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JPMorgan Chinese Investment Trust: Annual General Meeting January 2018 Howard Wang, Managing Director Portfolio Manager and Head of the Greater China Equities Team Rebecca Jiang, Executive Director Portfolio Manager Questions from investors (cid:1) What’s the impact of the deleveraging? What’s your take on the policy landscape in China? (cid:1) Given the rally this year, are we at the top of the valuation cycle? Should we sell? (cid:1) How should we think about A-shares? (cid:1) Besides tech, where are the opportunities? 1 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS The 19th Party Congress shows political maturity and should reinforce existing trends • Enhanced ability of the central government on policy execution Primary takeaways • Focus on the quality - not just quantity - of economic growth • De-risking: of the financial system, of the stress on the environment, of the real estate market Primary implications • Optimization of the economic growth model: a long-standing goal to move away from investment and towards consumption … supportive of a lower cost of capital and, eventually, the performance of growth and income equities (especially those within New China) The opinions and views expressed here are those held by the author at the date of publication which are subject to change andare not to be taken as or construed as investment advice. 2 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS Slower growth in China amidst long overdue structural adjustments domestically… LLiimmiitteedd ssppiilllloovveerr ffrroomm ccrreeddiitt ggrroowwtthh bbeeiinngg ccuurrbbeedd IImmppaacctt ooff eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall ccoonnttrrooll mmeeaassuurreess^^ YoY Growth (%) of Monthly Domestic Credits - LHS Fixed Asset Investment YoY (%) - LHS 28% General Loan Rate (%) - RHS 7.5% 14% Power Utilization YoY (%) - RHS 14% 26% 12% 12% 7.0% 24% 10% 10% 22% 8% 6.5% 8% 20% 6% 18% 4% 6% 6.0% 16% 2% 4% 14% 0% 5.5% 2% 12% -2% 10% 5.0% 0% -4% 03/14 09/14 03/15 09/15 03/16 09/16 03/17 09/17 03/16 06/16 09/16 12/16 03/17 06/17 09/17 Source: Morgan Stanley Research, Bloomberg, People’s Bank of China. Data as of end Oct 2017 ^ Numbers shown are aggregate of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Source: CICC. Data as of 31 Oct 2017 3 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS ….but it should not impair the corporate earnings of “New China” equities EEaarrnniinnggss ppeerr sshhaarree ttrreennddss rreefflleecctt tthhaatt ssttrruuccttuurraall AAnndd aa ssiimmiillaarr ssttoorryy iiss ttoolldd bbyy rreettuurrnn oonn eeqquuiittyy…… ttrruummppss ccyycclliiccaall Year end 2007 rebased to 100 300 25% MSCI China MSCI China New China New China 250 Old China Old China 20% 200 15% 150 10% 100 5% 50 0 0% 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 New China = Information Technology, Consumer, Healthcare Old China = Energy, Materials, Industrials Source: Factset, Morgan Stanley Research, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Data available as of 31 December 2017. Indices do not include fees or operating expenses and are not available for actual investment. Past performance is not necessarily a reliable indicator for current and future performance. 4 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS Valuations remain reasonable 1122--MMoonntthh FFoorrwwaarrdd PPEE TTrraaiilliinngg PPBB x x 7 35 6 30 25 5 CSI 300 Average: 14.1x 20 4 Current: 13.7x CSI 300 Average: 2.2x 15 3 Current: 2.0x 10 2 MSCI China 5 1 MSCI China Average: 11.5x Average: 2.1x Current: 13.5x Current: 2.0x 0 0 4/06 4/08 4/10 4/12 4/14 4/16 4/06 4/08 4/10 4/12 4/14 4/16 PE = Price to Earnings Ratio PB = Price to Book Ratio Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream, Bloomberg. As of 31stDecember 2017. Indices do not include fees or operating expenses and are not available for actual investment. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current and future performance. 5 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS China’s liberalization progress has led to MSCI’s inclusion of A-shares in its indices… SSttoocckk CCoonnnneecctt NNoorrtthhbboouunndd TTrraaddiinngg VVaalluuee aass %% ooff AA--sshhaarree TToottaall 3.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 01/16 03/16 05/16 07/16 09/16 11/16 01/17 03/17 05/17 07/17 09/17 11/17 RRooaaddmmaapp ffoorr AA--sshhaarree iinncclluussiioonn iinn tthhee MMSSCCII EEMM IInnddeexx First inclusion step : May 2018 Weight of MSCI EM (Current) By 2025* Second inclusion step: Aug 2018 (5% inclusion factor for 230 A-shares) (100% inclusion factor for 230 A-shares) China China China 25.6 29.7 29.5 China China China Weight Weight Weight 29.7% 30.3% 39.3% China A China A 0.8 13.7 *Based on free float market-cap of 230 A-share stocks to be included, and a 30% upper limit of foreign ownership. Source: (Top) WIND and Citi Research. Data as of end November 2017. (Bottom) MSCI Consultation on China A-Shares Potential Inclusion, June 2017. EM = Emerging Markets 6 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS We are positioned towards long term structural growth opportunities Consumption Consumption Upgrade (cid:1) Household durables (cid:1) Food & beverages Technology (cid:1) Leisure & entertainment Technology (cid:1) Mobility device functionality (cid:1) Education and upgrades (cid:1) Surveillance solutions Healthcare Automation (cid:1) Factory automation (cid:1) Innovative drug R&D (cid:1) Traditional Chinese medicine (cid:1) Healthcare services Healthcare 7 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS Stock example: BOE Technology (A-share, information technology) Market leader in China with significant market share in TFT-LCD Economics FFaavvoouurraabbllee mmaarrkkeett eennvviirroonnmmeenntt wwiitthh eexxcceelllleenntt ggrroowwtthh pprroossppeecctt (cid:1) Strong top-line and return on equity (cid:1) Key supplier to TV brands including Samsung, LG & Sony (cid:1) World class cost structure on LCDs Duration (cid:1) China taking market share from Korea and Taiwan in flat panel displays, with BOE in dominant position (cid:1) Excellent R&D capabilities: currently owns over 50,000 usable patents Governance (cid:1) Minority interests protected by independent directors and the supervisory board Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Updated as of end November 2017. The companies above are shown for illustrative purposes only. Their inclusion should not be interpreted as a recommendation to buy or sell. 8 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS Stock example: Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine (A-share, healthcare) A deep pipeline of surgical anesthetics and oncology drugs with overseas expansion opportunities LLeeaaddiinngg ppoossiittiioonn iinn CChhiinnaa’’ss oonnccoollooggyy mmaarrkkeett Economics 100,000 18% China oncology market (in RMB mn, LHS) (cid:1) Superior R&D capabilities evidenced by strong sales of 90,000 16% oncology drugs and surgical anesthetics Market share 80,000 14% Duration 70,000 12% 60,000 10% (cid:1) Best positioned in oncology treatment market 50,000 8% (cid:1) Structurally growing sector supported by demographics 40,000 and rising healthcare spend 6% 30,000 4% 20,000 Governance 10,000 2% 0 0% A A A A A A E E E E E E (cid:1) Visionary management with disciplined capital allocation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Source: R&D = Research and Development; PDB (China Prescription Sales Database), J.P. Morgan Asset Management, as of 25 Jan 2017. The companies above are shown for illustrative purposes only. Their inclusion should not be interpreted as a recommendation to buy or sell. Opinions, estimates, forecasts, projections and statements of financial market trends are based on market conditions at the dateof the publication, constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice. There can be no guarantee they will be met. 9 | INVESTMENT INVOLVES RISK. PLEASE REFER TO THE OFFERING DOCUMENT(S) FOR DETAILS, INCLUDING THE RISK FACTORS

What's the impact of the deleveraging? What's your take on the policy landscape in China .. weight (%). Tencent. 10.9. Alibaba Group. 9.5. Ping An Insurance. 9.0. China Merchants Bank. 4.2. JD.com. 3.7. Bank of China. 3.4. CNOOC. 2.9. AAC Technologies. 2.8. China Overseas Land & Investment. 2.3.
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