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Journal of Voice Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 375-378 © 1994 Raven Press, Ltd., New York Journal of Voice Volume 8, 1994 Subject Index Accent method, voice therapy, acoustic analysis of functional Chorus effect, sound level separation, choral singing, 293 dysphonia, 163 Clostridial toxins, cell response to, plasma membrane role in, Acetaldehyde, alcohol intake, changes in pitch, vocal fold 65 injection and, 340 Coloratura, perceptual aspects of singing, 106 Acoustic analysis Cricothyroid muscle, modulation of fundamental frequency, articulatory, developmental, and gender effects, 145 during vibrato, 224 differential phonation characteristics, women, amyotrophic Cyclosporin, laryngeal transplantation, 92 lateral sclerosis, 327 duet singing, 202 functional dysphonia, 163 voice measurements and, 8 Degeneration, skeletal muscle, after injury, 53 Denervation, recurrent laryngeal nerve, paralysis, 79 Actin, cellular response, acute injury, 65 Developmental patterns, speech production, 123 Acting, voice science, voice pathology, medicine and, 359 Dynamic range, individual choral singers, 196 Actors, vocal fatigue in, 207 Dysarthria, differential phonation characteristics, women with Aerodynamic analysis amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 327 before and after microlaryngeal surgery, 186 Dysphonia voice measurements and, 8 functional, acoustic analysis of, 163 Airway high-frequency energy components, 157 resistance, speech production and, 123 laryngotracheal paratubal air envelope, reconstructive upper, compromise, laryngotracheal paratubal air envelope, surgery, 168 168 recalcitrant mutational, botulinum toxin in treatment of, 347 Alcohol, intake, changes in pitch after, vocal fold injection spectral pattern recognition, improved quality, 320 and, 340 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, differential phonatory vocal fold basement membrane zone, anchoring fibers in, 48 vocal hygiene education and, 279 characteristics, women, 327 Dysphonia plicae ventricularis, laryngotracheal paratubal air Anchoring fibers, morphologic ultrastructure, vocal fold envelope, reconstructive surgery, 168 basement membrane zone, 48 Aphonia arytenoid adduction, type I thyroplasty and, 84 laryngotracheal paratubal air envelope, reconstructive Education, vocal hygiene, improvement of voice and, 279 surgery, 168 Electromyography Artificial neural networks, spectral pattern recognition, modulation of fundamental frequency, laryngeal muscles, improved voice quality, 320 during vibrato, 224 Arytenoid adduction, type I thyroplasty and, treatment of voice measurements and, 8 aphonia, 84 Endoscopic surgery, laryngotracheal paratubal air envelope in, Auditory feedback, Lombard effect, choral singing, 24 168 Auditory function, voice measurements and, 8 Ensemble analysis of duet singing, 202 sound level separation, choral singing, 293 Botulinum toxin, recalcitrant mutational dysphonia and, 347 Cell death, response to two clostridial toxins, 65 Face masks, disinfection of, 95 Children’s voices Feedback, sound level separation, choral singing, 293 adult comparison, maximum flow declination rate, 240 Flow glottography, singing synthesis and, 18 range profiles, differences, 230 Flow rate, voice production, vocal function exercises and, 271 Choral singing Foreperiod, effects on acoustic LRT, normal speakers, 248 dynamic range of individual singers, 196 Formant Lombard effect, 24 average loudness level, mean fundamental frequency and, sound levels in, separation of one voice, 293 singers, 263 376 SUBJECT INDEX frequencies, singing, 106 Laryngeal reaction time (LRT), acoustic, foreperiod effects, resonance source of, laryngeal system, 303 248 tracking, singing voice production, 25 years of progress, 18 Laryngeal ventricle, resonance source of singer’s formant, 303 Frequency range, voice production, vocal function exercises Laryngology, integration, science, pathology, medicine, public and, 271 speaking, acting, and singing, 359 Fundamental frequency Laryngotracheal stenosis, laryngotracheal paratubal air articulatory, developmental, and gender effects, 145 envelope, reconstructive surgery, 168 modulation, laryngeal muscles, during vibrato, 224 Laryngovideostroboscopy, before and after microlaryngeal perceptual aspects of singing, 106 surgery, 186 subglottal pressure and, singers versus nonsingers, 263 Larynx functional recovery, after surgical repair of injured nerves, 70 Gender nodules and polyps, hydration treatment effects, 30 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, differential phonatory nonspecific granuloma, professional singer, 352 characteristics, 327 resonance source of singer’s formant, 303 effects on fundamental frequency and jitter, 145 transplantation, new parameters, 92 maximum flow declination rate, 240 Linear predictive coding, vocal tract area display, voice Glottal chinks, voice range profiles, children, 230 development, 314 Glottographic analysis, voice measurements and, 8 Lombard effect, choral singing, 24 Gould, Wilbur James, in memory of, 97 Long-term average spectra, analysis of duet singing, 202 Granuloma, laryngeal, professional singer, 352 Loudness, perceptual aspects of singing, 106 Harmonics-to-noise ratio, estimation of, improvements, 255 Masking, sound level separation, choral singing, 293 Hearing-of-self, choir singing, 293 Maximum flow declination rate, comparison, children versus High-frequency energy, normal and dysphonic voices, 157 adults, 240 Hoarseness Microlaryngeal surgery, aerodynamic and stroboscopic harmonics-to-noise ratio, improvements in estimation, 255 findings, 186 voice range profiles, children, 230 Muscle, skeletal, regeneration, after injury, 53 Hydration, treatments, laryngeal nodules and polyps, voice measurement and, 30 Hyperadduction, vocal fold measurements, 132 Neurolaryngology, vocal tract response, toxic injury, 63 Nodules intraglottal pressure and impact stress, vocal fold Immunosuppression, laryngeal transplantation, 92 measurements, 132 Injury laryngeal, hydration treatment effects, 30 intraglottal pressure and impact stress, vocal fold vocal, voice range profiles in children, 230 measurements, 132 Noise, normal and dysphonic voices, 157 mechanical stress, phonation, 99 skeletal muscle, regeneration after, 53 toxic, vocal tract response to, 63 Obituaries unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, 79 In memory of Wilbur James Gould, MD, 97 Integration, voice science, pathology, medicine, public Patricia Gramming, PhD, 195 speaking, acting, and singing, 359 Overtone singing synthesis, perceptual aspects of singing, 106 Interdisciplinary collaboration, voice science, pathology and medicine, 359 Intraoral pressure, average loudness level, mean fundamental Pacing, laryngeal, vocal fold paralysis, 179 frequency and, singers, 263 Paralysis arytenoid adduction, type I thyroplasty and, 84 recurrent laryngeal nerve, 79 Jitter, articulatory, developmental, and gender effects, 145 vocal fold, laryngeal pacing and, 179 Perceptual features, vocal fatigue, actors and singers, 207 Phonation Laryngeal airflow, speech production and, 123 alcohol intake and, vocal fold injection, 340 Laryngeal function analysis, voice measurements and, 8 differential characteristics, women with amyotrophic lateral Laryngeal granuloma, nonspecific, professional singer, 352 sclerosis, 327 Laryngeal muscles mechanical stress in, 99 artificial stimulation, normal vibrato and, 215 Phonation volume, improvement, vocal function exercises and, modulation of fundamental frequency by, during vibrato, 224 271 Laryngeal pacemaker, vocal fold paralysis, 179 Pitch Laryngeal position, during singing, singing voice production, changes after alcohol intake, vocal fold injection and, 340 18 perceptual aspects of singing, 106 Journal of Voice, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1994 SUBJECT INDEX 377 Pitch range, voice range profiles, children, 230 laryngeal, nonspecific granuloma in a professional singer, Plasma membrane, role in cell response, two clostridial toxins, 65 ee aerodynamic and stroboscopic findings, 186 Polyps, laryngeal, hydration treatment effects, 30 reinnervation, unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, Power spectrum average, normal and dysphonic voices, 157 Public speaking, voice science, voice pathology, medicine and, repair nei njured nerves, functional recovery of larynx after, 359 Pulse register, resonance source of singer’s formant, laryngeal iaiene unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, 79 system, 303 Tetanus, cellular response, acute injury, 65 Recording, acoustic voice analysis, standards in, 1 Thyroarytenoid muscle, modulation of fundamental frequency, Recurrent laryngeal nerve during vibrato, 224 surgical repair, functional recovery of the larynx and, 70 Thyroplasty, type I, arytenoid adduction and, aphonia, 84 unilateral, paralysis, 79 Toxicity, vocal tract response to, 63 Regeneration Transplantation, laryngeal, 92 partial, unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, 79 Tremor, normal vibrato, artificial stimulation of laryngeal skeletal muscle, after injury, 53 muscles and, 215 Register, singing voice production, 25 years of progress, 18 Research scientists, singing voice production, 25 years of progress, 18 Ultrasonography, voice measurements and, 8 Respiratory analysis, voice measurements and, 8 Ultrastructure, anchoring fibers, vocal fold basement Room acoustics, sound level separation, choral singing, 293 membrane zone, 48 Sidetone, sound level separation, choir singing, 293 Ventricular folds, laryngeal, resonance source of singer’s Singers formant, 303 laryngeal granuloma in, 352 Vibration, mechanical stress, phonation, 99 vocal fatigue in, 207 Vibrato Singing analysis of duet singing, 202 choral modulation of fundamental frequency, laryngea! muscles, dynamic range of individuals, 196 224 Lombard effect in, 24 normal, artificial stimulation of laryngeal muscles and, 215 sound level separation in, 293 singing voice production, 25 years of progress, 18 duet, acoustic and physiologic factors in, 202 Videolaryngoscopy, laryngotracheal paratubal air envelope in, perceptual aspects of, 106 reconstructive surgery, 168 voice production, 25 years of progress, 18 Viscosity, laryngeal nodules and polyps, hydration treatment voice science, voice pathology, medicine and, 359 effects, 30 Sound pressure level, individual choral singers, 196 Visual analysis, voice measurements and, 8 Spectral pattern recognition, improved voice quality, 320 Visual displays, LPC-based vocal tract area display, for voice Speech production, laryngeal and respiratory production for, development, 314 patterns, 123 Vocal abuse, vocal hygiene education, improvement of voice Standards, acoustic analysis of voice, 1 and, 279 Strain, mechanical, phonation, 99 Vocal disorders, mechanical stress, phonation, 99 Stress, mechanical Vocal fatigue, perceptual features, actors and singers, 207 phonation, 99 Vocal folds vocal fold measurement, 132 aphonia, arytenoid adduction and type I thyroplasty, 84 Stroboscopy basement membrane zone, anchoring fibers in, 48 before and after microlaryngeal surgery, 186 injection, changes in pitch after alcohol intake, 340 laryngotracheal paratubal air envelope in, reconstructive measurement, intraglottal pressure and impact stress, 132 surgery, 168 inechanical stress, phonation, 99 Strobovideolaryngoscopy, laryngotracheal paratubal air modes of vibration, singing voice production, 18 envelope in, reconstructive surgery, 168 nodules and polyps, hydration treatment effects, 30 Subglottal pressure paralysis, laryngeal pacing, 179 average loudness level, mean fundamental frequency and, Vocal function exercises, efficacy of, improvement of voice singers, 263 production, 271 developmental patterns, speech production, 123 Vocal hygiene, education, improvement of voice and, 279 singing voice production, 25 years of progress, 18 Vocal intensity, choral singing, Lombard effect, 24 Subjective expectancy, foreperiod effects, acoustic LRT, 248 Vocal motor control, foreperiod effects, acoustic LRT, 248 Supraglottal studies, voice measurements and, 8 Vocal tract Surgery LPC-based area display, for voice development, 314 endoscopic, laryngotracheal paratubal air envelope in, 168 resonance source of singer’s formant, laryngeal system, 303 Journal of Voice, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1994 378 SUBJECT INDEX response to toxic injury, 63 Voice measurements Voice analysis laboratory advances in, 8 acoustic, standards, 1 laryngeal nodules and polyps, hydration treatment effects, harmonics-to-noise ratio, improvements in estimation, 255 30 Voice classification, singing voice production, 25 years of Voice quality, spectral pattern recognition, 320 progress, 18 Voice range Voice development, LPC-based vocal tract area display for, average loudness level, mean fundamental frequency and, 314 singers, 263 Voice disorders profiles, children, 230 functional, acoustic analysis of, 163 Voice research, history, singing voice production, 18 vocal fold measurements, 132 Voice science, public speaking, acting, singing and, 359 Voice Foundation Voice therapy, functional dysphonia before and after, acoustic panel, 359 analysis, 163 singing voice production, 25 years of progress, 18 Voice timbre, perceptual aspects of singing, 106 Voice laboratory Vowel timbre representatives of, 96 normal and dysphonic voices, 157 voice analysis, advances in, 8 perceptual aspects of singing, 106 Statement of Ownership, Management and = Circulation SEER inequired by 39 U.S.C. 3685) 14 Tae of Pupecenon 18 PUBLICATION NO 2 Date of Fang JT ouFrrenqaule ncOy fo fV oisiscuee T0A;” WAne0} n uaolFl y3i }ss3u/e s Pu6b)i ahed2 BE AOnncualt Soubbs1cre,i o1ru9o9 n4 Price Quarterly - $146U S / $166 Foreign © Complete Maing Adgress of Known Olice 0} Pubscation (iver Cin County, Siw ondZ IP >4 Cade) (Norp rinters 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036 5 Complete Menng Adaress of the Heacguerters of Generel Busmess Offices of the Pubusher (Nov primer) 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036 6Pa piFaulhle 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Jamar) 199 See imsirectoms om reverses Journal of Voice, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1994 Journal of Voice Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 379 © 1994 Raven Press, Ltd., New York Journal of Voice Volume 8, 1994 Author Index Akerlund, Leif, 263 Howell, Elizabeth, 359 Ramig, Lorraine Olson, 327 Awan, Shaheen N., 255 Hsiao, Tzu-Yu, 224 Raphael, Bonnie N., 359 Rihkanen, Heikki, 320 Rodriguez,Inmaculada Mateo, 157 Bodine-Fowler, Sue, 53 Jiang, Jack Jiagi, 132 Rossiter, David, 314 Brewer, David, 186 Rubin, Lucille S., 359 Brewer, David W., 359 Buder, Eugene H., 327 Kangas, Jari, 320 Sandage, Mary, 30 Keane, William M., 179 Sapienza, Christine, 145, 240 Kitch, Josephine A., 207 Casper, Janina, 186 Korovin, Gwen Susan, 8 Sataloff, Robert Thayer, 63, 97 Chan, Roger Wai Kai, 279 Scherer, Ronald C., 359 Cleveland, Thomas F., 18 Schulte, Laura, 123 Coleman, Robert F., 196, 202 Sederholm, Elisabeth, 230 Colton, Raymond, 95, 186, 359 Lara, Elvira Mendoza, 157 Sherwin, Joseph F., 65 Lee, Linda, 271 Considine, Robert V., 65 Shinm, Takemoto, 340 Leinonen, Lea, 320 Crumley, Roger L., 79 Shiromoto, Osamu, 163 Lotz, Wendy K., 123 Slavit, David H., 84 Lowry, Louis D., 179 Solomon, Nancy Pearl, 215, 224 Luschei, Erich S., 215, 224 D’ Amico, Beth, 271 Stathopoulos, Elaine T., 240 Detweiler, Rebecca Finley, 303 Stemple, Joseph C., 271 Downes, Marcus, 314 Strand, Edythe A., 327 Maragos, Nicolas E. Strome, Marshall, 92 Matsunaga, Hisashi, 340 Strome, Scott, 92 Fex, Bibi, 163 Matsuo, Hiromichi, 340 Sundberg, Johan, 106, 195, 230 Fex, Séren, 163 Matsuoka, Midori, 340 Sussman, Joan E., 145 McAllister, Anita, 230 Frenkel, Michael L., 255 McCoy, Scott, 352 Fukaura, Junichi, 340 Miller, Richard, 359 Ternstrém, Sten, 293 Moore, G. Paul, 359 Titze, Ingo R., 1, 30, 99, 132, 215, 224 Gallivan, Gregory J., 168 Murry, Thomas, 347 Tonkinson, Steven, 24 Tsuji, Tsutomu, 340 Garcia, Gloria Carballo, 157 Goldfarb, David, 179 Gordon, Tessa, 70 Naranjo, Nieves Valencia, 157 Gould, Wilbur James, 8 Netsell, Ronald, 123 Verdolini, Katherine, 352 Verdolini-Marston, Katherine, 30, 352 Gramming, Patricia, 230, 263 Gray, Steven D., 48 Oates, Jennifer, 207 Watanabe, Hiroshi, 340 Okuno, Fumio, 340 Watson, Ben C., 248 Harding, Penny, 48 Woo, Peak, 186 Hiltunen, Tapio, 320 Woodson, Gayle E., 347 Hirano, Minoru, 163, 215 Peters, Jo Ellen, 123 Hoffman, Henry T., 352 Pickup, Betsy, 271 Howard, David M., 314 Pignatari, Shirley S. N., 48 Yorkston, Kathryn M., 327

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