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Preview Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 2005: Vol 64 Index

fer, Daniel H. Burnham: Visionary Archi- Laurence, Peter, bk. reJvane. Ja,cob s, right, The Papacy and the Art of Reform tect and Planner, 3:381-83 Dark Age Ahead, 1:126-28 in Sixteenth-Century Rome: Gregory Goldhagen, Sarah Williams, “Something Leader, Anne, “Architectural Collabora- XIII’s Tower of the Winds in the Vatican, to Talk About: Modernism, Discourse, tion in the Early Renaissance: Reform- 4:569-70 Style,” 2:144—-67 ing the Florentine Badia,” 2:204-33 Pinto, John, bk. rev., Jeffrey Collins, Gruen,J . Philip, bk. rev., Nicholas Dagen Lewittes, Deborah, bk. rev., Nicholas Bul- Papacy and Politics in Fighteenth-Century Bloom, Merchant ofI llusion: James lock, Building the Post-War World: Mod- Rome: Pius V1 and the Arts, 3:375-77 Rouse, America’s Salesman oft he Business- ern Architecture and Reconstruction in Qualls, Karl D., mm. rev., Anna Abrahams, man’s Utopia; M. Jeffrey Hardwick, Britain; John R. Gold, The Experience of director, and René Scholten and René Mall Maker: Victor Gruen, Architect of an Modernism: Modern Architects and the Goossens, producers, Sotsgorad: Cities American Dream, 3:390-93 Future City 1928-1953; Nigel Warbur- for Utopia, 3:371-73 Haney, David, exhib. rev., Zwei deutsche ton, Ernd Goldfinger: The Life of an Read, Gray, bk. rev., Anthony Alofsin, The Architekturen, 1949-1989, Kunsthaus, Architect, 1:116-18 Struggle for Modernism: Architecture, Hamburg, 21 Fune-29 August 2004; Lounsbury, Carl, bk. rev., Martha J. Landscape Architecture and City Planning Stadtisches Kaufhaus, Leipzig, 15 Septem- McNamara, From Tavern to Courthouse: at Harvard; Neil Jackson, California ber—31 October 2004, 2:235-37 Architecture and Ritual in American Law, Modern: The Architecture ofC raig Ell- Irish, Sharon, bk. rev., Iiaki Abalos and 1658-1860, 2:254-55 wood, 1:116-18 Juan Herreros, Tower and Office: From Massey, Jonathan, bk. rev., Alison K. Reeve, Matthew M., and Malcom Modernist Theory to Contemporary Prac- Hoagland, Army Architecture in the Thurlby, “King John’s Gloriette at tice; Reinhold Martin, The Organiza- West: Forts Laramie, Bridger, and D. A. Corte Castle,” 2:168-85 tional Complex: Architecture, Media, and Russell, 1849-1912, 4:574-76 Rossell, Daves, bk. rev., Maureen Dillon, Corporate Space; Katherine Solomon- Mendelson, Jordana, bk. rev., Josep M. Artificial Sunshine: A Social History of son, The Chicago Tribune Tower Competi- Rovira, José Luis Sert 1901-1983; Jan Domestic Lighting, John A. Jakle, City tion: Skyscraper Design and Cultural K. Birksted, Modernism and the Mediter- Lights: Illuminating the American Night; Change in the 1920s, 1:123-26 ranean: The Maeght Foundation, Dietrich Neumann, Architecture oft he Keyvanian, Carla, “Concerted Efforts: 4:583-86 Night: The Illuminated Building, 3:383-87 The Quarter of the Barberini Casa Mennel, Timothy, “‘Miracle House Hoop- Rouyer, Rémi, bk. rev., Annette Fierro, Grande in Seventeenth-Century La’: Corporate Rhetoric and the Con- The Glass State: The Technology of the Rome,” 3:292-311 struction of the Postwar American Spectacle. Paris, 1981-1998, 1:114-16 Kirkham Pat, and Amy Ogata, exhib. rev., House,” 3:340-61 Salmon, Frank, bk. rev., Jill Lever, Cata- Shock of the Old: Christopher Dresser, Merz, Jorg Martin, bk. rev., Max Kunze, logue of the Drawings of George Dance the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, ed., Die Sieben Weltwunder der Antike. Younger (1741-1825) and of George New York, 5 March-25 Fuly 2004; Victo- Wege der Wiedergewinnung aus sechs Dance the Elder (1695-1768) from the ria &A lbert Museum, London, 9 Septem- Jabrbunderten, +:570-72 collection of Sir John Soane’s Museum, ber-5 December 2004, 1:105-7 Meyer, Katherine, bk. rev., James F. 4:572-74 Kowsky, Francis R., bk. rev., ThomasJ . O’Gorman, ed., The Makers ofT rinity Schulze, Franz, “Philip Johnson Campanella, Republic ofS hade: New Church in the City ofB oston, 2:257-59 (1906-2005),” 4:587-90 England and the American Elm, Miller, Naomi, exhib. rev., Giancarlo De Searing, Helen, bk. rev., Karen Living- 4:576-78 Carlo: Des lieux, des hommes, Centre stone and Linda Parry, eds., Interna- Kravtsov, Sergey R., “Juan Bautista Villal- Pompidou, Paris, 21 April-12 Fune 2004, tional Arts and Crafts, +:580-81 pando and Sacred Architecture in the 3:364-67 Smith, Elisabeth B., bk. rev., Marie- Seventeenth Century,” 3:312-39 Moore, John E., bk. rev., Sarah McPhee, Thérése Zenner, ed., Villard’s Legacy: Lai, Delin, “Searching for a Modern Chi- Bernini and the Bell Towers: Architecture Studies in Medieval Technology, Science nese Monument: The Design of the and Politics at the Vatican, 1:108-9 and Art in Memory ofJ ean Gimpel, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing,” Munman, Robert, bk. rev., Patricia Fortini 4:567-68 1:22-55 Brown, Private Lives in Renaissance Smith, Margaret Supplee, bk. rev., Phebe Lane, Evelyn Staudinger, “ The Integra- Venice: Art, Architecture, and the Family, S$. Goodman, The Garden Squares of tion of a Twelfth-Century Tower into a 3:374-75 Boston, Nancy S. Seasholes, Gaining Thirteenth-Century Church: The Nevett, Lisa C., bk. rev., Shelly Hales, The Ground: A History of Landmaking in Case of Notre-Dame de Donnemarie- Roman House and Social Identity, Boston, 2:259-61 en-Montois,” 1:74-99 2:238-39 Snyder, Joel, bk. rev., Maria Antonella Lange, Alexandra, exhib. rev., The Troubled Olsberg, Nicholas, exhib. rev., Frank Lloyd Pelizzari, ed., Traces ofI ndia: Photogra- Search: The Work of Max Abramovitz, Wright: The Vertical Dimension, The phy, Architecure, and the Politics of Repre- Miriam & Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery, Skyscraper Museum, New York, 6 October sentation, 1850-1900, 1:111-14 Columbia University, New York, 15 Sep- 2004-9 Fanuary 2005, 4:556-59 Standford, Charlotte A., “Architectural tember-11 December 2004, 4:554-56 Ostrow, Steven F., bk. rev., Nicola Court- Rivalry as Civic Mirror: The Dominican INDEX 593 Church and the Cathedral in Four- Standford, Charlotte A., “Architectural the Résolution des quatre principaux teenth-Century Strasbourg,” 2:186-203 Rivalry as Civic Mirror: The Domini- problémes d’architecture (1673),” Torma, Carolyn, bk. rev., Kim Coventry, can Church and the Cathedral in Four- 4:499-521 Daniel Meyer, and Arthur H. Miller, teenth-Century Strasbourg,” 2:186-203 Keyvanian, Carla, “Concerted Efforts: Classic Country Estates of Lake Forest: The Quarter of the Barberini Casa Architecture and Landscape Design, Architecture 1400-1600 Grande in Seventeenth-Century 1856-1940, 2:261-62 Ghirardo, Diane Yvonne, “Lucrezia Bor- Rome,” 3:292-311 Tuttle, Richard J., bk. rev., Arnaldo gia’s Palace in Renaissance Ferrara,” Kravtsov, Sergey R., “Juan Bautista Villal- Bruschi, ed., Storia dellarchitecttura ital- 4:474-97 pando and Sacred Architecture in the iana. Il primo Cinquecento, 2:244A46 Leader, Anne, “Architectural Collabora- Seventeenth Century,” 3:312-39 Vassigh, Shahin, bk. rev., Yasmin Sabina tion in the Early Renaissance: Reform- Lounsbury, Carl, bk. rev., MarthaJ . Khan, Engineering Architecture: The ing the Florentine Badia,” 2:204—33 McNamara, From Tavern to Courthouse: Vision ofF azlur R. Khan, 3:389-90 Munman, Robert, bk. rev., Patricia Fortini Architecture and Ritual in American Law, Wassell, Stephen R., bk. rev., Branko Brown, Private Lives in Renaissance 1658-1860, 2:254-55 Mitrovié, Learning from Palladio, Venice: Art, Architecture, and the Family, Moore, John E., bk. rev., Sarah McPhee, 1:109-11 3:374-75 Bernini and the Bell Towers: Architecture Welter, Volker M., bk. rev., Jack Quinan, Ostrow, Steven F., bk. rev., Nicola Court- and Politics at the Vatican, 1:108-9 Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House: right, The Papacy and the Art ofR eform Pinto, John, bk. rev., Jeffrey Collins, Architecture as Portrait, 3:380-81 in Sixteenth-Century Rome: Gregory Papacy and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Wilson, Chris, bk. rev., Ernesto H. Vallejo, XIIT’s Tower of the Winds in the Vatican, Rome: Pius V1 and the Arts, 3:375-77 The Hacienda in Mexico, 2:241—-42 4:569-70 Salmon, Frank, bk. rev., Jill Lever, Cata- Wilson, Kristina, exhib. rev., Josef and Anni Tuttle, Richard J., bk. rev., Arnaldo logue of the Drawings of George Dance the Albers: Designs for Living, Cooper-Hewitt, Bruschi, ed., Storia dell’architecttura ital- Younger (1741-1825) and of George National Design Museum, Smithsonian iana. Il primo Cinquecento, 2:244-46 Dance the Elder (1695-1768) from the Institution, New York, 1 October 2004-27 Wassell, Stephen R., bk. rev., Branko collection of Sir John Soane’s Museum, February 2005, 3:362-64 Mitrovié, Learning from Palladio, 4:572-74 Wojtowicz, Robert, “A Model House and 1:109-11 Young, Michael, bk. rev., Fritz Barth, San- a House’s Model: Reexamining Frank tini, 3:377-79 Lloyd Wright’s House on the Mesa Architecture 1600-1800 Project,” 4:522-51 Ali, Jason R., and Peter Cunich, “The Nineteenth Century Young, Michael, bk. rev., Fritz Barth, San- Church East and West: Orienting the Castillo, Greg, bk. rev., Jeffrey W. Cody, tini, 3:377-79 Queen Anne Churches, 1711-34,” Exporting American Architecture, 1:56-73 1870-2000, 4:581-83 Architecture to 1400 Celik, Zeynep, bk. rev., Jens Hanssen, Christen, Barbara S., bk. rev., Julia M. Bork, Robert, “Plan B and the Geometry Thomas Philipp, and Stefan Weber, Truettner, Aspirationfso r Excellence: of Fagade Design at Strasbourg Cathe- eds., The Empire in the City: Arab Alexander Jackson Davis and the First dral, 1250-1350,” 4:442-73 Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Campus Plan for the University of Michi- Lane, Evelyn Staudinger, “The Integra- Empire; Nora Lafi, Une Ville du gan, 1838; Sally B. Woodbridge, John tion of a Twelfth-Century Tower into a Maghreb entre ancien régime et réformes Galen Howard and the University ofC ali- Thirteenth-Century Church: The ottomanes. Genese des institutions munici- fornia: The Design ofa Great Public Uni- Case of Notre-Dame de Donnemarie- pales a Tripoli de Barbarie (1795-191 1); versity, 1:121-23 en-Montois,” 1:74-99 Joe Nasr and Mercedes Volait, eds., Franck, Oya Atalay, exhib. rev., Gottfried Merz, Jorg Martin, bk. rev., Max Kunze, Urbanism: Imported or Exported? Native Semper, 1803-1879, Architektur und ed., Die Sieben Weltwunder der Antike. Aspirations and Foreign Plans; Hans Chr. Wissenschaft, Architekturmuseum der TU Wege der Wiedergewinnung aus sechs Korsholm Nielsen and Jakob Skov- Miinchen at the Pinakothek der Moderne, Jabrbunderten, +:570-7 2 gaard—Petersen, eds., Middle Eastern Munich, 4 Fune-31 August 2003; Nevett, Lisa C., bk. rev., Shelly Hales, The Cities 1900-1950: Public Places and Pub- Museum ftir Gestaltung, Zurich, 1 Roman House and Social Identity, 2:238-39 lic Spheres in Transition, 2:246-51 November 2003-25 Fanuary 2004, Reeve, Matthew M., and Malcom De Magistris, Alessandro, bk. rev., Stephen 1:100-102 Thurlby, “King John’s Gloriette at Lovell, Summerfolk: A History oft he Frank, Suzanne, bk. rev., Dolores Hayden, Corfe Castle,” 2:168-85 Dacha, 1710-2000, 2:242—44 Building Suburbia, Green Fields and Smith, Elisabeth B., bk. rev., Marie- Ehrlich, Tracy L., bk. rev., Dianne Harris, Urban Growth 1820-2000; Dolores Thérése Zenner, ed., Villard’s Legacy: The Nature ofA uthority: Villa Culture, Hayden, A Field Guide to Sprawl, Studies in Medieval Technology, Science Landscape, and Representation in Eigh- 3:393-95 and Art in Memory ofJ ean Gimpel, teenth-Century Lombardy, 2:239-41 Kirkham Pat, and Amy Ogata, exhib. rev., 4:567-68 Gerbino, Anthony, “Frangois Blondel and Shock oft he Old: Christopher Dresser, 594 INDEX Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, Thomas Philipp, and Stefan Weber, Goldhagen, Sarah Williams, “Something New York, 5 March-25 Fuly 2004; Victo- eds., The Empire in the City: Arab to Talk About: Modernism, Discourse, ria & Albert Museum, London, 9 Septem- Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Style,” 2:144-67 ber—5 December 2004, 1:105-7 Empire; Nora Lafi, Une Ville du Gruen,J . Philip, bk. rev., Nicholas Dagen Massey, Jonathan, bk. rev., Alison K. Maghreb entre ancien régime et réformes Bloom, Merchant of Illusion: James Hoagland, Army Architecture in the ottomanes. Genese des institutions munici- Rouse, America’s Salesman of the Business- West: Forts Laramie, Bridger, and D. A. pales a Tripoli de Barbarie (1795-1911); man’s Utopia; M. Jettrey Hardwick, Russell, 1849-1912, 4:574-76 Joe Nasr and Mercedes Volait, eds., Mall Maker: Victor Gruen, Architect of an Meyer, Katherine, bk. rev., James F. Urbanism: Imported or Exported? Native Imerican Dream, 3:390-93 O’Gorman, ed., The Makers of Trinity Aspirations and Foreign Plans; Hans Chr. Haney, David, exhib. rev., Zwei deutsche Church in the City ofB oston, 2:257-59 Korsholm Nielsen and Jakob Skov- Architekturen, 1949-1989, Kunsthaus Searing, Helen, bk. rev., Karen Living- gaard-Petersen, eds., .Widdle Eastern Hamburg, 21 Fune-29 August 2004; stone and Linda Parry, eds., Interna- Cities 1900-1950: Public Places and Pub- Stidtisches Kaufhaus, Leipzig, 15 Septem- tional Arts and Crafts, +:580-81 lic Spheres in Transition, 2:246-51 ber—31 October 2004, 2:235-37 Snyder, Joel, bk. rev., Maria Antonella Danto, Arthur, mm. rev., Nathaniel Kahn, Irish, Sharon, bk. rev., Ifaki Abalos and Pelizzari, ed., Traces ofI ndia: Photogra- My Architect: A Son’s Journey (DVD), Juan Herreros, Tower and Office: From phy, Architecure, and the Politics ofR epre- 4:560-62 Viodernist Theory to Contemporary Prac- sentation, 1850-1900, 1:111-14 De Magistris, Alessandro, bk. rev., Stephen tice; Reinhold Martin, The Organiza- Torma, Carolyn, bk. rev., Kim Coventry, Lovell, Summerfolk: A History of the tional Complex: Architecture, Media, and Daniel Meyer, and Arthur H. Miller, Dacha, 1710-2000, 2:242—44 Corporate Space; Katherine Solomon- Classic Country Estates of Lake Forest: Emmons, Paul, “Diagrammatic Practices: son, The Chicago Tribune Tower Competi- Architecture and Landscape Design, The Office of Frederick L. Ackerman tion: Skyscraper Design and Cultural 1856-1940, 2:261-62 and Architectural Graphic Standards,” Change in the 1920s, 1:123-26 1:-4-21 Lai, Delin, “Searching for a Modern Chi- Twentieth Century Fields, Darell Wayne, bk. rev., Douglas nese Monument: The Design of the Beischer, Thomas G., exhib. rev., Ant Knerr, Suburban Steel: The Magnificent Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing,” Farm 1968-1978, Berkeley Museum of Failure of the Lustron Corporation, 1:22-55 Art, 21 January-25 April 2004; Santa 1945-1951, 3:387-89 Laurence, Peter, bk. rev., Jane Jacobs, Monica Museum ofA rt, 2 July-14 Fischer, Ole W., exhib. rev., Ladislav Sut- Dark Age Ahead, 1:126-28 August 2004; Institute ef Contemporary nar: Design in Action, Riding Hail of the Lewittes, Deborah, bk. rev., Nicholas Bul- Art, Philadelphia, 10 September-12 Prague Castle, 20 Fune-9 November lock, Building the Post-War World: Mod- December 2004; Blaffer Gallery, Art 2003; Museum fiir Gestaltung, Zurich, 6 ern Architecture and Reconstruction in Museum oft he University of Houston, 15 March-2 May 2004; Neues Museum, Britain; John R. Gold, The Experience of January-13 March 2005; Zentrum fiir Staatliches Museum ftir Kunst und Design Vlodernism: Modern Architects and the Kunst and Medientechnologie, Karlsrube, in Niirnberg, 9 Fuly-19 September 2004, Future City 1928-1953; Nigel Warbur- 30 April-24 July 2005; Yale University 1:102—5 ton, Ernd Goldfinger: The Life of an School of Architecture Gallery, New Fishman, Robert, mm. rev., D. J. Waldie, Architect, 1:116-18 Haven, 29 August-4 November 2005, Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir; D. J. Massey, Jonathan, bk. rev., Alison K. 3:367-69 Waldie, Where We Are Now: Notes from Hoagland, Army Architecture in the Busbea, Larry, exhib. rev., }ves Klein: Air Los. Ingeles; D. 5. Waldie, The Lakewood West: Forts Laramie, Bridger, and D. A. Architecture, MAK Center for Art and Story: History, Traditions, Values; D. J. Russell, 1849-1912, 4:574-76 Architecture, Los Angeles, 13 May-29 Waldie, producer, The City as New as Mendelson, Jordana, bk. rev., Josep M. August 2004; Storefronfto r Art and Tomorrow: Lakewood @ 50 (DVD); Rovira, José Luis Sert 1901-1983; Jan Architecture, New York, 8 March-23 Keller Easterling and Richard K. Birksted, Modernism and the Mediter- April 2005, 4:552-53 Prelinger, producers, Call It Home: The ranean: The Maeght Foundation, Breisch, Ken, bk. rev., Gail Lee Dubrow House That Private Enterprise Built 4:583-86 and Jennifer B. Goodman, eds., Restor- (videodisc), +:562-66 Mennel, ‘Timothy, “*Miracle House Hoop- ing Women’s History Through Historic Frank, Suzanne, bk. rev., Dolores Hayden, La’: Corporate Rhetoric and the Con- Preservation; Will Fellows, A Passion to Building Suburbia, Green Fields and Urban struction of the Postwar American Preserve: Gay Men as Keepers of Culture; Growth 1820-2000, Dolores Hayden, A House,” 3:340-61 Page Putnam Miller, Landmarks of Field Guide to Sprawl, 3:393-95 Miller, Naomi, exhib. rev., Giancarlo De American Women’s History, 2:25\1-54 Giberti, Bruno, bk. rev., Samuel G. White Carlo. Des lieux, des hommes, Centre Castillo, Greg, bk. rev., Jeffrey W. Cody, and Elizabeth White, McKim, Mead & Pompidou, Paris, 21 April-12 June 2004, Exporting American Architecture, White: The Masterworks; Kristen Schat- 3:364-67 1870-2000, 4:581-83 fer, Daniel H. Burnham: Visionary Archi- Olsberg, Nicholas, exhib. rev., Frank Lloyd Celik, Zeynep, bk. rev., Jens Hanssen, tect and Planner, 3:381-83 Wright: The Vertical Dimension, The INDEX 595 Skyscraper Museum, New York, 6 October Staatliches Museum fiir Kunst und Design Waldie, Where We Are Now: Notes from 2004-9 January 2005, 4:556-59 in Niirnberg, 9 Fuly-19 September 2004, LoAs ngeles; D. J. Waldie, The Lakewood Qualls, Karl D., mm. rev., Anna Abrahams, 1:102-5 Story: History, Traditions, Values; D. J. director, and René Scholten and René Franck, Oya Atalay, exhib. rev., Gottfried Waldie, producer, The City as New as Goossens, producers, Sotsgorad: Cities Semper, 1803-1879, Architektur und Tomorrow: Lakewood @ 50 (DVD); for l ‘topia, 3:371-73 Wissenschaft, Architekturmuseum der TU Keller Easterling and Richard Read, Gray, bk. rev., Anthony Alofsin, The Miinchen at the Pinakothek der Moderne, Prelinger, producers, Call It Home: The Struggle for Modernism: Architecture, Munich, 4 Fune-31 August 2003; House That Private Enterprise Built Landscape Architecture and City Planning Museum fiir Gestaltung, Zurich, 1 (videodisc), 4:562-66 at Harvard; Neil Jackson, California November 2003-25 Fanuary 2004, Frank, Suzanne, bk. rev., Dolores Hayden, Modern: The Architecture of Craig Ell- 1:100-102 Building Suburbia, Green Fields and wood, 1:116-18 Gerbino, Anthony, “Frangois Blondel and Urban Growth 1820-2000; Dolores Rouyer, Rémi, bk. rev., Annette Fierro, the Résolution des quatre principaux Hayden, A Field Guide to Sprawl, The Glass State: The Technology oft he problémes d’architecture (1673),” 3:393-95 Spectacle. Paris, 1981-1998, 1:14-16 4:499-521 Gruen,J . Philip, bk. rev., Nicholas Dagen Schulze, Franz, “Philip Johnson Goldhagen, Sarah Williams, “Something Bloom, Merchant ofI llusion: James (1906-2005),” 4:587—90 to Talk About: Modernism, Discourse, Rouse, America’s Salesman of the Business- Searing, Helen, bk. rev., Karen Living- Style,” 2:144-67 man’s Utopia; M. Jeffrey Hardwick, stone and Linda Parry, eds., Interna- Irish, Sharon, bk. rev., liaki Abalos and Mall Maker: Victor Gruen, Architect of an tional Arts and Crafts, +:580-81 Juan Herreros, Tower and Office: From American Dream, 3:390-93 Vassigh, Shahin, bk. rev., Yasmin Sabina Modernist Theory to Contemporary Prac- Irish, Sharon, bk. rev., liaki Abalos and Khan, Engineering Architecture: The tice; Reinhold Martin, The Organiza- Juan Herreros, Tower and Office: From Vision ofF azlur R. Khan, 3:389-90 tional Complex: Architecture, Media, and Modernist Theory to Contemporary Prac- Welter, Volker M., bk. rev., Jack Quinan, Corporate Space; Katherine Solomon- tice; Reinhold Martin, The Organiza- Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin House: son, The Chicago Tribune Tower Competi- tional Complex: Architecture, Media, and Architecture as Portrait, 3:380-81 tion: Skyscraper Design and Cultural Corporate Space; Katherine Solomon- Wilson, Kristina, exhib. rev., Josef and Anni Change in the 1920s, 1:123-26 son, The Chicago Tribune Tower Competi- Albers: Designfso r Living, Cooper-Hewitt, Laurence, Peter, bk. reJvane. Ja,cob s, tion: Skyscraper Design and Cultural National Design Museum, Smithsonian Dark Age Ahead, 1:126-28 Change in the 1920s, 1:123-26 Institution, New York, 1 October 2004-27 Laurence, Peter, bk. rev., Jane Jacobs, February 2005, 3:362-64 Urban History Dark Age Ahead, 1:126-28 Wojtowicz, Robert, “A Model House and Celik, Zeynep, bk. rev., Jens Hanssen, Lewittes, Deborah, bk. rev., Nicholas Bul- a House’s Model: Reexamining Frank Thomas Philipp, and Stefan Weber, lock, Building the Post-War World: Mod- Lloyd Wright’s House on the Mesa eds., The Empire in the City: Arab ern Architecture and Reconstruction in Project,” 4:522-51 Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Britain; John R. Gold, The Experience of Empire; Nora Lafi, Une Ville du Modernism: Modern Architects and the Architectural Theory Maghreb entre ancien régime et réformes Future City 1928-1953; Nigel Warbur- Busbea, Larry, exhib. rev., Yves Klein: Air ottomanes. Genese des institutions munici- ton, Exné Goldfinger: The Life of an Architecture, MAK Center for Art and pales a Tripoli de Barbarie (1795-1911); Architect, 1:116-18 Architecture, Los Angeles, 13 May-29 Joe Nasr and Mercedes Volait, eds., Mennel, Timothy, “‘Miracle House Hoop- August 2004; Storefront for Art and Urbanism: Imported or Exported? Native La’: Corporate Rhetoric and the Con- Architecture, New York, 8 March-23 Aspirations and Foreign Plans; Hans Chr. struction of the Postwar American April 2005, 4552-53 Korsholm Nielsen and Jakob Skov- House,” 3:340-61 Carpo, Mario, exhib. rev., Architectures non gaard-Petersen, eds., Middle Eastern Qualls, Karl D., mm. rev., Anna Abrahams, standard, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 10 Cities 1900-1950: Public Places and Pub- director, and René Scholten and René December 2003-1 March 2004, lic Spheres in Transition, 2:246-51 Goossens, producers, Sotsgorad: Cities 2:234-35 Christen, Barbara S., bk. rev., Julia M. for Utopia, 3:371-73 Emmons, Paul, “Diagrammatic Practices: ‘Truettner, Aspirationfso r Excellence: Read, Gray, bk. rev., Anthony Alofsin, The The Office of Frederick L. Ackerman Alexander Jackson Davis and the First Strugglfeo r Modernism: Architecture, and Architectural Graphic Standards,” Campus Plan for the University of Michi- Landscape Architecture and City Planning 1:4+-21 gan, 1838; Sally B. WoodbridgeJo,h n at Harvard; Neil Jackson, California Fischer, Ole W., exhib. rev., Ladislav Sut- Galen Howard and the University ofC ali- Modern: The Architecture of Craig Ell- nar: Design in Action, Riding Hall oft he fornia: The Design ofa Great Public Uni- wood, 1:116— 18 Prague Castle, 20 Fune-9 November versity, 1:121-23 Rossell, Daves, bk. rev., Maureen Dillon, 2003; Museum fiir Gestaltung, Zurich, 6 Fishman, Robert, mm. rev., D. J. Waldie, Artificial Sunshine: A Social History of March-2 May 2004; Neues Museum, Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir; D. J. Domestic Lighting; John A. Jakle, City 596 INDEX Lights: Illuminating the American Night; Ehrlich, Tracy L., bk. rev., Dianne Harris, Building Technology Dietrich Neumann, Architecture oft he The Nature ofA uthority: Villa Culture, Smith, Elisabeth B., bk. rev., Marie- Night: The Illuminated Building, 3:383-87 Landscape, and Representation in Eigh- Thérése Zenner, ed., Villard’s Legacy: Rouyer, Rémi, bk. rev., Annette Fierro, teenth-Century Lombardy, 2:239-4l Studies in Medieval Technology, Science The Glass State: The Technology oft he Gruen,J . Philip, bk. rev., Nicholas Dagen and Art in Memory ofJ ean Gimpel, Spectacle. Paris, 1981-1998, 1:114-16 Bloom, Merchant ofI llusion: James 4:567-68 Smith, Margaret Supplee, bk. rev., Phebe Rouse, America’s Salesman of the Business- S. Goodman, The Garden Squares of man’s Utopia; M. Jeffrey Hardwick, Books Reviewed Boston; Nancy S. Seasholes, Gaining Mall Maker: Victor Gruen, Architect of an Abalos, lfiaki and Juan Herreros, Tower and Ground: A History of Landmaking in American Dream, 3:390-93 Office: From Modernist Theory to Con- Boston, 2:259-61 Lai, Delin, “Searching for a Modern Chi- temporary Practice, 1:123-26 nese Monument: The Design of the Alofsin, Anthony, The Strugglfeo rM od- Gardens and Landscape Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing,” ernism: Architecture, Landscape Architec- Ehrlich, Tracy L., bk. rev., Dianne Harris, 1:22-55 ture and City Planning at Harvard, The Nature of Authority: Villa Culture, Lane, Evelyn Staudinger, “The Integra- 1:116-18 Landscape, and Representation in Eigh- tion of a Twelfth-Century Tower into a Barth, Fritz, Santini, 3:377-79 teenth-Century Lombardy, 2:239-4 Thirteenth-Century Church: The Birksted, Jan K., Modernism and the Kowsky, Francis R., bk. rev., ThomasJ . Case of Notre-Dame de Donnemarie- Mediterranean: The Maeght Foundation, Campanella, Republic ofS hade: New Eng- en-Montois,” 1:74-99 4:583-86 land and the American Elm, 4:576-78 Leader, Anne, “Architectural Collabora- Bloom, Nicholas Dagen, Merchant ofI llu- Read, Gray, bk. rev., Anthony Alofsin, The tion in the Early Renaissance: Reform- sion: James Rouse, America’s Salesman of Struggle for Modernism: Architecture, ing the Florentine Badia,” 2:204—33 the Businessman’s Utopia, 3:390-93 Landscape Architecture and City Planning Lounsbury, Carl, bk. rev., Martha J. Brown, Patricia Fortini, Private Lives in at Harvard; Neil Jackson, California McNamara, From Tavern to Courthouse: Renaissance Venice: Art, Architecture, and Modern: The Architecture of Craig Ell- Architecture and Ritual in American Law, the Family, 3:374-75 wood, 1:116-18 1658-1860, 2:254-55 Bruschi, Arnaldo, ed., Storia dell ‘architect- Smith, Margaret Supplee, bk. rev., Phebe Massey, Jonathan, bk. rev., Alison K. tura italiana. Il primo Cinquecento, S. Goodman, The Garden Squares of Hoagland, Army Architecture in the 2:24446 Boston; Nancy S. Seasholes, Gaining West: Forts Laramie, Bridger, and D. A. Bullock, Nicholas, Building the Post-War Ground: A History of Landmaking in Russell, 1849-1912, 4+:574-76 World: Modern Architecture and Recon- Boston, 2:259-61 Mennel, Timothy, “‘Miracle House Hoop- struction in Britain, 1:116-18 Torma, Carolyn, bk. rev., Kim Coventry, La’: Corporate Rhetoric and the Con- Campanella, ThomasJ. , Republic ofS hade: Daniel Meyer, and Arthur H. Miller, struction of the Postwar American New England and the American Elm, Classic Country Estates ofL ake Forest: House,” 3:340-61 4:576-78 Architecture and Landscape Design, Moore, John E., bk. rev., Sarah McPhee, Cody, Jeffrey W., Exporting American 1856-1940, 2:261-62 Bernini and the Bell Towers: Architecture Architecture, 1870-2000, 4:581-83 and Politics at the Vatican, \:108-9 Collins, Jeffrey, Papacy and Politics in Figh- Building Types Nevett, Lisa C., bk. rev., Shelly Hales, The teenth-Century Rome: Pius V1 and the Ali, Jason R., and Peter Cunich, “The Roman House and Social Identity, 2:238-39 Arts, 3:375-77 Church East and West: Orienting the Ostrow, Steven F., bk. rev., Nicola Court- Courtright, Nicola, The Papacy and the Art Queen Anne Churches, 1711-34,” right, The Papacy and the Art ofR eform ofR eform in Sixteenth-Century Rome: 1:56-73 in Sixteenth-Century Rome: Gregory Gregory XIIP's Tower of the Winds in the Bork, Robert, “Plan B and the Geometry XIIT’s Tower of the Winds in the Vatican, Vatican, 4+:569-70 of Fagade Design at Strasbourg Cathe- 4:569-70 Coventry, Kim, Daniel Meyer, and Arthur dral, 1250-1350,” 4:442-73 Standford, Charlotte A., “Architectural H. Miller, Classic Country Estates of Lake Canejo, Cynthia Marie, “An Innovative Rivalry as Civic Mirror: The Domini- Forest: Architecture and Landscape Builder in Northern Burgundy: The can Church and the Cathedral in Four- Design, 1856-1940, 2:261-62 Early Gothic Parish Churches at teenth-Century Strasbourg,” 2:186-203 Dillon, Maureen, Artificial Sunshine: A Gurgy and Beines,” 3:280-91 Torma, Carolyn, bk. rev., Kim Coventry, Social History of Domestic Lighting, Chiat, MarilyJn. , bk. rev., Anne C. Love- Daniel Meyer, and Arthur H. Miller, 3:383-87 land and Otis B. Wheeler, From Meet- Classic Country Estates of Lake Forest: Dubrow, Gail Lee and Jennifer B. Good- inghouse to Megachurch: A Material and Architecture and Landscape Design, man, ed., Restoring Women’s History Cultural History, 2:256-57 1856-1940, 2:261-62 Through Historic Preservation, 2:251-54 De Magistris, Alessandro, bk. rev., Stephen Wilson, Chris, bk. rev., Ernesto H. Vallejo, Fellows, Will, A Passion to Preserve: Gay Lovell, Summerfolk: A History oft he The Hacienda in Mexico, 2:241—-42 Men as Keepers ofC ulture, 2:251-54 Dacha, 1710-2000, 2:242-+4 Fierro, Annette, The Glass State: The Tech- INDEX 597 nology of the Spee tacle. Paris, 1981-1998, Loveland, Anne C. and Otis B. Wheeler, Waldie, D. J., Where We Are Now: Notes 1:114-16 From Meetinghouse to Megachurch: A from Los Angeles, +:562-66 Gold, John R., The Experience of Mod- Material and Cultural History, 2:256-57 Waldie, D. J., The Lakewood Story: History, ernism: Modern Architects and the Future Lovell, Stephen, Summerfolk: A History of Traditions, Values, +:562-66 City 1928-1953, 1:116-18 the Dacha, 1710-2000, 2:242-44 Warburton, Nigel, Erné Goldfinger: The Goodman, Phebe S., The Garden Squares of Martin, Reinhold, The Organizational Life of an Architect, 1:116-18 Boston, 2:259-61 Complex: Architecture, Media, and Corpo- White, Samuel G. and Elizabeth White, Hales, Shelly, The Roman House and Social rate Space, 1:123-26 McKim, Mead & White: The Master- Identity, 2:238-39 McNamara, Martha J., From Tavern to works, 3:381-83 Hanssen, Jens, Thomas Philipp, and Ste- Courthouse: Architecture and Ritual in Woodbridge, Sally B., John Galen Howard fan Weber, eds., The Empire in the City: American Law, 1658-1860, 2:254-55 and the University of California: The Irab Provincial Capitals in the Late McPhee, Sarah, Bernini and the Bell Towers: Design of a Great Public University, Ottoman Empire, 2:246-51 Architecture and Politics at the Vatican, 1:121-23 Hardwick, M. Jeffrey, Vall Maker: Victor 1: 108-9 Zenner, Marie-Thérése, ed., Villard’s Gruen, Architect of an American Dream, Miller, Page Putnam, Landmarks of Ameri- Legacy: Studies in Medieval Technology, 3:390-93 can Women’s History, 2:251-54 Science and Art in Memory ofJ ean Gim- Harris, Dianne, The Nature of Authority: Mitrovic, Branko, Learning from Palladio, pel, +:567-68 Villa Culture, Landscape, and Representa 1:109-11 tion in Eighteenth-Century Lombardy, Nasr, Joe, and Mercedes Volait, eds., Exhibitions Reviewed 2:239-41 Urbanism: Imported or Exported? Native Ant Farm 1968-1978, Berkeley Museum of Hayden, Dolores, Building Suburbia, Green Aspirations and Foreign Plans, 2:246-51 Art, 21 January—25 April 2004; Santa Fields and Urban Growth 1820-2000, Neumann, Dietrich, Architecture of the Monica Museum of Art, 2 Fuly-14 3239395 Night: The Illuminated Building, August 2004; Institute of Contemporary Hayden, Dolores, A Field Guide to Sprawl, 3:383-87 Art, Philadelphia, 10 September-12 3239395 Nielsen, Hans Chr. Korsholm and Jakob December 2004; Blaffer Gallery, Art Hoagland, Alison K., Army Architecturei n Skovgaard-Petersen, eds., Middle East- Museum oft he University of Houston, 15 the West: Forts Laramie, Bridger, and D. ern Cities 1900-1950: Public Places and January-13 March 2005; Zentrum fiir A. Russell, 1849-1912, 4:574-76 Public Spheres in Transition, 2:246-51 Kunst and Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Jackson, Neil, California Modern: The O’Gorman, James F., ed., The Makers of 30 April-24 July 2005; Yale University Architecture of Craig Elkvood, 1:116-18 Trinity Church in the City of Boston, School of Architecture Gallery, New Jacobs, Jane, Dark Age Abead, 1:126-28 2:257-59 Haven, 29 August-4 November 2005, Jakle, John A., City Lights: Illuminating th Pelizzari, Maria Antonella, ed., Tiaces of 3:367-69 Imerican Night, 3:383-87 India: Photography, Architecure, and the Architectures non standard, Centre Pompidou, Jarzombek, Mark M., Designing MIT: Politics of Representation, 1850-1900, Paris, 10 December 2003-1 March 2004, Bosworth’s New Tech, 4:578-80 I:1 11-14 2:234-35 Khan, Yasmin Sabina, Engineering Architec- Quinan, Jack, Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin Frank Lloyd Wright: The Vertical Dimension, ture: The Vision of Fazlur R. Khan, House: Architecture as Portrait, 3:380-81 The Skyscraper Museum, New York, 6 3.38990) Rovira, Josep M., José Luis Sert 1901-1983, October 2004-9 January 2005, 4:556-59 Knerr, Douglas, Suburban Steel: The Mag- 4:583-86 Giancarlo De Carlo. Des lieux, des hommes, nificent Failure of the Lustron Corpora- Schaffer, Kristen, Daniel H. Burnham: Centre Pompidou, Paris, 21 April-12 tion, 1945-1951, 3:387-89 Visionary Architect and Planner, 3381-83 June 2004, 3:364-67 Kunze, Max, ed., Die Sieben Weltzweundedre r Seasholes, Nancy S., Gaining Ground: A Gottfried Semper, 1803-1879, Architektur Intike. Wege der Wiedergewinnung aus History of Landmaking in Boston, und Wissenschaft, Architekturmuseum der sechs Jabrbunderten, +:570-72 2:259-61 TU Miinchen at the Pinakothek der Mod- Lafi, Nora, Une Villed u Maghreb entre Solomonson, Katherine, The Chicago Tii- erne, Munich, 4 June—31 August 2003; ancien rege et reformes ottomanes. bune Tower Competition: Skyscraper Museum fiir Gestaltung, Zurich, 1 Genese des institutions municipales a Design and Cultural Change in the 1920s, November 2003-25 January 2004, liipoli de Barbarie (1795-1911), 1:123-26 1:100-102 2:246-51 ‘Truettner, Julia M., Aspirations for Excel- Josef and Anni Albers: Designs for Living, Lever, Jill, Catalogue of the Drawings of lence: Alexander Jackson Davis and the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, George Dance the Younger (1741-1825) First Campus Plan for the University of Smithsonian Institution, New York, 1 and of George Dance the Elder Vichigan, 1838, 1:121-23 October 2004-27 February 2005, (1695-1768) from the collection of Sir Vallejo, Ernesto H., The Hacienda in Mex- 3:362-64 Jobn Soane’s Museum, 4:57 2-74 ico, 2:241-42 Ladislav Sutnar: Design in Action, Riding Livingstone, Karen and Linda Parry, eds., Waldie, D. J., Holy Land: A Suburban Hall of the Prague Castle, 20 Fune-9 International Arts and Crafts, +:580-81 Vemoir, +:562-66 November 2003; Museum fiir Gestaltung, 598 INDEX Zurich, 6 March-2 May 2004; Neues York, 15 September-11 December 2004, Multimedia Reviewed Museum, Staatliches Museum ftir Kunst 4:554-56 Abrahams, Anna, director, and René und Design in Niirnberg, 9 Fuly-19 Sep- Yves Klein: Air Architecture, MAK Center for Scholten and René Goossens, produc- tember 2004, 1:102-5 Art and Architecture, Los Angeles, 13 ers, Sotsgorad: Citiefso r Utopia (film), Shock oft he Old: Christopher Dresser, Cooper- May-29 August 2004; Storefronfto r Art 3:371-73 Hewitt National Design Museum, New and Architecture, New York, 8 March-23 Easterling, Keller, and Richard Prelinger, York, 5 March-25 July 2004; Victoria & April 2005, 4: producers, Call It Home: The House Albert Museum, London, 9 September-5 Zwei deutsche Architekturen, 1949-1989, That Private Enterprise Built (videodisc), December 2004, 1:105-7 Kunsthaus Hamburg, 21 June-29 August 4:562-66 The Troubled Search: The Work of Max 2004; Stiidtisches Kaufhaus, Leipzig, 15 Kahn, Nathaniel, director, My Architect: A Abramovitz, Miriam & Ira D. Wallach September—31 October 2004, 2:235-37 Son’s Journey (DVD), 4:560-62 Art Gallery, Columbia University, New Waldie, D. J., producer, The City as New as Tomorrow: Lakewood @ 50 (DVD), 4:562-66

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