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The Journal of Reproductive Medicine“ Contributor Index Volume 44, 1999 Subject index on page 1047. A Aslam U (see Hameed et al). 1999;44:405-410 Atad J, Hallak M, Sharon A, Kitzes R, Kelner Y, Abbi M, Kriplani A, Singh B. Preterm Labor and Abramovici H. Pelvic Actinomycosis: Is Long- Accidental Hemorrhage After Disopyramide Term Antibiotic Therapy Necessary? 1999;44: Therapy in Pregnancy: A Case Report. 1999;44: 939-944 653-655 Austin RM. Who Should Decide How Effective Abramovici H (see Atad et al). 1999;44:939-944 Cervical Cancer Screening Will Be? 1999;44: Adair D (see Barrilleaux et al). 1999;44:899-901 317-320 Ajossa S, Guerriero S, Paoletti AM, Mais V, Melis Aviram-Goldring A, Daniely M, Chaki R, Lipitz S, GB. Effect of Multiple Follicular Development on Barkai G, Goldman B. Advanced FISH with Uterine Perfusion in Subsequent Spontaneous Directly Labeled X, Y and 18 DNA Probes as a Tool Cycles. 1999;44:769-774 for Rapid Prenatal Diagnosis. 1999;44:497-503 Akyildiz S (see Gurgan et al). 1999;44:450-454 Azem F (see Geva et al). 1999;44:91-96 Alabama Professional Electrology Association Azziz R (see Farah et al). 1999;44:870-874 Study Group (see Farah et al). 1999;44:870-87 Alba P (see Bartha et al). 1999;44:689-697 B Al-Badawi IA, Fluker MR, Bebbington MW. Diag- nostic Laparoscopy in Infertile Women with Nor- Badawy SZA (see Khurana et al). 1999;44:487-492 mal Hysterosalpingograms. 1999;44:953-957 Ball HG (see Sayegh et al). 1999;44:821-825 Aloni R (see Yaron et al). 1999;44:107-114 Ballard M (see Ward et al). 1999;44:849-852 Alroy J (see Sayegh et al). 1999;44:821-825 Barahona M (see Bartha et al). 1999;44:689-697 Amit A (see Geva et al). 1999;44:91-96 Barak V (see Geva et al). 1999;44:91-96 Anasti JN (see Lamb et al). 1999;44:639-641 Barkai G (see Aviram-Goldring et al). 1999;44: Anceschi MM (see Piazze et al). 1999;44:611-615 497-503 Anderson GD (see Hankins et al). 1999;44:441-444 Barrett-Connor E, Young R, Notelovitz M, Sullivan Anderson LL (see Cheng et al). 1999;44:922-928 J, Wiita B, Yang H-M, Nolan J. A Two-Year, Andrade JM (see Marana et al). 1999;44:529-534 Double-Blind Comparison of Estrogen- Andrews SJ (see Lerner et al). 1999;44:729-732 Androgen and Conjugated Estrogens in Andronikou S (see Plachouras et al). 1999;44:377- Surgically Menopausal Women: Effects on Bone 380 Mineral Density, Symptoms and Lipid Profiles. Arce F (see Bartha et al). 1999;44:689-697 1999;44:1012-1020 Arik Al (see Uygur et al). 1999;44:445-449 Barrilleaux PS, Adair D, Johnson G, Lewis DF. Arroyo E (see Yarwood and Arroyo). 1999;44:649-652 Splenic Rupture Associated with Severe Pre- Artal R (see Ural and Artal). 1999;44:315 eclampsia: A Case Report. 1999;44:899-901 Artenisio AC (see Corrado et al). 1999;44:875-878 Bartha JL, Comino-Delgado R, Arce F, Alba P, Arthur LSC, Selvakumar R, Seshadri MS, Seshadri Broullon JR, Barahona M. Relationship Between L. Hyperinsulinemia in Polycystic Ovary Disease. a-Fetoprotein and Fetal Erythropoiesis. 1999; 1999;44:783-787 44:689-697 002/499 -/44172-170325/$158.00 /0 © The Journal of Reproductive Medicine®, Inc 1032 Journal of Reproductive Medicine The Journal of Reproductive Medicine“ Contributor Index Volume 44, 1999 Subject index on page 1047. A Aslam U (see Hameed et al). 1999;44:405-410 Atad J, Hallak M, Sharon A, Kitzes R, Kelner Y, Abbi M, Kriplani A, Singh B. Preterm Labor and Abramovici H. Pelvic Actinomycosis: Is Long- Accidental Hemorrhage After Disopyramide Term Antibiotic Therapy Necessary? 1999;44: Therapy in Pregnancy: A Case Report. 1999;44: 939-944 653-655 Austin RM. Who Should Decide How Effective Abramovici H (see Atad et al). 1999;44:939-944 Cervical Cancer Screening Will Be? 1999;44: Adair D (see Barrilleaux et al). 1999;44:899-901 317-320 Ajossa S, Guerriero S, Paoletti AM, Mais V, Melis Aviram-Goldring A, Daniely M, Chaki R, Lipitz S, GB. Effect of Multiple Follicular Development on Barkai G, Goldman B. Advanced FISH with Uterine Perfusion in Subsequent Spontaneous Directly Labeled X, Y and 18 DNA Probes as a Tool Cycles. 1999;44:769-774 for Rapid Prenatal Diagnosis. 1999;44:497-503 Akyildiz S (see Gurgan et al). 1999;44:450-454 Azem F (see Geva et al). 1999;44:91-96 Alabama Professional Electrology Association Azziz R (see Farah et al). 1999;44:870-874 Study Group (see Farah et al). 1999;44:870-87 Alba P (see Bartha et al). 1999;44:689-697 B Al-Badawi IA, Fluker MR, Bebbington MW. Diag- nostic Laparoscopy in Infertile Women with Nor- Badawy SZA (see Khurana et al). 1999;44:487-492 mal Hysterosalpingograms. 1999;44:953-957 Ball HG (see Sayegh et al). 1999;44:821-825 Aloni R (see Yaron et al). 1999;44:107-114 Ballard M (see Ward et al). 1999;44:849-852 Alroy J (see Sayegh et al). 1999;44:821-825 Barahona M (see Bartha et al). 1999;44:689-697 Amit A (see Geva et al). 1999;44:91-96 Barak V (see Geva et al). 1999;44:91-96 Anasti JN (see Lamb et al). 1999;44:639-641 Barkai G (see Aviram-Goldring et al). 1999;44: Anceschi MM (see Piazze et al). 1999;44:611-615 497-503 Anderson GD (see Hankins et al). 1999;44:441-444 Barrett-Connor E, Young R, Notelovitz M, Sullivan Anderson LL (see Cheng et al). 1999;44:922-928 J, Wiita B, Yang H-M, Nolan J. A Two-Year, Andrade JM (see Marana et al). 1999;44:529-534 Double-Blind Comparison of Estrogen- Andrews SJ (see Lerner et al). 1999;44:729-732 Androgen and Conjugated Estrogens in Andronikou S (see Plachouras et al). 1999;44:377- Surgically Menopausal Women: Effects on Bone 380 Mineral Density, Symptoms and Lipid Profiles. Arce F (see Bartha et al). 1999;44:689-697 1999;44:1012-1020 Arik Al (see Uygur et al). 1999;44:445-449 Barrilleaux PS, Adair D, Johnson G, Lewis DF. Arroyo E (see Yarwood and Arroyo). 1999;44:649-652 Splenic Rupture Associated with Severe Pre- Artal R (see Ural and Artal). 1999;44:315 eclampsia: A Case Report. 1999;44:899-901 Artenisio AC (see Corrado et al). 1999;44:875-878 Bartha JL, Comino-Delgado R, Arce F, Alba P, Arthur LSC, Selvakumar R, Seshadri MS, Seshadri Broullon JR, Barahona M. Relationship Between L. Hyperinsulinemia in Polycystic Ovary Disease. a-Fetoprotein and Fetal Erythropoiesis. 1999; 1999;44:783-787 44:689-697 002/499 -/44172-170325/$158.00 /0 © The Journal of Reproductive Medicine®, Inc 1032 Journal of Reproductive Medicine Volume 44, Number 12/December 1999 Ss tikk Bayer S (see Ward et al). 1999;44:849-852 Briggs SL (see Chandra et al). 1999;44:556-558 Beaty CM, Bhaktaram VJ, Rayburn WF, Parker MJ, Brooks PG. Conquering Infertility: A Guide for Christensen HD, Chandrasekaran K. Low Back- C ouples 1999:44:2A (Book review) ache During Pregnancy: Acute Hemody-namic Broullon JR (see Bartha et al). 1999;44:689-697 Effects of a Lumbar Support. 1999;44:1007-1011 Brown D, Henzl MR, Kaufman RH, the Gynazole 1 Bebbington MW (see Al-Badawi et al). 1999;44 Study Group. Butoconazole Nitrate 2% for Vul 953-957 vovaginal Candidiasis: New, Single-Dose Vagi Becker MP (see Herman et al). 1999;44:33-38 nal Cream Formulation vs. Seven-Day Treatment Beckmann MW (see Bodden-Heidrich et al). 1999; with Miconazole Nitrate. 1999;44:933-938 44:411-416 Brown EM (see Gherman et al). 1999;44:745-747 Bender HG (see Bodden-Heidrich et al). 1999;44 Brown TL (see Tolaymat et al). 1999;44:335-338 411-416 Bruno L (see Corrado et al). 1999;44:875-878 Benjamin I (see Coukos et al). 1999;44:698-704 Bryan Tl Georgiopoulos AM, Harms RW Benn PA (see Devi and Benn). 1999;44:321-324 Huxsahl JE, Larson DR, Yawn BP. Incidence of Berger K (see Miller et al). 1999;44:807-814 Postpartum Depression in Olmsted County Berkowitz RP, Hutchins FL, Worthington-Kirsch Minnesota: A Population-Based, Retrospective RL. Vaginal Expulsion of Submucosal Fibroids Study. 1999;44:351-358 After Uterine Artery Embolization: A Report of Bryant ] (see Goldkrand et al). 1999;44:346-350 Three Cases. 1999;44:373-376 Bukulmez O (see Gurgan et al). 1999;44:450-454 Berkowitz RS (see Garner et al). 1999;44:908-912 Bunyaveijchevin S (see Laohaburanakit et al). 1999 Bernard JP (see Lécuru et al). 1999;44:46-48 414-551-555 Bhaktaram VJ (see Beaty et al). 1999;44:1007-1011 Bielfeld P (see Oz6rnek et al). 1999;44:367-—369 Biller BMK. Diagnostic Evaluation of Hyperprolac- tinemia. 1999;44:1095-1099 Calhoun BC e Ward et al). 1999;44:849-852 Biller BMK, Luciano A. Guidelines for the allahan C, Chescheir N, Steiner BD. Safety and Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperprolactine- Efficacy of Attempted Vaginal Birth after Cesar mia. 1999;44:1075-1084 ean Beyond the Estimated Date of Delivery Blomquist J (see Dunn et al). 1999;44:381-384 1999:44:606—610 Blough RI (see Bofinger et al). 1999;44:645-648 arabaneanu A (see Marchionni et al). 1999;44 Blumenfeld ML (see Hull et al). 1999;44:636-638 679-684 Bodden-Heidrich R, Kuppers V, Beckmann MW ardonick E (see Mass et al). 1999;44:887-890 Ozoérnek MH, Rechenberger I, Bender HG arter JE. Carter-Thomason Uterine Suspension Psychosomatic Aspects of Vulvodynia: Compar- and Positioning by Ligament Investment, Fixa ison with the Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome tion and Truncation. 1999;44:417-422 1999;44:411-416 asals E (see Castelo-Branceot al). 1999;44:241-—246 Bofill JA (see Flick et al). 1999;44:127-130 astelo-Branco C, de Osaba MJM, Pons F, Casals Bofill JA (see Ryan et al). 1999;44:587-591 E, Sanjuan A, Vicente J], Vanrell JA. Ossein Bofinger MK, Needham DF, Saldana LR, Sosnow- Hydroxyapatite Compounds for Preventing ski JP, Blough RI. 45,X/46,X,r(Y) Karyotype Postmenopausal Bone Loss: Coadjuvant Use rransmitted by Father to Son After Intracyto- with Hormone Replacement Therapy. 1999;44 plasmic Sperm Injection for Oligospermia: A 241-246 Case Report. 1999;44:645-648 astelo-Branco C, Pons F, Vicente JJ, Sanjuan A Boots LR (see Farah et al). 1999;44:870-874 Vanrell JA. Preventing Postmenopausal Bone Bossuyt PMM (see Mol et al). 1999;44:81-86 Loss with Ossein-Hydroxyapatite Compounds Bouchard P. Progesterone and the Progesterone Results of a Two-Year, Prospective Trial. 1999;44 Receptor. 1999;44:153-157 601-605 Bowen E (see Gherman et al). 1999;44:745-747 audle MR (see Upadhyaya et al). 1999;44:363-366 Boyd C (see Gimovsky and Boyd). 1999;44:897-898 ausio F, Fischetto R, Schonauer LM, Leonetti | Bracco GL (see Marchionni et al). 1999;44:679-684 Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Infertile Breech LL, Laufer MR. Obstructive Anomalies of Patients with Structural Cytogenetic Abnormal- the Female Reproductive Tract. 1999;44:233-240 ities. 1999;44:859-864 The Journal of Reproductive Medicine Cavanaugh S (see Simon et al). 1999;44:339-345 Chescheir N (see Callahan et al). 1999;44:606-610 Cetin A (see Kaya et al). 1999;44:115-121 Childs KD (see Upadhyaya et al). 1999;44:363-366 Cetin M (see Kaya et al). 1999;44:115-121 Chopra V (see Hove et al). 1999;44:493-496 Chaki R (see Aviram-Goldring et al). 1999;44: Christensen HD (see Beaty et al). 1999;44:1007- 497-503 1011 Chan AYF, Silverman RK, Smith FC, Geifman- ChungJ (see Coukos et al). 1999;44:698-704 Holtzman O. In Utero Treatment of Fetal Com- Chung K (see McKenna et al). 1999;44:796-800 plete Heart Block with Terbutaline: A Case Clark TJ, Etherington IJ, Luesley DM. Response of Report. 1999;44:385-387 Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus and Squamous Cell Hy- Chan P] (see Park et al). 1999;44:575-580 perplasia to Graduated Topical Steroids. 1999;44: Chan YM, Ngai SW, Lao TT. Colon Cancer in 958-962 Pregnancy: A Case Report. 1999;44:733-736 Clarkson TB. Progestogens and Cardiovascular Chan YM, Ngai SW, Lao TT. Gastric Adenocar- Disease: A Critical Review. 1999;44:180-184 cinoma Presenting with Persistent, Mild Gastro- Clayton DO (see Shen et al). 1999;44:535-542 intestinal Symptoms in Pregnancy: A Case Clements S (see Goldkrand et al). 1999;44:346—350 Report. 1999;44:986-988 Coccia EM (see Marchionni et al). 1999;44:679-684 Chandra PC, Schiavello HJ, Briggs SL, Samuels JD. Cohn GM, Miller RC, Gould M, Macri CJ, Heterotopic Pregnancy with Term Delivery Gimovsky ML. Impact of Genetic Counseling on After Rupture of a First-Trimester Tubal Preg- Primary and Preventive Care in Obstetrics and nancy: A Case Report. 1999;44:556-558 Gynecology. 1999;44:7-10 Chandrasekaran K (see Beaty et al). 1999;44:1007- Colgar U (see Erel et al). 1999;44:247-252 1011 Colombo M (see Gabriele et al). 1999;44:642-644 Chang C-C (see Hsieh et al). 1999;44:303-305 Comino-Delgado R (see Bartha et al). 1999;44: Chang C-C (see Hsieh et al). 1999;44:616-620 689-697 Chang C-C (see Hsieh et al). 1999;44:737-739 Connito DJ (see Gherman et al). 1999;44:471-474 Chang S-Y (see Huang et al). 1999;44:741-744 Cool JL (see Silva et al). 1999;44:288-296 Chang-Lee WY (see Garner et al). 1999;44:908-912 Copeland L] (see Hameed et al). 1999;44:405-410 Chao H-T (see Wang et al). 1999;44:279-287 Corrado F, Stella NC, Mancuso A, Triolo O, Bruno Chao H-T (see Wang et al). 1999;44:630-632 L, Artenisio AC. Screening for Gestational Dia- Chao K-C (see Wang et al). 1999;44:279-287 betes in Sicily. 1999;44:875-878 Chao K-C (see Wang et al). 1999;44:630-632 Cortés-Gutiérrez EI (see Giiitr6n-Cantu et al). Charron-Prochownik D (see Herman et al). 1999; 1999;44:891-893 44:33-38 Cosmi EV (see Piazze et al). 1999;44:611-615 Chasen S (see Khabele and Chasen). 1999;44:989- Coukos G, Makrigiannakis A, Chung J, Randall 99] TC, Rubin SC, Benjamin I. Complete Hydatidi- Chauhan SP (see Hendrix et al). 1999;44:433-440 form Mole: A Disease with a Changing Profile. Chauhan SP, Scardo JA, Hendrix NW, Magann EF, 1999;44:698-704 Morrison JC. Accuracy of Sonographically Crosignani PG. Management of Hyperprolactine- Estimated Fetal Weight With and Without Oligo- mia in Infertility. 1999;44:1116-1120 hydramnios: A Case-Control Study. 1999;44:969- Csapo Z (see Tanyi et al). 1999;44:826-832 973 Csapo6 Z, Szabo |, Toth M, Dévényi N, Papp Z. Checcucci V (see Marchionni et al). 1999;44: Hyperreactio Luteinalis in a Normal Singleton 679-684 Pregnancy: A Case Report. 1999;44:53-56 Chen C-L, Wang P-H, Ng H-T, Yuan C-C. Transhe- Cubillos ] (see Lucena and Cubillos). 1999;44:458- patic Artery Chemoembolization for Liver 464 Metastases of Primary Retroperitoneal Endoder- Currie JL (see Lerner et al). 1999;44:729-732 mal Sinus Tumor: A Case Report. 1999;44:559- Curry SL (see Johnson et al). 1999;44:423-427 562 Cheng RJ, Hernandez E, Anderson LL, Heller PB, D Shank R. Clinical Significance of a Cytologic Diagnosis of Atypical Glandular Cells of Unde- Dachauer JD (see Raskin et al). 1999;44:571-574 termined Significance. 1999;44:922-928 Daniel Y (see Geva et al). 1999;44:91-96 Volume 44, Number 12/December 1999 Daniely M (see Aviram-Goldring et al). 1999;44 Elcioglu N (see Erk et al). 1999;44:135-138 497-503 Elder BL (see Ryan et al). 1999;44:587-591 Davis GD (see Harkins et al). 1999;44:309-312 Erel CT, Senturk LM, Oral E, Mutlu H, Colgar | Davis GD (see Hibbert et al). 1999;44:1-6 Seyisoglu H, Ertungealp E. Results of the ACTH Dawson EB, Harris WA, Evans DR, Van Hook JW. Stimulation Test in Hirsute Women. 1999;44 Amniotic Fluid Amino and Nucleic Acid in Nor- 247-252 mal and Neural Tube Defect Pregnancies: A Ergeneli MH, Demirhan B, Duran EH. Desmoid Comparison. 1999;44:28-32 lumor of the Vulva: A Case Report. 1999;44 de Lignieres B. Endometrial Hyperplasia: Risks, 748-750 Recognition and the Search for a Safe Hormone Erk A, Ozeren S, Ozbay O, Vural B, Elcioglu N Replacement Regimen. 1999;44:191-196 Persistent Miillerian Duct Syndrome: A Cass de Osaba MJM (see Castelo-Branco et al). 1999-44: Report. 1999;44:135-138 241-246 Erol D (see Uygur et al). 1999;44:445-449 de Sala MM (see Marana et al). 1999;44:529-534 Ertungealp E (see Erel et al). 1999;44:247-252 Degregorio F (see Mazdisnian et al). 1999;44:332 Etherington IJ (see Clark et al). 1999;44:958-962 DeLellis R (see Sayegh et al). 1999;44:821-825 Evans DR (see Dawson et al). 1999;44:28—32 Demirhan B (see Ergeneli et al). 1999;44:748-750 Evans MI (see Yarone t al). 1999;44:107-114 Dennemark N (see Miiller et al). 1999;44:807-814 Dettori J (see Harkins et al). 1999;44:309-312 Dévényi N (see Csap6 et al). 1999;44:53-56 Devi A, Benn PA. X-Chromosome Abnormalities Fabrizio A (see Zulloe t al). 1999;44:865-—869 in Women with Premature Ovarian Failure. 1999; Fadini R (see Zanetta et al). 1999;44:815-820 44:321-324 Fanning |. Treatment for Early Endometrial Cancer Devoe LD (see Hendrix et al). 1999;44:433-440 Cost-Effectiveness Analvsis. 1999;44:719-723 Di Carlo C (see Zullo et al). 1999;44:865-869 Farah L, Lazenby AJ, Boots LR, Azziz R, Alabama Diamond MP (see Wiseman et al). 1999;44:325-33 Professional Electrology Association Study Diamond MP (see Yaron et al). 1999;44:253-256 Group. Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syn Dinh TV (see Hove et al). 1999;44:493-496 drome in Women Seeking Treatment fron Doeden AL (see Raskin et al). 1999;44:571-574 Community Electrologists. 1999;44:870-874 Dombrowski MP (see Ransom et al). 1999;44:592 Feldblum P] (see Fortney et al). 1999;44:269-274 594 Feldman S (see Schorge et al). 1999;44:669-672 Drewes P (see Krivak et al). 1999;44:511-517 Feng H, Sandlow JI, Sparks AET, Sandra A. Devel Dunn AB, Blomquist J, Khouzami V. Anaphylaxis opment of an Immunocontrac eptive Vaccine in Labor Secondary to Prophylaxis Against Current Status. 1999;44:759-765 Group B Streptococcus: A Case Report. 1999;44 Ferrari L (see Zanetta et al). 1999;44:815-820 381-384 FIGO Committee for the Ethical Aspects of Human Duran EH (see Ergeneli et al). 1999;44:748-750 Reproduction and Women’s Health. Ethical Duska LR (see Schorge et al). 1999;44:669-673 Guidelines on Human Reproduction and Wom en’s Health. 1999;44:482—-486 Finan MA (see Hemelt and Finan). 1999;44:983-985 Fischetto R (see Causio et al). 1999;44:859-864 Eastlund M (see Look et al). 1999;44:977-980 Fitzsimmons J (see Herrero and Fitzsimmons). 1999 Eblen AC, Pridham DD, Tatum CM. Conservative 44:674-678 Management of an 11-Week Cervical Pregnancy Flick RP, Bofill JA, King JC. Pregnancy Complicat A Case Report. 1999:44:61-64 ed by Traumatic Diaphragmatic Rupture: A Edelman DA, Grant S. One-Day Therapy for Vagi- Case Report. 1999;44:127-130 nal Candidiasis: A Review. 1999;44:543-547 Floyd R (see Gisi and Floyd). 1999;44:65-67 Edwards L. Corticosteroids for Vulvar Lichen Scle- Fluker MR (see Al-Badawi et al). 1999;44:953-957 rosus. 1999;44:992 (Letter) Flynn MK, Niloff JM. Outpatient Minilaparotomy Eggleston MK (see Forsnes et al). 1999;44:297—298 for Ovarian Cysts. 1999;44:399-404 Eggleston MK (see Gherman et al). 1999;44:745 Forsbach-Sanchez G (see Giiitr6n-Cantu et al) 747 1999;44:891-893 The Journal of Reproductive Medicine Forsnes EV, Eggleston MK, Heaton JO. Entero- Gherman RB (see Heath and Gherman). 1999;44: vesical Fistula Complicating Pregnancy: A Case 902-904 Report. 1999;44:297-298 Gherman RB, Bowen E, Eggleston MK, Teague KE, Fortney J (see Hubacher and Fortney). 1999;44:801- Sayles T, Brown EM, Pollak MR. Successful 806 Pregnancy Outcome in a Woman with a Gain-of- Fortney JA, Feldblum PJ, Raymond EG. Intrauter- Function Mutation of the Calcium-Sensing ine Devices: The Optimal Long-Term Contracep- Receptor: A Case Report. 1999;44:745-747 tive Method? 1999;44:269-274 Gherman RB, Tramont J, Connito DI. Postpartum Francisco CA (see Zhao et al). 1999;44:1000—1006 Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome Associated with Franklin RR (see Wiseman et al). 1999;44:325-331 Lupus Anticoagulant: A Case Report. 1999;44: Fraser IS. Regulating Menstrual Bleeding: A Prime 471-474 Function of Progesterone. 1999;44:158-164 Gibbons WE (see Thorneycroft and Gibbons). Fraser IS, Lobo R. Update on Progestogen Therapy. 1999;44:209-214 1999;44:139-140 Gibbons WE, Thorneycroft IH. Protecting the Endo- Frayer CA, Hibbert ML. Abdominal Pregnancy in metrium: Opposing the Hyperplasia/ Malignancy a 67-Year-Old Woman Undetected for 37 Years: Potential of ERT. 1999;44:203-208 A Case Report. 1999;44:633-635 Gimovsky ML (see Cohn et al). 1999;44:7-10 Friedman F (see Wieland and Friedman). 1999;44: Gimovsky ML, Boyd C. Funic Presentation as a 724-728 Complication of External Cephalic Version: A Fukaya T (see Matsuzaki et al). 1999;44:981—-982 Case Report. 1999;44:897-898 Fundaro G (see Ransom et al). 1999;44:592-594 Gimpelson RJ, Graham B. Using Amino-Cerv After Fung T-Y (see Yip et al). 1999;44:974-976 Cervical LEEP. 1999;44:275-278 Fung TY, Li CY. Successful Pregnancy in a Woman Gisi P, Floyd R. Hepatocellular Carcinoma in with Secondary Biliary Cirrhosis with Portal Hy- Pregnancy: A Case Report. 1999;44:65-67 pertension trom Recurrent Pyogenic Cholangitis: Giudice LC. Genes Associated with Embryonic A Case Report. 1999;44:475-477 Attachment and Implantation and the Role of Futamura N (see Minoura et al). 1999;44:18—22 Progesterone. 1999;44:165-171 Futamura N (see Tanaka et al). 1999;44:929-932 Glazer HI, Romanzi L, Polaneczky M. Pelvic Floor Muscle Surface Electromyography: Reliability G and Clinical Predictive Validity. 1999;44:779-782 Goetsch MF. Postpartum Dyspareunia: An Gabriele A, Zanetta G, Pasta F, Colombo M. Uterine Unexplored Problem. 1999;44:963-968 Rupture After Hysteroscopic Metroplasty and Goldhaber SZ (see Schorge et al). 1999;44:669-673 Labor Induction: A Case Report. 1999;44:642-644 Goldkrand JW, Lentz SU, Turner AD, Clements S, Gangnon R (see Pratt et al). 1999;44:257-264 Sefter H, Bryant J. Doppler Velocimetry in the Garcia-Velasco JA (see Zreik et al). 1999;44:1025-1028 Fetus with a Single Umbilical Artery. 1999;44: Garner EIO, Chang-Lee WY, Lu KH, Goldstein DP, 346-350 Berkowitz RS. Trophoblastic Pulmonary Goldman B (see Aviram-Goldring et al). 1999;44 Embolization After Hysterectomy for Invasive 497-503 Complete Moie: A Case Report. 1999;44:908-912 Goldstein DP (see Garner et al). 1999;44:908-912 Gavric¢ V (see Reljié et al). 1999;44:713-718 Gonzalez JL (see Lerner et al). 1999;44:729-732 Geifman-Holtzman O (see Chan et al). 1999;44: Gonzalez-Pico | (see Gtitron-Cantut et al). 1999;44: 385-387 891-893 Georgiopoulos AM (see Bryan et al). 1999;44:351-358 Goodman A (see Schorge et al). 1999:44:669-673 Gerlach DH (see Simon et al). 1999;44:339-345 Gopalani S (see Mass et al). 1999;44:887-890 Geva E, Amit A, Lessing JB, Lerner-Geva L, Daniel Gould M (see Cohn et al). 1999;44:7-10 Y, Yovel I, Azem F, Barak V. Follicular Fluid Gould SF (see Jazayeri et al). 1999;44:879-882 Levels of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor: Graham B (see Gimpelson and Graham). 1999;44: Are They Predictive Markers for Ovarian Hyper- 275-278 stimulation Syndrome? 1999;44:91—96 Grant S (see Edelman and Grant). 1999;44:543-547 Gherman RB. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Green BA (see Tolaymat et al). 1999;44:335-338 1999:44:656 (Letter) Greenberg R (see Ransom et al). 1999;44:359-362 Volume 44, Number 12/December 1999 me 1037 Guerriero S (see Ajossa et al). 1999;44:769-774 Hendricks SK (see Pratt et al). 1999;44:257-264 Guitron-Cantu A, L6pez-Vera E, Forsbach-Sanchez Hendrix NW (see Chauhan et al) | 999: 4 4 969 G, Leal-Garza CH, Cortés-Gutiérrez EI] 973 Gonzalez-Pico I. Gonadal Dysgenesis and Hendrix NW, Chauhan SP, Mobley J], Devoe LD Rokitansky Syndrome: A Case Report. 1999;44 Smith RP. 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