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JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY Volume 246 Author Index Adams, R. A., Evolutionary implications of developmental Chung, K. C. and Woo, N. Y. S., Phylogenetic relation- and functional integration in bat wings 165 ships of the Pomacanthidae (Pisces: Teleostei) inferred Akani, G. C., see Luiselli, L., Akani, G. C. and Capizzi,D. 125 from allozyme variation 215 Alibardi, L., Presence of the lizard (Podarcis muralis) and Clarke, A. P. and Potts, W. T. W., Sodium, net acid and its possible role in the process of shedding and ammonia fluxes in freshwater-adapted European flounder keratinization 379 (Platichthys flesus L.). Pharmacological inhibition and Amey, A. P., see Chopin, L. K., Amey, A. P. and Bennett, effects on gill ventilation volume 427 M. B. 105 Clarke, A. P. and Potts, W. T. W., Isolated filament Anderson, S. S., see Twiss, S. D., Anderson, S. S. and potentials and branchial ion fluxes in the European Monaghan, P. 259 flounder (Platichthys flesus L.). Evidence for proton Arad, Z., Goldenberg, S. and Heller, J., Short- and pump mediated sodium uptake long-term resistance to desiccation in a minute litter- COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAMMAL SOcIETY — NO. 77 dwelling land snail Lauria cylindracea (Pulmonata: Conradi, M., see Ho, J.-S., Conradi, M. and Lopez- Pupillidae) Gonzalez, P. J. Armitage, K. B., see Schwartz, O. A., Armitage, K. B. Corp, N., Spalton, A. and Gorman, M. L., The influence and Van Vuren, D. of rainfall on range in a female desert ungulate: the Attwood, S. W., Kitikoon, V. and Southgate, V. R., Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) in the Sultanate of Oman 3 Neotricula aperta (Gastropoda: Pomatiopsidae), the Cuadrado, M., The influence of female size on the extent intermediate host of Schistosoma mekongi: allozyme and intensity of mate guarding by males in Chamaeleo variation and relationships between Khmer, Lao, and chamaeleon Thai populations David-Gray, Z. K., Gurnell, J. and Hunt, D.M ., DNA Backeljau, T., see Jordaens, K., Backeljau, T., Ondina, P., fingerprinting reveals high levels of genetic diversity Reiss, H. and Verhagen, R. within British populations of the introduced non-native Bennett, M. B., see Chopin, L. K., Amey, A. P. and grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) 443 Bennett, M. B. Delibes, M., see Travaini, A., Delibes, M. and Ceballos, O. 457 Bennett, N. C., see Moolman, M., Bennett, N. C. and Delibes, M., see Travaini, A., Donazar, J. A., Schoeman, A. S. Rodriguez, A., Ceballos, O., Funes, M., Delibes, M. Bester, M. N., see Stewardson, C. L., Bester, M. N. and and Hiraldo, F. Oosthuizen, W. H. Disney, R. H. L., Weissflog, A. and Maschwitz, U., A Blackledge, T. A., Stabilimentum variation and foraging second species ofl egless scuttle fly (Diptera: Phoridae) success in Argiope aurantia and Argiope trifasciata associated with ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (Araneae: Araneidae) Donazar, J. A., see Travaini, A., Donazar, J. A., Bones, M., Neill, B. and Reid, B., Fraser’s dolphin Rodriguez, A., Ceballos, O., Funes, M., Delibes, M. and (Lagenodelphis hosei) stranded in South Uist: first Hiraldo, F. record in U.K. waters Doughty, P., see Shine, R., Keogh, S., Doughty, P. and Giragossyan, H. Cano, J. M., see Nores, C., Ojeda, F., Ruano, A., Duck, C. D., see Thompson, D., Duck, C. D., Villate, I., Gonzalez, J., Cano, J. M. and Garcia, E. McConnell, B. J. and Garrett, J. Capizzi, D., see Luiselli, L., Akani, G. C. and Capizzi, D. Duckworth, J. W., The difficulty of estimating population Cassini, M. H., see Previtali, A., Cassini, M. H. and densities of nocturnal forest mammals from transect Macdonald, D. W. 482 counts of animals Ceballos, O., see Travaini, A., Delibes, M. and Dunham, K. M., Use of artificial water supplies by Ceballos, O. 457 captive-born mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella) 449 Ceballos, O., see Travaini, A., Donazar, J. A., Rodriguez, A., released in central Arabia Ceballos, O., Funes, M., Delibes, M. and Hiraldo, F. 175 Duvergé, P. L., see Shiel, C. B., Duvergé, P. L., Smiddy, P. 417 Chiarello, A. G., Activity budgets and ranging patterns of and Fairley, J. S. the Atlantic forest maned sloth Bradypus torquatus (Xenarthra: Bradypodidae) 1 Elias, R., see Warburg, M. R. and Elias, R. 29 Chiarello, A. G., Diet of the Atlantic forest maned sloth Escot, C. and Granado-Lorencio, C., Morphology oft he Bradypus torquatus (Xenarthra: Bradypodidae) 1] otoliths of Barbus sclateri (Pisces: Cyprinidae) 89 Chopin, L. K., Amey, A. P. and Bennett, M. B., A systemic Evans, A. R. and Sanson, G. D., The effect of tooth shape secondary vessel system is present in the teleost fish on the breakdown of insects 391 Tandanus tandanus and absent in the elasmobranchs Carcharhinus melanopterus and Rhinobatos typus and in Fairley, J. S., see Shiel, C. B., Duvergé, P. L., Smiddy, P. the dipnoan Neoceratodus forsteri 105 and Fairley, J. S. 417 iV Volume 246 Author Index Fenton, M. B., Waterman, J. M., Roth, J. D., Lopez, E. Koepfli, K.-P. and Wayne, R. K., Phylogenetic and Fienberg, S. E., Tooth breakage and diet: a relationships of otters (Carnivora: Mustelidae) based comparison of bats and carnivorans 83 on mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences 401 Fienberg, S. E., see Fenton, M. B., Waterman, J. M., Roth, J. D., Lopez, E. and Fienberg, S. E. 83 Lacroix, G., see Serra-Cobo, J., Lacroix, G. and White, S. 147 Funes, M., see Travaini, A., Donazar, J. A., Rodriguez, A., Lill, C.A., see Moore, S. J., Lill, C.A. and Sanson,G.D. 111 Ceballos, O., Funes, M., Delibes, M. and Hiraldo, F. 175 Lopez, E., see Fenton, M. B., Waterman, J. M., Roth, J. D., Lopez, E. and Fienberg, S. E. Garcia, E. see Nores, C., Ojeda, F., Ruano, A., Villate, I., Lopez-Gonzalez, P. J., see Ho, J.-S., Conradi, M. and Gonzalez, J., Cano, J. M. and Garcia, E. Lopez-Gonzalez, P. J. Garrett, J., see Thompson, D., Duck, C. D., McConnell, Luiselli, L., Akani, G. C. and Capizzi, D., Food resource B. J. and Garrett, J. partitioning of a community of snakes in a swamp Gerlach, J., The behaviour and captive maintenance of the rainforest of south-eastern Nigeria 125 terrestrial nemertine (Geonemertes pelaensis) Lurz, P. W. and South, A. B., Cached fungi in non-native Giragossyan, H., see Shine, R., Keogh, S., Doughty, P. conifer forests and their importance for red squirrels and Giragossyan, H. (Sciurus vulgaris L.) Goldenberg, S., see Arad, Z., Goldenberg, S. and Heller, J. Macdonald, D. W., see Previtali, A., Cassini, M. H. and Gonzalez, J., see Nores, C., Ojeda, F., Ruano, A., Macdonald, D. W. 482 Villate, I., Gonzalez, J., Cano, J. M. and Garcia, E. MacDougall, R., see Gray, S. J., Hurst, J. L., Stidworthy, R., Gorman, M. L., see Corp, N., Spalton, A. and Gorman, Smith, J., Preston, R. and MacDougall, R. 299 Di: Machado, G. and Oliveira, P. S., Reproductive biology of Granado-Lorencio, C., see Escot, C. and Granado- the neotropical harvestman (Goniosoma longipes) Lorencio, C. (Arachnida, Opiliones: Gonyleptidae): mating and Gray, S. J., Hurst, J. L., Stidworthy, R., Smith, J., oviposition behaviour, brood mortality, and parental Preston, R. and MacDougall, R., Microhabitat and care spatial dispersion of the grassland mouse (Mus spretus MacPherson, D., see Morris, P. A., Morris, M. J., Lataste) MacPherson, D., Jefferies, D. J., Strachan, R. and Gurnell, J., see David-Gray, Z. K., Gurnell, J. and Woodroffe, G. L. Hunt, D. M. McConnell, B. J., see Thompson, D., Duck, C. D., McConnell, B. J. and Garrett, J. Heller, J., see Arad, Z., Goldenberg, S. and Heller, J. Maschwitz, U., see Disney, R. H. L., Weissflog, A. and Hiraldo, F., see Travaini, A., Donazar, J. A., Rodriguez, A., Maschwitz, U. Ceballos, O., Funes, M., Delibes, M. and Hiraldo, F. Measey, G. J., Diet of feral Xenopus laevis (Daudin) in Ho, J.-S., Conradi, M. and Lopez-Gonzalez, P. J., A South Wales, U.K. new family of cyclopoid copepods (Fratiidae) symbiotic Moate, R., see Whitear, M. and Moate, R. in the ascidian (Clavelina dellavallei) from Cadiz, Monaghan, P., see Twiss, S. D., Anderson, S. S. and Spain Monaghan, P. Hunt, D. M., see David-Gray, Z. K., Gurnell, J. and Moolman, M., Bennett, N. C. and Schoeman, A. S., The Hunt, D. M. social structure and dominance hierarchy of the highveld Hurst, J. L., see Gray, S. J., Hurst, J. L., Stidworthy, R., mole-rat Cryptomys hottentotus pretoriae (Rodentia: Smith, J., Preston, R. and MacDougall, R. Bathyergidae) 193 Moore, S. J., Use of an artificial gizzard to investigate Jarvis, J. U. M., see O’Riain, M. J. and Jarvis, J. U. M. the effect of grit on the breakdown of grass ha, Jefferies, D. J., see Morris, P. A., Morris, M. J., Moore, S. J., Lill, C.A. and Sanson, G. D., Functional MacPherson, D., Jefferies, D. J., Strachan, R. and morphology of the gizzard of the domestic goose: design Woodroffe, G. L. of an artificial gizzard 111 Jenkinson, S. and Wheater, C. P., The influence of public Morris, M. J., see Morris, P. A., Morris, M. J., access and sett visibility on badger (Meles meles) sett MacPherson, D., Jefferies, D. J., Strachan, R. and disturbance and persistence Woodroffe, G. L. Jones, M. E. and Stoddart, D. M., Reconstruction of the Morris, P. A., Morris, M. J., MacPherson, D., Jefferies, predatory behaviour of the extinct marsupial thylacine D. J., Strachan, R. and Woodroffe, G. L., Estimating (Thylacinus cynocephalus) numbers of water vole Arvicola terrestris: a correction Jordaens, K., Backeljau, T., Ondina, P., Reise, H. and to the published method 61 Verhagen, R., Allozyme homozygosity and phally polymorphism in the land snail Zonitoides nitidus Neill, B., see Bones, M., Neill, B. and Reid, B. 460 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) Nores, C., Ojeda, F., Ruano, A., Villate, I., Gonzalez, J., Cano, J. M. and Garcia, E., Estimating the population Keogh, S., see Shine, R., Keogh, S., Doughty, P. and density of Galemys pyrenaicus in four Spanish rivers 454 Giragossyan, H. Kitikoon, V., see Attwood, S. W., Kitikoon, V. and O’Donnell, C. F. J., see Webb, P.I., Sedgeley, J. A. and Southgate, V. R. O’Donnell, C. F. J. 462 Volume 246 Author Index Ojeda, F., see Nores, C., Ojeda, F., Ruano, A., Villate, I., Smiddy, P., see Shiel, C. B., Duvergé, P. L., Smiddy, P. Gonzalez, J., Cano, J. M. and Garcia, E. 454 and Fairley, J. S. Oliveira, P. S., see Machado, G. and Oliveira, P. S. 359 Smith, G. C., see Trout, R. C. and Smith, G. C. Ondina, P., see Jordaens, K., Backeljau, T., Ondina, P., Smith, J., see Gray, S. J., Hurst, J. L., Stidworthy, R., Reise, H. and Verhagen, R. 95 Smith, J., Preston, R. and MacDougall, R. Oosthuizen, W. H., see Stewardson, C. L., Bester, M. N. South, A. B., see Lurz, P. W. and South, A. B. and Oosthuizen, W. H. 63 Southgate, V. R., see Attwood, S. W., Kitikoon, V. and O’Riain, M. J. and Jarvis, J. U. M., The dynamics of Southgate, V.R. growth in naked mole-rats: the effects of litter order Spalton, A., see Corp, N., Spalton, A. and Gorman, M. L. and changes in social structure Speakman, J. R. and Tallach, N., Do emerging pipistrelle Owen-Smith, N., How high ambient temperature affects bats lose control oft heir timing due to ‘crowd the daily activity and foraging time of a subtropical pressure’? ungulate, the greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) Stewardson, C. L., Bester, M. N. and Oosthuizen, W. H.., Reproduction in the male Cape fur seal Arctocephalus Potts, W. T. W., see Clarke, A. P. and Potts, W. T. W. pusillus pusillus: age at puberty and annual cycle of the Potts, W. T. W., see Clarke, A. P. and Potts, W. T. W. testis Preston, R., see Gray, S. J., Hurst, J. L., Stidworthy, R., Stidworthy, R., see Gray, S. J., Hurst, J. L., Smith, J., Preston, R. and MacDougall, R. Stidworthy, R., Smith, J., Preston, R. and Previtali, A., Cassini, M. H. and Macdonald, D. W., MacDougall, R. Habitat use and diet of the American mink (Mustela Stoddart, D. M., see Jones, M. E. and Stoddart, D. M. vison) in Argentinian Patagonia Strachan, R., see Morris, P. A., Morris, M. J., MacPherson, D., Jefferies, D. J., Strachan, R. and Ragg, J. R., The denning behaviour of feral ferrets Woodroffe, G. L. (Mustela furo) in a pastoral habitat, South Island, New Zealand 471 Tallach, N., see Speakman, J. R. and Tallach, N. Reid, B., see Bones, M., Neill, B. and Reid, B. 460 Thompson, D., Duck, C. D., McConnell, B. J. and Reise, H., see Jordaens, K., Backeljau, T., Ondina, P., Garrett, J., Foraging behaviour and diet of lactating Reise, H. and Verhagen, R. 95 female southern sea lions (Otaria flavescens) in the Rodriguez, A., see Travaini, A., Donazar, J. A., Rodriguez, Falkland Islands A., Ceballos, O., Funes, M., Delibes, M. and Travaini, A., Delibes, M. and Ceballos, O., Summer foods Hiraldo, F. 175 of the Andean hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus chinga) in Rolando, A., Factors affecting movements and home Patagonia 457 ranges in the jay (Garrulus glandarius) 249 Travaini, A., Donazar, J. A., Rodriguez, A., Ceballos, O., Roth, J. D., see Fenton, M. B., Waterman, J. M., Roth, Funes, M., Delibes, M. and Hiraldo, F., Use of Europea J. D., Lopez, E. and Fienberg, S. E. 83 hare (Lepus europaeus) carcasses by an avian scavenging Ruano, A., see Nores, C., Ojeda, F., Ruano, A., Villate, L., assemblage in Patagonia Gonzalez, J., Cano, J. M. and Garcia, E. Trout, R. C. and Smith, G. C., Long-term study ofl itter size in relation to population density in rabbits Sanson, G. D., see Evans, A. R. and Sanson, G. D. (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Lincolnshire, England Sanson, G. D., see Moore, S. J., Lill, C.A. and Sanson, Twiss, S. D., Anderson, S. S. and Monaghan, P., Limited G. D. intra-specific variation in male grey seal (Halichoerus Schoeman, A. S., see Moolman, M., Bennett, N. C. and grypus) dominance relationships in relation to variation Schoeman, A. S. in male mating success and female availability Schwartz, O. A., Armitage, K. B. and Van Vuren, D., A 32-year demography of yellow-bellied marmots Van Vuren, D., see Schwartz, O. A., Armitage, K. B. and (Marmota flaviventris) Van Vuren, D. Sedgeley, J. A., see Webb, P. I., Sedgeley, J. A. and Verhagen, R., see Jordaens, K., Backeljau, T., Ondina, P., O’Donnell, C. F. J. Reise, H. and Verhagen, R. Selas, V., Does food competition from red fox (Vulpes Villate, I., see Nores, C., Ojeda, F., Ruano, A., Villate, I., vulpes) influence the breeding density of goshawk Gonzalez, J., Cano, J. M. and Garcia, E. (Accipiter gentilis)? Evidence from a natural experiment 32 Serra-Cobo, J., Lacroix, G. and White, S., Comparison Warburg, M. R. and Elias, R., The reproductive potential between the ecology of the new European frog Rana and strategy of Scorpio maurus fuscus (Scorpiones: pyrenaica and that of four Pyrenean amphibians Scorpionidae): anatomical clues in the ovariuterus 29 Shiel, C. B., Duvergeé, P. L., Smiddy, P. and Fairley, J. S., Waterman, J. M., see Fenton, M. B., Waterman, J. M., Analysis of the diet of Leisler’s bat (Nyctalus /eisleri) in Roth, J. D., Lopez, E. and Fienberg, S. E. 83 Ireland with some comparative analyses from England Wayne, R. K., see Koepfli, K.-P. and Wayne, R. K. 401 and Germany Webb, P. I., Sedgeley, J. A. and O'Donnell, C. F. J., Wing Shine, R., Keogh, S., Doughty, P. and Giragossyan, H.., shape in New Zealand lesser short-tailed bats (Mystacina Costs of reproduction and the evolution of sexual tuberculata) 462 dimorphism in a ‘flying lizard’ Draco melanopogon Weissflog, A., see Disney, R. H. L., Weissflog, A. and (Agamidae) Maschwitz, U. 269 Vi Volume 246 Author Index Wheater, C. P., see Jenkinson, S. and Wheater, C. P. 478 Woodroffe, G. L., see Morris, P. A., Morris, M. J., White, S., see Serra-Cobo, J., Lacroix, G. and White, S. 147 MacPherson, D., Jefferies, D. J., Strachan, R. and Whitear, M. and Moate, R., Cellular diversity in the Woodroffe, G. L. epidermis of Raja clavata (Chondrichthyes) 275 Woo, N. Y. S., see Chung, K. C. and Woo, N. Y.S. Wood, C. J., Movement of bottlenose dolphins around the south-west coast of Britain 155

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