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Preview Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton Transactions 1991: Index

JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY Dalton Transactions A journal of inorganic chemistry ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY © The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1991. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, pohoto- graphic, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Printed in England by Clays Ltd, St Ives pic J. CHEM. SOC. DALTON TRANS. AUTHOR INDEX 1991 AUTHOR INDEX Abel, Edward, 591 Basallote, Manuel Garcia, 3149 Braga, Dario, 215, 2223, 2559, Cetina-Cizmek, Biserka, 1847 Abraham, Francis, 1443 Basosi, Riccardo, 2109 3103 Chakladar, Sukla, 2669 Abu-Ragabah, Atieh, 1285 Basu, Partha, 3217 Brain, Paul T., 1195 Chakraburtty, Amiya K., 987 Acunia, Carola, 1111 Bataille, Michel, 1651 Brammer, Lee, 1789 Chakravorty, Animesh, 3217 Adam, Kenneth R., 2493 Batelaan, Jan G., 2649 Braunstein, Pierre, 1383, 1507, Chaloner, Penny A., 1417 Adams, Harry, 749, 1117, 1665, Battaglia, Luigi Pietro, 2109, 2685 Chamberlain, Barbara, 2067 2217 3135 Breet, Ernst L. J., 2941 Chambron, Jean-Claude, 1483 Aovasio, Victor, 203 Battistuzzi Gavioli, Giovanna, Bremard, Claude, 1443 Champness, Neil R., 2777 Aduldecha, Sujittra, 993 2961 Brew, Stephen A., 811 Chandrashekar, Tavarekere K., Aggarwal, R. Paul, 1 Bauer, Siegfried, 597 Brewer, Cynthia, 1377 2097, 2103 Agh-Atabay, N. M., 1175 Beer, Paul D., 1691, 2485, 3235 Brewer, Greg, 1377 Chang, Chi-Chang, 1685, 1965 Ahsen, Vefa, 3367 Beevor, Robert G., 3021 Brigden, Larry G., 2493 Chang, Wen-Kuen, 1569 Ainscough, Eric W., 1243, 1737, BekAroglu, Ozer, 3367 Brisdon, Alan K., 3127, 3387 Charnock, John M., 1789 2125 Beley, Marc, 3157 Brodie, Andrew M., 1243, 1737, Chattopadhyay, D., 2121 Airoldi, Claudio, 1751 Belforte, Antonio, 2419 2125 Chattopadhyay, S. K., 2121 Al Juaid, Salih S., 905 Bellingham, Richard K., 3387 Brooker, Alan T., 707 par ae Muktimoy, 1149, Al-Mukhtar, Mohammed, 2831 Bencini, Alessandro, 41 Brown, David A., 873 169 Albano, Vincenzo G., 739, 2133 Bencini, Andrea, 1171, 3077 Brown, David T., 677 Chaudret, Bruno, 1861 Alcock, Nathaniel W., 873 Beneto Borja, Matilde, 1057, Brown, Michael P., 3097 Chaves, Silvia, 3065 Ali, Mahammad, 2305, 2729 2619 Bruckner, Sergio, 403 Che, Chi-Ming, 379, 1071, 1077, Alink, Maarten, 1337 Bentley, Gary W., 749 Bruno, Giuseppe, 1223 1259, 1639, 1901, 1909, 1915, Allen, Christine C., 2761 Benyunes, Stephen A., 895, Buckett, John, 3097 2933, 3277 Allen, Christopher W., 1343 1417 Buckingham, David A., 3031 Cheatham, Linda K., 1449 Alonzo, Giuseppe, 3153 Benzekri, Azdine, 3359 Buffa, Franco, 403 Cheesman, Myles R., 1887 Amorim, Maria Teresa S., 3065 Bernardinelli, Gérald, 2269 Burford, Neil, 1615 Chemotti, jun., Alfred R., 1189 Andersson, Ingegard, 1799 Bernes, Sylvain, 2875 Burgess, John, 1743 Chen, Chun-Tong, 1569 Andreu, Pedro L., 533 Bernhardt, Paul V., 1167 Biirki, Stefan, 805 Chen, Hong, 215, 2559 Anema, Skelte G., 1201, 1209 Berno, Pietro, 3085, 3093 Burns, Diane, 351 Chen, Pingyun, 849 Ang, How Ghee, 3193 Berry, Adam, 2185 Burrell, Anthony K., 609 Chen, Xiao-Ming, 1219, 3253 Anillo, Adela, 2019, 2845 Berry, Frank J., 57 Burrow, Timothy E., 1813, Chen, Xuetai, 2897 Annan, Theodore A., 11, 19 Bertazzi, Nuccio, 3153 2519 Cheng, Chien-Hong, 1923, 2435 Antczak, Kazimierz, 2275 Berton, Adriano, 71 Busch, Daryle H., 733 Cheng, Jun, 1537 Antinolo, Antonio, 1861 Bessel, Carol A., 2801 Byers, Peter K., 93 Chessa, Gavino, 3049 Antolovich, Michael, 2493 Best, Stephen P., 1111, 1721 Cabeza, Javier A., 371, 533 Chevalier, Alberto A., 1959 Ara, Irene, 2253 Beveridge, Kathy, 1821 Cabioch, Jean-Luc, 519 Chi, Yun, 2161 Arago, Juan, 3077 Bhaduri, Sumit, 2539 Caffyn, Andrew J. M., 2349, Chicote, Maria-Teresa, 2579 Arce, Alejandro J., 1111, 3381 Bhargava, Anand P., 1081 3103 Chiesi-Villa, Angiola, 2467, 2471, Arena, Carmela Grazia, 1223 Bhatnagar, Pankaj, 1081 Cai, Lisheng, 717 3085, 3093 Arena, Giuseppe, 3203 Bhattacharyya, Ramgopal, 501 Calatayud, M. Luisa, 2995 Chillemi, Francesco, 2945 Armstrong, David R., 765 Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha, 2929 Calderazzo, Fausto, 693, Chin, Chong Shik, 443, 1323 Arora, Kamlesh, 1081 Bhattacharyya, Sudhindra N., 2419, 2845, 3009, 3017 Chingakule, Dicky D. K., 1329 Arriortua, M. Isabel, 1779 1457 Caldés, Maite, 3311 Chipperfield, John R., 1159 Arroyo, Maribel, 1281 Bhuniya, Debnath, 2917 Calestani, Gianluca, 195 Chisholm, Malcolm H., 929 Arsenault, Gilles J., 949 Bianchi, Antonio, 1171, 3077 Calvo, Victor, 2707 Cho, Kar-Cheong, 1077 ASperger, Smiljko, 1847 Bigi, Adriana, 2883 Calzaferri, Gion, 917 Choi, Nick, 3193 Astley, Timothy, 1981 Billing, David G., 293 Cameron, Neil D., 3435 Choy, Jin-Ho, 1647 Atkinson, Ian M., 45 Binelli, Alessandra, 895 Cameron, Stan, 1433 Christofides, Aristides, 1595 Atria, Ana Maria, 2707 Birkby, Sara L., 1099 Campagna, Sebastiano, 2545 Chudek, John A., 3337 Atwood, Jerry L., 241, 939, Bishop, Elizabeth J., 241 Canoira, Laureano J., 1175 Chun, Jongpil, 443 2241 Bishop, Peter T., 385 Canovese, Luciano, 71, 307 Chung, Chung-Sun, 1685, 1965 Avdeef, Alex, 1189 Blachnik, Roger, 2643 Cantoni, Andrea, 3153 Churchill, Melvyn Rowen, 2801 Avent, Anthony G., 1417 Blackman, Allan G., 3031 Canty, Allan J., 1981 Cini, Renzo, 1867 Aversa, Maria C., 3431 Blake, Alexander J., 529, 615 Cardon, Claude, 1651 Cinquantini, Arnaldo, 3161 Bailey, Neil A., 627, 749, 1117, Blake, Antony B., 1159 Carlton, Laurence, 1175 Ciriano, Miguel A., 255 1665, 2217, 2989 Blundell, Nicholas J., 1743 Carmichael, Duncan, 905 Clark, Charles R., 3031 Baillie, Philip J., 2493 Boas, John F., 2441 Carmona, Daniel, 2811 Clark, David L., 471 Baird, Peter, 2377 Bobrowski, Andrzej, 411 Carnahan, Edmund M., 699 Clark, George R., 609 Baker, Edward N., 1243 Bocelli, Gabriele, 195, 1881 Carr, Nicholas, 537, 811, 863 Clark, Robin J. H., 725, 1111, Baker, Paul K., 131 Bochmann, Manfred, 2317, Carr, Stuart W., 1025 3447 Bal, Wojciech, 1651 2325 Carriedo, Gabino A., 315 Clark, Stephen, 1159 Baldas, John, 1631, 2441 Boeyens, Jan C. A., 293, 1161, Carugo, Oliviero, 1255, 1551 Clarkson, Lucy M., 2229, 2241 Baldus, Hans-Peter, 2643 2717, 2761 Casabo, jaume, 1969, 3311 Clegg, William, 1099, 1105, 2229, Ban, Toshiro, 3115 Bolzati, Cristina, 3043 Casals, Isidre, 2511 2241, 2511, 2887 Bandoli, Giuliano, 1301, 3043 Bonaccorsi, Paola, 3431 Casas, José M*, 2253 Cloke, F. Geoffrey N., 181, 789 Bandy, Judith A., 2185, 2207, Bonamartini Corradi, Anna, Casella, Luigi, 2527, 2945, Cockerton, Bruce, 431 2377 2109, 3153 3203 Coco, Silverio, 2503 Bandyopadhyay, Soumendra Bonardi, Alex, 1063 Casellato, Umberto, 23, 263, Cole-Hamilton, David J., 1765, Nath, 2929 Bond, Alan M., 411 2145, 2585 1929, 2413 Banerjee, Pradyot, 2305, 2729 Bonomo, Raffaele P., 23, 3203 Castan, Paule, 1155 Collin, Jean-Paul, 3157 Banerjee, Rupendranath, 987, Boorman, P. Michael, 115 Castellani, Carla Bisi, 1255, Collins, Helen, 961 2929 Borrmann, Horst, 2607 1551 Colmanet, Silvano F., 1631, Banister, Arthur J., 1099, Borsari, Marco, 2961 Castellari, Carlo, 2133 2441 1105 Boschi, Tristano, 461 Castells, Josep, 3393 Comba, Peter, 277 Baran, Peter, 1385 Bossek, Ursula, 3165 Castro, Isabel, 1937, 2533 Compton, Neville A., 669, Bardhan, Debaki K., 1457 Bott, Simon G., 241, 355, 471, Cattalini, Lucio, 307, 3049 2887 Barker, James, 3435 859, 939, 2241, 2569 Cavallo, Lucia, 1867 Connelly, Neil G., 1, 315, 393, Barnes, John C., 1765, 2413 Bould, Jonathan, 185 Cavatorta, Fabrizio, 1063 1595, 1851, 2967 Barr, Donald, 765 Bown, Mark, 537 Cecconi, Franco, 1129 Conole, Grainne, 3103 Barral, M. Carmen, 1609 Boyde, Stephen, 713 Cenini, Sergio, 65 Constable, Edwin C., 1675, Barron, Andrew R., 241, 1449 Brader, Mark L., 1243 Ceriotti, Alessandro, 2357 2335 Barthélemy, Pierre P., 2477 Bradley, Donald C., 841 Cesarotti, Edoardo, 2073 Cook, Cindy M., 929 4 J. CHEM. SOC. DALTON TRANS. AUTHOR INDEX 1991 Cook, Malcolm R., 797 Djinovic, Kristina, 1255, 1551 Forniés, Juan, 2253 Green, Jennifer C., 173, 181, 789, Corfu, Nicolas A., 1367 Dobson, Susan M., 293, 1295, Forster, Alan M., 81 2371 Cortés, Roberto, 1779 2717 Forsyth, George A., 1195 Green, Malcolm L. H., 173, 471, Cosimelli, Barbara, 331 Doherty, Simon, 1273 Forsyth, J. Bruce, 1721 575, 1397, 1407, 1699, 1705, Cotton, F. Albert, 579 Dolby, P. Ann, 351 Forti, Luca, 2955 2185, 2207, 2377 Coulais, Yvon, 1301 Dolmella, Alessandro, 3043 Fortier, Denis G., 101 Green, Michael, 895, 1589, 3021, Coutsolelos, Athanassios G., Donaire, Antonio, 3393 Fowler, Patrick, 1087 3171, 3451 3413 Dong, Jian, 407 Fowles, Edmund H., 1519 Greenwood, Norman N., 185, Cox, David N., 2013 Dossett, Stephen J., 511, 519 Frank, Stefan M., 2607 537, 565, 643, 2657 Crabtree, Robert H., 587 Downs, Anthony J., 81, 967, Fraser, Stuart G., 131 Gregory, Karina, 765 Cragg, R. Harry, 137 1195 Frausto da Silva, Joao J. R., Greig, John A., 529 Crane, Christopher G., 3235 Drew, Michael G. B., 961, 1973, 3065 Grepioni, Fabrizia, 215, 2223, Crane, Jonathan D., 2979 323 5 Freeman, Gavin K. W., 115 2559 Crayston, Joe A., 1603, 3073 Dronkowski, Richard, 2483 Freeman, Mark J., 3021 Griffith, William P., 2799 Crespo, M. Carinen, 315 du Preez, Jan G. H., 2585 Froom, Simon F. - 3171 Grimshire, Michael J., 895 Crociani, Bruno, 71 du Toit, J., 1463 Fujimoto, Masatoshi, 453 Grohmann, Andreas, 783 Crocker, Mark, 1589, 3451 Duan, Jiun-Pey, 2435 Furlani, Ariella, 195 Guardado, Pilar, 1743 Crook, Janet E., 185 Dubourdeaux, Patrick, 3359 Furusaki, Akio, 453 Guastini, Carlo, 2467 Cros, Gerard, 1301 Duesing, Rich, 849 Fuyuhiro, Akira, 2903 Guerriero, Paolo, 2145 Crowther, Jeffrey A., 3193 Duff, Colleen M., 2401 Gafford, Boyd G., 1051 Guiraud, Robert, 1301 Cruywagen, Johannes J., 1727, Dunne, Barry J., 1, 653, 863, Galey, Jean-Frangois, 2281 Giil, Ahmet, 3367 2007 1589 Gallucci, Judith C., 733 Gullotti, Michele, 2527, 2945, Cruz-Garritz, Diana, 1281 Dusausoy, Yves, 1383 Galy, Jean, 1999 3203 Cunningham, Desmond, 3139 Dyer, Alan, 2639 Gamasa, M. Pilar, 1557 Gupta, Anuradha, 949 Cupertino, Domenico C., 1603, Dzugan, Sharlene, 1309 Gandolfi, Massimo, 2883 Gupta, Nishi, 2911 1929 Dzugan, Sharlene J., 733 Gangopadhyay, Sumana, 2729 Gupta, Yugul K., 1081 Currie, David B., 3137 Ebihara, Masahiro, 2703 Gans, Peter, 1329 Giirek, Aysegiil, 3367 Cusumano, Matteo, 1581, 3431 Eguchi, Taro, 677 Gao, Xiaoliang, 115 Gurian, Patrick L., 1449 Czuchajowska, Joanna, 579 Elduque, Anabel, 1391, 2807 Garcia, Gabriel, 3311 Gutiérrez-Puebla, Enrique, Daeid, Niamh Nic, 2301 Emori, Tsunehiko, 2869 Garcia-Espania, Enrique, 1171, 1609 Daff, P. James, 181 Eng-Wilmot, D. Larry, 231 3077 Haasnoot, Jaap G., 1043, 3271 Dahan, Frangoise, 1057, 2619 Engelhardt, Lutz M., 2859 Garcia-Granda, Santiago, 533, Habenicht, Christine, 3165 Dain, C. John, 967 Englert, Ulli, 2419 1557 Habiyakare, Augustin, 2269 Dalby, Christopher L., 181 Ercolani, Claudio, 1309, 1317 Garcia-Lozano, Julia, 1057, Hadijiliadis, Nick, 1635 Dalton, Dennis M., 2741 Erker, Gerhard, 685 2619 Hage, Ronald, 1043, 3271 Damu, Kirty V., 293, 2717 Errington, R. John, 669, 2887 Gardiner, Ian M., 2207 Haggerty, Brian S., 2175 Daniele, Pier G., 2711 Escriche, Lluis, 1969 Garland, Maria Teresa, 365, Haines, Raymond J., 2761 Daniels, Marcus A. M., 2601 Escriva, Emilio, 1057 2707 Hakushi, Tadao, 1291 Danopoulos, Ancreas A., 269, Escriva Monto, Emilio, 2619 Garlaschelli, Luigi, 2357 Halpern, Jack, 717 1855, 2051 Espinet, Pablo, 2503 Garner, C. David, 713 Hambley, Trevor W., 277, 1167, Daphnomili, Dimitra, 3413 Esteban, Montserrat, 2811 Garvey, John W., 2449 1499 Darbieu, Marie-Helene, 1301 Evans, David G., 967 Gasparri, Fava Giovanna, 1951 Hammershgi, Anders, 621 Das, Mrinal Kanti, 2929 Evans, David J., 1785 Gatteschi, Dante, 2133, 2331 Hamnett, Andrew, 2377 Das, Ranjit, 351 Evans, John, 1017, 1351, 2027, Gauntlett, J. Trevor, 1117, 1427, Hamor, Thomas A., 603, 1835 Das, Rina, 987 2039 2217 Hampden-Smith, Mark J., 949, Dash, Anadi C., 1843 Fabbrizzi, Luigi, 33, 2493, 2925, Gazzano, Massimo, 2883 2449 Dash, Neelamadhab, 1843 3263 Geiger, William E., 2967 Hancock, Robert D., 293, 1161, Datta, Dipankar, 1541 Fabretti, Antonio C., 2133, 2331 Gentil, Luis A., 1959 1295, 1491, 2717 Davidson, Jack L., 1175 Fairfax, Neil R., 1929 Gessa, Carlo, 1237 Hanna, John V., 1243 Day, Jeremy P., 789 Fait, James F., 115 Ghosh, Prodip N., 501 Hanson, Graeme R., 3193 Day, Michael W., 1273 Fajardo, Mariano, 1861 Ghosh, S., 2121 Hanton, Lyall R., 2039 De Angelis, Stefania, 2471 Fang, Woei-Ping, 1923 Giannetto, Antonino, 1581 Hardcastle, Kenneth I., 431, 1273 DeCian, André, 2685 Fanizzi, Francesco P., 1007 Giannetto, Placido, 3431 Harding, Marjorie M., 351, 3097 De Gioia, Luca, 2945 Faraone, Felice, 425, 1223 Gibbs, Christopher D., 57 Harima, Yutaka, 3401 de Graaff, Rudolf A. G., 1043 Farkas, Etelka, 163 Gibson, John F., 2799 Harkin, Ian M., 1117 de Haro, Concepcion, 3311 Farnetti, Erica, 1525 Gilbert, Mark, 1 Harman, Mary E., 2485 de M. Jelfs, Alasdair N., 841 Farrugia, Louis J., 2241 Gill, J. Bernard, 1329 Harrowfield, Jack M., 979, 2153, De Sanctis, Ysaura, 1111, 3381 Faus, Juan, 1937, 1945, 2533, Gilson, Trevor Robert, 2463 2625 De Santis, Giancarlo, 33, 2925 2995 Gimeno, José, 1557 Hart, Ian J., 511, 519 de Souza, Antonio G., 1751 Fawcett, John, 2595 Gimeno, M. Concepcion, 537 Hartley, David W., 2735 de Souza, José H., 1751 Feng, Qian, 1397 Giusti, Aleardo, 2133 Hartshorn, Richard M., 621 Deb, Alok K., 3249 Fennema, Benne D. J. R., 1043 Gladysz, J. A., 2741 Harvey, Suanna, 2677 Decock-Le Reverend, Brigitte, Fenton, David E., 627, 1665, Gleizes, Alain, 1937 Hasegawa, Etsuo, 3281, 3285 2281 2979, 2989 Glidewell, Christopher, 1765 Hassan, Refat M., 3003 Deeming, Antony J., 431, 1111, Fernandez-Colinas, José M., Glowiak, Tadeusz, 163 Hathaway, Brian, 993 1273, 1875, 3381 371 Gluzinski, Przemystaw, 53 Haupt, Hans-Jiirgen, 1487 Deeth, Robert J., 1467, 1895 Fernandez-Trujillo, Maria J., Goedken, Virgil L., 1309 Hay, Robert W., 823 Deiana, Salvatore, 1237 3149 Goggin, Peter L., 1789 Hay-Motherwell, Robyn S., Delgado, Rita, 3065 Ferrari, Marisa Belicchi, 1951 Gomez, Montserrat, 2511 2821 Del Zotto, Alessandro, 1525 Ferraudi, Guillermo, 2063 Gomez-Sal, Pilar, 1575 Healy, Peter C., 1243 Dell’Amico, Daniela Belli, 2845, Ferrer, Joaquina, 2811 Gonzalez-Duarte, Pilar, 2511 Heath, Graham A., 2401 3009, 3017 Ferrer, we “tial 1397 Gonzalez-Vilchez, Francisco, Heaton, Brian T., 677 Della Ciana, Leopoldo, 849 Ficarra, Paola, 1 1831 Heisel, Francine, 3157 Della Pergola, Roberto, 2357 Ficarra, Rita, isl Goode, Michael J., 967 Henderson, Richard A., 1755, Demartin, Francesco, 65, 739, Fidelis, Krzysztof A., 231 Goodfellow, Robin J., 1789 176i, 3295 2073 Field, John S., 2761 Gordon, Charles M., 833 Henderson, William, 2595 Dengel, Andrew C., 2799 Field, Leslie D., 1499 Gorrell, Ian B., 1105 Henkel, Thomas, 663 Denison, James E., 2677 Fischer, Jean, 2685 Goswami, Sreebrata, 3249 Henney, Roland P. G., 2335 Deprun, Claude, 1991 Fisher, George A., 669, 2887 Gotts, Nigel G., 1417 Herak, Rajna, 2295 Desreux, Jean F., 2477 Fitzsimmons, Brian W., 2907 Gould, Robert O., 3317 Herberhold, Max, 2607 Desrosiers, Peter J., 717 Fleischer, Holm, 2569 Gouws, Leon, 2585 Hernandez Cano, Félix, 2511 Di Bianca, Francesca, 71 Flores-Vélez, Luisa M., 3243 Gowik, Petra K., 1433 Herrmann, Wolfgang A., 797 Di Bilio, Angel J., 23 Floriani, Carlo, 2467, 2471, 3085, Graham, John T., 3387 Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie, 939 Di Vaira, Massimo, 41, 331 3093, 3139 Grandjean, Daniel, 365 Heyns, J. Bernard B., 2007 Dietrich, Andreas, 231 Florke, Ulrich, 1487 Grassi, Maria, 2073 Higgins, Tim, 3139 Dilworth, Jonathan R., 385 Foces-Foces, Concha, 2511 Gratzel, Michael, 343 Hills, Adrian, 61, 121, 325, 1281, Dimmock, Paul W., 955 Fontaine, Xavier L. R., 537, Graziani, Rodolfo, 23, 263, 1515, 1755, 1813, 2519 Dines, Trevor J., 1603 1025, 1519, 2657, 3223 2585 Hiratani, Kazuhisa, 1483 Diversi, Pietro, 203 Ford, Ian G., 1665 Greatrex, Robert, 643 Hitchcock, Peter B., 905, 1417 J. CHEM. SOC. DALTON TRANS. AUTHOR INDEX 1991 Hitchman, Michael A., 1981 Jones, Peter G., 1361, 2539, Kwik, Whei-Lu, 1037, 3193 Luo, Xiao-Liang, 587 Ho, Clare, 1259, 1901, 2933 2579 Lagrenee, Michel, 1443 Lynch, Daniel E., 361 Ho, Tong-Ing, 1569 Jones, Peter J., 3387 Laguna, Antonio, 1361 Lynden-Bell, Ruth M., 3097 Hockless, David C. R., 2229, Jones, R. Wayne, 351 Laguna, Mariano, 1361 Lyon, III, James, 157 2241 Journaux, Yves, 2533 Lagunas, Maria-Cristina, 2579 Ma, Ji-Xiang, 1071 Hodges, P. Michael, 833 Jorgensen, Karl Anker, 1105 Lahoz, Fernando J., 1391, 1861, Maccallum, Peter, 1195 Hoet, Patrick, 2363 Jubb, Jayne, 2045 2811 Maccarrone, Giuseppe, 3203 Hoffmann, Roald, 917 Judeinstein, Patrick, 1991 Lai, Ting-Fong, 1639, 1915 Macdonald, Colin J., 121 Hohn, Arthur, 777 Julve, Miguel, 1937, 1945, 2533 Lamprecht, Gert J., 955 MacDonald, Michael A., 2371 Holloway, John H., 2831, 3127 Kabanos, Themistoklis A., 1347 Lane, Janette D., 1627, 1813, Macgregor, Stuart A., 3317 Holwerda, Robert A., 1051 Kaden, Thomas A., 805 2519 Machell, Jonathan C., 859 Hong, Maochun, 2897, 3145 Kafarski, Pawel, 2275 Lanfranchi, Maurizio, 1007, Mackay, Kenneth M., 1201, 1209 Hope, Eric G., 2831, 3127, 3387 Kakoti, Maushumi, 3249 1507, 1951 MacKay, Regina Louise, 3337, Hosoyama, Kenji, 1291 Kaltsoyannis, Nikolas, 2371 Lappert, Michael F., 939 3349 Hough, Gordon, 749 Kalyanasundaram, Larkworthy, Leslie F., 2045 Maeda, Yonezo, 1227 Houlton, Andrew, 467 Kuppuswamy, 343 Laschi, Franco, 739 Maeder, Marcel, 1167 Housecroft, Catherine E., 2175 Kang, Beisheng, 2897 Lastra, Elena, 1557 Magon, Luciano, 263 Howard, Judith A. K., 3451 Karim, Mazurul, 431 Latour, Jean Marc, 2979, 3359 Mahapatra, Samiran, 2911 Howarth, Oliver W., 399, 1799 Karthikeyan, Sakthivel, 299 Lau, Tai-Chu, 1259, 1901 Mahmoud, Mouayed M., 3435 Howes, Andrew J., 841 Katayama, Hiroaki, 2703 Laugier, Jean, 3359 Majumdar, S. K., 2121 Howie, Alan, 1765 Katti, Kattesh V., 1285 Lawless, Gerry A., 439 Mak, Shing-Tat, 1915 Huang, Sheng-Hua, 1379 Kawamura, Takashi, 2703 Lawrance, Geoffrey A., 277, 1167 Mak, Thomas C. W., 1219, 1379, Huang, Zhiying, 3145 Keely, Jennifer M., 3427 Lawson, Holly J., 1595 1909, 3253 Hubbard, Colin D., 1743 Keene, F. Richard, 45 Lay, Peter A., 1499 Malavasi, Wanda, 2331 Huffman, John C., 929, 2449 Kelly, Paul F., 1343 Layzell, Timothy P., 1519 Mali, Thembakazi N., 1161 Hughes, Andrew K., 1407, 1699 Kemme, Andrejas, 53 Leach, Mike, 2569 Mamo, Antonino, 2545 Hughes, David L., 61, 121, 325, Kemmitt, Raymond D. W., 2595 Lebkiri, Ahmed, 2281 Manassero, Mario, 2357 1281, 1515, 1627, 1755, 1813, Kemmitt, Tim, 591 Lee, Byeongno, 443, 1323 Manca, Gavina, 2109 2519, 3149 Kendrick, Dafydd Ap, 131 Lee, Gene-Hsiang, 1569, 2161 Mandal, Parikshit C., 1457 Hunter, Geoffrey, 3337, 3349 Kennard, Colin H. L., 361, 2735 Lee, G. Robert, 3073 Mani, Fabrizio, 41, 331 Hursthouse, Michael B., 269, Kennedy, John D., 185, 537, Lee, June-Der, 1923 Mann, Brian E., 1427 355, 841, 1855, 2051, 2317, 2657, 3223 Lee, Siew Kim, 1201, 1209 Manohar, Hattikudur, 2139, 2485, 2785, 2791, 2821 Kern, Wolfgang, 1733 Legros, Jean-Pierre, 1057, 2619 2289 Hussain, Juzar, 89 Khan, Masood A., 999, 1003 Lei, Deqing, 2449 Manotti Lanfredi, Anna Maria, Hussain-Bates, Bilquis. 269, 1855, Kida, Sigeo, 497, 1657 Lei, Xinjian, 2897 3263 2051, 2785, 2791, 2821 Kieboom, Antonius P. G., 2649 Leigh, G. Jeffery, 61, 325, 1515, Manzur, Jorge, 365, 2707, 3381 Hvastijova, Maria, 1773 Kilner, Melvyn, 3435 : 1785 Mar, Arthur, 639 Hwang, Der-Kweng, 2161 Kim, Sangtae, 443 Leitch, Paul, 1029 Marangoni, Giampaolo, 3049 Hwang, Gwo-Yuh, 1643 Kiprof, Paul, 797 Leong, Anthony J., 627, 1665, Marbury, Gwen S., 1377 Hynes, Michael J., 3427 Kirby, Julia R., 3387 2493, 2989 Marchetti, Fabio, 203 Ianelli, Sandra, 693, 2113 Kirschenbaum, Louis J., 2311 Leovac, Vukadin M., 2295 Marchi, Andrea, 263 lapalucci, Maria Carmela, 739 Kiss, Tamas, 2275 Leseine-Delstanche, Marie, 1651 Marcus, Yizhak, 2265 {bbotson, Arthur, 1691 Kitagawa, Hiroshi, 3115, 3121, Leung, Wa-Hung, 1071, 2051, Marder, Todd B., 2229, 2887 Ibers, James A., 639 3211 2791, 2933 Maresca, Luciana, 1007 Iggo, Jonathan A., 677 Kitagawa, Susumu, 1717, 2869 Leung, Wai-Ho, 379 Marinetti, Angela, 597, 905 Illson, Timothy F., 873 Kitchen, Simon J., 627, 1665, Levason, William, 591, 2039, Marques, Helder M., 339, 1437, Impellizzeri, Giuseppe, 3203 2989 2777, 3127, 3387 2941 Inagaki, Kenji, 1337 Kiwi, Miguel, 365 Lewis, Jack, 215, 707, 1037, 2223, Marseglia, Elizabeth, 2377 Ingham, Scott L., 1243 Klapétke, Thomas M., 1433 2559 Martell, Jaime M., 1495 Ingrosso, Giovanni, 203 Klingert, Bernd, 2749 Lezama, Luis, 1779 Martin, Antonio, 2253 Innocenti, Paolo, 1129 Knopp, Petra, 3165 Li, Chen-Shun, 1923, 2435 Martin, Lisandra L., 277 Inoue, Hidenari, 3285 Knorr, Michael, 1507 Li, Chi-Keung, 379, 1909, 3277 Martinez-Carreras, Sagrario, Inoue, Masashi, 3331 Kobe, Joze, 1867 Licchelli, Maurizio, 2925 1575 Inoue, Yoshihisa, 1291 Koetzle, Thomas F., 1789 Licoccia, Silvia, 461 Martinez-Ferrer, Maria-José, Intini, Francesco P., 1007 Kohler, Helmut, 1773 Lilley, Terence H., 627, 2989 3393 Inui, Tomoyuki, 3331 KGhler, Jiirgen, 829 Lin, Po-Jin, 2161 Martinez-Ripoll, Martin, 2511 Iraqi, Ahmed, 1929 Kohout, Jiri, 1773 Lin, Yuan-Chuan, 1569 Marzilli, Luigi G., 1867 Irvine, Derek J., 1765, 1929, Koikawa, Masayuki, 1657 Lin, Zerong, 717 Masciocchi, Norberto, 2357 2413 Kojima, Norimichi, 169, 3115, Lindall, Charles M., 1499 Mashima, Kazushi, 2851 Isab, Anvarhusein A., 449 3121, 3211 Lindoy, Leonard F., 627, 1665, Masood, Md. Athar, 111, 2553 Isam, Lloyd, 1835 Koman, Marian, 1385 2493, 2989 Masters, Anthony F., 1499 Itagaki, Hiroaki, 1093 Komatsu, Teruyuki, 3281, 3285 Lindsay Smith, John R., 3291 Masuda, Hideki, 1717 Ito, Takashi, 1135 Kominami, Hiroshi, 3331 Lines, Dean R., 3137 Mathews, Irimpan L., 2139, 2289 Iwamoto, Aki, 1093 Kommiya, Mothilal K., 2083 Linford, Lorna, 2795 Mathey, Francois, 597, 905 Jackson, Graham E., 1463 Korber, Fritjof C. F., 3291 Lippard, Stephen J., 699 Matijasic, Ivanka, 195 Jackson, Patricia A., 707 Korybut-Daszkiewicz, Bohdan, Lis, Tadeusz, 2429 Matsuda, Nobuyuki, 1135 Jacobsen, Geraldine E., 2859 53 Litster, Stephen A., 2769 Matsumoto, Keiji, 1265 Jafar, Jalal J., 2639 Koschmieder, Stefan U., 2785, Liu, Hangin, 2897, 3145 Matsumoto, Naohide, 497, 1657 Jagannathan, Ranga, 2553 2821 Liu, Yu, 1291 Matsushita, Nobuyuki, 3115 Jalon, Félix A., 1861 Kouadio, Issifou, 2311 Lo, Peter Y., 439 Matsuyama, Shinji, 1717, 2869 Jameson, Donald L., 2801 Kozisek, Jozef, 1773 Lo Sterzo, Claudio, 1881 Maumela, Hulisani, 2717 Janas, Zofia, 2429 Kozlowski, Henryk, 163, 1651, Lockhart, Joyce C., 2633 Mawby, Roger J., 2067 Jarrett, Penelope S., 669 2275, 2281 Loennecke, Peter, 2643 Mayor, Fernando, 2503 Jaud, Joél, 1155 Krajewski, Janusz W., 53 Lombard, Anthonie, 2795 Mays, Martin J., 2349, 3097, Jeannin, Yves, 2875 Kraut, Bela, 2063 Longoni, Giuliano, 739 3103 Jeffery, John C., 137, 2677 Kremminger, Peter, 3337, 3349 Lopez, Gregorio, 3311 Mazid, Muhammed A., 355, Jezowska-Bojczuk, Malgorzata, Kresinski, Roman A., 603, 1835 Lopez, José A., 1391, 1861 2317 2275 Krishnamurthy, Setharampattu Lough, Alan J., 2519 Mazumdar, Shyamalava, 2091 Ji, Liang-nian, 1367 Louloudi, Maria, 1635 Mazzi, Ulderico, 1301, 3043 Jiménez, Hermas R., 1945, 3393 Kruger, Gert, 2795 Lowe, David J., 1755 McAlees, Alan J., 949 Jiménez, Josefina, 1361 Kriiger, Leon, 1727 Lowe, P., 2121 McArdle, Patrick, 3139 Jiménez-Aparicio, Reyes, 1609 Kumamoto, Shin-ichi, 3281 Loyns, Andrew C., 1595 McAuley, Alexander, 101, 1821 Jimenez-Tenorio, M., 1785 Kumar, N. R. Sreenivasa, 1251 Lucherini, Antonio, 203 McAuliffe, Charles A., 1973 Joh, Takashi, 1531 Kumar, Rajesh, 11 Luck, Rudy L., 579 McCleverty, Jon A., 603, 1835 Johnson, Brian F. G., 215, 707, Kumar, Sujit Baran, 1149, 2169 Luckay, Robert C., 1491 McCrindle, Robert, 949 1037, 2223, 2559 Kurishima, Susumu, 1135 Lucken, Edwin A. C., 2269, McGrady, G. Sean, 81 Johnson, Frank P. A., 833 Kurzak, Barbara, 163 2615 McGrath, Marguerite, 3223 Jones, Christopher J., 603, Kutsumizu, Shoichi, 169 Lunniss, J., 2223 McKee, Vickie, 221 1835 Kwak, Chee-Hun, 1165 Luo, Feng-Hurng, 2435 McKillop, Kieran P., 1973 6 J. CHEM. SOC. DALTON TRANS. AUTHOR INDEX 1991 McKnight, John, 1887 Ngwenya, M. Patrick, 1295 Pérez-Torrente, Jesus J., 255 Riede, Jiirgen, 783 McLeod, Laurie C., 1209 Nicholls, Karen T., 967 Peringer, Paul, 2459 Riera, Victor, 315, 371, 533 McManus, James, 3427 Nicholls, Stephen J., 669 Perotti, Angelo, 3263 Rietzel, Mathias, 1285 McPartlin, Mary, 2493, 3103, Nicholson, Brian K., 1201, 1209 Perry, George S., 1649 Rigo, Pierluigi, 1525 3193 Nicholson, Terrence, 385 Perry, Richard J., 2039 Rihs, Grety, 2749 McQueen, Roderick C. S., 1111 Nicolini, Marino, 3043 Peter, Martin, 2459 Riley, Dennis, 157 McWhinnie, Sean L. W., 2485 Nieuwenhuis, Heleen A., 3271 Peters, Joop A., 2649 Ripamonti, Alberto, 2883 Mehmet, Nilgun, 2601 Niketic, Svetozar R., 2295 Pettersson, Lage, 1799 Rizkallah, Pierre, 3291 Mejias, Milagros, 3311 Nifio, Miguel Angel, 1171 Pettit, Leslie D., 1651, 2281 Rizzarelli, Enrico, 3203 Menabue, Ledi, 2955, 2961 Nishide, Hiroyuki, 3281, 3285 Pickett, Christopher J., 121 Rizzi, Menico, 1255, 1551 Mercer, Richard J., 3171 Nishijima, Yu-ichi, 1143 Pickup, Peter G., 489 Rizzoli, Corrado, 2471, 3085, Merlo, Curzio, 1063 Nishikawa, Hiroyuki, 2703 Pierloot, Kristin, 2363 3093 Mernari, Bouchaib, 1443 Niven, Margaret L., 2007 Pilotti, Massimino U., 511, 519, Robert, Francis, 2875 Mestres, Lourdes, 1969 Nixon, John F., 905 1355, 1621 Roberts, Roger M. G., 467 Meyer, Thomas J., 849 Noe, Ralf, 685 Pinillos, M. Teresa, 1391, 2807 Robertson, Heather E., 967, 1195 Mezzetti, Antonio, 1525 Noh, Dong-Youn, 1647 Piraino, Pasquale, 425 Robino, Pierluigi, 3009, 3017 Mhinzi, Gaspar S., 2769 Nolan, Kevin B., 2301 Pitteri, Bruno, 3049 Robinson, Edward J., 351 Miaskiewicz, Karol, 2395 Noltemeyer, Mathias, 1285 Piu, Paola, 1237 Rocchi, Lucia, 2845 Michael, David J., 725, 3447 Norman, Nicholas C., 669, 2229, Pizzotti, Maddalena, 65 Rodrigues, Richard A., 3171 Micheloni, Mauro, 1171, 3077 2241, 2887, 3451 Pletcher, Derek, 2777 Rodriquez, Agustin, 3077 Midgley, Derek, 1585 Nuber, Bernhard, 1487, 3165 Poggi, Antonio, 33 Roe, S. Mark, 873 Midollini, Stefano, 1129 O’Connor, Charles J., 1051 Poliakoff, Martyn, 833 Roesky, Herbert W., 663, 1285 Miehé, Albert, 3157 O’Hare, Dermot, 1705 Poon, Chung-K wong, 379, 1071 Rohl, Andrew L., 3419 Miguel, Daniel, 533 Obertelli, David S., 2377 Porter, Richard W., 765 Rohwer, Elisabeth A., 1727 Mikulcik, Patrizia, 765 Obeso-Rosete, Ricardo, 2019 Povey, David C., 2045 Rohwer, Hans, 2585 Miller, Gordon J., 2483 Ogawa, Hiroo, 1531 Powell, Douglas R., 231 Rojo, Teofilo, 1779 Miller, John R., 467 Ogden, J. Steven, 3127, 3387 Powell, Harold R., 3103 Roper, Warren R., 609 Minardi, Giovannina, 2113 Ogden, Mark I., 979, 2153, 2485, Powell, Harry, 2569 Rosair, Georgina M., 1851 Minassian, Houri, 1273 2625 Powell, Nicholas I., 1111, 1875, Rosales-Hoz, Maria J., 3243 Mingos, D. Michael P., 859, Oglieve, Kay E., 3295 3381 Rossell, Oriol, 347 2569, 3419 Ohkubo, Katsutoshi, 1143 Power, Michael B., 241 Rossi, Gentilina, 1309, 1317 Minniti, Domenico, 3431 Okawa, Hisashi, 497, 1657 Pradhan, Jyotsnamayee, 1843 Rossi, Roberto, 263 Minshall, Eric, 2761 Olabe, Jose A., 1959 Prati, Laura, 2073 Rossignoli, Monica, 1167 Miravitlles, Carles, 3311 Oliver, Lee F., 2045 Prelesnik, Bogdan, 2295 Rotondo, Enrico, 425 Mishnyov, Anatolii, 53 Onitsuka, Kiyotaka, 1531 Preston, Sheila A., 1929, 2413 Roulet, Raymond, 2013 Mishra, Som Kant, 89 Ooi, Shun’ichiro, 1265 Prieto-Alcon, Rafael, 1515 Roveri, Norberto, 2883 Miyamae, Hiroshi, 2921 Oosthuizen, Ebeth L., 1161 Prince, Stephen, 3291 Rowbottom, Graham L., 1981 Mohammed, Modher Y., 121 Opromolla, Giuliana, 3161 Prinsloo, Frans F., 2941 Royer, Elia C., 1609 Mole, Laura, 863 Orhanovic, Mato, 1847 Proserpio, Davide, 2493 Royo, Beatriz, 1575 Molins, Elies, 3311 Oro, Luis A., 255, 1391, 2807, Prout, Keith, 1397, 2185, 2207, Royo, Pascual, 1575 Moll, Matthias, 1733 2811 2377 Ruiz, Javier, 2467 Monacelli, Fabrizio, 1309, 3373 Orosz, Robert D., 1887 Puddephatt, Richard J., 2835 Runnacles, John D., 841 Moneti, Simonetta, 1129 Orpen, A. Guy, 1, 653, 669, 863, Puerta, Maria C., 3149 Rushton, David J., 2633 Monk, Cecil B., 1479 1589, 1595, 1789, 1851, 2967, Purohit, Sapna, 3405 Russell, David R., 2595 Monzani, Enrico, 2945 3021, 3171 Pyburn, Simon, 1651, 2281 Ruiz-Valero, Caridad, 1609 Moratal, José M., 3393 Orrell, Keith G., 591 Qin, Jingui, 2377 Ryan, Leo P., 2301 Moreiras, Damaso, 1557 Orsini, jun., Joseph J., 2967 Quarmby, Ian C., 315 Sabatino, Piera, 3103 Moresco, Anna, 3043 Osakada, Kohtaro, 759 Raithby, Paul R., 707, 765, 1037, Saez, Isabel, 1575 Morley, Christopher P., 789 Osawa, Nobuo, 1717 2349 Sagatys, Dalius S., 361, 2735 Morris, Richard B., 653 Oshio, Hiroki, 1227 Ramakrishnan, Geetha, 3185 Saha, Alok M., 501 Morris, Robert H., 1813, 2519 Ostacoli, Giorgio, 2711 Ramaprabhu, Sundara, 2615 Saha, Swapan K., 2305, 2729 Mortimer, Mark D., 811 Oswald, Benoit, 2685 Ramesh, Krishnamoorthi, 2917, Saharan, Vijay P., 1037 Morton, Carolyn E., 3021 Otero, Antonio, 1861 3259 Saiga, Norihiko, 1265 Morvillo, Antonino, 3009 Ouchi, Mikio, 1291 Ramirez, Jose A., 1129, 2995, 3077 Saito, Yasukazu, 1093 Mosset, Alain, 1999 Ozawa, Youichi, 759 Randaccio, Lucio, 403 Sakai, Hiroshi, 3211 Mould, Roy A. S., 2777 Paci, Maurizio, 461 Ranford, John D., 1737, 2125 Sakaki, Shigeyoshi, 1143 Moulden, Nicola, 3317 Pagliarin, Roberto, 2527 Rankin, David W. H., 967, 1195 Sakiyama, Hiroshi, 497 Mountford, Philip, 471, 1397, Pal, Samudranil, 3217 Rao, Pillutla Sambasiva, 3185 Saladini, Monica, 2955, 2961 1407, 1699, 1705 Palaniandavar, Malleyan, 2083 Rashidi, Mehdi, 2835 Salgado, Jesus, 3393 Mrozinski, Jerzy, 1385, 1773 Pallavicini, Piersandro, 2925, Raston, Colin L., 2859 Samasundaram, Indira, 2083 Mtetwa, Victor S. B., 1397 3263 Raubenheimer, Helgard G., 2795 Sampson, Clifford N., 2761 Mukherjee, Alok K., 501 Pampaloni, Guido, 693 Ravikant, Mangalampalli, 2103 Sanchez, Gregorio, 3311 Mukherjee, Monika, 501 Paolesse, Roberto, 461 Rawson, Jeremy M., 1099 Sanders, J. Roger, 61, 325 Mukherjee, Rabindranath, 2911, Paoletti, Anna Maria, 1317 Read, Gordon, 1087 Sano, Mitsuo, 417 2917, 3259 Paoletti, Piero, 1171, 3077 Rebizant, Jean, 2477 Sansoni, Mirella, 2357 Miiller, Ernst P., 2459 Papaioannou, Aristotelis, 195 Reddy, Damodar, 2097, 2103 Santana, Maria D., 3311 Mulvey, Robert E., 765 Parisini, Emilio, 215 Reddy, Nareddi S., 2097 Sapre, Niteen Y., 2539 Munakata, Megumu, 1717, 2869 Park, Hyung-Ho, 1647 Redhouse, Alan D., 2769 Sargeson, Alan M., 621 Nadjo, Louis, 1991 Park, Jeong-Chul, 1647 Reed, Christopher A., 1887 Sarkar, Samir, 1457 Nag, Kamalaksha, 2669 Pasternack, Robert F., 1831 Reedijk, Jan, 1043, 1337, 3271 Saucedo, M. José, 1609 Nagle, Katherine R., 3171 Patalinghug, Wyona C., 2859 Refosco, Fiorenzo, 3043 Sauvage, Jean-Pierre, 3157 Nakahara, Hideaki, 1337 Patel, Ayyub, 1029 Reid, Gillian, 615 Sayer, Ian, 2907 Nakajima, Tsuyoshi, 3121 Patil, Kashinath C., 1251 Reina, Roser, 347 Scanlan, Shivaun P., 591 Nakamura, Akira, 249, 2723 Pattrick, Gary, 1295 Renold, Peter, 277 Scarcia, Vito, 195 Nakamura, Yukio, 417 Paul, Parimal, 2669, 3405 Reverberi, Lucia, 2113 Schmid, Raimund, 1999 Nakata, Taisaku, 3285 Pelizzi, Corrado, 1063, 1951, Rey, Paul, 3359 Schmidbaur, Hubert, 783 Nardelli, Mario, 203, 2845 2113 Reyes, Josefa, 2811 Scholz, Fritz, 411 Nardin, Giorgio, 403 Pelizzi, Giancarlo, 693, 1063, Reynolds, Colin D., 3291 Schrobilgea, Gary J., 2831 Naruke, Haruo, 285 2113, 2845, 3009 Rheingold, Arnold L., 2175 Schréder, Martin, 529, 615 Natile, Giovanni, 1007, 1867 Pellinghelli, Maria Angela, 371, Ricard, Louis, 597 Schubert, Ulrich, 1507 Nation, Jayne E., 2485 2019 Rice, Richard E., 949 Schulz, Michael, 777 Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.., Pelosi, Giorgio, 3153 Richards, Raymond L., 1281, Schwalbe, C. H., 2121 343 Pefia, Octavio, 365, 2707 1627, 1813, 2519 Scozzafava, Andrea, 1651 Ndifon, Peter T., 1973 Peng, Jinghai, 2897 Richardson, John F., 1615 Searle, Graeme H., 45 Nelson, Jane, 1973 Peng, Shie-Ming, 2161 Richardson, jun., Karen E., 2967 Sécheresse, Francis, 2875 Nelson, Peter G., 1159 Pennesi, Gianna, 1309 Richens, David T., 1029 Seco, Miquel, 347 Nelson, S. Martin, 1973 Pennesi, Giovanna, 1317 Richert, Jean-Luc, 1383 Seddon, Kenneth R., 489 Nestor, Karl, 2657 Perera, Sarath D., 1183 Richmond, William R., 2153 See, Ronald F., 2801 Nethaji, M., 1251 Pérez-Jiménez, Consuelo, 1969 Rickard, Clifton E. F., 609 Seeber, Renato, 1237 7 J. CHEM. SOC. DALTON TRANS. AUTHOR INDEX 1991 Seghi, Barbara, 33 Suh, Myunghyun Paik, 1165 Turner, James J., 833 White, Allan H., 979, 1981, 2153, Segre, Annalaura, 3017 Sullivan, Alice C., 355 TuSek-Bozi¢, Ljerka, 195 2485, 2625, 2859 Sellmann, Dieter, 1733 Sun, Yunfu, 2311 Ueng, Chuen-Her, 1643 Whittaker, Caroline, 1875 Sergent, Marcel, 2707 Sundermeyer, Jorg, 2761 Ueno, Satoru, 2723 Whyman, Robin, 677 Serrano, Ricardo, 1575 Suzuki, Toshio, 439 Ueyama, Norikazu, 249, 2723 Wieghardt, Karl, 1487, 3165 Service, Miranda, 1201, 1209 Swain, Anthony C., 789 Ugo, Renato, 65 Wilkinson, Geoffrey, 269, 1855, Sessoli, Roberta, 2133, 2331 Sykes, A. Geoffrey, 955 Ugozzoli, Franco, 2807, 3263 2051, 2785, 2791, 2821 Shah, Bhavini, 2493 Symons, Martyn C. R., 393, Uguagliati, Paolo, 71 Willey, Gerald R., 961 Sharma, Preen Dutt, 89 1285 Uppal, Daljit K., 2493 Williams, Geoffrey A., 1631, 2441 Shaw, Bernard L., 1025, 1183, Sze, Kong Hung, 2371 Urbanos, Francisco A., 1609 Williams, Mark G., 627, 1665, 1519, 3303 Tadokoro, Makoto, 1657 Urtiaga, Karmele, 1779 2989 Shaw, Janet, 1087 Taglietti, Angelo, 3263 Uruska, Irmina, 1747 Williams, Nicholas A. L., 669 Shawcross, David R., 3291 Takacs, Janos, 797 Uson, Rafael, 1361, 2253 Williams, Robert J. P., 539 Shaykh, Bilal A. M., 2175 Takahashi, Shigetoshi, 1531 Vacca, Alberto, 1129 Wimmer, Franz L., 1155 Sheldrick, George M., 663 Takashima, Yoshimasa, 1227 Valerga, Pedro, 3149 Wimmer, Smita, 1155 Sheng, Quan, 407 Takaya, Hidemasa, 2851 Valigura, Dusan, 1385 Winter, David, 399 Sheu, Shiann-Cherng, 1569 Takeda, Yasuyuki, 1291 van Beek, Johannus A. M., 883 Winter, Mark J., 749, 1117, 1427, Sigel, Helmut, 1367 Takeuchi, Kenneth J., 2801 van Bekkum, Herman, 2649 2217 Sik, Vladimir, 1087 Tamburini, Sergio, 263, 2145 van Brecht, Bernardus J. A. M., Witt, Michael, 663 Silver, Jack, 467 Tamura, Nobuchika, 1135 2585 Wong, Kwok-Yin, 1909, 3277 Simmonds, Mark O., 1595 Tanaka, Shigeki, 1265 van der Helm, Dick, 231 Wong, Wing-Tak, 1915 Simon, Arndt, 829, 2483, 2607 Tandon, Santokh S., 221 van der Sluis, Paul, 883 Woodward, Simon, 749, 1117, Simpson, Jim, 3031 Tang, Wai-Tong, 1909, 3277 van Haveren, Jacco, 2649 1427, 2217 Simpson, Timothy R. E., 765 Taqui Khan, Mirza Mohammed, van Koten, Gerard, 883 Woolf, Alfred A., 3325 Singh, S. Nabakishwar, 1541 3405 van Rooyen, Petrus H., 1563, Woollam, Stephen F., 2761 Sironi, Angelo, 739 Tarafder, M. Tozaffal H., 823 2693 Woollins, J. Derek, 1343, 1347 Sisti, Massimo, 2527 Tarasconi, Pieralberto, 1063, van Willigen, Hans, 2097 Worl, Laura A., 849 Sitran, Sergio, 2145 1951, 2113 Vanquickenborne, Luc G., 2363 Worth, Gillian H., 315, 1595, Skelton, Brian W., 1981, Tasker, Peter A., 627, 1665, 2493, Varnagy, Katalin, 277 1851 2859 2989 Venkatasubramanian, Krishnan, Woulfe, Kevan W., 3097 Sletten, Jorunn, 2533 Tatsumi, Kazuyuki, 2723 2669, 3405 Wrackmeyer, Bernd, 2607 Small, R. W. H., 2013 Tattershall, Bruce W., 483, 2643 Vessey, Jonathan D., 3303 Wright, Anthony H., 609 Smeets, Wilberth J. J., 883 Taube, Henry, 547 Vicente, José, 2579 Wright, Dominic S., 765 Smith, Anthony K., 351 Taylor, Ben J., 81 Vigato, Pietro Alessandro, 2145 Wu, Daxu, 2897 Smith, Arnold J., 2979 Taylor, Paul, 3317 Vilaplana, Rosario A., 1831 Wurst, Klaus, 2419 Smith, Gallienus W., 2045 Teixidor, Francesc, 1969 Villa, Maria A., 533 Wyatt, Jane L., 393 Smith, Graham, 361, 2735 Tejel, Cristina, 2807 Villeneuve, Gerard, 1779 Wynd, Andrew J., 3317 Snaith, Ronald, 765 Tekut, Thomas F., 1051 Vittal, Jagadese J., 2835 Xu, Ruren, 1537 Sobota, Piotr, 2429 Thomas, Diane M., 3451 Vlaic, Gilberto, 403 Xue, Gi, 407 Sola, Marco, 2961 Thomas, John M., 555 Vos, Johannes G., 1043, 3271 Yam, Vivian Wing-Wah, 1071, Solan, Gregory A., 3103 Thomas, Sunday A., 2883 Vrban, Gordana, 1847 1915 Solans, Xavier, 347, 2503, 2511 Thomson, Andrew J., 1887 Wade, Peter W., 293 Yamabe, Tokio, 2703 Solari, Euro, 2471, 3139 Thornton-Pett, Mark, 537, 841, Walker, Neil M., 173 Yamakawa, Masashi, 2851 Solinas, Costantino, 2109, 2113 1183, 1519, 2657, 3223 Wallbridge, Malcolm G. H., Yamamoto, Akio, 759 Sosa-Rivadeneyra, Javier, 3243 Tian, Zhigang, 19 873 Yamamoto, Yasuhiro, 1531 Sosa-Torres, Martha E., 3243 Tierce, Kelli D., 241 Wallwork, Stephen C., 3435 Yamanari, Kazuaki, 2903 Soto, Lucia, 1057 Tiripicchio, Antonio, 255, 371, Wan, Kam-To, 1077 Yamase, Toshihiro, 285, 3055 Soto, Tuero Lucia, 2619 1007, 1507, 2019, 2807 Wang, Renyi, 3271 Yamashita, Kazuo, 3401 Spalding, Trevor R., 3223 Tiripicchio-Camellini, Marisa, Wang, Ru-Ji, 1379, 1909 Yamashita, Masahiro, 725, 2921, Spek, Anthony L., 883 255 Wang, Yu, 1569 3447 Spence, Rupert E. v. H., 1615 Tisato, Francesco, 1301 Ward, Donald L., 3413 Yamauchi, Kazuyo, 2921 Spencer, John L., 863, 2769 Tischtau, Robert, 829 Ward, Michael D., 1675 Yamazaki, Hiroshi, 1531 Sperrle, Martin, 693 Tite, E. Louise, 1691 Waters, Joyce M., 1243, 1737, Yamazaki-Nishida, Suzuko, 3401 Spicer, Mark D., 3133 Tobe, Martin L., 307, 3049 2125 Yang, Guangdi, 1537 Spirlet, Marie-Rose, 2477 Tocher, Derek A., 1675, 2335, Waterworth, Simon D., 643 Yang, Shehng-Rur, 2435 Spodine, Evgenia, 365, 2707 2601 Watkin, David J., 2569 Yasuoka, Noritake, 2723 Stalke, Dietmar, 663 Toerien, James G., 1563, 2693 Watkin, John G., 1705 Yates, Paul C., 1973 Stephenson, David, 591 Tomas, Milagros, 2253 Watson, Michael J., 859, 2569 Yellowlees, Lesley J., 3317 Stephenson, Neil A., 733 Tomaselli, Michele, 307 Watson, Robert F., 1649 Yip, Hon-Kay, 1639 Steudel, Ralf, 2395 Tommasini, Silvana, 1581 Webb, Kevin J., 2317, 2325 Yoshida, Noboru, 453 Stevenato, Nicoletta, 3049 Topaloglu, Isil, 1355, 1621 Webster, Michael, 1017, 2027, Young, Nigel A., 3133 Stille, John K., 2545 Toriumi, Koshiro, 1227 2039, 2777 Zacharias, Panthappally S., 111, Stockheim, Claudia, 1487 Torrens, Hugo, 1281 Webster, Peter M., 669 2553 Stone, F. Gordon A., 93, 511, Toscano, R. A., 3243 Weerasuria, K. D. Vinindra, Zanello, Piero, 739, 3161 519, 537, 811, 1355, 1621 Toupet, Loic, 365 2677 Zangrando, Ennio, 403 Stoppioni, Piero, 331 Tourné, Claude M., 143 Wehman-Qoyevaar, Ingrid C. M., Zaworotko, Michael J., 1495 Strahle, Joachim, 2419 Tourné, Gilbert F., 143 883 Zeelie, Ben, 2585 Stratford, Susan E., 669 Townson, Paul J., 3127 Wei, Guowei, 3145 Zelano, Vincenzo, 2711 Streib, William E., 929 Tresoldi, Giuseppe, 425 Weiss, Johannes, 1487, 3165 Zerbinati, Orfeo, 2711 Stroud, Philip M., 1017, 1351, Trocha-Grimshaw, Jadwiga, Weissensteiner, Walter, 3337, Zhang, Jian H., 1051 2027 1973 3349 Zhong, Zhuang J., 497 Subramanian, Sankaran, 1821, Tsapara, Anna, 3413 Welch, Alan J., 3317 Ziller, Joseph W., 1449 3185 Tsuchida, Eishun, 3281, 3285 Weller, Mark T., 3137 Zonnevijlle, Frans, 143 Sueur, Stéphane, 1443 Tsujikawa, Ikuji, 169, 3115 Weng, Linghong, 2897 Zoroddu, Maria Antonietta, Sugawara, Takashi, 249, 2723 Tuchagues, Jean-Pierre, 2619 Went, Michael J., 137 2109 Sugihara, Hideki, 3157 Tuck, Dennis G., 11, 19 Werner, Helmut, 777 Zubieta, Jon, 385 Suh, Junghun, 1 165 Tudela, David, 999, 1003 Whitcombe, Todd W., 1821 Zuckerman, Jerold J., 999 J. CHEM. SOC. DALTON TRANS. SUBJECT INDEX 1991 SUBJECT INDEX ACETALDEHYDE ALKENOL Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of the dimolybdenum Generation of simple enols in non-aqueous solution by fast double- —— complex [Mo,(n-MeCHO)(CO),(n-C5H;).], bond migration of allylic alcohols with rhodium(1) and iridium(1) 2217- complexes, 443-8 ACETAMIDATE ALKOXIDE Synthesis, characterisation and crystal structure of a dirhodium(t!) New compounds in the chemistry of Group 4 transition-metal compound with two bridging trifluoroacetamidate ligands, alkoxides. Part 4. Synthesis and molecular structures of two 2601-6 polymorphs of (TO s6(OEt) 2] and refinement of the structure ACETONITRILE of [Ti,0,(OEt),9], 1999 Preferential solvation of silver(1), copper(1) and copper(i!) ions in Reaction of aluminium alkoxides with various glycols and the aqueous acetonitrile, 2265-8 layer structure of their products, 3331-6 Reactivity of sulphury! chloride in acetonitrile with the elements, ALKOXYALKYL 3325-30 Formation of the alkoxyalkyl complexes ACETYLACETONATE [M CHMe(OMe)}(CO),(n-C; H,R)] (M = Mo,R = H;M = Thiosulphate-catalysed reduction of tris(acetylacetonato)- W,R = Hor Me) and their transformations by loss of MeOH manganese(il1) and its hydrolytic derivatives in aqueous into n 3_propenoyl or vinyl complexes. Crystal structures of perchlorate media, 987-92 [Mo{CHMe(PPh,)}(CO),(PPh3)(n-C;H,)]BF,, [Mo(n?°- ACETYLENE CH,CHC=0)(CO)(PPh,)(n-C, Ay) and [W(o-CH=CH,)- Preparation of a bis(cyclopentadienyl)acetylene-framed P (CO).(PPhsKn-Cs H,Me)], 1117-2 heterobimetallic complex and its reaction with dicobalt LK octacarbonyl, 1881-6 Pinaiie and properties of ethylpalladium thiolate complexes. ACRYLIC ACID Reaction with organic halides leading to C-S bond formation; Hydrogenation of acrylic acids catalysed by complexes of crystal structure of trans-[PdEt(Br)(PMe;),], 759-64 rhodium(!) containing mixed anhydrides of acrylic and Transition metal complexes with sulphur ligands. Part 67. A diphenylphosphinous acids, 1929-36 novel type of reaction: nucleophilic alkylation of thiolato Reactions of [RuCl,(PPh,),] with mixed anhydrides of ligands by carbanions via intramolecular electron transfer. diphenylphosphinous and acrylic acids; structure of a and reduction of [W(S,C,H,),] by lithium alkyls, [RuCl (Ph, PO),H}(PPh,)(O,CCH,CH,PPh,)]-C,H,O, 1 2413-18 Cobalt(i) alkyl complexes of 1,2-bis(2-pyridinecarboxamido)- ACTINIDE benzene (H,,bpb) and 4,5-dichloro-1,2-bis(2-pyridinecarbox- Actinide complexes of the calixarenes. Part 1. Syntheses and crystal amido)benzene (H,bpc) and X-ray crystal structures of structures of bis(homo-oxa)-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene and its Se er inn ca tt and [Co(bpb)Et(H,O)], uranyl ion complex, 979-86 YL ALKYLATION Reaction of [WMe(CQefn-C;H;)] with LiBHEt,. Formation and Transition metal complexes with sulphur ligands. Part 67. A reactions of the anionic formyl trans- opiate a og novel type of reaction: nucleophilic alkylation of thiolato C,H,)]~ and the anionic hydrido acyl trans-[WH(COMe)- ligands by carbanions via intramolecular electron transfer. (CO}(n-- C,H,)], 1427-32 Alkylation and reduction of [W(S,C,H,),] by lithium alkyls, ALA 1733-6 X-o y ie potentiometric studies on a pentanuclear copper(I) Formation of enol and acyl phosphine ligands via alkylation of a complex with B-alaninehydroxamic acid, 163-8 tungsten phosphaallyl complex: crystal structures of ALDEHYDE yey” (PH,)[ PMeC(O)CH,(C,H,Me-4)]-1,2}(CO)(n- Mesogenic properties of copper(11) complexes formed from «- H,)]-0.5C,H,O and [WI{C,H,(PH,)[P (CH adal }C(O)- substituted B-dialdehydes and B-diketones, 1159-60 CHC Med). 1,2}(CO)(n-C;H;)], 2677- ALKALI METAL ALKYLIDYNE Alkali-metal complexes with neutral molecular receptors containing Chemistry of polynuclear metal complexes with bridging carbene nitrogen donor atoms: a crystallographic and multinuclear or carbyne ligands. Part 108. Synthesis and reactions of the magnetic resonance study, 331-— alkylidynetungsten complexes [W(=CR)(CO),{(F3B)C(pz)3}] Molecular design of crown ethers. Part 8. Substitution and lariat (R = Me or C,H,Me-4, pz = pyrazol-1-yl) and their use effect upon cation complexation with 1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxa- as reagents for preparing di- and tri-metal compounds, cyclohexadecane (16-crown-5) derivatives in solvent extraction 93-100 and in homogeneous solution, 1291-4 Chemistry of polynuclear metal complexes with bridging carbene Transition metal-hydrogen—alkali metal bonds: synthesis and or carbyne ligands. Part 109. Reactions of tungsten—molybdenum crystal structures of [K(18-crown-6)][W(PMe,),H,], [Na(15- dimetal compounds bearing carbaborane ligands with alkynes; crown-5)][W(PMe;)3,H,] and [{W(PMe,),H,Li},] and related crystal structure of ess eae n>-CH(C,H,Me-4)- studies, 2185-206 C,B,H,Me,}(n-C3H,)], 511-18 Cubane structure of sodium derivatives of tetradertate Schiff bases, Chemistry of polynuclear metal complexes with bridging carbene 471-6 or carbyne ligands. Part 110. Synthesis of compounds with Synthesis and co-ordination chemistry of new Schiff-base bis(crown tungsten-copper or —gold bonds; crystal structure of ether) ligands containing recognition sites for alkali- and [NEt, ][W,Cu(u-CC=CBu'),(CO),(n°-C,B,H,Me,),}- Et,0, transition-metal guest cations. Crystal structure of a copper(1)- 519-28 potassium complex, 3235-42 Chemistry of polynuclear metal complexes with bridging carbene ALKANOL or carbyne ligands. Part 101. Synthesis of the compounds Niobium-93 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the solvolysis of [WPt(u-CC,H,Me-4)(p-o: n*-C,B,H,_,Me,)(CO),(PMe,Ph),] NbCl, by alcohols, 3073-6 (x = 5,n = 9;x = 6,n = 10); crystal :s tructures of an isomer of ALKENE each complex (1990, 2617), 537-8 Phenylation of cationic allyl palladium(11) complexes by Mechanistic studies of the reductive coupling of isocyanides in tetraphenylborate. Synthesis of «-diimine olefin palladium(0) seven-co-ordinate molybdenum complexes; X-ray crystal complexes and mechanistic aspects, 71-80 structures of [Mo(CNBu' ),] and [Mo{=CN(Bu' )(SiMe,Bu' )}- Platinum-catalysed isomerisations of 1,2-disilylhex-1-enes, 439-42 (CNBu'), ][O,SCF;] ,6 99-706 Nitrosyl-nitro redox couples with metal phthalocyanines: synthesis Chemistry of polynuclear metal complexes with bridging carbene and characterization of nitro derivatives of cobalt and iron or carbyne ligands. Part 111. Protonation of the salts phthalocyanine, dioxygen activation, oxygen-atom transfer and [NEt, ][M(@CR)(CO),(n*-C,B,H,Me,)] (M = Mo or W;R = stoichiometric and catalytic oxidation of terminal olefins, Me or C,5H,Me-4; x = 5,n = 9; x = 6,n = 10) in the presence 1317-22 of the alkylidynemetal compounds [MECR\CO) (n-C .H)]; Polymerisation of ethylene and propene using new chiral zirconium crystal structures of [W(u-CMe)(CO),{n°-C derivatives. Crystal structure of [ZrL'Cl,][H,L' =(4S,5S)- (CH 2C,H,Me-4)Me,}(n-C;H;)], [W.(u-CC.H, °Me-4)\(CO);- trans-4,5-bis(1H-inden-1-ylmethyl)-2,2- -dimethy!- i,3-dioxolane], (n>-C 2BoHy Me,)(n-C;H si and Sorte te Me-4)(CO),- 2207-16 (PMe;)(n° -C,B,oHoMe,\(n° -C,H,)], 811-22 Kinetics of C-H bond and alkene oxidation by trans-dioxo- Chemistry of polynuclear metal complexes with bridging carbene ruthenium(v1) porphyrins, 2933-40 or carbyne ligands. Part 112. Synthesis of rhenium—rhodium 10 J. CHEM. SOC. DALTON TRANS. SUBJECT INDEX 1991 ALKYLIDYNE (contd) crystal structure of trans-[Mn(CG)(CNCH,CMe=CH,)- complexes; crystal structure of [ReRh{p-0,n°-C,B,H,- (dppm), ][PF,]-thf(dppm= Ph,PCH,PPh,, thf= (CH,C,H,Me-4)Me,}(CO),(n-C;H,Me)], 1621-6 tetrahydrofuran), 1851-4 Synthesis of triruthenium—rhodium tetranuclear clusters derived Nuclear magnetic resonance and crystallographic studies of chiral from [Ru,H;(CO),(u3-COMe)]. Crystal structure of 1°-allyl palladium(1) complexes and asymmetric allylic alkylation [N(PPh,),][Ru,;RhH,(CO), ,(PPh3)]-0.6C,H, , 2027-38 ofp ropen-2-yl acetates, 2073-82 Reactions of co-ordinated ligands. Part 52. Formation and Synthesis and reactions of complexes of 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)- reactivity of molybdenum vinylidene anions; crystal structures of 2-methylallyl with molybdenum or tungsten tetracarbonyls, [Mol(n ~CH,-CHCH=CHCH, Bay POM AtteC 5H,)] and 3303-10 ALUM [Mo(n?-CBu'CHCHCMe,CO){ P(OMe)3},(n-CsHs)], Relationship between the electronic and molecular structure of 3021-30 tervalent aqua ions: low-temperature neutron diffraction structure ALKYNE of CsCr(SO,).°12H,O, 1721-6 Preparation and carbonyl-substitution reactions of hexacarbonyl- ALUMINIUM dicobalt-complexed 1,3-dioxa-2-silacyclohept-S-ynes and 1,3,8,10- Electronic structure and photoelectron spectroscopy of tetraoxa-2 .9-disilacyclotetradeca- 5,12-diynes. X-Ray crystal Al(Me,CNCHCHNCMe;), and Ga(Me;CNCHCHNCMe;),, structure of [(Ph, PXOC).Cos{u(C, CH,OSiPh,OCH,),}- 181-4 Co,(CO),(PPh;)], 137 Acylation and esterification of the aryloxide ligand in Chloride-supported “Rohn alkyne complexes. Synthesis, electronic [AlMe(dbmp),] .C rystal structures of [AlMe(dbmp)(bhmap)], and molecular structures of [W,Cl,(u-Cl).(u-C,R.)(thf),] (R = Hbhmap and O=C(dbmp)Bu' (Hdbmp = 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4- H or Me) and [WC1,(n-C,Me,)(thf)] (thf = tetrahydrofuran), methylphenol, Hbhmap = 3-tert-butyl-2-hydroxy-5- 471-82 methylacetophenone), 241-8 Chemistry of polynuclear metal complexes with bridging carbene Bis(trimethylsily!)phosphido complexes. Part 3. Syntheses, or carbyne ligands. Part 109. Reactions of tungsten-molybdenum dimetal compounds bearing carbaborane ligands with alkynes; structures and reactions of [bis(trimethylsilyl)phosphido }- zirconocene(Iv) complexes and the X-ray structure of crystal structure of ere Mean’ -CH(C,H,Me-4)- {AlMe,[p-P(SiMe;)2]}2, 939-48 C,B,HgMe,}(n-C3H,)], 511-18 Synthesis and characterisation of the benzene — ee Lint- Aluminium complexes of N,N’-ethylenebis(salicylideneimine)- C,H o)Ru(R 1C,R?)Os,(CO),] (R’ = R? = Me, Et or P (H, salen). X-Ray crystal structures of [ ee 2(u-O)j-MeCN Me, R? = H, Et or Ph); X-ray am structure of Lim? TCH). and [Al(OC,H,Me;-2,4,6)(salen)], 1449- Ru(MeC,Me)Os,(CO),], 707-12 Synthesis and structure of mixed Tickle “sndeusbibinateialain Vinylidene transition-metal complexes. Part 13. The reactivity of salts, 1495-8 ({IrH,(PPr',),] and [IrH,Cl(PPr',),] toward alk-1-ynes: Reaction of aluminium alkoxides with various glycols and the synthesis of four-, five- and six-co-ordinate iridium complexes layer structure of their products, 3331-6 containing alkynyl, vinyl and vinylidene ligands, 777-82 AMIDE Hexakis(tert-butyldimethylsiloxy)ditungsten and its reaction with Transformation of a methyleneamide ligand at molybdenum: ethyne. Hydrogen atom transfer reactions involving bridging electrochemical oxidation to a cyanide, reactions with elemental ethynyl, ethyne, vinyl and ethylidyne ligands. Crystal structures oxygen, sulphur or selenium and X-ray crystal structures of trans-[Mo(CN)CI(dp]p-Mee)O,H and trans- aofn d[ W[,W(,O(SOiSBiuB'uM'eM,e),<)].,( pS-e ~lC CH)o]g, ?9 M e s)e(u-C ,H,)(CsHsN)] [Mo(NCS)Cl(dppe), }; electroreduction of the cyanide to an Syntheses and reactions ofn ?-vinyl complesso f molybdenum and aminocarbyne, trans-[Mo(CNH,)Cl(dppe),] (dppe = tungsten [M(SC,F){nn ’-C(CF3)C(CF Ry Ph,PCH,CH,PPh,), 121-30 Metal complexes containing ‘inorganic (carbon-free) chelate rings.’ (CF ,C=CCF ,)(cp)] and [Mo{n, ice NCIC 3(SPr')}- Reactivity of the [Re=O]°* core towards Syn(tChFe si,sC =oCfC pF- c;a)r(bcepn)]e (ancdp =pn- -cCasrHbsy)n,e c11h7 ol of rhodium and PRO NAXPEn) CPPR.) derivatives. Crystal structures of cobalt from substituted diazirines. Crystal structures of [Rh,(n>- [ReOCl,B NGSPER (PPh,)] (X = OorS) and C,Mes)2(CO),{p-C(C,H, oe and [Rh,(n°-C,Me,)2(u- tReOrO t){N(SPPh,).}.], 263-8 CO)(p-C,H,Me-4)][BPh,], 1 26 Synthesis and reactions with electrophiles and nucleophiles of the Synthesis of asymmetric ter Ae dipalladium complexes ruthenium(1) complex [Ru,(u-C,,)H,N,)(CO),]. Crystal structure from the paramagnetic cation [Pd,(u-PhC,Ph)(n-C,Ph,),]*; of [Ru,(u-C,oHaN2\(CO).{P(OPh)3}2] (CioHi0N2 = 1,8- crystal structures of [Pd,(bipy)(u-PhC,Ph)(n-C,Ph.)- diaminonaphthalene), 371- ][Pd,(NCMe)bipy)(u-PhC,Ph)(n-C,Ph,)][PF,].-OEt, and Organoimidotantalum(v) complexes containing halide, [Pd,(bipy){P(OPh), }(u-PhC,Ph)(Phn.-) C, ][PF.], 2967-78 dialkylamide, monoalkylamide, alkoxide, aryloxide, Reactions of P,Ph, with alkyne-bridged dicobalt carbonyl trialkylphosphine and tetrahydrofuran ligands. Crystal structures complexes; crystal structures of [Co,{p-C,(CO,Me),}(p- of [{Ta(u-Cl)Cl(NSiMe3)[N(SiMe;),]},] and [{Ta(u-OMe)- P,Ph,)(CO),], [Co,{u-PPh, CHCPhC(O) (u-PPh, CO),4] (OMe)(NSiMe;)[N(SiMe;),]}2], 841-8 Crystal structure and electronic properties of tetrakis[1,-bis(2- po10t3 -[ Co,{u-PPh,C(O)CHCH}(u-PPh,\(CO),(PPh;)], See ee (1/0.23/0.5), ALKYNYL 3-8 Vinylidene transition-metal complexes. Part 13. The reactivity of Binuclear complexes of ruthenium with diphosphines and bridging [IrH,(PPr',),] and [IrH,Cl(PPr',),] toward alk-1-ynes: benzene-1,2-diamide. X-Ray crystal structure of [Ru,{p-1,2- synthesis of four-, five- and six-co-ordinate iridium complexes (NH) 2Co Ha}{H-(Ph2P)2CH2}(CO)2(PPhs)2}-CoHs containing alkynyl, vinyl and vinylidene ligands, 777-82 Preparation of tetranuclear heterometallic clusters by condensation Comien complexes of hydrolysis products of the anticancer of tungsten acetylides [W(CO),(C=CR)(n-C,H,)] with acetylide bis(3,5-dioxopiperazin-1-yl)alkanes. Displacement of co- clusters [WRu,(CO),(C=CR)L] (L = n-C5H, or n-C,Me,, R = ordinated carboxylate ligands by deprotonated amide groups in Ph or C,H, F-p). Crystal structures of [W,Ru,(CO),- basic solution, 2301-4 Synthesis and reactivity of manganese(11) dialkylamido complexes. CC(C,H,F-p)CC(C,H,F-p)}(n-CsH;).] and [W,Ru,(CO),- age H,)(n-C,Me,)], 2161-8 Crystal and molecular structure of [Mn,(p-NEt,),(u-Cl),- ALLENYLIDEN Nepch Dal2)a}l- C7H,. (thf= tetrahydrofuran) and [Mn,(p-NPr',),- Reactions of 0 SE ligands. Part 33. Synthesis of Pr',),], 2419-28 dimolybdenum and ditungsten p1-o,n?-(4e)-vinylidene and Complex formation between squarate (C,O,?~) and Cu"L [L = -allenylidene complexes; crystal structures of IN@Ph~ All 2,2’-bipyridyl, 2,2’: 6’,2”-terpyridyl or bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)- amide anion (bpca)] in dimethyl sulphoxide solution. Crystal {p-o:19?-(3e)-C, Ph}(CO),(n°-CH,)2], [Mo\u ) C=C(Ph)(CH,),PMe}(CO),(n-C,H;),] and [ Race: 17-(4e)- structure of [Cu,(bpca),(H,O),(C,O,)], 2533-8 C=C=CMe,}(CO),(n-C5H;).], 3171-84 Synthesis and structure of copper(i), silver(1) and zinc(11) amides ALLYL [Cu,(mpsa),] ,[ CugX,(mpsa),] (X = Cl or Br), [Ag,(mpsa),] Phenylation of cationic allyl palladium(11) complexes by _ gLZ nEt) (mpsa)2] [mpsa = 2-N(SiMe,)C,H,N-6-Me], tetraphenylborate. Synthesis of «-diimine olefin palladium(0) complexes and mechanistic aspects, 71-80 AMIDINE Thermal and methyllithium-assisted cyclometallation reactions of Orthometallated amidine complexes of palladium, platinum and 1?-allyl(methyl)(tertiary phosphine or phosphite)platinum(1) nickel(11). Crystal structure of [Pd{p-CH3,;C,H,NC(CH;)NH- sanaees, 417-24 CoH CH: (n5-C,H,)], 3435-46 Reactions of co-ordinated ligands. Part 50. The synthesis of AMIN functionalised y ®-allyl complexes of molybdenum and their Coabieiianeed analyses of the isomers of the systems conversion into n*-s-trans-1,3-dienes, 895-904 [Co(men),(en)3.,]°* (men = N-methylethane-1,2-diamine, en = Bis(allyl) ruthenium(iv) complexes. Part 1. Synthesis of complexes ethane-1,2-diamine; n = 1-—3 ). 45-52 containing four-membered ruthenium heterocycles. Crystal Metal complexes containing *i norganic (carbon-free) chelate rings.’ structure of [Ru(n?:n?-C,9H,.(SNC;H,S-2)CI], 1563-8 Reactivity of the [Re=O]°* core towards Allylic alkylation of os-neleanll cyanide; the synthesis and X-ray bis(diphenylphosphino)amine derivatives. Crystal structures of

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