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JOURNAL OF Policy Analysis and Management Index of Authors for Volume 23, 2004 Acs, Gregory, and Nelson, Sandi. from the Experience of Others?, Changes in Living Arrange No. 2, 205-220. ments during the Late 1990s: Bardach, Eugene. Matching Stu Do Welfare Policies Matter? dents to Project Groups Using No. 2, 273-290 the “Elimination Auction” Pro Ahmad, Sajjad, Tengs, Tammy, eram, No. 4, 927-928. Moore, Rebecca, and Gage Bardach, Eugene. What If...?, No. 4, Eric. Federal Policy Mandating SS9O—-R9O0D Safer Cigarettes: A Simulation Belman, Dale, and Heywood, John of the Anticipated Population S. Public Wage Differentialasn d Health Gains or Losses, No. 4, the Treatment of Occupational 857-872. Ditterences, No. # 135 152 Anderson, D. | Zagonel, A. A., Bisesi, Michael. Book Review, No. Rohrbaugh, J., and Richardson 3 633-635 G. P. Using Simulation Models Blustein, Jan. Should Capstone to Address “What If” Questions Course Activities Undergo about Welfare Reform, No. 4 Human Subjects Review? No. 4, 890-901 921-927. Astone, Nan M., Scherlin, Andrew Boardman, Anthony E., Moore, J., and Hao, Lingxin. Adoles Mark A., Vining, Aidan R., cents’ Formal Employment and Weimer, David L., and Green School Enrollment: Effects of berg, David H. “Just Give Me a State Welfare Policies, No. 4, Number!” Practical Values for 697-721 the Social Discount Rate, No. 4, 789-812. Bao, Yuhua Haider, Steven, Breul, Jonathan D. Book Review, Schoeni, Robert F., and Daniel- No. 3, 645-648. son, Caroline. Immigrants, Wel- Brock, Jonathan. Public Manage fare Reform and the Economy ment: Where Do We Go from in the 1990s, No. 4, 745-764 Here? Or, What Do We Know Bardach, Eugene Presidential and When Did We Know It?, Address—The Extrapolation No. 3, 617-631. Problem: How Can We Learn Buddin, Richard, and Zimmer, Ron. Journal of Policy Analysiasn d Management, Vol. 23, No. 4, 961-967 (2004) 2004 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc / Index of Authors for Volume 23 Book Review, No. 4, 929-932. from the Georgia Irrigation Reduction Auction, No. 2, Cancian, Maria, and Meyer, Daniel 341-363. R. Alternative Measures of Eco- nomic Success among TANF Danielson, Caroline, Bao, Yuhua, Participants: Avoiding Poverty, Haider, Steven, and Schoeni, Hardship, and Dependence on Robert F. Immigrants, Welfare Public Assistance, No. 3, Reform and the Economy in the 531-548 1990s, No. 4, 745-764. Carpenter, Christopher. Heavy Alco- Dee, Thomas S. and Keys, Ben- hol Use and Youth Suicide, No. jamin J. Does Merit Pay Reward 4, 831-842 Good Teachers? Evidence from Carpenter, Seth B., and Rodgers, a Randomized Experiment, No. William M., Ill. The Disparate 3, 471-488. Labor Market Impacts of Mone- Diaz, Roger Aliaga, Clotfelter, tary Policy, No. 4, 813-830. Charles T., Ladd, Helen F., and Clotfelter, Charles T., Ladd, Helen Vigdor, Jacob L. Do School F., Vigdor, Jacob L., and Diaz, Accountability Systems Make It Roger Aliaga. Do School More Difficult for Low-Per- Accountability Systems Make It forming Schools to Attract and More Difficult for Low-Per- Retain High-Quality Teachers?, forming Schools to Attract and No. 2, 251-271. Retain High-Quality Teachers?, Donahue, Amy K. The Influence of No. 2, 251-271. Management on the Cost of Fire Cook, Philip J. Book Review, No. 1, Protection, No. 1, 71-92. 198-201. Donahue, John D. Book Review, No Corcoran, Sean P., Evans, William 1, 179-183. N., and Schwab, Robert M. Donahue, John D., and Minicucci, Women, the Labor Market, and Stephen. A Simple Estimation the Declining Relative Quality Method for Aggregate Govern- of Teachers, No. 3, 449-470. ment Outsourcing, No. 3, Cordero-Guzman, Héctor R., and 489-507. Henken, Ted. Book Review, No 1, 184-189. Edles, Gary J. Book Review, No. 3, Cronheim, Carol C. Book Review, 635-637. No. 4, 932-936. Eizenstat, Stuart E. Bo« »k Review, Crosby, Danielle A., Huston, Aletha No. 2, 377-381. C., Gennetian, Lisa A., and Engberg, John B., and Greenbaum, Lowe, Edward D. Can Child Robert T. The Impact of State Care Assistance in Welfare and Enterprise Zones on Urban Employment Programs Support Manufacturing Establishments, the Employment of Low-Income No. 2, 315-339. Families?, No. 4, 723-743. Evans, William N., Corcoran, Sean Cummings, Ronald G., Holt, P., and Schwab, Robert M. Charles A., and Laury, Susan K. Women, the Labor Market, and Using Laboratory Experiments the Declining Relative Quality for Policymaking: An Example of Teachers, No. 3, 449-470. Index of Authors for Volume 23 / 96 Fournier, Elizabeth, and Heinrich, A., Boardman, Anthony E., Vin- Carolyn J. Dimensions of Pub- ing, Aidan R., and Weimer, licness and Performance in David L. “Just Give Me a Num- Substance Abuse Treatment ber!” Practical Values for the Organizations, No. 1, 49-70 Social Discount Rate, No. 4, 789-812 Gage, Eric, Tengs, Tammy, Ahmad, Grogger, Jeffrey. Welfare Transi Sajjad, and Moore, Rebecca. tions in the 1990s: The Econo- Federal Policy Mandating Safe1 my, Welfare Policy, and the Cigarettes: A Simulation of the EITC, No. 4, 671-695. Anticipated Population Health Gainso r Losses, No. 4, 857-872. Haider, Steven, Schoeni, Robert F.,, Galston, William. Book Review, No Bao, Yuhua, and Danielson, 1, 194-195. Caroline. Immigrants, Welfare Gennetian, Lisa A., Crosby, Danielle Reform and the Economy in the A., Huston, Aletha C., and 1990s, No. 4, 745-764. Lowe, Edward D Can Child Hao, Lingxin, Astone, Nan M., and Care Assistance in Welfare and Scherlin, Andrew J. Adoles- Employment Programs Support cents’ Formal Employment and the Employment of Low School Enrollment: Effects of Income Families? No. 4 State Welfare Policies, No. 4 723-743. 697-721. Gittell, Ross. Book Review. No Heikkila, Tanya. Institutional 393-396. Boundaries and Common-Pool Glied, Sherry A., Remler, Dahlia K Resource Management: A Com- and Zivin, Joshua Graff. Mod parative Analysis ofW ater Man- eling Health Insurance Expan agement Programs in Califor sions: Effects of Alternate nia, No. 1, 97-117. Approaches, No. 2, 291-313 Heinrich, Carolyn J., and Fournier, Gould, Jon B., and Toepler, Stefan Elizabeth. Dimensions of Pub- Charitable Sharing: A_ Tort licness and Performance in Reform Proposal, No | Substance Abuse Treatment 153-158. Organizations, No. 1, 49-70. Grabowski, David C., and Morrisey, Henken, Ted, and Cordero- Michael A. Gasoline Prices and Guzman, Héctor R. Book Motor Vehicle Fatalities, No. 3, Review, No. 1, 184-189. 575-593. Heywood, John S., and Belman, Grant, Darren, and Rutner, Stephen Dale. Public Wage Differentials M. The Effect of Bicycle Helmet and the Treatment of Occupa- Legislation on Bicycling Fatali- tional Differences, No - ties, No. 3, 595-611. 35-152. Greenbaum, Robert T., and Eng- Hill, Carolyn J., and Lynn, Laurence berg, John B. The Impact of E., Jr. Governance and Public State Enterprise Zones on Management, an Introduction, Urban Manufacturing Estab- No 1, 3-11. lishments, No. 2, 315-339 Hills, John, and Waldfogel, Jane. Greenberg, David H., Moore, Mark Welfare Reform in the U.K.: Are 64 / Index of Authors for Volume 23 There Lessons for the U.S.?, No. TANF and Medicaid, No. 3, 4, 765-788 509-530. Hoffman, Frank. Book Review, No. 3, 642-645. Ladd, Helen F.,, Clotfelter, Charles Holt, Charles A., Cummings, T., Vigdor, Jacob L., and Diaz, Ronald G., and Laury, Susan K. Roger Aliaga. Do School Using Laboratory Experiments Accountability Systems Make It for Policymaking: An Example More Difficult for Low-Per- from the Georgia Irrigation forming Schools to Attract and Reduction Auction, No. 2, Retain High-Quality Teachers?, 341-363. No. 2, 251-27 Howell, William G. Dynamic Selec- Laury, Susan K., Cummings, tion Effects in Means-Tested, Ronald G., and Holt, Charles A. Urban School Voucher Pro- Using Laboratory Experiments grams, No. 2, 225-250. for Policymaking: An Example Huston, Aletha C., Gennetian, Lisa from the Georgia Irrigation A., Crosby, Danielle A., and Reduction Auction, No. 2, Lowe, Edward D. Can Child 341-363. Care Assistance in Welfare and Lazer, David M. Book Review, No. 1, Employment Programs Support 196-198. the Employment of Low- Light, Richard J. Book Review, No. Income Families?, No. 4, 4, 940-943 723-743. Lowe, Edward, D., Gennetian, Lisa A., Crosby, Danielle A., and Ingraham, Patricia W. Conclusion, Huston, Aletha C. Can Child No. 1, 93-96. Care Assistance in Welfare and Employment Programs Support Kelman, Steven. Book Review, No. the Employment of Low- 4, 936-940. Income Families?, No. 4, Kenney, Sally J. Gender, the Public 723-743. Policy Enterprise, and Case Lubell, Mark. Collaborative Envi- Teaching, No. 1, 159-178. ronmental Institutions: All Talk Keys, Benjamin J., and Dee, and No Action? No. 3, 549-573 Thomas S. Does Merit Pay Lynn, Laurence E., Jr, and Hill, Reward Good Teachers? Evi- Carolyn J.G overnance and Pub- dence from a Randomized lic Management, an Introduc- Experiment, No. 3, 471-488. tion, No 1, 3-11 Knott, Jack H., and Payne, A. Abi- gail. The Impact of State Gover- McCalla, Dawn C., and Trujillo, nance Structures on Manage- Antonio J. Are Colombian Sick ment and Performance of Pub- ness Funds Cream Skimming lic Organizations: A Study of Enrollees? An Analysis with Higher Education Institutions, Suggestions for Policy Improve- No. 1, 13-30. ment, No. 4, 873-888. Kronebusch, Karl, and Stuber, Jen- McGregor, Eugene B., Jr. Book nifer. Stigma and Other Deter- Review, No. 2, 387-393. minants of Participation in Meier, Kenneth J., O’Toole, Laurence Index of Authors for Volume 23 / % J., Jr, and Nicholson-Crotty ments during the Late 1990s Sean Multilevel Governance Do Welfare Policies Matter?, and Organizational Perfor No. 2, 273-290 mance: Investigating the Politi Neumark, David. Book Review, No cal-Bureaucratic Labyrinth, No 2, 396-398 1, 31-47. Nicholson-Crotty, Sean, O'Toole, Meyer, Daniel R., and Cancian, Laurence J., Jr., and Meier, Ken- Maria. Alternative Measures ol neth J Multilevel Governance Economic Success among and Organizational Perfor TANF Participants: Avoiding mance: Investigating the Politi Poverty, Hardship, and Depen cal-Bureaucratic Labyrinth, No. denceo n Public Assistance, No 1, 31-47 3 531-548 Minicucci, Stephen, and Donahuc¢ O'Hare, Michael. Rhetoric: Memo John D. A Simple Estimation to My Students, No. 2, 366-375 Method for Aggregate Govern O'Toole, Laurence J., Jr., MeierK,e n ment Outsourcing No neth J., and Nicholson-Crotty 489-507. Sean. Multilevel Governance Mitchell, James L. Will Empowe and Organizational Perfor ing Developers to Challenge mance Investigating the Politi Exclusionary Zonins creas cal-Bureaucratic Labyrinth, No Suburban Housin: y ( 1, 31-47 1, 119-134 Ottaway, Marina. Book Review, No Moore, Mark A., Boardman, Antho 3 637-639 ny E., Vining, Aidan R., Weim« David | , and Greenbe! Da ( Payne Abigail and Knott, Jack H. “Just Give Me a Number H. The Impact of State Gover Practical Values for the Social nance Structures on Manage Discount Rate, No 789-812 ment and Performance of Pub Moore, Rebecca Tens ammy lic Organizations: A Study of Ahmad, Sajjad, and Gag ri Higher Education Institutions Federal Policy Mandating Saf No. 1, 13-30 Cigarettes: A Simulation of tl Payton, Sallvanne Book Review Anticipated Populatio1 ealth No. 2, 384-387 Gainso r Losses, No. 4, 85 ) Ptatf, Alexander, and Sanchirico Morrisey, Michael A., and Grabo Chris William. Big Field, Small ki, David C. Gasolin ices and Potatoes: An Empirical Assess Motor Vehicle Fatalit ‘ 3 ment of EPA’ Self-Audit Policy 575-593 415-432 Mumpower, Jeryl | art Thomas R. Detection ; ( Remler, Dahlia K., Zivin, Joshua tion Decisions in th ract ) Gralt, and Glied, Sherry A Screening Mammograp No Modeling Health Insurance 4, 908-920 Expansions: Effectso f Alternate Approaches, No. 2, 291-313 Nelson, Sandi, and Ac Reute! Pete Introduction’ to Changes in Livin Research ArticlesN,o . 1, 1-2 166 / Index of Authors for Volume 23 Reuter, Peter. Introduction Scherer, F. M. Book Review, No. 2, Research Articles, No. 381-384 221-224. Scherlin, Andrew J., Hao, Lingxin, Reuter, Peter. Introduction § to and Astone, Nan M. Adoles- Research Articles, No. 3 cents Formal Employment and 407-413 School Enrollment, No. 4, Reuter, Peter. Introduction 697-721. Research Articles, No. 4, Schoeni, Robert F., Haider, Steven, 665-670. Bao, Yuhua, and Danielson, Richardson, G. P., Zagonel, A. A., Caroline. Immigrants, Welfare Rohrbaugh, J., and Anderson, Reform and the Economy in the D. F. Using Simulation Models 1990s, No. 4, 745-764. to Address “What If’ Questions Schuman, Sandor, and Rohrbaugh, about Welfare Reform, No. 4, John. Four What Ifs? Evalua- 890-901. tion of Alternative Technologies Roberts, Alasdair. Book Review, No. for the Destruction of Chemical 2, 398-401. Weapons, No. 4, 901-908. Roberts, Alasdair. Book Review, No. Schwab, Robert M., Corcoran, Sean 4, 949-952. P., and Evans, William N. Rodgers, William M., III, and Car Women, the Labor Market, and penter, Seth B. The Disparate the Declining Relative Quality Labor Market Impactso f Mone- of Teachers, No. 3, 449-470 tary Policy, No. 4, 813-830. Sloan, Frank A., and Trogdon, Rohrbaugh, J., Zagonel, A. A., Justin G. The Impact of the Richardson, G. P., and Ander- Master Settlement Agreement son, D. F. Using Simulation on Cigarette Consumption, No Models to Address “What It” 4, 843-855 Questions about Welfare Stewart, Thomas R., and Mumpow- Retorm, No. 4, 890-901. er, Jery! L. Detection and Selec- Rohrbaugh, John, and Schuman, tion Decisions in the Practice of Sandor. Four What Ifs? Evalua- Screening Mammography, No. tion of Alternative Technolo- 4, 908-920 gies for the Destruction of Stuber, Jennifer, and Kronebusch Chemical Weapons, No. 4, Karl. Stigma and Other Deter- 901-908. minants of Participation in Rosner, Jeremy D. Book Review TANF and Medicaid, No. 3, No. 1, 189-194. 509-530. Rutner, Stephen M., and Grant, Swanstrom, Todd. Book Review, Darren. The Effect of Bicycle No. 3, 639-642 Helmet Legislation on Bicycling Fatalities, No. 3, 595-611. Tengs, Tammy, Ahmad, Sajjad, Moore, Rebecca, and Gage, Sanchirico, Chris William, and Eric. Federal Policy Mandating Pfaff, Alexander. Big Field, Safer Cigarettes: A Simulation Small Potatoes: An Empirical of the Anticipated Population Assessment of EPAs Self-Audit Health Gains or Losses, No. 4, Policy, No. 3, 415-432. 857-872. Index of Authors for Volume 23 / % Toeplei Stefan, and Gould, Jon B the Social Discount Rate, No. 4, Charitable Sharing \ Tort 789-812 Reform Proposal, No I, 153-158. Walder, Jay H., and Verma, Shashi frogdon, Justin G. and Sloan, Frank K. Book Review, No. 4, 943-949 \. The Impact of the Master Set Waldfogel, Jane, and Hills, John tlement Agreement on Cigarette Welfare Reform in the U.K.: Are Consumption, No. 4, 843-855 There Lessons for the U.S.?, No [rujillo, Antonio J., and McCalla 4, 765-788. Dawn C. Are Colombian Sick Weimer, David | Moore, Mark A. ness Funds Cream Skimming Boardman, Anthony E., Vining, Enrollees? An Analysis with Aidan R., and Greenberg, Suggestions for Policy Improve David H. “Just Give Me a Num - ment, No. 4, 873-888 ber!” Practical Values for the Social Discount Rate, No. 4 Van Ryzin, Gregg G. Expectations 789-8 1? Performance, and Citizen Satis Williams, Colin C. Informal Volun faction with Urban Services, No teering: Some Lessons from the 3, 433-448 United Kingdom No 3 Verma, Shashi K., and Walder 613-616 H. Book Review No. 4 Vigdor, Jacob | Clottelte: Zagonel .. A Rohrbaugh, J., Be Ladd, Helen i Richardson, G. P., and Ande Roge! \liaga Do School son, D. F. Using Simulation Accountability Systems Make It Models to Address “What If More Difficult for Low-Pertorm- Questions about Welfare ing Schools to Attract and Reform, No. 4, 890-901 Retain High-Quality Teachers? Zimmer, Ron, and Buddin, Richard. No. 2, 251-271 Book Review, No. 4, 929-932 Vining, Aidan R., Moore, Mark A Zivin, Joshua Graff, Remler, Dahlia Boardman, Anthony E K., and Glied, Sherry A. Model Weimer, David L., and Green ing Health Insurance Expan- berg, David H. “Just Give Me a sions: Effects of Alternate Number!” Practical Values for Approaches, No. 2, 291-313 fered — s &“s tat

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