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1 Invest in Health- Build a Safe Future P.S. Shankar Editorial Governing Body Member, National Board of Examinations Health is a precious and most Indonesia, China and Pakistan during been referred to as SARS. The disease valuable possession that has 2006. This is an infectious disease caused causes flu-like symptoms initially, been considered as the second by a highly contagious virus. The disease rapidly to be followed by respiratory blessing, and vital principles of bliss. appears to have jumped the species problems, often serious leading to higher Without health life is considered no life, barrier, infecting human and causing mortality. and all our happiness lies in health. death. It necessitated culling of millions SARS is a highly infectious disease caused People all over the world have realized of chicken, ducks, geese and other birds by a corona virus. It is transmitted by the importance of health and the to prevent the spread of the disease. The close contact with aerosolized droplets following proverbs of different languages public health authorities were put on and bodily secretions from an infected highlight the importance given to health: high alert to prevent the occurrence of a person. It causes diffuse alveolar damage. Health is wealth (Kannada); Health is pandemic in human beings. The speed at The person exhibits fever, cough, better than wealth (English); From which this virus spread was shortness of breath and difficult bitterness of disease man learns the unprecedented. breathing. There should be history of a sweetness of health (Spanish); Good There is a risk that humans could become close contact with a person who was health or bad makes our philosophy infected with both the avian and human known to have suffered from SARS (French); Every healthy man is king influenza virus at the same time. Avian within the past 10 days or travel within (Gaelic); Wealth without health is half flu virus could swap genetic material with past 10 days of onset of symptoms to sickness (Italian); One can always be human flu to produce a highly contagious places which have reported cases of the healthy as long as one is not ill (Russian). mutant. The parts of Asia affected by the disease. Prevention of SARS involves Benjamin Disraeli had said ‘the health of outbreak of avian flu were put on strict avoidance of close contact with SARS people is really the foundation upon measures of isolation and culling of patients. Persons suspected of having which all their power as a State depend’. millions of chicken infected with a strain SARS must be isolated and should limit World Health Organization (WHO) has of bird flu and isolation of persons their interactions outside hospital given the slogan ‘Invest in health, build a thought to be infected. The 2006 settings. Quarantine of patients before safe future’ for WHO Day on 7th April outbreak affected every country they spread disease, quarantine or close 2007. The slogan addresses to one of the contiguous either by land or sea. The monitoring of all the people they have most vital concerns of the current times. entry of any poultry products were not come into contact with and a clampdown Globalization and rapid travel allowed from those regions. The presence of social gatherings and travel are surpassing the international time-zones of antibodies against H5N1 virus was important. have enabled the easy spread of the new tested. The country should be vigilant HIV/AIDS since 25 years has been racing and existing diseases beyond the national about persons entering the country who across nations, adversely impacting their borders and have affected the collective appear to be presenting features of flu-like economics and threatening their stability. security. illness. New diseases have appeared and old ones Avian influenza and severe acute A mysterious form of highly contagious have re-emerged as epidemic/pandemic respiratory syndrome (SARS) have pneumonia was reported in Guangdon prone diseases to present an acute threat spread from one country and region to Province of People’s Republic of China to life. Climate change, natural disasters, the next. Avian influenza (flu) epidemic in later part of 2002 and subsequently chemical and nuclear accidents and swept across South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, spread to parts of South-east Asia during bioterrorism also hold the potential to Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, the early months of 2003. The illness has threaten international public health Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research 1 Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 security. a campaign for preparedness against and challenges. WHO is assisting the bioterrorism. Bioterrorism refers to the countries to strengthen their public Global warming is occurring at an use of chemical or biological weapons for health risks and challenges. alarming speed due to combustion of terrorism. Though the morbidity and fossil fuels. It is associated with The revised and broadened international mortality caused by bioterrorism have anthropogenic emission of greenhouse health regulations 2005 are coming into been very small compared to that gases, air-borne particulates, nitrogen and effect in June 2007 to provide support to produced by the use of other weapons, sulphur dioxide. Global warming having the countries to stabilize global health. there is need for preparedness against any health impact has emerged as a public Under this international agreement the possible bioterrorism. health challenge. Global warming member states of WHO are obliged to associated with rainfall, humidity, water- Natural disasters such as earthquake, prevent and control the spread of disease logging, active photosynthesis of floods, cyclone, tsunami, and famine inside and outside their borders. They vegetation, is changing the ecology of strike the globe frequently. WHO has have to maintain core surveillance and many arthropod vectors transmitting defined disaster as ‘any occurrence that exhibit their capabilities to detect, assess, diseases to human beings. Warmer causes damage, economic disruption, loss notify and report public health events to temperatures increase mosquito and tick of human life and deterioration in health WHO and to respond to public health vector overproduction, biting and services on a scale sufficient to warrant risks and public health emergencies. All transmission of disease such as malaria, an extraordinary response from outside must keep in their mind about the closing Rift Valley fever, and Lyme disease. the affected community or area’. There phrase found in many Latin letters: ‘ cura Dengue fever and Chickungunya fever is ecologic disruption which exceeds the ut valeas’ (Guard your health). spread by the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, capability of the affected community to have widened their geographical make adjustments. The rescue and relief boundaries in tropical regions. The faces many difficulties. In addition to spread and activities of the sandflies, medical relief, quick removal and vectors of Leishmaniasis, is strongly disposal of corpses, restoration of water influenced by ambient temperature. supply, food and maintenance of Ancient Greece There is an explosion of the mouse sanitation are important to prevent population following heavy rainfall and widespread epidemics. The casualties are While surgeons are now they may increase the chances of to be evacuated from the site as fast as considered to be outbreak of Hantavirus pulmonary possible to a place where proper specialised physicians, syndrome. treatment can be given on priority basis. the profession of surgeon and that of physician had different The climate change in the coming years William Mayo once said, ‘of all historical roots. For example, threatens human population with health cooperative enterprises public health is Greek tradition was against opening hazards by disrupting water and food the most important and gives the greatest supplies, and increased spread of vector- returns’. Hence there is need for the body, and the Hippocratic Oath borne diseases. It has called for reduction investment in health. Health emergencies warns physicians against the of green house gas emissions by reducing cause global concerns and an effective practice of surgery. Specifically, combustion of fossil fuels, development response requires international cutting persons laboring under the of renewable energy technology, cooperation. This has been amply stone (i.e. lithotomy, an operation establishment of stations equipped with exhibited by different nations following to relieve kidney stones) was to be remote sensing and geographic tsunami disaster and outbreak of SARS. left to such persons as practice [it]. information system to monitor sea-level The WHO slogan highlights the vital need Of course, most knowledge of rise and extreme weather conditions. to invest in human resources and surgery comes from dissecting strengthen the health systems to enable The dissemination of anthrax spores bodies, a science which was the international community to through US mails and the resultant repulsive to many healers. effectively meet the public health risks cutaneous and inhalation anthrax led to 2 Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 2 Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis P.S. Shankar Commentary Governing Body Member, National Board of Examinations Multi-drug resistant (MDR) including those living with human- Table -1, Causes of resistance tuberculosis (TB) is being immunodeficiency virus (HIV), increasingly recognized in the Poor adherence to treatment virtually untreatable with the currently recent years all over the world. The term Prescription of inappropriate available anti-tuberculosis drugs, and refers to the disease due to M. tuberculosis combinations of drugs death becomes imminent. that is resistant to the two most effective Prescription of inadequate dosage of The description of XDR-TB was first current anti-tuberculosis drugs, isoniazid drugs given in early 2006 following a joint and rifampicin with or without Inappropriate rhythm of survey by World Health Organization resistance to other drugs (poly-resistance) administration (WHO) and the US Centres for Disease 1. It is an iatrogenic problem. Extensively (Extremely) drug-resistant (XDR) Use of unreliable combinations Control and Prevention (CDC). Resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs is a tuberculosis is caused by a strain of Addition of another drug to a failing reflection of poorly managed Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to regimen tuberculosis. The care-giver, patient and isoniazid and rifampicin (as in MDR- Erratic drug supply drugs play a part in the emergence of TB) in addition to any fluoroquinolones Malabsorption of properly prescribed drug-resistant strains. The reasons and at least one of the three injectable drugs include incorrect drug prescribing drugs such as capreomycin, kanamycin practices by the care-giver, poor quality and amikacin 2. Drug resistance has to be suspected in a of drugs or erratic supply of drugs, and Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patient who continues to remain sputum- patient non-adherence. positive after four months of regular After dramatic outbreaks of multi-drug- Epidemiology of XDR-TB treatment with an established short- resistant tuberculosis in the early 1990s, course chemotherapy regimen. A history The findings from a survey carried out resistance became recognized as a global of anti-tuberculosis treatment predicts by WHO and CDC on data from 2000 to problem. MDR-tuberculosis (TB) now the occurrence of MDR-TB. Non- 2004 has shown that XDR-TB is threatens the inhabitants of the countries compliance with the anti-tuberculosis encountered in at least 17 countries of the in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. drugs therapy, and HIV-infection World. However its occurrence was A new research finding from South aggravate the situation. more frequent in the countries of former Africa on an extensively drug-resistant Soviet Union and Asia 5. strain of M tuberculosis that causes Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis is alarming the experts 3. The tuberculosis The survey has shown that in United new strains of multi-drug resistant-, and States, 4% of isolates of MDR-TB met the Looking at the emergence of extremely extremely drug-resistant strains of criteria for XDR-TB. 15% of isolates of drug resistant strains of tuberculosis tubercle bacilli have emerged despite MDR tuberculosis in the Republic of bacilli, the World Health Organization availability of effective anti-tuberculosis, Korea were XDR strains. In Latvia, a (WHO) has expressed concern and has and it is due to their ineffective country with one of the highest rates of called for urgent measures to strengthen administration. They have great MDR-TB, 19% of MDR-TB cases met the and to implement effectively the significance for the public health field. criteria for XDR-TB (5). The data on the prevention of the global spread of the The causes of drug resistance are many recent outbreak of XDR-TB in an HIV- deadly strains of tuberculosis. The newly (Table- 1) 4. positive population in KwaZulu-Natal, identified strains of XDR strains of a province of South Africa has shown tubercle bacilli leaves the patients, Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research 3 Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 alarmingly high rates of rapid death. Of polar group that does not demonstrate any resistant to all 8 second-line drugs tested the 544 patients studied at a rural cell-mediated immunity. Between them and therefore, were denoted as XDR M hospital, 221 had MDR-TB. Of them 53 are two intermediate groups, leaning tuberculosis. Retrospective analysis of were defined as XDR-TB. Among them towards the reactive group and another the cases of XDR-TB showed that all of 44 had been tested for HIV and all of one leaning towards the un-reactive them belonged to 1 of 2 epidemiological them were HIV-positive. 52 of 53 group. There is predominance of clusters, either a single-family cluster (4 patients died of tuberculosis on an lymphocytes and epitheloid cells to the cases) or a cluster of close contacts (8 average, within 25 days including those reactive group. The number of tubercle cases). The strains were identified as getting benefit from anti-retroviral bacilli in the tissues and the level of belonging to the M tuberculosis super- therapy 6. antibodies increase towards the un- families Haarlem I and East African reactive group and there is rapid spread Indian. Scarce drug-resistance data is available of bacilli and lesions in the lungs and other from Africa. While population Management organs 8. prevalence of drug-resistant TB appears Early, accurate diagnosis and institution to be low compared to Eastern Europe The studies on the immune defenses of of effective treatment properly under and Asia, drug-resistance in the region is people with tuberculosis have shown that supervision for a proper duration are on the rise. Given the underlying HIV the problem is not so much of an inability essential in the control of tuberculosis. epidemic, drug-resistant tuberculosis of the body’s defenses to deal with the The treatment of patients whose could have a severe impact on mortality organism but abnormally-regulated organisms are resistant to the standard in Africa and other countries and it defense mechanisms. Thus, in active anti-mycobacterial agents poses many requires an urgent preventive action. tuberculosis, the immune responses difficulties. The tubercle bacilli and rather than attacking the tubercle bacilli, Immune defense mechanism their progeny remain viable and multiply cause gross tissue destruction with the in the presence of anti-mycobacterial There is an increased resistance to re- formation of huge cavities in the lung as agents in a concentration that would infection in persons infected with well as causing systemic manifestations normally destroy or inhibit their tubercle bacilli either naturally from such as fever and wasting. growth. Inadequate treatment select out virulent strains of M tuberculosis or Masjedi and co-workers from Iran drug-resistant strains which then artificially following vaccination with obtained sputum specimens from a total proliferate. Further inadequate and attenuated, live tubercle bacilli. In of 2030 patients with tuberculosis and improper treatment maintains the addition, those infected develop a digested, examined microscopically for vicious cycle leading to emergence of delayed hypersensitivity to tuberculo- presence of acid-fast bacilli and then strains that are resistant to other drugs protein. These two changes-acquired inoculated into Lowenstein-Jensen slants until creation of MDR and later XDR resistance (tuberculo-immunity) and by standard procedure 9. Testing of tuberculosis. Drug resistance poses a tuberculin hypersensitivity- are specific susceptibility to first-line anti- serious limitation to the successful immunological reactions and are cell- tuberculosis drugs was performed for treatment and control of tuberculosis. mediated. These responses are acquired 1284 isolates of M. tuberculosis. and develop only after the specific There is decreased clinical response, Subsequently, the strains that were antigenic stimulus. They play a key role persistence of acid-fast bacilli in the identified as multi-drug resistant M in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis 7. sputum, and radiological deterioration tuberculosis (113 isolates) were subjected even after continuous therapy for six Lenzini and co-workers have established to susceptibility testing for second-line months. These are indications that the a spectrum of progressive human drugs. Spot-ligotyping and restriction infecting organisms are resistant to the tuberculosis on a clinical and fragment-length polymorphism were drugs used in the treatment. immunologic basis. 8 The patients are performed for strains that were Inappropriate use of second-line anti- categorized into four groups: one polar identified as XDR-M tuberculosis. tuberculosis drugs in a patient for whom group exhibits fully active cell-mediated A total of 12 (10.9%) of 113 multi-drug first-line drugs are failing ends in XDR- reactivity and the other un-reactive resistant M tuberculosis strains were TB. The patient then spreads the infection 4 Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 to individuals in close contact who receive a quick diagnosis and properly be administered for at least 18 months acquires primary XDR-TB. selected drugs for adequate duration. It under strict monitoring supervision. will facilitate to interruption of XDR-TB poses a grave public health Increasing threat transmission of drug-resistant organisms. threat, especially in populations with XDR-TB presents an increasing threat to high rates of HIV infection and where WHO guidelines global tuberculosis control. XDR-TB has there are few health care resources. WHO Guidelines for the Programmatic main implications for the management Treatment regimens for drug-resistant management of drug resistant of patients with HIV and for HIV tuberculosis are less effective, more tuberculosis include the following: control. High prevalence of HIV predicts expensive and prolonged. Further the extreme vulnerability to tuberculosis. patient having drug resistant tuberculosis • strengthen basic TB care to prevent Most crucial management issues in XDR- poses public health danger of spread of the emergence of drug-resistance TB treatment remain unanswered. resistant organisms. • ensure prompt diagnosis and Emergence of drug resistance is The efficacy of treatment of resistant treatment of drug resistant cases to prevented by identifying cases of drug- cases-both of MDR and XDR-TB- is cure existing cases and prevent susceptible disease and treating them with worse than that of the original treatment. further transmission well tested regimens in a proper dosage Hence, the initial intensive treatment for a proper duration. It has to be ensured • increase collaboration between HIV with proper chemotherapy has vital that the patient completes full course of and TB control programs to provide importance. Initial intensive treatment treatment till cured. There is need to necessary prevention and care to co- reduces the total bacterial population to treat patients with established MDR-TB infected patients, and such a low number that the risk of the with a complicated regimen including emergence of resistant strains becomes • increase investment in laboratory second-line drugs, and followed for a insignificant. The loss of sensitivity of infrastructure to enable better longer duration to prevent relapses and tubercle bacilli to standard drugs is an detection and management of emergence of XDR-TB. Antiretroviral undesirable and harmful phenomenon. resistant cases. drugs protect against tuberculosis by restoring patients’ immuno-competence. Drug resistance has to be suspected in a The patient with MDR-TB should be patient who continues to remain sputum given at least four drugs which he/she has Conclusion positive after four months of regular not received in the past or to which the Retrospective cohort studies have shown treatment with an established short- bacilli have demonstrated susceptibility the emerging threat of extremely drug course chemotherapy regimen. A history by laboratory testing 11. The chance of resistant tuberculosis. Such a condition of improper and inadequate anti- receiving at least two drugs having in requires an aggressive treatment regimen tuberculosis treatment predicts the vitro activity against tubercle bacilli are and high-end dosing of drugs. The second- occurrence of MDR-TB and of XDR-TB. greater if greater number of drugs, usually line drugs have low potency and Non-compliance with the therapy, and six or seven are used in the treatment. increased toxicity. The treatment has to HIV-infection aggravate the situation. However use of more number of drugs is be carried out under direct observation associated with greater toxicity, drug- The treatment of MDR-TB and of XDR- to achieve compliance. High cost of drug interactions and expense. The TB poses many challenges to the treating treatment puts great hurdle in resource- treatment of XDR-TB poses further physician. The treatment is less effective, poor settings. Emergence of CDR-TB problems as the organisms are resistant more toxic and expensive. A detailed reflects a failure to implement the to most of second-line of anti-tuberculosis history of previous treatment for measures recommended in the WHO’s drugs. The patients have to receive tuberculosis has to be obtained. It should Stop TB Strategy 11. The strategy individually tailored regimens include the names of drugs-both first-line emphasizes the extensive use of DOTS containing at least four drugs which they and second-line-the dosage, duration and program, addressing HIV-associated had not received previously or to which regularity of intake. Drug susceptibility tuberculosis and drug resistance they were known to be susceptible. testing is necessary to ensure that patients strengthening health care system and Second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs must primary core services. Opportunities to Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research 5 Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 treat XDR-TB in developing countries 8. Lenzini L, Rottoli P, Rottoli L. The Mayos to establish the country’s first has been made possible through Global spectrum of human tuberculosis. graduate program in clinical fund to fight AIDS, TB and malaria, and Clin Exp Immunol 1977; 27: 230 medicine in 1915. the Green Light committee for access to 9. Masjedi MR, Farnia P, Sorooch S, et Each physician devoted attention to second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. More al. Extensively drug resistance a particular area of medicine, and all studies are needed to guide clinicians in tuberculosis: A 2-years of physicians combined skills to the management of this emerging surveillance in Iran. Clin Infect Dis. provide superior patient care. This problem. 2006; 43: 841-47 specialization led to the development References 10. Iseman MD. Treatment of multi- of new surgical disciplines, including: 1. Veen J. Drug resistant tuberculosis: drug resistant tuberculosis N Engl J orthopedics, neurosurgery, back to sanatoria, surgery and cod Med. 1993; 329: 784-91 ophthalmology, thoracic surgery, liver oil? (Editorial) Eur Respir J 11. Roviglione MC, Uplekar MW. dental surgery and more.The Mayo 1995; 8: 1073 WHOs’ new Stop TB Strategy. brothers routinely visited other 2. Roviglione MC, Smith IM. XDR Lancet 2006; 267: 952-5 medical centers around the world to tuberculosis-implications for global learn more about new procedures and public health. N Engl J Med. 2007; ideas. They brought their findings History of Surgery at 356: 656-9 back to Rochester to implement. Mayo Clinic This practice sparked a habit of 3. Emergence of XDR-TB. Geneva, Surgery at Mayo Clinic began innovation at Mayo. For example, World Health Organization with the frontier practice of early Mayo surgical contributions September 5, 2006 Dr. William Worrall Mayo. include the development of the low 4. Shankar PS. Multi-drug resistant Dr. Mayo’s two sons, William J. and anterior resection for colon and tuberculosis in Principles and Charles H., assisted him in his rectal cancer, endoscopic injection of Management of Tuberculosis, 3rd practice at very early ages. Saint esphageal varices, and advances in edn, New Delhi, Churchill Marys Hospital opened in Rochester resection of the stomach for cancer. Livingstone, 2002; 205-207 on Sept. 30, 1889 & Dr. Charlie In addition, many operating 5. Emergence of Mycobacterium removed a cancerous tumor of the techniques and instruments still in tuberculosis with extensive eye, his first surgery, assisted by his use today were developed by Mayo resistance to second-line drugs- brother and father. Between 1889 and Clinic surgeons, including the worldwide, 2000-2004. Centres for 1905, the Mayos did all operations Balfour retractor, the Mayo stand, Disease Control and Prevention at Saint Marys Hospital, themselves. the Mayo scissors, the Adson pickups, (CDC) MMWE Morb Mortal Wkly To handle the growth of their the Harrington Behrens, and the Rep 2006; 55: 301-305 practice, the Mayos opened a third Adson-Beckman retractors.Mayo 6. Gandhi NR, Moll A, Sturm AW, et operating room at Saint Marys in Clinic history includes more than a al. Extremely drug-resistant 1905. century of innovations in the surgical tuberculosis as a cause of death in treatment of patients, from the first The Mayos maintained an “open- patients co-infected with open-heart surgery in 1955 to the first door” policy to other members of the tuberculosis and HIV in a rural area total hip replacement in 1969 to the medical profession. During of South Africa. Lancet. 2006; 368: early use of robotic laparoscopic operations, the brothers always 1575-80 surgery in 2002. Today, 255 Mayo discussed their procedures for the Clinic surgeons treat more than 7. Dannenberg AM Jr. Delayed-type benefit of visitors. Over the operating 76,000 surgical patients each year, hypersensitivity and cell mediated tables, large adjustable mirrors proving that the Mayo legacy of immunity in the pathogenesis of provided a complete view of the surgical teamwork and innovation is tuberculosis. Immunol Today. operating field. This demand for still alive. 1991; 1: 228-33 advanced medical training led the 6 Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 3 Cancer Bladder Pathology & Natural History Lt. Gen. S. Mukherjee Commentray Armed Forces Medical College, Pune About 70% of newly detected has a greater impact on the management Non muscle-invasive tumors are divided cases are exophytic papillary of noninvasive tumors because most into noninvasive papillomas or tumors confined largely to the muscleinvasive tumors (ie, greater than carcinomas (Ta), those invading the mucosa (Ta) (70%) or less often to the T1) are G3. An alternative grading lamina propria (T1), and CIS. These submucosa (T1) (30%). These tumors system of low or high grade has been tumors have previously been referred to tend to be friable and have a high proposed, and it is our intent to transition as “superficial” tumors, an imprecise propensity for bleeding. Their natural to this classification system over the next term which should be avoided. In some history is characterized by a tendency to three years. We will retain the present cases, a papillary or T1 lesion will be recur in the same portion or another part classification system for now since it is documented as having an associated in of the bladder over time commonly used by practicing urologists. situ component (Tis). The standard (a phenomenon termed A comparison of the different treatment in such cases is the repeat of “polychronotropism”) and these classification systems is presented in the TUR. However, depending on the depth recurrences can be either at the same stage Principles of Pathology Management. of invasion and grade, intravesical as the initial tumor or at a more advanced therapy may be recommended. This Papillomas are considered to be benign stage. Papillary tumors confined to the suggestion is based on the estimated tumors that closely resemble the normal mucosa or submucosa are generally probability of recurrence (ie, a new urothelium. Grade 1 papillary managed endoscopically by complete tumor formation within the bladder) and carcinoma in contrast can be recognized resection. Progression to a more progression to a more advanced, usually histologically because they have more advanced stage may result in local invasive stage - events that should be than the normal seven epithelial layers, symptoms or, less commonly, symptoms considered independently. normal polarity of the nuclei, and related to metastatic disease. It is minimal pleomorphism. Papillomas and Cystectomy is rarely considered for a Ta, estimated that 10% to 70% of patients G1, Ta carcinomas are managed almost G1 or G2 lesion. Intravesical therapy is with a tumor confined to the mucosa will exclusively by endoscopic means because used in two general settings: as have a recurrence or a new occurrence of they generally do not progress to a higher, prophylactic or adjuvant therapy urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma more lethal stage. In contrast,Ta, G3 following a complete endoscopic within 5 years. These probabilities of tumors have a much higher chance of resection or, rarely, as therapy aimed at progression vary as a function of the progression to a more advanced stage. eradicating residual disease that could not initial stage and grade. Refining these be completely resected. This distinction estimates for the individual patient is an Once stage and grade have been is important, as most published data area of active research. determined, treatment decisions are reflect prophylactic or adjuvant use with based on the depth of invasion and extent Staging and grading the aim of preventing recurrence and/or of disease. The treatment of bladder delaying progression to a higher grade or The most commonly utilized staging cancer entails the disciplines of urologic stage. In many cases, intravesical therapy system is the tumor, node, metastasis surgical oncology, radiation oncology, is given to patients who do not require it (TNM) system, as shown in. Bladder and medical oncology. For many of the because the probability of recurrence or carcinomas are graded as well complex strategies the involvement of progression is low. Management of the differentiated (G1), moderately multidisciplinary teams will optimize different histologic subtypes of different differentiated (G2), poorly results. The general principles for grades is outlined below. differentiated or undifferentiated (G3- surgery, chemotherapy and radiation 4). However, the determination of grade therapy are explained on respectively. Papilloma/Ta, G1 or G2 Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research 7 Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 TUR without intravesical therapy is the period, with a full reevaluation at week sparing approaches. standard treatment for Ta, G1 and Ta, 12 (ie, 3 months) after the start of therapy. T1 disease G2 tumors. Since patients diagnosed with Patients with Tis who have recurrent/ these tumors have a relatively high risk persistent disease at the 12-week (3- T1 lesions, those invading lamina of recurrence, in addition to observation, month) evaluation can be given a second propria, are considered to be potentially the panel also offers consideration of a course of BCG or MMC induction dangerous (usually T1G2 or G3) and single dose of intravesicular therapy (no more than 2 consecutive have a high risk of both recurrence and chemotherapy (not immunotherapy) courses). If a second course of BCG is progression. These tumors may occur as within 24 hours of resection.Close given and there is residual disease at the solitary lesions or as multifocal tumors, follow-up is needed, even though the risk second 12-week (3-month) follow-up, a with or without an associated in situ of progression to a more advanced stage cystectomy should be strongly component. They, too, are treated with a is low. As a result, these patients are considered. Depending upon prior complete endoscopic resection followed advised to undergo a cystoscopy at 3 treatment, the extent of the disease, and by intravesical therapy (this is optional months initially, and then at increasing the frequency of recurrences, intravesical for G1 or G2 lesions). Within the intervals. If no recurrences develop therapy with the different intravesical category of T1 disease, two risk strata can during the first year, the interval between agent (mitomycin, or less commonly be identified: low-risk (G1, G2, or evaluations can be increased. Patients in valrubicin, alpha-interferon, or BCG solitary) and high-risk (G3 or multifocal whom a recurrence is documented are plus alpha-interferon) is an alternative to lesions, tumors associated with vascular treated with TURBT and adjuvant cystectomy. In some centers, however, invasion, or lesions that recur after BCG therapy based on the stage and grade of these patients might still be candidates for treatment). the recurrent lesion, and they are then investigational therapies. For patients Low-risk disease followed at 3-month intervals. with complete response at the follow-up Intravesical therapy is recommended for cystoscopy, whether one or two courses After the initial TUR, patients with low- patients who have a history of of induction therapy were administered, risk disease are observed or undergo recurrences. maintenance therapy with BCG is intravesical treatment with BCG or advised, although this recommendation mitomycin. Follow-up is similar to that Ta, G3 disease is not universal. Regardless of whether previously outlined above for Ta, G1-2 Tumors staged as Ta, G3 lesions are or not maintenance therapy is disease, with a urinary cytology and considered to be high-grade papillary administered, patients with Tis should be cystoscopy recommended at 3-month tumors with a relatively high risk of followed at 3-month intervals with a intervals for the first 2 years, repeated at recurrence and progression towards urinary cytology and cystoscopy for the increasing intervals over the next 2 years, more invasiveness. For this reason, in first 2 years, and if no recurrences are and annually thereafter. If cytology study addition to observation, they are treated documented, every 6 months in the third is found positive despite the negative with intravesical Bacillus Calmette- and fourth years and then annually. imaging and cytoscopy results, random Guérin (BCG) or mitomycin (MMC), in Imaging of upper tract collecting system biopsies including TUR and prostate the same manner as T1, G1-2 tumors with every 1 to 2 years is also recommended biopsy in male patients are BCG being the preferred option for post- with or without urinary tumor markers recommended. Recurrent disease is operative treatment. (category 2B) in selected cases. If treated as appropriate for the stage progression to an invasive lesion is documented at the time of relapse. Tis documented at any point during follow- High-risk disease Primary Tis is a high-grade lesion that is up, a radical cystectomy is recommended. believed to be a precursor of invasive Although controversial, patients who Patients with high-risk disease (T1, G3) bladder cancer. Standard therapy for this present with recurrent superficial can be treated with a course of BCG lesion is a complete endoscopic resection tumors prior to the documentation of a (preferred, category 1), mitomycin, or followed by intravesical therapy with muscle-invading lesion are generally not radical cystectomy after a certain and BCG. This is generally given once a week considered to be candidates for bladder- satisfied resection. If the complete for 6 weeks, followed by a 4-6 week rest resection is uncertain based on the tumor 8 Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 size and location, no muscle is shown in mass is appreciated at the time of the bladder-sparing approaches the specimen, lymphovascular invasion, EUA, and (2) whether or not the tumor Treatment of relapses is based on the or inadequate staging is speculated, repeat has extended through the bladder wall. extent of disease at the time of relapse, resection of tumor or cystectomy Tumors that are organ-confined (T2) with consideration given to the prior followed by intravesical therapy with have a better prognosis than those that treatment that a patient has received. Tis, BCG (category 1) or mitomycin is have extended through the bladder wall Ta, or T1 tumors are generally managed recommended ( ). Evolving data suggest to the perivesical fat (T3) and beyond. with intravesical BCG therapy. If there that the preferred approach may be early Primary surgical treatment for T2 is no response, a cystectomy is advised. A cystectomy if residual disease is found due lesions include radical cystectomy with positive cytology with no evidence of to the high risk of progression to a more the consideration of neoadjuvant disease in the bladder should prompt advanced stage. If highrisk disease is chemotherapy in selected patients, and selective washings of the upper tracts and managed conservatively and does not segmental cystectomy only in patients an evaluation of the prostatic urethra. If respond to BCG, a cystectomy should be with a single tumor (solitary lesion in a the selective cytologies are positive, performed. suitable location), and no any presence patients are managed as described below of CIS, nor previous multifocal bladder Before any treatment is advised, the under treatment of upper tract tumors. cancers. If no neoadjuvant chemotherapy following workup procedures are Invasive disease is generally managed by was given, post-operative adjuvant recommended to determine the clinical radical cystectomy and a second attempt chemotherapy is considered in those staging. Laboratory studies such as at bladder preservation is not advisable. patients based on the pathologic risk such complete blood cell count (CBC) and All patients who relapse after bladder- as positive nodes and pathologic T3 chemistry profile including alkaline sparing therapy and are being considered lesions. If segmental cystectomy had been phosphate need to be done, and the patient for radical cystectomy should be performed, adjuvant RT or should be assessed for the presence of evaluated for medical comorbidities and chemotherapy based on pathologic risk regional and/or distant metastases. This undergo a full restaging evaluation to (positive nodes, positive margin, high- evaluation should include a cystoscopy, ensure that there is no metastatic disease. grade, and pathologic T3 lesions) should EUA/TURBT, chest x-ray, bone scan in As is the case with primary cystectomy, be considered. For patients with patients with symptoms or elevated an exploratory laparotomy is performed superficial muscle invasive T2 disease alkaline phosphate, and evaluation of the first to ensure that there is no and without hydronephrosis, bladder- upper tracts with a CT or MRI scan of the involvement of the lymph nodes, sparing treatment (category 2B) with abdomen and pelvis. Some physicians omentum, or other organ sites. Even in chemotherapy and radiation therapy advocate performing magnetic resonance patients who have no extravesical spread, may be possible following complete imaging (MRI) to determine the depth of the morbidity of radical cystectomy can TURBT. In highly selected patients with invasion within the bladder and, in be significant although the operative extensive comorbid disease or poor particular, to ascertain whether a tumor mortality is low (1% to 3%). Although performance status, chemotherapy as has reached the perivesical fat (T3b). salvage cystectomy is the preferred well as radiation therapy or TURBT is Unfortunately, CT scans, ultrasound, or approach, it may not be possible for a recommended. For those patients not MRI cannot accurately predict the true patient who has received a full course undergoing cystectomy, evaluation with depth of invasion. (greater than 65 Gy) of external-beam RT cystoscopy and tumor site re-biopsy is and has bulky residual disease. For these Organ-confined disease (T2a, necessary after the primary treatment. patients, salvage chemotherapy is T2b) Radical cystectomy is the standard advised, generally with a regimen that is treatment if tumor is found. Otherwise, Surgical treatment with radical non-cross-resistant to the one that the observation, further consolidation cystectomy is still the most effective local patient has previously received. Those chemotherapy with radiation, and/or therapy in muscle invasive bladder treated with single-agent cisplatin can be adjuvant chemotherapy alone is cancer. Two critical issues exist in the consideredor a standard three- or four- recommended. management and prognosis of these drug regimen, whereas those who have patients: (1) whether or not a palpable Relapses in the bladder after already received a three-drug (eg, MCV) Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research 9 Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007 or four-drug (eg, M-VAC) regimen may palpable mass on EUA and no response is noted, chemotherapy with RT be considered for therapy with paclitaxel, hydronephrosis. This approach should or a new chemotherapy regimen can be gemcitabine, or ifosfamide, as outlined also be used in the context of an used. In highly selected T4a node-negative below under salvage chemotherapy. If the investigational protocol, or be considered patients, surgery with or without patient has not received RT, a course of for patients who are deemed unsuitable chemotherapy could be another RT should be considered. Metastatic for surgery based on medical treatment option. If pelvic lymph nodes disease is managed with salvage comorbidities. Evaluation with greater than 2 cm on imaging are chemotherapy using a regimen to which cystoscopy, biopsy, or cytology study is documented, a biopsy is advised to the patient has not been previously necessary following the bladder exclude nodal spread. Baseline renal exposed. preservation treatment. If resectable function, the presence or absence of tumor is found, surgical approach with cardiac disease, and overall performance Non-organ-confined disease cystectomy is considered. Patients with status must also be considered when (T3a, T3b/T4a, T4b) unresectable tumors undergo salvage making a treatment recommendation. The primary surgical treatment for a therapy. If no tumor is detected, Patients with a good performance status tumor that has extended beyond the observation, consolidation with and no significant comorbid disease may confines of the bladder wall and that is chemotherapy and concurrent RT, or be considered for chemotherapy with or still considered resectable, based on the adjuvant chemotherapy is recommended. without RT if their nodes are positive. If mobility of the bladder, is radical The general approach to this bladder- complete response is obtained, patients cystectomy with consideration of sparing strategy for these patients is may be managed with observation, boost neoadjuvant chemotherapy, as outlined similar to that outlined previously under with RT, or surgery may be previously. Except in highly selected bladder-sparing strategies in patients with contemplated. Chemotherapy options cases (see below), bladder preservation is organ-confined disease. Patients are are discussed below under metastatic not an option in such patients since the treated with a course of induction disease, whereas combined-modality proportion rendered tumor-free using therapy (eg, RT with concurrent approaches using chemotherapy and RT chemotherapy alone is generally less than chemotherapy, neoadjuvant are discussed above. For patients who 10%. Tumors that are pathologic stage chemotherapy alone or neoadjuvant cannot tolerate multidrug combinations T3 or T4 with nodal involvement or chemotherapy plus RT with or without with radiotherapy, an alternative is to use vascular invasion have a high risk concurrent chemotherapy) with a RT with a radiation sensitizer, such as (greater than 50%) of systemic relapse deferred decision on management of the cisplatin, administered starting on day 1 and, therefore, may be considered for primary lesion. and day 21, or 5-FU with a variety of treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy schedules. Patients are initially treated T4a, T4b disease or radiotherapy. The followup schema with 45 Gy of radiation to the pelvis and is the same as that previously outlined for Patients with unresectable disease, bladder, with a boost of approximately high-risk patients in the section on defined as a fixed bladder mass, or those 20 Gy to sites of disease within the adjuvant chemotherapy. Owing to the with positive nodes prior to laparotomy bladder. In highly selected patients with high risk of systemic relapse in this are considered for chemotherapy alone metastatic disease who have a complete group, based on historical series using or chemotherapy with RT. An initial systemic response to chemotherapy, surgery alone, a number of groups are stratification is based on the results of salvage surgery may be performed to also investigating combined-modality transaxial imaging. For patients who render the patient disease-free. Data from approaches using neoadjuvant show no nodal disease on CT scans, the several groups show that this aggressive chemotherapy followed by surgery or treatment recommendation includes two approach can result in long-term neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation to three courses of chemotherapy with or survival. Prior to exploratory surgery, followed by surgery. If possible, these without RT followed by cystoscopy and metastatic disease must be excluded with patients should be placed on clinical trials. CT scan. If the tumor has responded, appropriate imaging studies. If the Bladder preservation can be considered options include surgery or consolidation exploration is negative for metastases in selected cases in which there is no chemotherapy with or without RT. If no within the abdomen, salvage surgery can 10 Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research Vol. II, No. 2, March-April 2007

Sushruta is a series of volumes he authored, known as the Susrutha Samhita. It is the oldest known surgical text and it describes in exquisite detail the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of numerous ailments, as well as procedures on performing plastic surgery, i.e. cosmetic surgery
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