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Journal of Sports Sciences, 1992, 1, 641-645 Subject index Acclimatization, aerobic endurance, hae- Arm cranking, arterial oxygen tension, moglobin, haematocrit, maximal oxygen blood volume, cardiac output, echocar- uptake, blood lactate, cross-country diography, maximal oxygen uptake, run- skiers, altitude, 37 ning, rowing, spirometry, thoracic imped- Acid—base balance, bicarbonate dosage, ance, 525 alkalosis, base excess, buffering capacity, Arterial oxygen tension, blood volume, car- anaerobic performance, 415 diac output, echocardiography, maximal Aerobic endurance, haemoglobin, haemato- oxygen uptake, running, rowing, spiro- crit, maximal oxygen uptake, blood lac- metry, thoracic impedance, arm cranking, tate, cross-country skiers, altitude, accli- 525 matization, 37 Athletics, biomechanics, jumping, triple Aerodynamics, throwing technique, bio- jump, 343 mechanics, discus throw, computer simu- Attributions, emotions, importance, satis- lation, modelling, 467 faction, 65 Alkalizing agent, anaerobic performance, pH, blood bicarbonate, 425 Alkalosis, base excess, buffering capacity, Base excess, buffering capacity, anaerobic anaerobic performance, acid—base performance, acid-base balance, bicar- balance, bicarbonate dosage, 415 bonate dosage, alkalosis, 415 Altitude, acclimatization, aerobic endur- Bicarbonate, buffering, exercise, swimming, ance, haemoglobin, haematocrit, maximal 255 oxygen uptake, blood lactate, cross- Bicarbonate dosage, alkalosis, base excess, country skiers, 37 buffering capacity, anaerobic perform- Anaerobic performance, acid—base balance, ance, acid—base balance, 415 bicarbonate dosage, alkalosis, base excess, Biomechanics, discus throw, computer buffering capacity, 415 simulation, modelling, aerodynamics, Anaerobic performance, pH, blood bicar- throwing technique, 467 bonate, alkalizing agent, 425 Biomechanics, jumping, triple jump, ath- Anaerobic power, performance tests, volley- letics, 343 ball, VO, max, 131 Blood bicarbonate, alkalizing agent, anaer- Anaerobic threshold, blood lactate, maximal obic performance, pH, 425 lactate steady-state, prolonged exercise, Blood lactate, anaerobic threshold, ventila- validity, 309 tion, 437 Anaerobic threshold, ventilation, blood lac- Blood lactate, cross-country skiers, altitude, tate, 437 acclimatization, aerobic endurance, hae- Anthropometry, diving, elite athletes, body moglobin, haematocrit, maximal oxygen composition, proportionality, 451 uptake, 37 Anthropometry, statistical methods, geo- Blood lactate, EMG, sprint running, fatigue, metric models, 275 217 642 Subject index Blood lactate, maximal lactate steady-state, Cross-country skiing, roller skiing, oxygen prolonged exercise, validity, anaerobic uptake, economy, lactate, skiing tech- threshold, 309 niques, 3 Blood lactate, warm-up, recording of injur- ies, workload, 29 Discus throw, computer simulation, model- Blood lactate assay, performance assess- ling, aerodynamics, throwing technique, ment, 95 biomechanics, 467 Blood volume, cardiac output, echocardio- Diving, elite athletes, body composition, graphy, maximal oxygen uptake, running, rowing, spirometry, thoracic impedance, proportionality, anthropometry, 451 arm cranking, arterial oxygen tension, 525 Body composition, proportionality, anthro- Eccentric exercise, spasm, training, creatine pometry, diving, elite athletes, 451 kinase, connective tissue, 325 Book reviews, 77, 207, 297, 389, 511, 633 Echocardiography, maximal oxygen uptake, Breath-hold times, exercise, pulmonary dif- running, rowing, spirometry, thoracic fusion capacity, 229 impedance, arm cranking, arterial oxygen Buffering, exercise, swimming, bicarbonate, tension, blood volume, cardiac output, 255 525 Buffering capacity, anaerobic performance, Economy, lactate, skiing techniques, cross- acid—base balance, bicarbonate dosage, country skiing, roller skiing, oxygen alkalosis, base excess, 415 uptake, 3 Elastic energy, take-off, long jump, 533 Elite athletes, body composition, propor- Cardiac output, echocardiography, max- tionality, anthropometry, diving, 451 imal oxygen uptake, running, rowing, EMG, sprint running, fatigue, blood lactate, spirometry, thoracic impedance, arm 217 cranking, arterial oxygen tension, blood Emotions, importance, satisfaction, attri- volume, 525 butions, 65 Children, kinanthropometry, overhead Endurance running, training state, selection, throwing velocity, jumping height, skel- etal age, 401 exercise testing, field testing, middle- distance running, 237 Cohesion, starting status, volleyball, 379 Endurance training, cross-country skiers, Computer simulation, modelling, aero- pubertal growth, maximal oxygen uptake, dynamics, throwing technique, biomech- maximal aerobic power, 49 anics, discus throw, 467 Ergogenic aids, lactate, maximal exercise, Conference communications, 139, 549 243 Connective tissue, eccentric exercise, spasm, Exercise, pulmonary diffusion capacity, training, creatine kinase, 325 breath-hold times, 229 Creatine kinase, connective tissue, eccentric Exercise, swimming, bicarbonate, buffering, exercise, spasm, training, 325 255 Cross-country skiers, altitude, acclimatiza- Exercise testing, field testing, middle- tion, aerobic endurance, haemoglobin, distance running, endurance running, haematocrit, maximal oxygen uptake, training state, selection, 237 blood lactate, 37 Cross-country skiers, pubertal growth, maximal oxygen uptake, maximal aerobic Fatigue, blood lactate, EMG, sprint run- power, endurance training, 49 ning, 217 Subject index 643 Fatigue, muscle strength, weight-training, Lactate, skiing techniques, cross-country 109 skiing, roller skiing, oxygen uptake, Field testing, middle-distance running, economy,3 endurance running, training state, selec- Long jump, elastic energy, take-off, 533 tion, exercise testing, 237 Maximal aerobic power, endurance train- Geometric models, anthropometry, statisti- ing, cross-country skiers, pubertal cal methods, 275 growth, maximal oxygen uptake, 49 Maximal exercise, ergogenic aids, lactate, 243 Haematocrit, maximal oxygen uptake, Maximal lactate steady-state, prolonged blood lactate, cross-country skiers, alti- exercise, validity, anaerobic threshold, tude, acclimatization, aerobic endurance, blood lactate, 309 haemoglobin, 37 Maximal oxygen uptake, blood lactate, Haemoglobin, haematocrit, maximal oxy- cross-country skiers, altitude, acclimatiza- gen uptake, blood lactate, cross-country tion, aerobic endurance, haemoglobin, skiers, altitude, acclimatization, aerobic haematocrit, 37 endurance, 37 Maximal oxygen uptake, maximal aerobic power, endurance training, cross-country skiers, pubertal growth, 49 Importance, satisfaction, attributions, emo- Maximal oxygen uptake, running, rowing, tions, 65 spirometry, thoracic impedance, arm Individual differences, information process- cranking, arterial oxygen tension, blood ing, skilled performance, team sports, volume, cardiac output, echocardio- visual perception, 261 graphy, 525 Information processing, skilled perform- Men and women, 5-km run, running per- ance, team sports, visual perception, indi- formance, treadmill simulation, metabolic vidual differences, 261 responses, 119 Metabolic responses, men and women, 5-km run, running performance, treadmill simu- Jumping, triple jump, athletics, biomech- lation, 119 anics, 343 Middle-distance running, endurance run- Jumping height, skeletal age, children, ning, training state, selection, exercise kinanthropometry, overhead throwing testing, field testing, 237 velocity, 401 Modelling, aerodynamics, throwing tech- nique, biomechanics, discus throw, com- puter simulation, 467 Kinanthropometry, overhead throwing Muscle strength, weight-training, fatigue, velocity, jumping height, skeletal age, 109 children, 401 5-km run, running performance, treadmill simulation, metabolic responses, men and Overhead throwing velocity, jumping women, 119 height, skeletal age, children, kinanthro- pometry, 401 Oxygen uptake, economy, lactate, skiing Lactate, maximal exercise, ergogenic aids, techniques, cross-country skiing, roller 243 skiing, 3 644 Subject index Performance assessment, blood lactate Selection, exercse testing, field testing, assay, 95 middle-distance running, endurance run- Performance tests, volleyball, VO, max, ning, training state, 237 anaerobic power, 131 Skeletal age, children, kinanthropometry, pH, blood bicarbonate, alkalizing agent, overhead throwing velocity, jumping anaerobic performance, 425 height, 401 Physical fitness, rugby union, time—motion Skiing techniques, cross-country skiing, analysis, 285 roller skiing, oxygen uptake, economy, Physiological profiles, positional demands, lactate, 3 soccer, 54] Skilled performance, team sports, visual Positional demands, soccer, physiological perception, individual differences, in- profiles, 541 formation processing, 261 Prolonged validity, anaerobic Soccer, physiological profiles, positional exercise, threshold, blood lactate, maximal lactate demands, 541 steady-state, 309 Spasm, training, creatine kinase, connective Proportionality, anthropometry, diving, tissue, eccentric exercise, 325 elite athletes, body composition, 451 Spirometry, thoracic impedance, arm crank- Pubertal growth, maximal oxygen uptake, ing, arterial oxygen tension, blood maximal aerobic power, endurance train- volume, cardiac output, echocardio- ing, cross-country skiers, 49 graphy, maximal oxygen uptake, running, Pulmonary diffusion capacity, breath-hold rowing, 525 times, exercise, 229 Sprint running, fatigue, blood lactate, EMG, 217 Starting status, volleyball, cohesion, 379 Recording of injuries, workload, blood lac- Statistical methods, geometric models, tate, warm-up, 29 anthropometry, 275 Roller skiing, oxygen uptake, economy, Swimming, bicarbonate, buffering, exercise, lactate, skiing techniques, cross-country 255 skiing, 3 Rowing, spirometry, thoracic impedance, arm cranking, arterial oxygen tension, Take-off, long jump, elastic energy, 533 blood volume, cardiac output, echocar- Team sports, visual perception, individual diography, maximal oxygen uptake, run- differences, information processing, ning, 525 skilled performance, 261 Rugby union, time—motion analysis, phys- Thoracic impedance, arm cranking, arterial ical fitness, 285 oxygen tension, blood volume, cardiac Running, rowing, spirometry, thoracic output, echocardiography, maximal oxy- impedance, arm cranking, arterial oxygen zen uptake, running, rowing, spirometry, tension, blood volume, cardiac output, 25 echocardiography, maximal oxygen Time—motion analysis, physical fitness, uptake, 525 rugby union, 285 Running performance, treadmill simulation, Throwing technique, biomechanics, discus metabolic responses, men and women, throw, computer simulation, modelling, 5-km run, 119 aerodynamics, 467 Training, creatine kinase, connective tissue, Satisfaction, attributions, emotions, import- eccentric exercise, spasm, 325 ance, 65 Training state, selection, exercise testing, Subject index 645 field testing, middle-distance running, information processing, skilled perform- endurance running, 237 ance, team sports, 261 Treadmill simulation, metabolic responses, Volleyball, cohesion, starting status, 379 men and women, 5-km run, running Volleyball, VO, max, anaerobic power, per- performance, 119 formance tests, 131 Triple jump, athletics, biomechanics, jump- VO, max, anaerobic power, performance ing, 343 tests, volleyball, 131 Validity, anaerobic threshold, blood lactate, Warm-up, recording of injuries, workload, maximal lactate steady-state, prolonged blood lactate, 29 exercise, 309 Weight-training, fatigue, muscle strength, Ventilation, blood lactate, anaerobic thres- 109 hold, 437 Workload, blood lactate, warm-up, record- Visual perception, individual differences, ing of injuries, 29 Journal of Sports Sciences, 1992, 10, 646 Author index Adam, J.J., 261 Linderman, J., 243 Alén, M., 401 Lynn, T.D., 255 Armstrong, N., 95 McLean, D.A., 285 Atkin, D., 541 McNaughton, L.R., 415, 425 Aunola, S., 309 Marcotte, J.E., 229 Bartlett, R.M., 467 Maughan, R., 93 Bartosiewicz, G., 109 Moravec, P., 237 Beland, M., 229 Muselman, J., 243 Biddle, S.J.H., 65 Myhre, K., 37 Bohets, W., 533 Noakes, T.D., 437 Bosch, A.N., 437 Nummela, A., 217 Brewer, J., 541 Nute, M.L.G., 119 Bunc, V., 237 Osterback, L., 401 Challis, J.H., 275 Perrault, H., 229 Cleak, M.J., 325 Pierce, E.F., 255 Clifford, P.S., 3 Plant, K., 451 Danielewicz, E., 109 Rahkila, P., 401 Davis, J.A., 541 Ramsbottom, R., 119 Dennis, S.C., 437 Rasmussen, J., 525 Dolinar, B., 243 Reilly, T., 1, 307, 399, 523 Eastman, N.W., 255 Roberts, D., 131 Ejem, M., 237 Rusko, H., 217, 309 Eston, R.G., 325 Saunamaki, K., 525 Fahey, T.D., 243 Secher, N.H., 525 Gajewski, J., 109 Smith, D.J., 131 Hammer, W.H., 255 Sovak, D., 451 Hanel, B., 525 Spink, K.S., 379 Hardy, L., 215 Trzaskoma, Z., 109 Hawes, M.R., 451 Turcotte, R.A., 229 Hay, J.G., 343 Van Coppenolle, H., 533 Hill, A.B., 65 Viitasalo, J.T., 401 Hoffman, M.D., 3 Vuorimaa, T., 217 Ingjer, F., 37, 49 Watson, B., 131 Kerwin, D.G., 119, 275 Wilberg, R.B., 261 Kirby, B.J., 95 Williams, C., 119 Kirk, L., 243 Williams, J.R., 95 Kjaer, M., 29 Wit, A., 109 Kuéera, V., 237 Witters, J., 533 Larsson, B., 29 ae

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