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Preview Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2001: Vol 95 Table of Contents

CONTENTS Special Issue on Design Combinatorics: In honor of S.S. Shrikhande Edited by V.D. Tonchev, S. Hedayat, N. Singhi and K.D. Vijayan Volume 95, Numbers 1-2 Preface Editorial Mutually orthogonal latin squares: a brief survey of constructions C.J. Colbourn and J.H. Dinitz Resolvable balanced incomplete block designs with block size 5 R.J.R. Abel, G. Ge, M. Greig and L. Zhu A nonexistence result on difference sets, partial difference sets and divisible difference sets K.T. Arasu and S.L. Ma Singer line orbits in PG(3,q) R.D. Baker and G.L. Ebert Large sets of disjoint pure Mendelsohn triple systems F.E. Bennett, Q. Kang, J. Lei and H. Zhang An infinite family of quasi-symmetric designs A. Blokhuis and W.H. Haemers 117 Super-simple designs with v < 32 |. Bluskov and K. Heinrich 121 On the number of mutually disjoint cyclic designs and large sets of designs |. Bluskov and S.S. Magliveras 133 Uim,t) and its variants K. Chen, G.H.J. van Rees and L. Zhu 143 Minimum weights of point codes of Steiner triple systems C.J. Co/bourn 161 Recursive constructions of complete caps ; A.A. Davydov and P.P.J. Ostergard 167 Face-regular bifaced polyhedra M. Deza and V. Grishukhin 175 Contributions to the problem of Zarankiewicz A.P. Godbole and H.C. Graziano 197 On classification of two class partially balanced designs Y.J. lonin and M.S. Shrikhande 209 Ternary dual codes of the planes of order nine J.D. Key and M.J. de Resmini 229 Ternary trades and their codes G.B. Khosrovshahi, R. Naserasr and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie 237 (contents continued) Cyclically resolvable cyclic Steiner 2-systems S(2,4,52) C. Lam, Y. Miao and M. Mishima 245 Constructions for a certain type of balanced bipartite block designs M. Mishima, M. Jimbo and S. Kageyama 257 Types of factor in experiments D.A. Preece 269 Construction of some repeated measurements designs T.K. Dutta and B.K. Roy 283 Extremal case of Frankl-Ray-Chaudhuri-Wilson Inequality J. Qian and D.K. Ray-Chaudhuri 293 Definitions for spherical designs J.J. Seidel 307 The geometric description of a cyclic (q — /aq+ 1)-arc in PG(q — /q — 3,q), gq square L. Storme and S.K.J. Vereecke 315 Symmetric 2-(69,17,4) designs with automorphisms of order 13 S. Topalova 335 Recursive constructions for 3-designs and resolvable 3-designs 341 Author Index Volume 95

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