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JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES VOLUME XLVIII (2003) INDEX TAMIMA BAYHOM-DAOU, Hisham b. al-Hakam and his Doctrine of the Imam’s Knowledg: VINCENT DeCAEN, Hebrew Sonority and Tiberian Contact Anaptyxis: The (ase ol Verbs primade euttaralis GEERT JAN VAN GELDER, Beautifying the Ugly and Uglifying the Beau tiful: the Paradox in Classical Arabic Literature S.P. HARRISON, Vowel Quantity and Stress in Jewish Literary Aramaic Comparing Jewish and Islamic Law et ‘RB‘N’e n Nabateen: Essai de Clarification JUD I { OLSZOWY-SCHLANGER, Learning to Read and Write in Medie val Egypt: Children’s Exercise Books from the Cairo Geniza SALAH SAID AND MUNTASIR AL-HAMAD, A New Nabataean Inscrip- tion from Umm EI-Jimal STEFAN SCHORCH, Determination and the Use of the Definite Article in the Samaritan and in the Masoretic Text of the Torah Davip TALSHIR, The Relativity of Geographic Terms: A Re-investiga tion of the Problem of Upper and Lower Aram Khaled ABO 1L, Rebellion and Violence in Islamic Law (Robert GLEAVI Yairah AMIT, Reading Biblical Narratives: Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible (Norman C. HABEL) }.A. ABU-HaAIDAR, Hispano-Arabic Literature and the Early Provencal Lyrics (J.D. | Francis I. ANDERSEN and David Noel FREEDMAN, Micah: A New Translation u ith introduction and _omme ntary (Knud Jk PPESEN) Bernard N. BACHRA, The Phonological Structure of the Verbal Roots in Arabic and Hebrew (Avihai SHIVTIEL) James BARR, History and Ide ology in the Old Testament: Biblical Studies at the end of a Millenniun Deborah W. ROOKE) Donald M. BINDER, /nto the Temple Courts: the Place of the Synago- gues in the Second Temple Period (Judith H. NEWMA? Daniel I. BLOCK, 7he Gods of the Nations: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Theolog) (Bob BECKING) Eric CHAUMONT, Al-Sayh Abi Ishaq Ibrahim al-Si¢ radzi Kitab al-Luma fi usual al-figh. Le Livre des Rais illuminant les fondements de la compré- hension de la Loi. Traité de theorie légale musulmane (Robert GLEAVE) Paul M. Coss, White Banners: Contention in Abbasid Syria, 750- 880 (Hugh KENNEDY) Lynn H. Couick, The Peri Pascha Attributed to Melito of Sardis: Setting, Purpose, and Sources (D.}. LANE) Robert COLE, The Shape and Me ssage of Book III (Psalms 73-89) (Sue (,; ILLINGHAM) John |. COLLINS and Robert A. KUGLER eds), R gion in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Albert LUKASZEWSKI) Patricia CRONE and Fritz ZIMMERMAN (eds), 7he Epistle of Salim ibn Dhakwan (G.R. HAWTING) Alan D. CROWN, Samaritan Scribes and Manuscripts (Sergio Noja NOSEDA) Guy DEUTSCHER, Syntactic Change in Akkadian: The Evolution of Sen j tential Complementation (I utz i DZARD) Michael Dick and ( hristopher WALKER, Image in Ancient Mesopotamia: The Me Angelika BERLEJUN¢ lonac io FERRANDO, /ntroductién a la Juan P- MONFERRI W LINT, The Dead Sea Psalm Ted Hi KRDEK Michael H. FLoyp, Mino? Prophe ts, 1 Dmitry FROLOV, Classical Arabic Ver itory and Llheory of Arud (Arie SCHIPPERS Erhard S. GERSTENBERGER, Psalms, Part 2, and Lamentations (Walter BRUEGGEMANN) S.D. GOITEIN, A Mediterranean Society. An Abridgement in One Volume (Stefan C. REIF) Valérie GONZALEZ, Beauty and Islam: Aesthetics in Islamic Art and Architecture (Yim INSOLL) Barbara GREEN, Mikhail Bakhtin and Biblical Scholarship: An Intro- duction | Spyridoula ATHANASOPOULOU-KYPRIO |. HAMEEN-AM.N LTUUKTKOI aLnd AG., V AN BUYLAERE,A Sketcho f Neo-Assyrian Grammar (Wilfred WATSON) $32 Knut Martin HEIM, Like Grapes of Gold Set in Silver: An Interpreta tion of Proverbial Clusters in Proverbs 10:1-22:16 (Friedemann W. GOLKA) Robert G. HOYLAND, Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the coming of Islam (G. Rex SMITH) Bernard JACKSON, Studies in the Semiotics of Biblical Law (Calum (LARMICHAEI Rudolf E. DE JON 1 Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of the North ern Sinai Littoral live HOLES Burkhart KIENA Historische Semitische Sprachwissenschaft Mit Bei- Tage n von I rhart Zé iMtaegyptis« h und Gene B Graff (Kus itis h (Rainer Volk Geofttrey KHAN, Early Karaite Grammatical Texts (Fiona BLUMFIELD) D. Andrew KILLE, Psychological Biblical Criticism (Allison TRITES) Natalia Kosova, Ur III — Texte der St. Petersburger Eremitage (Farouk R» A Kathryn KUENY, 7he Rhetoric of Sobriety: Wine in Early Islam (David W ‘ Pilchan LEE, The N lerusalem Book of Revelation (M. BARKER) Wolf LesLau, / ictory Grammar of Amharic (David APPLEYARD) Martin L. Loct 1 (editor and translator), Rashbams Commentary . , Translation (Fiona BLUM t and Divi Be woler » th “Ha Hi€ POHIEUOLEHICE Lit Ltt — — WX ilfe rd| ith the Philoso 1 pre? Ne u lrabi Edition na N¢ii l f VUuhammad Abd al Karim al Shahra SLANIS Ni al-Musara ‘ David THOM W ilferd M Al I ind Paul | W ALKEI (eds), The 1dvent of the Fatimid A Contemys ary Shi1 WV 11nNéSs Patrick | RANKE) Abraham MALAM Vari and the Bible (W.G. LAMBERT) Paul V. MANKOW S.]., Akkadian Loanwords in Biblical Hebreu (W.G. LAMBI Farouk MITHA, Al-Ghazali and the Ismailis: A Debate on Reason and Authority in Medieval Islam (Frank GRIFFEL) James W. Morris, 7he Master and the Disciple: An Early Islamic Spiri- tual Dialogue. A New Arabic and English Translation of Jafar b Mansir al-Yamans Kitab al-‘Alim wal —ghulam (Anthony STREET) Ramzi MUNIR BAALBAKI, Fig] h al-arabiyya al-mugd/ ran: dirasat fi aswat al-arabiyya wa-sarfiha wa-nahwihd ala di al-lughat al-samiyya (Yasir SULEIMAN) [akamitsu MURAOKA and Bezalel PoRTEN, A Grammar of Egyptian 1ramaic (Matthew MORGENSTERN) Avraham NEGEV and Shimon GIBSON (eds), Archaeologgi cal Encyclo pedia of the Holy Land (Stuart CAMPBELL) Martti NISSINEN (ed.), Prophecy and its Ancient Nea? Easte rn Context Mesopotamian, Biblical and Arabian Perspectives (Philip R. Davies) Ibn NuBATA and MustakA (Editor and Comment min Shi'r Ibn al-Hajjaj (Shmuel MOREH) Margaret S. ODELL and John T. STRON l/ heolog. ictaeail ana da / 17n2tt/h roponoll,o gi} cal | lPeerrscpp1 eecrttii ves Saul M. OLYAN and Robert 4 LLEY (eds . Mind” Essays in Honor of Burke O Long Stephe n Eugen J. PENTIUC, West Semitic Vocabulary in thi Emar (W.G.E. WATSON) Albert DE PuRY, Thomas ROMER and Jean-Daniel Israel Constructs its History: Deuteronomisti H Research (Sarah HAL! Alfredo Mordechai RABELLO, The Jews in Problems, from Herod to Justinian (B.S. JACk M.E.]. RICHARDSON, Hammurabis Laws Jeremy Bi ACK) Nils SACHER Fox, Jn the Se Israe ana Judah (Roger [TOMI Joac him SCHAPER, Price ste? Robert KUGLER) Lawrence H SCHIFFMAN and James VANDERKA) ¢ 1s Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1 wight SWANSON) I Jirk SCHWIDERSKI, Handbu 4 des norawestsemitiscven Brie Hormulars i 17] Be ilrag Zu? Ee htheitsfrage der aramais he i] Brie he dé 5 la srabuc Ve 5 Blane CONKLIN) James M. Scott (ed.), Exile: Old Testament, Jewish and Christian Conceptions (Philip DAVIES) ].B. SEGAL and E.C.D. HUNTER, Catalogue of the Aramaic and Man daic Incantation Bowls in the British Museum (John HEALEY) Paul SpitsBuRY, The Image of the Jew in Flavius Josephus’ ‘araphrase of the Bible (Louis H. FELDMAN) Lawrence E. STAGER, Joseph A. GREENE and Michael D. COOGAN (eds), The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer (Kay PRA Peter STEIN, Die mittel- und neubabylonischen Kénigsinschriften bis zum Ende der Assyrerherrschaft Grammatische Untersuchungen (W.G. LAMBERT) Ephraim STERN, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible Volume II: The issyrian, Babylonian and Persian Periods (732-332 B.C.E.) (St John SIMPS( yN Yasir S MAN (ed.), Arabic Grammar and Linguistics (Martine VAN HOVE) Marvin A. SWEENEY} Ki ne¢ Josiah of Judah The Lost Messiah of Israe / Roger TOM! Theodore M. \ 1d Mark A. HADLEY (eds), Ethical Monotheism, Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Wendell §. Dietrich (Mary MILLS) Carey Ellen W H, Lhe 1 f the Vine: Viticulture in Ancient Israel (Patrick M¢ Matthew W. W 1 Sur of Neo-Elamite History (Maria BROSIUS Peter J YX M : 1lé 1 the Syntax of the Peshitta of 1 Kings D.J. | Timothy \ lhe Elders of th ity: A Study of the Elders-Laws , , , , " Ziony ZI lhe Religions « acient Israel: A Synthesis of Pallacti lpproa He { | ) il lamar ZEWI, A Syntactical Stu f Verbal Forms Affixed by —n(n gs rs in Cla/ il Arabic, D BiblI ical j Herbir ew, Emly-a Amarna Ak7k adiya n and j itic (Wiltrec ' / D } \vivah Gottlieb ZORN lhe Particulars of Rapture: Reflections on W. JOH? HO} Timothy W. BEI From a Broken Covenant to Circumcision of the Heart. Pauline Intertextual Exegesis in Romans 2:17-29 (Peter OAKES) Dan COHN-SHERBOK, Messianic Judaism (Daniel LANGTON) ; j mJ P , | este! [ (RABBI judal Neligion in ti Seconda le mple riod Be lief and Practice from the Exile to Yavneh (Martin GOODMAN) Frederick E GREENSPAHN, An Jntroduction to Aramaic (John HEALEY) André LEMAIRE, Nouvelles tablettes araméennes (John HEALEY) Timothy H. LIM, Hector L. MACQUEEN and Calum M. CAR MICHAEL (eds), On Scrolls, Artefacts and Intellectual Property (George J. BROOKE) Shalom M. PauL, Michael E. STONE and Avital PINNICK (eds), A/ Kanfei Yonah. Collected Studies of Jonas C Greenfield on Semitic Philo- logy I and IT (John HEALEY) Nicolae Roppy, The Romanian Version of the Testament of Abraham: Text, Translation, and Cultural Context (George J. BROOKE) David T. RUNIA and Gregory E. STERLING (eds), The Studia Philo- nica Annual: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism, vol. X11; In the Spirit of Faith: Studies in Philo and Early Christianity in Honor of David Hay (George J. BROOKE) Michael E. STONE, Benjamin G. WRIGHT and David SATRAM (eds), The Apocryphal Ezekial (Henry MCKEATING) Bernard A. TAYLOR (ed.), X Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Oslo, 1998 (George J. BROOKE) Emanuel Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (George J. BROOKE) Emanuel Tov with contributions by Martin G. ABEGG, JR, Armin LANGE, Ulrike MITTMAN-RICHERT, Stephen J. PFANN, Eibert J.C. PIGCHELAAR, Eugene ULRICH and Brian WEBSTER, The Texts from the Judaean Desert: Indices and an Introduction to the Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Series (( seorge 1. BROOKE) REVIEWERS Appleyard, D., Leslau Athanasopoulou-Kypriou, S., Green Barker, M., Lee Becking, B., Block Berlejung, A., Dick and Walker Black, J., Richardson Blumfield, EF, Khan; Lockshin Brooke, G.J., Lim, MacQueen and Carmichael; Roddy; Runia and Sterling; Taylor; Tov; Tov et al Brosius, M., Waters Brueggemann, W., Gerstenberger Campbell, S., Negev and Gibson Carmichael, C., Jackson Conklin, B., Schwiderski Davies, P.R., Nissinen; Scott Edelman, D., Zevit Edzard, L., Deutscher Feldman, L., Spilsbury Franke, P., Madelung and Walker Frolov, S., I loyd

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