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| INDEX TO VOLUME 82 SUBJECT INDEX Robustness of the Informational Utility Model, 82:1, 181-195. ADVERTISING LEE, FRANCIS L. F., The Impact of Ordinary Political Conversation on Pub- LEE, KI-YOUNG and SUNG-HEE lic Opinion Expression: Is Existence of JOO, The Portrayal of Asian Americans Discord Necessary?, 82:4, 891-909. in Mainstream Magazine Ads: An Update, LEE, TIEN-TSUNG, Media Effects on 82:3, 654-671. Political Disengagement Revisited: A WEI, RAN and JING JIANG, Ex- Multiple-Media Approach, 82:2, 416-433. ploring Culture’s Influence on Standard- LIU, YUNG-I and WILLIAM P. EVE- ization Dynamics of Creative Strategy and LAND, JR., Education, Need for Cog- Execution in International Advertising, nition, and Campaign Interest as Moder- 82:4, 838-856. ators of News Effects on Political Knowl- edge: An Analysis of the Knowledge Gap, AUDIENCE ANALYSIS 82:4, 910-929. MOY, PATRICIA, EDITH MANO- HEIDER, DON, MAXWELL MC- SEVITCH, KEITH STAMM, and KATE COMBS, and PAULA M. POINDEXTER, DUNSMORE, Linking Dimensions of What the Public Expects of Local News: Internet Use and Civic Engagement, 82:3, Views on Public and Traditional Journ- 571-586. alism, 82:4, 952-967. PAEK, HYE-JIN, SO-HYANG YOON, MOY, PATRICIA, EDITH MANO- and DHAVAN V. SHAH, Local News, SEVITCH, KEITH STAMM, and KATE Social Integration, and Community DUNSMORE, Linking Dimensions of Participation: Hierarchical Linear Model- Internet Use and Civic Engagement, 82:3, ing of Contextual and Cross-level Effects, 571-586. 82:3, 587-606. PAEK, HYE-JIN, SO-HYANG YOON, and DHAVAN V. SHAH, Local News, COMMUNICATION THEORY Social Integration, and Community Participation: Hierarchical Linear Model- ARMSTRONG, CORY L. and MICH- ing of Contextual and Cross-level Effects, ELLE R. NELSON, How Newspaper 82:3, 587-606. Sources Trigger Gender Stereotypes, 82:4, 820-837. COMMUNICATION EFFECTS BOYLE, MICHAEL P., MICHAEL R. MCCLUSKEY, DOUGLAS M. MCLEOD, ARMSTRONG, CORY L. and MICH- and SUE E. STEIN, Newspapers and ELLE R. NELSON, How Newspaper Protest: An Examination of Protest Cover- Sources Trigger Gender Stereotypes, 82:4, age from 1960 to 1999, 82:3, 638-653. 820-837. CHANG, TSAN-KUO and ZIXUE KNOBLOCH-WESTERWICK, | SIL- TAI, Mass Communication Research and VIA, FRANCESCA DILLMAN CARPEN- the Invisible College Revisited: The TIER, ANDREE BLUMHOFF, and NICO Changing Landscape and Emerging NICKEL, Selective Exposure Effects for Fronts in Journalism-Related Studies, 82:3, Positive and Negative News: Testing the 672-694. 1029 INDEX TO VOLUME 82 CHRISTEN, CINDY T., The Utility of CAMERON, Different Sides of the Same Coorientational Variables as Predictors of Coin: Mixed Views of Public Reiations Willingness to Negotiate, 82:1, 7-24. Practitioners and Journalists for Strategic EDY, JILL A., SCOTT L. ALTHAUS, Conflict Management, 82:2, 318-338. and PATRICIA F. PHALEN, Using News SPAULDING, STACY, Did Women Abstracts to Represent News Agendas, Listen to News? A Critical Examination 82:2, 434-446. of Landmark Radio Audience Research KNOBLOCH-WESTERWICK, _ SIL- (1935-1948), 82:1, 44-61. VIA, FRANCESCA DILLMAN CARPEN- TIER, ANDREE BLUMHOFF, and NICO CONTENT ANALYSIS NICKEL, Selective Exposure Effects for Positive and Negative News: Testing the BENOIT, WILLIAM L., KEVIN A. Robustness of the Informational Utility STEIN, and GLENN J. HANSEN, New Model, 82:1, 181-195. York Times Coverage of Presidential Cam- LEE, FRANCIS L. E,, The Impact of paigns, 82:2, 356-376. Ordinary Political Conversation on Pub- BERKOWITZ, DAN, Suicide Bombers lic Opinion Expression: Is Existence of as Women Warriors: Making News Discord Necessary?, 82:4, 891-909. through Mythical Archetypes, 82:3, 607- LEE, TIEN-TSUNG, Media Effects on 622. Political Disengagement Revisited: A BOYLE, MiCHAEL P., MICHAEL R. Multiple-Media Approach, 82:2, 416-433. MCCLUSKEY, DOUGLAS M. MCLEOD, LIU, YUNG-I and WILLIAM P. EVE- and SUE E. STEIN, Newspapers and LAND, JR., Education, Need for Cog- Protest: An Examination of Protest Cover- nition, and Campaign Interest as Moder- age from 1960 to 1999, 82:3, 638-653. ators of News Effects on Political Knowl- CHANG, TSAN-KUO and ZIXUE edge: An Analysis of the Knowledge Gap, TAIL Mass Communication Research and 82:4, 910-929. the Invisible College Revisited: The LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and M. Changing Landscape and Emerging MARK MILLER, Framing of the 2003 U.S.- Fronts in Journalism-Related Studies, 82:3, Iraq War Demonstrations: An Analysis of 672-694. News and Partisan Texts, 82:1, 78-96. EDY, JILL A., SCOTT L. ALTHAUS, MOY, PATRICIA, EDITH MANO- and PATRICIA F. PHALEN, Using News SEVITCH, KEITH STAMM, and KATE Abstracts to Represent News Agendas, DUNSMORE, Linking Dimensions of 82:2, 434-446. Internet Use and Civic Engagement, 82:3, FOX, JULIA R., JAMES R. ANGELINI, 571-586. and CHRISTOPHER GOBLE, Hype ver- NIVEN, DAVID, An Economic Theo- sus Substance in Network Television ry of Political Journalism, 82:2, 247-263. Coverage of Presidential Election Cam- PAEK, HYE-JIN, SO-HYANG YOON, paigns, 82:1, 97-109. and DHAVAN V. SHAH, Local News, KING, CYNTHIA and PAUL MAR- Social Integration, and Community TIN LESTER, Photographic Coverage dur- Participation: Hierarchical Linear Model- ing the Persian Gulf and Iraqi Wars in ing of Contextual and Cross-level Effects, Three U.S. Newspapers, 82:3, 623-637. 82:3, 587-606. LEE, KI-YOUNG and SUNG-HEE PARK, HYUN SOON and CHARLES JOO, The Portrayal of Asian Americans T. SALMON, A Test of the Third-Person in Mainstream Magazine Ads: An Update, Effect in Public Relations: Application of 82:3, 654-671. Social Comparison Theory, 82:1, 25-43. LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and M. SHIN, JAE-HWA and GLEN T. MARK MILLER, Framing of the 2003 U.S.- 1030 JOURNALISM & Mass COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY Iraq War Demonstrations: An Analysis of BERKOWITZ, DAN, Suicide Bombers News and Partisan Texts, 82:1, 78-96. as Women Warriors: Making News LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and through Mythical Archetypes, 82:3, 607- XIANG ZHOU, Within the Boundaries 622. of Politics: News Framing of SARS in BRONSTEIN, CAROLYN, Represent- China and the United States, 82:4, 857-872. ing the Third Wave: Mainstream Print NIVEN, DAVID, An Economic Theo- Media Framing of a New Feminist ry of Political Journalism, 82:2, 247-263. Movement, 82:4, 783-803. TRAMMELL, KAYE D. and ANA HARDIN, MARIE, Stopped at the KESHELASHVILI, Examining the New Gate: Women’s Sports, “Reader Interest,” Influencers: A Self-Presentation Study of and Decision Making by Editors, 82:1, 62- A-List Blogs, 82:4, 968-982. TE YOON, YOUNGMIN, Examining HARDIN, MARIE and STACIE Journalists’ Perceptions and News Cov- SHAIN, Strength in Numbers? The Ex- erage of Stem Cell and Cloning Organ- periences and Attitudes of Women in izations, 82:2, 281-300. Sports Media Careers, 82:4, 804-819. SPAULDING, STACY, Did Women ECONOMICS OF THE PRESS Listen to News? A Critical Examination of Landmark Radio Audience Research CHEN, RENE, ESTHER THORSON, (1935-1948), 82:1, 44-61. and STEPHEN LACY, The Impact of Newsroom Investment on Newspaper Re- HISTORY venues and Profits: Small and Medium Newspapers, 1998-2002, 82:3, 516-532. MIZUNO, TAKEYA, Federal Govern- LOWREY, WILSON, Commitment to ment Uses of the Japanese-language Press Newspaper-TV Partnering: A Test of the from Pearl Harbor to Mass Incarceration, Impact of Institutional Isomorphism, 82:3, 82:1, 148-166. 95-515. SPAULDING, STACY, Did Women ROSENBERRY, JACK, The Effect of Listen to News? A Critical Examination Content Mix on Circulation Penetration of Landmark Radio Audience Research for U.S. Daily Newspapers, 82:2, 377-397. (1935-1948), 82:1, 44-61. UHM, KIYUL, The Cold War ETHICS Communication Crisis: The Right to Know Movement, 82:1, 131-147 HEIDER, DON, MAXWELL MC- COMBS, and PAULA M. POINDEXTER, INTERNATIONAL What the Public Expects of Local News: Views on Public and Traditional Journ- BERKOWITZ, DAN, Suicide Bombers alism, 82:4, 952-967. as Women Warriors: Making News KEITH, SUSAN, Newspaper Copy Edi- through Mythical Archetypes, 82:3, 607- tors’ Perceptions of their Ideal and Real 622. Ethics Roles, 82:4, 930-951. CASSIDY, WILLIAM P., Variations on a Theme: The Professional Role Con- GENDER AND MEDIA ceptions of Print and Online Newspaper Journalists, 82:2, 264-280. ARMSTRONG, CORY L. and MICH- KING, CYNTHIA and PAUL MAR- ELLE R. NELSON, How Newspaper TIN LESTER, Photographic Coverage dur- Sources Trigger Gender Stereotypes, 82:4, ing the Persian Gulf and Iraqi Wars in 820-837. Three U.S. Newspapers, 82:3, 623-637. 1031 INDEX TO VOLUME 82 LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and Sports Media Careers, 82:4, 804-819. XIANG ZHOU, Within the Boundaries LOWREY, WILSON, Commitment to of Politics: News Framing of SARS in Newspaper-TV Partnering: A Test of the China and the United States, 82:4, 857- Impact of Institutional Isomorphism, 82:3, 872. 495-515. WEIL, RAN and JING JIANG, Ex- ROSENBERRY, JACK, The Effect of ploring Culture’s Influence on Standard- Content Mix on Circulation Penetration ization Dynamics of Creative Strategy and for U.S. Daily Newspapers, 82:2, 377-397. Execution in International Advertising, 82:4, 838-856. MAGAZINE JOURNALISM INTERNET LEE, KI-YOUNG and SUNG-HEE MOY, PATRICIA, EDITH MANO- JOO, The Portrayal of Asian Americans SEVITCH, KEITH STAMM, and KATE in Mainstream Magazine Ads: An Update, DUNSMORE, Linking Dimensions of 82:3, 654-671. Internet Use and Civic Engagement, 82:3, 571-586. METHODOLOGY-RESEARCH REICH, ZVI, New Technologies, Old Practices: The Conservative Revolution in CHANG, TSAN-KUO and ZIXUE Communication between Reporters and TAI, Mass Communication Research and News Sources in the Israeli Press, 82:3, the Invisible College Revisited: The 552-570. Changing Landscape and Emerging TRAMMELL, KAYE D. and ANA Fronts in Journalism-Related Studies, 82:3, KESHELASHVILIL, Examining the New 672-694. Influencers: A Self-Presentation Study of EDY, JILL A., SCOTT L. ALTHAUS, A-List Blogs, 82:4, 968-982. and PATRICIA F. PHALEN, Using News Abstracts to Represent News Agendas, LAW AND POLICY 82:2, 434-446. CARTER, EDWARD L., Defining Government Speech: Recent Approaches MINORITIES and the Germaneness Principle, 82:2, 398- 415. ARMSTRONG, CORY L. and MICH- ELLE R. NELSON, How Newspaper MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP Sources Trigger Gender Stereotypes, 82:4, 820-837. CHEN, RENE, ESTHER THORSON, LEE, KI-YOUNG and SUNG-HEE and STEPHEN LACY, The Impact of JOO, The Portrayal of Asian Americans Newsroom Investment on Newspaper Re- in Mainstream Magazine Ads: An Update, venues and Profits: Small and Medium 82:3, 654-671. Newspapers, 1998-2002, 82:3, 516-532. MASTRO, DANA E. and ELIZA- HARDIN, MARIE, Stopped at the BETH BEHM-MORAWITZ, Latino Repre- Gate: Women’s Sports, “Reader Interest,” sentation on Primetime Television, 82:1, and Decision Making by Editors, 82:1, 62- 110-130. Td. MIZUNO, TAKEYA, Federal Govern- HARDIN, MARIE and STACIE ment Uses of the Japanese-language Press SHAIN, Strength in Numbers? The Ex- from Pearl Harbor to Mass Incarceration, periences and Attitudes of Women in 82:1, 148-166. 1032 JOURNALISM & Mass COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY NEWSWRITING AND REPORTING ry of Political Journalism, 82:2, 247-263. POPOVICH, MARK N. and MARK ARMSTRONG, CORY L. and MICH- H. MASSE, Individual Assessment of ELLE R. NELSON, How Newspaper Media Writing Student Attitudes: Sources Trigger Gender Stereotypes, 82:4, Recasting the Mass Communication 820-837. Writing Apprehension Measure, 82:2, 339- BENOIT, WILLIAM L., KEVIN A. OOo. STEIN, and GLENN J. HANSEN, New York REICH, ZVI, New Technologies, Old Times Coverage of Presidential Cam- Practices: The Conservative Revolution in paigns, 82:2, 356-376. Communication between Reporters and BERKOWITZ, DAN, Suicide Bombers News Sources in the Israeli Press, 82:3, as Women Warriors: Making News 552-570. through Mythical Archetypes, 82:3, 607- YOON, YOUNGMIN, Examining 622. Journalists’ Perceptions and News Cov- BOYLE, MICHAEL P., MICHAEL R. erage of Stem Cell and Cloning Organ- MCCLUSKEY, DOUGLAS M. MCLEOD, izations, 82:2, 281-300. and SUE E. STEIN, Newspapers and Protest: An Examination of Protest Cover- POLITICAL COMMUNICATION age from 1960 to 1999, 82:3, 638-653. CASSIDY, WILLIAM P., Variations BENOIT, WILLIAM L., KEVIN A. on a Theme: The Professional Role Con- STEIN, and GLENN J. HANSEN, New ceptions of Print and Online Newspaper York Times Coverage of Presidential Cam- Journalists, 82:2, 264-280. paigns, 82:2, 356-376. FAHMY, SHAHIRA and THOMAS BOYLE, MICHAEL P., MICHAEL R. J. JOHNSON, “How We Performed”: MCCLUSKEY, DOUGLAS M. MCLEOD, Embedded Journalists’ Attitudes and Per- and SUE E. STEIN, Newspapers and ceptions towards Covering the Iraq War, Protest: An Examination of Protest Cover- 82:2, 301-317. age from 1960 to 1999, 82:3, 638-653. HARDIN, MARIE, Stopped at the FOX, JULIA R., JAMES R. ANGELINI, Gate: Women’s Sports, “Reader Interest,” and CHRISTOPHER GOBLE, Hype ver- and Decision Making by Editors, 82:1, 62- sus Substance in Network Television ye Coverage of Presidential Election Cam- HARDIN, MARIE and STACIE paigns, 82:1, 97-109. SHAIN, Strength in Numbers? The LEE, FRANCIS L. F., The Impact of Experiences and Attitudes of Women in Ordinary Political Conversation on Pub- Sports Media Careers, 82:4, 804-819. lic Opinion Expression: Is Existence of HEIDER, DON, MAXWELL MC- Discord Necessary?, 82:4, 891-909. COMBS, and PAULA M. POINDEXTER, LEE, TIEN-TSUNG, Media Effects on What the Public Expects of Local News: Political Disengagement Revisited: A Views on Public and Traditional Journ- Multiple-Media Approach, 82:2, 416-433. alism, 82:4, 952-967. LIU, YUNG-I and WILLIAM P. EVE- LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and M. LAND, JR., Education, Need for Cog- MARK MILLER, Framing of the 2003 U.S.- nition, and Campaign Interest as Moder- Iraq War Demonstrations: An Analysis of ators of News Effects on Political Knowl- News and Partisan Texts, 82:1, 78-96. edge: An Analysis of the Knowledge Gap, MAIER, SCOTT R., Accuracy Matters: 82:4, 910-929. A Cross-market Assessment of Newspaper LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and M. Error and Credibility, 82:3, 533-551. MARK MILLER, Framing of the 2003 U.S.- NIVEN, DAVID, An Economic Theo- Iraq War Demonstrations: An Analysis of INDEX TO VOLUME 82 1033 News and Partisan Texts, 82:1, 78-96. KEITH, SUSAN, Newspaper Copy Edi- MOY, PATRICIA, EDITH MANO- tors’ Perceptions of their Ideal and Real SEVITCH, KEITH STAMM, and KATE Ethics Roles, 82:4, 930-951. DUNSMORE, Linking Dimensions of KING, CYNTHIA and PAUL MAR- Internet Use and Civic Engagement, 82:3, TIN LESTER, Photographic Coverage dur- 571-586. ing the Persian Gulf and Iraqi Wars in NIVEN, DAVID, An Economic Theo- Three U.S. Newspapers, 82:3, 623-637. ry of Political Journalism, 82:2, 247-263. LOWREY, WILSON, Commitment to PAEK, HYE-JIN, SO-HYANG YOON, Newspaper-TV Partnering: A Test of the and DHAVAN V. SHAH, Local News, Impact of Institutional Isomorphism, 82:3, Social Integration, and Community 495-515. Participation: Hierarchical Linear Model- LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and M. ing of Contextual and Cross-level Effects, MARK MILLER, Framing of the 2003 U.S.- 82:3, 587-606. Iraq War Demonstrations: An Analysis of ROWLEY, KAREN M. and DAVID D. News and Partisan Texts, 82:1, 78-96. KURPIUS, There’s a New Gatekeeper in LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and Town: How Statewide Public Affairs Tele- XIANG ZHOU, Within the Boundaries vision Creates the Potential for an Altered of Politics: News Framing of SARS in Media Model, 82:1, 167-180. China and the United States, 82:4, 857-872. MAIER, SCOTT R., Accuracy Matters: PRESS PERFORMANCE A Cross-market Assessment of Newspaper Error and Credibility, 82:3, 533-551. BENOIT, WILLIAM L., KEVIN A. YOON, YOUNGMIN, Examining STEIN, and GLENN J. HANSEN, New Journalists’ Perceptions and News Cov- York Times Coverage of Presidential Cam- erage of Stem Cell and Cloning Organ- paigns, 82:2, 356-376. izations, 82:2, 281-300. BRONSTEIN, CAROLYN, Represent- ing the Third Wave: Mainstream Print PROFESSIONAL ISSUES Media Framing of a New Feminist Movement, 82:4, 783-803. CASSIDY, WILLIAM P., Variations CASSIDY, WILLIAM P., Variations on a Theme: The Professional Role Con- on a Theme: The Professional Role Con- ceptions of Print and Online Newspaper ceptions of Print and Online Newspaper Journalists, 82:2, 264-280. Journalists, 82:2, 264-280. CHEN, RENE, ESTHER THORSON, FAHMY, SHAHIRA and THOMAS and STEPHEN LACY, The Impact of J. JOHNSON, “How We Performed”: Newsroom Investment on Newspaper Re- Embedded Journalists’ Attitudes and venues and Profits: Small and Medium Perceptions towards Covering the Iraq Newspapers, 1998-2002, 82:3, 516-532. War, 82:2, 301-317. FAHMY, SHAHIRA and THOMAS FOX, JULIA R., JAMES R. ANGELI- J. JOHNSON, “How We Performed”: NI, and CHRISTOPHER GOBLE, Hype Embedded Journalists’ Attitudes and Per- versus Substance in Network Television ceptions towards Covering the Iraq War, Coverage of Presidential Election Cam- 82:2, 301-317. paigns, 82:1, 97-109. HARDIN, MARIE, Stopped at the HEIDER, DON, MAXWELL MC- Gate: Women’s Sports, “Reader Interest,” COMBS, and PAULA M. POINDEXTER, and Decision Making by Editors, 82:1, 62- What the Public Expects of Local News: 77. Views on Public and Traditional Journ- HARDIN, MARIE and STACIE alism, 82:4, 952-967. SHAIN, Strength in Numbers? The Ex- 1034 JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY periences and Attitudes of Women in 82:2, 434-446. Sports Media Careers, 82:4, 804-819. FOX, JULIA R., JAMES R. ANGELINI, HEIDER, DON, MAXWELL MC- and CHRISTOPHER GOBLE, Hype ver- COMBS, and PAULA M. POINDEXTER, sus Substance in Network Television What the Public Expects of Local News: Coverage of Presidential Election Cam- Views on Public and Traditional Journ- paigns, 82:1, 97-109. alism, 82:4, 952-967. MASTRO, DANA E. and ELIZA- KEITH, SUSAN, Newspaper Copy Edi- BETH BEHM-MORAWITZ, Latino Repre- tors’ Perceptions of their Ideal and Real sentation on Primetime Television, 82:1, Ethics Roles, 82:4, 930-951. 110-130. LOWREY, WILSON, Commitment to ROWLEY, KAREN M. and DAVID D. Newspaper-TV Partnering: A Test of the KURPIUS, There’s a New Gatekeeper in Impact of Institutional Isomorphism, 82:3, Town: How Statewide Public Affairs Tele- 495-515. vision Creates the Potential for an Altered MAIER, SCOTT R., Accuracy Matters: Media Model, 82:1, 167-180. A Cross-market Assessment of Newspaper Error and Credibility, 82:3, 533-551. VISUAL YOON, YOUNGMIN, Examining Journalists’ Perceptions and News Cov- KING, CYNTHIA and PAUL MAR- erage of Stem Cell and Cloning Organ- TIN LESTER, Photographic Coverage dur- izations, 82:2, 281-300. ing the Persian Gulf and Iraqi Wars in Three U.S. Newspapers, 82:3, 623-637. PUBLIC RELATIONS CHRISTEN, CINDY T., The Utility of Coorientational Variables as Predictors of Willingness to Negotiate, 82:1, 7-24. MOSS, DANNY, ANDREW NEW- ALPHABETICAL INDEX MAN, and BARBARA DESANTO, What Do Communication Managers Do? Defin- (Alphabetical by author’s last name) ing and Refining the Core Elements of Management in a Public Relations /Cor- ALTHAUS, SCOTT L. (See Edy). porate Communication Context, 82:4, 873- ANGELINI, JAMES R. (See Fox). 890. ARMSTRONG, CORY L. and MICH- PARK, HYUN SOON and CHARLES ELLE R. NELSON, How Newspaper T. SALMON, A Test of the Third-Person Sources Trigger Gender Stereotypes, 82:4, Effect in Public Relations: Application of 820-837. Social Comparison Theory, 82:1, 25-43. BEHM-MORAWITZ, ELIZABETH SHIN, JAE-HWA and GLEN T. (See Mastro). CAMERON, Different Sides of the Same BENOIT, WILLIAM L., KEVIN A. Coin: Mixed Views of Public Relations STEIN, and GLENN J. HANSEN, New Practitioners and Journalists for Strategic York Times Coverage of Presidential Cam- Conflict Management, 82:2, 318-338. paigns, 82:2, 356-376. BERKOWITZ, DAN, Suicide Bombers TELEVISION as Women Warriors: Making News through Mythical Archetypes, 82:3, 607- EDY, JILL A., SCOTT L. ALTHAUS, 622. and PATRICIA F. PHALEN, Using News BLUMHOFF, ANDREE (See Abstracts to Represent News Agendas, Knobloch-Westerwick). INDEX TO VOLUME 82 BOYLE, MICHAEL P., MICHAEL R. sus Substance in Network Television MCCLUSKEY, DOUGLAS M. MCLEOD, Coverage of Presidential Election Cam- and SUE E. STEIN, Newspapers and paigns, 82:1, 97-109. Protest: An Examination of Protest Cover- GOBLE, CHRISTOPHER (See Fox). age from 1960 to 1999, 82:3, 638-653. HANSEN, GLENN J. (See Benoit). BRONSTEIN, CAROLYN, Represent- HARDIN, MARIE, Stopped at the ing the Third Wave: Mainstream Print Gate: Women’s Sports, “Reader Interest,” Media Framing of a New Feminist and Decision Making by Editors, 82:1, 62- Movement, 82:4, 783-803. 77. CAMERON, GLEN T. (See Shin). HARDIN, MARIE and STACIE CARPENTIER, FRANCESCA DILL- SHAIN, Strength in Numbers? The Ex- MAN (See Knobloch-Westerwick). periences and Attitudes of Women in CARTER, EDWARD L., Defining Sports Media Careers, 82:4, 804-819. Government Speech: Recent Approaches HEIDER, DON, MAXWELL MC- and the Germaneness Principle, 82:2, 398- COMBS, and PAULA M. POINDEXTER, 415. What the Public Expects of Local News: CASSIDY, WILLIAM P., Variations Views on Public and Traditional Journ- on a Theme: The Professional Role Con- alism, 82:4, 952-967. ceptions of Print and Online Newspaper JIANG, JING (See Wei). Journalists, 82:2, 264-280. JOHNSON, THOMAS J. (See Fahmy). CHANG, TSAN-KUO and ZIXUE JOO, SUNG-HEE (See Lee, Ki- Young). TAI, Mass Communication Research and KEITH, SUSAN, Newspaper Copy Edi- the Invisible College Revisited: The tors’ Perceptions of their Ideal and Real Changing Landscape and Emerging Ethics Roles, 82:4, 930-951. Fronts in Journalism-Related Studies, 82:3, KESHELASHVILI, ANA (See 672-694. Trammell). CHEN, RENE, ESTHER THORSON, KING, CYNTHIA and PAUL MAR- and STEPHEN LACY, The Impact of TIN LESTER, Photographic Coverage dur- Newsroom Investment on Newspaper Re- ing the Persian Gulf and Iraqi Wars in venues and Profits: Small and Medium Three U.S. Newspapers, 82:3, 623-637. Newspapers, 1998-2002, 82:3, 516-532. KNOBLOCH-WESTERWICK, | SIL- CHRISTEN, CINDY T., The Utility of VIA, FRANCESCA DILLMAN CARPEN- Coorientational Variables as Predictors of TIER, ANDREE BLUMHOFF, and NICO Willingness to Negotiate, 82:1, 7-24. NICKEL, Selective Exposure Effects for DESANTO, BARBARA (See Moss). Positive and Negative News: Testing the DUNSMORE, KATE (See Moy}. Robustness of the Informational Utility EDY, JILL A., SCOTT L. ALTHAUS, Model, 82:1, 181-195. and PATRICIA F. PHALEN, Using News KURPIUS, DAVID D. (See Rowley). Abstracts to Represent News Agendas, LACY, STEPHEN (See Chen). 82:2, 434-446. LEE, FRANCIS L. F., The Impact of EVELAND, jR., WILLIAM P. (See Ordinary Political Conversation on Pub- Liu). lic Opinion Expression: Is Existence of FAHMY, SHAHIRA and THOMAS Discord Necessary?, 82:4, 891-909. J. JOHNSON, “How We Performed”: LEE, KI-YOUNG and SUNG-HEE Embedded Journalists’ Attitudes and JOO, The Portrayal of Asian Americans Perceptions towards Covering the Iraq in Mainstream Magazine Ads: An Update, War, 82:2, 301-317. 82:3, 654-671. FOX, JULIA R., JAMES R. ANGELINI, LEE, TIEN-TSUNG, Media Effects on and CHRISTOPHER GOBLE, Hype ver- Political Disengagement Revisited: A 1036 JOURNALISM & Mass COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY Multiple-Media Approach, 82:2, 416-433. Internet Use and Civic Engagement, 82:3, LESTER, PAUL MARTIN (See King). 571-586. LIU, YUNG-I and WILLIAM P. EVE- NELSON, MICHELLE R. (See LAND, JR., Education, Need for Cog- Armstrong). nition, and Campaign Interest as Moder- NEWMAN, ANDREW (See Moss). ators of News Effects on Political Knowl- NICKEL, NICO (See Knobloch- edge: An Analysis of the Knowledge Gap, Westerwick). 82:4, 910-929. NIVEN, DAVID, An Economic Theo- LOWREY, WILSON, Commitment to ry of Political Journalism, 82:2, 247-263. Newspaper-TV Partnering: A Test of the PAEK, HYE-JIN, SO-HYANG YOON, Impact of Institutienal Isomorphism, 82:3, and DHAVAN V. SHAH, Local News, 495-515. Social Integration, and Community LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and M. Participation: Hierarchical Linear Model- MARK MILLER, Framing of the 2003 U.S.- ing of Contextual and Cross-level Effects, Iraq War Demonstrations: An Analysis of 82:3, 587-606. News and Partisan Texts, 82:1, 78-96. PARK, HYUN SOON and CHARLES LUTHER, CATHERINE A. and T. SALMON, A Test of the Third-Person XIANG ZHOU, Within the Boundaries Effect in Public Relations: Application of of Politics: News Framing of SARS in Social Comparison Theory, 82:1, 25-43. China and the United States, 82:4, 857-872. PHALEN, PATRICIA F. (See Edy). MAIER, SCOTT R., Accuracy Matters: POINDEXTER, PAULA M. (See A Cross-market Assessment of Newspaper Heider). Error and Credibility, 82:3, 533-551. POPOVICH, MARK N. and MARK MANOSEVITCH, EDITH (See Moy). H. MASSE, Individual Assessment of MASSE, MARK H. (See Popovich). Media Writing Student Attitudes: MASTRO, DANA E. and ELIZA- Recasting the Mass Communication BETH BEHM-MORAWITZ, Latino Repre- Writing Apprehension Measure, 82:2, 339- sentation on Primetime Television, 82:1, 355. 110-130. REICH, ZVI, New Technologies, Old MCCLUSKEY, MICHAEL R. (See Practices: The Conservative Revolution in Boyle). Communication between Reporters and MCCOMBS, MAXWELL _ (See News Sources in the Israeli Press, 82:3, Heider). 552-570. MCLEOD, DOUGLAS M. (See Boyle). ROSENBERRY, JACK, The Effect of MILLER, M. MARK (See Luther). Content Mix on Circulation Penetra- MIZUNO, TAKEYA, Federal Govern- tion for U.S. Daily Newspapers, 82:2, 377- ment Uses of the Japanese-language Press 397. from Pearl Harbor to Mass Incarceration, ROWLEY, KAREN M. and DAVID D. 82:1, 148-166. KURPIUS, There’s a New Gatekeeper in MOSS, DANNY, ANDREW NEW- Town: How Statewide Public Affairs Tele- MAN, and BARBARA DESANTO, What vision Creates the Potential for an Altered Do Communication Managers Do? Defin- Media Model, 82:1, 167-180. ing and Refining the Core Elements of SALMON, CHARLES T. (See Park). Management in a Public Relations /Cor- SHAH, DHAVAN V. (See Paek). porate Communication Context, 82:4, 873- SHAIN, STACIE (See Hardin). 890. SHIN, JAE-HWA and GLEN T. MOY, PATRICIA, EDITH MANO- CAMERON, Different Sides of the Same SEVITCH, KEITH STAMM, and KATE Coin: Mixed Views of Public Relations DUNSMORE, Linking Dimensions of Practitioners and Journalists for Strategic 1037 INDEX TO VOLUME 82 Conflict Management, 82:2, 318-338. Reviewed by Vince Filak, 82:3, 736. SPAULDING, STACY, Did Women BAGLIA, JAY, The Viagra Ad Venture: Listen to News? A Critical Examination Mascuiinity, Media, and the Performance of Landmark Radio Audience Research of Sexual Health / Reviewed by Sue (1935-1948), 82:1, 44-61. Westcott Alessandri, 82:4, 1012. STAMM, KEITH (See Moy). BEST, JOEL, More Damned Lies and STEIN, KEVIN A. (See Benoit). Statistics: How Numbers Confuse Public STEIN, SUE E. (See Boyle). Issues / Reviewed by Melvin Mencher, TAIL, ZIXUE (See Chang). 82:3, 741. THORSON, ESTHER (See Chen). BISHOP, GEORGE F., The Illusion of TRAMMELL, KAYE D. and ANA Public Opinion: Fact and Artifact in KESHELASHVILI, Examining the New American Public Opinion Polls / Re- Influencers: A Self-Presentation Study of viewed by David Loomis, 82:3, 739. A-List Blogs, 82:4, 968-982. BLUM, DAVID, Tick...Tick...Tick: UHM, KIYUL, The Cold War The Long Life & Turbulent Times of 60 Communication Crisis: The Right to Minutes / Reviewed by Mark Feldstein, Know Movement, 82:1, 131-147. 82:4, 1008. WEL RAN and JING JIANG, Ex- BORJESSON, KRISTINA, ed., Into the ploring Culture’s Influence on Standard- Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the ization Dynamics of Creative Strategy and Myth of a Free Press / Reviewed by Execution in International Advertising, Vincent F. Filak, 82:2, 465. 82:4, 838-856. CANTOR, GEOFFREY and SALLY YOON, SO-HYANG (See Paek). SHUTTLEWORTH, eds., Science Serial- YOON, YOUNGMIN, Examining ized: Representation of the Sciences in Journalists’ Perceptions and News Cov- Nineteenth-Century Periodicals / Re- erage of Stem Cell and Cloning Organ- viewed by Bonnie Parnell Riechert, 82:4, izations, 82:2, 281-300. 1002. ZHOU, XIANG (See Luther). CHAN, KARA and JAMES U. MCNEAL, Advertising to Children in China / Reviewed by Hong Cheng, 82:4, 986. CLARK, ROY PETER and COLE C. Book REviEws INDEX CAMPBELL, eds., The Values and Craft of American Journalism: Essays from The (Alphabetical by author’s last name) Poynter Institute / Reviewed by Vincent F. Filak, 82:4, 1010. ACHAM, CHRISTINE, Revolution CLASSEN, STEVEN D., Watching Jim Televised: Prime Time and the Struggle for Crow: The Struggles Over Mississippi TV, Black Power / Reviewed by Calvin L. 1955-1969 / Reviewed by Calvin L. Hall, Hall, 82:2, 481. 82:2, 481. ADAMS, WILLIAM C., Election COHEN, ELLIOT D., ed., News In- Night News & Voter Turnout: Solving the corporated: Corporate Media Ownership Projection Puzzle / Reviewed by Philip and Its Threat to Democracy / Reviewed Meyer, 82:4, 992. by Vincent F. Filak, 82:2, 465. ALLAN, STUART, ed., Journalism: COPELAND, CYRUS, ed., Farewell, Critical Issues / Reviewed by Lois A. Godspeed: The Greatest Eulogies of Our Boynton, 82:4, 997. Time / Reviewed by Joe Marren, 82:3, 745. ARMSTRONG, ROB, Covering CURRAN, JAMES, Media and Power Politics: A Handbook for Journalists / / Reviewed by Lana F. Rakow, 82:1, 206. 1038 JOURNALISM & MAss COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY

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