such that each part meets at i i r r least cm edges, or there exists a partition W1,W2,...,Wr, again with Wi ⊆ Vi for 1≤i≤r−1, such that, for each i6=r, d(W )≥cm but d(W \{w})<cm i i for any w ∈W , and also i r−1 Xd(Wi)>(r+1)(m−cm). i=1 Proof. Suppose U1,U2,...,Ur is a partition with Ui ⊆ Vi for each i < r and so U ⊇ V . For any v ∈/ U , say v ∈ U , let U′ = U \{v}, U′ = U ∪{v}, r r r i i i r r 5 V′ =V \{v} and V′ =V ∪{v}. Then i i r r d(U )−d(U′) = |{e:e∩U ={v}}| i i i ≥ |{e:e∩V ={v}}| i = d(V )−d(V′) i i and d(U′)−d(U ) = |{e∋v :e∩U =∅}| r r r ≤ |{e∋v :e∩V =∅}| r = d(V′)−d(V ) r r so d(U′)+d(U′) ≤ (d(U )+d(V′)−d(V ))+(d(V′)−d(V )+d(U )) i r i i i r r r = d(U )+d(U )+(d(V′)+d(V′)−d(V )−d(V )) i r i r i r ≤ d(U )+d(U ), i r meaningthatU1,U2,...,Ur alsosatisfiestheconditionthatPid(Ui)cannotbe increased by moving a vertex into U . r Foreachi<r,then,letW beaminimalsubsetofV satisfyingd(W )≥cm, i i i and let W =V \ W . If d(W )≥cm then this is a suitable partition with r Si<r i r each part meeting at least cm edges; if not then Lemma 3 ensures that r−1 Xd(Wi) ≥ (r+1)m−rd(Wr)−d(Wr) i=1 > (r+1)(m−cm), as required. We are now ready to prove the main result. We shall show that if we start from a partition maximising d(V ) then either we have enough elbow room Pi i to obtain a good partition by repeated application of Lemmas 1 and 2 or we may use Lemma 4 to obtain a good partition. Theorem 5. Let c2 = 32, c3 = 59 and cr = 3rr−4 for r >3. If G is an r-uniform multi-hypergraph with m edges there is a partition of the vertex set into r parts with each part meeting at least c m edges. r Proof. Weuseinductiononr;thecaser =2isknown. Forr >2,ifsomevertex v meets atleastc m edgesthen we may,by replacingeachedge witha subedge r of size r−1 not containing v and applying the r−1 case, find a partition of the other vertices into r−1 parts each meeting at least cr−1m > crm edges. Together with {v}, this is a suitable r-partition. Thus we may assume that no vertex meets c m edges. r NowletV1,V2,...,Vr beapartitionforwhichPid(Vi)isaslargeaspossible, ordered such that d(V1) ≥ d(V2) ≥ ··· ≥ d(Vr). If d(Vr) ≥ crm then we are 6 done, so we may assume d(V ) < c m. We consider three cases based on the r r values of d(Vr−1) and d(Vr). Case 1. d(Vr−1)≥crm. By Lemma 4, either we have a good partition or we may find a partition W1,W2,...,Wr such that, for each i < r, d(Wi) ≥ crm but Wi is minimal for this property, and further that r−1d(W ) ≥ (r+1)(m−c m). Suppose Pi=1 i r the partition found is of the latter type. For each i < r, since ∆(G) < c m, r |W | > 1. Let v,w be two vertices in W ; by minimality of W the number of i i i edges meeting W only at v is more than d(W )−c m, and so is the number i i r meeting W only at w. These sets of edges are disjoint from each other and i from the set of edges meeting Wi in more than one vertex; thus, writing d2(X) for the number of edges meeting X in more than one vertex, d(Wi)>2(d(Wi)−crm)+d2(Wi), i.e. d(Wi)+d2(Wi)<2crm. However,eachedge not meeting W meets atleastone other partatmore than r one vertex, so r−1 Xd2(Wi)>m−crm. i=1 r−1 Combining this with the bound on d(W ) gives Pi=1 i r−1 X(d(Wi)+d2(Wi))>(r+2)(m−crm), i=1 so for some i<r r+2 d(Wi)+d2(Wi)> (m−crm). r−1 Consequently, using our upper bound on d(Wi)+d2(Wi), r+2 (m−c m)<2c m r r r−1 ⇒ (r+2)(1−c )<2c (r−1) r r ⇒ r+2<3rc r and so c > r+2. r 3r For r =3, c = 5 = r+2; for r ≥4, r 9 3r r c = r 3r−4 r+2 2−8r = − 3r 3r(3r−4) r+2 ≤ ; 3r 7 in either case a contradictionis obtained(from our assumptionthat we did not get a good partition from Lemma 4). (End of Case 1.) Note that, using Lemma 3, if d(V )<c m then r r r r−2 d(Vr−1)−crm = Xd(Vi)−Xd(Vi)−d(Vr)−crm i=1 i=1 r > Xd(Vi)−(r−2)m−2crm i=1 ≥ (r+1)m−rd(V )−(r−2)m−2c m r r > (r+1)m−rc m−(r−2)m−2c m r r = 3m−(r+2)c m, r sofor r =3, since c < 3 , Case1 is the only possible case. Forthe remaining r r+2 cases, then, we assume r≥4. Case 2. crm>d(Vr−1)≥d(Vr)≥ cr2m. Suppose that k parts meet at least 2c m edges, l meet fewer than c m, and r r the remainingr−k−l meetatleastc mbutfewerthan2c m. UsingLemma2 r r wemaycombineapartmeeting atleast2c medgesandapartmeetingatleast r crm to producetwo partsmeeting atleastc m; we know,since V meets fewest 2 r r edges, that eachpart meets at least crm and so we can obtain a good partition 2 provided k ≥l. We shall show that this must be so. Since r ≥4, 2cr ≤1, and since crm>d(Vr−1), l≥2. So r Xd(Vi) < 2crm(r−k−l)+crml+mk i=1 = 2c mr−c lm+(1−2c )km. r r r However,by Lemma 3, r Xd(Vi)>(r+1)m−rcrm, i=1 so 2rc −lc +k(1−2c )>(r+1)−rc ; r r r r however,if k <l then 2rc −lc +k(1−2c ) ≤ 2rc −lc +(l−1)(1−2c ) r r r r r r = (2r−1)c +(l−1)(1−3c ). r r Since l≥2 and 1−3c <0, r (2r−1)c +(l−1)(1−3c ) ≤ (2r−4)c +1 r r r = r+1−rc r 8 (the final equality follows since c = r ), and a contradiction is obtained. r 3r−4 Case 3. crm>d(Vr−1) and cr2m >d(Vr). Supposethatj partsmeetatleast2c medges,kmeetatleast crm butfewer r 2 than c m, l meet fewer than crm, and the remaining r−j−k−l meet at least r 2 c m but fewer than 2c m. Using Lemma 2 k times and Lemma 1 l times, we r r mayfindr disjointpartswhichmeetatleastc medgesprovidedthatj ≥k+2l r (each application of Lemma 2 requires one part which meets 2c m edges and r eachapplicationofLemma1requirestwo). We shallshowthatthis mustbe so. From Lemma 3, since d(V )< crm and r ≥4, r 2 r 1 d(V ) r+1 c i r X > − r m r 2 i=1 r+1 5c r = 2c + − r r 2 r2−2r−8 = 2c + r r(6r−8) ≥ 2c ; r similarly, since c ≤ 1, r 2 r 1 d(V ) r+1 c i r X > − r m r 2 i=1 3 > 4 2 c r ≥ + ; 3 6 so, since c > 1 for every r, Lemma 6, following, ensures that j ≥k+2l. r 3 We now give the result needed to fill in the gap. Lemma 6. Let 1 ≤c≤ 1. If wehave afinite, non-emptycollection of numbers 3 2 in [0,1], whose arithmetic mean a is at least max 2c,2 + c , of which j are at (cid:0) 3 6(cid:1) least 2c, k are at least c but less than c, l are less than c, and the rest are at 2 2 least c but less than 2c, then j ≥k+2l. Proof. We proceed by induction on k+l; if k = l = 0 then there is nothing to prove. If k ≥ 1 then one of our numbers is less than the mean, so another must exceed the mean; since the mean of those two numbers is at most 1+c ≤ 2 2c ≤ a, either there are no other numbers (in which case we are done) or the mean of the remaining numbers is at least a and we are done by induction. If l ≥ 1 then one number is less than c; if also j ≤ 1 then the total is less than 2 1+ c +(n−2)2c < 2cn, so there must be two numbers which are at least 2c. 2 Since the mean of these three numbers is at most 2 + c ≤ a, either there are 3 6 no other numbers (in which case we are done) or the mean of the remaining numbers is at least a and again we are done by induction. 9 The value of c which we use is tight only in the second case of Theorem 5 r (for r > 4); if we were to use instead some c′ > c it would be feasible for two r r of our parts to meet just under c′ edges while the remaining parts each met r just under 2c′ edges, giving us no immediate way to use Lemmas 1 and 2. To r improve further on these bounds using a similar method, then, we might seek to proveanaloguesof Lemmas 1 and2 for parts whichmeet morethan βcm for some 1 < β < 2. To do this, however, we would need a way to impose some stronger assumption on the degrees of vertices than simply ∆(G)<cm. References [1] N. 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