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Author Index to Volume 62 Key to Pagination Issue No. Month Pages Issue No. Pages January 1-184 4 537-712 February 185-352 5 713-888 March 353-536 6 889-1082 ARTICLES Cotterell, Norman, Eisenberger, Robert, and Speicher, Hilda—Inhibiting Effects of Reciprocation Wariness on Aronoff, Joel, Woike, Barbara A., and Hyman, Lester M.— Interpersonal Relationships Which Are the Stimuli in Facial Displays of Anger and Crites, Stephen L.—see Cacioppo, John T. Happiness? Configurational Bases of Emotion Recogni- Crott, Helmut W—see Zuber, Johannes A. Cuerrier, Jean-Pierre—see Vallerand, Robert J. Cunningham, John A.—see Freedman, Jonathan L. Bargh, John A., Govender, Rajen, Chaiken, Shelly, and Pratto, Davidson, Richard J.—see Tomarken, Andrew J. Felicia-—The Generality of the Automatic Attitude Activa- tion Effect de St. Aubin, Ed—see McAdams, Dan P. Deshaies, Paul—see Vallerand, Robert J. Barnett, Rosalind C., Marshall, Nancy L., and Singer, Judith DiGeronimo, Kenneth—see Gangestad, Steven W. D.—Job Experiences Over Time, Multiple Roles, and Women’s Mental Health: A Longitudinal Study Doss, Robert C.—see Tomarken, Andrew J. Drigotas, Stephen M., and Rusbult, Caryl E.—Should I Stay or Baumeister, Roy F., and Cairns, Kenneth J.—Repression and Should I Go? A Dependence Model of Breakups Self-Presentation: When Audiences Interfere With Self- Deceptive Strategies Duan, Changming—see Stangor, Charles Duval, T. Shelley, Duval, Virginia Hensley, and Mulilis, John- Beggan, James K.—On the Social Nature of Nonsocial Percer- Paul—Effects of Self-Focus, Discrepancy Between Self tion: The Mere Ownership Effect and Standard, and Outcome Expectancy Favorability on Benson, J. Eric—see Gilbert, Daniel T. the Tendency to Match Self to Standard or to Withdraw Berntson, Gary G.—see Cacioppo, John T. Duval, Virginia Hensley—see Duval, T. Shelley Bersoff, David M.—see Miller, Joan G. Biek, Michael—see Gangestad, Steven W. Eaves, Lindon J.—see Kessler, Ronald C. Borkenau, Peter, and Liebler, Anette—Trait Inferences: Sources Edwards, Allen L., and Edwards, Lynne K.—Social Desirabil- of Validity at Zero Acquaintance ity and Wiggins’s MMPI Content Scales Bornstein, Gary—The Free-Rider Problem in Intergroup Con- Edwards, Lynne K.—see Edwards, Allen L. flicts Over Step-Level and Continuous Public Goods ... . Eisenberg, Nancy—see Searcy, Eileen Bradbury, Thomas N.—see Fincham, Frank D. Eisenberger, Robert—see Cotterell, Norman Brown, Jonathon D., Novick, Natalie J., Lord, Kelley A., and Ekman, Paul—see Levenson, Robert W. Richards, Jane M.—When Gulliver Travels: Social Con- Emmons, Robert A.—Abstract Versus Concrete Goals: Per- text, Psychological Closeness, and Self-Appraisals sonal Striving Level, Physical Illness, and Psychological Brown, Richard—see Jussim, Lee Well-Being Butler, Andrew C.—see Hokanson, Jack E. Enzle, Michael E., Harvey, Michael D., and Wright, Edward Butler, Ruth—What Young People Want to Know When: Ef- F—Implicit Role Obligations Versus Social Responsibility fects of Mz.stery and Ability Goals on Interest in Different in Constituency Representation Kinds of Social Comparisons Epstein, Seymour—Coping Ability, Negative Self-Evaluation, Buttram, Robert T.—see Smith, Eliot R. and Overgeneralization: Experiment and Theory Epstein, Seymour, and Katz, Lori—Coping Ability, Stress, Pro- Cacioppo, John T., Uchino, Bert N., Crites, Stephen L., Snyder- ductive Load, and Symptoms smith, Mary A., Smith, Gregory, Berntson, Gary G., and Epstein, Seymour, Lipson, Abigail, Holstein, Carolyn, and Lang, Peter J.—Relationship Between Facial Expressive- Huh, Eileen—Irrational Reactions to Negative Outcomes: ness and Sympathetic Activation in Emotion: A Critical Evidence for Two Conceptual Systems Review, With Emphasis on Modeling Underlying Mecha- nisms and Individual Differences Fenigstein, Allan, and Vanable, Peter A.—Paranoia and Self- Cairns, Kenneth J.—see Baumeister, Roy F. Consciousness Caspi, Avshalom, Herbener, Ellen S., and Ozer, Daniel J.— Fincham, Frank D., and Bradbury, Thomas N.—Assessing At- Shared Experiences and the Similarity of Personalities: A tributions in Marriage: The Relationship Attribution Mea- Longitudinal Study of Married Couples Chaiken, Shelly—see Bargh, John A. Fiske, Susan T., and Von Hendy, Holly M.—Personality Feed- Chu, Ling-chuan—see Kenny, David A. back and Situational Norms Can Control Stereotyping Clark, Lee Anna—see Watson, David Processes Contrada, Richard J.—see Newton, Tamara L. Fletcher, Carey—see Tangney, June Price IV AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 62 Forgas, Joseph P.—-On Mood and Peculiar People: Affect and Josephs, Robert A., Larrick, Richard P., Steele, Claude M., and Person Typicality in Impression Formation 863 Nisbett, Richard E.—Protecting the Self From the Nega- Forsterling, Friedrich—see Paunonen, Sampo V. tive Consequences of Risky Decisions Freedman, Jonathan L., Cunningham, John A., and Krismer, Jussim, Lee, Soffin, Sonia, Brown, Richard. Ley, Janine, and Kirsten—Inferred Values and the Reverse-Incentive Effect Kohlhepp, Kyle—Understanding Reactions to Feedback in Induced Compliance by Integrating Ideas From Symboiic Interactionism and Friesen, Wallace V—see Levenson, Robert W. Cognitive Evaluation Theory Fussell, Susan R., and Krauss, Robert M.—Coordination of Kashy, Deborah A.—see Kenny, David A. Knowledge in Communication: Effects of Speakers’ As- Katz, Lori—see Epstein, Seymour sumptions About What Others Know Kendler, Kenneth S.—see Kessler, Ronald C. Gangestad, Steven W, Simpson, Jeffry A., DiGeronimo, Ken- Kenny, David A., Horner, Caryl, Kashy, Deborah A., and Chu, neth, and Biek, Michael—Differential Accuracy in Person Ling-chuan—Consensus at Zero Acquaintance: Replica- Perception Across Traits: Examination ofa Functional Hy- tion, Behavioral Cues, and Stability pothesis Kessler, Ronald C., Kendler, Kenneth S., Heath, Andrew, Neale, Giesler, R. Brian—see Swann, William B., Jr. Michael C., and Eaves, Lindon J.—Social Support, De- Gilbert, Daniel T., McNulty, Shawn E., Giuliano, Traci A., and pressed Mood, and Adjustment to Stress: A Genetic Epide- Benson, J. Eric—Blurry Words and Fuzzy Deeds: The At- miologic investigation tribution of Obscure Behavior Kilduff, Martin—The Friendship Network as a Decision-Mak- Gilbert, Daniel T.—see Osborne, Randall E. ing Resource: Dispositional Moderators of Social Influ- Giltrow, Mark—see McFarland, Cathy ences on Organizational Choice 7” Giuliano, Traci A.—see Gilbert, Daniel T. Kohlhepp, Kyle—see Jussim, Lee Glass, Bet h—see Stangor, Charles Komorita, S. S., Parks, C. D., and Hulbert, L. G.—Reciprocity Gonzales, Marti Hope, Manning, Debra J., and Haugen, Julie and the Induction of Cooperation in Social Dilemmas . . A.—Explaining Our Sins: Factors Influencing Offender Ac- Krauss, Robert M.—see Fussell, Susan R. counts and Anticipated Victim Responses Krismer, Kirsten—see Freedman, Jonathan L. Govender, Rajen—see Bargh, John A. Kugler, Karen, and Jones, Warren H.—On Conceptualizing and Assessing Guilt Gramzow, Richard—see Tangney, June Price Gruenfeld, Deborah H, and Wyer, Robert S., Jr.—Semantics Kusulas, Jeffrey W—see Marshall, Grant N. and Pragmatics of Social Influence: How Affirmations Lang, Peter J.—see Cacioppo, John T. and Denials Affect Beliefs in Referent Propositions Larrick, Richard P.—see Josephs, Robert A. Gurtman, Michael B.—Trust, Distrust, and Interpersonal Larsen, Randy J.—Neuroticism and Selective Encoding and Problems: A Circumplex Analysis . . Recall of Symptoms: Evidence From a Combined Concur- rent-Retrospective Study Hackel, Lisa S., and Ruble, Diane N.—Changes in the Marital Lepper, Mark R.—see Parker, Louise E. Relationship After the First Baby Is Born: Predicting the Levenson, Robert W, Ekman, Paul, Heider, Karl, and Friesen, Impact of Expectancy Disconfirmation Wallace V—Emotion and Autonomic Nervous System Ac- Hamilton, David L.—see Stroessner, Steven J. tivity in the Minangkabau of West Sumatra Harvey, Michael D.—see Enzle, Michael E. Ley, Janine—see Jussim, Lee Hastie, Reid—see Penningion, Nancy Liebler, Anette—see Borkenau, Peter Haugen, Julie A.—see Gonzales, Marti Hope Lipson, Abigail—see Epstein, Seymour Heath, Andrew—see Kessler, Ronald C. Lord, Kelley A.—see Brown, Jonathon D. Heatherton, Todd F., Herman, C. Peter, and Polivy, Janet—Ef- Lynch, Laure—see Stangor, Charles fects of Distress on Eating: The Importance of Ego-In- volvement Mackie, Diane M.—see Stroessner, Steven J. Heider, Karl—see Levenson, Robert W. Maldonado, Antonio—see Ramirez, Encarnacién Herbener, Ellen S.—see Caspi, Avshalom Manning, Debra J.—see Gonzales, Marti Hope Herman, C. Peter—see Heatherton, Todd F. Marshall, Grant N., Wortman, Camille B., Kusulas, Jeffrey W., Hervig, Linda K.—see Marshall, Grant N. Hervig, Linda K., and Vickers, Ross R., Jr.—Distinguish- Hewitt, Erin C.—see Sorrentino, Richard M. ing Optimism From Pessimism: Relations to Fundamental Hokanson, Jack E., and Butler, Andrew C.—Cluster Analysis of Dimensions of Mood and Personality Depressed College Students’ Social Behaviors Marshall, Nancy L.—see Barnett, Rosalind C. Holstein, Carolyn—-see Epstein, Seymour Martos, Rafael—see Ramirez, Encarnacién Holtgraves, Thomas, and Yang, Joong-Nam—lInterpersonal Mauro, Robert, Sato, Kaori, and Tucker, John—The Role of Underpinnings of Request Strategies: General Principles Appraisal in Human Emotions: A Cross-Cultural Study and Differences Due to Culture and Gender McAdams, Dan P., and de St. Aubin, Ed—A Theory of Genera- Holyoak, Keith J.—see Spellman, Barbara A. tivity and Its Assessment Through Self-Report, Behavioral Horner, Caryl—see Kenny, David A. Acts, and Narrative Themes in Autobiography Huh, Eileen—see Epstein, Seymour McCann, Stewart J. H.—Alternative Formulas to Predict the Hulbert, L. G.—see Komorita, S. S. Greatness of U.S. Presidents: Personological, Situational, Hyman, Lester M.—see Aronoff, Joel and Zeitgeist Factors McFarland, Cathy, Ross, Michael, and Giltrow, Mark—Biased Ickes, William—see Stinson, Linda Recollections in Older Adults: The Role of Implicit The- Jackson, Douglas N.—see Paunonen, Sampo V. ories of Aging Jones, Warren H.—see Kugler, Karen McNulty, Shawn E.—see Gilbert, Daniel T. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 62 McNulty, Shawn E.—see Swann, William B., Jr. Showers, Carolin—Compartmentalization of Positive and Miller, Joan G., and Bersoff, David M.—Culture and Moral Negative Self-Knowledge: Keeping Bad Apples Out of the Judgment: How Are Conflicts Between Justice and Inter- personal Responsibilities Resolved? ................. Simonton, Dean Keith—Leaders of American Psychol- Miyake, Kunitate—see Wheeler, Ladd ogy, 1879-1957: Career Development, Creative Output, Mongeau, Claude—see Vallerand, Robert J. and Professional Achievement Monroe, Scott M.—see Roberts, John E. Simpson, Jeffry A., Rholes, William S., and Nelligan, Julia S.— Moser, Donald V—Does Memory Affect Judgment? Self-Gen- Support Seeking and Support Giving Within Couples in an erated Versus Recail Memory Measures Anxiety-Provoking Situation: The Role of Attachment Moskowitz, Gordon B., and Roman, Robert J —Spontaneous Trait Inferences as Self-Generated Primes: Implications for Simpson, Jeffry A.—see Gangestad, Steven W. Conscious Social Judgment Singer, Judith D—see Barnett, Rosalind C. Mulilis, John-Paul—see Duval, T. Shelley Smith, Eliot R., Stewart, Tracie L., and Buttram, Robert T.—In- ferring a Trait From a Behavior Has Long-Term, Highly Neale, Michael C.—see Kessler, Ronald C. Specific Effects Nelligan, Julia S.—see Simpson, Jeffry A. Smith, Gregory—see Cacioppo, John T. Newton, Tamara L., and Contrada, Richard J.—Repressive Smith, Ronald E., Ptacek, J. T., and Smoll, Frank L.—Sensation Coping and Verbal-Autonomic Response Dissociation: Seeking, Stress, and Adolescent Injuries: A Test of Stress- The Influence of Social Context Buffering, Risk-Taking, and Coping Skills Hypotheses . . Nisbett, Richard E.—see Josephs, Robert A. Smoll, Frank L.—see Smith, Ronald E. Novick, Natalie J.—see Brown, Jonathon D. Snodgrass, Sara E.—Further Effects of Role Versus Gender on Interpersonal Sensitivity Olson, James M.—Self-Perception of Humor: Evidence for Dis- Snydersmith, Mary A.—see Cacioppo, John T. counting and Augmentation Effects 369 Soffin, Sonia—see Jussim, Lee Osborne, Randall E., and Gilbert, Daniel T.—The Preoccupa- Sorrentino, Richard M., Hewitt, Erin C., and Raso-Knott, Pa- tional Hazards ofS ocial Life 219 tricia A.—Risk-Taking in Games of Chance and Skill: In- Ozer, Daniel J.-—see Caspi, Avshalom formational and Affective Influences on Choice Behavior Speicher, Hilda—see Cottereil, Norman Parker, Louise E., and Lepper, Mark R.—Effects of Fantasy Spellman, Barbara A., and Holyoak, Keith J.—If Saddam Is Contexts on Children’s Learning and Motivation: Making Hitler Then Who Is George Bush? Analogical Mapping Learning More Fun 625 Between Systems of Social Roles Parks, C. D—see Komorita, S. S. Stangor, Charles, Lynch, Laure, Duan, Changming, and Glass, Paunonen, Sampo V, Jackson, Douglas N., Trzebinski, Jerzy, Beth—Categorization of Individuals on the Basis of Multi- and Forsterling, Friedrich—Personality Structure Across ple Social Features Cultures: A Multimethod Evaluation Steele, Claude M.—see Josephs, Robert A. Pelletier, Luc G.—see Vallerand, Robert J. Stein-Seroussi, Alan—see Swann, William B., Jr. Pennington, Nancy, and Hastie, Reid—Explaining the Evi- Stewart, Tracie L.—see Smith, Eliot R. dence: Tests of the Story Model for Juror Decision Making Stinson, Linda, and Ickes, William—Empathic Accuracy in the Polivy, Janet—see Heatherton, Todd F. Interactions of Male Friends Versus Male Strangers Pratto, Felicia—see Bargh, John A Stroessner, Steven J., Hamilton, David L., and Mackie, Diane Ptacek, J. T.—see Smith, Ronald E. M.—Affect and Stereotyping: The Effect of Induced Ramirez, Encarnacién, Maldonado, Antonio, and Martos, Ra- Mood on Distinctiveness-Based Illusory Correlations .. . fael—Attributions Modulate Immunization Against Swann, William B., Jr., Stein-Seroussi, Alan, and McNulty, Learned Helplessness in Humans Shawn E.—Outcasts in a White-Lie Society: The Enig- Raso-Knott, Patricia A.—see Sorrentino, Richard M. matic Worlds of People With Negative Self-Conceptions Rholes, William S.—see Simpson, Jeffry A. Swann, William B., Jr., Stein-Seroussi, Alan, and Giesler, R. Richards, Jane M.—see Brown, Jonathon D. Brian—Why People Self-Verify Roberts, John E., and Monroe, Scott M.—Vulnerable Self-Es- Tangney, June Price, Wagner, Patricia, Fletcher, Carey, and teem and Depressive Symptoms: Prospective Findings Gramzow, Richard—Shamed Into Anger? The Relation of Comparing Three Alternative Conceptualizations Shame and Guilt to Anger and Self-Reported Aggression 669 Roman, Robert J.—see Moskowitz, Gordon B. Taylor, Levi—Relationship Between Affect and Memory: Moti- Ross, Michael—see McFarland, Cathy vation-Based Selective Generation 876 Ruble, Diane N.—see Hackel, Lisa S. Tomarken, Andrew J., Davidson, Richard J, Wheeler, Robert Rusbult, Caryl E.—see Drigotas, Stephen M. E., and Doss, Robert C.—Individual Differences in Ante- Salovey, Peter—Mood-Induced Self-Focused Attention rior Brain Asymmetry and Fundamental Dimensions of Sanna, Lawrence J.—Self-Efficacy Theory: Implications for Emotion Social Facilitation and Social Loafing Trzebinski, Jerzy—see Paunonen, Sampo V. Sato, Kaori—see Mauro, Robert Tucker, John—see Mauro, Robert Saucier, Gerard—Benchmarks: Integrating Affective and Inter- Uchino, Bert N.—see Cacioppo, John T. personal Circles With the Big-Five Personality Factors . . Schotte, David E.—On the Special Status of “Ego Threats”: Vallerand, Robert J., Deshaies, Paul, Cuerrier, Jean-Pierre, Pel- Comment on Heatherton, Herman, and Polivy (1991) . . . letier, Luc G., and Mongeau, Claude—Ajzen and Fishbein’s Searcy, Eileen, and Eisenberg, Nancy—Defensiveness in Re- Theory of Reasoned Action as Applied to Moral Behavior: sponse to Aid From a Sibling A Confirmatory Analysis vi AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 62 Vanable, Peter A.—see Fenigstein, Allan OTHER Vickers, Ross R., Jr.—see Marshall, Grant N. Von Hendy, Holly M.—see Fiske, Susan T. American Psychological Association Subscription Claims Information 37, 206, 624, 797, 988 Wagner, Patricia—see Tangney, June Price APA Is Relocating 61, 280, 521 Watson, David, and Clark, Lee Anna—Affects Separable and Inseparable: On the Hierarchical Arrangement oft he Neg- Call for Nominations for JEP: Human Perception and ative Affects Performance Wells, Gary L.—Naked Statistical Evidence ofL iability: Is Sub- Call for Papers: Structural Equations Analysis in Clinical jective Probability Emoughi? ........ccccccecccccees Research Werner, Joachim—see Zuber, Johannes A. Wheeler, Ladd, and Miyake, Kunitate—Social Comparison in Change in Convention Audiotape Permission Everyday Life Procedures Wheeler, Robert E.—see Tomarken, Andrew J. Correction to Barnett et al. Woike, Barbara A.—see Aronoff, Joel Wortman, Camille B.—see Marshall, Grant N. Editorial Note Wright, Edward F—see Enzle, Michael E. Wyer, Robert S., Jr.—see Gruenfeld, Deborah H Instructions to Authors 181, 349, 534, 708, 883, 1075 Low Publication Prices for APA Members and Yang, Joong-Nam—see Holtgraves, Thomas Affiliates 128, 218, 488, 644, 803, 1024 Zirkel, Sabrina—Developing Independence in a Life Transi- Members of Underrepresented Groups: Reviewers for tion: Investing the Self in the Concerns of the Day Journal Manuscripts Wanted 377, 698, 836, 1074 Zuber, Johannes A., Crott, Helmut W, and Werner, Joachim— Neuropsychology to Be an APA Journal Choice Shift and Group Polarization: An Analysis of the Status of Arguments and Social Decision Schemes Zahn-Waxler Appointed New Editor, 1993-1998 ey aoe

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