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Preview Journal of the Geological Society 2011: Vol 168 Index & Table of Contents

Index Acadian, deformation in Welsh Basin 1107—1120 é6°C accretionary history, Altai-East Junggar 1311—1321 Avalonia 851-861 AFTA, (discussion) 1225—1226, 1226—1228 Nuccaleena Formation 289—307 Altaids Cabo Ortegal Complex, Purrido Ophiolite 733-750 crust mantle relations 995—1000 Calabrian, highstand in Malta 913-925 mineralization style 1311—1321 Caldag ophiolite, uplift and weathering history 927-940 Altiplano (Chile), canyon incision 1047-1060 Caledonian, transpressional tectonics in Spitsbergen 441—456 Anaran anticline, 3-D structure 769—782 Caledonian Orogeny and Caledonides Anatolia, uplift and weathering history 927-940 East Greenland evidence for terrane transfer 15-26 Ancient Gneiss Complex, zircon ages 953-963 Jaeren nappe provenance 423—439 Andaman ophiolite, geochemistry and petrology 1031-1045 Moine Thrust Zone development 99—114 Andes (Bolivia), Cenozoic uplift 1079-1092 Norwegian margin basement | 167—1185 andesites, Rhynie Basin 863-872 Shetland Islands 1265-1284 anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), Mourne Granite Centres Cambrian 831-836 chronology in southern Britain 705—716 apatite fission track analysis Gondwana docking evidence 1061-1071 South Cycladic Detachment System 751—768 peri-Gondwana Basin 83—98 West Greenland landscape 817-829 SPICE in Avalonia 851-861 Apennines, structure and kinematics 179-190 Campanian Volcanic Zone, modelling eruption behaviour 471—484 Appalachian Orogen, provenance studies 309-318 Canada, Arctic, Pennsylvanian palynology 559—569, 571-584 49 Ar/? Ar age canyons, incision in Altiplano 1047—1060 Barrovian metamorphism in Scotland 133-146 cap carbonates 805-815 Stoer Group impact deposits 349-358 carbonate deposits, hot springs on Savo 1297-1310 structures in Nordfjord 887-898 Carboniferous Arauco Peninsula, offshore slope failures 1237—1248 Altaid mineralization 1311—1321 Archaean Central Wales ore deposits 1107-1120 Karelia 201-218 dyke swarm on Orkney 1233-1236 Zimbabwe Carton growth 941—952 thickening upward sequences 319-331 architecture, sedimentary 625—628 see also Mississipian; Pennsylvanian Arctic Ocean, opening 1093-1106 Caribbean Sea, plate interaction 333—347 Argentina, Gondwana docking evidence 1061—1071 cathodoluminescence imaging, zircon source studies 309-318 Ashele basalt 995—1000 Cenozoic Atlantic Ocean Bolivian Andes uplift 1079-1092 break-up in NE 27—48 provenance studies in Pakistan 499-516 marginal post-rift compression in NE 1249-1263 uplift and weathering in Anatolia 927-940 North Atlantic Igneous Province 159-178 see also Palaeogene; Neogene Australia Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), crust mantle relations 995—1000 Grenville-age orogenesis 251—264 Chalk Group, geomorphology and sedimentology 393—405 Neoproterozoic loess 289-307 channel-levee systems evolution 625—628 Avalonia, SPICE 851-861 Chile Aves Ridge 333-347 Altiplano canyon incision 1047—1060 Azerbaijan mud volcanoes 49-60, 1013-1030 Pleistocene slope failure offshore 1237—1248 China Baltican Terrane 15—26 cap carbonates 805-815 Barrovian metamorphism, Scotland 115—132, 133-146, 1265-1284 crust mantle relations in Altaids 995—1000 Barrovian zones, P-T evolution 1147—1166 flow in felsic dykes 1001-1011 basaltic lavas, Faroe Islands 159-178 mineralization in Altaids 1311—1321 basement, Norwegian margin 1167—1185 Permian floras 607-619 basin architecture, Zagros 235-250 Permian volcanoes of Inner Mongolia 525—543 basins, sediment transport 1121—1132 CL imaging, zircon source studies 309—318 Be age, strath terrace dating in Himalaya 783-804 clay, creep and rapid failure 359-371 Beiyan volcano 1201-1214 Cleveland Basin, sediment transport 1121-1132 Betic Cordillera, deformation and transpression 373—382 climate change 545-546 Bizigou Formation 1215-1224 floral indicators in Permian 607—619 Bolivia, Cenozoic uplift 1079-1092 glacier break-up in Norway 673—688 Borneo, Cenozoic sediment flux 1187—1200 relation to canyon incision 1047—1060 Briksdalsbreen, break-up and climate change 673—688 see also palaeoclimate Britain coal seams, hiatal surfaces 629-632 chronology of Cambrian succession 705—716 Comley Sandstone Formation 705—716 LISPB 61-82 compression and compressional tectonics brittle tectonics, Zagros fold-and-thrust belt 979-994 High Ardenne slate belt 407-422 1324 Persian Gulf 485-498 failure post-rift of Iberian margin 1249-1263 Mam Tor landslide 359-371 cone sheets, structure in Scotland 689-704 offshore southern Chile 1237—1248 conifers, Pennsylvanian of Canada 571-584 Faroe Islands craters, impact 1—14 intrusive styles 159-178 creep behaviour, Mam Tor landslide 359-371 structural evolution 27—48 Cretaceous faults Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau 333-347 effect on Campanian Volcanic Zone 471—484 deformation in Persian Gulf 485—498 modelling in Messina Straits 191—199 folding in the Zagros 235—250 offset (discussion) 621—623, 623—624 inversion events in Spain 899—912 rupture history 273—288 rifting in North Greenland 1093-1106 South Cycladic Detachment System 751—768 sediment flux in SE Asia 1187—1200 Fennoscandian Shield 201-218 crust-mantle relations, Altaids 995—1000 floras, extinction and radiation 607-619 crustal reworking, Archaean of Swaziland 953-963 flow structures, felsic dykes 1001-1011 crustal shortening/thickening 333-347, 1079-1092 fluid inclusion analysis, K-feldspars in Stoer Group 349—358 crustal thinning/melting, Iberian Pyrite Belt 717—731 fluvial activity see rivers Cryogenian, geochemical evidence of cap carbonates 805—815 fold history Cuillin Complex, cone sheet structure 689-704 Dorood anticline 219-234 Cyprus, Troodos Massif uplift 457—470 Zagros 235-250 forests, Pennsylvanian 585—605 Fulmar Formation, porosity study 1285-1295 Furongian, SPICE in Avalonia 851-861 Dalradian Supergroup 1133-1146 Dead Sea fault (discussion) 621—623, 623 deep sea sedimentation 319-331 garnet, Mn zoning profiles 115—132 deformation Gawler Craton 251—264 Betic Cordillera 373-382 geochemistry Persian Gulf 485—498 Andaman ophiolite 1031—1045 Devonian Caribbean Sea 333-347 Central Wales ore deposits 1107—1120 Cryogenian cap carbonates 805-815 magmatism in Spain 733—750 Dalradian metavolcanics 1133-1146 Rhynie Chert Konservat-Lagerstatte 863-872 felsic volcanics in Spain 717-731 transpressional tectonics in Spitsbergen 441-456 metamorphic garnets 115—132 Devonian-Carboniferous boundary 547—55a7p Norwegian margin basement 1167-1185 diffusion, metamorphic garnets 115—132 Permian volcanics of Mongolia 525—543 discussions Purrido Ophiolite 733—750 Dead Sea fault in Syria 621—623, 623-624 Tyrone Igneous Complex 837—850 NW Scotland exhumation episodes 1225—1226, 1226—1228 xenoliths from Scottish terranes 873-885 displacement, Quaternary faulting in Korea 273-288 Zhongtiao Group 1215—1224 Dorood anticline 219-234 geochronology see '°Be; *°Ar/*’Ar; monazite; 87Sr/*°Sr; titanite; U-Pb; Doushantuo cap carbonates 805-815 zircon dykes geomorphology, seismic, Chalk Group in North Sea 393-405 emplacement mechanics 965—978 Germany, tectonic inversion in High Ardenne 407—422 flow structures 1001-1011 glacial phases, impact on vegetation in Pennsylvanian 571—584 lamprophyre on Orkney 1233-1236 glacier retreat, in Norway 673-688 gold, mineralization in Altaids 1311-1321 Gondwana Cambrian assembly 1061-1071 East Junggar arc, mineralization 1311-1321 Cambrian margins 83—98 eclogite, Jaeren nappe 423—439 Grampian Orogeny Ediacaran Period, climate change 289-307 Shetlands Islands 1265-1284 emplacement Tyrone Igneous Complex 837—850 magma movement in Mourne granites 831—836 granulite facies, metamorphism at Scourie 147—158 mechanisms for dykes 965—978 Great Arc, Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau 333-347 Tyrone Igneous Complex 837-850 Greece, faulting in Aegean Sea 751—768 England, Mam Tor landslide 359-371 Greenland (East) 15—26 eruption duration estimate, LUSI mud volcano 517—523 Greenland (North), continental rifting 1093-1106 Eu anomaly, cap carbonates 805-815 Greenland (West), Oligocene-Miocene peneplanation 817—829 Eupcheon Fault 273-288 growth strata 219-234 exhumation history in Scotland (discussion) 1225-1226, 1226-1228 Jaeren nappe 423—439 Harlech Dome, Cambrian succession 83—98 extension, Mesozoic in Iran 979-994 Hf isotope systematics extension faults, effect on Campanian Volcanic Zone 471—484 Ancient Gneiss Complex 953-963 extinction, floras 607-619 Purrido Ophiolite 733—750 extrusion, continental 633-672 Zhongtiao Group 1215—1224 hiatal surfaces 629—632 seismic profile in Britain 61—82 Himalaya, fluvial incision and uplift 783-804 structure in Tibet 633-672 Holocene, Altiplano canyon incision 1047—1060 xenoliths for sampling crust-mantle relationships 872 hot springs, Solomon Islands 1297-1310 Liverpool Land Eclogite Terrane 15—26 hydrofractures and glacier break-up 673-688 loess, Neoproterozoic 289-307 hydrothermal activity, Solomon Islands 1297—1310 Lu-Hf isotope systematics Ancient Gneiss Complex 953—963 Karelia 201-218 Iberia LUSI mud volcano 517-523, 1013-1030 post-rift compression 1249-1263 Rheic Ocean closure evidence 383-392 Iberian Massif, Purrido Ophiolite 733—750 magmatism Iberian Pyrite Belt, volcanic geochemistry 717—731 Dalradian 1133-1146 ice sheet retreat 673—688 Devonian in Spain 733—750 ID-TIMS modelling behaviour in Campanian Volcanic Zone 471-484 dating Kap Washington Group 1093-1106 Mourne Granite Centres 831—836 dating Rhynie Chert Konservat-Lagerstatte 863-872 Norwegian margin basement 1167-1185 impact craters 1—14 Permo-Carboniferous 1233-1236 impact deposits, Stoer Group 349-358 magnetic susceptibility see AMS incision, causes in Miocene-Holocene 1047-1060 magnetotelluric (MT) data, central Australia 251-264 Indus River, drainage system palaeogeography 499-516 Malta, Pleistocene highstand 913—925 inversion Mam Tor landslide 359-371 Cretaceous evidence in Spain 899-912 manganese ocean-continent transition off Iberia 1249-1263 cap carbonates 805-815 High Ardenne slate belt 407—422 zoning in garnet 115—132 [ran mantle 3-D structures 769—782 relation to crust in Altaids 995—1000 Mesozoic extension and rifting 979-994 xenoliths for sampling crust-mantle relationships 873—885 Ireland, thickening upward sequences 319-331 mantle extrusion wedge, Betic Cordillera 373-382 iron, cap carbonate geochemistry 805—815 mantle flow, Vanuatu 265-271 Italy mass transport, Chalk Group in North Sea 393-405 Laga Basin seismic profiles 179-190 Meguma Terrane, Cambrian succession 83—98 Messina Straits modelling 191-199 melt percolation, Tan-Lu fault zone 1201—1214 modelling Campanian Volcanic Zone 471—484 Mesoproterozoic, Stoer Group of Scotland 349-358 Messina Straits, analogue modelling 191-199 metallogenic belt, Altaid 1311-1321 Jaeren nappe, provenance 423—439 metamorphism Java, Cenozoic sediment flux 1187-1200 Barrovian 115—132, 133—146, 1265-1284 Java (East), LUSI mud volcano 517-523, 1013-1030 granulite facies at Scourie 147—158 Jiaodong peninsula, felsic dykes 1001-1011 high pressure facies, Jaeren nappe 423—439 Jiepailiang Formation 1215—1224 Mesozoic see Jurassic; Cretaceous Jurassic mineralization Cleveland Basin sediments 1121—1132 Altai-East Junggar 1311—1321 Fulmar Formation in UKCNS 1285-1295 Central Wales orefield 1107—1120 Miocene-Holocene, Altiplano canyon incision 1047—1060 Mississippian, lignophyte arboescence 547—557 Kap Washington Group 1093-1106 modelling, analogue, Messina Straits 191-199 Karelian Province 201-218 Moine Thrust Zone 99-114 Karoo Basin, stratigraphic architecture 625-628 monazite age, Unst ophiolite 1265—1284 kimberlite, dyke emplacement mechanisms 965—978 Mongolia, Inner, Permian volcano geochemistry 525-543 kinematics, Quaternary displacement in Korea 273—288 Mourne Granite Centres 831—836 Korea (SE) fault activity 273-288 mud volcanoes 517—523 sector collapse 49-60 vent distributions 1013-1030 LA-ICP-MS mudstones, Cleveland Basin 1121-1132 monazite studies 1265—1284 Musgrave Province 251—264 zircon source studies 309—318 Laga Basin, seismic profiles 179-190 lamprophyre, dyke swarm on Orkney 1233-1236 Neogene landslides, creep behaviour and rapid failure 359-371 history of Malta 913-925 lateritization, Caldag ophiolite 927-940 West Greenland landscape 817—829 Laurentia 15—26 see also Miocene; Plio-Pleistocene lignophytes, arborescence in Devonian and Carboniferous 547—557 Neoproterozoic LISPB 61-82 Dalradian geochemistry 1133-1146 lithofacies analysis, Cleveland Basin 1121-1132 Nuccaleena Formation 289—307 lithosphere Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment Zone 887—898 crust-mantle relations in Altaids 995—1000 North Atlantic Igneous Province 159-178 North China Craton platinum group elements, North China Craton 1201-1214 assembly 1215—1224 Pleistocene Tan-Lu fault zone 1201-1214 highstand in Malta 913-925 North Sea (Danish), seismic evidence for Chalk Group 393 offshore slope failures in Chile 1237—1248 North Sea (UK), oil charge timing 1285-1295 Plio-Pleistocene, sediments on Cyprus 457—470 Northern Ireland Polientes Basin, Cretaceous inversion evidence 899-912 Mourne Granite Centres 831—836 pollen see palynology Tyrone Igneous Complex 837—850 pore water pressure, creep behaviour and rapid failure 359-37] Norway porosity, Fulmar Formation in UKCNS 1285-1295 clastic intrusion complexes 1075—1078 porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits, Altaids 1311-1321 glacier break-up 673—688 Proterozoic see Palaeoproterozoic; Mesoproterozoic; Neoproterozoic Jaeren nappe provenance 423-439 provenance studies Norwegian margin basement 1167—1185 Appalachian Orogen 309-318 structure in Nordfjord 887—898 Cenozoic of SE Asia 1187-1200 Nova Scotia, Cambrian succession 83—98 Indus River basin 499-516 Nuccaleena Formation 289—307 Jaeren nappe 423—439 Zhongtiao Group 1215-1224 Pulo do Lobo Zone, Rheic Ocean closure evidence 383—39 60 Purrido Ophiolite 733—750 K-feldspars in Stoer Group 349—358 Nuccaleena Formation 289—307 obduction quartz veins, stress state definition 407 Caldag ophiolite 927-940 Quaternary, history of Malta 913—925 Unst ophiolite 1265—1284 ocean-continent transition zone, off Iberia 1249-1263 radiation, floral 607-619 oil charge, timing 1285—1295 rare earth elements see REE Oligocene-Miocene, West Greenland landscape 817—829 Rb-Sr age ophiolites see Andaman; Purrido; Unst deformation in South Cycladic Detachment System 751 Ordovician, Tyrone Igneous Complex 837—850 Jaeren nappe 423—439 ore deposits, Central Wales orefield 1107-1120 Norwegian margin basement 1167-1185 Orkney Islands, lamprophyre dyke swarm 1233-12362 Re-Os systematics, melt percolation in Tan-Lu fault zone 1201—1214 Outwoods Shale Formation 851—861 redox-sensitive elements, cap carbonates 805—815 REE, cap carbonates 805—815 remanent magnetization, Troodos Massif 457—470 P-T evolution remote sensing 769-782 Barrovian zones 1147-1166 Rheic Ocean, closure evidence 383—392 Shetland Islands 1265-1284 Rhynie Chert Konservat-Lagerstatte 863—872 Pakistan, Sulaiman fold and thrust belt 499-516 Rhynie Outlier 863—872 Palaeocene, rifting in North Greenland 1093-1106 rifting palaeoclimate, Neoproterozoic 289-307 Arctic Ocean 1093-1106 Palaeogene NE Atlantic 27—48 Mourne magma emplacement 831-836 relation to extension in Iran 979-994 sediment flux in SE Asia 1187—1200 Rio de la Plata craton, Gondwana docking evidence 1061-1071 see also Oligocene; Palaeocene Riotinto Nerva Unit, geochemistry 717—731 palaeogeography rivers, incision and Himalayan uplift 783—804 Cenozoic of SE Asia 1187—1200 Rodinia break-up 1133-1146 Indus River system 499-516 Ronda peridotites, mantle extrusion wedge 373-382 palaeomagnetism, Polientes Basin 899-912 Ross Formation, thickening upward sequences 319-331 Palaeoproterozoic, North China Craton assembly 1215-1224 Palaeozoic see Cambrian; Ordovician; Devonian; Carboniferous; Permian palynology, Pennsylvanian of Canada 559-569, 571—584 San Leonardo Beds 913-925 Pb isotopic signatures, Vanuatu 265—27| Sandane Shear Zone 887-898 peat deposition 629-632 sandstone dykes, Norwegian margin 1075—1078 Pennsylvanian Savo volcanic island 1297—1310 Canadian palynology 559-569, 571-584 Scotland fossil forests 585-60 5 Barrovian metamorphism 113-146, 115-132 peridotite xenoliths, Re-Os systematics 1201-1214 Barrovian metamorphism on Shetland 1265—1284 Permian Barrovian zones, P-T evolution 1147-1166 Altaid mineralization 1311—1321 cone sheet structure 689-704 dyke swarm on Orkney 1233-1236 crust-mantle relationships 873—885 floras of China 607-619 Dalradian geochemistry 1133-1146 543 exhumation history (discussion) 1225—1226, 1226-1228 Persian Gulf Moine Thrust Zone development 99-114 Cretaceous-Recent deformation 485—498 Orkney lamprophyre dyke swarm 1233-1236 kinematics 219—234 Rhynie Outlier 863—872 petrogenesis, Mourne Granite Centres 831—836 Scourie metamorphism 147—158 petrology, Andaman ophiolite 1031—1045 Stoer Group 349-358 Scourie, evolution of metagabbro and metapyroxenite 147—158 Svalbard, Devonian transpressional tectonics 441—456 sector collapse in mid volcanoes 49-60 Swaziland, Ancient Gneiss Complex 953—963 sediment flux, Cenozoic in SE Asia 1187—1200 Syria, Dead Sea fault (discussion) 621—623, 623-624 seismic profiles Chalk Group in North Sea 393—405 T” assemblages 585-605 Dorood anticline 219—234 Tan-Lu fault zone, platinum group elements 1201—1214 Laga Basin 179-190 tectonic escape, Iberian evidence for Rheic Ocean closure 383—392 LISPB DELTA 61-82 tectonic inversion see inversion Messina Straits 191—199 terranes, Scotland 873—885 Norwegian strata-discordant anomalies 1075—1078 Tertiary offshore southern Chile 1237—1248 deformation in Persian Gulf 485—498 Persian Gulf 485—498 folding in the Zagros 235-250 Polientes Basin 899-912 see also Neogene; Palaeogene seismogenic structures 1—14 Th/U, zircon source studies 309-318 Shandong province, flow in felsic dykes 1001-1011 thermobarometry, Barrovian zones 1147-1166 Shannon Basin, thickening upward sequences 319-331 thermochronology Shetland Islands, Barrovian metamorphism 1265—1284 Greenland peneplanation 817—829 shock metamorphic structures 1—14 western Norway 887—898 SHRIMP dating, Rio de la Plata craton 1061—1071 thickening up sequences 265-271 Sierras Pampenas, Gondwana docking evidence 1061—1071 Tibet, continental extrusion 633—672 Sifnos (Aegean Sea), normal faults 751—768 tillite, Neoproterozoic 289-307 silica deposits, hot springs on Savo 1297-1310 titanite age 15-26 sills, Faroe Islands intrusive styles 159-178 trace elements, xenoliths from Scottish terranes 873—885 Skye, Isle of, cone sheet structure 689-704 Transhimalaya, fluvial incision and uplift 783-804 slope degradation/aggradation 625—628 transport mechanisms in sediments 1121—1132 slope failure, offshore southern Chile 1237—1248 transpression Sm-Nd systematics Betic Cordillera 373—382 Iberian Pyrite Belt 717—731 Spitsbergen 441-456 Karelia 201-218 travertine, hot springs on Savo 1297—1310 Norwegian margin basement 1167-1185 trees, arborescence in Devonian and Carboniferous 547 Purrido Ophiolite 733—750 Troodos Massif, timing of uplift 457-470 snowball earth 289-307 turbidites, Central Wales 1107—1120 Society awards 1073-1074 Turkey, uplift and weathering history 927-940 Solomon Islands, hot spring deposits 1297-1310 Tyrone Igneous Complex 837—850 Serkapp-Hornsund High 441-456 Tyrrhenian Sea, modelling Campanian Volcanic Zone 471-484 South Africa dyke emplacement mechanisms 965—978 U-Pb age stratigraphic architecture 625—628 Ancient Gneiss Complex 953—963 South Cycladic Detachment System 751—768 Appalachian Orogen 309-318 South Portuguese Zone, Rheic Ocean closure evidence 383-392 Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau 333—347 Spain felsic volcanics in Spain 717—731 Cretaceous inversion events 899-912 Jaeren nappe 423—439 deformation and transpression 373—382 Kap Washington Group 1093-1106 Purrido Ophiolite 733—750 Karelia 201-218 volcanic geochemistry 717—731 Moine Thrust Zone development 99-114 SPICE, Avalonia 851-861 Norwegian margin basement 1 167—1185 Spitsbergen, Devonian transpressional tectonics 441—456 Orkney dyke swarm 1233-1236 *7Sr/8Sr age, Zagros 235-250 Purrido Ophiolite 733—750 Steptoean see SPICE Rheic Ocean closure evidence 383—392 Stoer Group, age of impact deposits 349-358 Rhynie Chert Konservat-Lagerstatte 863—872 stress analysis, quartz veins in High Ardenne 407—422 Rio de la Plata craton 1061—1071 structural geology sediment flux and provenance in Java 1187—1200 Faroe Islands 27—48 Tyrone Igneous Complex 837—850 mud volcanoes 1013—1030 Unst ophiolite 1265-1284 Nordfjord 887-898 Zhongtiao Group 1215—1224 Shetland Islands 1265—1284 Zimbabwe Craton 941—952 Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt 769—782 U-Th/He age, West Greenland landscape 817—829 subduction zone UHP metamorphism, structures in Nordfjord 887—898 evidence from Andaman ophiolite 1031-1045 UKCSN see North Sea Vanuatu 265-271 Unst ophiolite 1265-1284 submarine, channel-levee architecture 625—628 uplift submarine lobes, Carboniferous 319—331 Altiplano canyon incision 1047—1060 submarine slides, offshore southern Chile 1237—1248 Bolivian Andes 1079-1092 Sulaiman fold and thrust belt, provenance studies 499—516 continental slope offshore Chile 1237-1248 Sulawesi, Cenozoic sediment flux 1187—1200 Himalaya and Transhimalaya 783—804 sulphides, genesis in Spain 717—731 Troodos Massif 457—470 Sundaland, Cenozoic sediment flux 1187-1200 weathering history in Anatolia 927-940 1328 Vanuatu, trench-parallel flow 265-271 Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt, 3-D structures 769-782 vents, mud volcanoes 1013-1030 Zagros foreland basin 235-250 vitrinite reflectance (VR), West Greenland landscape 817—829 Zagros Mountains, Mesozoic extension and rifting 979-994 VMS Zhongtiao Group 1215-1224 Altaids 1311-1321 Zimbabwe Craton, late Archaean growth 941—952 Iberian Pyrite Belt 717—731 zircon age 15—26 volcanics and volcanism Ancient Gneiss Complex 953—963 geochemistry in North China 525—543 Appalachian Orogen 309-318 rifting in North Greenland 1093-1106 British Cambrian succession 705—716 volcanogenic massive sulphides see VMS Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau 333-347 Kap Washington Group 1093-1106 Karelia 201-218 Meguma terrane 83—98 Wales Norwegian margin basement 1167—1185 Central Orefield, mineralization 1107—1120 Orkney dyke swarm 1233-1236 North, Cambrian succession 83—98 Purrido Ophiolite 733-750 Welsh Basin, LISPB DELTA 61-82 Rheic Ocean closure evidence 383-392 weathering, relation to uplift in Anatolia 927—940 Rio de la Plata craton 1061-1071 sediment flux and provenance in Java 1187-1200 Tyrone Igneous Complex 837—850 xenoliths, sampling crust-mantle relationships 873-885 Zhongtiao Group 1215-1224 Zimbabwe Craton 941—952 zircon FTA, South Cycladic Detachment System 751-768 Y anomaly, cap carbonates 805-815 zoning, Mn in garnet 115—132

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