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Annual Index, Volume 82 Enlisting the justice community in court improve- High court to be heard (briefs), 140. ment, Borys, Bryan, Banks, Cynthia D., and How courts can prepare for Y2K litigation (focus), Parker, Darrel, 176-183. Kent, Elizabeth and Van Epps, Douglas, 233- Cumulative indexes have been Familiarity breeds respect: how Wisconsin citizens 234, 238. view their courts, Kritzer, Herbert M. and Voelker, Juvenile justice website (briefs), 295. compiled for JUDICATURE volumes John, 58-64; Bias studies (letter), Schafran, Lynn 1-20 and 21-45. Volumes 45-81 are Hecht, 106; Kritzer responds (letter), Kritzer, Court management indexed in separate annual indexes. Herbert M., 106, 145. Alliance takes on domestic violence (briefs), 240 Helping jurors manage stress: a multilevel ap- Family court pilot project launched (briefs), 94 For microfilm editions, write proach, Nordgren, J. Chris and Thelen, Matthew Helping jurors manage stress: a multilevel ap- University Microfilms, Inc., P.O. Box W., 256-262. proach, Nordgren, J. Chris and Thelen, Matthew How fair, fast, and cheap should courts be? Instead W., 256-262. 1307, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. of letting lawyers and judges decide, New Mexico How are courts handling pro se litigants?, Gold- asked its customers, Greacen, John M., 286-291 schmidt, Jona, 13-22 Juvenile justice website (briefs), 295. How courts can prepare for Y2K litigation (focus), Keeping their distance: appellate courts and local Kent, Elizabeth and Van Epps, Douglas, 233- communities, Barclay, Scott, 35-36, 38 234, 238. Ss U B J E Cc T A new approach to court reform (viewpoint), How fair, fast, and cheap should courts be? Instead Zimmerman, Michael D., 108-111; Public expec- of letting lawyers and judges decide, New Mexico tations of courts (letter), Tracey, Ann Marie, 154. asked its customers, Greacen, John M., 286-291. Access to justice Newsletter for New York jurors (briefs), 141. A new approach to court reform (viewpoint), Courts and the self-represented (editorial), 4. Public outreach: the cornerstone of judicial inde- Zimmerman, Michael D., 108-111 Family court pilot project launched (briefs), 94. pendence, Esterling, Kevin M., 112-117. The unanswered question (viewpoint), Flanders, How are courts handling pro se litigants?, Public perception of the Supreme Court in the Steven, 55-56, 91-92 Goldschmidt, Jona, 13-22. 1990s, Scheb, John M. Il and Lyons, William, 66- Why citizens don't respond to jury summonses, and Juvenile justice website (briefs), 295. 69. what courts can do about it, Boatright, Robert G.., A new approach to court reform (viewpoint), Public's view of justice system mixed (briefs), 188 156-164: Enforcing summons response (letter), Zimmerman, Michael D., 108-111; Public expec- Rehnquist Award honors L.A. judge (briefs), 140- Munsterman, Tom, 250. tations of courts (letter), Tracey, Ann Marie, 154. 141. Orders of protection online (briefs), 295. West Virginia court prepared to shock (briefs), 188. Court performance Why citizens don't respond to jury summonses, and Activism on the Indian Supreme Court, Moog, Rob- Administrative law what courts can do about it, Boatright, Robert G., ert, 124-132 E-mail focuses on administrative law (briefs), 188. 156-164; Enforcing summons response (letter), And the survey says...American public is polled for Munsterman, Tom, 250. opinions on justice system (focus), McCabe, Alternatives to adjudication Kathryn, 292 How courts can prepare for Y2K litigation (focus), Civil justice system Enlisting the justice community in court improve- Kent, Elizabeth and Van Epps, Douglas, 233- The unanswered question (viewpoint), Flanders, ment, Borys, Bryan, Banks, Cynthia D., and 234, 238. Steven, 55-56, 91-92 Parker, Darrel, 176-183. Who shall mediate?, Hill, Norma Jeanne, 70-73. Familiarity breeds respect: how Wisconsin citizens Why attorneys support mandatory mediation, Gor- Complex litigation view their courts, Kritzer, Herbert M. and Voelker, don, Elizabeth Ellen, 224-231. The interdependence of science and law, Breyer, John, 58-64. Stephen, 24-27. How fair, fast, and cheap should courts be? Instead Alternatives to incarceration of letting lawyers and judges decide, New Mexico Therapeutic jurisprudence, Hora, Peggy Fulton and Computers and courts—see Court asked its customers, Greacen, John M., 286-291. Schma, William G., 8-12 technology Public perception of the Supreme Court in the 1990s, Scheb, John M. II and Lyons, William, 66- AJS Congestion and delay 69. Another vacancy crisis (editorial), 152. Alliance takes on domestic violence (briefs), 240. Public's view of justice system mixed (briefs), 188 Courts and the self-represented (editorial), 4. The unanswered question (viewpoint), Flanders, The need for expedited DNA analysis (editorial), Steven, 55-56, 91-92. Court personnel 248 Batson for the bench?, King, Nancy J., 74-78 A rush to judgment (editorial), 52. Constitutional amendments Enlisting the justice community in court improve- Election 1998 roundup (briefs), 140 ment, Borys, Bryan, Banks, Cynthia D., and Appellate courts Parker, Darrel, 176-183. Activism on the Indian Supreme Court, Moog, Rob- Constitutional interpretation Rehnquist Award honors L.A. judge (briefs), 140- ert, 124-132. Grounds for judicial impeachment (viewpoint), 141 The federal appellate study at midpoint (focus), Finnegan, Lawrence J. Jr., 155, 193 The Supreme Court's experience gap (viewpoint), Tobias, Carl, 44-45. Judicial review is exercised properly, Cohn, Avern, Fortunato, Stephen J. Jr., 251-254, 300. Keeping their distance: appellate courts and local 29, 32-34. Videotape transcripts (letter), Akenhead, Vicki, 154 communities, Barclay, Scott, 35-36, 38. The judiciary is too powerful, Taylor, Clifford, 28, Panel rejects Ninth Circuit split (focus), 144-145. 30-32 Courts of limited jurisdiction Public perception of the Supreme Court in the Center for Court Innovation honored (briefs), 140 1990s, Scheb, John M. II and Lyons, William, 66- Court facilities Family court pilot project launched (briefs), 94 69. West Virginia court prepared to shock (briefs), 188. The Supreme Court's experience gap (viewpoint), Court structure Fortunato, Stephen J. Jr., 251-254, 300. Court financing and budgeting The federal appellate study at midpoint (focus), Jurors donate pay (briefs), 96. Tobias, Carl, 44-45. Bar activities A new approach to court reform (viewpoint), ABA responds to criticism of judges (briefs), 94, 96. Court information systems Zimmerman, Michael D., 108-111; Public expec- And the survey says...American public is polled for The benefits of digital court recording, Southerst, tations of courts (letter), Tracey, Ann Marie, 154. opinions on justice system (focus), McCabe, John, 133-135. Panel rejects Ninth Circuit split (focus), Tobias, Kathryn, 292. Courts battle the bug (focus), McCabe, Kathryn, Carl, 144-145. California holds hearings on bar (briefs), 94. 232-233. Court increases California bar dues (briefs), 141 Court technology Public’s view of justice system mixed (briefs), 188. KEY The benefits of digital court recording, Southerst, The pages used in the index listings John, 133-135. Bias refer to the following months. Courts battle the bug (focus), McCabe, Kathryn, Batson for the bench?, King, Nancy J., 74-78. Pages Month 232-233. Bias studies (letter), Schafran, Lynn Hecht, 106; How courts can prepare for Y2K litigation (focus), Kritzer responds (letter), Kritzer, Herbert M., 106, 1-48 July-August 1998 Kent, Elizabeth and Van Epps, Douglas, 233- 145. 49-100 September-October 234, 238 High court to be heard (briefs), 140. Citizens and courts 101-148 November-December Juvenile justice website (briefs), 295. And the survey says...American public is polled for 149-196 January-February 1999 Orders of protection online (briefs), 295 opinions on justice system (focus), McCabe, 197-244 March-April Videotaped trial transcripts for juror deliberations, Kathryn, 292. 245-304 May-June Hartmus, Diane M. and Levine, James P., 84-87, Election 1998 roundup (briefs), 140. 96; Videotape transcripts (letter), Akenhead, May-June 1999 Volume 82, Number 6 Judicature 297 Vicki, 154; Videotaped trial transcripts (letter), the bench, Esterling, Kevin M., 206-215. 96; Videotape transcripts (letter), Akenhead, Burrage, Jeanette, 106. Vicki, 154; Videotaped trial transcripts (letter), Judicial history and philosophy Burrage, Jeanette, 106. Criminal procedure Advice, consent, and inaction: How the courts can Why citizens don't respond to jury summonses, and Alliance takes on domestic violence (briefs), 240. require the Senate to vote on judicial nomina- what courts can do about it, Boatright, Robert G.., Another vacancy crisis (editorial), 152. tions, Renzin, Lee, 166-174; Two to tango (let- 156-164; Enforcing summons response (letter), The need for expedited DNA analysis (editorial), ter), Allen, Richard B., 250. 300; The author re- Munsterman, Tom, 250. 248. sponds (letter), Renzin, Lee, 300. Play in the system (letter), Cohn, Avern, 250. Clinton’s second term judiciary: picking judges un- Juvenile justice The Supreme Court's experience gap (viewpoint), der fire, Goldman, Sheldon and Slotnick, Elliot, Juvenile justice website (briefs), 295 Fortunato, Stephen J. Jr., 251-254, 300. 264-284. Grounds for judicial impeachment (viewpoint), Law and psychology Evidence Finnegan, Lawrence J. Jr., 155, 193. Helping jurors manage stress: a multilevel ap- Iilustrated jury instructions, Dattu, Firoz, 79-83, 93. Judicial review is exercised properly, Cohn, Avern, proach, Nordgren, J. Chris and Thelen, Matthew The interdependence of science and law, Breyer, 29, 32-34. W., 256-262. Stephen, 24-27. The judiciary is too powerfui, Taylor, Clifford, 28, The need for expedited DNA analysis (editorial), 30-32. Legal ethics 248. A new approach to court reform (viewpoint), California holds hearings on bar (briefs), 94. Videotaped trial transcripts for juror deliberations, Zimmerman, Michael D., 108-111; Public expec- Court increases California bar dues (briefs), 141. Hartmus, Diane M. and Levine, James P., 84-87, tations of courts (letter), Tracey, Ann Marie, 154. A rush to judgment (editorial), 52. 96; Videotape transcripts (letter), Akenhead, Public outreach: the cornerstone of judicial inde- Vicki, 154; Videotaped trial transcripts (letter), pendence, Esterling, Kevin M., 112-117. Legal profession Burrage, Jeanette, 106. The Supreme Court's experience gap (viewpoint), California holds hearings on bar (briefs), 94 Fortunato, Stephen J. Jr., 251-254, 300. Court increases California bar dues (briefs), 141. Foreign justice systems Why attorneys support mandatory mediation, Gor- Activism on the indian Supreme Court, Moog, Rob- Judicial independence and immunity don, Elizabeth Ellen, 224-231. ert, 124-132. ABA responds to criticism of judges (briefs), 94, 96. Culture shock (letter), Ross, G.M., 106 Legal services Future and the courts Grounds for judicial impeachment (viewpoint), Courts and the self-represented (editorial), 4. Public expectations of courts (letter), Tracey, Ann Finnegan, Lawrence J. Jr., 155, 193 How are courts handling pro se litigants?, Gold- Marie, 154. The politicization of the judiciary (viewpoint), Fried- schmidt, Jona, 13-22 man, Terry B., 6-7. A new approach to court reform (viewpoint), Gender bias Public outreach: the cornerstone of judicial inde- Zimmerman, Michael D., 108-111. Bias studies (letter), Schafran, Lynn Hecht, 106; pendence, Esterling, Kevin M., 112-117. Orders of protection online (briefs), 295 Kritzer responds (letter), Kritzer, Herbert M., 106, A rush to judgment (editorial), 52. 145. Voter knowledge, behavior, and attitudes in primary Legislation and general judicial elections, Sheldon, Charles Judicial review is exercised properly, Cohn, Avern, Judicial decision making H. and Lovrich, Nicholas P. Jr., 216-223. 29, 32-34. Activism on the Indian Supreme Court, Moog, Rob- The judiciary is too powerful, Taylor, Clifford, 28, ert, 124-132. Judicial/legislative relations 30-32 Grounds for judicial impeachment (viewpoint), Advice, consent, and inaction: How the courts can Jury reform pays off for New York (briefs), 240. Finnegan, Lawrence J. Jr., 155, 193. require the Senate to vote on judicial nomina- The unanswered question (viewpoint), Flanders, The interdependence of science and law, Breyer, tions, Renzin, Lee, 166-174; Two to tango (let- Steven, 55-56, 91-92 Stephen, 24-27. ter), Allen, Richard B., 250, 300; The author re- Judicial review is exercised properly, Cohn, Avern, sponds (letter), Renzin, Lee, 300. Media and courts 29, 32-34. Grounds for judicial impeachment (viewpoint), New Supreme Court guide online (briefs), 240. The judiciary is too powerful, Taylor, Clifford, 28, Finnegan, Lawrence J. Jr., 155, 193. 30-32 The politicization of the judiciary (viewpoint), Fried- Mediation A new approach to court reform (viewpoint), man, Terry B., 6-7. Who shail mediate?, Hill, Norma Jeanne, 70-73 Zimmerman, Michael D., 108-111. A rush to judgment (editorial), 52. Why attorneys support mandatory mediation, Gor- Play in the system (letter), Cohn, Avern, 250. don, Elizabeth Ellen, 224-231 The politicization of the judiciary (viewpoint), Fried- Judicial selection—federal man, Terry B., 6-7. Advice, consent, and inaction: How the courts can Sentencing Public outreach: the cornerstone of judicial inde- require the Senate to vote on judicial nomina- Another vacancy crisis (editorial), 152. pendence, Esterling, Kevin M., 112-117. tions, Renzin, Lee, 166-174; Two to tango (let- Play in the system (letter), Cohn, Avern, 250. Public perception of the Supreme Court in the ter), Allen, Richard B., 250, 300; The author re- 1990s, Scheb, John M. II and Lyons, William, 66- sponds (letter), Renzin, Lee, 300 Statutory reform 69. Clinton's second term judiciary: picking judges un- Batson for the bench?, King, Nancy J., 74-78 The Supreme Court's experience gap (viewpoint), der fire, Goldman, Sheldon and Slotnick, Elliot, Fortunato, Stephen J. Jr., 251-254, 300. 264-284. Trial courts, general jurisdiction Therapeutic jurisprudence, Hora, Peggy Fulton and Missing in action: Interest groups and federal judi- Enlisting the justice community in court improve- Schma, William G., 8-12. cial apointments, Cohen, Lauren M., 119-123. ment, Borys, Bryan, Banks, Cynthia D., and Videotaped trial transcripts for juror deliberations, Parker, Darrel, 176-183. Hartmus, Diane M. and Levine, James P., 84-87, Judicial selection—state How fair, fast, and cheap should courts be? Instead 96; Videotape transcripts (letter), Akenhead, Election 1998 roundup (briefs), 140. of letting lawyers and judges decide, New Mexico Vicki, 154; Videotaped trial transcripts (letter), Judicial accountability the right way: Official perfor- asked its customers, Greacen, John M., 286-291. Burrage, Jeanette, 106. mance evaluations help the electorate as well as the bench, Esterling, Kevin M., 206-215. Victims and witnesses Judicial discipline and removal—state The politicization of the judiciary (viewpoint), Fried- Orders of protection online (briefs), 295. Election 1998 roundup (briefs), 140. man, Terry B., 6-7. Voter knowledge, behavior, and attitudes in primary Judicial education and qualifications and general judicial elections, Sheldon, Charles Clinton's second term judiciary: picking judges un- H. and Lovrich, Nicholas P. Jr., 216-223. der fire, Goldman, Sheldon and Slotnick, Elliot, A U T H ie) R Ss 264-284. Jury trial The interdependence of science and law, Breyer, Abolish peremptory challenges (viewpoint), Hoff- Akenhead, Vicki, Videotape transcripts (letter), 154. Stephen, 24-27. man, Morris B., 202-205. Allen, Richard B., Two to tango (letter), 250, 300. The Supreme Court's experience gap (viewpoint), California honors jurors (briefs), 295. Banks, Cynthia D., Borys, Bryan, and Parker, Fortunato, Stephen J. Jr., 251-254, 300. Helping jurors manage stress: a multilevel ap- Darrel, Enlisting the justice community in court proach, Nordgren, J. Chris and Thelen, Matthew improvement, 176-183. Judicial ethics W., 256-262. Barclay, Scott, Keeping their distance: Appellate The politicization of the judiciary (viewpoint), Fried- Jurors donate pay (briefs), 96. courts and local communities, 35-36, 38. man, Terry B., 6-7. Jury reform pays off for New York (briefs), 240 Boatright, Robert G., Why citizens don't respond to Iilustrated jury instructions, Dattu, Firoz, 79-83, 93. jury summonses, and what courts can do about it, Judicial evaluation Newsletter for New York jurors (briefs), 141. 156-164. Judicial accountability the right way: Official perfor- Videotaped trial transcripts for juror deliberations, Borys, Bryan, Banks, Cynthia D., and Parker, mance evaluations help the electorate as well as Hartmus, Diane M. and Levine, James P., 84-87, Darrel, Enlisting the justice community in court 298 Judicature Volume 82, Number 6 May-June 1999 improvement, 176-183. Slotnick, Elliot and Goidman, Sheldon, Clinton's Tucker, John C., May God Have Mercy: A True Breyer, Stephen, The interdependence of science second term judiciary: picking judges under fire, Story of Crime and Punishment, reviewed by and law, 24-27. 264-284. Larry Hammond, 136-138. Burrage, Jeanette, Videotaped trial transcripts (iet- Southerst, John, The benefits of digital court re- Van Tassel, Emily and Finkelman, Paul, impeach- ter), 106. cording, 133-135. able Offenses: A Documentary History from 1787 Cohen, Lauren M., Missing in action: Interest Taylor, Clifford, The judiciary is too powerful, 28, to the Present, reviewed by Erwin Chemerinsky, groups and federal judicial appointments, 119- 30-32. 184-185. 123. Thelen, Matthew W. and Nordgren, J. Chris, Help- Cohn, Avern, Judicial review is exercised properly, ing jurors manage stress: a multilevel approach, BOOK TITLES 29, 32-34; Play in the system (letter), 250. 256-262. Business and Commercial Litigation in Federal Dattu, Firoz, Illustrated jury instructions, 79-83. Tobias, Cari, The federal appellate study at mid- Courts, edited by Robert L. Haig, reviewed by Esterling, Kevin M., Judicial acountability the right point (focus), 44-45; Panel rejects Ninth Circuit Morris S. Arnold, 294, 300 way: Official performance evaluations help the split (focus), 144-145. Excellent Judges, by Edward F. Hennessey, re- electorate as well as the bench, 206-215; Public Tracey, Ann Marie, Public expectations of courts viewed by Daniel R. Coquillette, 237-238 outreach: The cornerstone of judicial indepen- (letter), 154. Fear of Judging: Sentencing Guidelines in the Fed- dence, 112-117. Van Epps, Douglas and Kent, Elizabeth, How eral Courts, by Kate Stith and José A. Cabranes, Finnegan, Lawrence J. Jr., Grounds for judicial im- courts can prepare for Y2K litigation, 233-234, reviewed by Steven Flanders, 235-237 peachment (viewpoint), 155, 193. 238. Impeachable Offenses: A Documentary History Flanders, Steven, The unanswered question (view- Voelker, John and Kritzer, Herbert M., Familiarity from 1787 to the Present, by Emily Van Tassel point), 55-56, 91-92. breeds respect: How Wisconsin citizens view and Paul Finkelman, reviewed by Erwin Fortunato, Stephen J. Jr., The Supreme Court's ex- their courts, 58-64 Chemerinsky, 184-185 perience gap (viewpoint), 251-254, 300. Zimmerman, Michael D., A new approach to court Judicial Policy Making and the Modern State: How Friedman, Terry B., The politicization of the judi- reform (viewpoint), 108-111 the Courts Reformed America’s Prisons, by Cciary (viewpoint), 6-7. Maicoim M. Feeley and Edward L. Rubin, re- Goldman, Sheldon and Slotnick, Elliot, Clinton's viewed by Christopher E. Smith, 186-187, 193 second term judiciary: picking judges under fire, The Man Who Once Was Whizzer White: A Portrait 264-284. of Justice Byron R. White, by Dennis J. Hutchin- Goldschmidt, Jona, How are courts handling pro se BOO K REvitews son, reviewed by Stuart H. Shiffman, 293-294 litigants?, 13-22. Mass Tort Litigation, by Paul D. Rheingold, re- Gordon, Elizabeth Ellen, Why attorneys support BOOK AUTHORS viewed by Helen E. Freedman, 138-139, 142 mandatory mediation, 224-231. Baum, Lawrence, The Puzzie of Judicial Behavior, May God Have Mercy: A True Story of Crime and Greacen, John M., How fair, fast, and cheap should reviewed by Andrew J. Wistrich, 88-90. Punishment, by John C. Tucker, reviewed by courts be? Instead of letting lawyers and judges Boot, Max, Out of Order: Arrogance, Corruption, Larry Hammond, 136-138 decide, New Mexico asked its customers, 286- and Incompetence on the Bench, reviewed by Modern Scientific Evidence: The Law and Science 291. Charles G. Geyh, 42-43, 45 of Expert Testimony, edited by David L. Faigman, Hartmus, Diane M. and Levine, James P., Video- Cabranes, José A. and Stith, Kate, Fear of Judging: David H. Kaye, Michael J. Saks, and Joseph taped trial transcripts for juror deliberations, 84- Sentencing Guidelines in the Federal Courts, re- Sanders, reviewed by John W. Strong, 39-40 87, 96. viewed by Steven Flanders, 235-237 Out of Order: Arrogance, Corruption, and Incompe- Hill, Norma Jeanne, Who shall mediate?, 70-73. Faigman, David L., Kaye, David H., Saks, Michael tence on the Bench, by Max Boot, reviewed by Hoffman, Morris B., Abolish peremptory challenges J., and Sanders, Joseph, Modern Scientific Charles G. Geyh, 42-43, 45 (viewpoint), 202-205. Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testi- The Puzzle of Judicial Behavior, by Lawrence Hora, Peggy Fulton and Schma, William G., Thera- mony, reviewed by John W. Strong, 39-40 Baum, reviewed by Andrew J. Wistrich, 88-90 peutic jurisprudence, 8-12. Feeley, Malcolm M. and Rubin, Edward L., Judicial Television News and the Supreme Court: All the Kent, Elizabeth and Van Epps, Douglas, How Policy Making and the Modern State: How the News That's Fit to Air?, by Elliot E. Slotnick and courts can prepare for Y2K litigation, 233-234, Courts Reformed America’s Prisons, reviewed by Jennifer A. Segal, reviewed by Robert E 238. Christopher E. Smith, 186-187, 193. Drechsel, 185-186 King, Nancy J., Batson for the bench?, 74-78. Finkelman, Paul and Van Tassel, Emily, impeach- Kritzer, Herbert M. and Voelker, John, Familiarity able Offenses: A Documentary History from 1787 BOOK REVIEWERS breeds respect: How Wisconsin citizens view to the Present, reviewed by Erwin Chemerinsky, Arnoid, Morris S., Business and Commercial Litiga- their courts, 58-64; Kritzer responds (letter), 106, 184-185. tion in Federal Courts, edited by Robert L. Haig, 145. Haig, Robert L., editor, Business and Commercial 294, 300 Levine, James P. and Hartmus, Diane M., Video- Litigation in Federal Courts, reviewed by Morris Chemerinsky, Erwin, Impeachable Offenses: A taped trial transcripts for juror deliberations, 84- S. Arnold, 294, 300 Documentary History from 1787 to the Present, 87, 96. Hennessey, Edward F., Excellent Judges, reviewed by Emily Van Tassel and Pau! Finkelman, 184- Lovrich, Nicholas P. Jr. and Sheldon, Charles H., by Daniel R Coquillette, 237-238. 185 Voter knowledge, behavior and attitudes in pri- Hutchinson, Dennis J., The Man Who Once Was Coquillette, Daniel R., Excellent Judges, by Edward mary and general judicial elections, 216-223. Whizzer White: A Portrait of Justice Byron R F. Hennessey, 237-238 Lyons, William and Scheb, John M. Ii, Public per- White, reviewed by Stuart H. Shiffman, 293-294. Drechsel, Robert E., Television News and the Su- ception of the Supreme Court in the 1990s, 66- Kaye, David H., Faigman, David L., Saks, Michael preme Court: All the News That's Fit to Air?, by 69 J., and Sanders, Joseph, Modern Scientific Elliot E. Slotnick and Jennifer A. Segal, 185-186 McCabe, Kathryn, And the survey says...American Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testi- Flanders, Steven, Fear of Judging: Sentencing public is polled for opinions on justice system (fo- mony, reviewed by John W. Strong, 39-40. Guidelines in the Federal Courts, by Kate Stith cus), 292; Courts battle the bug (focus), 232-233. Rheingold, Paul D., Mass Tort Litigation, reviewed and José A. Cabranes, 235-237 Moog, Robert, Activism on the Indian Supreme by Helen E. Freedman, 138-139, 142. Freedman, Helen E., Mass Tort Litigation, by Paul Court, 124-132. Rubin, Edward L. and Feeley, Maicoim M., Judicial D. Rheingold, 138-139, 142. Munsterman, Tom, Enforcing summons response Policy Making and the Modern State: How the Geyh, Charles G., Out of Order: Arrogance, Corrup- (letter), 250. Courts Reformed America's Prisons, reviewed by tion, and Incompetence on the Bench, by Max Nordgren, J. Chris and Thelen, Matthew W., Heip- Christopher E. Smith, 186-187, 193. Boot, 42-43, 45 ing jurors manage stress: a multilevel approach, Saks, Michael J., Faigman, David L., Kaye, David Hammond, Larry, May God Have Mercy: A True 256-262. H., and Sanders, Joseph, Modern Scientific Story of Crime and Punishment, by John C Parker, Darrel, Banks, Cynthia D., and Borys, Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testi- Tucker, 136-138 Bryan, Enlisting the justice community in court mony, reviewed by John W. Strong, 39-40. Shiffman, Stuart H., The Man Who Once Was improvement, 176-183. Sanders, Joseph, Faigman, David L., Kaye, David Whizzer White: A Portrait of Justice Byron R Renzin, Lee, Advice, consent, and inaction: How H., and Saks, Michael J., Modern Scientific White, by Dennis J. Hutchinson, 293-294. the courts can require the Senate to vote on judi- Evidence: The Law and Science of Expert Testi- Smith, Christopher E., Judicial Policy Making and cial nominations, 166-174; The author responds mony, reviewed by John W. Strong, 39-40. the Modern State: How the Courts Reformed (letter), 300. Segal, Jennifer A. and Slotnick, Elliot E., Television America’s Prisons, by Maicoim M. Feeley and Ross, G.M., Culture shock (letter), 106. News and the Supreme Court: All the News Edward L. Rubin, 186-187, 193. Schafran, Lynn Hecht, Bias studies (letter), 106. That's Fit to Air?, reviewed by Robert E. Strong, John W., Modern Scientific Evidence: The Scheb, John M. tl and Lyons, William, Public per- Drechsel, 185-186. Law and Science of Expert Testimony, edited by ception of the Supreme Court in the 1990s, 66- Slotnick, Elliot E. and Segal, Jennifer A., Television David L. Faigman, David H. Kaye, Michael J 69. News and the Supreme Court: All the News Saks, and Joseph Sanders, 39-40 Schma, William G. and Hora, Peggy Fulton, Thera- That's Fit to Air?, reviewed by Robert E Wistrich, Andrew J., The Puzzle of Judicial Behav- peutic jurisprudence, 8-12. Drechsel, 185-186. ior, by Lawrence Baum, 88-90 Sheldon, Charles H. and Lovrich, Nicholas P. Jr., Stith, Kate and Cabranes, José A., Fear of Judging: Sentencing Guidelines in the Federal Courts, re- Voter knowledge, behavior and attitudes in pri- mary and general judicial elections, 216-223. viewed by Steven Flanders, 235-237. May-June 1999 Volume 82, Number 6 Judicature 299

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