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ournal of elailing Editor: Charles Ingene © New York University 1996 (ISSN: 0022-4359) Published for New York University by (a) JAI Press Inc. Index Greenwich, Connecticut London, England VOLUME 72 JOURNAL OF RETAILING Editor: Charles A. Ingene, University of Washington Editor Elect: Louis P. Bucklin, University of California, Berkeley Executive Board C. Samuel Craig, Professor of Marketing, Stern School of Business, New York University Avijit Ghosh, Professor of Marketing, Stern School of Business, New York University Charles A. Ingene, Professor of Marketing, School of Business, University of Washington Editorial Board Dale D. Achabal, Santa Clara University Stephen Hoch, University of Pennsylvania Mark I. Alpert, University of Texas Patrick J. Kaufmann, Georgia State University Richard P. Bagozzi, University of Michigan J. Patrick Kelly, Wayne State University William O. Bearden, University of South Roger A. Kerin, Southern Methodist University Carolina Francine Lafontaine, University of Michigan Sharon Beatty, University of Alabama Charles W. Lamb, Texas Christian University Russell Belk, University of Utah Michael Levy, University of Miami Leonard L. Berry, Texas A&M University J. Dennis Lord, University of North Carolina Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University Jordan J. Louviere, University of Sydney William C. Black, Louisiana State University Robert F. Lusch, University of Oklahoma James R. Brown, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Vijay Mahajan, University of Texas and State University J. Barry Mason, University of Alabama Louis P. Bucklin, University of California, Robert J. Meyer, University of Pennsylvania Berkeley Morton O’ Kelley, Ohio State University Anne T. Coughlan, Northwestern University A. Parasuraman, University of Miami F. Robert Dwyer, University of Cincinnati Robert A. Peterson, University of Texas Richard Ettenson, Bond University V. Kasturi Rangan, Harvard Busniess School Paul W. Farris, University of Virginia Brian T. Ratchford, State University of Gary Frazier, University of Southern California New York, Buffalo Gary J. Gaeth, University of lowa Roland Rust, Vanderbilt University Avijit Ghosh, New York University Murphy A. Sewall, University of Connecticut Linda L. Golden, University of Texas Subhash Sharma, University of South Carolina Arieh Goldman, Hebrew University Michael Solomon, Auburn University Dhruv Grewal, University of Miami Joel Steckel, New York University Greg Gundlach, University of Notre Dame Douglas J. Tigert, Babson College Jan Heide, University of Wisconsin Janet Wagner, University of Maryland James Hess, University of Illinois Rockney G. Walters, /ndiana University Elizabeth C. Hirschman, Rutgers University Barton Weitz, University of Florida The Journal of Retailing is issued quarterly by Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, 8-176 Management Education Center, 44 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012. Address manuscripts and editorial correspondence to: Louis P. Bucklin, Department of Marketing, Walter A. Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-1900, Phone: 510-642-4872; Fax: 510-642-4700; E-mail: <pbucklin @haas.berkeley.edu> Address all subscription orders and inquiries to: Journal of Retailing, JAI Press Inc., 55 Old Post Road No. 2, P.O. Box 1678, Greenwich, CT. 06836-1678; (Europe and United Kingdom) 38 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WCZE 7PB, England. All articles may be reprinted for classroom use free of charge. Please contact the publisher for all other reproduction permissions. Copyright 1996 New York University Indexes Journal of Retailing, Volume 72, 1996 {Note: Number preceding colon is the issue number] AUTHOR INDEX Agrawal, Deepak and Christopher Schor- Choi, S. Chan. Price Competition in a ling. Market Share Forecasting: An Duopoly Common Retailer Channel, 2: Empirical Comparison of Artificial Neu- 117-134. ral Networks and Multinomial Logit Coe, Barbara, James Reardon and Pon Model, 4: 383-407. Hasty. The Effect of Information Tech- Andaleeb, Syed Saad. An Experimental nology On Productivity in Retailing, 4: Investigation of Satisfaction and Com- 445-461. mitment in Marketing Channels: The Coleman, James E., Sharon E. Beatty, Role of Trust and Dependence, |: 77-94. Jungki Lee, Morris Mayer and Kristy L. Babin, Barry J. and James S. Boles. The Ellis. Customer-Sales Associate Retail Effects of Perceived Co-Worker Relationships, 3: 223-248. Involvement and Supervisor Support on Cox, Anthony, George S. Bobinski Jr., and Service Role Stress, Performance and Dena Cox. Retail “Sale” Advertising, Job Satisfaction, 1: 57-76. Perceived Retailer Credibility and Price Barnes, James H. and Kirk L. Wakefield. Rationale, 3: 291-306. Retailing Hedonic Consumption: A Cox, Dena, George S. Bobinski Jr., and Model of Sales Promotion of a Leisure Anthony Cox. Retail “Sale” Advertising, Service, 4: 409-427. Perceived Retailer Credibility and Price Beatty, Sharon E., Jungki Lee, Morris Rationale, 3: 291-306. Mayer, James E. Coleman and Kristy L. Dant, Rajiv P., Audhesh K. Paswan and Ellis. Customer-Sales Associate Retail Patrick J. Kaufman. What We Know Relationships, 3: 223-248. Bobinski Jr., George S., Dena Cox and About Ownership Redirection in Fran- Anthony Cox. Retail “Sale” Advertising, chising: A Meta-Analysis, 4: 429-444. Perceived Retailer Credibility and Price Desai, Preyas S. and Kannan Srinivasan. Rationale, 3: 291-306. Aggregate versus Product-Specific Pric- Boles, James S. and Barry J. Babin. The ing: Implications for Franchise and Tra- Effects of Perceived Co-Worker ditional Channels, 4: 357-382. Involvement and Supervisor Support on Dick, Alan, Paul S. Richardson and Arun Service Role Stress, Performance and K. Jain. Household Store Brand Prone- Job Satisfaction, 1: 57-76. ness: A Framework, 2: 159-186. Journal of Retailing, Volume 72(4), pp. 465-468, ISSN: 0022-4359 Copyright © 1996 by New York University. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 465 466 Journal of Retailing Vol. 72, No. 4 1996 Ellis, Kristy L., James E. Coleman, Sharon Lassar, Walfried M. and Banwari Mittal. E. Beatty, Jungki Lee and Morris Mayer. The Role of Personalization in Service Customer-Sales Associate Retail Rela- Encounters, 1: 95-109. tionships, 3: 223-248. Lee, Jungki, Sharon E. Beatty, Morris Ganesan, Shankar and Barton A. Weitz. Mayer, James E. Coleman and Kristy L. The Impact of Staffing Policies on Retail Ellis. Customer-Sales Associate Retail Buyer Job Attitudes and Behaviors, 1: Relationships, 3: 223-248. 31-56. Lenartowicz, Thomasz, Wagner A. Gehrt, Kenneth C. and Soyeon Shim. His- Kamakura and Brain T. Ratchfrord. Pro- panic and Native American Adolescents: ductivity Assessment of Multiple Retail An_ Exploratory Study of Their Outlets, 4: 333-359. Approach to Shopping, 3: 307-324. Leone, Robert P. and Srini S. Srinivasan. Hasty, Ron, James Reardon and Barbara Face Value: Its Impact on Coupon Redemptions, Brand Sales, and Brand Coe. The Effect of Information Technol- Profitability, 3: 27” ~90. ogy On Productivity in Retailing, 4: Longfellow, Timothy, Scctt W. Kelley and 445-461 Jack Malehorn. Organizational Determi- Ingene, Charles. Passing the Torch, 4: nants of Service Employees’ Exercise of 331-332. Routine, Creative, and Deviant Discre- Jain, Arun K., Paul S. Richardson and Alan tion, 2: 135-154. Dick. Household Store Brand Proneness: Mackoy, Robert D. and Richard A. Spreng. A Framework, 2: 159-186. An Empirical Examination of a Mode! of Kamakura, Wagner A., Thomasz Lenar- Perceived Service Quality and Satisfac- towicz, and Brain T. Ratchfrord. Produc- tion, 2: 201-214. tivity Assessment of Multiple Retail Malehorn, Jack, Scott W. Kelley and Tim- Outlets, 4: 333-359. othy Longfellow. Organizational Deter- Kaufman, Patrick J., Rajiv P. Dant and minants of Service Employees’ Exercise Audhesh K. Paswan. What We Know of Routine, Creative, and Deviant Dis- About Ownership Redirection in Fran- cretion, 2: 135-154. chising: A Meta-Analysis, 4: 333-359. Mayer, Morris, Sharon E. Beatty, Jungki Kelley, Scott W., Timothy Longfellow and Lee, James E. Coleman and Kristy L. Jack Malehorn. Organizational Determi- Ellis. Customer-Sales Associate Retail nants of Service Employees’ Exercise of Relationships, 3: 223-248. Routine, Creative, and Deviant Discre- Mittal, Banwari and Walfried M. Lassar. tion, 2: 135-154. ‘The Role of Personalization in Service Kibarian, Thomas M. and Robert M. Encounters, 1: 95-109. Schindler. Increased Consumer Sales Paswan, Audhesh K., Rajiv P. Dant and Response Though use o: 99-ending Patrick J. Kaufman. What We Know Prices, 2: 187-200. About Ownership Redirection in Fran- Krishnamur, Lakshmanth and Venkatesh chising: A Meta-Analysis, 4: 429-461. Shanker. Relating Price Sensitivity to Ratchfrord, Brain T., Wagner A. Retailer Promotional Variables and Pric- Kamakura and Thomasz Lenartowicz. ing Policy: An Empirical Analysis, 3: Productivity Assessment of Multiple 249-272. Retail Outlets, 4: 333-359. Index 467 Reardon, James, Ron Hasty and Barbara Inventory Policies for Retailers Who Coe. The Effect of Information Technol- Face Uncertain Demand, 1: 7-30. ogy On Productivity in Retailing, 4: Spreng, Richard A. and Robert D. Mackoy. 445-461. An Empirical Examination of a Model of Richardson, Paul S., Arun K. Jain and Alan Perceived Service Quality and Satisfac- Dick. Household Store Brand Proneness: tion, 2: 201-214. A Framework, 2: 159-186. Srinivasan, Kannan and Preyas S. Desai. Schindler, Robert M. and Thomas M. Aggregate versus Product-Specific Pric- Kibarian. Increased Consumer Sales ing: implications for Franchise and Tra- Response Though use of 99-ending ditional Channels, 4: 357-382. Prices, 2: 187-200. Srinivasan, Srini S. and Robert P. Leone. Schorling, Christopher and Deepak Face Value: Its Impact on Coupon Agrawal. Market Share Forecasting: An Redemptions, Brand Sales, and Brand Empirical Comparison of Artificial Neu- Profitability, 3: 273-290. ral Networks and Multinomial Logit Subrahmanyan, Saroja and Robert Shoe- Model, 4: 383-407. maker. Developing Optimal Pricing and Shankar, Venkatesh and Lakshman Krish- Inventory Policies for Retailers Who namurthi. Relating Price Sensitivity to Face Uncertain Demand, 1: 7-30. Retailer Promotional Variables and Pric- ing Policy: An Empirical Analysis, 3: Wakefield, Kirk L. and James H. Barnes. 249-272. Retailing Hedonic Consumption: A Shim, Soyeon and Kenneth C. Gehrt. His- Model of Sales Promotion of a Leisure panic and Native American Adolescents: Service, 4: 409-427. An Exploratory Study of Their Weitz, Barton A. and Shankar Ganesan. Approach to Shopping, 3: 307-324. The Impact of Staffing Policies on Retail Shoemaker, Robert and Saroja Subrahman- Buyer Job Attitudes and Behaviors, 1: yan. Developing Optimal Pricing and 31-56. TITLE INDEX Aggregate versus Product-Specific Pric- The Effect of Information Technology On ing: Implications for Franchise and Tra- Productivity in Retailing. James Rear- ditional Channels. Preyas S. Desai and don, Ron Hasty and Barbara Coe, 4: 445- Kannan Srinivasan, 4: 357-382. 461. Customer-Sales Associate Retail Relation- The Effects of Perceived Co-Worker ships. James E. Coleman, Sharon E. Involvemeni and Supervisor Support on Beatty, Jungki Lee, Morris Mayer and Service Role Stress, Performance and Kristy L. Ellis, 3: 223-248. Job Satisfaction. Barry J. Babin and Developing Optimal Pricing and James S. Boles, 1: 57-76. Inventory Policies for Retailers Who An Empirical Examination of a Model of Face Uncertain Demand. Saroja Perceived Service Quality and Satisfac- Subrahmanyan and Robert Shoemaker, tion. Richard A. Spreng and Robert D. 1: 7-30. Mackoy, 2: 201-214. 468 journal of Retailing Vol. 72, No. 4 1996 An Experimental Investigation of Satisfac- Kelley, Timothy Longfellow and Jack tion and Commitment in Marketing Malehorn, 2: 135-154. Channels: The Role of Trust and Depen- Passing the Torch. Charles Ingene, 4: dence. Syed Saad Andaleeb, 1: 77-94. Price Competition in a Duopoly Common Face Value: Its Impact on Coupon Retailer Channel. S. Chan Choi, 2: 117- Redemptions, Brand Sales, and Brand 134. Profitability. Robert P. Leone and Srini Productivity Assessment of Multiple Retail S. Srinivasan, 3: 273-290. Outlets. Wagner A. Kamakura, Thomasz Hispanic and Native American Adoles- Lenartowicz, and Brain T. Ratchfrord, 4: cents: An Exploratory Study oi Their 333-359. Approach to Shopping. Soyeon Shim Relating Price Sensitivity to Retailer Pro- and Kenneth C. Gehrt, 3: 307-324. motional Variables and Pricing Policy: Household Store Brand Proneness: A An Empirical Analysis. Venkatesh Framework. Paul S. Richardson, Arun Shanker and Lakshman Krishnamurthi, K. Jain and Alan Dick, 2: 159-186. 3: 249-272. The Impact of Staffing Policies on Retail Retail “Sale” Advertising, Perceived Buyer Job Attitudes and Behaviors. Retailer Credibility and Price Rationale. Shankar Ganesan and Barton A. Weitz, George S. Bobinski Jr., Dena Cox and 1: 31-56. Anthony Cox, 3: 291-306. Increased Consumer Sales Response Retailing Hedonic Consumption: A Model Though use of 99-ending Prices. Robert of Sales Promotion of a Leisure Service. M. Schindler and Thomas M. Kibarian, 2: 187-200. Kirk L. Wakefield and James H. Barnes, Market Share Forecasting: An Empirical 4: 409-427. Comparison of Artificial Neural Net- The Role of Personalization in Service works and Multinomial Logit Model. Encounters. Banwari Mittal and Wal- Deepak Agrawal and Christopher Schor- fried M. Lassar, 1: 95-109. ling, 4: 383-407. What We Know About Ownership Redi- Organizational Determinants of Service rection in Franchising: A Meta-Analysis. Employees’ Exercise of Routine, Cre- Rajiv P. Dant, Audhesh K. Paswan and ative, and Deviant Discretion. Scott W. Patrick J. Kaufman, 4: 429-444.

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