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Journal of Urban Affairs index/Volume 18, Numbers 1-4 March-December 1996 Author/Subject Academics, public policy, 217-231, 233-236, Burns, Nancy, The Formation of American 237-240, 241-243 Local Governments: Private Values in Affordable housing, rent control, 409-430 Public Institutions, reviewed by Donald J. Allbray, Nedda C.: see Book Reviews, Robert Matthewson, 85-88 F. Pecorella Clay, Grady, Real Places, reviewed by Susan Ames, David L.: see Book Reviews, Fritz W. Mulchahey Chase, 334-336 Wagner, Timothy E. Joder, & Anthony J. Davis, Mike, City of Quartz, Excavating the Mumphrey, Jr.; see Book Reviews, Norman Future in Los Angeles, reviewed by Ali Krumholz & Pierre Clavel Modarres, 77-78 Atlas, John: see Peter Dreier Downs, Anthony, Stuck in Traffic: Coping with Peak-Hour Traffic Congestion, Beade, Robert A., Professional Sports as Catay- reviewed by Martha J. Bianco, 330-334 lists for Metropolitan Economic Hudnut, William H., Ill, The Hudnut Years in Development, 1-17; Stadium Subsidies Indianapolis, 1976-1991, reviewed by Make Little Economic Sense for Cities, a Roger Biles, 83-85 Rejoinder, 33-37 Keating, W. Dennis, The Suburban Racial Balfour, Danny L., & Smith, Janet L., Trans- Dilemma, reviewed by Lowell W. Culver, forming Lease-Purchase Housing Programs 80-83 for Low Income Families: Toward Empow- Krumholz, Norman, & Clavel, Pierre, Rein- erment and Engagement, 173-188 venting Cities: Equity Planners Tell Their Baum, Alice S.: see Book Reviews Stories, reviewed by David L. Ames, 468- Beauregard, Robert A., Civic Culture and 471 Urban Discourse, a Rejoinder, 241-243; Mitchell, William J., City of Bits: Space, Why Passion for the City has been Lost, Place, and Infobahn, reviewed by Robert 217-231; see Book Reviews Warren, 328-330 Bianco, Martha J.: see Book Reviews, Steve Nadis, Steve, & MacKenzie, James J., Car Nadis & James J. MacKenzie; see Book Trouble, reviewed by Martha J. Bianco, Reviews, Anthony Downs 330-334 Bias, media reporting, 43 1-447 Pagano, Michael A., & Bowman, Ann O'M., Biles, Roger: see Book Reviews, William H. Cityscapes and Capital: The Politics of Hudnut, Ill Urban Development, reviewed by DeLysa Bingham, Richard D., & Kalich, Veronica Z., The Tie That Binds: Downtowns, Suburbs, Burnier, 459-460 and the Dependence Hypothesis, 153-171 Pecorella, Robert F., Comunity Power in a Postreform City: Politics in New York Book Reviews: 77-94, 323-339, 457-471 City, reviewed by Nedda C. Allbray, 461- Baum, Alice S., & Burnes, Donald W., A 462 Nation in Denial: The Truth about Home- Platt, Rutherford H., Rowntree, Rowan, A., lessness, reviewed by April Vaness, 79-80 & Muick, Pamela C. (Eds.), The Ecologi- Beauregard, Robert A., Voices of Decline: cal City: Preserving and Restoring Urban The Postwar Fate of U.S. Cities, reviewed Biodiversity, reviewed by Joseph S. Wood, by Robert K. Whelan, 464-466 463-464 480 | JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS | Vol. 18/No. 4/1996 Quandagno, Jill, The Color of Welfare: Chase, Susan Mulchahey: sce Book Reviews, How Racism Undermined the War on Grady Clay Poverty, reviewed by Donald J. Matthew- Chema, Thomas V., When Professional Sports son, 85-88 Justify the Subsidy, a Reply to Robert A. Rosner, David (Ed.), Hives of Sickness: Pub- Baade, 19-22 lic Health and Epidemics in New York Chevan, Albert: see Randall Stokes City, reviewed by Julie Johnson-McGrath, China and global economy, 285-306 336-338 Cinema: see Movies Cities, public debate, 217-231, 233-236, 237- Rury, John L., & Cassell, Frank A. (Eds.), Seeds of Crisis: Public Schooling in Mil- 240, 241-243 waukee Since 1920, reviewed by Nevin C. Citizen participation, Israel, 307-321 City Brown, 338-339 growth and sports, 1-17, 19-22, 23-31, 33-37 Rusk, David, Baltimore Unbound: A Strategy perception, US movies, 189-215 for Regional Renewal, reviewed by Daniel City-suburban economy, 153-171 M. Schulgasser, 326-328 Clay, Grady: see Book Reviews Sawislak, Karen, Smoldering City: Chicago- Community development, 95-118 ans and the Great Fire, reviewed by Perry housing, 389-407 R. Duis, 323-324 policy, Israel, 307-321 Schuler, Douglas, New Community Net- Crime, transit stations in suburbia, 63-75 works: Wired for Change, reviewed by Crow, Dennis G.: see Book Reviews, Douglas Dennis G. Crow, 466-468 Schuler Serrin, William, Homestead: The Glory and Culver, Lowell W.: see Book Reviews, W. Den- Tragedy of an American Steel Town, nise Keating reviewed by Joel A. Tarr, 88-91 von Hoffman, Alexander, Local Attach- Davis, Mike: see Book Reviews ments: The Making of an American Urban Disabilities, homelessness, 449-459 Neighborhood, 1850-1920, reviewed by Diversity, neighborhood, 269-284 Daves Rossel, 91-92 Donnelly, Patrick G., & Majka, Theo J., Wagner, Fritz W., Joder, Timothy E., & Change, Cohesion, and Commitment in a Mumphrey, Anthony J., Jr. (Eds.), Urban Diverse Urban Neighborhood, 269-284 Revitalization Programs and Policies, Downs, Anthony: see Book Reviews reviewed by David L. Ames, 468-471 Downtown-suburban economy, 153-171 Weatherby, James B., & Witt, Stephanie L., Dreier, Peter, & Atlas, John, US Housing Policy The Urban West: Managing Growth and at the Crossroads: Rebuilding the Housing Decline, reviewed by Douglas E. Kupel, Constituency, 341-370; US Housing Policy, 324-326 a Rejoinder, 385-388 Weiner, Myron, The Global Migration Cri- Duis, Perry R.: see. Book Reviews, Karen sis: Challenge to States and to Human Sawislak Rights, reviewed by Yda Schreuder, 92- 94 Economic development and professional sports, 1-17, 19-22, 23-31, Bratt, Rachel G.: see Alex Schartz 33-37 Bristol, regime coalitions, 119-137 policy, 95-118 Brown, Nevin C.: see Book Reviews, John L. Edge cities, 153-171 Rury & Frank A. Cassell Burnier, DeLysa: see Book Reviews, Michael Families, housing for low income, 173-188 A. Pagano & Ann O'M. Bowman Family structure, racial differences in female- Burns, Nancy: see Book Reviews headed, 245-268 | Index | 481 Female-headed families, structure, 245-268 London, neighborhood housing displacement, 39-62 Gentrification and displacement, London, 39- Low income 62 homeownership, 173-188 Geographic clustering, housing, 39-62 housing, 389-407 Gilderbloom, John I., & Markham, John P., housing ratio, homelessness, 449-457 Moderate Rent Control: Sixty Cities over 20 Lyons, Michal, Gentrification, Socioeconomic Years, 409-430 Change, and the Geography of Displace- Goal formation, urban university, 139-151 ment, 39-62 Governance, Bristol, 119-137 Main, Thomas J., Analyzing Evidence for the Structural Theory of Homelessness, 449- Hewitt, Christopher, Estimating the Number of 457 Homeless: Media Misrep-resentation, 431- Majka, Theo J.: see Patrick G. Donnelly 447 Markham, John P.: see John I. Gilderbloom Higher education, transforming, 139-151 Marriage pool, female family headship rates, Homeless population estimates, 431-447 245-268 Homelessness, structural theory, 449-459 Matthewson, Donald J.: see Book Reviews, Homeownership, low income families, 173- Nancy Burns; see Book Reviews, Jill 188 Quandagno Household migration, London, 39-62 Media coverage, homeless, 431-447 Housing Mitchell, William J.: see Book Reviews federal policy, 341-370, 371-375, 377-383, Modarrtes, Ali: see Book Reviews, Mike Davis 385-388 Movies, US city in, 189-215 low income programs, 173-188 Muzzio, Douglas, “Decent People Shouldn't management, nonprofit, 389-407 Live Here": The American City in Cinema, rent control, 409-447 189-215 Hudnut, William H., III: see Book Reviews Nadis, Steve: see Book Reviews Income Neighborhood level, female family headship rates, 245-268 change and cohesiveness, 269-284 status and housing, London, 39-62 stability, 173-188 Institutional change, university, 139-151 New Jersey rent control, 409-430 Nonprofit housing, organizations and support, Johnson-McGrath, Julie: see Book Reviews, 389-407 David Rosner Organizational change, academic, 139-151 Kalich, Veronica Z.: see Richard D. Bingham Keating, W. Dennis: see Book Reviews Pagano, Michael A.: see Book Reviews Keys, Langley C.: see Alex Schartz Partnerships, Bristol, 119-137 Krumholz, Norman: see Book Reviews Pecorella, Robert F.: see Book Reviews Kupel, Douglas E.: see Book Reviews, James Platt, Rutherford H.: see Book Reviews B. Weatherby & Stephanie L. Witt Poister, Theodore H., Transit-Related Crime in Subruban Areas, 63-75 Lazin, Fred A., Citizen Participation: Project Policy, academic urbanists, 217-231, 233-236, Renewal in Israel, 307-321 237-240, 241-243 Local Political base, housing constituency, 341-370, government, Israel, 307-321 371-375, 377-383, 385-388 power, Bristol, 119-137 Popular regimes, 95-118 culture, US movies, 189-215 482 | JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS | Vol. 18/No. 4/1996 debate, cities, 217-231, 233-236, 237-240, Organizations and Institutional Support: The 241-243 Management Challenge, 389-407 Population control, China, 285-306 Serrin, William: see Book Reviews Privatization, US housing, 341-370, 371-375, Smith, Janet L.: see Danny L. Balfour 377-383, 385-388 Song, Fengxiang, & Timberlake, Michael, Chi- Project Reneweal, Israeli citizen participation, nese Urbanization, State Policy, and the 307-321 World Economy, 285-306 Public policy Spatial mobility and property crime, 63-75 Israel, 307-321 Sport induced economic development, 1-17 19- urban bias, 285-306 22, 23-31, 33-37 Public transportation, crime in suburbia, 63-75 Sports facilities and local economy, 1-17, 19- 22, 23-31, 33-37 Quandagno, Jill: see Book Reviews Stewart, Murray, Too Little, Too Late: The Pol- itics of Local Complacency, 119-137 Racial Stokes, Randall, & Chevan, Albert, Female- differences, female-headed families, 245-268 Headed Families: Social and Economic stability, neighborhood, 269-284 Context Differences, 245-268 Ramaley, Judith A., Large-Scale Institutional Stone, Michael E., The Uncertain Future of US Change to Implement an Urban University Housing Policy, a Reply to Peter Dreier and Mission: Portland State University, 139-151 John Atlas, 371-375 Ramsey, Meredith, The Local Community: Substance Abuse, homelessness, 449-457 Maker of Culture and Wealth, 95-118 Suburban Regime theory, urban, 95-118 crime, transit-related, 63-75 Regression analysis, rent control, 409-430 dependency hypothesis, 153-171 Rent control, New Jersey, 409-430 Support system, housing, 389-407 Rental housing supply, homelessness, 449-457 Tarr, Joel A.: see Book Reviews, William Reporting homelessness, media, 431-447 Serrin Residential stability, neighborhood, 269-284 Thanks to the Referees, 475-478 Rohe, William M., Housing Policy Crossroads, Timberlake, Michael: see Fengxiang Song a Reply to Peter Dreier and John Atlas, 377- Transit stations, suburban crime, 63-75 383 Transition, neighborhood diversity, 269-284 Rosentraub, Mark S., Does the Emperior Have New Clothes?, a Reply to Robert A. Baade, Urban 23-31 debate, intellectuals, 217-231, 233-236, 237- Rosner, David: see Book Reviews 240, 241-243 Rossel, Daves: see Book Reviews, Alexander dependence, 153-171 von Hoffman growth models, sports, 1-17, 19-22, 23-31, Rural-urban population policy, China, 285-306 33-37 Rury, John L.: see Book Reviews image, US movies, 189-215 Rusk, David: see Book Reviews policy, housing, 341-370, 371-375, 377-383, 385-388 Sawislak, Karen: see Book Reviews political economy, 95-118 Schreuder, Yda: see Book Reviews, Myron regimes, Bristol, 119-137 Weiner university mission, 139-151 Schuler, Douglas: see Book Reviews Urbanization patterns, China, 285-306 Schulgasser, Daniel M.: see Book Reviews, US David Rusk housing policy, 341-370, 371-375, 377-383, Schwartz, Alex, Bratt, Rachel G., Vidal, Avis 385-388 C., & Keyes, Langley C., Nonprofit Housing population, homeless, 431-447 | Index | 483 Vaness, April: see Book Reviews, Alice S. Beauregard, 237-240; see Book Reviews, Baum & Donald W. Burnes William J. Mitchell Vidal, Avis C.: see Alex Schartz Weatherby, James B.: see Book Reviews von Hoffman, Alexander: see Book Reviews Weiner, Myron: see Book Reviews Whelan, Robert K.: see Book Reviews, Robert Wagner, Fritz W.: see Book Reviews A. Beauregard Warner, Sam Bass, Jr., Urban Discourse, a Wood, Joseph S.: see Book Reviews, Ruther- Reply to Robert A. Beauregard, 233-236 ford H. Platt, Rowan A. Rowntree, & Warren, Robert, Alternatives to Celebrity in the Pamela C. Muick Rescue of the City, a Reply to Robert A.

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