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Journal of Urban Affairs index/Volume 23, Numbers 1-5 March—December 2001 Author/Subject Abbott, Carl, 457-463 Canadian Cities and the New Regionalism, Access to information technology, 543-555 urban communities, 279-290 Chapple, Karen, 155-173 Alternate Route: Toward Efficient Urban Chicago, Transportation, 110-112 decentralization of manufacturing, 191- Andranovich, Greg, 113-131 209 . Annexation, housing discrimination, 191—209 Houston, 497-512 Lakeside Press, 191-209 Los Angeles, 497-512 manufacturing employment, 191-209 Are Inequality and Poverty Harmful for Eco- Chicago, Illinois, nomic Growth: Evidence from the Metro- deindustrialization, 175-190 politan Areas of the United States, 335-359 growth machines, 175-190 Atlanta, growth politics, 175-190 Community and neighborhood develop- Chicago Latinos, ment, 71-86 political trust, 323-334 Historic preservation policy, 71-86 Cincinnati, Olympics, 113-131 homeownership, 431—450 Regime politics, 71-86 housing and urban development, 431—450 housing policy, 431—450 Bates, Timothy, 41-56 Cities, Space, and the New World of Urban Beauregard, Robert A., 211-2 Law Enforcement, 259-278 Bhatta, Saurav Dev, 335-359 Citizen participation, 87-102 Biometrics and criminal justice, Citizen Politics in Post-Industrial Societies, law enforcement, 259-278 212-215 Bipartisan elections, 309-322 Civic engagement, Black-owned businesses, 41-56 lowa, 375-389 Boris, Elizabeth T., 105-106 Clark, Terry Nichols, 549 , 15 Braun, Mark E., 212-215 Clustered public housing, Bridging the City-Suburb Divide States and neighborhood relationships, 409-430 the Politics of Regional Cooperation, Collins, Claudia C., 215-217 497-512 Community and neighborhood development, Building Communities Without Building Atlanta, 71-86 Walls, 211-212 Community development, Burbank, Matthew J., 113-131 local government, 87-102 Los Angeles, 133-153 Can Public Housing Authorities Attract and public-private partnerships, 133-153 Hold Upwardly Mobile Households? A Community Development in the 1990s, Report From Cincinnati, 431-450 454-456 578 | JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS Vol. 23/No. 5/2001 Community health policy, 391-408 Environmental Justice, Community Technology Centers, Los Angeles, I-21 urban communities, 279-290 race and environmental hazards, |- Community Technology Centers: Narrow- Equal opportunity, ing the Digital Divide in Low-Income, criminal justice policy, 243-25 Urban Communities, 279-290 Ethnicity and Voting, Dade County Florida, Concentrated poverty, 291-307 housing policy, 409-430 neighborhood relationships, 409-430 Factors Related to Self-Sufficiency in a Dis- public housing, 409-430 tressed Public Housing Community, 57—69 Cost-benefit analysis, 361-373 Fainstein, Susan S., 23-40 Crime, television news, 221-241 Fast Lives; Women Who Use Crack Co- Criminal justice policy, caine, 463-465 female police officers, 243—257 Female police officers, Cross-over voting, race and ethnicity, 243-257 minority politics, 309-322 Ferguson, Ronald F., 108-110 Cue, Lourdes, 291-307 Frisken, Frances, 513-541 Culture of Fear, The: Why Americans Are Frug, Gerald E., 211-212 Afraid of the Wrong Things: Crime, Drugs, Minorities, Teen Moms, Killer Kids, Mu- Gainsborough, Juliet F., 497-512 tant Microbes, Plan Crashes, Road Rage, Gladstone, David F., 23—40 and So Much More, 451—453 Glaser, Mark A., 87-102 Glassner, Barry, 451—453 Gottdiener, M., 215-217 Dade County, Florida, Government performance, lowa, 375-389 ethnicity and voting, 291-307 Greater Boston: Adapting Regional Tradi- minority politics, 291-307 tions to the Present, 457—463 voter choice, 291—307 Greater Portland: Urban Life and Landscape Decentralization of manufacturing, in the Pacific Northwest, 457—463 Chicago, 191-209 Greenberg, Michael R., 217-219 Decentralization of Manufacturing Employ- Growth and change, ment and the Role of Race: The Case of income inequality, 335-359 the Lakeside Press, 191-209 Growth machines, Deindustrialization, Chicago, 175-190 Chicago, 175-190 deindustrialization, growth politics, 175-190 Growth politics, Dickens, David R., 215-217 Chicago, 75-190 Dickens, William T., 108-110 deindustrialization, Dillman, Keri-Nicole, 391—408 Dolan, Drew A., 105-106 Hazardous storage, Downtown revitalization, 23—40 Los Angeles, 1-21 race and environmental hazards, |- 21 Economic costs of subsidizing NIOs, Health and SES status, Montreal International, 361—373 neighborhoods, 391—408 Economic growth, urban health policy, 391—408 income inequality, 335-359 Herbst, Leigh, 243-257 poverty policy, 335-359 Heying, Charles H., 113-131 regionalism, 479-496 Hill, Kevin A., 291-307 Ellen, Ingrid Gould, 391-408 Hipp, John, 1-21 Historic architecture, Local crime, 221-241 Atlanta, 71-86 Local economy, 479-496 Historic preservation policy, Local government, 87—102 Atlanta, 71-86 Location, Location, Location: Urban and Sub- Historic Preservation Policy and Regime Pol- urban Crime on Local TV News, 221-241 itics in Atlanta, 71-86 Lockwood-Rayermann, Suzanne, 106-108 Homeownership, Cincinnati, 431—450 Los Angeles, Horowitz, Ruth, 106-108 annexation, 497-512 Housing discrimination, environmental justice, | Chicago, 191-209 Olympics, 113-131 Lakeside Press, 191-209 public-private partnerships, 133-153 Housing policy, regionalism, 497-512 Cincinnati, 43 1-450 residential segregation and toxic waste, neighborhood relationships, 409—430 1-2] New York City, 57-69 tourism, 23—40 Housing and urban development, Cincin- Los Angeles Community Development Bank: nati, 431—450 The Possible Pitfalls of Public-Private Part- Houston, nerships, 133-153 regionalism, 497-512 Lovrich, Nicholas, 243-257 annexation, 497-512 Human capital, 335-359 Manufacturing employment, Chicago, 191-209 Income inequality, 335-359 Manufacturing Industrial Decline: The Pol- Industrial decline, itics of Economic Change in Chicago, Chicago, 175-190 1955-1998, 175-190 lowa Community Surveys, Martin, Fernand, 361—373 government performance, 375-389 Martin, Judy, 457-463 lowa, 375-389 Media and community development, 87-102 social capital, 375-389 Media and law enforcement, 221-241 Mega-event politics, Olympics, 113-131 Job search strategies, Metropolitan government, San Francisco, 155 regionalism, 479-496 women on welfare, Toronto, 513-541 Metropolitan Portraits, 457-463 Keating, W. Dennis, 217-219 Metropolitan reform, 557-57! Kleit, Rachel Garshick, 409-430 Mexican Americans, Koebel, Theodore, C., 454-456 political trust, 323-334 Koven, Steven G., 103-104 Michelson, Melissa R., 323-334 Krumholz, Norman, 217—219 Mijanovich, Tod, 391—408 Miller, Eleanor, M., 463—465 akeside Press, Chicago, 191-209 Minority Business Access to Mainstream anders, James R., 103-104 Markets, 41-56 as Vegas: The Social Production of an All- Minority business enterprise, 41-56 American City, 215-217 Minority hiring practices, Law enforcement technology, 259-278 criminal justice policy, 243-257 Literacy and training programs, Minority politics, access to information technology, 279- Chicago Latinos, 323-334 290 Dade County Florida, 291-307 Liu, Baodong, 309-322 urban politics, 309-322 580 JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS | Vol. 23/No. 5/2001 Minority procurement, 41—56 Partisan voting, Dade County Florida, 291- Minority representation, 307 female police officers, 243-25 Pastor, Jr., Manuel, 1-21 racial transition, 309-322 Payton, Stephanie, 87—102 Monitoring technology, Peterman, William, 217-219 law enforcement, 259-278 Police technologies, Montreal International, law enforcement, 259-278 nonprofit international org anizations, 361- Political trust, Chicago Latinos, 323- -334 375 Political Trust Among Chicago Latinos, Moreno, Dario V., 291-307 323-334 Muzzio, Douglas, 57-69 Poverty policy, human capital, 335-359 Progressives, 557- 571 Neighborhood Effects on Health: Exploring Prospects for Regional Governance Under the the Links and Assessing the Evidence New Regionalism: Economic Imperatives 391-408 Versus Political Impediments, 557-571 Neighborhoods and health, Provincial Government, urban health policy, 391—408 Neighborhood government, 87-102 Toronto, 513-541 Public Budgeting in the United States: The Neighborhood Relations in Scattered-Site and Cultural and Ideological Setting, 103-104 Clustered Public Housing, 409-430 Public health, 391—408 Neighborhood social relationships, Public housing, public housing, 409-430 New regionalism, Cincinnati, 431-450 concentrated poverty, 409-430 Canadian municipalities, 543-555 housing policy, 409-430 metropolitan reform, 557-57] neighborhood relationships, 409-430 New York City, New York City, 57—69 public housing, 57-69 tourism, 23-40 welfare reform, 57-69 welfare reform, 57—69 Public-private partnerships, Los Angeles, 133-153 Newman, Harvey K., 71-86 Nonprofit international organizations, Race, Ethnicity and the Female Cop: Differ- economic costs of subsidizing, 361-373 ential Patterns of Representation, 243-257 Montreal International, 361-373 Nonprofits and Government, 105-106 Race and environmental hazards, Los Angeles, 1-21 Norris, Donald F., 557-571 259-278 Racial and Partisan Voting in a Tri-Ethnic Nunn, Samuel, City: The 1996 Dade County mayoral Elec- tion, 291-307 Olympic Cities: Lessons Learned from Mega- Racial Transition and White-Voter Support Event Politics, 113-131 for Black Candidates in Urban Elections, Olympics, 309-322 Atlanta, 113 —13 | Rast, Joel, 175-190 Los Angeles, Pas 3-131 Rebuilding Urban Neighborhoods: Achieve- Salt Lake City, 113=131 ments, Opportunities and Limits, 217- z 19 Paradox Between Community and Self- ReggoOi1 me politics, Atlanta, 71-86 Interest: Local Government, Neighbor- Regional cooperation, 497—5 12 Oo hoods, and Media, 87—102 Regional government, Parker, Lee E., 87-102 Canadian municipalities, 543-555 Index Regionalism, lechnology and public policy, Canadian municipalities, 543-555 access to information technology, 279-290 Houston, 497-512 urban communities, 279-290 Los Angeles, 497-512 feen Mothers: Citizens or Dependents?, metropolitan government, 479-496 106-108 metropolitan reform, 557-571 Television news, crime presentation, 221-241 Toronto, 513-541 Tiebout theory, Reingold, David A., 191-209 government performance, 375—389 Rempel, Michael, 212-215 social capital, 375—389 Residential segregation and toxic waste, 1-2! Time to Work: Job Search Strategies and Restoring America’s Urban Neighborhoods: Commute Time for Women on Welfare in How Local People Make a Difference, San Francisco, 155-173 217-219 Toronto, Rice, Tom W., 375-389 metropolitan government, 513-54] Ronda, Michelle, 57—69 regionalism, 513-54] Rubin, Julia Sass, 133-153 foronto Story: Sober Reflections on Fifty Years of Experiments with Regional Gov- Sadd, Jim, 1-21 Salt Lake City, Olympics, 113-131 ernance, 513-541 San Francisco, Tourism, welfare reform, 155-173 Los Angeles, 23—40 New York City, 23-40 Sanchez, Thomas W., 110-112 Tourism in US Global Cities: A Compari- Sancton, Andrew, 543-555 son of New York and Los Angeles, 23-40 Scattered-site housing, neighborhood relationships, 409-430 Urban crime, television news, 221-241 Schulgasser, Daniel M., 108-110 Urban development, 23—40 Servon, Lisa, 279-290 Urban health policy, Shirley, Chad, 110-112 neighborhoods, 391—408 Should Cities Subsidize Nonprofit Inter- Urban politics, national Organizations? A Case study and minority representation, 309-322 Cost Benefit Analysis, 361-373 Urban Problems and Community Develop- Small business development, 41—56 ment, 108-110 Social capital, 375-389 Urban Transportation Planning in the United Social Capital and Government Performance States: An Historical Overview, 110-112 in lowa Communities, 375—389 Social trust, Van Ryzin, Gregg, 57-69 Mexican Americans, 323-334 Vanderleeuw, James M., 309-322 Stankiewicz, Gregory M., 133-153 Varady, David P., 431-450 Sterk, Claire, E., 463-465 Voter choice, Dade County Florida, 291-307 Steuerle, C. Eugene, 105-106 Suburban crime, television news, 221-241 Walker, Christopher, 454-456 Suburban dependence, 479-496 Wang, Xinhao, 431-450 Suburban government, 557-571 Warner, Sam Bass, 457—463 Surveillance, Weiner, Edward, 110-112 law enforcement, 259-278 Weinheimer, Mark, 454—456 Swanstrom, Todd, 479-496 Welfare reform, Technology and low-income communities, public housing, 57—69 access to information technology, 279- women on welfare, 155-173 290 Welfare-to-work, San Francisco, 155-173 582 | JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS | Vol. 23/No. 5/2001 What We Argue About When We Argue Workforce development, About Regionalism, 479-496 New York City, 57—69 Which Came First? Toxic Facilities, Minor- welfare reform, 57—69 ity Move-In, and Environmental Justice, 1-21 Yanich, Danilo, 221-241, 451-453 Winston, Clifford, 110-112 Women on welfare, San Francisco, 155-173 Zhao, Jihong, 243-257 aGe eoayiS eeas seit

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