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Journal of Testing and Evaluation Author Index to Volume 19 1991 Burgess, G.: see Singh, S. P., Crofts, B., and Foo, K. Y.: see Brown, E. R. and Foo, K. Y. Burgess, G. Fwa, T.-F.: Month of Issue Pages Burnell, G.: Review of Inherently Conducting see Low, B.-H., Tan, S.-A., and Fwa, Polymers (Aldissi), Nov., 499 T.-F. January 1-92 see Tan, S.-A. and Fwa, T.-F. March 93-180 May 181-262 Cc July 263-348 September 349-420 Chiang, Y. J.: see Lee, Y.-L. and Chiang, G November 421-514 v3. Gabb, T. P.: Review of High Temperature Chouthai, S. S.: see Kain, V., Chouthai, S. Fatigue: Properties and Prediction (Skel- S., and Gadiyar, H. S. ton), July, 345 Chuang, S. Y.: see Powers, B. L. and Chuang, A Gadiyar, H. S.: see Kain, V., Chouthai, S. S¥- S., and Gadiyar, H. S. Al-Qadi, I. L. and Rivera-Ortiz, L. A.: Lab- Chusid, M.: Review of Time-Saver Standards Gerofi, J. P. and Shelley, G. A.: Condom oratory testing of river gravel used in ar- for Building Types: 3rd Edition (De Chiara inflation testing: strain distribution during rester beds, July, 280 and Callender), July, 347 test, May, 244 Albrecht, P. Constantine, A. G.: see Sare, I. R. and Con- Gong, Z. L. and Hsu, T. R.: Deformation of and Lee, H.: Evaluating of rating numbers stantine, A. G. aluminum alloy under cyclic creep load- for atmospheric corrosion resistance of Conway, J. C., Jr.: ings, Jan., 14 weathering steel, Nov., 429 see Jadaan, O. M., Shelleman, D. L., Con- Goodwin, F. E. and Nguyen-Duy, P.: New see Hu, J. M. and Albrecht, P. way,J . C., Jr., Mecholsky,J . J., Jr., and method for burst testing of low strength Anderson, T. L. and Dodds, R. H., Jr.: Spec- Tressler, R. E. materials, Jan., 41 imen size requirements for fracture tough- see Shelleman, D. L., Jadaan, O. M., Con- Gradin, P. A., Gustafson, C. G., and Hojo, ness testing in the transition region, March, way, J. C., Jr., and Mecholsky, J. J., Jr. M.: Influence of friction on the compliance 123 Crofts, B.: see Singh, S. P., Crofts, B., and and crack work rate of an end notched flex- Atkinson, M.: Analysis of the size effect in Burgess, G. ure specimen, March, 149 low-load hardness testing of metals, Sept., Crosley, P. B. and Ripling, E. J.: Thick ad- Gustafson, C. G.: see Gradin, P. A., Gus- 368 herend, instrumented double-cantilever- tafson, C. G., and Hojo, M. beam specimen for measuring debonding of adhesive joints, Jan., 24 B Bailey, J. L.: see Bohringer, D. E., Kupper- man, D. S., Bailey, J. L., and Knox, A. E. D H Ballinger, R. G.,: see Tobler, R. L., Reed, Deppa, S. W.: Procedure to evaluate open- Hall, M.: see Wolfe, R. W., Hall, M. and R. P., Hwang, I. S., Morra, M. M., Bal- ings in children’s products for head en- Lyles, D. linger, R. G., Nakajima, H., and Shima- trapment hazards, July, 263 Harig, H.: see Kaleta, J., Blotny, R., and moto, S. Dodds, R. H., Jr.: see Anderson, T. L. and Harig, H. Bamford, R.: see Hsieh, C., Hendrickson, Dodds, R. H., Jr. Hartwig, K. T.: see McDonald, L. C. and J., and Bamford, R. Doebelin, E. O.: Review of Theory and Prac- Hartwig, K. T. Begley, E. F.: see Munro, R. G. and Begley, tice of Force Measurement (Bray, Barbato, Hellmann, J. R.: see Segall, A. E., Hell- E. F. and Levi), Sept., 417 mann, J. R., and Modest, M. F. Blau, P. J.: Review of Detection, Diagnosis, Donaldson, B.: Review of Concise Encyclo- Hendrickson, J.: see Hsieh, C., Hendrickson, and Prognosis of Rotating Machinery to pedia of Building and Construction Mate- J., and Bamford, R. Improve Reliabiiity, Maintainability, and rials (Moavenzadeh), March, 178 Herrera, R.: see Landes, J. D., Zhou, Z., Readiness Through the Application of New Lee, K., and Herrera, R. and Innovative Techniques (Cambridge Hojo, M.: see Gradin, P. A., Gustafson, C. University Press), July, 345 E G., and Hojo, M. Blotny, R.: see Kaleta, J., Blotny, R., and Holt, S. D.: see Miller, G. A., Marder, A. Earthman, J. C.: see Kim, H.-K., Mohamed, Harig, H. R., Holt, S. D., and Voorhees, H. R. Bogan, L.: see Latta, B. M., Bogan, L., and F. A., and Earthman, J. C. Hossain, M. K. and Lytton, R. L.: Analysis Wagner, G. S. Eddleman, V. L.: see Moore, M. A. and of large diameter high-density polyethyl- Bohringer, D. E., Kupperman, D. S., Bailey, Eddleman, V. L. ene plastic pipes as vertical shafts in land- J. L., and Knox, A. E.: Jn situ ultrasonic fills, Nov., 475 examination of the intense pulsed neutron Hsieh, C. Hendrickson, J., and Bamford, R.: source (IPNS) enriched uranium target as- F Development of methodology for quali- sembly, Nov., 467 Fett, T. fying safety critical A286 threaded fas- Bottone, N. L.: Introduction to symposium and Munz, D.: Methods of determining teners, March, 135 on the use of reference materials in the subcritical crack growth by static lifetime Hsu, T. R.: see Gong, Z. L. and Hsu, T. R. metals analysis laboratory, Jan., 55 tests with natural and artificial cracks, Hu, J. M. and Albrecht, P.: Plastic 1 and y Brown, E. R. Nov., 461 factors for compact tension specimen in J- and Foo, K. Y.: Evaluation of variability Keller, K., Martin, G., and Rosenfelder, integral estimation, March, 169 in resilient modulus test results (ASTM O.: Direct measurements of displace- Hurwitz, J. K.: Computer-aided homogene- D 4123), Jan., 1 ments in the inner roller span of four- ity testing of proposed metal and metal al- see Parker, F. P., Jr. and Brown, E. R. point-bending creep tests, July, 334 loy reference materials, Jan., 63 505 506 JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION Hwang, R. P.: see Tobler, R. L., Reed, R. Lee, Y.-L. and Chiang, Y. J.: Fatigue pre- Moore, M. A. and Eddleman, V. L.: Assess- P., Hwang, I. S., Morra, M. M., Ballinger, dictions for components under biaxial re- ment of the effects of treatment, time, and R. G., Nakajima, H., and Shimamoto, S. versed loading, Sept., 359 heat on the removal of erasable pen marks Link, R. E.: Review of An Introduction to from cotton and cotton/polyester blend the Design and Behavior of Bolted Joints fabrics, Sept., 394 (Bickford), Sept., 417 Morra, I. S.,: see Tobler, R. L., Reed, R. Loferski, J. R. P., Hwang, I. S., Morra, M. M., Ballinger, Itokuzu, M.: see Makabe, C., Kaneshiro, H., and McLain, T. E.: Static and impact flex- R. G., Nakajima, H., and Shimamoto, S. and Itakazu, M. ural properties of common wire nails, Munro, R. G. and Begley, E. F.: Structural July, 297 ceramics database: data acquisition format and Stern, E. G.: Understanding impact for monolithic ceramics, May, 250 J testing of pallet nails and staples, Sept., Munz, D.: see Fett, T. and Munz, D. Jacobs, T. L.: Review of Experimentation and 379 Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers (Cole- Low, B.-H., Tan, S.-A., and Fwa, T.-F.: De- man and Steele), Nov., 498 termination of thermal diffusivity of con- N Jadaan, O. M. struction materials, Nov., 440 Nagourney, S. J. and Madan, R. K.: Metals Shelleman, D. L., Conway, J. C., Jr., Lyles, D.: see Wolfe, R. W., Hall, M. and analysis in the plastics additives industry: Mecholsky, J. J., Jr., and Tressler, R. Lyles, D. quality assurance considerations, Jan., 77 E.: Prediction of the strength of ceramic Lyon, R. E.: Shear strength of a ductile ma- Nakajima, H.: see Tobler, R. L., Reed, R. tubular components: Part I—analysis, terial from torsion of solid cylinders, May, P., Hwang, I. S., Morra, M. M., Ballinger, May, 181 240 R. G., Nakajima, H., and Shimamoto, S. see Shelleman, D. L., Jadaan, O. M., Con- Lytton, R. L.: see Hossain, M. K. and Lyt- Nguyen-Duy, P.: see Goodwin, F. E. and way, J. C., Jr., and Mecholsky, J. J., Jr. ton, R. L. Nguyen-Duy, P. Jendoubi, K., Ranganathan, N., and Merah, N.: Effect of thickness on elasto-plastic de- formation and hysteretic energy dissipated M O at crack tip, May, 201 Madan, R. K.: see Nagourney, S. J. and O’Hern, M. E.: Discussion of ‘“‘Dynamic Madan, R. K. loading: a new microhardness test method,” K Makabe, C., Kaneshiro, H., and Itokazu, M.: Sept., 413 Effects of microcracks and artificial surface Oyedokun, Z. O.: Pulse current automatic Kain, V., Chouthai, S. S., and Gadiyar, H. cracks on fracture ductility of a torsional electro-optical characterization of the laser S.: Electrical resistance measurements on prestrained specimen, May, 221 diode, March, 172 type 304 stainless steel with different de- Mandel, J.: Models and interactions, Sept., grees of sensitization, July, 321 398 Kaleta, J., Blotny, R., and Harig, H.: Energy Marder, A. R.: see Miller, G. A., Marder, P Kansletosoarhdeiidnr go ,i cn oHna.d :i stpiseoeenc si,Mm aenkJu albyue,n ,d 3e2rC6 . ,f aKtainguees hilrimoi,t MarAt.i n,R. ,G .H:o lste,e SF.e ttD,. , T.a,n dK elVloeorr,h eKe.s,, MaHr.t inR,. Parciodam,p oNn.e:n tRe lifaabtiilgituye afnadi lulriefes esbteilmoawt iotnh ef rgoom- H., and Itokazu, M. G., and Rosenfelder, O. no-go fatigue life limit, Nov., 450 Kapsipo,n s J.f oAr .:d iIsmpplracoevmeedn tsw idaen d ranignvee rseex prediss-- MarTthienosr,e tiCc.a lS .,c oSmtpeaern,i soMn. , ofa nedr roRro sain, K,L,. vGa.l:- Parpkaerri,s onF .o fP .m,e tJhr.o dsan df orB rmoewans,u riEn.g R.m:o isCtoumr-e placements for standard fracture toughness ues determined by different testing meth- content of aggregate and asphalt-aggregate specimens, Jan., 45 ods of ceramics, May, 256 paving mixtures, March, 161 Keller, K.: see Fett, T., Keller, K., Martin, McDonald, L. C. and Hartwig, K. T.: Cry- Pellicane, P. J. G., and Rosenfelder, O. ogenic creep testing, March, 107 Application of the European yield model Kennedy, W. R.: Certification: what it means McKee, C. W.: Review of International Ad- to nailed joints in southern hardwoods, for inhomogeneity and reference mate- vances in Nondestructive Testing, Volume Sept., 385 rials, Jan., 60 15 (McGonnagle), Sept., 418 Mechanical behavior of nailed joints with Kim, H.-K., Mohamed, F. A., and Earth- McLain, T. E.: see Loferski, J. R. and McLain, various side member materials, March, man, J. C.: Novel specimen geometry for TE. 97 double shear creep experiments, March, 93 Mecholsky, J. J., Jr.: Powers, B. L. and Chuang, S. Y.: Vibration Knox, A. E.: see Bohringer, D. E., Kup- see Jadaan, O. M., Shelleman, D. L., Con- monitoring of small lightweight compo- perman, D. S., Bailey, J. L., and Knox, way, J. C., Jr., Mecholsky, J. J., Jr., and nents using fiber optic sensors, Nov., 493 Tressler, R. E. A. E. see Shelleman, D. L., Jadaan, O. M., Con- Kowalewski, M. J., Jr.: Review of Defect way, J. C., Jr., and Mecholsky, J. J., Jr. Prevention: Use of Simple Statistical Tools Q Meeres, R. P.: see Ridsdale, P. D. and Meeres, (Kane), Jan., 89 R. P. Quinn, G. D.: Review of Ceramic Hardness Kupperman, D. S.: see Bohringer, D. E., Merah, N.: see Jendoubi, K., Ranganathan, (McColm), Nov., 497 Kupperman, D. S., Bailey, J. L., and Knox, N., and Merah, N. A. E. Meraw, L. J.: Glossary (German/English, English/German) of specialized plastics R testing terminology, July, 338 Ramsamooj, D. V.: Prediction of fatigue life L Merks, J. W.: Review of Powder Testing of asphalt concrete beams from fracture Landes, J. D., Zhou, Z., Lee, K., and Her- Guide: Methods of Measuring the Physical tests, May, 231 rera, R.: Normalization method for de- Properties of Bulk Powders (Svarovsky), Ranganathan, N.: see Jendoubi, K., Ran- veloping J-R curves with the LMN func- Sept., 418 ganathan, N., and Merah, N. tion, July, 305 Miller, G. A., Marder, A. R., Holt, S. D., Rasberry, S. D.: Standard reference mate- Latta, B. M., Bogan, L., and Wagner, G. S.: and Voorhees, H. R.: Creep-fatigue inter- rials: NBS-ASTM cooperation, Jan., 56 Nonintrusive test for argon gas content in action in T11 boiler tube steel, Nov., 485 Rawlings, R. D.: see Selcuk, A. and Rawl- windows: feasibility study, May, 214 Modest, M. F.: see Segall, A. E., Hellmann, ings, R. D. Lee, H.: see Albrecht,P . and Lee, H. J. R., and Modest, M. F. Reed, R. P.: see Tobler, R. L., Reed, R. P., Lee, K.: see Landes, J. D., Zhou, Z., Lee, Mohamed, F. A.: see Kim, H.-K., Mo- Hwang, I. S., Morra, M. M., Ballinger, R. K., and Herrera, R. hamed, F. A., and Earthman, J. C. G., Nakajima, H., and Shimamoto, S. AUTHOR INDEX 507 Reemsnyder, H. S.: Review of Materials for way, J. C., Jr.,M echolsky,J . J., Jr., and mamoto, S.: Charpy impact tests near Marine Systems and Structures (Hasson and Tressler, R. E. absolute zero, Jan., 34 Crowe), May, 260 Shelley, G. A.: see Geroft, J. P. and Shelley, Tressler, R. E.: see Jadaan, O. M., Shelle- Ridsdale, P. D. and Meeres, R. P.: What con- G. A. man, D. L., Conway, J. C., Jr., Mechol- stitutes a reference material and how is it Shi, D. and Winslow, D.: Accuracy of a vol- sky, J. J., Jr., and Tressler, R. E. certified?, Jan., 71 ume fraction measurement using areal im- Ripling, E. J.: see Crosley, P. B. and Ripling, age analysis, May, 210 E. J. Shimada, M.: see Tobler, R. L. and Shimada, Vv Rivera-Ortiz, L. A.: see Al-Qadi, I. L. and M. Voorhees, H. R.: see Miller, G. A., Marder, Rivera-Ortiz, L. A. Shimamoto, S.: see Tobler, R. L., Reed, R. A. R., Holt, S. D., and Voorhees, H. R. Rosa, L. G.: see Martins, C. S., Steen, M., P., Hwang, I. S., Morra, M. M., Ballinger, and Rosa, L. G. R. G., Nakajima, H., and Shimamoto, S. Rosenfelder, O.: see Fett, T., Keller, K., Shuman, E. C.: Review of Engineering Proj- Ww Martin, G., and Rosenfelder, O. ect Management (Blanchard), Nov., 497 Singh, S. P., Crofts, B., and Burgess, G.: Wagner, G. S.: see Latta, B. M., Bogan, L., Effect of handling on the compression and Wagner, G. S. S strength of corrugated fiberboard con- Walter, R. J.: see Yuen, J. L. and Water, tainers, Sept., 374 Re 3. Sachse, W.: Review of Physical Acoustics: Sproles, E. S., Jr.: Change in mass of copper Weller, W.: Authors’ closure to discussion of Vol. 18 (Mason and Thurston), July, 346 coupons as a measure of severity of envi- “Dynamic loading: a new n.icrohardness Santoliquido, P. M.: Preparation and certi- ronments in accelerated aging tests for test method,” Sept., 415 fication of uranium oxide (U;Ox,) spectro- electrical contacts, July, 292 Westbrook, J. H.: Review of Mechanical metric reference materials, Jan., 83 Steen, M.: see Martins, C. S., Steen, M., and Testing (Curbishley), May, 261 Sare, I. R. Rosa, L. G. Winslow, D. and Constantine, A. G.: Authors’ closure Stern, E. G.: see Loferski, J. R. and Stern, Predicting the durability of paving bricks, to discussion of “‘Design and analysis of E. G. Jan., 29 jaw crusher gouging abrasion tests,” Strauss, B. M.: Review of Science and En- see Shi, D. and Winslow, D. Sept., 410 gineering Indicators—1989 (National Sci- Wolfe, R. W., Hall, M. and Lyles, D.: Test and Constantine, A. G.: Design and anal- ence Board), March, 178 . apparatus for simulating interactive loads ysis of jaw crusher gouging abrasion tests, on metal plate wood connections, Nov., March, 115 421 Segall, A. E., Hellmann, J. R., and Modest, T Wood, F. W.: Discussion of “Design and M. F.: Analysis of gas-fired ceramic ra- analysis of jaw crusher gouging abrasion diant tubes during transient heating: part Yan, S.-A. tests,” Sept., 408 I—thermal transient modeling, Nov., 454 and Fwa, T.-F.: Nondestructive density Selcuk, A. and Rawlings, R. D.: Cantilever- measurements of cylindrical specimens type bend test technique for formability by gamma-ray attenuation, March, 155 Y analysis of strip/plate metals, Sept., 349 see Low, B.-H., Tan, S.-A., and Fwa, Yuen, J. L. and Walter, R. J.: Thermal shock Shelleman, D. L. T.-F. and thermal fatigue testing, Sept., 403 Jadaan, O. M., Conway, J. C., Jr., and Tobler, R. L. Mecholsky, J. J., Jr.: Prediction of the and Shimada, M.: Warm precracking at strength of ceramic tubular components: 295 K and its effects on the 4-K tough- Z Part II—experimental verification, May, ness of austenitic steels, July, 312 192 Reed, R. P., Hwang, I. S., Morra, M. M., Zhou, Z.: see Landes, J. D., Zhou, Z., Lee, see Jadaan, O. M., Shelleman, D. L., Con- Ballinger, R. G., Nakajima, H., and Shi- K., and Herrera, R. Journal of Testing and Evaluation Subject Index to Volume 19 1991 A Asphalt concrete High Temperature Fatigue: Properties and A286 stainless steel Prediction of fatigue life of asphalt con- Prediction by Skelton (Gabb), July, 345 Development of methodology for quali- crete beams from fracture tests (Ram- Inherently Conducting Polymers by Aldissi fying safety critical A286 threaded fas- samooj), May, 231 (Burnell), Nov., 499 teners (Hsieh, Hendrickson, and Bam- Asphalt mixes International Advances in Nondestructive ford), March, 135 Evaluation of variability in resilient mod- Testing, Volume 15 by McGonnagle Abrasion resistance ulus test results (ASTM D 4123), (Brown (McKee), Sept., 418 Design and analysis of jaw crusher gouging and Foo), Jan., 1 An Introduction to the Design and Behavior abrasion tests (Sare and Constantine). ASTM Practice G 81-83 of Bolted Joints by Bickford (Link), Sept., March, 115 Design and analysis of jaw crusher gouging 417 Accident prevention abrasion tests (Sare and Constantine), Materials for Marine Systems and Structures Procedure to evaluate openings in chil- March, 115 by Hasson and Crowe (Reemsnyder), May, dren’s products for head entrapment ASTM Test D 4123 260 hazards (Deppa), July, 263 Evaluation of variability in resilient mod- Mechanical Testing by Curbishley (West- Adhesive joints ulus test results (ASTM D 4123), (Brown brook), May, 261 Thick adherend, instrumented double-can- and Foo), Jan., 1 Physical Acoustics: Vol. 18 by Mason and tilever-beam specimen for measuring de- Atomic spectroscopy Thurston (Sachse), July, 346 bonding of adhesive joints (Crosley and Metals analysis in the plastics additives in- Powder Testing Guide: Methods of Meas- Ripling), Jan., 24 dustry: quality assurance considerations uring the Physical Properties of Bulk Adiabatic heat (Nagourney and Madan), Jan., 77 Powders by Svarovsky (Merks), Sept., Charpy impact tests near absolute zero Austenitic alloys 418 (Tobler, Reed, Hwang, Morra, Ballin- Charpy impact tests near absolute zero Science and Engineering by National Sci- ger, Nakajima, and Shimamoto), Jan., (Tobler, Reed, Hwang, Morra, Ballin- ence Board (Strauss), March, 178 34 ger, Nakajima, and Shimamoto), Jan., Theory and Practice of Force Measurement Aluminum 34 by Bray, Barbato, and Levi (Doebelin), Cryogenic creep testing (McDonald and Austenitic stainless steel Sept., 417 Hartwig), March, 107 Electrical resistance measurements on type Time-Saver Standards for Building Types: 304 stainless steel with different degrees 3rd Edition by De Chiara and Callender Aluminum alloys of sensitization (Kain, Chouthai, and (Chusid), July, 347 Deformation of aluminum alloy under cyclic Gadiyar), July, 321 Bricks creep loadings (Gong and Hsu), Jan., 14 Warm precracking at 295 K and its effects Determination of thermal diffusivity of Aluminum oxide on the 4-K toughness of austenitic steels construction materials (Low, Tan, and Methods of determining subcritical crack (Tobler and Shimada), July, 312 Fwa), Nov., 440 growth by static lifetime tests with nat- Automatic measurement Predicting the durability of paving bricks ural and artificial cracks (Fett and Munz), Pulse current automatic electro-optical (Winslow), Jan., 29 Nov., 461 characterization of the laser diode (Oye- Burst testing Analysis of variance dokun), March, 172 New method for burst testing of low strength Models and interactions (Mandel), Sept., materials (Goodwin and Nguyen-Duy), 398 Jan., 41 Anthropometry B Procedure to evaluate openings in chil- dren’s products for head entrapment Boiler tube steel hazards (Deppa), July, 263 Creep-fatigue interaction in T11 boiler tube Cc Areal analysis steel (Miller, Marder, Holt, and Voor- Accuracy of a volume fraction measure- hees), Nov., 485 Calibration ment using areal image analysis (Shi and Book reviews Change in mass of copper coupons as a Winslow), May, 210 Concise Encyclopedia of Building and measure of severity of environments in Argon Construction Materials by Moavenzadeh accelerated aging tests for electrical con- Nonintrusive test for argon gas content in (Donaldson), March, 178 tacts (Sproles), July, 292 windows: feasibility study (Latta, Bo- Ceramic Hardness by McColm (Quinn), Cantilever-type bend tests gan, and Wagner), May, 214 Nov., 497 Cantilever-type bend test technique for Arrester beds Defect Prevention: Use of Simple Statistical formability analysis of strip/plate metals Laboratory testing of river gravel used in Tools by Kane (Kowalewski), Jan., 89 (Selcuk and Rawlings), Sept., 349 arrester beds (Al-Qadi and Rivera- Detection, Diagnosis, and Prognosis of Ro- Cement Ortiz), July, 280 tating Machinery to Improve Reliability, Determination of thermal diffusivity of Asphalt Maintainability, and Readiness Through construction materials (Low, Tan, and Determination of thermal diffusivity of the Application of New and Innovative Fwa), Nov., 440 construction materials (Low, Tan, and Techniques by Cambridge University Ceramics Fwa), Nov., 440 Press (Blau), July, 345 Analysis of gas-fired ceramic radiant tubes Asphalt-aggregate paving mixtures Engineering Project Management by Blan- during transient heating: Part I—ther- Comparison of methods for measuring chard (Shuman), Nov., 497 mal transient modeling (Segall, Hell- moisture content of aggregate and as- Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis mann, and Modest), Nov., 454 phalt-aggregate paving mixtures (Parker for Engineers by Coleman and Steele Direct measurements of displacements in and Brown), March, 161 (Jacobs), Nov., 498 the inner roller span of four-point-bend- 509 510 JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION ing creep tests (Fett, Keller, Martin, and ure specimen (Gradin, Gustafson, and Crack work release rate Rosenfelder), July, 334 Hojo), March, 149 Influence of friction on the compliance and Methods of determining subcritical crack Compressive strength crack work rate of an end notched flex- growth by static lifetime tests with nat- Effect of handling on the compression ure specimen (Gradin, Gustafson, and ural and artificial cracks (Fett and Munz), strength of corrugated fiberboard con- Hojo), March, 149 Nov., 461 tainers (Singh, Crofts, and Burgess), Creep Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- Sept., 374 Cryogenic creep testing, (McDonald and bular components: Part I—analysis (Ja- Computers Hartwig), March, 107 daan, Shelleman, Conway, Mecholsky, Computer-aided homogeneity testing of Direct measurements of displacements in and Tressler), May, 181 proposed metal and metal alloy refer- the inner roller span of four-point-bend- Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- ence materials (Hurwitz), Jan., 63 ing creep tests (Fett, Keller, Martin, and bular components: Part II—experimen- Development of methodology for quali- Rosenfelder), July, 334 tal verification (Shelleman, Jadaan, fying safety critical A286 threaded fas- Creep acceleration Conway, and Mecholsky), May, 192 teners (Hsieh, Hendrickson, and Bam- Deformation of aluminum alloy under cyclic Structural ceramics database: data acqui- ford), March, 135 creep loadings (Gong and Hsu), Jan., 14 sition format for monolithic ceramics Pulse current automatic electro-optical Creep deformation (Munro and Begley), May, 250 characterization of the laser diode (Oye- Novel specimen geometry for double shear Theoretical comparison of error in K;, values dokun), March, 172 creep experiments (Kim, Mohamed, and determined by different testing methods Structural ceramics database: data acqui- Earthman), March, 93 of ceramics (Martins, Steen, and Rosa), sition format for monolithic ceramics Creep fatigue interaction May, 256 (Munro and Begley), May, 250 Creep-fatigue interaction in T11 boiler tube Certification Concrete steel (Miller, Marder, Holt, and Voor- Certification: what it means for inhomo- Determination of thermal diffusivity of hees), Nov., 485 geneity and reference materials (Ken- construction materials (Low, Tan, and Cryogenic material properties nedy), Jan., 60 Fwa), Nov., 440 Warm precracking at 295 K and its effects Computer-aided homogeneity testing of Condoms on the 4-K toughness of austenitic steels proposed metal and metal alloy refer- Condom inflation testing: strain distribu- (Tobler and Shimada), July, 312 ence materials (Hurwitz), Jan., 63 tion during test (Gerofi and Shelley), Cryogenic temperatures Preparation and certification of uranium May, 244 Charpy impact tests near absolute zero oxide (U;,O,) spectrometric reference Consumer product safety (Tobler, Reed, Hwang, Morra, Ballin- materials (Santoliquido), Jan., 83 Procedure to evaluate openings in chil- ger, Nakajima, and Shimamoto), Jan., What constitutes a reference material and dren’s products for head entrapment 34 how is it certified? ,( Ridsdale and Meeres) hazards (Deppa), July, 263 Cryogenic creep testing (McDonald and Jan., 71 Continuous wave tests Hartwig), March, 107 Certified Reference Material (CRM) Pulse current automatic electro-optical Cyclic creep tests Certification: what it means for inhomo- characterization of the laser diode (Oye- Deformation of aluminum alloy under cyclic geneity and reference materials (Ken- dokun), March, 172 creep loadings (Gong and Hsu), Jan., 14 nedy), Jan., 60 Convection ovens Cylindrical specimens What constitutes a reference material and Comparison of methods for measuring Nondestructive density measurements of how is it certified?, (Ridsdale and moisture content of aggregate and as- cylindrical specimens by gamma-ray at- Meeres), Jan., 71 phalt-aggregate paving mixtures (Parker tenuation (Tan and Fwa), March, 155 Charpy impact tests and Brown), March, 161 Charpy impact tests near absolute zero Copper coupons D (Tobler, Reed, Hwang, Morra, Ballin- Change in mass of copper coupons as a ger, Nakajima, and Shimamoto), Jan., measure of severity of environments in Debond resistance 34 accelerated aging tests for electrical con- Thick adherend, instrumented double-can- Children tacts (Sproles), July, 292 tilever-beam specimen for measuring de- Procedure to evaluate openings in chil- Corrosion bonding of adhesive joints (Crosley and dren’s products for head entrapment Change in mass of copper coupons as a Ripling), Jan., 24 hazards (Deppa), July, 263 measure of severity of environments in Definitions Cleavage accelerated aging tests for electrical con- Certification: what it means for inhomo- Specimen size requirements for fracture tacts (Sproles), July, 292 geneity and reference materials (Ken- toughness testing in the transition region Corrosion resistance nedy), Jan., 60 (Anderson and Dodds), March 123 Evaluation of rating numbers for atmo- What constitutes a reference material and spheric corrosion resistance of weath- how is it certified? (Ridsdale and Meeres), Closure ering steel (Albrecht and Lee), Nov., Jan., 71 Authors’ closure to discussion of ‘‘Design 429 Deformation and analysis of jaw crusher gouging Corrugated containers Effect of thickness of elasto-plastic defor- abrasion tests” (Sare and Constantine), Sept., 410 Effect of handling on the compression mation and hysteretic energy dissipated Author’s closure to discussion of “‘Dy- strength of corrugated fiberboard con- at crack tip (Jendoubi, Ranganathan, and tainers (Singh, Crofts, and Burgess), Merah), May, 201 namic loading: a new microhardness test method” (Weiler), Sept., 415 Sept., 374 Effects of microcracks and artificial surface Cotton cracks on fracture ductility of a torsional Combined loading Assessment of the effects of treatment, time, prestrained specimen (Makabe, Kane- Test apparatus for simulating interactive and heat on the removal of erasable pen shiro, and Itokazu), May, 221 loads on metal plate wood connections marks from cotton and cotton/polyester Delamination crack growth (Wolfe, Hall, and Lyles), Nov., 421 blend fabrics (Moore and Eddleman), Influence of friction on the compliance and Compact tension Sept., 394 crack work rate of an end notched flex- Plastic n and y factors for compact tension Cotton/polyester ure specimen (Gradin, Gustafson, and specimen in J-integral estimation (Hu and Assessment of the effects of treatment, time, Hojo), March, 149 Albrecht), March, 169 and heat on the removal of erasable pen Density measurements Compliance marks from cotton and cotton/polyester Nondestructive density measurements of Influence of friction on the compliance and blend fabrics (Moore and Eddleman), cylindrical specimens by gamma-ray at- crack work rate of an end notched flex- Sept., 394 tenuation (Tan and Fwa), March, 155 SUBJECT INDEX 511 Design specifications European Yield Model Methods of determining subcritical crack Static and impact flexural properties of Applicaz. -n of the European Yield Model growth by static lifetime tests with nat- common wire nails (Loferski and Mc- to naileJ joints in southern hardwoods ural and artificial cracks (Fett and Munz), Lain), July, 297 (Pellicane), Sept., 385 Nov., 461 Discussions Prediction of fatigue life of asphalt con- Discussion of “Design and analysis of jaw F crete beams from fracture tests (Ram- crusher gouging abrasion tests” (Wood), samooj), May, 231 Sept., 408 Failure probability Fracture specimens Discussion of “Dynamic loading: a new mi- Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- Improved wide range expressions for dis- crohardness test method’’ (O’Hern), bular components: Part I—analysis (Ja- placements and inverse displacements for Sept., 413 daan, Shelleman, Conway, Mecholsky, standard fracture toughness specimens Displacements and Tressler), May, 181 (Kapp), Jan., 45 Direct measurements of displacements in Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- Fracture toughness the inner roller span of four-point-bend- bular components: Part II—experimen- Specimen size requirements for fracture ing creep tests (Fett, Keller, Martin, and tal verification (Shelleman, Jadaan, toughness testing in the transition region Rosenfelder), July, 334 Conway, and Mecholsky), May, 192 (Anderson and Dodds), March, 123 Improved wide range expressions for dis- Failure statistics Theoretical comparison of error in K,, values placements and inverse displacements for Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- determined by different testing methods standard fracture toughness specimens bular components: Part II—experimen- of ceramics (Martins, Steen, and Rosa), (Kapp), Jan., 45 tal verification (Shelleman, Jadaan, May, 256 Distillation Conway, and Mecholsky), May, 192 Warm precracking at 295 K and its effects Comparison of methods for measuring Fastener quality on the 4-K toughness of austenitic steels moisture content of aggregate and as- Understanding impact testing of pallet nails (Tobler and Shimada), July, 312 phalt-aggregate paving mixtures (Parker and staples (Loferski and Stern), Sept., Fracture toughness tests and Brown), March, 161 379 Thick adherend, instrumented double-can- Ductile-brittle transition Fatigue tilever-beam specimen for measuring de- Specimen size requirements for fracture Effect of thickness of elasto-plastic defor- bonding of adhesive joints (Crosley and toughness testing in the transition region mation and hysteretic energy dissipated Ripling), Jan., 24 (Anderson and Dodds), March 123 at crack tip (Jendoubi, Ranganathan, and Friction Ductility Merah), May, 201 Influence of friction on the compliance and Shear strength of a ductile material from Energy stored in a specimen under fatigue crack work rate of an end notched flex- torsion of solid cylinders (Lyon), May, limit loading conditions (Kaleta, Blotny, ure specimen (Gradin, Gustafson, and 240 and Harig), July, 326 Hojo), March, 149 Durability Prediction of fatigue life of asphalt con- Predicting the durability of paving bricks crete beams from fracture tests (Ram- (Winslow), Jan., 29 samooj), May, 231 Dwell time Warm precracking at 295 K and its effects G Deformation of aluminum alloy under cyclic on the 4-K toughness of austenitic steels Gamma-rays creep loadings (Gong and Hsu), Jan., 14 (Tobler and Shimada), July, 312 Nondestructive density measurements of Fatigue life cylindrical specimens by gamma-ray at- Development of methodology for quali- tenuation (Tan and Fwa), March, 155 fying safety critical A286 threaded fas- E teners (Hsieh, Hendrickson, and Bam- Gas analysis Nonintrusive test for argon gas content in Electrical contacts ford), March, 135 windows: feasibility study (Latta, Bo- Change in mass of copper coupons as a Reliability and life estimation from com- gan, and Wagner), May, 214 measure of severity of environments in ponent fatigue failures below the go-no- Go-no-go fatigue tests accelerated aging tests for electrical con- go fatigue life limit (Parida), Nov., 450 Reliability and life estimation from com- tacts (Sproles), July, 292 Fatigue predictions ponent fatigue failures below the go-no- Electrical resistance Fatigue predictions for components under go fatigue life limit (Parida), Nov., 450 Electrical resistance measurements on type biaxial reversed loading (Lee and Gouging abrasion 304 stainless steel with different degrees Chiang), Sept., 359 Design and analysis of jaw crusher gouging of sensitization (Kain, Chouthai, and Fiber optic sensors abrasion tests (Sare and Constantine), Gadiyar), July, 321 Vibration monitoring of small lightweight March, 115 Electron beam radiation components using fiber optic sensors Gravel Thermal shock and thermal fatigue testing (Powers and Chuang), Nov., 493 Laboratory testing of river gravel used in (Yuen and Walter), Sept., 403 Formability analysis arrester beds (Al-Qadi and Rivera-Or- End notched flexure specimens Cantilever-type bend test technique for tiz), July, 280 Influence of friction on the compliance and formability analysis of strip/plate metals crack work rate of an end notched flex- (Selcuk and Rawlings), Sept., 349 ure specimen (Gradin, Gustafson, and Four-point bending tests Hojo), March, 149 Direct measurements of displacements in H Engineering properties the inner roller span of four-point-bend- Laboratory testing of river gravel used in ing creep tests (Fett, Keller, Martin, and Handling arrester beds (Al-Qadi and Rivera-Or- Rosenfelder), July, 334 Effect of handling on the compression tiz), July, 280 Fracture ductility strength of corrugated fiberboard con- Epoxies Effects of microcracks and artificial surface tainers (Singh, Crofts, and Burgess), Shear strength of a ductile material from cracks on fracture ductility of a torsional Sept., 374 torsion of solid cylinders (Lyon), May, prestrained specimen (Makabe, Kane- Hardness 240 shiro, and Itokazu), May, 221 Analysis of the size effect in low-hardness Error analysis Fracture mechanics testing of metals (Atkinson), Sept., 368 Theoretical comparison of error in K,, values Improved wide range expressions for dis- Heat conduction determined by different testing methods placements and inverse displacements for Determination of thermal diffusivity of of ceramics (Martins, Steen, and Rosa), standard fracture toughness specimens construction materials (Low, Tan, and May, 256 (Kapp), Jan., 45 Fwa), Nov., 440 512 JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION Homogeneity Lead Metal connector plates Computer-aided homogeneity testing of New method for burst testing of low strength Test apparatus for simulating interactive proposed metal and metal alloy refer- materials (Goodwin and Nguyen-Duy), loads on metal plate wood connections ence materials (Hurwitz), Jan., 63 Jan., 41 (Wolfe, Hall, and Lyles), Nov., 421 Hysteretic energy Lead alloys Metal reference material Effect of thickness of elasto-plastic defor- New method for burst testing of low strength Computer-aided homogeneity testing of mation and hysteretic energy dissipated materials (Goodwin and Nguyen-Duy), proposed metal and metal alloy refer- at crack tip (Jendoubi, Ranganathan, and Jan., 41 ence materials (Hurwitz), Jan., 63 Merah), May, 201 Linear models Metals Models and interactions (Mandel), Sept., Cantilever-type bend test technique for 398 formability analysis of strip/plate metals LMN function (Selcuk and Rawlings), Sept., 349 Normalization method for developing J-R Introduction to symposium on the use of Image analysis curves with the LMN function (Landes, reference materials in the metals analysis Accuracy of a volume fraction measure- Zhou, Lee, and Herrera), July, 305 laboratory (Bottone), Jan., 55 ment using areal image analysis (Shi and Loading Standard Reference Materials: NBS-ASTM Winslow), May, 210 Application of the European Yield Model cooperation (Rasberry), Jan., 56 Impact resistance to nailed joints in southern hardwoods MIBANT angle Understanding impact testing of pallet nails (Pellicane), Sept., 385 Static and impact flexural properties of and staples (Loferski and Stern), Sept., Cryogenic creep testing (McDonald and common wire nails (Loferski and Mc- 379 Hartwig), March, 107 Lain), July, 297 Indentation Energy stored in a specimen under fatigue Microcracks Analysis of the size effect in low-hardness limit loading conditions (Kaleta, Blotny, Effects of microcracks and artificial surface testing of metals (Atkinson), Sept., 368 and Harig), July, 326 cracks on fracture ductility of a torsional Inflation tests Fatigue predictions for components under prestrained specimen (Makabe, Kane- Condom inflation testing: strain distribu- biaxial reversed loading (Lee and shiro, and Itokazu), May, 221 tion during test (Gerofi and Shelley), Chiang), Sept., 359 Microscopy May, 244 Normalization method for developing J-R Accuracy of a volume fraction measure- Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) curves with the LMN function (Landes, ment using areal image analysis (Shi and In situ ultrasonic examination of the In- Zhou, Lee, and Herrera), July, 305 Winslow), May, 210 tense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) en- Prediction of fatigue life of asphalt con- Microwaves riched uranium target assembly (Bohrin- crete beams from fracture tests (Ram- Comparison of methods for measuring ger, Kupperman, Bailey, and Knox), samooj), May, 231 moisture content of aggreyate and as- Nov., 467 Load-slip phalt-aggregate paving mixtures (Parker Interactions Mechanical behavior of nailed joints with and Brown), March, 161 Models and interactions (Mandel), Sept., various side member materials (Pelli- Moisture content 398 cane), March 97 Comparison of methods for measuring Interlaboratory tests moisture content of aggregate and as- Models and interactions (Mandel), Sept., phalt-aggregate paving mixtures (Parker 398 M and Brown), March, 161 International Organization for Standardiza- tion (ISO) Marking pens What constitutes a reference material and Assessment of the effects of treatment, time, N how is it certified? (Ridsdale and Meeres), and heat on the removal of erasable pen Jan., 71 marks from cotton and cotton/polyester Nailed joints blend fabrics (Moore and Eddleman), Application of the European Yield Model Sept., 394 to nailed joints in southern hardwoods Materials properties (Pellicane), Sept., 385 Structural ceramics database: data acqui- Mechanical behavior of nailed joints with J integral sition format for monolithic ceramics various side member materials (Pelli- Plastic y and y factors for compact tension (Munro and Begley), May, 250 cane), March, 97 specimen in J-integral estimation (Hu and Mathematical models Nails Albrecht), March, 169 Energy stored in a specimen under fatigue Static and impact flexural properties of J-R curves limit loading conditions (Kaleta, Blotny, common wire nails (Loferski and Mc- Normalization method for developing J-R and Harig), July, 326 Lain), July, 297 curves with the LMN function (Landes, Mechanical behavior Understanding impact testing of pallet nails Zhou, Lee, and Herrera), July, 305 Mechanical behavior of nailed joints with and staples (Loferski and Stern), Sept., Jaw crushers various side member materials (Pelli- 379 Design and analysis of jaw crusher gouging cane), March, 97 National Institute of Standards and Technol- abrasion tests (Sare and Constantine), March, 115 Mechanical components ogy Fatigue predictions for components under Standard Reference Materials: NBS-ASTM biaxial reversed loading (Lee and cooperation (Rasberry), Jan., 56 Chiang), Sept., 359 Neutrons L Mechanical properties In situ ultrasonic examination of the In- Laser diodes Creep-fatigue interaction in T11 boiler tube tense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) en- Pulse current automatic electro-optical steel (Miller, Marder, Holt, and Voor- riched uranium target assembly (Bohrin- characterization of the laser diode (Oye- hees), Nov., 485 ger, Kupperman, Bailey, and Knox), dokun), March, 172 Mercury intrusion Nov., 467 Laundering Predicting the durability of paving bricks Nondestructive tests Assessment of the effects of treatment, time, (Winslow), Jan., 29 Electrical resistance measurements on type and heat on the removal of erasable pen Metal analysis 304 stainless steel with different degrees marks from cotton and cotton/polyester Metals analysis in the plastics additives in- of sensitization (Kain, Chouthai, and blend fabrics (Moore and Eddleman), dustry: quality assurance considerations Gadiyar), July, 321 Sept., 394 (Nagourney and Madan), Jan., 77 Nondestructive density measurements of SUBJECT INDEX 513 cylindrical specimens by gamma-ray at- R specimen in J-integral estimation (Hu and tenuation (Tan and Fwa), March, 155 Albrecht), March, 169 Nonproportional hardening Radiant tubes Specimen size requirements for fracture Fatigue predictions for components under Analysis of gas-fired ceramic radiant tubes toughness testing in the transition region biaxial reversed loading (Lee and during transient heating: Part I—ther- (Anderson and Dodds), March 123 Chiang), Sept., 359 mal transient modeling (Segall, Hell- Standard Reference Material (SRM) Normalization mann, and Modest), Nov., 454 Certification: what it means for inhomo- Normalization method for developing J-R Radiation attenuation geneity and reference materials (Ken- curves with the LMN function (Landes, Nondestructive density measurements of nedy), Jan., 60 Zhou, Lee, and Herrera), July, 305 cylindrical specimens by gamma-ray at- Introduction to symposium on the use of tenuation (Tan and Fwa), March, 155 reference materials in the metals analysis Radius-to-thickness (R/t) ratio laboratory (Bottone), Jan., 55 Cantilever-type bend test technique for Standard Reference Materials: NBS-ASTM O formability analysis of strip/plate metals cooperation (Rasberry), Jan., 56 Oxidation (Selcuk and Rawlings), Sept., 349 Standards Change in mass of copper coupons as a Rating numbers Condom inflation testing: strain distribu- measure of severity of environments in Evaluation of rating numbers for atmo- tion during test (Gerofi and Shelley), accelerated aging tests for electrical con- spheric corrosion resistance of weath- May, 244 tacts (Sproles), July, 292 ering steel (Albrecht and Lee), Nov., Standards glossary 429 Glossary (German/English, English/Ger- Reference Material (RM) man) of specialized plastics testing ter- Preparation and certification of uranium minology (Meraw), July, 338 P oxide (U;O,) spectrometric reference Staples Pallets materials (Santoliquido), Jan., 83 Understanding impact testing of pallet nails Understanding impact testing of pallet nails What constitutes a reference material and and staples (Loferski and Stern), Sept., and staples (Loferski and Stern), Sept., how is it certified? (Ridsdale and Meeres), 379 Jan., 71 Steel Plastic n and y factors Reliability Reliability and life estimation from com- Plastic n and y factors for compact tension Reliability and life estimation from com- ponent fatigue failures below the go-no- specimen in J-integral estimation (Hu and ponent fatigue failures below the go-no- go fatigue life limit (Parida), Nov., 450 Albrecht), March, 169 go fatigue life limit (Parida), Nov., 450 Stored energy Plastic additives Repeatability Energy stored in a specimen under fatigue Metals analysis in the plastics additives in- Evaluation of variability in resilient mod- limit loading conditions (Kaleta, Blotny, dustry: quality assurance considerations ulus test results (ASTM D 4123) (Brown and Harig), July, 326 (Nagourney and Madan), Jan., 77 and Foo), Jan., 1 Strain Plastic pipes Research Effect of thickness of elasto-plastic defor- Analysis of large diameter high-density Standard Reference Materials: NBS-ASTM mation and hysteretic energy dissipated polyethylene plastic pipes as vertical shafts cooperation (Rasberry), Jan., 56 at crack tip (Jendoubi, Ranganathan, and in landfills (Hossain and Lytton), Nov., Resilient modulus Merah), May, 201 475 Evaluation of variability in resilient mod- Strength Plastics ulus test results (ASTM D 4123), (Brown Mechanical behavior of nailed joints with Glossary (German/English, English/Ger- and Foo), Jan., 1 various side member materials (Pelli- man) of specialized plastics testing ter- Resonant response cane), March, 97 minology (Meraw), July, 338 Vibration monitoring of small lightweight Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- Polyethylene components using fiber optic sensors bular components: Part I—analysis (Ja- Analysis of large diameter high-density (Powers and Chuang), Nov., 493 daan, Shelleman, Conway, Mecholsky, polyethylene plastic pipes as vertical shafts Rheopectic behavior and Tressler), May, 181 in landfills (Hossain and Lytton), Nov., New method for burst testing of low strength Stress 475 materials (Goodwin and Nguyen-Duy), Evaluation of variability in resilient mod- Pore size distribution Jan., 41 ulus test results (ASTM D 4123), (Brown Predicting the durability of paving bricks and Foo), Jan., 1 (Winslow), Jan., 29 S Structural Ceramics Database (SCD) Proof test Shear strain Structural ceramics database: data acqui- Development of methodology for quali- Novel specimen geometry for double shear sition format for monolithic ceramics fying safety critical A286 threaded fas- creep experiments (Kim, Mohamed, and (Munro and Begley), May, 250 teners (Hsieh, Hendrickson, and Bam- Earthman), March, 93 Structural components ford), March, 135 Shear strength Thermal shock and thermal fatigue testing Pulse tests Shear strength of a ductile material from (Yuen and Walter), Sept., 403 Pulse current automatic electro-optical torsion of solid cylinders (Lyon), May, Subcritical crack growth characterization of the laser diode (Oye- 240 Methods of determining subcritical crack dokun), March, 172 Shear stress state growth by static lifetime tests with nat- ural and artificial cracks (Fett and Munz), Novel specimen geometry for double shear Nov., 461 creep experiments (Kim, Mohamed, and Symposium Earthman), March, 93 Q Size effect Standard Reference Materials: NBS-ASTM cooperation (Rasberry), Jan., 56 Quality assurance Analysis of the size effect in low-hardness Metals analysis in the plastics additives in- testing of metals (Atkinson), Sept., 368 dustry: quality assurance considerations Specimen geometry (Nagourney and Madan), Jan., 77 Novel specimen geometry for double shear T Quality control creep experiments (Kim, Mohamed, and Terminology Condom inflation testing: strain distribu- Earthman), March, 93 Glossary (German/English, English/Ger- tion during test (Gerofi and Shelley), Specimens man) of specialized plastics testing ter- May, 244 Plastic y and y factors for compact tension minology (Meraw), July, 338 514 JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION Test grips mal transient modeling (Segall, Hell- ment using areal image analysis (Shi and Test apparatus for simulating interactive mann, and Modest), Nov., 454 Winslow), May, 210 loads on metal plate wood connections Triaxial tests (Wolfe, Hall, and Lyles), Nov., 421 Laboratory testing of river gravel used in Thermal diffusivity arrester beds (Al-Qadi and Rivera-Or- Ww Determination of thermal diffusivity of tiz), July, 280 Wear testing construction materials (Low, Tan, and Design and analysis of jaw crusher gouging Fwa), Nov., 440 abrasion tests (Sare and Constantine), Thermal fatigue U March, 115 Thermal shock and thermal fatigue testing Weathering steei (Yuen and Walter), Sept., 403 Ultrasonic monitoring Evaluation of rating numbers for atmo- Thermal insulation In situ ultrasonic examination of the In- spheric corrosion resistance of weath- Nonintrusive test for argon gas content in tense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) en- ering steel (Albrecht and Lee), Nov., windows: feasibility study (Latta, Bo- riched uranium target assembly (Bohrin- 429 gan, and Wagner), May, 214 ger, Kupperman, Bailey, and Knox), Weibull analysis Thermal profile Nov., 467 Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- Analysis of gas-fired ceramic radiant tubes Uranium bular components: Part I—analysis (Ja- during transient heating: Part I—ther- In situ ultrasonic examination of the In- daan, Shelleman, Conway, Mecholsky, mal transient modeling (Segall, Hell- tense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) en- and Tressler), May, 181 mann, and Modest), Nov., 454 riched uranium target assembly (Bohrin- Prediction of the strength of ceramic tu- Thermal shock ger, Kupperman, Bailey, and Knox), bular components: Part II—experimen- Thermal shock and thermal fatigue testing Nov., 467 tal verification (Shelleman, Jadaan, (Yuen and Walter), Sept., 403 Uranium oxide (U,0,) Conway, and Mecholsky), May 192 Threaded fasteners Preparation and certification of uranium Wide range expressions Development of methodology for quali- oxide (U;0,) spectrometric reference Improved wide range expressions for dis- fying safety critical A286 threaded fas- materials (Santoliquido), Jan., 83 placements and inverse displacements for teners (Hsieh, Hendrickson, and Bam- standard fracture toughness specimens ford), March, 135 (Kapp), Jan., 45 Torsion V Windows Shear strength of a ductile material from Nonintrusive test for argon gas content in torsion of solid cylinders (Lyon), May, Vertical shafts windows: feasibility study (Latta, Bo- 240 Analysis of large diameter high-density gan, and Wagner), May, 214 Torsional prestrain polyethylene plastic pipes as vertical shafts Wood Effects of microcracks and artificial surface in landfills (Hossain and Lytton), Nov., Application of the European Yield Model cracks on fracture ductility of a torsional 475 to nailed joints in southern hardwoods prestrained specimen (Makabe, Kane- Vibration monitoring (Pellicane), Sept., 385 shiro, and Itokazu), May, 221 Vibration monitoring of small lightweight Trace element analysis components using fiber optic sensors Preparation and certification of uranium (Powers and Chuang), Nov., 493 Y oxide (U;O,) spectrometric reference Vickers hardness materials (Santoliquido), Jan., 83 Analysis of the size effect in low-hardness Yield stress Transient heating testing of metals (Atkinson), Sept., 368 Static and impact flexural properties of Analysis of gas-fired ceramic radiant tubes Volume fraction common wire nails (Loferski and Mc- during transient heating: Part 1—ther- Accuracy of a volume fraction measure- Lain), July, 297

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