JUDAISM OF THE SECOND TEMPLE PERIOD VOLUME 1 QumraannAd p ocalypticism David Flusser Translbayte d AzzaYna din WilliBa.mE erdmaPnusb lishCionmgp any GranRda pidMsi,c hig/aC na mbridUg.eK,. TheH ebreUwn iverMsaigtnye Psr es• Jse rusalIesmra,e l JerusaPleerms pec• tJievreu salIesmr,a el Oriingaplubllyi sihnHe edb ruenwd tehrte i tle YahadBuatyS ihte Qnuim:r vaeAn p ocpatliyca (eJrusaHleebmrU:en wi veMrasginPterys ea snsYd a Idz hBaekn v-iPZ re2s00s2,) . ThiEsn gleidsiht© i2o0n0W 7il lBi.Ea emr dmPaunbsl iCsoh.i,n g ThHee brUenwi veMrasginteys Press, JerusPaelresmp ective Alrli grhetsse rved Publi2s0h0e7d by Wm.B .E erdmPaunbsl iCsoh.i ng 214O0a kI nudstDrriiaNvl.e EG .r,a Rnadp iMdisc,h i4g9a5In0 5 P.BOo.1x 6 C3a,m brCiBd39gP eUU .K. ThHee brUenwi veMrasginteys PBroe3xs9 s0,J9 e9Pr,.u Os.Ia slreame,l Jerusalem JPeerrussIpaselrcehatmttei:p,lv/ e/,wjw ewr.usapleecmtpievres.com Prinitnte hUden itedo fAS mteartiecsa 121 11 00 90 80 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LibraorfCy o ngrCeastsa loging-in-DPautbal ication FlusDsaevr1i,9d ,1 7-2000 [YahBaadyusith te Ennig.l] i sh Judaoifts hmSe e coTnemdp lpee rIiD oadv Fildu stsrearn;sb lyAa ztzeYadadn i n. p. cm. ConteVI.n.Qt usm:r aannad p ocalypticism ISB9N87 -0-840629(8-p-1b2 akl.pk:a. p er) 1J.u da-iHsims t-oProys xti-lpeiecr i5o8Bd6., 2C 1.AO-.D . 2J.e wish- Hsiesctto3srJ. ye .w- sH ist-o5r8yB6 . 7C0.A. -D. 4Q.u mrcaonm mtuyn.5iA .p ocallyiptteir-caH tiusrtaeon rcdyr iticism. IT.i tle. BM1.75F651230 07 29069.'-01d4c 22 2007022167 www .eerdmsa.ncom Contents Foreword Vll Ackwnloedegnsmt x InotdruicoQtnu:m arna ntdeh E ssenes Xl 1. DTehaeSd e Sae acntd WoIrtlsd view 1 2. ETshseWe onrel dview 25 3.T hEec onoImdieco olfQo ugmyr an 32 4.M edicainQndue m arn 38 5.A Pre-GnCoosnetcpiitntc h Dee aSde Sac rolls 40 6. t"hIIenm g aeo ft hLeie kneosfHs i Fso rm" 50 7." Nobtya nA ng.e:l.' 61 8.A Q umrFarna gmaenntdth e SBelceosnosdfti hnAegm i dah 66 9.4 QMMaTn tdh Bee dniectAigoanit nhMseitn im 70 10T.h 'eoB ookft hMeys teraintedhs e' HHoiylgD ha yLsi rtguy 119 11A.po acltyipEcl emeinntt hWsea rS croll 140 v 12T.h e Doefta htWehi ckKeidn g 159 13A· C ommeonnat P rafyroet rhW eel faorfKe i nJgo nathan1 70 1·4T hReo maEnm piirnHe a smonaenaEdns sEeynees 175 15T·h Ees chatoTlemopgliec al 207 16P.h ariSsaededsua,cn eEdes ss,ei nnPe ess Nhaehru m 214 17T·h Aep corypPhsaallo mfDs a vid 258 18T.h "elF eSspihr-Diuta"l iints hmQe u mrSacnr aonldl s thNee wT estament 283 19"·T hSee cTrheitnB gesl otnotg h e L(oDuretd2.":99 2): BeSni arnatd h Ees senes 293 20T.h Jee wOirsihg oiftn hsEe a rClhyru chA'ttsi tude towatrhSdet ate 299 21T.h Ies aPieashah netdrh Neo tioofTnw e lAvpeo stles int hEea rClhyu rch 305 22T.h Hea lf-sihnte hGkeoe selpl asn tdh Qeu mrCaonm mutnyi 327 IndoefNx a mse 334 IndoefSx u jbects 337 IndoefSx o cuers 342 vi Foreword Thowsheod on ot kHnerobeww fimnaalyrl eya dE ntghlveire sshio ofDn as viFdl uscsoelrl'eessc yst.sTae hdpe r esveolnutmJ eu,d aoifts ehSm e ncdoT em plPee riQoudma:rna nAdp oycpaitlciistsmh ,ce u lminoafatr ieomknaa rble efofratn cdo lolraabtointo hnpe a orftt ransAlzazYtaadonir an n tdh rpeueb lishMeargsnP:er se Jsesr,u sPaelresvmp,e ea cnEtdei rdmIaitnws si .tg hr eat sataicsttfihotanht pe u blibsrhieFnrlgsu sisniesgrh'tsas w itdaoeu rd ience. Fluscsovenrers efldu elnyit nn inlea nguaangrdee sas dc holliatrleyr a tuirnea na dditsieovneeannHlt.i e fisr lsatn gwuaaGsge er mans.e cHoinsd , learflnueeldnyo t nyla ftehri s immitgoIr rsaaetwlia,oHs en b rCeown.s e quetnlmyo,so tfF lusser's puabrleiG seihrnem odarH n ew brriOetnlwiy.n gs as mlaplre cenotfFa lgues asretriw'ceslr aeeus t hoirnEe ndg lTihssehc .o pe anidm protaonfFc leu srseesre'iasssr o gc rhet ahtiai ttus n thintkhahabitls e Herbeawn Gde rmwarni tsihnuoglfsdro l onrge mauinnt srlaanttoEe nd gliFslhu.s csoenrt'rsi tbouD teiaSoden Sasc rorlelsseAa proccahlt,yi pcism, anAdp oclaytLiict eriaistn uersbetl iJeme.ar usPaelprecesmvt eii psl eatsoe d havhea adh anidnt hpiusb liesnhdvieonarg. ThouFglhu swsreotre o fltieentsn hs Ee n glliasnhg uhaedg isedu, c ceed inp rodutcwivono gl uimnEe nsg lwiistthhh:h e e lopfh isst udRe.Sn tte ven Not,lh eewy roJteuess( hTeS agforem G ali4lteehde E.,e, r dm2a0n70s)a,;n d witthhh ee lopfh isst udentY ouBnrgha,edc oHl.l meocstotefh d iE sn glish artiicnJltueods a ainstdmh O er igoifC nhrsi sntyi(i teJarusaMlaegmnP:er se ss, 198782p,5p ) .. Myr eloantsihwiitpFh l uswsaoesn roe fa p uptiohl im se n.tE onrrolled asas tudientn htde e partomfJe enwtHi issht aottr hHyee berwU niveIr sity, Vll begtaosn t yuN dewT estamaenndt ECahrrliys twiiatFnhl iutsiysn1 e 9r6A 4t. thtaitm hee, owansl4 y6y eaorlsHd e.c ontitnoeu neldi gmheu tnettnih file nadla yosfh ilsi efvee,fon rm h ihso istpbaelad t Htahdea sUsnaihv ersity Medicali nJC eernuts.eP arrl eoesfmsFolru sdsieeordnS epte1m52b,0e 0r 0, hi8s3d br iryt.h da Fluswsaeosrn o eft hweo rllde'asdJ ienwgia suht hoornit thNieee ws TestamaenndEt ar lCyh riisttHyii.aps ni onereersienoagnr J cehsa unsd Chriisttyri'easln atitooJn usdhaiwipos nhm i mi nternraeotcginointailo n. Fluscsoeblrol'rasa wtiitohn RLoL.bi enerdybts,ge inniin1n 9g6r 1e,su ilnat ed neawp protaotc hSheny opGtoisclp ste,hae p proeasoucpsheb dyT hJee rusa leSmc hooofSl ny opRteisce a(wwwrc.hj gs).w,ohr iicsah n a ssocoifa tion JewainsCdhh risstcihaoTnlh aiursns i.q uee rcaotwoiapcosan p preedc ently byt htew eelsvyses( an icluodnibeny gF luesrp,sot shumloyuo)sfJ eussL'a st WeekJ:re usaSlutedmii ents hS eyn poitGco sp(edel.Rs. S N.o etylM,.T urnage anBd.B eckeLre;i dEe.JnB .:r i2l05l0),. Inmy j dugmednits,c sihpoluaelsssd tu hraaeltt l hu en publmiastheed rioafal p romitneeancth peurb liibsseo hfretedh epyu bltihseohiw rnr e serac.Th htee acwhoerrtk'a skp erse cedencdei socviWepirlt tehth' ihisnes. minIda ,p proaHcaThiase bd,ad rireocfMt aogrnP erset shspe,u bliasrhmi ng oft hHee rbeUwn ivteyar,bs oituhtpe o sblsiiiotfty r ansilnaEttnoig nltgih seh tw-oovlucmoel leocfFt liuosHnse ebrr'aesrw t itchMlaaetgs n Perser sesc ently hapdu bliTsomh yed de.l iHgahwita a,ss e nthusaibaotsuhttpei r co jaesIc t wa.sI tm yip sl eahseeurt rote h ahnikpm u bllyfiro fc cailitthaditisif nfigc ult anlde ngptorhejyc t. Evebne ftohrpeer eocjwta esn ivsioJneerdu,sP aeplreesvcmeth iamda de ane ffotroet x apnFdl usEsnegrl'bisis bhl iyo.Sg irna1cp9eh8w 9eh, a ve pub lismhoesdot fF lusEsnegrl'oisus thp utt;h eensaxoemt pel ".e s.T:o.B u ry CaiaphatsoP, r aHNiiosmte(" J eruPseaprlesecmt3 i3&v 3e4[ u Jl-.Otc1.9 ]9,1 2-382)a,n "dN ePwo rtorfSa ailto (mJee"r uPseaprlesecmt5 i5[v pAer- .Jun. 19]91,983-)T2.h easneFd l usostehrre'ersc aernlttei ascl hsaov bee epnu b lisehleedc traothn ti:tcww/pwa/l.eljyr usaleecmetp.ioevcmr/s.p Thpeu bliwsihseher xsrtp eots hse aiprp rectioSa etriRgouenz. Ie nr consulwtiattPhir eoosnfs Folrue srDs,r. zReucro lleacrtreadna,gn edd broutgoph rte tshste w vool umoefsF luspsuebrl'isHs ehberdaer wt icles. (hTep resveolnutmi es ttrhaen solfat thfiiero vsnolt u moeft hacto llec ti.oT)nh peub lisahrgeerr esai tnldyet bott hevedol umter'asn s,A lzaztaonr YadinA,s socPiraeotsfeso ofJr e wiSsthu daitRe utsg eUrnsie vrtsyMi.y thanakresetx endteod e tdhieta ongrdrs a pahritcoi fWs mt.sB .E erdmans PubliCsohmipnyagw,n hoh avgveie uns ap rodwuoctrtho yfF lussgs eer' ni.u s viii FilnlaIyw ,ou lldi tkose i cnertehlaytn hkde o nowrhsom adteh viols umpeo isbs(lesee Atchken eodwglmepnaetg)es,s c pieatlhley Bfrmaainlcyh. DAVIBDI VIN JreusaPleeprmesi cvte http;//jwewwr.upseasrlepecetmc.iovm/ Acknowlgmeednts Thpeu bliasrhdeee reygsp r lautle tfthfoelo lowdionngoT rhseg.ie rn eirtoys madteh peu bliocfat thviiolosun m peos sible. Stepahnedn BJreaannc h (nim emyoo rfB udyad nIdr Birsa )n ch PatrWiescBtir aa nch SteCvzeantr yJs,,ra .nJdu dCiztahr sty (nim emoorfMy r .a nMdr sA.la enxdBerra )n ch S. BrPa.n ch (imne moorfBy i btlrea nsWlialltioaarmnsB d et tSye dGauta,t leam)a Wm.S taannS du yzB ivSitne,av neJd u lBiiev, i n AndraenwMd a rgaBroseatn qQuueityn, c aJnoda nBnugere ss, AilstaaniNdri cMoolnat georPmyh,li lainpd LPiantdtai llo, ThomaansCd o leRtutmef PealutCl,l, a raincdef re JySe tfeen (nim emoorfGy r egSotreye n) DalLe.a nPda Btr oaJma,mH e.Cs h arolretsMhwa,r tEhaat on, RyaGnu sstoaKnfa,r Hianh Nna,n Ec.ya nVdni ceMn.Jt o hnsen, EdwainnHd e lPelnte ynW,ar reJPn.o r,Mt ietrcLh.Re ilglLg .Vsa s,q uez x IntroducQtuimorna:na ndt heE ssenes Thaer tiicntl hepesr e sceonltl eccotnisooifmns y st t udoife Dste haeSd e a Scroalp lusr,sI bu eigtwa hne tnh e swcerrfioerl dslitcss o vearnewddh ich contitnotu hedisas ay ,st hepiurb liccoantitoiTnnh uoeusg.h ofst ohmees e studiepsu bwleiyrseeha aergdsoI c ,h onsoett on eedlyeu spdsaltteh e.m I havsep atrherede admearnosyft hhey opthepsufetros w abryds omsec hol arpsr,i rmiableyc aIdu osn eow ti sthot apkaeir ntt h cer eaotfti ho"enp han tastmhssa"et e tmoh avsep rtoeludi mkues hroiontm hwsea koeft h"es hkoc indg"i svceoryd,ic soav etrhyaf tow,rh aterveseaorcn a,u ssoemspe e optol e throw ditsotc hwreie ntTdih.oas nta id,p uebvleircbyae it otif aow nor,t h whislteyu o dr- anpda rtair-cluyol fan eQwu mnrt aexrte,q uaiw rielsl ingnteors esae mxionuear s sumpatnidoo,nmn oser t haonn oec castio on, abandesotna bcloinscihleoudnTs sh.io sn gopirncoge isssr efleicntt ehde studgiaetshi entr hevidols u me. Mosstc horliagrihsdt elnyt Qiufym rtcahonem muwniittthyhE es senes, whoa rken owtnou sfo rmt hwer itoifJn ogsse pPhhuiasln,oPd ,l y it nhEel der. Iifnt heea rdlayyo sfQ umrsacnh olJaorssehspihhpelu dis g ohntt h sec rolls, todtahyre o laerrsee vearnstdeh sdec raoilidlni s n terpJroesteipInhntgu h se. couorfsi ene vstigiahtta imsoo,nr v eeobre,c oampaepr etnhtJa ots eipash us moraec cuwriattnete hsaPsnh iilnao lm la ttEesrsseO nfce o.u rtshee,r e are fcattsh nate itahuetrhm oern tiaonnddse ,t tahielmyse ntbiuotn stchreo lls paosvsei rns ileUnlcteiy.mh, ao tweeltvheerar,rne eo mta npyon itosfc ontra dictbiteowneJ eons epahcucsoa'un ntdth w er itoiftn hgsese ct. Thied entiofifct ahQteui mornca onm miutnwyi tthhE es sednoeess noatn swaelqrlu estIiitocs nl set.ah rna otat lt lhQ eum rawnr itairnsege sc - Xl taro rir aenfla es cpte ccailEfilsys seenbneis liAitfteya.rlt lhQ,eu marnc orpus contpaairontsfas lt lhb eoo kosft hBei belcxee tphtSe co rlolfE st(hhweirc h warsa artte htei )ma,en edv efanrg meonfBt esSn i (riSar a)wc,hh ovsiee w cerntlwayai ast o ddwsi tthh aotft hQeum racno mmuyn.Ti htiaspa prent discryem paaybn edc uteot hfeca tt htahtDe e aSde sae cltim,ka en yo fi ts contoermaprcioenss,i BdeeSnri erda o fpt ahbreit b lciacnaoIlnnl . i gohft thiiitsns ,e cestsoda irsyt ibntegwueiteshnshe e ctwarriitaainnn tdgh rsee st oft hQeu mrtaentx sO.n es chohlapasrr o poasnoe rdt hogcrraripithoeinc: thtahtse e ctwarriitaeinmn pglasuo nyui eqp lesnpee lBluiwtnh git.lh ehi ys pothecsainsnb oert ee jctoeudot fh antdh,ei rnseo r eatsooa ns sutmheaa t Qumrasnc rciobuenl odht a veem pyleotdh siepsl lwihnegcn o pynionng secttaertxisAa.nn o tdhiesrt ingcuriisthmeiarnybig eot nhs eep cisaolm,e whaatr tciilfiaaln guatghseeet caorfti etaxsnt ,h ouhgehrt eot oh dei stinc tiionsno atb solute. Theirnseo q uestthitaohtnwe h o(loear l mwohsotl sec)r tohlwaletsr e compobsyte hdQe u mrsaenc tairnicaltnuhWsdea e rS crtohlCelo ,m mutnyi Rul(leas coa ltlheMeda nuoafl s Dciinpeal)ni tdh Reu loef Ctohneg regation, thHeod aytohtTe,em plSec raonl4dlQ ,M M.TT hset aotftu hsDe a mascus Doucmeinmsto rceo mplisciantcweead ps,ui btl ibseohfretedh d eic sovery oft he sfcorrmao m lelidse vwailt npersess eirnv Cetadhi eGr eon iWzhaehn. thsec rwoelrlfiesr dsitcs oevretdh,ew reers ec howlhaorr esc oganc iozned nectbiteowne tehnDe a masDcocuusm eannttd h Qeu marnw ritSiinngcse. theann u,m boefir m protaDnatm asDcocuusm efnartg mefnortmQs u mran havbeee np ubli(sesehD eJdDX V III19,96 T)h.Qe u mrfaarng mepnrterssv ee ar eefretnoDc aem as(chtuesrp e.4, 4)t ,h ouigothc ciunarp sr oblesmeantic tentchesa epta kosf" tIhnet eropftr heLeta ewr whcoo mwteioD l alm ascus" (CD7 .198)N-.o1 wt,h Iene trproeft eLtrah iweas n i mportanwti tfihgiunr e thceo mmuynW.ie f truthfienrrd e ferteo"n tccheoe n voefIr strswa heoll e,ft the olfJaunddaa nhld i viend l tahnoedfD amas(cDCu 6s."a5 n)td,o" atlhle menw hoe ntetrheed c noeevnwa innt ltahnoedfD amas(cCu8Ds .1"a2 ,n d seael 1s0o. 11949.;2;3 .0 12)I.at p petahrestn,h, ta htIe n treertopeftr h Lea w camteoD amaswchuesar,n e e cwo evnawnates s tabalmiosnthghe odws heo leJftu daanh"d il viend thoefD almaansd"Tc humesa .titfseru rt hceorm pli catbeytd h feca tth tahtce o mmiutonyft hDea masDcouucsm edniftref wsi th regtaoir tdls a wasni dts sco isatlr ufcortmut rhseet riidceto alslot grtiuuccre oft hQeu mracno mmiutnrye,fl ecmtoircnelg eo lstyh dee scroipftt hieo n Essefnuoensid n J osepWhhuawsta .ts h feta eo ft hDeam ascgurso uWphy? did the Dlaamwas sDcoocufu smt ehmneet r wgietp ha rotfs the thReul e of CongregPaetrihtoahncpe?os m mtueynv ientsueatlntlelyae rdE stsheoenn e s thbea nsok ft hDee aSde tah,o ugh tuhnedurobedt lewbyies l clh owlhaor s xu