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Author Index A Abrahamsen, Peter et al.: Stochastic Models for Adewumi, M.A. and Tian, Shifeng: Multiphase Seismic Depth Conversion of Geological Hydrodynamic Model Predicts Important Aadnoy, B.S. and Ravnoy, J.M.: Improved Pres- Horizons, (Tech. Paper SPE 23138) OE Phenomena in Air-Drilling Hydraulics, (Tech. sure Drop-Flow Rate Equation for Non- Abu-Ali, M.A. et al.: Hydrocarbon Generation Paper SPE 21559) SPEDE June 91, 145-152 Newtonian Fluids in Laminar Flow, (Tech. and Migration in the Paleozoic System of Sau- Adewumi, M.A. and Supon, S.B.: An Ex- Paper SPE 23474) USMS di Arabia, (Tech. Paper SPE 21376) MEOS perimental Study of the Annulus Pressure Drop Aadnoy, B.S.: A New Method for Hydraulic Op- Abu-Elbashar, O.B. et al.: Effect of Stochastic in a Simulated Air-Drilling Operation, (Tech. timization, (Tech. Paper SPE 23473) USMS Faults on Reservoir Permeabilities in Presence Paper SPE 19334) SPEDE March 91, 74-80 Aardse, O.A. et al.: Performance Auditing Sys- of Stochastic Shales, (Tech. Paper SPE 21395) Adewumi, M.A. and Mucharam, Leksono: A tem for Drilling Units and Platforms, (Tech. MEOS Study of the Effect of Condensate Formation on Paper SPE 21899) DC Acock, A. and Vidick, B.: Minimizing Risks in Performance Production in Gas Pipeline Net- Aas, Bjarne et al.: Displacements in Eccentric High-Temperature/High-Pressure Cementing: work, (Tech. Paper SPE 21732) POS Annuli During Primary Cementing in Deviat- The Quality Assurance/Quality Control Ap- Adewumi, M.A. and Tian, Shifeng: Development ed Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 21686) POS proach, (Tech. Paper SPE 23074) OE of Hydrodynamic Model-Based Air Drilling De- Aasen, J.O. et al.: Stochastic Heterogeneity Acteson, W.H. et al.: A Fully Implicit Thermal sign Procedures, (Tech. Paper SPE 23426) Models of Thin, Laterally Continuous North Sea Wellbore Model for Multicomponent Fluid ERM Sandstones and Their Influence on Simulated Flows, (Transaction SPE 18777) SPERE Aug. Adeyemi-Wilson, O.A.: Effective Communica- Reservoir Performance, (Tech. Paper SPE 91, 303-310 tions System for a National Oil Spill Contin- 22696) FALL Acuna, J. and Yortsos, Y.C.: Numerical Con- gency Plan in Nigeria, (Tech. Paper SPE Aasum, Yngve et al.: An Application of Ge- struction and Flow Simulation in Networks of 23495) HSE ostatistics and Fractal Geometry for Reservoir Fractures Using Fractal Geometry, (Tech. Admire, C.A. et al.: The Effects of Microfrac- Characterization, (Transaction SPE 20257) Paper SPE 22703) FALL tures on Directional Permeability in Tight Gas SPEFE March 91, 11-19 Adair, Paul and Moore, P.C.: Dual Concentric Sands, (Tech. Paper SPE 21878) RMR Abass, H.H. et al.: Experimental and Theoreti- Gas-Lift Completion Design for the Thistle Adolph, R.A. et al.: A New Through-Tubing Oil- cal Investigation of Methane-Gas-Hydrate Dis- Field, (Transaction SPE 18391) SPEPE Feb. Saturation Measurement System, (Tech. Paper sociation in Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE 91, 102-108 SPE 21413) MEOS 18320) SPERE Feb. 91, 69-76 Adair, R.G. et al.: Active and Passive Seismic Advani, S.H. et al.: Authors’ Reply to Discus- Abass, H.H. et al.: Mathemaantd iExcpearimlen - Imaging of a Hydraulic Fracture in Diatomite, sion of Characteristic- Time Concept in Hydraul- tal Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in Shal- (Tech. Paper SPE 22756) FALL ic Fracture Configuration Evolution and low Coal Seams, (Tech. Paper SPE 23452) Adamache, Ion et al.: The Effect of Cyclic Flow Optimization, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE ERM Interruptions on the Performance of Vertically 23552) SPEPE Aug. 91, 332-333 Abbaszadeh, M.D.: Two-Phase Transient Test- Directed Miscible Floods, (Tech. Paper SPE Advani, S.H. et al.: Characteristic-Time Con- ing of Water Injection Wells in Layered Reser- 22935) FALL cept in Hydraulic Fracture Configuration Evo- voirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 22680) FALL Adams, A.J. and MacEachran, A.: Impact on lution and Optimization, (Tech. Paper SPE Abdou, M.K. et al.: Use of Orthogonal and Casing Design of Thermal Expansion of Fluids 19000) SPEPE Aug. 91, 323-330 Nonorthogonal Grids for the Simulation of a in Confined Annuli, (Tech. Paper SPE 21911) Agarwal, R.G. et al.: Pressure Transient Be- Faulted Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 21391) DC havior of Slanted Wells in Single and Multiple MEOS Adams, Adrian: How to Design for Annulus Layered Systems, (Tech. Paper SPE 22730) Abdulla, I.A. and Tosdevin, M.A.: The Role of Fluid Heat-Up, (Tech. Paper SPE 22871) FALL Reservoir Simulation in Identifying Secondary FALL Agarwal, R.K. et al.: Field-Scale Simulation of Development Prospects, (Tech. Paper SPE Adams, G.W. and Moffat, W.D.: Full-Signature Horizontal Wells With Hybrid Grids, (Tech. 21387) MEOS Multiple Channel Vertilog, (Tech. Paper SPE Paper SPE 21218) RS Abdullah, Haron and Rahman, M.N.A.: Noise 22101) IATC Agca, Cuneyt and Memioglu, Erol: Development Survey in Offshore Operations, (Tech. Paper Adams, J.B. et al.: The Loop Current of a Low-Permeability Gas Reservoir, SPE 23201) HSE Experience—Ewing Bank 871, (Tech. Paper Hamitabat Field, Turkey, (Tech. Paper SPE Abed, A.-F. A.-R. and Mitri, K.T.: Tight Car- SPE 23478) USMS 21504) GTS bonate Intervals: Vertical Permeability and Adams, N.J. and Kuhlman, L.G.: Shallow Gas Aguilera, Roberto and Ng, M.C.: Transient Threshold Pressure Estimation Models, (Tech. Blowout Kill Operations, (Tech. Paper SPE Pressure Analysis of Horizontal Wells in Paper SPE 17947) SPEFE Dec. 91, 519-526 21455) MEOS Anisotropic Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, Abernathy, L.M. and Hinkel, R.M.: Operator Adams, N.J. and Kato, S.: Quantitative Assess- (Tech. Paper SPE 19002) SPEFE March 91, Management of a Comprehensive Drilling Safe- ment of Blowout Data as it Relates to Pollu- 95-100 ty Program With Participation of All Contrac- tion Potential, (Tech. Paper SPE 23289) HSE Aguilera, Roberto and Ng, M.C.: Testing of tors, (Tech. Paper SPE 21898) DC Adams, S.J.: Gas Saturation Monitoring in North Horizontal Gas Wells in Anisotropic Naturally Abib, Osmar et al.: Application of Geological Oman Reservoir Using a Borehole Gravimeter, Fractured Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 22674) Modeling and Reservoir Simulation to the West (Tech. Paper SPE 21414) MEOS FALL Saertu Area of the Daqing Oil Field, (Trans- Adamson, G.R. et al.: Design and Implementa- Roberto and Ng, M.C.: Decline Curve action SPE 17560) SPERE Feb. 91, 99-106 tion of World’s First Arctic Offshore Water- Analysis of Hydraulically Fractured Wells in flood, Endicott Field, Alaska, (Tech. Paper SPE Dual-Porosity Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE Abou-Sayed, A.S. et al.: Resource Description 21760) WRM 22938) FALL and Development Potential of the Ugnu Reser- voir, North Slope, Alaska, (Tech. Paper SPE Adegbesan, K.O.: A Successful History Match Ahmed, Tarek: A Practical Equation of State, 21779) WRM of a Thermal Horizontal Well Pilot, (Tech. (Transaction SPE 18532) SPERE Feb. 91, Abou-Sayed, I.S. et al.: Evaluation of Closed Paper SPE 21539) TOS 137-146 Fracture Acidizing Performed in a Tight Lime- Adegbesan, K.O. et al.: Performance of a Ther- Ahmed, Tarek: Supplement to SPE 18532, A stone Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 21440) mal Horizontal Well Pilot, (Tech. Paper SPE Practical Equation of State, (Tech. Paper SPE MEOS 22892) FALL 22219) USMS Alexander-Anbarci Alexander, R.A.: Environmental Method Con- Semicontinuous Thermodynamics, (Tech. Paper Allen Il, J.M.: Electronic Gas Measurement trols Corrosion/Cracking in Mobile Bay, (Tech. SPE 21426) MEOS Deployment/Development Considerations, Paper SPE 17900) JPT Jan. 90, 62-66 Al-Majed, A.A. and Dougherty, E.L.: A Varia- (Tech. Paper SPE 21679) POS Ahmed, Usman et al.: Enhanced In-Situ Stress ble Cell Model for Simulating Gas Condensate Allen, D.F. et al.: Real-Time Formation Analysis Profiling With Microfracture, Core, and Sonic- Reservoir Performance, (Tech. Paper SPE Can Help Drilling Decisions, (Tech. Paper SPE Logging Data, (Tech. Paper SPE 19004) 21428) MEOS 21914) DC SPEFE June 91, 243-251 Al-Muallem, A.S. et al.: Evaluation of Closed Allen, D.F. et al.: The Principle of a Critical In- Ahmed, Usman et al.: Permeability Estimation: Fracture Acidizing Performed in a Tight Lime- vasion Rate and Its Implications for Log In- The Various Sources and Their Interrelation- stone Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 21440) terpretation, (Tech. Paper SPE 22539) FALL ships, (Transaction SPE 1960JP4T )Ma y 91, MEOS Allen, D.W. et al.: Single Stack Wellhead Sys- 578-587 Al-Nusimi, H.R. and Murti, D.G.K.: Renovate tem for Jackup Drilling Rig, (Tech. Paper SPE Ahmed, Usman et al.: Real-Time Formation Produced Water Treating Facilities to Handle 23054) OE Analysis Can Help Drilling Decisions, (Tech. Increased Water Cuts, (Tech. Paper SPE Alley, S.D. and Sutherland, G.B.: The Use of Paper SPE 21914) DC 22831) FALL Real-Time Downhole Shock Measurements To Ahmed, Usman et al.: Horizontal Wells: Con- Al-Sabti, H.M.: Lithology Determination from Improve BHA Component Reliability, (Tech. cepts in Reservoir Evaluation, (Tech. Paper Well Logs in Carbonate and Clastic Reservoirs, Paper SPE 22537) FALL SPE 21837) RMR Saudi Arabia, (Tech. Paper SPE 21457) MEOS Alliez, Jacques et al.: Reservoir Fluid Charac- Ahmed, Usman et al.: An Advanceadnd Integrat- Al-Tamimi, Y.K. and Fada’q, A.S.: Horizon- terization Using Ultrasonic Velocity, (Tech. ed Approach to Coal Formation Evaluation, tal Drilling Vs. Acid Fracturing: A Review of Paper SPE 22862) FALL (Tech. Paper SPE 22736) FALL Results in the Upper Zakum Field, (Tech. Paper Allison, M.F.: The Value of Reservoir Test Sys- Ahmed, Usman: Horizontal Wells Completion SPE 21382) MEOS tems (Exploratory Phase) in High-Cost Offshore Recommendations Through Optimized Forma- Al-Towailib, H.S. and Liu, J.S.: The Applica- Areas, (Tech. Paper SPE 22773) FALL tion Evaluation, (Tech. Paper SPE 22992) APC tion of Local Grid Refinement to Simulate a Almond, S.W. et al.: Small-Particle-Size Ce- Ajienka, J.A. and Ikoku, C.U.: The Effect of Large Hydrocarbon Reservoir as an Alternate ment, (Tech. Paper SPE 20038) SPEPE May Temperature on the Rheology of Waxy Crude to a Two-Model Approach, (Tech. Paper SPE 91, 213-216 Oils, (Tech. Paper SPE 23605) USMS 21392) MEOS Almond, S.W. et al.: Keys to a Successful Ce- Al Rumhy, M.H. et al.: A Synergistic Approach Al-Yousef, H.Y. et al.: The Effect of Multiple ment Job for a Horizontal Liner on Statfjord to Characterization of Reservoir Permeability: Hydraulic Fractures on the Performance of Gas A Platform, Well A-37A: A Case History, A Conditional Kriging Method, (Tech. Paper Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 23591) USMS (Tech. Paper SPE 21970) DC SPE 21446) MEOS Alabert, F.G. and Corre, Bernard: Heterogeneity Almond, S.W. et al.: Return Fluid Analysis From Al-Adawy, M.S. and Nandyal, M.: Status and in a Complex Turbiditic Reservoir: Impact on the Sadlerochit Formation, Prudhoe Bay, Alas- Scope for EOR Development in Oman, (Tech. Field Development, (Tech. Paper SPE 22902) ka: A Laboratory Study—Part 2, (Tech. Paper Paper SPE 21407) MEOS FALL SPE 22079) IATC Al-Aqueeli, A.S. et al.: Use of Orthogonal and Aldrich, C. et al.: The Degradati of Ti Almquist, S.G. and Clark, R.K.: Evaluation of Nonorthogonal Grids for the Simulation of a Drill Pipe From Corrosion and Wear in a Drill- Spotting Fluids in a Full-Scale Differential Pres- Faulted Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 21391) ing Environment, (Tech. Paper SPE 23532) sure Sticking Apparatus, (Tech. Paper SPE MEOS USMS 22550) FALL Al-Arfaj, A.A. et al.: Characterization of Tar Alegre, Lideniro: Potential Applications for Ar- Alves, I.N. et al.: Modeling Annular Flow Be- From a Carbonate Reservoir in Saudi Arabia— tificial Intelligence in the Petroleum Industry, havior for Gas Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 20384) Part I: Chemical Aspect, (Tech. Paper SPE SPEPE Nov. 91, 435-440 (Tech. Paper SPE 21138) JPT Nov. 91, 21004) OCS 1306-1309 Alvestad, J. et al.: Physical Modelling of Con- Al-Asbahi, A.M.S. et al.: Assessment of Halite- ing by a Horizontal Well: Experimental and Alford, J.T.: Zero Discharge Design Consider- Cemented Reservoir Zones, (Tech. Paper SPE Theoretical Results, (Tech. Paper SPE 21655) ations for Jackup Drilling Rigs, (Tech. Paper 19603) JPT May 91, 518-523 POS SPE 23363) FALL Al-Askar, Y.A. et al.: Monitoring Sweep in a Ambrose, R.W. et al.: Authors’ Reply to Dis- Alford, S.E.: North Sea Field Application of an Peripheral Waterflood: A Case History, (Tech. cussion of A Modern Approach to Reservoir Environmentally Responsible Water-Base Shale Paper SPE 21372) MEOS Testing, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE 22327) Al-Haddad, S.M. and Crafton, J.W.: Produc- SDtCa bilizing System, (Tech. Paper SPE 21936) JPT April 91, 484 tivity of Horizontal Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE Ameri, Samuel et al.: Pressure Analysis of an 21868) RMR Alfstad, O. et al.: SVORRE Field TLP Rigid Riser Unstimulated Horizontal Well With Type AlH-yHdarsahuilmi,c FHr.aSct.u reets alo.n: tTheh eP eErfffoecrtm aonfc eM ulotfi Gpalse SOyEs tem: An Overview, (Tech. Paper SPE 23086) 9C1u,r ve9s8,8 -9(9Te3c h. Paper SPE 19343) JPT Aug. Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 23591) USMS Alhamadah, A.M. et al.: OILMUD: A Aminian, Khashayar et al.: Pressure Analysis Al-Husaini, A.H. et al.: Characterization of Tar Microcomputer Program for Predicting Oil- of an Unstimulated Horizontal Well With Type From a Carbonate Reservoir in Saudi Arabia— Based Mud Densities and Static Pressures, Curves, (Tech. Paper SPE 19343) JPT Aug. Part I: Chemical Aspect, (Tech. Paper SPE (Tech. Paper SPE 20391) SPEDE March 91, 91, 988-993 57-59 21004) OCS Aminian, Khashayar et al.: Pre- and Post- Al-Khalifa, A.J. et al.: The Relation Between Ali, Aziz et al.: A Practical Approach for Prevent- Stimulation Well Test Data Analysis From Wellblock and Wellbore Pressures in Numeri- ing Lost Circulation in Severely Depleted Un- Horizontal Wells in the Devonian Shale, (Tech. cal Simulation of Horizontal Wells, (Tech. consolidated Sandst Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 23449) ERM Paper SPE 21917) DC Paper SPE 20161) SPERE Aug. 91, 324-328 Ammer, J.R. et al.: Modeling the Performance Al-Khalifa, A.J. et al.: Supplement to SPE Ali, Nazir and Lantz, J.R.: Development of aM a- of Horizontal Injection Wells in Carbon Diox- 20161, The Relation Between Wellblock and ture Giant Offshore Oil Field, (Tech. Paper SPE ide Miscible Displacement Processes, (Tech. Wellbore Pressure in Numerical Simulation of 20832) JPT April 91, 392. Paper SPE 21220) RS Horizontal Wells—General Formulas for Ar- Ali, Nazir et al.: Injection-Above-Parting- Amoto, F.S. et al.: Facilities Design Focus for bitrary Well Locations in Grids, (Tech. Paper Pressure Waterflood Pilot, Valhall Field, Nor- Health, Safety, and Environment Compliance SPE 23525) USMS way, (Tech. Paper SPE 22893) FALL and Compliance Monitoring, (Tech. Paper SPE Al-Khamees, M.A. and Sizer, J.P.: Integrated Alixant, Jean-Louis and Desbrandes, Robert: Ex- 23270) HSE Mainframe/PC Approach for Well-Data- plicit Pore-Pressure Evaluation: Concept and Amran, N.C.: Optimum Use of Computing Tech- Acquisition Selection, (Tech. Paper SPE 22288) Application, (Tech. Paper SPE 19336) SPEDE nology in Petroleum Operations, (Tech. Paper JPT Nov. 91, 1364-1367 Sept. 91, 182-188 SPE 23022) APC Al-Mahroos, F.M. and Wolff, Martin: Charac- Aljawad, M.S. et al.: Compressibility of Natur- Anbarci, Kemal and Ertekin, Turgay: A Simpli- terization of Bahrain Field Oil and Gas Using al Gases, (Tech. Paper SPE 22234) USMS fied Approach for In-Situ Characterization of 2 Anbouba-Azari Desorption Properties of Coal Seams, (Tech. Arima, E. and Hirokawa, S.: Field Performance Auflick, R.A. et al.: A Task Force Approach To Paper SPE 21808) RMR of a Horizontal Weill, (Tech. Paper SPE 21381) Reducing Stuck Pipe Costs, (Tech. Paper SPE MEOS 21999) DC Anbouba, I.K.A. et al.: Coalbed-Methane Production Potential of the Rock Springs For- Arima, Etsuro et al.: Well Test Analysis of Two Ault, M.G. and Brannon, H.D.: New Delayed, mation, Great Divide Basin, Sweetwater Khafji Horizontal Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE Borate Crosslinked Fluid Provides Improved County, Wyoming, (Tech. Paper SPE 21487) 21424) MEOS Fracture Conductivity in High-TemperaturAep - GTS Arirachakaran, Srihasak et al.: Complete Mul- plications, (Tech. Paper SPE 22838) FALL Andersen, P.M. and Jorgensen, L.N.: Integrated tiplatform Networking Integration in a Petrole- Auzerais, F.M. et al.: Computed Tomography Study of the Kraka Field, (Tech. Paper SPE um Research Environment, (Tech. Paper SPE for the Quantitative Characterization of Flow 23082) OE 22299) PCC Through a Porous Medium, (Tech. Paper SPE Anderson, D.A. and Sharpe, H.N.: Orthogonal Arirachakaran, Srihasak et al.: Intelligent Utili- 22595) FALL Curvilinear Grid Generation With Preset Inter- zation of a Unified Flow Pattern Prediction Avasthi, J.M. et al.: Authors’ Reply to Discus- nal Boundaries for Reservoir Simulation, (Tech. Model in Production System Optimization, sion of Characteristic-Time Concept in Hydraul- Paper SPE 21235) RS (Tech. Paper SPE 22869) FALL ic Fracture Configuration Evolution and Anderson, J.S.: Pressure Mapping as an Aid to Armstrong, K.E.: Environmental Guidelines for Optimization, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE Understanding Reservoir Drainage, (Tech. Worldwide Exploration and Production Activi- 23552) SPEPE Aug. 91, 332-333 Paper SPE 22962) APC ties: Do They Make Sense?, (Tech. Paper SPE Avasthi, J.M. et al.: Characteristic-Time Con- Anderson, Mary S.: Reactivity of San Andres 23319) HSE cept in Hydraulic Fracture Configuration Evo- Dolomite, (Tech. Paper SPE 20115) SPEPE lution and Optimization, (Tech. Paper SPE May 91, 227-232 Arnold, F.C. and Kashikar, S.V.: Determina- 19000) SPEPE Aug. 91, 323-330 tion of Formation Temperature From Flow Andrade, M.C.: Investment Analysis in High In- Tests: A New Solution, (Tech. Paper SPE Avasthi, J.M. et al.: In-Situ Stress Evaluation flation Scenario, (Tech. Paper SPE 22033) 21707) POS in the McElroy Field, West Texas, (Transac- HEES tion SPE 20105) SPEFE Sept. 91, 301-309 Arnold, M.S. et al.: How a Computerized Drill- Andress, Randall et al.: Improved Fracturing ing System Has Improved Drilling Performance, Aven, Terje: Safety Acceptance Criteria for Techniques Increase Productivity in the AWP (Tech. Paper SPE 21925) DC Oil/Gas Production Systems, (Tech. Paper SPE (Olmos) Field, (Tech. Paper SPE 21646) POS 23276) HSE Arrocha, Alfonso et al.: Baseline Air Quality Angell, V.W. et al.: Case History: Ice Island Evaluation for the Venezuelan Orinoco Bitumen Ayan, Cosan et al.: Non-Darcy Flow Behavior Drilling Application and Well Considerations Belt, (Tech. Paper SPE 23326) HSE in Partially Penetrating Gas Wells, (Tech. in Alaskan Beaufort Sea, (Tech. Paper SPE Paper SPE 21401) MEOS 19947) SPEDE March 91, 60-64 Arshad, A.M. et al.: Effect of Pressure Drop Ayan, Cosan and Karakas, Metin: Productivity Along Horizontal Wellbores on Well Perfor- Angeltvedt, Olaf et al.: World Record in and Coning Behavior of Phased Horizontal mance, (Tech. Paper SPE 23094) OE Extended-Reach Drilling, Well 33/9: C10 Statf- Completions, (Tech. Paper SPE 22928) FALL jord Field, Norway, (Tech. Paper SPE 21984) Asahi, Hitoshi et al.: Development of Sour Serv- Ayers Jr., W.B. and Kaiser, W.R.: Geologic and DC ice Drillstring With 110 ksi Yield Strength, Hydrologic Characterization of Coalbed Angert, P.F. et al.: Determining Effective Residu- (Tech. Paper SPE 22004) DC Methane Reservoirs, Fruitland Formation, San al Oil Saturation for Mixed Wettability Reser- Asar, H.K. et al.: Characterization of Tar From Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, (Tech. voirs, Endicott Field, Alaska, (Tech. Paper SPE a Carbonate Reservoir in Saudi Arabia—Part Paper SPE 23458) ERM 22903) FALL I: Chemical Aspect, (Tech. Paper SPE 21004) Ayestaran, L.C. et al.: Interpretation of a Pulse Anhaiser, J.L. et al.: Maximizing Gas Recov- Oocs Test in a Layered Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE ery From Strong-Waterdrive Reservoirs, (Tech. Asbill, W.T. et al.: Joint Industry Qualification 21337) SPEFE Dec. 91, 453-462 Paper SPE 21486) GTS Test Program for High-Clearance Casing Con- Ayestaran, L.C. and Tariq, S.M.: Analyses and Anselmi, A.E. et al.: An Oil Spill Fate Model nections, (Tech. Paper SPE 21908) DC Applications of Pressure, Flow Rate, and Tem- Including Sinking Effect, (Tech. Paper SPE Ashford, Ronald: Charter and Corporate Avia- perature Measurements During a Perforating 23371) HSE tion Safety, (Tech. Paper SPE 23309) HSE Run, (Tech. Paper SPE 15475) SPEPE Feb. 91, Antia, D.D.J.: Risk Analysis Implications for Asini, M.I.: Safety in Waterborne Operations in 83-92 U.K. North Sea Exploration and Development, Nigeria, (Tech. Paper SPE 23231) HSE Ayestaran, Luis eta l.: Characterization of Paleo- (Tech. Paper SPE 22031) HEES Channel Reservoir Block Using Logs and a Arfcohremra,n cGe. L.o f eLti nale.r: AHna nAgsesre ssBmeeanritn gos,f th(eT ePcehr.- AsElpxohypaseh rfaionerin c,Heo ,t, A. (ID.Te reaeptn, sa al.Sc:ot uiCroo nr WreSolslPsiE:o n-P1rR9oe1ps8ei4rs)tt iaSenPst E aPAnlEd- L2a14y4e5r)e d MEReOsSer voir Test, (Tech. Paper SPE Paper SPE 22572) FALL Nov. 91, 459-464 Ayoub, J.A. et al.: Systematic and Simple Data Archer, J.S. et al.: A Software Technique for Collection Program Improves Hydraulic Frac- Flow-Rate Measurement in Horizontal Two- Atkinson, Gordon et al.: The Thermodynamics turing, (Tech. Paper SPE 23437) ERM of ‘Scale’ Prediction, (Tech. Paper SPE 21021) Phase Flow, (Transaction SPE 19510) SPEPE Ocs Azambre, Jacques: Accident Analysis—A Tool Aug. 91, 265-270 for Safety Management, (Tech. Paper SPE Archer, J.S. et al.: Effect of Stochastic Faults Attard, Marcel: The Occurrence of Annulus 23218) HSE Pressures in the North West Hutton Field: on Reservoir Permeabilities in Presence of Azar, J.J. et al.: Correlations of Mud Rheologi- Problems and Solutions, (Tech. Paper SPE Stochastic Shales, (Tech. Paper SPE 21395) cal Properties With Cuttings-Transport Perfor- 23136) OE MEOS mance in Directional Drilling, (Transaction Archer, J.S. et al.: A Synergistic Approach to Aud, W.W. et al.: Acid Refracturing Program SPE 19535) SPEDE March 91, 16-24 Characterization of Reservoir Permeability: A Increases Reserves, Cottonwood Creek Unit, Azar, J.J. and Larson, P.A.: Three-Dimensional, Conditional Kriging Method, (Tech. Paper SPE Washakie County, Wyoming, (Tech. Paper SPE Quasi-Static, Drill Ahead BHA Model for Well- 21446) MEOS 21821) RMR bore Trajectory Prediction and Control, (Tech. Archer, J.S. et al.: Effect of Pressure Drop Along Audibert, Annie and Lecourtier, Jacqueline: Paper SPE 23530) USMS Horizontal Wellbores on Well Performance, Compatibility of Hydrosoluble Polymers With Azari, Mehdi: Discussion of Using Finite-System (Tech. Paper SPE 23094) OE Corrodible Materials, (Tech. Paper SPE 21026) Buildup Analysis To Investigate Fractured, Archer, J.S. and Jing, X.D.: Improved Oocs Vugular, Stimulated, and Horizontal Wells, Hydrocarbon in Place Determinations of Sha- Audibert, Serge et al.: Accurate Prediction of (Tech. Paper, Discussion SPE 22059) JPT Jan. ly Rocks From Laboratory Electrical Resistivity Compressibility Factors by the GERG Virial 91, 103-104 Measurements at Reservoir Conditions, (Tech. Equation, (Tech. Paper SPE 17766) SPEPE Azari, Mehdi and Wooden, William: Discussion Paper SPE 23103) OE Aug. 91, 343-349 of Case Study of a Stimulation Experiment in Argent, C.J. et al.: A Total System Approach to Audibert, Serge et al.: Simplified GERG Virial a Fluvial, Tight-Sandstone Gas Reservoir, Sweet Gas Corrosion Control by Inhibition, Equation for Field Use, (Tech. Paper SPE (Tech. Paper, Discussion SPE 23475) SPEPE (Tech. Paper SPE 23153) OE 17767) SPEPE Aug. 91, 350-355 Aug. 91, 358-359 3 Azari-Beardmore Azari, Mehdi et al.: Performance Prediction for Damage and Recovery, (Tech. Paper SPE Barnett, W.C. et al.: Stratigraphic Control and Finite-Conductivity Vertical Fractures, (Tech. 23331) HSE Formation Evaluation of Horizontal Wells Us- Paper SPE 22659) FALL Baker, P.L.: Fluid, Lithology, Geometry, and ing MWD, (Tech. Paper SPE 22538) FALL Aziz, K. and Dutra, T.V.: A New Double- Permeability Information From Ground Barnett, W.C. and Meyer, W.H.: Radial Porosity Reservoir Model for Oil/Water Flow Penetrating Radar for Some Petroleum Indus- Response of a 2 MHz MWD Propagation Problems, (Tech. Paper SPE 21248) RS try Applications, (Tech. Paper SPE 22976) APC Resistivity Sensor, (Tech. Paper SPE 22706) Aziz, K. et al.: Use and Misuse of Local Grid Baker, R.J.: Improved Heave Compensation, FALL Refinement, (Tech. Paper SPE 21234) RS (Tech. Paper SPE 21961) DC Barree, R.D.: A New Look at Fracture-Tip Aziz, Khalid et al.: The Grid Orientation Effect Bakken, Hilde et al.: The Effect of Capillary Screenout Behavior, (Transaction SPE 18955) in Reservoir Simulation, (Tech. Paper SPE Forces in Heterogeneous ‘Flow-Units’: A JPT Feb. 91, 138-143 21228) RS Streamline Approach, (Tech. Paper SPE 22588) Barry, T.S. et al.: Offshore Coiled Tubing Ce- Aziz,-Khalid and Nacul, E.C.: Use of Irregular FALL ment Squeezes: Forties Field, (Tech. Paper SPE Grid in Reservoir Simulation, (Tech. Paper SPE Bala, G.A. et al.: Surfactant Based Enhanced Oil 23144) OE 22886) FALL Recovery Mediated by Naturally Occurring Bartel, R.P. et al.: A True Multiple Depth of In- Aziz, Khalid and Palagi, C.L.: Use of Voronoi Microorganisms, (Tech. Paper SPE 22844) vestigation Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity Grid in Reservoir Simulation, (Tech. Paper SPE FALL Sensor: Theory, Experiment, and Prototype 22889) FALL Baldwin, J.L.: Using a Simulated Bidirectional Field Test Results, (Tech. Paper SPE 22705) Aziz, Khalid et al.: Modeling Geological Het- Associative Neural Network Memory With In- FALL erogeneities and Its Impact on Flow Simulation, complete Prototype Memories to Identify Fa- Barthel, R.: The Effect of Large Scale Heter- (Tech. Paper SPE 22695) FALL cies From Intermittent Logging Data Acquired ogeneities on the Performance of Waterdrive Aziz, Khaalndi Padlag i, CesA Daualr Tim:este p- in a Siliciclastic Depositional Sequence: A Case Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 22697) FALL ping Technique for Modeling Tracer Flow, Study, (Tech. Paper SPE 22843) FALL Bartlett, L.E. et al.: Activities of the API Com- (Tech. Paper SPE 24220) USMS Baldwin, J.O. and Wilcox, G.G.: PC Based mittee on Standardization of Tubular Goods, Quick Look Graphical Post Processing in (Tech. Paper SPE 20814) SPEDE Sept. 91, Reservoir Simulation for Thermal Recovery, 215-218 Baack, W.L. et al.: Injection-Above-Parting- (Tech. Paper SPE 22310) PCC Barton, M.D. et al.: Outcrop Characterization Pressure Waterflood Pilot, Valhall Field, Nor- Ballin, Paulo et al.: Modeling Geological Het- of Flow-Unit and Seal Properties and Geome- way, (Tech. Paper SPE 22893) FALL erogeneities and Its Impact on Flow Simulation, tries, Ferron Sandstone, Utah, (Tech. Paper (Tech. Paper SPE 22695) FALL SPE 22670) FALL Baardsen, Oyvino and Hansen, Hans: The Safe Use of Work Boat for In-Sea Equipment Main- Bandiziol, Danilo and Massonnat, G.J.: Inter- Barua, Santanu: Computation of Heat Transfer tenance in Marine Seismic Operations, (Tech. dependence Between Geology and Well Test In- in Wellbores With Single and Dual Completions, Paper SPE 23230) HSE terpretation, (Tech. Paper SPE 22740) FALL (Tech. Paper SPE 22868) FALL Babu, D.K. et al.: The Relation Between Well- Bangia, V.K. et al.: Reservoir Performance of Bassiouni, Zaki et al.: Oil Well Coning Control block and Wellbore Pressures in Numerical a Gravity Stable Vertical CO, Miscible Flood: Using Dual Completion With Tailpipe Water Simulation of Horizontal Wells, (Tech. Paper Wolfcamp Reef Reservoir, Wellman Unit, Sink, (Tech. Paper SPE 21654) POS SPE 20161) SPERE Aug. 91, 324-328 (Tech. Paper SPE 22898) FALL Bassiouni, Zaki et al.: Flowline Storage Effect Babu, D.K. and Odeh, A.S.: Authors’ Reply to Banon, H. et al.: Reliability Considerations in on Wireline Formation Tester, (Tech. Paper Discussion of Productivity of a Horizontal Well, Design of Steel and CRA Tubing Strings, (Tech. SPE 22753) FALL (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE 21623) SPERE Paper SPE 23483) HSE Bastian, P.A. and Sherman, J.B.: Analysis ofa Feb. 91, 148 Barakat, H. and Johnson, J.D.: East Zeit Field Hydraulically Fractured, Low-Permeability Gas Babu, D.K. and Odeh, A.S.: Authors’ Reply to Reservoir Management, (Tech. Paper SPE Reservoir Using Numerical Simulation, (Tech. Further Discussion of Productivity of a Horizon- 21353) MEOS Paper SPE 21511) GTS tal Well, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE 21624) Barber, D.G. et al.: Waste Management Model- Bastian, P.A. et al.: Interactive Reservoir Simu- SPERE Feb. 91, 151-152 ing Using Reservoir Characterization Tech- lation, (Tech. Paper SPE 22309) PCC Babu, D.K. et ai.: Supplement to SPE 20161, niques, (Tech. Paper SPE 22883) FALL Batchelor, A.S. et al.: Assessment of the Mechan- The Relation Between Wellblock and Wellbore Barber, T.D. and Rosthal, R.A.: Using a Multi- ical Stability of High-Angle Wells in Block Pressure in Numerical Simulation of Horizon- array Induction Tool To Achieve High- 22/11, Nelson Field Discovery, (Tech. Paper tal Wells—General Formulas for Arbitrary Weil Resolution Logs With Minimum Environmental SPE 19240) SPEDE March 91, 25-30 LUoScMatSi ons in Grids, (Tech. Paper SPE 23525) Effect, (Tech. Paper SPE 22725) FALL Baugh, B.F. and Pennell, R.G.: Theory, Histo- Baret, J.F. et al.: Downhole Fluid Loss Meas- ry, and Results of Sealants for Subsea Service, Bacon, R.M. et al.: Reservoir/Well Repair and urements From Drilling Fluid and Cement Slur- (Tech. Paper SPE 20857) SPEPE Aug. 91, Environmental Impact Management of Cold ries, (Tech. Paper SPE 22552) FALL 277-282 Lake C7-13 Surface Discharge, (Tech. Paper SPE 21521) TOS Barker, J.W. and Day, R.M.: Operational Baviere, Marc et al.: Sulfonate Retention by Aspects of Mooring a Drilling Vessel in Water Kaolinite at High pH—Effect of Inorganic An- Badour, Denis et al.: Innovative Technologies Depths of 4,200 to 4,700 ft, (Transaction SPE ions, (Tech. Paper SPE 21031) OCS Reduce Cost of Offshore Marginal Field De- velopments in Northwestern Europe, (Tech. 22772) JPT Sept. 91, 1120-1125 Bazin, Brigitte and Labrid, Jean: Jon Exchange Paper SPE 22028) HEES Barker, J.W. et al.: The Guolf Mfexi co Loop and Dissoluti: /FPfr ecipIpi ion Modeling: Appli- Current and Deepwater Drilling, (Transaction cation to the Injection of Aqueous Fluids Into Baijal, S.K. et al.: A Practical Approach To Pre- SPE 20434) JPT Sept. 91, 1046. a Reservoir Sandstone, (Transaction SPE vent Formation Damage by High-Density Brines During the Completion Process, (Tech. Paper Barkve, Tor: Generation of Pseudo Data for 18464) SPERE May 91, 233-238 SPE 21674) POS Dual-Porosity Simulation, (Tech. Paper SPE Bea, R.G.: Offshore Platform Reliability Accep- Bailey, M.C. and Minton, R.C.: An Assessment 22531) USMS tance Criteria, (Tech. Paper SPE 20843) of Surface Mud System Design Options for Barley, J.J. et al.: 3D Simulation of Viscous Fin- SPEDE Sune 91, 131-137 Minimising the Health, Safety, and Environmen- gering and WAG Schemes, (Tech. Paper SPE Beal, K.P. and Strome, R.K.: Heavy Oil Dehy tal Impact Concerns Associated With Drilling 21238) RS Facility Retrofitted With Computer Monitoring, Fluids, (Tech. Paper SPE 23362) HSE Barnes, J.A. et al.: Single-Trip Tubing-Conveyed (Tech. Paper SPE 21535) TOS Baker, A.C. and Entress, J.H.: The VASPS Sub- Perforating, Production Testing, and Pressure- Beall, J.E. and Horler Sr., C.L.: Case History: sea Separation and Pumping System Applied to Buildup Testing in Nonflowing Wells, (Tech. A Shallow Gas Blowout Offshore Korea— Marginal Field Developments, (Tech. Paper Paper SPE 18841) SPEPE May 91, 199-203 Another Data Point in Industry’s Learning SPE 23049) OE Barnes, L.B. et al.: An Effective Corporate Drug Curve, (Tech. Paper SPE 21994) DC Baker, K.A.: The Effects of the Lodgepole Sour and Alcohol Program, (Tech. Paper SPE Beardmore Jr., J.E. et al.: Three New Systems Gas Well Blowout on Coniferous Tree Growth: 23213) HSE Which Prevent Firing of Perforating Guns and Beasley-Bisset String Shots on or Near the Surface, (Tech. quirement for Successful Cementing Operations, portation Systems, (Tech. Paper SPE 17864) Paper SPE 22556) FALL (Tech. Paper SPE 22774) FALL SPEPE May 91, 166-170 Beasley, J.C. and Gaudin, D.B.: A Comparison Beliveau, Dennis ef al.: Analysis of the Water- Berry, J.F. et al.: In-Situ Saturation Measure- of MWD and Wireline Steering Tool Guidance flood Response of a Naturally Fractured Reser- ments Improve Analysis and Interpretation of Systems in Horizontal Drilling, (Tech. Paper voir, (Tech. Paper SPE 22946) FALL Laboratory Miscible and Immiscible Displace- SPE 22536) FALL Beliveau, Dennis and Payne, D.A.: Analysis of ment Processes, (Tech. Paper SPE 20056) Beattie, C.I. et al.: Reservoir Simulation of Cy- a Tertiary CO, Flood Pilot in a Naturally SPERE Nov. 91, 429-436 clic Steam Stimulation in the Cold Lake Oil Fractured Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 22947) Berry, P.J. et al.: Modeling the Vertical Con- Sands, (Transaction SPE 18752) SPERE May FALL finement of Injection-Well Thermal Fractures, 91, 200-206 Bellinger, C.E.: Horizontal Well in the Devoni- (Transaction SPE 20741) SPEPE Nov. 91, Bech, Niels et al.: Modeling of Gravity-Imbibition an Shale, Martin County, Kentucky, (Tech. 377-383 and Gravity-Drainage Processes: Analytic and Paper SPE 23447) ERM Berry, P.J. et al.: Thermally Induced Fractur- Numerical Solutions, (Tech. Paper SPE 18428) Ben Naceur, K. et al.: Matrix Stimulation Method ing of Ula Water Injectors, (Transaction SPE SPERE Feb. 91, 129-136 for Horizontal Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 19719) 20898) SPEPE Nov. 91, 384-390 Beck, D.L. et al.: Offshore Coiled Tubing Ce- JPT July 91, 854-861 Bertherin, Gilles: Seismic Techniques in ment Squeezes: Forties Field, (Tech. Paper SPE Benabdelkarim, Mohammed and Galiana, Guatemala: An Approach Yielding a New 23144) OE Christian: Nonradioactive Densitometer for Dimension to Environmental Protection, (Tech. Beck, F.E. et al.: Computer Simulation of the Continuous Monitoring of Cement Mixing Paper SPE 23520) HSE Reverse Circulation Well Control Procedure for Process, (Tech. Paper SPE 23262) HSE Berumen C., Sergio et al.: A Method for Gas Gas Kicks, (Tech. Paper SPE 21966) DC Bendiksen, Kjell H. et al.: The Dynamic Two- Well Decline Analysis Under Constant Pressure Beck, R.D. et al.: Reliable Deepwater Structur- Fluid Flow Model OLGA: Theory and Appli- Conditions and High-Velocity Flow, (Tech. al Casing Installation Using Controlled Jetting, cation, (Transaction SPE 19451) SPEPE May Paper SPE 22926) FALL (Tech. Paper SPE 22542) FALL 91, 171-180 Besler, M.R. et al.: Iron Control in West Texas Becker, A.B. et al.: Effect of Well Abandonments Benge, O.G. et al.: Temperature Data for Op- Sour-Gas Wells Provides Sustained Production on Future EOR Potential, (Tech. Paper SPE timizing Cementing Operations, Increases, (Tech. Paper SPE 20122) JPT May 20513) JPT Dec. 91, 1496-1501 SPE 19939) SPEDE June 91, 95-99 91, 603-607 Becker, H.L.: Kinetic Model of Pour Point Beninger, W.A. and Heather, D.I.: Reserves Best, D.L. et al.: Borehole Caliper While Drill- Phenomena, (Tech. Paper SPE 22830) FALL Sales: What is a Fair Price?, (Tech. Paper SPE ing From a 2 MHz Propagation Tool and Bore- 22019) HEES hole Effects Correction, (Tech. Paper SPE Becker, T.E. et al.: Correlations of Mud Rheo- 22707) FALL logical Properties With Cuttings-Transport Per- Bennett, Richmond et al.: Measuring Low Flows formance in Directional Drilling, (Transaction in Devonian Shale Gas Wells With a Tracer- Beucher, Helene et al.: An Integrated Approach SPE 19535) SPEDE March 91, 16-24 Gas Flowmeter, (Tech. Paper SPE 18556) for Evaluation of Production Scenarios in the SPEFE June 91, 269-272 Field Delineation Phase, (Tech. Paper SPE Bectukrneedr ,R eBse.rLv.o ierts a l.U:s iSnigm ulaa tSiunbgd oNmaatuirna llMye tFhroadc,- Bennion, D.W. ef al.: In-Situ Combustion 22906) FALL (Tech. Paper SPE 21241) RS Process Study With a Combined Experimen- Beydoun, W.B. et al.: New Dimensions in Geo- tal/Analytical Approach, (Tech. Paper SPE physics for Reservoir Monitoring, Beckner, B.L. et al.: Some Important Consider- 18074) SPERE Aug. 91, 295-302 SPE 20170) SPEFE June 91, 141-150 ations in the Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 21814) RMR Benson, B.D. and Hayley, D.W.: Driven Steel Bharatha, Subramanyam and Seto, A.C.: Ther- Pile Foundation Design and Load Testing in mal Conductivity Estimation From Temperature Beckstrom, J.A. and Boyer, D.G.: Aquifer Pro- Super-Saline Permafrost Conditions, (Tech. Logs, (Tech. Paper SPE 21542) TOS tection Considerations of Coalbed Methane De- Paper SPE 22089) IATC Bhogeswara, Rao and Killough, J.E.: Simula- velopment in the San Juan Basin, (Tech. Paper Benson, S.M. et al.: A Laboratory Investigation tion of Compositional Reservoir Phenomena on SPE 21841) RMR of Foam Flow in Sandstone at Elevated Pres- a Distributed Memory Parallel Computer, Bedient, P.B. et al.: Sorption and Fate of Phos- sure, (Transaction SPE 18781) SPERE Aug. (Transaction SPE 21208) JPT Nov. 91, phonate Scale Inhibitors in the Sandstone Reser- 91, 365-372 1368-1374 voir: Studied Via Laboratory Apparatus With Benstead, P.J. et al.: Flexible Riser and Moor- Bhuyan, Debojit et al.: Simulation of High-pH Core Material, (Tech. Paper SPE 21714) POS ing System Develops Small Oil Fields in the Coreflood Experiments Using a Composition- Behie, A.: Modeling Performance of Horizontal North Sea, (Tech. Paper SPE 20810) SPEPE al ChemFlioodc Siamullato r, (Tech. Paper SPE Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 21219) RS Nov. 91, 465-471 21029) OCS Behrenbruch, Peter: Offshore Oilfield Develop- Bensted, J.: Retardation of Cement Slurries to Bible, M.J. et al.: State-of-the-Art Trip Monitor, ment Planning: Project Feasibility and Key 250 °F, (Tech. Paper SPE 23073) OE (Tech. Paper SPE 21965) DC Considerations, (Tech. Paper SPE 22957) APC Bensted, John: Discussion of Chemical Shrink- Bierhaus II, W.M. et al.: Small-Particle-Size Ce- Behrens, R.A. et al.: Reservoir Studies With Geo- age Properties of Oilfield Cements, (Tech. ment, (Tech. Paper SPE 20038) SPEPE May statistics To Forecast Performance, (Tech. Paper, Discussion SPE 23477) SPEDE Sept. 91, 213-216 Paper SPE 18432) SPERE May 91, 253-258 91, 231 Biglarbigi, K. and Godec, M.L.: Economic Ef- Behrmann, L.A. and Elbel, J.L.: Effect of Per- Berger, E.L. and Christianson, B.A.: San Ardo fects of Environmental Regulations on Finding forations on Fracture Initiation, (Transaction Field Production Testing System Upgrade, and Developing Crude Oil in the U.S., (Trans- SPE 20661) JPT May 91, 608-615 (Tech. Paper SPE 21533) TOS action SPE 20619) JPT Jan. 91, 72-79 Behrmann, L.A. et al.: Measurement of Addi- Bergman, D.F. et al.: Displacement Mechanism Biglarbigi, Khosrow et al.: Effect of Well Aban- tional Skin Resulting From Perforation and Water Shielding Phenomena for a Rich- donments on Future EOR Potential, (Tech. Damage, (Tech. Paper SPE 22809) FALL Gas/Crude-Oil System, (Tech. Paper SPE Paper SPE 20513) JPT Dec. 91, 1496-1501 Behrmann, L.A. and Hsia, T-Y.: Perforating 17374) SPERE May 91, 193-199 Biglarbigi, Khosrow et al.: Impacts of Recent Skin as a Function of Rock Permeability and Berkenpas 151, P.G.: The Milk River Shallow Federal Tax and Research and Development In- Underbalance, (Tech. Paper SPE 22810) FALL Gas Pool: Role of the Update Water Trap and itiatives on Enhanced Oil Recovery, (Tech. Beike, D.K. and Holtz, M.H.: Price Effects on Connate Water in Gas Production From the Paper SPE 22622) FALL Developmental Well Completions, Reserve Ad- Pool, (Tech. Paper SPE 22922) FALL Bishop, C.W. and Burton, M.J.: Recent Develop- ditions and Oil Production in West Texas, Bernadiner, M.G. et al.: The Effect of Foams ments in Pipe Freezing Technology for the Oil (Tech. Paper SPE 22023) HEES Used During Carbonate Acidizing, (Tech. Industry, (Tech. Paper SPE 23069) OE Beirute, R.M.: A Circulating and Shut-In Well- Paper SPE 21035) OCS Bishop, S.R. et al.: Measurement of Additional Temperature-Profile Simulator, (Tech. Paper Bernadiner, M.G.: Foamed Gas Lift, (Tech. Skin Resulting From Perforation Damage, SPE 17591) JPT Sept. 91, 1140-1146 Paper SPE 21639) POS (Tech. Paper SPE 22809) FALL Beirute, R.M. et al.: Large-Scale Experiments Bernicot, M.F. and Drouffe, J.-M.: A Slug- Bisset, S.J.: Workover Techniques in Bass Strait, Show Proper Hole Conditioning—A Critical Re- Length Distribution Law for Multiphase Trans- (Tech. Paper SPE 22961) APC 5 Bittar-Bouvier Bittar, M.S. et al.: A True Multiple Depth of In- Blick, E.F. and Saleem, S.: Apache-Key Gas Well Bond, A.E. et al.: Design of a Lightweight Drill- vestigation Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity Blow Out Due to Waterhammer Phenomenon, string Using Composite Materials, (Tech. Paper Sensor: Theory, Experiment, and Prototype (Tech. Paper SPE 22848) FALL SPE 22548) FALL Field Test Results, (Tech. Paper SPE 22705) Blosser, W.R. et al.: Acid Stimulation of Endicott Bond, A.J. et al.: Results of Stress Oriented and FALL Kekiktuk Formation, North Slope, Alaska, Aligned Perforating in Fracturing Deviated Bittleston, S.H. et al.: Field Studies of Cireulat- (Tech. Paper SPE 22152) IATC Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 22836) FALL ing Temperatures Under Ce ig Ce Blount, C.G. et al.: HCl/HF Acid-Resistant Ce- Boney, C.L. et al.: A Case Study of High- (Tech. Paper SPE 21973) DC ment Blend: Model Study and Field Application, Temperature Wells Fractured Using Multiple Bjorge, E. et al.: An Advanced Kick Simulator (Transaction SPE 19541) JPT Feb. 91, Fluids To Improve Conductivity and Well Per- Operating in a User-Friendly X-Window Sys- 226-232 formance, (Tech. Paper SPE 21033) OCS tem Environment, (Tech. Paper SPE 22314) Blount, C.G. et al.: A Cement Channel-Detection Bonis, M.R. and Crolet, Jean-Louis: Prediction PCC Technique Using the Pulsed-Neutron Log, of the Risks of CO, Corrosion in Oil and Gas Bjornestad, Eva et al.: Measurement of Polysac- (Tech. Paper SPE 20042) SPEFE Dec. 91, Wells, (Transaction SPE 20835) SPEPE Nov. charide Polymer Properties in Porous Media, 485-492 91, 449-453 (Tech. Paper SPE 21018) OCS Blount, C.G. et al.: The Effects of Temperature Bonn, R.J.C.: Goal Setting Design for Fire and Bjornstad, Bjorn et al.: Fibre-Optic Well and Cement Admixes on Cement Bond Strength, Gas Detection Systems, (Tech. Paper SPE Monitoring System, (Tech. Paper SPE 23147) (Tech. Paper SPE 22063) IATC 23305) HSE OE Blount, C.G. et al.: Recompletions Using Large- Bonnett, Nigel et al.: Application of a Novel Black, J.M. et al.: Case Study of Financial Diameter Coiled Tubing: Prudhoe Bay Case Squeeze Scale Inhibitor in the Beryl Field, Strategies for Two Large, Independent Oil Com- History and Discussion, (Tech. Paper SPE (Tech. Paper SPE 23107) OE panies, (Tech. Paper SPE 20509) JPT May 91, 22821) FALL Bonsall, D.A. et al.: Permit To Work Procedures, 512-517 Blumer, D.J. and Thompson, R.R.: Economic (Tech. Paper SPE 23239) HSE Blackburn, M.B. et al.: Phase Behavior of Optimization of Fracture Stimulations Using Boonar, D.A. and West, C.C.: Review of the Ge- CO,/Hydrocarbon Systems: Amendments to Mixed Integer-Linear Programming, (Tech. ological Environment for Horizontal Wells, Previously Predicted Phase Diagrams, (Tech. Paper SPE 21648) POS (Tech. Paper SPE 23544) ARC Paper SPE 18584) SPERE Feb. 91, 33-36 Bliabclke bAuprpnr,o aNc.hA . Toet tahle.: DTehvee lDoopnm eFnite ldo:f Aa FMlaerx-- Blupllnaittci,io tn ,MF .lJu(x.T eLcaihnm.di tRiPnuagbp ienSr,c hSeBaPmreErs y :2f 1oH2ri2 Bg2lh)ae crkR SOO ridle rS imIum-- Boo(tTehc,h . M.PJa.p:e r TShPeE I2n3ci2d1e9n)t HPSoEte ntial Matrix, ginal Field, (Tech. Paper SPE 23078) OE Borchardt, J.K. and Lau, H.C.: Improved Blaha, M. et al.: Characterization of Paleo- Blunt, M.J. and Christie, M.A.: Exact Solutions Steam-Foam Formulations: Concepts and Channel Reservoir Block Using Logs and a for Viscous Fingering in Two-Phase Three Com- Laboratory Results, (Tech. Paper SPE 18783) Layered Reservoir Test, (Tech. Paper SPE ponent Flow, (Tech. Paper SPE 22613) FALL SPERE Nov. 91, 470-476 21445) MEOS Boade, R.R. et al.: 3D Reservoir Simulation of Borden, C.U. et al.: Waterflood Monitoring Blair, C.M.: Discussion of An Evaluation oFfi eld Ekofisk Compaction Drive, (Transaction SPE Technique Results in Improved Reservoir Projects of Steam With Additives, (Tech. Paper, 19802) JPT Oct. 91, 1272-1278 Management for the Hemlock Reservoir, McAr- Discussion SPE 23547) SPERE Nov. 91, 508 Boberg, T.C. et al.: Reservoir Simulation of Cy- thur River Field, Cook Inlet, Alaska, (Tech. Blais, R.N. et al.: Dynamic Model of Gas-Lift clic Steam Stimulation in the Cold Lake Oil Paper SPE 22075) IATC Valve Performance, (Tech. Paper SPE 21637) Sands, (Transaction SPE 18752) SPERE May Borghesi, G.R. et al.: Safety Management in the POS 91, 200-206 Bass Strait Operations, (Tech. Paper SPE Blake, A.J. et al.: An Improved Kick Detection Boberg, T.C. et al.: Evaluation of Key Reser- 23019) APC System for Floating Rigs, (Tech. Paper SPE voir Drive Mechanisms in the Early Cycles of Bosio, Jacques and Janot, Pierre: Preferential 23133) OE Steam Stimulation at Cold Lake, (Transaction Direction of Fluid Flows in Porous/Fractured Blanc, G. et al.: Portable Graphic User Intefaces SPE 16737) SPERE May 91, 207-211 Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 22324) USMS for Reservoir Engineering Software, (Tech. Bode, D.J. et al.: Well-Control Methods and Bosio, Jacques et al.: Theoretical Influence of Paper SPE 22302) PCC Practices in Small-Diameter Wellbores, (Trans- Capillarity in Secondary Recovery—The Hyper- Blanchet, Denis et al.: Comparison Between action SPE 19526) JPT Nov. 91, 1380-1386 bolic Behavior and Its Application to Anticipa- Measured Global Ice Loads and Geotechnical Bodvarsson, G.S. and Lai, C-H.: Numerical tion of Breakthrough Time, (Tech. Paper SPE Response of Arctic Offshore Structures, (Tech. Studies of Cold Water Injection Into Vapor- 22323) USMS Paper SPE 22088) IATC Dominated Geothermal Systems, (Tech. Paper Boucherit, M.A.G. et al.: Evaluation of the Blanton, M.L. and Montgomery, E.W.: Con- SPE 21788) WRM Residual Oil Saturation After Waterflood in a tractor Safety: Matching Owners and Contrac- Boerrigter, P.M. and Schmidt, G.H.: A Simu- Carbonate Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 21371) tors, (Tech. Paper SPE 23255) HSE lator for Volatile Oil With Dynamic Local MEOS Blasingame, T.A. et al.: Decline Curve Analy- Refinement, Mixed Finite Elements, and Mul- Bouisset, P. et al.: Magnetic Logging: Borehole sis for Variable Pressure Drop/Variable tigrid, (Tech. Paper SPE 21232) RS Magnetostratigraphic and Absolute Datation in Flowrate Systems, (Tech. Paper SPE 21513) Bogio, S.E. et al.: Adsorption/Desorption of Mul- Sedimentary Rocks, (Tech. Paper SPE 21437) GTS ticomponent Gas Mixtures on Coal at Inseam MEOS Blasingame, T.A. et al.: Analysis of Slug-Test Conditions, (Tech. Paper SPE 23026) APC Bourgeois, Marcel and Horne, R.N.: Well Test Data From Hydraulically Fractured Coalbed- Bohm, Roland et al.: Improved Demulsifier Model Recognition Using Laplace Space Type Methane Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 21492) GTS Chemistry: A Novel Approach in the Dehydra- Curves, (Tech. Paper SPE 22682) FALL Blasingame, T.A. et al.: The Laplace Transform tion of Crude Oil, (Tech. Paper SPE 18481) Bourgoyne Jr., A.T. et al.: An Analysis of Gas Finite Difference (LTFD) Numerical Method for SPEPE Aug. 91, 334-338 Kick Removal From the Marine Riser, (Tech. Simulation of Compressible Fluid Flow in Bolling, J.D. et al.: Full-Field Simulation for De- Paper SPE 21968) DC Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 22888) FALL velopment Planning and Reservoir Management Bousaid, I.S.: Hot-Water and Steamflood Studies Blasingame, T.A. et al.: Estimating the Stabi- at Kuparuk River Field, (Transaction SPE Using Kern River Oil, (Tech. Paper SPE 21543) lized Deliverability of a Gas Well Using the 20045) JPT Aug. 91, 974-982 TOS Rawlins and Schellhardt Method: An Analyti- Bolling, J.D. and Frazer, L.C.: Hydrogen Sul- Boutemy, Yves et al.: A New Through-Tubing cal Approach, (Tech. Paper SPE 23440) ERM fide Forecasting Techniques for the Kuparuk Oil-Saturation Measurement System, (Tech. Blehaut, J.F.: The Assessement of Geological River Field, (Tech. Paper SPE 22105) [ATC Paper SPE 21413) MEOS Uncertainties in Development Project Planning, Boncan, G.G. et al.: The Effects of Temperature, Bouvier, Lucienne ef al.: Evaluation of the (Tech. Paper SPE 22953) APC Pressure, and Angle of Deviation on Free Water Residual Oil Saturation After Waterflood in a Bleier, Roger: Predicting Mud Toxicity, (Tech. and Cement Slurry Stability, (Tech. Paper SPE Carbonate Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 21371) Paper SPE 23572) JPT Oct. 91, 1192-1193 22551) FALL MEOS Bowker-Britt Bowker, K.A. et al.: Selection and Application Branch, G.A. and Drennan, K.M.: Refracture Brevetti, J.C. and Donaldson, E.C.: Application of BaSO, Scale Inhibitors for a CO, Flood, Stimulations in the Norge Marchand Unit: A of Rock Stress in Hydraulic Stimulation, (Tech. Rangely Weber Sand Unit, Colorado, (Tech. Case Study, (Tech. Paper SPE 21642) POS Paper SPE 21645) POS Paper SPE 18973) SPEPE Aug. 91, 759-264 Brand, C.W. et al.: Modeling Reservoir Geom- Bridges, K.L. et al.: A Practical Approach To Bowler, G.V. and Suparman, Dadang: Tubing- etry With Irregular Grids, (Transaction SPE Prevent Formation Damage by High-Density Conveyed Perforating: Operating Experience, 18412) SPERE May 91, 225-232 Brines During the Completion Process, (Tech. (Tech. Paper SPE 17667) SPEPE May 91, Brand, C.W. et al.: Comprehensive Simulation Paper SPE 21674) POS 195-198 of Horizontal-Well Performance, (Tech. Paper Briens, F.J.L. et al.: Compositional Reservoir Bowlin, N.S. et al.: A Management System for SPE 20717) SPEFE Dec. 91, 418-426 Simulation in Parallel Supercomputing Environ- Gas Gathering Systems, (Tech. Paper SPE Brand, C.W. et al.: The Grid Orientation Effect ments, (Tech. Paper SPE 21214) RS 21726) POS in Reservoir Simulation, (Tech. Paper SPE Brigham, W.E. and Kamal, M.M.: AuthorsR’e - Bowman, C.W. et al.: Comparative Study of 21228) RS ply to Further Discussion of Pulse-Testing Gravel/Water Packing 12 Gulf Coast Wells, Brandie, E.F.: Designing for Safety, (Tech. Response for Unequal Pulse and Shut-In Peri- (Tech. Paper SPE 22794) FALL Paper SPE 23485) HSE ods, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE 23840) SPEFE Bowring, M. et al.: Electrical Submersible Brannon, D.H. et al.: A Single Trip, Dual Zone Dec. 91, 527-528 Pumps in Subsea Completions, (Tech. Paper Gravel Pack System Successfully Gravel Packs Brigham, W.E. et al.: Modifying In-Situ Com- SPE 23050) OE Green Canyon Area Wells, Gulf of Mexico, bustion Performance by the Use of Water- Box Jr., W.T. and Goyal, K.P.: Reservoir (Tech. Paper SPE 21670) POS Soluble Additives, (Tech. Paper SPE 19485) Response To Production: Castle Rock Springs Brannon, H.D. and Ault, M.G.: New Delayed, SPERE Aug. 91, 287-294 Area, East Geysers, California, (Tech. Paper Borate Crosslinked Fluid Provides Improved Brigham, W.E. et al.: Tracer- and Pressure-Test SPE 21790) WRM Fracture Conductivity in High-Temperature Ap- Analysis for Characterization of Areally Het- Boyadjieff, G.I. and Merit, M.A.: Experiences plications, (Tech. Paper SPE 22838) FALL erogeneous Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE in Automating Pipe Handling Functions, (Tech. Brantferger, K.M. et al.: Development of a 17365) SPEFE March 91, 45-54 Paper SPE 21956) DC Thermodynamically Consistent, Fully Implicit, Brigham, W.E. and Castanier, L.M.: Authors’ Boyd, P.A. et al.: Safety of Casing Shoe Test and Equation-of-State Compositional Steamflood Reply to Discussion of An Evaluation of Field Casing Shoe Integrity After Testing, (Tech. Simulator, (Tech. Paper SPE 21253) RS Projects of Steam With Additives, (Tech. Paper, Paper SPE 22557) FALL Brashear, J.P. et al.: Effect of Well Abandon- Rebuttal SPE 23587) SPERE Nov. 91, 508-509 Boyd, P.A. and Morita, Nobuo: Typical Sand ments on Future EOR Potential, (Tech. Paper Brigham, W.E. and Castanier, L.M.: An Evalu- Production Problems: Case Studies and Strate- SPE 20513) JPT Dec. 91, 1496-1501 ation of Field Projects of Steam With Additives, gies for Sand Control, (Tech. Paper SPE 22739) Brashear, J.P. et al.: Impacts of Recent Feder- (Transaction SPE 17633) SPERE Feb. 91, FALL al Tax and Research and Development Initia- 62-68 Boytveeecrlt,oio pnmD e.CnGot.n siinad netdhr ea BtSeiaconkn ss Jturoaofnm C,o BaaJls.biAne.,d: (AMTqeeutcihhfa.en re P aPDrpeoe--r StiPvEes o2n2 6E2n2)h anFcAeLdL Oil Recovery, (Tech. Paper BrBiagrhraimer, DWi.sEta.n caen d UsRiinlgey ,T yMp.eF .:C urDveets,e rm(iTneicnhg. SPE 21841) RMR Bratteli, Fred et al.: The Effect of Reservoir Con- Paper SPE 23563) USMS ditions and Wettability on the Electrical Bracho, L.G. and Oquendo, O.A.: Steam-Solvent Resistivity, (Tech. Paper SPE 22991) APC Brigham, W.E. et al.: Analytic Solutions for El- Injection, Well LSJ-4057, Tia Juana Field, liptical Finite-Conductivity Fractures, (Tech. Western Venezuela, (Tech. Paper SPE 21530) Bratvold, R.B. et al.: On the Novel Use of Paper SPE 22656) FALL Parallelization in Reservoir Simulation, (Tech. TOS Brigham, W.E. et al.: CT Imaging of Steam and Paper SPE 21251) RS Bradley, D.A.: Wellbore Multiphase-Flow Corre- Steam Foam Laboratory Experiments, (Tech. lation for the Eastern Operating Area of Prud- Braun, J.E. and Peavy, M.A.: Control of Waste Paper SPE 22644) FALL hoe Bay, (Tech. Paper SPE 22103) IATC aGcatsi oFn roSmP Ea 2T1h7e6r6m)a l JEPOTR JuOnpee ra9t1i, on6,5 6-(6Tr6a1n s- Brill, J.P. et al.: Transient Analysis of Point Ar- Bradley, W.B. et al.: A Task Force Approach guello Gas Pipeline Behavior, (Tech. Paper To Reducing Stuck Pipe Costs, (Tech. Paper Brebner, J.A. et al.: The Decay of Resuscita- SPE 21731) POS SPE 21999) DC tSiPoEn S2k3il1l8s5 )F oHllSoEw ing Training, (Tech. Paper Brill, J.P. et al.: Complete Multiplatform Net- Brady, J.L. et al.: HCl/HF Acid-Resistant Ce- working Integration in a Petroleum Research ment Blend: Model Study and Field Application, Breit, V.S. et al.: Thermal Simulation of Shal- Environment, (Tech. Paper SPE 22299) PCC 2(2T6ra-n2s3a2c tion SPE 19541) JPT Feb. 91, Ellokw HOiilll sZ oOniel FLiieglhdt, O(iTle cSht.e amPfalpoeord SPPiEl ot2 1i5n4 t1h)e Brill, J.P. eta l.: Two-FlPow hin aLows-Veleoci ty TOS Hilly Terrain Pipelines, (Tech. Paper SPE Brady, J.L. et al.: The Effects of Temperature 22762) FALL and Cement Admixes on Cement Bond Strength, Breitenbach, E.A. et al.: Monitoring Oil/Water (Tech. Paper SPE 22063) IATC Fronts by Direct Measurement, (Transaction Brill, J.P. et al.: intelligent Utilization of a Uni- SPE 18271) JPT May 91, 596-602 fied Flow Pattern Prediction Model in Produc- Brady, J.L. et al.: Return Fluid Analysis From tion System Optimization, (Tech. Paper SPE the Sadlerochit Formation, Prudhoe Bay, Alas- Breitenbach, E.A.: Reservoir Simulation: State 22869) FALL ka: A Laboratory Study—Part 2, (Tech. Paper of the Art, (Tech. Paper SPE 23472) JPT Sept. SPE 22079) IATC 91, 1033-1036 Brimhall, R.M. et al.: Analysis of Slug-Test Data Brady, Steve et al.: Minimizing Drilling Fluid Breitenbach, E.A. et al.: Authors’ Reply to Dis- FMertohma ne HyWderlalsu,l ic(Taelclhy. PaFprearc tSuPrEed 214C9o2a)l bGeTdS- Waste Discharges While Drilling an Arctic Ex- cussion of Monitoring Oil/Water Fronts by ploratory Well, (Tech. Paper SPE 21765) WRM Direct Measurement, (Transaction, Rebuttal Brimhall, R.M. et al.: A Statisantdi Eccoanolmi c SPE 24103) JPT Dec. 91, 1525 Analysis of Incremental Waterflood Infill Drill- Braisted, D.M. et al.: Puise Testing in a Ma- ture Field, (Tech. Paper SPE 22965) APC Brekke, K. and Hareland, G.: New Method for ing Recoveries in West Texas Carbonate Reser- Completion of Horizontal or Near Horizontal voirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 22624) FALL Brami, J.B.: Current Calibration and Quality Control Practices for Selected Measurement Wells in High-Permeability Reservoirs, (Tech. Brink, J.L. et al.: Design of a Major CO, While Drilling Tools, (Tech. Paper SPE 22540) Paper SPE 22849) FALL Flood, North Ward Estes Field, Ward County, FALL Brelih, D.A.: The Effects of Casing Blow Shut- Texas, (Tech. Paper SPE 19654) SPERE Feb. Branagan, P.T. et al.: Authors’ Reply to Dis- In on a Mature Steamflood, (Tech. Paper SPE 91, 11-16 cussion of Case Study of a Stimulation Experi- 21540) TOS Brint, J.F. et al.: Reservoir Souring: An Ana- ment in a Fluvial, Tight-Sandstone Gas Brett, J.F.: The Genesis of Bit Induced Torsion- lytical Model for H, Generation and Trans- Reservoir, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE 23567) al Drillstring Vibrations, (Tech. Paper SPE port in an Oil Reservoir Owing to Bacterial SPEPE Aug. 91, 360 21943) DC Activity, (Tech. Paper SPE 23141) OE Branagan, P.T. et al.: Examination of a Cored Breunese, J.N. et al.: Assessment of Halite- Britt, L.K. et al.: Reservoir Description by In- Hydraulic Fracture in a Deep Gas Well, (Tech. Cemented Reservoir Zones, (Tech. Paper SPE terference Testing of the Clayton Field, (Trans- Paper SPE 22876) FALL 19603) JPT May 91, 518-523 action SPE 19846) JPT May 91, 524 > Brock-Caldwell Brock, D.C. and Orr Jr., F.M.: Flow Visuali- Phase EOR Processes With Interphase Mass Ex- Burke, N.E. et al.: Removal of Hydrocarbons zations of Viscous Fingering in Heterogeneous change, (Tech. Paper SPE 22638) FALL From Oilfield Brines by Flocculation With Car- Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE 22614) FALL Bryant, John et al.: Applications and Limitations bon Dioxide, (Tech. Paper SPE 21046) OCS Brod, Manfred: Performance of Scale Inhibitors of Horizontal Drilling in Oklahoma, (Tech. Burns, D.J.: Advanced Fault Tree Analysis in in Squeeze Application, (Tech. Paper SPE Paper SPE 22569) FALL Offshore Applications, (Tech. Paper SPE 21022) OCS Bryant, R.S. et al.: Modeling and Laboratory 23491) HSE Brost, D.F. et al.: Optical Methods for Monitor- Investigations of Microbial Transport Phenome- Burr, Bruce et al.: Metal Bearing Seal Technol- ing Treating Chemicals in Oilfield Water Sys- na in Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE 22845) ogy Improves Drilling Efficiency of Rolling Cut- tems, (Tech. Paper SPE 22781) FALL FALL ter Bits in High RPM North Sea Applications, Brothers, L.E. et al.: Synthetic Retarder for High Bryant, S.: An Improved Model of Mud (Tech. Paper SPE 21934) DC Strength Cement, (Tech. Paper SPE 21976) DC Acid/Sandstone Chemistry, (Tech. Paper SPE Burrell, B.R. et al.: Developamned nFitel d Trial Broussard, M.D. et al.: Application of a Lime- 22855) OE of a Biodegradable Invert Emulsion Drilling Based Drilling Fluid in a High-Temperature/ Bryant, T.M. et al.: Gas-Influx Detection With Fluid, (Tech. Paper SPE 21935) DC High-Pressure Environment, (Tech. Paper SPE MWD Technology, (Tech. Paper SPE 19973) Burt, G.L. and Stibbs, William: Personal De- 19533) SPEDE March 91, 51-56 SPEDE Dec. 91, 273-278 velopment in the 1990’s—Preparing the Next Brown Jr., C.W..; It’s Not Business as Usual— Generation Rig Professionals, (Tech. Paper Anymore, (Tech. Paper SPE 23456) ERM Bryant, T.M. and Wallace, S.N.: Field Results SPE 23156) OE Brionwgn/,U ndAe.rDr.eJa.m inget oalf. :B arCiouiml edS-uTlupbhiantge SMciallle- onifq aune ,M W(TDe chA.c ouPsatpiecr GSasP EI nf2l1u9x6 3De)t ecDtCi on Tech- Burvteloonp,m enMt.sJ .i n aPnidp e BFirseheozpi,n g C.TeWc.h:n olRoegcye nfto r Dteh-e and Scale Control in the Forties Field, (Tech. Buchan, I.C. and Poster, C.K.: AVO Techniques Oil Industry, (Tech. Paper SPE 23069) OE Paper SPE 23106) OE for Carbonate Reservoir Characterization, Burton, R.C.: Development of Drilling Close Brown, D. et al.: Modeling the Effects of Time, (Tech. Paper SPE 21361) MEOS Rules for Dubai Petroleum Company, (Tech. Temperature, and Shear on the Hydration of Buchan, Robert: Continuous Improvement in Paper SPE 22546) FALL Natural Guar Gels, (Tech. Paper SPE 21857) Drilling Performance: A Challenge for the In- Burzlaff, A.A. et al.: Thermal Simulation of Shal- RMR dustry, (Tech. Paper SPE 23039) OE low Oil Zone Light Oil Steamflood Pilot in the Brown, D.C. et al.: Engineering Salary Trends Buchanan, W.L. et al.: Authors’ Reply to Dis- Elk Hills Oil Field, (Tech. Paper SPE 21541) in the Petroleum Industry, (Tech. Paper SPE cussion of Adaptive-Implicit Method in Ther- TOS 22584) FALL mal Simulation, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal SPE Bushnell-Watson, Y.M. and Panesar, S.S.: Brown, J.E. et al.: Improving Fracture Conduc- 23571) SPERE Nov. 91, 512 Differential Sticking Laboratory Tests Can Im- tivities With a Delayed Breaker System: A Case Buckley, J.S. et al.: Control of Core Wettability prove Mud Design, (Tech. Paper SPE 22549) Study, (Tech. Paper SPE 21497) GTS With Crude Oil, (Tech. Paper SPE 21041) OCS FALL Brown, J.P.: A Machine Learning Approach to Buckley, J.S. et al.: Effects of Drying on Abso- Butler, J.D. et al.: Permit To Work Procedures, Studies of Recovery Efficiency, (Tech. Paper lute and Relative Permeability of Low- (Tech. Paper SPE 23239) HSE SPE 22304) PCC Permeability Gas Sands, (Tech. Paper SPE Butler, T.G. et al.: A Management System for Brown, K.C.: Gratuitous Counsel About Petrole- 21880) RMR Gas Gathering Systems, (Tech. Paper SPE um Markets, (Tech. Paper SPE 22034) HEES Buckley, P.D. and King, G.E.: Effect of Storage 21726) POS Brown, Ray and Pierce, J.W.: A New Economi- Conditions and Time of Storage on Performance Butlin, D.M.: A Comparison of Beam and Sub- cal Method of Subsea Completion for Jackup of Perforating Charges, (Tech. Paper SPE mersible Pumps in Small Cased Wells, (Tech. Depth Waters, (Tech. Paper SPE 22771) FALL 21656) POS Paper SPE 21692) POS Brown, V.R. ef al.: An Overview of an In- Buell, R.S.: Improving Waterblasting Treatments Butlin, D.M.: The Effect of Motor Slip on Sub- strumented Steam Injection Test Program, in West Coalinga Steamdrives, (Tech. Paper mersible Pump Performance, (Tech. Paper SPE (Tech. Paper SPE 21525) TOS SPE 21549) TOS 23529) USMS Browne, R.W.H.: Worldwide Auditing of Air- Bugno, W.T. et al.: Shaft and Tunnel Access Button, D.M. et al.: Drilling and Production craft Charter Operators, (Tech. Paper SPE (SATAC) Concepts for Developing Petroleum Aspects of Horizontal Wells in the Austin Chalk, 23308) HSE Reserves, (Tech. Paper SPE 22133) IATC (Transaction SPE 19825) JPT July 91, 773-779 Bruce, E.D. et al.: The Management of Occupa- Bui-Tran, Van et al.: 3D Reservoir Visualiza- tional and Environmental Exposure to Natur- tion, (Tech. Paper SPE 22301) JPT Nov. 91, Cc ally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), 1310-1314 (Tech. Paper SPE 22879) FALL Caballero, J.S. et al.: Stimulation Optimization Buksh, Graham: Development of the Naturally Bruce, E.D. et al.: Environmental, Health, and in a Low-Permeability Upper Devonian Sand- Faulted ISND Shuaiba Reservoir, (Tech. Paper Safety Decision Making for Naturally Occur- SPE 21354) MEOS stone Reservoir: A Case History, (Tech. Paper ring Radioactive Materials in Production Oper- SPE 21499) GTS ations Using Pathway Exposure Analysis, Buller, C.S. and Vossoughi, Shapour: Permea- Cabrajac, Stevo et al.: Quantitative Determina- (Tech. Paper SPE 23381) HSE bility Modification by In-Situ Gelation With a tion of Solids Invasion and Formation Damage Newly Discovered Biopolymer, (Transaction Bruce, W.A. et al.: Development of Procedures Using CAT Scan and Barite Suspensions, (Tech. SPE 19631) SPERE Nov. 91, 485-489 for Hot-Tap Welding Onto Sour Service Pipe- Paper SPE 23102) OE lines, (Tech. Paper SPE 22098) IATC Bulls, F.B. et al.: The Use of Interruptible Pow- Cadena, Fernando and Janks, J.S.: Identifica- Bruchie, J.D. et al.: Gas Measurement With er in West Texas Waterflood Operations, (Tech. tion and Properties of Modified Zeolites for the Large Venturi Tubes at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Paper SPE 22828) FALL Removal of Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene From (Tech. Paper SPE 22168) IATC Bunn, G.F. et al.: Distributed Pressure Meas- Aqueous Solutions, (Tech. Paper SPE 22833) Brugler, M.L. et al.: Measurement of Coal-Cleat urements Allow Early Quantification of Reser- FALL Porosity and Relative Permeability Characteris- voir Dynamics in the Jene Field, (Tech. Paper Caetano, E.F. et al.: Modeling Annular Flow Be- tics, (Tech. Paper SPE 21491) GTS SPE 17682) SPEFE March 91, 55-62 havior for Gas Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 20384) Bruining, Johannes et al.: The Effect of Capil- Bunyak, M.J. et al.: Extended-Reach Drilling SPEPE Nov. 91, 435-440 lary Forces in Heterogeneous ‘Flow-Units‘: A From Platform Irene, (Tech. Paper SPE 20818) Cairns, R.J.R.: A Novel Approach to Exploration Streamline Approach, (Tech. Paper SPE 22588) SPEDE June 91, 138-144 Risk Analysis, (Tech. Paper SPE 23163) OE FALL Burchfield, T.E. et al.: Modeling and Labora- Caldwell, R.H. and Heather, D.I.: How To Brunner, S.R. ef al.: Evaluation of Under- tory Investigations of Microbial Transport Evaluate Hard-To-Evaluate Reserves, (Tech. balanced Through-Tubing Perforating and Phenomena in Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE Paper SPE 22025) JPT Aug. 91, 998-1003 Closed-Chamber Test Interpretation Tech- 22845) FALL Caldwell, R.H. and Heather, D.1.: Authors’ Re- niques, (Tech. Paper SPE 21657) POS Burke, N.E. et al.: Extended Analysis of Live ply to Discussion of How To Evaluate Hard- Brusilovsky, A.I. and Zazovsky, A.F.: A New Reservoir Oils by Gas Chromatography, (Tech. To-Evaluate Reserves, (Tech. Paper, Rebuttal Approach to Modelling of Multicomponent Two- Paper SPE 21003) OCS SPE 23553) JPT Aug. 91, 1004-1005 8 Caldwell-Chang Caldwell, T.R. et al.: A Synergistic Performance Carison, E.S. and Mercer, J.C.: Devonian Shale Castillo, J.L. eta l.: Simulation ofE OR Processes Evaluation of the Middle-Upper Devonian Snipe Gas Production: Mechanisms and Simple in Stochastically Generated Permeable Media, Lake Beaverhill Lake 'A’ Pool, (Tech. Paper Models, (Tech. Paper SPE 19311) JPT April (Tech. Paper SPE 21237) RS SPE 21781) WRM 91, 476-482 Castle, M.J. and Teng, D.T.: Extending Gas Calhoun Jr., J.C. and Estes, Mike: Extending Carlson, E.S. and Mercer, J.C.: Recharge Well Velocity Limits: Problems and Solutions, the Use of Emperical Relationships Among Core Modfeor lDevosnia n Shales, (Tech. Paper SPE (Tech. Paper SPE 22958) APC Properties, (Tech. Paper SPE 24107) USMS 23423) ERM Cather, M.E. et al.: Effects of Drying on Abso- Callaghan, David: The Elimination of Waste Carlson, N.R. and Davarzani, M.J.: Profiling lute and Relative Permeability of Low- Emissions From Oil and Gas Production Oper- Horizontal Oil/Water Production, (Tech. Paper Permeability Gas Sands, (Tech. Paper SPE ations, (Tech. Paper SPE 23325) HSE SPE 20591) JPT July 91, 780-785 21880) RMR Callanan, M.J. et al.: Improved Fracturing Tech- Carnell, S.J.: Appraisal and Development of the Cave, N.M.J. and Thonger, R.C.: Education and niques Increase Productivity in the AWP (Ol- Murta Reservoir Using Hydraulic Fracture Training in the Seismic Environment, (Tech. mos) Field, (Tech. Paper SPE 21646) POS Stimulation, (Tech. Paper SPE 22977) APC Paper SPE 23242) HSE Calvert, D.G. et al.: Successful Cementing of Carpenter, R.B. and Jones, R.R.: New Latex, Cedeno, A.L. et al.: Baseline Air Quality Evalu- Shallow Steamflood Wells in California, (Tech. Expanding, Thixotropic Cement Systems Im- ation for the Venezuelan Orinoco Bitumen Belt, Paper SPE 21777) WRM prove Job Performance and Reduce Costs, (Tech. Paper SPE 23326) HSE Camacho-V, R.G. and Raghavan, Rajagopal: (Tech. Paper SPE 21010) OCS Centanni, R.J. et al.: Analysis of Pressure- Some Theoretical Results Useful in Analyzing Carpenter, R.B. et al.: The Effects of Tempera- Transient Data From Underbalanced Perforat- Well Performance Under Solution-Gas Drive, ture and Cement Admixes on Cement Bond ing, (Tech. Paper SPE 18878) SPEFE Sept. 91, (Tech. Paper SPE 16580) SPEFE June 91, Strength, (Tech. Paper SPE 22063) IATC 387-392 190-198 Carpenter, R.B. et al.: A Study of Formation Chaback, J.J.: Discussion of Measurement and Camacho-V, R.G. and Raghavan, Rajagopal: Damage Potential During Cementing Opera- Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation, (Tech. Supplement to SPE 16580, Some Theoretical tions, (Tech. Paper SPE 22777) FALL Paper, Discussion SPE 23831) JPT Dec. 91, Results Useful in Analyzing Well Performance 1519-1520 2U2n4d7e3r) SUolSuMtiSo n-Gas Drive, (Tech. Paper SPE Careshdpo erAnept pePrrr,oo adcSuh.cJ t.i tooan n tdh FeaF cliSelamiftieintegys, , AJs(.sTMee.cs:hs .m AennP taIp netoref g SrOaPftfE-- ChaTrcaonns,i entE .DAa.t a eFf roaml. : UnAdnearlbysailsa ncoefd PPreersfsourraet-- Camacho-V, R.G. et al.: Advanced Prediction 23021) APC ing, (Tech. Paper SPE 18878) SPEFE Sept. 91, of Production Decline for Optimization of 387-392 Stimulation, (Tech. Paper SPE 23578) USMS Caarmppelnetse r,o fW a. WN.e w et Palu.l:s eGdr-aNveeult-rPoanc-kA ctFiievladt iEoxn- Chakraborty, P.K. and Mitra, N.K.: Training Camacho-V., R.G.: Constant-Pressure Produc- Logging Technique, (Tech. Paper SPE 20877) SimuNelw Toaol itn Troainirng —Oil Aand Gas tion in Solution-Gas-Drive Reservoirs: Tran- SPEFE Dec. 91, 500-504 Production Operations, (Tech. Paper SPE sient Flow, (Tech. Paper SPE 17118) SPEFE 23558) USMS June 91, 199-208 Carroll Ill, J.A. and Horne, R.N.: Multivari- Chamberlain, P.G.: Research on New Alaskan ate Optimization of Production Systems, (Tech. Cameron, J.R.: Rheological Modeling and Scale- Paper SPE 22847) FALL Mining Technology, (Tech. Paper SPE 22082) up of a Delayed Crosslinked Gel in Non- IATC homogeneous Flow, (Tech. Paper SPE 21858) Carroll, J.F. et al.: Gravel-Pack Field Examples Chambers, T.M. et al.: Hydrocarbon Genera- RMR of a New Pulsed-Neutron-Activation Logging Technique, (Tech. Paper SPE 20877) SPEFE tion and Migration in the Paleozoic System of Campbell Jr, R.L. et al.: Acoustic Flowmeter Dec. 91, 500-504 Saudi Arabia, (Tech. Paper SPE 21376) MEOS Field Test Results, (Tech. Paper SPE 17722) Chambers, T.M. and Ferguson, G.S.: Subsur- SPEPE Feb. 91, 49-56 Carson, G.P. et al.: Case Study of Financial face Stratigraphy, Depositional History, and Campbell, J.J. and Stoddard, B.: Don—A Cost- Strategies for Two Large, lh Oil Com- Reservoir Development of the Early to Late Per- Effective Approach to Subsea Design, (Tech. panies, (Tech. Paper SPE 20509) JPT May 91, mian Unayzah Formation in Central Saudi Ara- Paper SPE 19288) JPT April 91, 386-391 $12-517 bia, (Tech. Paper SPE 21394) MEOS Campbell, J.M.: DD&A: Its Impact and In- Casaday, A.L. et al.: Removal of Oil, Grease, Champetier, J-L. et al.: Use of Oil-Based Gel fluence on Investment Decisions, (Tech. Paper and Suspended Solids From Produced Water System for Multiple Proppant Fracturing of SPE 22013) HEES With Ceramic Crossflow Microfiltration, (Tech. Horizontal Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 21385) Paper SPE 20291) SPEPE May 91, 131-136 Cane, R.J.: Safety Strategies: Areas of Weakness, MEOS (Tech. Paper SPE 23273) HSE Case, C.R. et al.: Eliminating the Rugosity Ef- Champlon, Daniel et al.: Innovative Technolo- Canter, D.B. and Simon, J.-M.: A Decade of fect From Compensated Density Logs by Ge- gies Reduce Cost of Offshore Marginal Field Drilling Innovation and Progress in the Paris ometrical Response Matching, (Tech. Paper Developments in Northwestern Europe, (Tech. Basin, (Tech. Paper SPE 19573) SPEDE March SPE 19612) SPEFE June 91, 252-258 Paper SPE 22028) HEES 91, 65-70 Casselman, R.L.: Installation of Two 6-In. Flex- Chan, H.M. et al.: Simulating Naturally Frac- Capen, E.C.: Rethinking Sunk Costs—A Value ible Pipelines in the Gulfo fM exico: A Case His- tured Reservoirs Using a Subdomain Method, Approach, (Transaction SPE 22017) JPT Dec. tory, (Tech. Paper SPE 22330) USMS (Tech. Paper SPE 21241) RS 91, 1418-1423 Castanier, L.M. et al.: Modifying In-Situ Com- Chan, H.M. et al.: Some Important Considera- Cappiello, Alphonse et al.: A Laboratory Inves- bustion Performance by the Use of Water- tions in the Simulation of Naturally Fractured tigation of Permeability in Hemispherical Flow Soluble Additives, (Tech. Paper SPE 19485) Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE 21814) RMR With Application to Formation Testers, (Tech. SPERE Aug. 91, 287-294 Chang, E.Y. and Lo, T.S.: A Numerical Disper- Paper SPE 22689) FALL Castanier, L.M. and Brigham, W.E.: Authors’ sion Free Method for Modelling the Gas Cy- Careil, J-C.R.: Safety Management in Opera- Reply to Discussion of An Evaluation of Field cling Process, (Tech. Paper SPE 22940) FALL tions, (Tech. Paper SPE 23247) HSE Projects of Steam With Additives, (Tech. Paper, Chang, F.F. and Civan, F.: Modeling ofF orma- Rebuttal SPE 23587) SPERE Nov. 91, 508-509 Carisella, J.V. et al.: Three New Systems Which tion Damage Due to Physical and Chemical In- Prevent Firing of Perforating Guns and String Castanier, L.M. and Brigham, W.E.: An Evalu- teractions Between Fluids and Reservoir Rocks, Shots on or Near the Surface, (Tech. Paper SPE ation of Field Projects of Steam With Additives, (Tech. Paper SPE 22856) FALL 22556) FALL (Transaction SPE 17633) SPERE Feb. 91, Chang, M-M. et al.: Laboratory Measurements Carli, Roberto et al.: ADIS: Advanced Drilling 62-68 of Electrical Resistivity at Reservoir Conditions, Information System Project, (Tech. Paper SPE Castanier, L.M. et al.: Observation ofF oam/Oil (Tech. Paper SPE 18179) SPEFE Sept. 91, 22317) PCC Interactions in a New High Resolution 291-300 Carlson, B.T. et al.: Field Applied Computer- Micromodel, (Tech. Paper SPE 22631) FALL Chang, M-M. et al.: Modeling and Laboratory ized Tracking System: A Practical Approach To Castanier, L.M. et al.: CT Imaging of Steam and Investigations of Microbial Transport Phenome- Onsite Quality Control, (Tech. Paper SPE Steam Foam Laboratory Experiments, (Tech. na in Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE 22845) 22294) PCC Paper SPE 22644) FALL FALL 9 Chang-Churan Chang, Y-B. et al.: Carbon Dioxide Flow Pat- Chen, Z.X. et al.: Buckley-Leverett Flow in Com- Chou, C.K.: Exploration and Development of the terns Under Multiphase Flow, Heterog posite Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE 22329) Kutubu Project in Papua New Guinea, (Tech. Field Scale Conditions, (Tech. Paper SPE USMS Paper SPE 22996) APC 22654) FALL Chen, Zhigang: A Detecting Technique for Chou, S.I.: Conditions for Generating Foam in Chappelle, H.H. et al.: Environmental Protec- Production Rate Decline Curve Analysis With Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE 22628) FALL tion and Regulatory Compliance at the Elk Hilis Residual Plots, (Tech. Paper SPE 22313) PCC Chriest, Janet et al.: Carbonate Scale Forma- Field, (Tech. Paper SPE 22816) FALL Chenevert, M.E. et al.: OILMUD: A Microcom- tion in Thermally Stimulated Heavy Oil Wells Charles, D.D. and Startzman, R.A.: Streamtube puter Program for Predicting Oil-Based Mud Near Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, (Tech. Modeling of Horizontal Wells in Mixed Pattern Densities and Static Pressures, (Tech. Paper Paper SPE 21548) TOS Waterfloods, (Tech. Paper SPE 23451) ERM SPE 20391) SPEDE March 91, 57-59 Christiansen, Claus: From Oil-Based Mud to Chassagne, Alain et al.: A Platform Abandon- Chenevert, M.E. and Shrestha, B.K.: Chemical Water-Based Mud, (Tech. Paper SPE 23359) ment Program in the North Sea Using Coiled Shrinkage Properties of Oilfield Cements, HSE Tubing, (Tech. Paper SPE 23110) OE (Tech. Paper SPE 16654) SPEDE March 91, Christianson, B.A. and Berger, E.L.: San Ardo Chatterji, Jiten et al.: Synthetic Retarder for 37-43 Field Production Testing System Upgrade, High Strength Cement, (Tech. Paper SPE Cheng, A.M. and Sharma, Bijon: Delineation of (Tech. Paper SPE 21533) TOS 21976) DC Favorable Areas for EOR From Differential Oil- Christie, M.A. et al.: 3D Simulation of Viscous Chautru, J-M. et al.: 3D Reservoir Visualiza- in-Place Calculations in Bell Creek Field, Mon- Fingering and WAG Schemes, (Tech. Paper tion, (Tech. Paper SPE 22301) JPT Nov. 91, tana, (Tech. Paper SPE 21824) RMR SPE 21238) RS 1310-1314 Cheng-Dang, Zhou ef al.: An Interpretive Christie, M.A. and Blunt, M.J.: Exact Solutions Chea, C.K. et al.: Extended Analysis of Live Method for Production Logs in Three-Phase for Viscous Fingering in Two-Phase Three Com- Reservoir Oils by Gas Chromatography, (Tech. Flows, (Tech. Paper SPE 22970) APC ponent Flow, (Tech. Paper SPE 22613) FALL Paper SPE 21003) OCS Cheshire, I.M. et al.: On the Novel Use of Christopherson, A.B. et al.: Model Pile Tests Cheeseborough II, J.C. et al.: A New Through- Parallelization in Reservoir Simulation, (Tech. in Saline Soils, (Tech. Paper SPE, 22086) [ATC Tubing Oil-Saturation Measurement System, Paper SPE 21251) RS Christopherson, A.B. and Nottingham, Dennis: (Tech. Paper SPE 21413) MEOS Cheung, Philip et al.: Improved Formation Im- Kuparuk River Module Crossing Case Histo- Chen, A.S.C, et al.: Removal of Oil, Grease, and aging With Extended Microelectrical Arrays, ry: A Critical Arctic Oilfield Transportation Suspended Solids From Produced Water With (Tech. Paper SPE 22726) FALL Link is Protected by a Refrigerated Foundation, Ceramic Crossflow Microfiltration, (Tech. Cheyne, A.J. and Purdy, I.L.: Evaluation of (Tech. Paper SPE 22115) IATC Paper SPE 20291) SPEPE May 91, 131-136 Vacuum Insulated Tubing for Paraffin Control Chu, Chieh: Oscillatory Injection/Production Chen, C.C. et al.: A Study of Fractured Wells at Norman Wells, (Tech. Paper SPE 22102) Schemes for Steamflooding Oil Reservoirs, in Bounded Reservoirs, (Tech. Paper SPE IATC (Tech. Paper SPE 21797) WRM 22717) FALL Chien, S.-F. and Rubel, M.T.: Phase Splitting Chu, L. and Grader, A.S.: Transient Pressure Chen, C.C. et al.: Improved Models for Inter- of Wet Steam in Annular Flow Through a Analysis of Three Wells in a Three-Composite preting the Pressure Response of Formation Horizontal Impacting Tee Junction, (Tech. Reservoir, (Tech. Paper SPE 22716) FALL Testers, (Tech. Paper SPE 22754) FALL Paper SPE 22764) FALL Chu, Lifu and Grader, A.S.: A New Technique Chen, Dabin et al.: Pipelining of Heavy Crude Childs, J.D. et al.: Synthetic Retarder for High for Linear Boundary Detection With Wellbore Oil as an Oil-in-Water Emulsion, (Tech. Paper Strength Cement, (Tech. Paper SPE 21976) DC Storage and Wellbore Skin, (Tech. Paper SPE SPE 21733) POS Chilton, D.A. et al.: Effective Safety Training 22683) FALL Chen, H.Y. et al.: An Application of the Product- Program Design, (Tech. Paper SPE 23244) Chu, Lifu and Grader, A.S.: Transient Pressure Solution Principle for Instantaneous Source and HSE Analysis for an Interference Slug Test, (Tech. SGrPeEeFnE’s JFuunnec ti9o1n,s ,1 6(1T-r1a6n8s action SPE 20801) Chilton, D.J. and Page, W.B.: An IntegrateAdp - Paper SPE 23444) ERM proach to Waste Minimization, (Tech. Paper Chu, W-C. et al.: Pressure Buildup Testing as Chen, H.Y. et al.: Mathematical Development SPE 23365) HSE an Aid in Well Stimulation: Case History, of Austin Chalk Type Curves, (Tech. Paper SPE 23527) USMS Chilton, T.S. et al.: A New Automated Tool-Joint (Tech. Paper SPE 22750) FALL Chen, K.L. and Lonergan, T.P.: Revitalization Inspection System To Reduce Drillstring Chua, Jess and Woodward, R.S.: Hurdle Rate of the Gidgealpa Oil Field (South Australia), Failures, (Tech. Paper SPE 19962) SPEDE Measurement for Overseas Projects in the Ener- (Tech. Paper SPE 22973) APC June 91, 153-159 gy Industry, (Tech. Paper SPE 24221) USMS Chen, S. et al.: Design Considerations for Frac- Chisholm, D.M. and Csokonay, W.M.: Em- Chukwu, P.O. and Ikoku, C.U.: A Compara- turing Job Sizing of Low-Permeability Gas ployee and Organizational Assistance Program tive Evaluation of Evolving Nigerian Petrole- Reservoirs of the Arkoma Basin, (Tech. Paper (EOAP)—Meeting the Challenges of the Com- um Development Policies, (Tech. Paper SPE SPE 21718) POS ing Decade, (Tech. Paper SPE 23215) HSE 22029) HEES Chen, Shixin and Robbins, R.E.: Characteriza- Chiu, K-W. and Thakur, $.C.: Modeling of Weil- Chung, E.Y. et al.: The Use of a Massively tion of Low-Permeability Dry Gas Reservoirs bore Heat Losses in Directional Wells Under Parallel SIMD Computer for Reservoir Simu- in the Arkoma Basin, (Tech. Paper SPE 21852) Changing Injection Conditions, (Tech. Paper lation, (Tech. Paper SPE 21213) RS RMR SPE 22870) FALL Chung, E.Y. and Lee, S.H.: A Cellular Automa- Chen, W-C. et al.: Leak Before Break of CRA Choo, D.K. et al.: State-of-the-Art Trip Moni- ton Model for Flow in a Heterogeneous Reser- Tubing in Sour Environments, (Tech. Paper tor, (Tech. Paper SPE 21965) DC voir, (Tech. Paper SPE 21229) RS SPE 21737) POS Choo, Y.K. et al.: Application of Pre-Processing Chung, F.T-H. et al.: Modeling and Laborato- Chen, W.H. et al.: Experimental and Simulation Software in the Initialization of Kuparuk Full ry Investigations of Microbial Transport Study of High-Temperature Foam Displacement Field Model, (Tech. Paper SPE 22311) PCC Phenomena in Porous Media, (Tech. Paper SPE in Porous Media, (Transaction SPE 17357) Chopra, A.K. and Wolcott, D.S.: Incorporat- 22845) FALL SPERE Feb. 91, 37-45 ing Reservoir Heterogeneity Using Geostatis- Chur, Claus et al.: New Concepts for Vertical Chen, W.H. et al.: The Use of a Massively tics To Investigate Waterflood Recoveries for Drilling of Boreholes, (Tech. Paper SPE 21905) Parallel SIMD Computer for Reservoir Simu- Drillsite 1E, A4 Sandstone Body, Kuparuk River DC lation, (Tech. Paper SPE 21213) RS Field, Alaska, (Tech. Paper SPE 22164) IATC Chur, Claus et al.: Advanced Drilling Technol- Chen, W.H. et al.: Minimization of Grid Orien- Chopra, A.K. and Perez, G.: Evaluation of Frac- ogy for the Continental Deep Drilling Program tation Effects Through Use of Higher Order tal Models to Describe Reservoir Heterogeneity (KTB)—Part of International Lithosphere Finite Difference Methods, (Tech. Paper SPE and Performance, (Tech. Paper SPE 22694) Research, (Tech. Paper SPE 22576) FALL 22887) FALL FALL Churan, M.A. et al.: Bioaccumulation From Chen, Y.M. et al.: Modeling Reservoir Geome- Choquette, S.P. et al.: Esperson Dome Oxygen Mineral Oil-Wet and Synthetic Liquid-Wet Cut- try With Irregular Grids, (Transaction SPE Combustion Pilot Test Postburn Coring Results, tings in an Estuarine Fish, Fundulus Grandis, 18412) SPERE May 91, 225-232 (Tech. Paper SPE 21774) WRM (Tech. Paper SPE 23350) HSE 10

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