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JOURNAL OF Policy Analysis and Management Index of Authors for Volume 30, 2011 Antos, Joseph. Medicare Reform and knowitz, Alison, Fiscal Reality, No. 4, 934-944 The Effect of Antos, Joseph. Top-Down Controls Day Kinder- Not the Solution: Response to lish Learner Stu- Marmor, Oberlander, and White 287-309. No. 4, 945-946. Prakash, Aseem. s by Signaling Bae, Yong—Kyun, and Benitez-Silva, Trade Competi- Hugo. Do Vehicle Recalls Cross—ational Reduce the Number of Acci- ISO 9000 Quality dents? The Case of the U.S. Ca 111-135. Market, No. 4, 821-862 eman, Robert, Been, Vicki, Chan, Sewin, Gould as, and Wolfe, Ellen, Ingrid, and Madar, Josiah R. ‘fits and Costs Decoding the Foreclosure Crisis: 8 Housing Sub Causes, Responses and Conse- \ Framework and quences, No. 2, 388-395. rst-Year Effects, Been, Vicki, Chan, Sewin, Gould Ellen, Ingrid, and Madar, Josiah R. haloupka, Frank Powell, Lisa M., Negative Equity, Yes, But Not and Chriqui, Jamie F. Sugar- the Whole Story, No. 2, 398-400. Sweetened Beverages and Obe- Bitler, Marianne, and Haider, Steven J. sity Prevention: Policy Recom- An Economic View of Food mendations, No. 3, 662-663. Deserts in the United States, No. 1, haloupka, Frank J., Powell, Lisa 153-176. M an hriqui, Jamie F. Boyd, Don, Lankford, Hamp, Loeb, Sugal sweetened Bev erages Susanna, Ronfeldt, Matthew, and and besity: The Potential Wyckoff, Jim. The Role of Teachet Impact of Public Policies, No. 3, Quality in Retention and Hiring: 645-654 Using Applications to Transfer to Clark, Benja Y., and Whitford, Uncover Preferences of Teachers Andrew B. Does More Federal and Schools, No. 1, 88-110 ynmental Funding Increase Burkhauser, Richard V. Presidential rease States’ Efforts? No. 1, —~he } Address: Evaluating the Ques- tions that Alternative Policy Collins, J. Michael, Lam, Ken, and Success Measures Answer, No. 2 Herbert, Christopher E. State 205-215. Mortgage Foreclosure Policies & Index of Authors for Volume 30 Lender Interventions: Impacts Goldhaber, Dan, Gross, Betheny, on Borrower Behavior in and Player, Daniel. Teache1 Default, No. 2, 216-232. Career Paths, Teacher Quality, Colman, Sylvie, and Joyce, Ted. and Persistence in the Class- Regulating Abortion: Impact on room: Are Public Schools Keep- Patients and Providers in Texas, ing Their Best? No. 1, 57-87 No. 4, 775-797. Grissom, Jason A., and Keiser, Lael. Couch, Kenneth A. Introduction: A Supervisor Like Me: Race, Health Policy and Sugar—Sweet- Representation, and the Satis- ened Beverages, No. 3, 644. faction and Turnover Decisions Couch, Kenneth A. Medicare. The of Public Sector Employees, No. 3, Fiscal Challenge, No. 4, 927. 557-580. Gruber, Jonathan. The Facts from Decker, Paul T., and Berk, Jillian A. Massachusetts Speak Clearly: Ten Years of the Workforce Invest- Response to Douglas Holtz ment Act (WIA): Interpreting the Eakin, No. 1, 194-195. Research on WIA and Related Programs, No. 4, 906-926. Heinrich, Carolyn J., Burkhardt, Dee, Thomas, and Jacob, Brian. The Brett C., and Shager, Hilary M. Impact of No Child Left Behind Reducing Child Support Debt on Student Achievement, No. 3, and Its Consequences: Can For- 418-446. giveness Benefit All? No. 4 755-776. Fletcher, Jason M., Frisvold, David Henry III, David D., Muller, E., and Tefft, Nathan. Are Soft Nicholas Z., and Mendelsohn, Drink Taxes an Effective Mech- Robert O. The Social Cost of anism for Reducing Obesity? Trading: Measuring the Increased No. 3, 655-661. Damages from Sulfur Dioxide Fletcher, Jason M., Frisvold, David Trading in the United States, E., and Tefft, Nathan. The Proof No. 3, 598-612. is in the Pudding: Response to Hill, Heather D., Morris, Pamela A., Chaloupka, Powell, and Castells, Nina, and Thornton Chriqui, No. 3, 664-665. Walker, Jessica. Getting a Job is Fuller, Boyd W., and Minh Vu, Only Half the Battle: Maternal Khuong. Exploring the Dynam- Job Loss and Child Classroom ics of Policy Interaction: Feed- Behavior in Low-Income Fami- back Among and Impacts from lies, No. 2, 310-333. Multiple, Concurrently Applied Holtz—Eakin, Douglas. Does Massa- Policy Approaches for Promoting chusetts’s Health Care Reform Collaboration, No. 1, 359-380. Point to Success with National Reform? No. 1, 178-183. Gerardi, Kristopher, Ross, Stephen Holtz—Eakin, Douglas. Right Analy- L., and Willen, Paul. Decoding sis, Wrong Conclusions: Res- Misperceptions: The Role of ponse to Jonathan Gruber, No. 1, Underwriting and Appropriate 192-193. Policy Responses, No. 2, Huston, Althea C., Gupta, Anjali E., 396-397. Thornton Walker, Jessica, Dowsett, Gerardi, Kristopher, Ross, Stephen Chantelle J., Epps, Sylvia R., Imes, L., and Willen, Paul. Under- Amy E., and McLoyd, Vonnie C. standing the Foreclosure Crisis, The Long-Term Effects on Chil- No. 2, 382-387. dren and Adolescents of a Policy Index of Authors for Volume 30 Providing Work Supports fo Misdiagnosed Problems, Inade- Low-Income Parents, No. 4 quate Solutions, No. 4, 928-933. 729-754. Maureen, Pir \ Introduction to the Research Articles, No. 1, 2-4. Jonathan, Gruber, Massachusetts Maureen, Pirog A. Introduction to Points the Way to Successful the Research Articles, No. 2, Health Care Reform, No.1 201-2( Joyce, Theodore J., What Can Mass Mauree! irog A. Introduction achusetts. Teach Us About the 2 arch rticles, No. National Health Insurance 413-417 Reform? No. 1, 177-178 Maureen 9 ntroduction to Jung, Haeil. Increase in the Length the esex h rticles, No. 3, 70) oi of Incarceration and the Subse- quent Labor Market Outcomes: Maureen irog otes from the Evidence from Men Released from Illinois State Prisons, No. 3, Maureen, Pirog Notes from the 499-533 Edito Mat ireel ; Notes from the Klawitter, Marieka. Multilevel Edi Ul 7 Analysis of the Effects of and Tucker, Antidiscrimination Policies on ryption and the Earnings by Sexual Orientation Data, No. 3, No. 2, 334-358. Klerman, Jacob Alex, and Daniel son, Caroline. The Transforma The Foreclosure tion of the Supplemental Nutri ind Consequences, tion Assistance Program, No. 4, 863-888. Parag, Yael aptick, Stuart, and Ladd, Helen F., and Fiske, Edward Poorting: Wouter. Policy B. Weighted Student Funding in Attribute Framing: A Compari- the Netherlands: A Model for son Between Three Policy Instru- the U.S.? No. 3, 470-498. ments for Personal Emissions Lovenheim, Michael F.,, and Steefel, Reduction, No. 4, 889-905. Daniel P. Do Blue Laws Save Ponomario\ Branco Kingsley, Lives? The Effect of Sunday Alco- Gordon, and Boardman,Craig. hol Sales Bans on Fatal Vehicle Searching for Contracting Accidents, No. 4, 798-820. Patterns over Time: Do Prime Contractor and Subcontractor Marcotte, Dave E., and Markowitz, Relations Follow Similar Pat- Sara. A Cure for Crime? terns for Professional Services Psycho—Pharmaceuticals and Provision?No. 3, 581-597. Crime Trends, No. 1, 29-56. Marmor, Theodore, Oberlander, Robert, Christopher, and Zeckhauser. Jonathan, and White, Joseph. Richard, The Methodology of Medicare's Reality is Not What Normative Policy Analysis, No. it Seems: Response to Joseph 3, 613-643. Antos, No. 4, 942-944. Romanosky, Sasha, Telang, Rahul, Marmor, Theodore, Oberlander, and Acquisti, Alessandro. Do Data Jonathan, and White, Joseph. Breach Disclosure Laws Reduce Medicare and the Federal Budget: Identity Theft? No. 2, 256-286. Index of Authors for Volume 30 Shetty, Kanaka D., DeLeire, Incentives on the Earnings of Thomas, White, Chapin, and Social Security Disability Insur- Bhattacharya Jayanta. Changes ance (SSDI) Beneficiaries, No. in U.S. Hospitalization and 4, 708-728. Mortality Rates Following Smoking Bans, No. 1, 6-28. , Zeyu, Hannaway, Jane, and Tay- Weathers II, Robert R., and Hem- lor, Colin. Making a Difference: meter, Jeffrey. The Impact of The Effects of Teach for Americz Changing Financial Work in High School, No. 3, 447-469.

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