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Preview Journal of Zoology 1992: Vol 227 Table of Contents

LIST OF CONTENTS VOLUME 227 Page ALEXANDER, R. MCN. and Ponp, C. M., Locomotion and bone strength of the white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum. : 63 Baker, J. D. and Fow er, C. W., Pup weight and survival of northern fur scals Callorhinus ursinus Bowen, W. D., Stoso, W. T.‘ and ‘SMrrH, S.4 , Mass changes ofg reys ealM elicheores gg rypus pups on Sable Island: differential maternal investment reconsidered Boy Le, P. R. and Cuevis, D., Egg development in the octopus Eledone cirrhosa — BRASHER, D. J., OVENDEN, J. R. and Wuire, R. W. G., Mitochondrial DNA variation and phylogenetic relationships of Jasus spp. (Decapoda: Palinuridae) .. BritF REVIEWS, see BROWN, J. A., CHEESEMAN, C. L. and Harris, S. . . Roper, T. J. Wooprorfe, R. and MACDONALD, D. Ww. Britz, P. J. and Prenaar, A. G., Laboratory experiments on the effect of light and cover on the behaviour and growth of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) Brown, J. A., CHEESEMAN, C. L. and Harris, S., Studies on the spread of bovine tuberculosis from badgers to cattle . Cave, A. J. E. and Jones, T. S., Canine tooth fracture iin two0 Congolese gorillas DaRTNALL, H. J. G., The reproductive strategies of two Antarctic rotifers ne Dick, J. T. A., The nature and implications of differential predation between Gannarus pulex and G. duebeni celticus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) ” DresseN, W. and HENpDrRICHS, H., Social behaviour and heart rate in tammar - wallabies (Macropodidae: Macropus eugenii) sa GorMaN, M. L. (Ed.), Communications from the Mammal Society - ‘No. 64 > Causes and magnitude of body weight changes in trap-confined bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus, by 1.S CHON and H. Korn, p. 319; Day-flying bat attacked by house martins, by J. G. OLLASON, V. E. KeLver and S. L. FRears, p. 322; Brachygnathia in fallow deer (Dama dama), by N. G. CHAPMAN and S. Harris, p. 323; The first recorded stranding of a melon-headed whale (P eponocephala electra) on the European Coast, by A. M. HILL MIKKELSEN and M. SHELDRICK, p. 326; Response of a lion (Panthera leo) population to changing prey availability, by K. M. DunnaM, p. 330; The supraorbital ridge as an indicator of age in wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), by H. H. Kos, p. 334; Observations on the variation in the sex ratio of wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in eastern Scotland, by B. BoaG, p. 338; The taxonomic status of black wild felids in Scotland, by C. KITCHENER and N. EASTERBEE, p. 342; Food habits of badgers (Meles meles) in an arid habitat, by A. RODRIGUEZ and M. DELIBEs, p. 347. GreEN, B., GRIFFITHS, M. and NEwGRAIN, K., Seasonal patterns in water, sodium and energy turnover in free-living echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus (Mammalia: Mono- tremata) .. iv CONTENTS HERRING, P. J., Ditty, P. N. and Cope, C., Different types of photophore in the oceanic squids Octopoteuthis and Taningia (Cephalopoda: Octopoteuthidae) Huaues, G. M., Roy, P. K. and Munsui, J. S. D., Morphometric estimation of oxygen diffusing capacity for the air-sac in the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis JACKSON, R. R., Predator-prey interactions between web-invading jumping spiders and two species of tropical web-building pholcid spiders, Psilochorus sphaeroides and Smeringopus pallidus . JACKSON, R. R. and VAN OLPHEN, A.., Prey-capture techniques and prey ‘preferences of Chrysilla, Natta and Siler, ant-eating jumping — (Araneae, Salticidae) from Kenya and Sri Lanka Jones, C. J. and Geiser, F., Prolonged and daily torpor iin the feathertail slider,‘ Acrebates pygmaeus (Marsupialia: Acrobatidae) . ‘ KERLEY, G. I. H., Ecological correlates of small mammal community structure iin5 the:s emi- arid Karoo, South Africa . KING, A. S., VIDYADARAN, M. K. and KassiM, ‘H," Quantitative pulmonary anatomy of 2a ground-dwelling bird, the white-breasted water-hen (Amaurornis phoenicurus) Kista, S. M. and HuGues, G. M., Estimation of oxygen-diffusing capacity in the gills of different sizes of a tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus . Kaces, N. T. W. and Cooper, J., Bill morphology and diet of a filter- feeding seabird: the broad-billed prion Pachyptila vittata at South Atlantic Gough Island . KLINGENBERG, C. P. and ZIMMERMANN, M., Dyar’s rule and multivariate allometric growth in nine species of waterstriders (Heteroptera: Gerridae) MaaratH, R. D., The effect of egg mass on the growth and survival of blackbirds: a1 field experiment ‘ MaJ.ur, P., Timing of births and javenile mortality iin the South American far seal ii na Pers MALCOLM, J. R., Use of tooth impressions to identify and age live seria guyannensis and P. cuvieri (Rodentia: Echimyidae) : MANSDOTTER, S., EpPLE, G. and KUDERLING, I.,A ge-related changesi n ovarian morphology of the South American tamarin Saguinus fuscicollis (Callitrichidae) McNas, B. K., The comparative energetics of rigid endothermy: the Arvicolidae MILLWARD, A. and Wuyte, M. A., The hydrodynamic characteristics of six scallops of the Super Family Pectinacea, Class Bivalvia PULLIN, A. S. and KNIGHT, T. M., Induction and termination n of reproductive diapause ii na neotropical beetle, Chelymorpha alternans (Coleoptera: Chryscmelidae) Reavey, D., Egg size, first instar behaviour and the ecology of Lepidoptera , RieEpPEL, O., Studies on skeleton formation in reptiles. I. The postembryonic development of the skeleton in Cyrtodactylus pubisulcus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) . RosertTs, M., RopriGo, A., MCARDLE, B. and CHARLESTON, W. A. G., The effect of habitat on the helminth parasites of an island population of the Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans) . ROBERTSON, A., HIRAIWA- HASEGAWA, M., ALBON, S.D . ‘and CLUTTON-BROCK, T. H., Early growth and sucking behaviour of Soay sheep in a fluctuating population Roper, T. J., The structure and function of badger setts Russe__, A. P. and Bauer, A. M., The m. caudifemoralis longus and its relationship to caudal autotomy and locomotion in lizards (Reptilia: Sauria). . CONTENTS RYDELL, J., Occurrence of bats in northernmost Sweden (65°N) and their feeding ecology in summer SCRIVEN, P. N., Robertsonian translocations introduced ii nto an island population of house mice .. SHORE, R. F., BALMENT, R. J. and YALDEN, D. W.,‘ The effect of varying calcium intake on calcium metabolism in wild rodent species. ; Smmpson, V. R. and Harris, E. A., Cyathostoma lari (Nematoda) infection iisn birds of prey Taber, A. B. and MACDONALD, D. W.., re organization and monogamy in the mara Dolichotis patagonum TABER, A. B. and MACDONALD, D. W.,' Commenal ‘breeding i in the mara, ~ Dolichotis patagonum VILLANUEVA, R., Deep-sea cephalopods oft he north- western Mediterranean: indications of up-slope ontogenetic migration in two bathybenthic species Wauters, L., SWINNEN, C. and DHonpT, A. A., Activity budget and foraging behaviour of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in coniferous and deciduous habitats WENTWORTH, S. L. and MunTz, W. R. A., Developmentof the eye and optic lobe of Octepus WiuiaMs, T. D., BricGs, D. R., CROXxALL, J. P., Naito, Y. and Kato, A., Diving pattern and performance in relation to foraging ecology in the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua Wooprorre, R. and ‘MACDONALD, D. w., ‘Badger clans: ‘demographic groups i in an antisocial species WortTny, G. A. J., Morris, P. A., Costa, D. Pp.a nd Le BoEUF, B. j.,M oult energetics of the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) heed Youn, B. A., Tracheal diverticula in snakes: possible functions and evolution Youna, J. O., The feeding biology of the immigrant triclad Phagocata woodworthi in Loch Ness, Scotland a. chet wine any male be eek Rig Ee ale LO ZHANG, Z. and RUNHAM, N. W., Initial development of Oreochromis niloticus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) otolith a ZuteTa, G. A. and BiLenca, D. N., Seasonal shifts within juvenile | recruit sex ratio of Pampas mice (Akodon azarae)

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