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Judas of Nazareth: How the Greatest Teacher of First-Century Israel Was Replaced by a Literary Creation PDF

469 Pages·2014·3.63 MB·English
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Preview Judas of Nazareth: How the Greatest Teacher of First-Century Israel Was Replaced by a Literary Creation

JUDAS if NAZARETH Howt hGer eatTeesatc her oJFb-st-Cenh4rIys rael T#zsR eplacbeyad L iterOa·reya tio11 DANIETL. U NTERBRINK Bear& Comp:llly Roch�t'r,V cnno•n Tro ronCtoan,;a.cb JUDAS of NAZARETH "Combining some of my ideas-such as Paul as Herodian and Josephus's "Sadduk" as John the Baptist-with his own theory, Dan Unterbrink suggests a new and much earlier timeframe for Christian origins, claiming that the historical Jesus was actually Judas the Galilean, a rebel leader who came on the scene in 4 BC with the beginning of the Zealot movement. "As he sees it, Christian scholarship as a whole has been searching for characters such as Jesus and Paul in the wrong places. Not only does he claim that Jesus was a literary stand-in for Judas the Galilean, but that Paul may have been an active participant in the composition of the Gospel of Mark. "Detailing the similarities between the gospel Jesus and Paul's own life and teachings, Unterbrink claims the former to have been simply a clever blend of Judas the Galilean and Paul. In so doing, he gives his readers much to consider while at the same time challenging what they have always taken to be 'the Gospel Truth' and their traditional views." ROBERETI SENMAPNR,O FESESMOERR ITUATS C ALIFORSNATITAE UNIVEIRTSYL-ONGB EACAHN DA UTHOROF J AMETSH EB ROTHEORFJ ESUS ANDT HEN EWT ESTAMECNOTD E Acknowledgments I would like to thank Margaret Starbird for her continued support on this project. She has encouraged me, shared my work with others and even helped proofread the manuscript. Her contribution has been invaluable. Margaret introduced me to Professor Barrie Wilson of York University. Professor Wilson took an interest in this project and commented on each chapter, giving his feedback and impressions. He was even so kind as to write a foreword. His contribution has helped shape the final contents of the book. And finally, I would like to thank Mari Young for setting up my website. As a college student she had many other things to do, but she still found time to design an appropriate platform for my ideas. Cae:area • Syria Caan Sepphoris Judea Jeru••a lem Bethle• hem Map of Judea in the first century. Contents Cover Image Title Page Epigraph Acknowledgments Foreword by Barrie Wilson A Brief Explanation of the Major Political-Religious Movements Introduction: The Scholarly Mistake 1A.BUOTTHES OURCES THE CONTROVERSSUYR ROUNDITNHGE SLAVONIC 2. JOSEPHUS BUILDIONNPG R EIVOUSS CHOLARSHIP 3· PART ONE TheL ifaen Tdi meosfJ udtahsGe a lilaenJadn e soufNs a zareth THE ROAD TO THE FOURTH PHILOSOPHY Chapter r: Hellenistic and Roman Influences 1A. S HORHTI TSOROYF H ELLENISM ROMAN,HS ERODIAANNSD, TFHOEU RHT PHILOSOPHY 2. THEF OURTH PHILOSOPPHLYA'ONSF A CITON 3· Chapter 2:P rimary Text References to Jesus 1].0SEPHSU SUEOTNIUASN DT ACIUTS 2. THEL ETTOEFRP LINTYH EY OUNGETRO T RJAAN 3· THED EADS EAS CROLLS 4· PART TWO Pa,u lApotsott hGleee n tiles THE MAKING OF A MESSIAH Chapter } Traditional versus Historical Paul 1T.H ET RADITIOPANUALL QUESITONCSO NCERNTIHNEGT RADITIONPAAULL 2. A MOREH ITSORICPAALUL 3· ISP AUL HAE ROIDA N? 4· ISP AUL A APRHISEE? 5· Chapter+ James the Just and Paul the Liar 1R.I CAHN DP OOR FAITHA NDD EEDS 2. TAMINGT HE TONGUE 3· WISDOM 4· THEL AW 5· THEL IA,TR HEE NEMAY,N DT HET RAITOR 6. Chapter 5:Pa ul's Family Ties ALLI NT HEF AMILY 1. DIFFERPIANTGSH 2. THEM AKINOGF MAE SASHI 3· PAUL'RSE EVLAOTNIS 4· TWOM ESSIAHISNJ ERUSALEM 5· QUESTIOANBLFEAM ILTYI E-SPAUL'SSI TSERA NDN EPHEW 6. PAUL'ESS CAFPREO JME RUSMA LE 7· Chapter 6:Pa ul's Motivation PAUL ANJDE RSUALEM 1. PAULA NDF UND-RAISING 2. FIANNCIAEXLP LIOTAOTNIU SINGT HEJ ESSUM OVEMENT 3· SIMON MTAHGEI ACNI 4· PAUL'SDI LEMMA 5· PART THREE TheC reatoifJoenso ufNs a zareth PAUI.:S HAND IN THE GOSPELS Chapter T Foundation Legends THEM ARTRYDOMO FP ETEARN DP AUL 1. THEA UTHORO FT HEG OSPEL MOAFR K 2. THEF LIGOHFTJ ERUSALCEHMR IISATNTSO P ELLA 3· Chapter 8T:h e Gospel of Mark PROBLEWMIST HT HEC OMPOSITOIFMO ANR K 1. PAUL'SI NVOLVEMWEINTTH TGHOSEPE LO FM ARK 2. LANGAUGEO FT HED EASD EA SCROLLS 3· Chapter 9: The Gospel of Matthew MATHTEW'USS EO FM ARK 1. EXAMININTGH EM MATREIAL 2. THEM SOURCAEND T HES LAVOJNOICS EPH(U]SS) 3· TOT HEG ENTILES 4· WHO?W HY?W HEREA?N DW HEN? 5· Chapter ro:T he Gospel of Luke LUKES'OSU RCES 1. PAUL'SA DAPATTIONO FM ITHRAISM 2. ]J.OHNT HEB APTIST THET IMLEI NEISNL UKE 4· THEP ROBLOEFMQ 5· LUKEA'GSEN DAC ONCERNHIINTSGO RICDAALAT 6. Chapter n:T he Acts of the Apostles RELIANOCNJE O SEPHUS 1. THEA GENDAO FA CTS 2. ISP AUL OTFAR SUISN VEENDT? 3· THEN EWJ ESSUA NDT HEN EWP AUL 4· Chapter 12:T he Gospel ofJohn DIONYSUS 1. THEW ORDB ECOMFELSE SH 2. DEMOINZAOTNI OTFH EJ EWS 3· WHATI ST RUTH? 4· Conclusion: The Real Jesus of Nazareth FORT-YTWSOI MILARITIESB YJS UHDAATRSHE EDG ALILEAN 1. AND JUESS Appendix A. The Messianic Time Lines THEJ EWISJHE SSU MOVEMENTA ND THE FOURHT 1. PHILOSOPHY THEC HRIMSOTV EMEN(TAP UL'GSEN TIELM ISISON) 2. THEJ ESSUO FN AZARETMHO VEMENT 3· Appendix B. John the Baptist THET RADITIONVAILE WPOINT 1. WHATR EALHLAYP PENED 2. THER EAHLI SOTRYO F TJHEEW IJSEHS SUM OVEMENT 3· Appendix C. Pontius Pilate

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