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|15 4 JOURNALISM ABSTRACTS | AUTHOR JINDEX DISSERTATIONS Abrahamson, David, 1 Garner, Ana, 22 Ogundimu, Folu, 42 Auter, Philip, 2 Gonzenbach, William J., 23 Pearce, David K., 43 Bekken, Jon E., 3 Griffin, Jeffrey Lee, 24 Peterson, John, 44 Bergen, Lori A., 4 He, Zhou, 25 Preston, Ann, 45 Bromley, Rebekah, 5 Heintz, Katherine E., 26 Rodriguez, Ma Lulu A., 46 Campbell, Kenneth, 6 Hollander, Barry, 27 Sellers, James, 47 Charisse, Marc, 7 Horvath-Neimeyer, Paula, 28 Seto, Wing-Luk, 48 Chen, Jiande, 8 Hu, Yu-Wei, 29 Shaner, James, 49 Chen, Ni, 9 Jenson, Robert, 30 Shim, Jae Chul, 50 Childers, Kimberly B.W., 10 Keefer, Janet Hill, 31 Shru, L.J., 51 Cho, Jungsik, 11 Keefer, Joseph D., 32 Spirek, Melissa, 52 Cook, John, 12 Keller, Teresa, 33 Stilling, Erik, 53 Copple, Robert F., 13 Kim, Yon-Jong, 34 Tolbert, Jane Thornton, 54 Duplantier, Stephen, 14 Lau, Lawson Liat-Ho, 35 Treise, Deborah, 55 Dyer, Samuel, 15 Maittlen-Harris, John Peter, 36 Watts, Elizabeth, 56 Edwards, James, 16 Merron, Jeffrey L., 37 Wells, Ludmilla, 57 Emig, Arthur, 17 Mirando, Joseph, 38 West, Mark Douglas, 58 Fenster, Mark Andrew, 18 Moritz, Marguerite, 39 Wu, Yi-chen, 59 Fortenberry, Jack, 19 Newton, Julianne H., 40 Yu, Xu 60 Fridriksson, Lianne, 20 O'Brien, Patrick, 41 Yang, Jian, 61 Fritzler, Marilyn Rae, 21 THESES Adams, Edward A., 62 Bell, Tracey, 73 Byrne, Karina O., 84 Al-Hajji, Maher Nasser, 63 Berends, Lisa, 74 Byrne-Dempsey, Cecilia, 85 Aldoory, Linda, 64 Bernal, Thomas, 75 Caldwell, Carole, 86 Anacleto, Angelique, 65 Berry, Michelle Courtney, 76 Carr, Dara, 87 Bare, John Bowman, 66 Berry, Robert, 77 Cartwright, Dixon, 88 Barquero, Hosana, 67 Bowen, Shelly A., 78 Chang, Hosoon, 89 Bartesaghi, Mariaelena, 68 Boylan, John, 79 Chang, Wei-Ping, 90 Bashian, Jack, 69 Braseth, Ralph, 80 Charmonman, Subhasri, 91 Bave, Carla, 70 Brookshire, Lawrence, 81 Chathoth, Prita, 92 Beacham, Mary, 71 Brown, Susan, 82 Chen, Qing, 93 Bell, Diane C., 72 Brown, Valerie, 83 Chen, Xiu, 94 |15 4 JOURNALISM ABSTRACTS | AUTHOR JINDEX DISSERTATIONS Abrahamson, David, 1 Garner, Ana, 22 Ogundimu, Folu, 42 Auter, Philip, 2 Gonzenbach, William J., 23 Pearce, David K., 43 Bekken, Jon E., 3 Griffin, Jeffrey Lee, 24 Peterson, John, 44 Bergen, Lori A., 4 He, Zhou, 25 Preston, Ann, 45 Bromley, Rebekah, 5 Heintz, Katherine E., 26 Rodriguez, Ma Lulu A., 46 Campbell, Kenneth, 6 Hollander, Barry, 27 Sellers, James, 47 Charisse, Marc, 7 Horvath-Neimeyer, Paula, 28 Seto, Wing-Luk, 48 Chen, Jiande, 8 Hu, Yu-Wei, 29 Shaner, James, 49 Chen, Ni, 9 Jenson, Robert, 30 Shim, Jae Chul, 50 Childers, Kimberly B.W., 10 Keefer, Janet Hill, 31 Shru, L.J., 51 Cho, Jungsik, 11 Keefer, Joseph D., 32 Spirek, Melissa, 52 Cook, John, 12 Keller, Teresa, 33 Stilling, Erik, 53 Copple, Robert F., 13 Kim, Yon-Jong, 34 Tolbert, Jane Thornton, 54 Duplantier, Stephen, 14 Lau, Lawson Liat-Ho, 35 Treise, Deborah, 55 Dyer, Samuel, 15 Maittlen-Harris, John Peter, 36 Watts, Elizabeth, 56 Edwards, James, 16 Merron, Jeffrey L., 37 Wells, Ludmilla, 57 Emig, Arthur, 17 Mirando, Joseph, 38 West, Mark Douglas, 58 Fenster, Mark Andrew, 18 Moritz, Marguerite, 39 Wu, Yi-chen, 59 Fortenberry, Jack, 19 Newton, Julianne H., 40 Yu, Xu 60 Fridriksson, Lianne, 20 O'Brien, Patrick, 41 Yang, Jian, 61 Fritzler, Marilyn Rae, 21 THESES Adams, Edward A., 62 Bell, Tracey, 73 Byrne, Karina O., 84 Al-Hajji, Maher Nasser, 63 Berends, Lisa, 74 Byrne-Dempsey, Cecilia, 85 Aldoory, Linda, 64 Bernal, Thomas, 75 Caldwell, Carole, 86 Anacleto, Angelique, 65 Berry, Michelle Courtney, 76 Carr, Dara, 87 Bare, John Bowman, 66 Berry, Robert, 77 Cartwright, Dixon, 88 Barquero, Hosana, 67 Bowen, Shelly A., 78 Chang, Hosoon, 89 Bartesaghi, Mariaelena, 68 Boylan, John, 79 Chang, Wei-Ping, 90 Bashian, Jack, 69 Braseth, Ralph, 80 Charmonman, Subhasri, 91 Bave, Carla, 70 Brookshire, Lawrence, 81 Chathoth, Prita, 92 Beacham, Mary, 71 Brown, Susan, 82 Chen, Qing, 93 Bell, Diane C., 72 Brown, Valerie, 83 Chen, Xiu, 94 Clark, Mary E., 95 Guler, Behive, 144 Lyons, Ramona, 193 Clement, Lucinda, 96 Gustafson, Arden, 145 Machamer, Jr., Richard, 194 Clift, Edward Montgomery, 97 Guth, David Warner, 146 Mann, Allyson, 195 Cohen, Deborah, 98 Guthrie, Sally, 147 Marema, Timothy, 196 Cohen, Jason, 99 Halley, Blaine, 148 Marschalk, Susan, 197 Coker, Jeanne, 100 Hanratty, Gregory, 149 Marukatat, Saritdet, 198 Cole, Carol B., 101 Hansen, Elizabeth, 150 Marx, Julie, 199 Collins, Lesley, 102 Hartwig, Heather, 151 Massey, Jr., Tim, 200 Combs, Robert A., 103 Harwell, Sharon, 152 Mazumdar, Ruba, 201 Conrad, Kristann, 104 Hatfield, Sharon, 153 McCauley, Michael, 202 Conrad, Kristen L., 105 Haugen, Heidi Lee, 154 McDonald, Trevy, 203 Conrad, Suzanne, 106 Heinzl, Toni J., 155 McFarland, Michael Benjamin, 204 Crosten, Mark, 107 Henry, Kathleen B., 156 McLaughlin, Maureen, 205 Cummings, Jonathan, 108 Henry, Steinberg D., 157 McMahon, Mark, 206 Davis, Charles, 109 Herr, Dana, 158 McMorrow, Kathleen Ann, 207 De Vega, Margaret Anne, 110 Hoffman, William, 159 McMullen, James S., 208 Derus, Julie, 111 Hoyle, April A., 160 Medina, Nubielena, 209 Devitt, James, 112 Hudson, Lance, 161 Meng, Xiaoping, 210 Ding, Gwo-Hau, 113 Hughey, Sheryl, 162 Mero, Matthew, 211 Dinkins, Juliette, 114 Hutchins, Cameron, 163 Meszler, Joelle D., 212 Dombrowski, Patricia, 115 Israel, Constance, 164 Michael, Patrick, 213 Dykers, Carol Reese, 116 Jayaraman, Nityanand, 165 Miettinen, Jo Nell, 214 Dziubak, Anne S., 117 Jennings, Thomas, 166 Miller, Kenneth, 215 Edwards, Lynne, 118 Jia-Jing, Jien, 167 Miller, Kent, 216 Elliott, Larry, 119 Jones, Donna, 168 Mimura, Kyoko Utsumi, 217 Evanina, Gregory, 120 Jordan, William W., 169 Min, Heather, 218 Fall, Lisa, 121 Jorns, Todd W., 170 Mitchell, Christopher D., 219 Felthousen, Sandra J., 122 Karler, Collier, 171 Morlan, Thomas, 220 Foust, James, 123 Kapur, Jyotsna, 172 Mulhern, Jacqueline, 221 Franklin, Denise, 124 Karol, Lawrence A., 173 Mumm, Anne, 222 Frech, Marshall, 125 Keating, Nicole, 174 Murphy, Kevin, 223 Freeman, Stephanie, 126 Kim, Seong-Joo, 175 Murray, Diane, 224 Fukuda, Hiroto, 127 King, John Mark, 176 Neubert, Steve, 225 Gabbadon, Donna, 128 Kitagawa, Yukiyo, 177 Nishioka, Yoko, 226 Gaddy, Barbara, 129 Kopp, Katharina, 178 North-Martin, Stan, 227 Gallab, Abdullahi, 130 Krinsky, Robert, 179 Novak, Raymond, 228 Gao, Dandan, 131 Kuo, Shwu-Hwa, 180 O'Dell, Cary, 229 Garner, Ana, 132 Kyle, Franklin Mark, 181 Oliver, Merrill, 230 Gayatri, Gati, 133 Lakshminarayan, Chandrika, 182 Olson, Jacqueline, 231 George, Karyn Hede, 134 LaRonde, Susan, 183 Omundson, Dale, 232 George, Susan, 135 Lashley, Kara Michele, 184 Ouverson, Carol, 233 Ghez, Marissa, 136 Lea, Jeffrey, 185 Owen, Anne, 234 Bluckson, Robert K., 137 Lee, SooYoung, 186 Palathingal, Simon, 235 Gopalan, Pritha, 138 Lee, Suckkee, 187 Panapucksachat, Pornpimol, 236 Greene, Allison, 139 Letts, Tom, 188 Pancholi, Avinash, 237 Greenleaf, Cale, 140 Leung, Eva, 189 Paswan, Christine, 238 Grover, Pragati, 141 Lipari, Lisbeth, 190 Perrone, Diane, 239 Guenther-Grey, Carolyn, 142 Liu, En-Lian, 191 Phillips, Kathleen Douglass, 240 Guler, Behiye, 143 Lloyd, Robert, 192 Picinich, Lynn Marie, 241 JOURNALISM ABSTRACTS | Pilkauskas, Sharon, 242 Shoesmith, Kevin, 267 Tong, Ying, 292 Pinner, Diantha J., 243 Shrestha, Govinda, 268 Townsend, Sara, 293 Platon, Yolanda, 244 Siarap, Kamaliah, 269 Tuggle, Charles, 294 Poonthong, Nijira, 245 Singer, Jill, 270 Vineberg, Maney, 295 Popovich, Joan C., 246 Sirianni, AnaDarcia, 271 Voland, Howard M., 296 Potibut, Supaporn, 247 Slack, David H., 272 Waine, Catherine, 297 Powers, Cecilia C., 248 Slagle, Jeffrey, 273 Warren, Brian, 298 Pribble III, John, 249 Slavin, Ruth, 274 Whatley, Thurmond, 299 Rand, Honey, 250 Smith, Christopher Paul, 275 Williams, Connie, 300 Rawlinson, Jenny, 251 Smith, Pepper, 276 Williams, Donna, 301 Reber, Bryan H., 252 Sterghos, Nicole, 277 Williams, Margaret, 302 Reynolds, Paula J., 253 Stewart, Jacqueline, 278 Wilson, Sherrie L., 303 Rhoney, Deborah, 254 Stockman, Shawn, 279 Winch, Samuel, 304 Roethler-Jonen, Sandy, 255 Stubbee, Melinda, 280 Wood, Natalie, 305 Rogers, Joyce, 256 Stuckert, Donna, 281 Wu, Lei, 306 Ruesch, Thomas, 257 Sukanto, Sarinastiti, 282 Y'au, Usman, 307 Rundquist, Kristina, 258 Sutton, Michael J., 283 Yan, Weilian, 308 Rusten, Ellen, 259 Swanson, Kathryn, 284 Yaskin, Shirley, 309 Salim, SjaFriel, 260 Swisher, Kevin C., 285 Zabala, Frenando, 310 Schellhorn, Eric, 261 Tan, Hong-Im, 286 Zak, Susannah K., 311 Schmidtke, Sandra, 262 Tatlow, Rose, 287 Zanazzi, Roseana, 312 Schunck, Michael, 263 Teymour, M. Leeann, 288 Zenger, Sheahon, 313 Seidl, Barbara A., 264 Thinesen, Sarah, 289 Zhong, Hua, 314 Seth, Anuradha, 265 Thronson-Hook, Kathleen, 290 Zhou, Xin, 315 Shannon, Cassandra, 266 Tironi, Frank, 291 | INDEXES IINSTITUTION JINDEX Ball State University, 281 St. Cloud State University, 289, University of Pennsylvania, 68, 73, 308 87, 91, 96, 97, 98, 105, 108, 112, Brigham Young University, 62, 63, 118, 128, 136, 142, 159, 163, 174, 126, 130, 162, 169, 210 Stanford University, 214 178, 179, 193, 212, 218, 226, 244, 263, 274, 275, 287, 292, 295, 301, California State University, Fuller- Texas Tech University, 119 302, 312 ton, 171 University of Colorado, 161, 249, University of South Carolina, 121, California State University, 282 135, 139, 185, 266, 299 Northridge, 72, 85, 111, 148, University of Denver, 129 173, 216, 289 University of Southern Mississippi, Cornell University, 76, 92, 117, 122, University of Florida, 11, 17, 27, 14, 19, 38, 47 154, 172, 219, 242, 246, 253, 260, 28, 54, 55, 70, 71, 82, 143, 144, University of Tennessee, 5, 15, 16, 264, 268 152, 158, 206, 208, 215, 234, 251, 33, 53, 94, 110, 147, 176, 213 271, 279, 294, 297, 298 East Texas State University, 88, 100 University of Texas, Austin, 20, 36, University of Georgia, 109, 195 40, 61, 64, 74, 81, 99, 125, 140, Indiana University, 4, 25, 42 University of Illinois, Urbana- 164, 168, 181, 183, 190, 256. 285 Iowa State University, 113, 127, Champaign, 3, 18, 21, 26, 35, 48, University of Washington, 7, 8, 12, 132, 167, 175, 2180, 186, 198, 51 79, 115, 137, 145, 211, 223, 250, 233, 236, 237, 247, 269, 303 University of Iowa, 22, 41, 60 296 Kansas State University, 194, 313 University of Windsor, 157 University of Kansas, 252 Marquette University, 65, 150, 205, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Kentucky, 2 224, 228, 231, 235, 239, 257, 262, 46, 50, 67, 104, 133, 151, 202, 310 University of Miami, 57, 106, 177, 209, 255, 290, 307, 314 New York University, 1 270, 305, 309 Washington State University, 131, Northwestern, 39 University of Minnesota, 30, 43, 241 288 Ohio State University, 44, 45, 69, University of Mississippi, 80, 238, 78, 93, 102, 103, 107, 123, 200, 221, 230 276, 300 University of Missouri-Columbia, Ohio University, 9, 56, 153, 165, 49, 187, 222, 267 166, 189, 254, 304, 315 University of North Carolina, 6, 10, Point Park College, 120, 149, 199, 13, 23, 24, 31, 32, 37, 58, 66, 77, 291 84, 86, 89, 95, 101, 119, 116, 134, Purdue, 52 146, 155, 156, 160, 182, 184, 196, 197, 201, 203, 204, 207, 217, 227, San Jose State University, 75, 90, 240, 243, 258, 259, 261, 265, 272, 124, 141, 188, 220, 241 273, 277, 278, 280, 283, 286, 293, 311 Southern Illinois University, 29, 39, 59, 131, 170, 192, 225, 229, 232, University of Oregon, 83 245, 306 | 158 JOURNALISM ABSTRACTS | SUBJECT JINDEX The numbers cited in the index are the abstract numbers. Some index terms appear without numbers. These listings indicate that the terms were used in previous indexes. See subject indexes for volumes 24-29 (1986-1991). In addition this year, subject index terms also index listing in the Other Dissertations section. Aberhart, William Advocacy reporting 571, see Angola 215 Abolitionists Reporting Anonymous sources Abortion 361 The Advocate Answering machines Academic Freedom 205 AEJMC Anthony, Susan B. Access to information Aesthetic perception Anxiety 407 Access to media Aesthetics 97 Arab-Israel conflict 559, see Israel- Acculturation 53, 61, 232, 268, 315, Affective relations model Arab conflict 437 Africa 154, 266 Arab news 63, see Middle East Accurate News and Information Act Africa (magazine) news Acid rain African Americans 302 Arab press 315, 516 Acronyms Afriscope (magazine) Arabs Addressa Visen (Norway) Aged, see Elderly Argentina Adolescents and media 10, 203. Agenda-setting 23, 46, 56, 58, 66, Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR) 310, 444, 526 70, 82, 117, 180, 190, 269, 303, Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, Ar) Adversary journalism 573, 617 Army 194, 196, see also Military Advertising 1, 7, 55, 59, 64, 90, 10, Aggression Art 97, 160 124, 143, 144, 158, 179, 187, 189, Aging 397 Artists 208, 209, 247, 285, 286, 301, 314, Agora Arts criticism 294 371, 446, 453, 488, 569, 621, 627, Agricultural communication 46, 49, Arts news see Content Analysis (Advertis- 223, 264, 472 Asahi Shimbun ing) Agricultural news 81, 155 Ascertainment Advertising agencies 37, 357, 423 Agriculture 145, 204, 209, 260, 276 Asia 93, 154, 182 Advertising audience 198 AIDS 55, 56, 87, 142, 168, 1173, Asian-American Advertising, direct mail, see Direct 244, 322, 415, 590, 617 ASNE mail advertising Airwaves, see Broadcast spectrum Assertions Advertising education Alabama Assimilation 92, see Immigration; Advertising employees Albach, John Henry Socialization Advertising, false and misleading Alcohol 280, 285, 484 Associated Press Advertising generic, see Generic Algeria The Athenian Review advertising All Things Considered (radio) Athens News Advertising, horizontal cooperative, Alternative press 166 Athletics 291, see Sports; Collegiate see Generic Advertising Alumni advertising athletics; High school athletics Advertising, medical Alumni gifts The Atlanta Constitution Advertising messages 158, 175, 199, Aluminum Company of America The Atlanta Journal 356 American Association of University Attitudes 24, 61, 71, 87, 122, 141, Advertising, outdoor Women 147, 151, 159, 183, 229, 233, 238, Advertising, political American colonial press 241, 365, 367, 377, 453, 554, 625 Advertising portrayal American colonies, see Colonies in Attribution Advertising regulation 7, 452, 528 America Audiences Advertising, religious American Exile in Canada (maga- Audience analysis 2, 102, 111, 128, Advertising research 65, 175, 208, zine) 218, 263, 292, 322, 332, 511 324, 353, 355, 397, 422, 443, 453, American Indians 311, 475 Audience research 44, 159, 160, 455, 462, 465, 467, 528, 576, 584, American Nurseryman 163, 174, 242, 254, 257, 497, 587, 601, 625, 628 Anderson, John B. 603, see also, Survey Research; specific media, i.e., Television Broadcast history (Kenya) Cartoonists audience 21, 46, 239, 301 Broadcast history (Pakistan) Cartoons 63, 394, see also, Content Audio-visual communication 564 Broadcast history (Panama) Analysis (Cartoons) Aunt Jemima (trademark) Broadcast history (Tanzania) Case study Austin (TX) Broadcast licensing Case study research 18 Australia 12, 604 Broadcast management Catholic press Authors Broadcast news 33, 118, see Radio Cellular technology Autobiography news; Television news Censorship 83, 129, 137, 161, 205, Avoidance, see Audience Research Broadcast news equipment, see 221, 240, 283, 309, 379, 433, 486, Bahama Islands also, Radio news; Television news 491, 529, 607, 618 Baltimore News American Broadcast ratings Central Illinois Public Service The Baltimore Sun (MD) Broadcast regulation 327, 454, 463, Company Bangladesh 478, 538, 557, 604, see Regula- Central Missouri State University Banking tion, Telecommunications Chain ownership 43, 185, see Barbados regulation Media ownership Barbados Advocate-News Broadcast spectrum Channel One 420, 424, 438, 570 Baton Rouge Morning Advocate Broadcasters, see Journalists Channels, see Communication Battleship Maine Brochures 233 channels Bauhaus Brokaw, Clare Boothe, see Clare Chapin, E.N. The Beatles Boothe Brokaw Luce Chesapeake Bay Behavior 67, 74, 87, 126, 142, 160, Brokerage The Chicago Sun Times 214, 237, 244, 292 Burton, Alex Chicago Tribune Beijing Review Bush, George 281 Chicanos, see Hispanics Beliefs 28, 64, 232, 612 Business 155, 170, 249 Children and advertising Belize 119 Business and economics 66, 157, Children and media 26, 73, 128, The Berkeley Barb 177, 217, 272, 326, 423, 446, 484, 280, 287, 310, 369, 430, 490, 492, Berlin 538 498, see also, Media and youth; Berry, George L. Business communications 141, 246, Communication and youth Bias 28, 179, 180, 210, 285, see 272, 371, 506, 520 Children and television 52, 187, Editorial bias Business and media 99, 114, 148, 206, 317, 402, 420, 422, 424, 438, Bibliography 304 267 565 Birth control 10 Business news 520 Children and toys Black press 432 C-SPAN Chile 417 Black Star Cable programming China 8, 9, 25, 48, 60, 79, 130, 210, Blacks 203, 266, 276, 295, 298, 300, Cable Telecommunications Act 1983 306, 308, 314, 359, 421, 427, 437, 301, 302, 375 Cable television 13, 171, 186, 371, 440, 450, 471, 472, 593, 629 Blue Velvet 388, 515 Chinese 61, 94 Bolivia Caen, Herb (columnist) Chinese-Americans Bonneville Satellite Corporation Cambodia Christian Broadcasting Network Book publishing 549, see also, Cameras in courtroom 33, 449 (CBN) Content Analysis (Books) Cameroon The Christian Century Book publishing (Malaysia) Canada 45, 84, 327, 4416, 460, 485 Christians Book reviewing Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Bork, Robert 200 Canadian Radio-Television and Saints Brazil 215, 470 Telecommunications Commission Cinema 174, see also Movies, Films Britain 251, 344, 405, 559, 580, 611 416 Circulation/distribution 102, 185, Broadcast 56, 102, 229, 315, 371, Captions 212 211 399 Careers 241, 367, 395 Cisneros, Evangelina Broadcast code Carey, James W. City Councils, see Municipal Broadcast economics Caribbean 157 government Broadcast ethics Caribbean News Agency (CANA) City magazines, see Magazines 284 Broadcast fees Carter, James Civil rights 101, 276 Broadcast history Carter, Richard F. Civil War, 1861-1865, see United | 160 JOURNALISM ABSTRACTS It States Civil War Communications 97, 219, 308 Content analysis (iaw) Clemson University (SC) Communications Act of 1934 Content analysis (magazines) 11, Cleveland (OH) Communicator analysis 56, 103, 174, 198, 211, 281, 285, Clothing 98 Communism and mass media 305, 330, 448, 567 Cloze procedure Community 219, 228, 257, 275 Content analysis (music) 352 Clurman, Herman Community access television, see Content analysis (news services) Cognitive processes 26, 28, 51, 61, Cable television Content analysis (newspapers) 5, 128, 317, 337, 442, 530 Community journalism 50, 363 20, 34, 56, 60, 82, 93, 107, 112, Cold War 179, 489, see World Comparative advertising 124, 127, 130, 132, 150, 165, 168, politics Comparative analysis 98 179, 185, 202, 216, 220, 252, 263, College 92, 136, 160, 184, 205, 299, Comparative media 20, 56, 78, 90, 288, 319, 365, 384, 457, 519, 559, 561, see also, University 93, 103, 108, 140, 149, 177, 180, 572 College newspapers 181, 198, 210, 226, 247, 250, 257, Content analysis (photographs) 78, College public relations 293, 314, 345, 356 230 College students 74 Comparative news values 34, 82, Content analysis (radio) Collegiate athletics 150 Content analysis (speech) Collegiate press, see College Competing media 43, 62, 82, 93, Content analysis (television) 26, 56, newspapers 112, 152, 165, 167, 188, 201, 225, 42,111, 115, 118, 167, 180, 206, Colonies in America 294, 386, see also, Comparative 225, 266, 294, 314, 352, 422, 595 Color 44, 233, 621 media Content analysis (theatre) Colorado Competing media (case study) Content analysis (thematic) Columbia University Comprehension 430 Content analysis (videos) 299 Columnists 604, see also, Essayists; Computer databases 165, see Content analysis (videotex) 108 Journalists Online databases Context analysis 41, 79, 247, 250, Columns 195 Computer instructions 571 Comedy Computers 5, 77, 163, 165, 222, Coorientation 169 Comics 137, 283, 298 237, 373, 348 Coorientation research 289, 295, Commercials 40, 110, 143, 144, 158, Confidential records 302, 377 247, 314, 408, see Radio advertis- Confidential sources, see also, Copyright 550 ing; Television advertising News sources 273 Corporate advertising 452 Communication analysis 615 Conflict 41, 46, 50, 52, 58, 60, 228, Corporate communications 43, 452, Communication and culture 347, 288, 429 573, see also, Organizational 414, 418 Conflict-oriented content analysis communications Communication and youth 295 Corporation for Public Broadcasting Communication channels 54 Congress (U.S.) 16, 190, 200, 385, Corporations, see Business news Communication comprehension, 410 Costa Rica 67, 294 see Comprehension Congressional investigations Counter culture, see also, Alterna- Communication development see Conservation issues 49, see also tive press Development communication Environment County government Communication effects, see also, Consumer behavior 104, 369, 628 Court trials 5, 129, 153, 273, 343, Media effects Content analysis 4, 22, 24, 25, 33, 400, see also, Fair trials; Tele- Communications gap 125 39, 75, 91, 121, 132, 137, 138, 190, vised trials Communication law 216, 236, 237, 253, 266, 282, 284, Cox Communications, Inc. Communication law (Romania) 303, 393, 404, 545, 606 Creativity 158 Communication models Content analysis (advertising) 306 Credibility 192, 385 Communication occupations, see Content analysis (books) Creel, George Occupations; Employment Content analysis (cartoons) Crime 21, 77, 303 Communication plan 243 Content analysis (computerized) 15, Crime news 118, 164, 165, 194, 259, Communication policy 495 58, 168, 200 283, 293, 334, 374 Communication strategy 242 Content analysis (editorials) 62, Crises news 41, 79, 111, 132, 146, Communication style 194, 220, 267, 285 153, 181, 194, see Disaster news Communication system 260 Content analysis (films) The Crisis (magazine) Communication theory 44, 392, 568 Content analysis (journals) Crisis management 500 Critical analysis 79, 284, 287, 304, 513, 517, 574, 593, 594, 595 Editorial content 178 382, 614 Development journalism, see Editorial policy, see also, Editorial Critics Development communication bias Croly, Jane Cunningham Development news 113, 133 Editorial writers Cross-cultural analysis Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka Editorials 563,601, see Content Cross-cultural research 79, 247, Diaries Analysis (Editorials) 269, 312, 314, 427, 458 Diario Las Americas Editors 178, 220, 309 Cross-national studies Diffusion research 42, 49, 145, 165, Education 22, 71, 74, 80, 87, 100, Cross, Richard 239 119, 129, 132, 135, 151, 170, 172, Crowninshield, Frank Digitization 201, 204, 206, 244, 247, 249, 252, Cuba Direct broadcast satellite, see 258, 262, 271, 287, 349, 407, 420, Cuban-Americans Satellite communication 424, 438, 565, 570, 608 Cultivation theory 51, 119, 232, Direct mail advertising 578 Education news 437, 496, 527 Direct marketing Educational bias Cultural change Dirichlet multivariate model Educational media Cultural imperialism Disaster news 15, 22, 29, 34, 59, 91, Educational television, see Instruc- Cultural studies 1, 14, 26, 41, 53, 96, 101, 112, 117, 121, 127, 129, tional television 54, 72, 92, 98, 99, 108, 116, 201, 131, 132, 179, 231, 238, 247, 263, Edwards, Gov. Edwin 210, 213, 247, 246, 253, 283, 295, 383, 404 Edwards v. National Audubon 306, 312, 319, 325, 347, 376, 377, Discrimination 142, 154, 165, 230, Society 415, 418, 506, 524, 588, 626 300 Egypt 316 Cunningham, Hugh Wilson Dissemination of information see Einstein, Albert Cunningham, Minnie Fisher Public information campaigns Eisenhower, Dwight D. 150 Curriculum 249, 349 Dissonance Elderly 28, 239, 254 Cyberspace 77 Distance education 170 Elections 547, see Political cam- Daily newspapers, see newspapers Diversity 300, 456 paigns Daily Gleaner (Jamaica) Dixon, Margaret Electronic editing 237 Daily Times (Nigeria) Docudramas Electronic imaging 176, 477 Dance Documentaries 81, 341, 378, 424, Electronic publishing Darwin, Charles Robert 475, 564 Elite news media 133, 179 Davis, H.G. “Buddy” Documerica Elite press, see Elite news media Daytime serials, see Soap operas Dominican Republic 87, 141, 244 El Salvador 181 Deception Downriver High School Press Emergency information, see Decision-making 49, 65, 96, 122, (Detroit, MI) Disaster news 125, 238, 242, 246 Drama 226, 460, 614 Employees 80, 114, 120, 141, 176, Democracy 25 Dress, see Clothing 246, 270 Demographic research 83, 94, 116, Drugs 7, 23, 64, 74, 202, 265, 280, Employment 80, 300, see also, 120, 159, 160, 178, 183, 242, 250, 285 Occupations 254, 257, 262, 268, 301, 302, 307, DuBois, W.E.B. Empowerment 246, 284 313, 314 Dubuque Telegraph-Herald Encyclopedia Deregulation 456, see Telecommu- Dunn, Paul H. Encyclopedia of Communications nications regulation Dwyer, R. Budd Entertainment 173, 194 Descriptive analysis East Texas State University Entropy value measurement Desegregation Economics 1, 66, 148, 155, 157, Environment 15, 255, 270, 282, 521, Desensitize 179, 217, 446, 464, 521, 528, 548, 535 Design 44, 233, 249, 539, 622 see also Business and economics Environment communication 104, Desktop publishing 616, see also Economic models 125, 191 Computers Economic news 15, 60, 548 Environment news 442 Development see National develop- Ecuador 292 Environmental issues 197, 198, 214, Editing 128, 238 ment 224, 255, 258, 260, 323, 341, 354, Development communication 36, Editorial bias _ see also, Editorial 383, 436, 459, 571 67, 154, 156, 198, 227, 236, 298, policy Essayists, see also, Columnists; 306, 308, 339, 389, 431, 447, 472, Editorial cartoons 63, see Cartoons Journalists 162. JOURNALISM ABSTRACTS | Esquire Finance 140, 174, 183, 189, 218, 226, 242, Estes, Carl Lewis Finland 483 266, 301, 305, 325, 362, 598, 600, Ethics 30, 38, 40, 75, 135, 153, 156, First Amendment 30, 33, 45, 77, 83, 612 238, 304, 409, 476, 522, 554, 602 101, 109, 129, 136, 161, 169, 196, Gender orientation see also, Sex Ethics (case study) 205, 240, 274, 309, 540, 619, 624 roles Ethiopia Fishbein-Ajzen Theory 65 Genealogy Ethiopian Herald Florida 152 Generic advertising Ethnic press 50, 454, 620 Floyd, Charles “Pretty Boy” The Genoa Republican (IL) Ethnographic research 48, 50, 53, Focus groups 224 Georgia, colony of (U.S.) 68, 76, 245, 253, 312, 477, 498 Folk media German-Americans 169 European War Food bank Germany 401 Evans, David N. Foreign correspondents Gestalt Evolution Foreign language 171, see Lan- Ghana Exchange theory guage translation Ghanian Times Experimental design Foreign news 180, 461, 519, 572, Ghostwriters Experimental research 175, 355 see also, International news flow Glasnost Exposure models 42, 53, 174, 191, Foreign newspapers Global Village 292, 315 Foreign policy 20, 351, 381, 429, Godard, Jean Luc Exterpersonal communication 457, 461, 572 Goffman, Erving Extraversion Foreign press 94, 215 Goodell, Robert W. Exxon Valdez 15 Foreign reporting Gorbachev, Mikhail 461 Fair trial, see also, Court trial; Foreign students 92 Gordon, Charles Televised trial Forensics Government and media 32, 35, 36, Fairness Doctrine Fortune (magazine) 45, 130, 190, 451, 471, 595 see Fallaci, Oriana Fox 225 Media and government Family communication 26, 42, 142, Frames 20, 34, 96, 115, 200, 296, Government records, see Access to 259, 280, 310, 422, 490, 587, 605 576 information Farm news 155, 279, see Agricul- France 331, 481 Gramsci, Antonio tural news Francis, Bevo Grand Cayman Island Fashion 286 Franklin, Benjamin Graffiti Fear 52,55, 130, see Horror films Franklin County (OH) Graham, Barbara Feature writing 124 Freberg, Stan Graphic design 44, 114, 222 Federal Communications Commis- Freedman, Jill Graphics 78, 88, 104, 107, 367, 501 sion 19, 31, 425, 447, 557 Freedom of Information, see also, Gratifications Federal Radio Commission 19 Access to information Gratiot County Herald (MI) Federal Trade Commission 7 Freedom of the press 221, 303, 334, Great Britain 342, 384, see Britain Feedback 377, see also, First Amendment Greece Feminists 183, 190, 218, see Freedom of the press (Nigeria) Greely, Horace Women and media content Freedom of the press (Romania) Greene, Percy Ferarro, Geraldine A. Freedom of the press (South Korea) Greenpeace Fiction Free Speech 6, 77, 129, 136, 161, Grenada Fiction writing 196, 205, 240, 309, 561 Grenville News (S.C.) Field research, see also, Case study Frontier Guardian (Council Bluffs, Group communications 50, 76, 292 research; Observational research 1A) Group ownership, see Media Film comment Fuller, Margaret ownership Film critic Fundraising 139, 335, 353 Gruening, Ernest Film distribution Gale, Zona Grunig, James E. Film Noir Gallagher, Wes Guem 379 Film production Gambia Guardian Film research 73 Gannett Company Guatemala Film reviews Garvey, Marcus Guyana Films 45, 174, 321, 341, 460, 466, Gatekeeper 45, 54, 96, 238, 294 Guyana Chronicle see also, Motion Pictures Gender 14, 50, 76, 105, 116, 126, Hage-Hull typology

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