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Preview Journal of Zoology 1997: Vol 241 Table of Contents

LIST OF CONTENTS VOLUME 241 ADAMCZEWSKI, J. Z., FLOOD, P. F. and GuNN, A., Seasonal patterns in body composition and reproduction of female muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) ADLER, G. H., ENprRigSs, M. and PiotTer, S., Spacing patterns within populations of a tropical forest rodent, Proechimys semispinosus, on five Panamanian islands ADRIAENS, D. and VERRAES, W., Ontogeny of the maxillary barbel muscles in Clarias gariepinus (Siluroidei: ee with some notes on the Raiders mechanism ARNOULD, J. P. Y. and Duck, C. D., The cost and sii a territorial tenure, and factors affecting mating success in male Antarctic fur seals ARNTZEN, J. W. and Sket, B., Morphometric analysis of black and white European cave salamanders, Proteus anguinus ASTALL, C. A., ANDERSON, S. J., TAYLOR, A. C. and ATKINSON, R. J. A., Comparative studies of the branchial morphology, gill area and gill ultrastructure of some thalassinidean mud-shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea) BarLow, K. E. and Jones, G., Differences in songflight calls and social calls between two phonic types of the vespertilionid bat Pipistrellus pipistrellus BARNES, P. A. G. and Morton, B., The functional morphology of Mactrinula reevesii (Bivalvia: Mactroidea) in Hong Kong: adaptations for a deposit-feeding lifestyle BarRETO, G. R., HERNANDEZ, O. E. and OysastiJ,. , Diet oi f ase enna tajacu and T. pecari) in a dry forest of Venezuela BarTscH, P. and Britz, R., A single micropyle in the eggs of the most basal | living actinopterygian fish, Polypterus (Actinopterygii, Polypteriformes) BENNETT, N. C. and NAVARRO, R., Differential growth patterns between successive litters of the eusocial Damaraland mole-rat, Cryptomys damarensis, from Namibia BERNARD, R. T. F., Happotp, D. C. D. ard HApPPoLp, M., Sperm storage in a seasonally reproducing African nee the banana bat eure nanus) from Malawi Bizikov, V. A. and ARKHIPKIN, A. I., ibid and microstructure oft he edie and statolith from the boreal Pacific giant squid Moroteuthis robusta (Oegopsida; Onychoteuthidae) BRADLEY, A. J., Reproduction and life pment in the red-taileda lt Suite calura (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae): the adaptive-stress senescence hypothesis BRADLEY, A. J. and Stoppart, D. M., Plasma androgen, social position, and response to GnRH in the —e" sugar — Petauruse e ciesn uegaete Petaur- idae) BriTTON, A. R. C., JONES, G., RAYNER, J. M. V., BOONMAN, A. M. -_ VERBOOM, B.,“ Flight performance, echolocation and foraging behaviour in pond bats, Myotis dasycneme (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) sah Ota Ve a Teele Re BURNELL, S. R. and BRYDEN, M. M.., Coastal residence periods and reproductive timing in southern right whales, Eubalaena australis CONTENTS CALVETE, C., VILLAFUERTE, R., LUCIENTEJS. ,an d OsacarJ., J ., Effectiveness of traditional wild rabbit restocking in Spain CarTER, R. J., Age estimation of the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) svelte from tie Mesolithic site of Star Carr, Yorkshire, based on radiographs of mandibular tooth development CASTELL, L. L. and SwWEATMAN, H. P. A., Predator—prey interactions among some intertidal gastropods on the Great Barrier Reef ee eS ae ee CHAPMAN, N. G., FURLONG, M. and Harris, S., Reproductive strategies and the influence of date of birth on growth and sexual development of an merminined on ungulate: Reeves’ muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) CHURCHFIELD, S., SHEFTEL, B. I., MorALEvA, N. V. and Suvarts, E. A., Habitat occurrence and prey distribution of a multi-species community of shrews in the Siberian taiga CroMPTON, A. W., GERMAN, R. Z. and THEXTON, A. J., Mechanisms of aidiinias and airway protection in infant mammals (Sus domesticus and Macaca fascicularis) Rae Sig Backe nee o eae RNR i Ree ete Dio.i, M., Notes on the morphology of the horns of a new artiodactyl mammal from Cambodia: Pseudonovibos spiralis aS. Tey? the epee nk, Maa ees DoncastTER, C. P. and MACDONALD, D. W., Activity patterns and interactions ofr ed foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Oxford city Pee GM gumeneer ren vis eres Vs Soi cogs Ducroz, J. F., GRANJON, L., CHEVRET, P., DUPLANTIER, J. M., LOMBARD, M. and VoLoBOoUEV, V., Characterization of two distinct species of Arvicanthis (Rodentia: Muridae) in West Africa: cytogenetic, molecular and reproductive evidence DuPoONntT-Nivet, M., GUILLER, A. and BONNET, J.-C., Genetic and environmental varia- bility of adult size in some stocks of the edible snail, Helix aspersa marr Fear, C. J. and Git, E. L., The life cycle of the tick Amblyomma loculosum in a sooty tern Sterna fuscata colony in the Seychelles Se Sat BC et tC oS oy FRANGIONI, G., Brizzi, R. and BorGIoLi, G., Haematological changes by splenic respiratory compensation in the cave salamander, Hydromantes genei GANZHORN, J. U., Test of Fox’s assembly rule for functional groups in lemur communities in Madagascar ; Ko! eee Gompper, M. E., Population ecology of the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama a Poee yi ira eras eae i Guinot, D., Jamieson, B. G. M. and TupGe, C. C., Ultrastructure and statins of spermatozoa of the freshwater crabs Potamon re and Potamon ibericum (Crustacea, Brachyura, Potamidae) HapiBi, K., Group dynamics of the Nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana) in the Tuwayiq Canyons, Saudi Arabia PA ee rt sm a LNs Be eek? Harris, M. A. and STEUDEL, K., Ecological correlates of hind-limb length in the Carnivora Mo gr Toate es 5 a tes agile pata oa SesN aty enn Des HUANG, Q., Morphological, allozymic, and winialent distinctions between Neritina (Dostia) violacea and N. (D.) cornucopia (Gastropoda: Neritoidea) KieRDoRF, U. and BECHER, J., Mineralization and wear of mandibular first molars in red deer (Cervus elaphus) of known age KRUUK, H., Tay_or, P. T. and Mom, G. A. T., Body temperature anda sia behaviour of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), in relation to water temperature CONTENTS LUISELLI, L., CAPULA, M. and SHINE, R., Food habits, growth rates, and reproductive biology of grass snakes, Natrix natrix (Colubridae) in the Italian Alps MACDONALD, A. A. and YANG, L. N., Chinese sources suggest early knowledge of the ‘unknown’ ungulate (Pseudonovibos spiralis) from Vietnam and Cambodia Mora gs, A. and RopRIGUEZ, J., Black rats (Rattus rattus) from medieval Mertola (Baixo Alentejo, Portugal) a tiger ear pe Rega ka Se me ee a ie Moreira, J. R., MACDONALD, D. W. and CLarKE, J. R., Correlates of testis mass in capybaras (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris): dominance assurance or sperm production? No et, B. A., BROEKHUIZEN, S., DORRESTEIN, G. M. and RIENKS, K. M., Infectious diseases as main causes of — to beavers Castor fiber after translocation to the Netherlands O’HANLON, R. P. and BotGer, T., Biomass, ones and slain production of Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae) at two sites in Co. Galway, Ireland PaINe, R. R. and Goprrey, L. R., The scaling of skeletal microanatomy in non-human primates das ede. he a ga ee A eK ca ae Reise, H., Deroceras juranum—a Mendelian colour —e, of D. rodnae (Gastropoda: Agriolimacidae) A me ae 4 Scr ee Pe RICKARD, C. A. and BENNETT, N. C., Recrudescence of sexual activity in a reproductively quiescent colony of the Damaraland mole-rat (Cryptomys damarensis), by the introduction of an unfamiliar and genetically unrelated male—a case of incest avoidance in ‘queenless’ colonies RuSsELL, A. P., BAuER, A. M. and Larotya, R., sibasihialaniseal correlates of the secondarily symmetrical pes of gekkotan lizards See ee er eee SCHARFF, A., BURDA, H., TENORA, F., KAWALIKA, M. and BARus, V., Parasites in social subterranean Zambian mole-rats (Cryptomys spp., Bathyergidae, Rodentia) Setz, E. Z. F. and Gaspar, D. DE A., Scent-marking behaviour in free-ranging golden- faced saki monkeys, Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala: sex differences and context SHARP, N. C. C., Timed running speed of a cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) rT SHENBROT, G. and KRAsSNOov, B., Habitat relationships of the lizard fauna in the Ramon erosion cirque, Negev Highlands (Israel) DS kia ae ae SLuys, R., HAuserR, J. and WirTH, Q. J., Deviation from the Groundplan: a unique new species of freshwater planarian from South Brazil en Tricladida, Paludicola) SNAZELL, R. and BosMans, R., A little naan Zodarion sili Zodariidae) new to Britain Sommer, S., Monogamy in Hypogeomys antimena, an endemic rodent of the deciduous ‘ni forest in western Madagascar SRR tapes ay S22 ONE eRe eee ea I CaS Stewart, P. D. and MacponaLp, D. W., Age, sex, and condition as predictors of moult and the efficacy of a novel fur-clip technique for individual marking of the European badger (Meles meles) 5 ete aay peta aaa gaan garry TICKELL, SIR CRISPIN, From Gaia to Noah: human responsibilities in nature “i WarRrEN, R. D., Habitat use and support preference of two ee saltatory lemurs (Lepilemur edwardsi and Avahi occidentalis) Wizes, G. J., ENGBRING, J. and OToseD, D., Abundance, biology, and human eitiiiiad of bats in the Palau Islands CONTENTS WooprorFe, R., MACDONALD, D. W. and CHEESEMAN, C. L., Endocrine correlates of contrasting male mating strategies in the European badger (Meles meles) sa Zioupos, P., Currey, J. D., Castnos, A. and DE BUFFRENIL, V., Mechanical properties of the rostrum of the whale Mesoplodon densirostris, a remarkably dense bony tissue 725 Z5L; SCINTINC NEPRTINGS SIE Bens ea ee be

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