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af Volume 60, Numbers 1-6 January-June 1991 Journal of Personality and Social Psycholo ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION ABRAHAM TESSER, Editor University of Georgia JOHN BARGH, Associate Editor New York University EUGENE BORGIDA, Associate Editor University of Minnesota SHELLY CHAIKEN, Associate Editor New York University INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND GROUP PROCESSES NORMAN MILLER, Editor University of Southern California CARYL E. RUSBULT, Associate Editor University of North Carolina JERRY M. SULS, Associate Editor University of lowa PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IRWIN G. SARASON, Editor University of Washington DAVID C. FUNDER, Associate Editor University of California, Riverside WARREN H. JONES, Associate Editor University of Tennessee ISSN 0022-3514 Published monthly by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 1206 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 Copyright © 1991 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. Consulting Editors ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION Susan Andersen, New York University Dale Miller, Princeton University Richard Bagozzi, University of Michigan Richard L. Moreland, University of Pittsburgh Roy Baumeister, Case Western Reserve University Bernadette Park, University of Colorado Marilynn 8. Brewer, University of California, Los Angeles Richard E. Petty, Ohio State University Jennifer D. Campbell, University of British Columbia, Canada Michael A. Ross, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Nancy Cantor, University of Michigan Myron Rothbart, University of Oregon Margaret S. Clark, Carnegie Mellon Universit) Peter Salovey, Yale University Bella M. DePaulo, University of Virginia Howard Schuman, University of Michigan Alice H. Eagly, Purdue University Norbert Schwarz Zuma, Mannheim, Federal Republic of Germany Russell H. Fazio, Indiana University at Bloomington David O. Sears, University of California, Los Angeles Susan T. Fiske, University of Massachusetts—Ambherst Steven J. Sherman, /ndiana University David Hamilton, University of California, Santa Barbara Eliot Smith, Purdue University Judith Mary Harackiewicz, University of Wisconsin Mark Snyder, University of Minnesota E. Tory Higgins, Columbia University-Columbia College Thomas K. Srull, University ofI llinois Russell Jones, University of North Florida Claude Steele, University of Michigan David A. Kenny, University of Connecticut Shelley Taylor, University of California, Los Angeles Howard Leventhal, Rutgers Phillip E. Tetlock, University of California, Berkeley Patricia W. Linville, Duke University Yaacov Trope, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Gordon Logan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Tom Tyler, Northwestern University Diane Mackie, University of California, Santa Barbara Daniel M. Wegner, University of Virginia Melvin Manis, University of Michigan Timothy D. Wilson, University of Virginia Leonard Martin, University of Georgia Robert S. Wyer, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Mark Zanna, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Assistants to the Editor—Avahna Antari-Bradley, Vicki Coyle, and Paula Raymond INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND GROUP PROCESSES Robert M. Arkin, Ohio State University Brian Mullen, Syracuse University Robert S. Baron, University of lowa James M. Olson, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Daniel Batson, University of Kansas Canada Ellen S. Berscheid, University of Minnesota Steven Penrod, University of Minnesota Marilynn B. Brewer, University of California, Los Angeles Harry T. Reis, University of Rochester Laurie Chassin, Arizona State University Frederick T. Rhodewalt, University of Utah Michael R. Cunningham, University of Louisville Diane N. Ruble, New York University Kenneth L. Dion, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Phillip R. Shaver, State University of New Yor’: at Buffalo John F. Dovidio, Colgate University Jeffry A. Simpson, Texas A & M University Francis D. Fincham, University of Illinois Walter G. Stephan, New Mexico State University John M. Gottman, University of Washington Wolfgang Stroebe, University of Tiibingen, Federal Republic of William Ickes, University of Texas at Arlington Germany James P. Kahan, Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA Rand R. Wilcox, University of Southern California Norbert L. Kerr, Michigan State University Kevin J. Williams, University of Albany, State University of New York Howard Leventhal, Rutgers Thomas Ashby Wills, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, The Geoffrey M. Maruyama, University of Minnesota Bronx, New York Assistants to the Editor—Casey Kramer, Ann Holsti, and Pamela Young PERSONALITY PROCESSES AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Bem P. Allen, Western Illinois University Randy J. Larsen, University of Michigan Robert M. Arkin, Ohio State University Herbert M. Lefcourt, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Donald H. Baucom, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Jane Loevinger, Washington University, St. Louis Andrew S. Baum, University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD Herbert W. Marsh, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Paul H. Blaney, University of Miami, Coral Gables Australia Jack Block, University of California, Berkeley Dan P. McAdams, Northwestern University Sharon S. Brehm, State University of New York at Binghamton Robert R. McCrae, Francis Scott Key Medical Center Nancy A. Busch-Rossnagel, Fordham University Rudolf H. Moos, Stanford University Medical Center David M. Buss, University of Michigan Michael D. Newcomb, University of Southern California John T. Cacioppo, Ohio State University Timothy M. Osberg, Niagara University James C. Coyne, University of Michigan Daniel J. Ozer, Boston University Carolyn E. Cutrona, University of lowa James W. Pennebaker, Southern Methodist University Stephen J. Dollinger, Southern Illinois University Lawrence R. Pervin, Rutgers Jerome B. Dusek, Syracuse University Gregory R. Pierce, University of Washington Robert A. Emmons, University of California, Davis Mary E. Procidano, Fordham University Seymour Epstein, University of Massachusetts—Ambherst Barbara R. Sarason, University of Washington Donelson R. Forsyth, Virginia Commonwealth University Timothy W. Smith, University of Utah Russell G. Geen, University of Missouri—Columbia Janet T. Spence, University of Texas at Austin Lewis R. Goldberg, University of Oregon Charles D. Spielberger, University of South Florida Robert O. Hansson, University of Tulsa Joseph P. Stokes, University of Illinois at Chicago Lisa L. Harlow, University of Rhode Island Michael J Strube, Washington University, St. Louis Stevan E. Hobfoll, Kent State University Barbara Tabachnick, California State University, Northridge Rick E. Ingram, San Diego State University Auke Tellegen, University of Minnesota Douglas T. Kenrick, Arizona State University David B. Watson, Southern Methodist University John F. Kihlstrom, University of Arizona Gifford Weary, Ohio State University Assistant to the Editor—Betty L. Johnson APA Journal Staff Susan Knapp, Executive Editor; Leslie A. Cameron, Director, Journals Production Editor; Rosanne Carey, Production Editor; Jodi Ashcraft, Program; L. Keith Cooke, Manager, Journal Production; Kathleen P. Advertising Sales Manager. Porta, Supervisor, Journal Production; Kathryn M. lerace, Author Index to Volume 60 Key to Pagination Issue No Month Pages Issue No. Month Pages January 1-176 4 April 481-644 February 177-336 5 May 645-812 March 337-480 6 June 813-958 ARTICLES Cox, Brian J.—see Endler, Norman S. Crocker, Jennifer, Voelkl, Kristin, Testa, Maria, and Major, Brenda—Social Stigma: The Affective Consequences of Abelson, Robert P.—see Hsee, Christopher K. Attributional Ambiguity Anderson, Craig A., and Sedikides, Constantine—Thinking Croyle, Robert T., and Hunt, Julie R.—Coping With Health About People: Contributions of aT ypological Alternative Threat: Social Influence Processes in Reactions to Medi- to Associationistic and Dimensional Models of Person cal Test Results Perception Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly—see Wong, Maria Mei-ha Anderson, John R.—see Snyder, C. R. Dechter, Aimée—see Smith, Herbert L. Arkin, Robert M.—see Shepperd, James A. Desforges, Donna M., Lord, Charles G., Ramsey, Shawna L., Aron, Arthur, Aron, Elaine N., Tudor, Michael, and Nelson, Mason, Julie A., Van Leeuwen, Marilyn D., West, Sylvia C., Greg—Close Relationships as Including Other in the Self and Lepper, Mark R.—Effects of Structured Cooperative Aron, Elaine N.—see Aron, Arthur Contact on Changing Negative Attitudes Toward Stigma- Bagby, R. Michael—see Endler, Norman S. tized Social Groups Bandura, Albert, and Jourden, Forest J.—Self-Regulatory Devine, Patricia G., Monteith, Margo J., Zuwerink, Julia R., and Mechanisms Governing the Impact of Social Comparison Elliot, Andrew J.—Prejudice With and Without Compunc- on Complex Decision Making Bentler, Peter M.—see Stacy, Alan W. Downing, James W—see Judd, Charles M. Betz, Andrew L.—see Skowronski, John J. Drake, Roger A.—see Judd, Charles M. Biernat, Monica, and Wortman, Camille B.—Sharing of Home Eagly, Alice H., and Karau, Steven J—Gender and the Emer- Responsibilities Between Professionally Employed gence of Leaders: A Meta-Analysis Women and Their Husbands Edwards, Allen L.—see Edwards, Lynne K. Biernat, Monica, Manis, Melvin, and Nelson, Thomas E.—Ste- Edwards, Lynne K., and Edwards, Allen L.—A Principal-Com- reotypes and Standards of Judgment ponents Analysis of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personal- Bilous, Frances—see Schachter, Stanley ity Inventory Factor Scales Blainey, Kathleen—see Mayer, John D. Elliot, Andrew J.—see Devine, Patricia G. Blass, Thomas—Understanding Behavior in the Milgram Obe- Endler, Norman S., Parker, James D. A., Bagby, R. Michael, and dience Experiment: The Role of Personality, Situations, Cox, Brian J.—Multidimensionality of State and Trait and Their Interactions Anxiety: Factor Structure of the Endler Multidimensional Block, Jack H., Gjerde, Per F., and Block, Jeanne H.—Personal- Anxiety Scales ity Antecedents of Depressive Tendencies in 18-Year-Olds: A Prospective Study Fehr, Beverley, and Russell, James A.—The Concept of Love Block, Jeanne H.—see Block, Jack H. Viewed From a Prototype Perspective Brentar, John—see Lynn, Steven Jay Fiedler, Klaus—The Tricky Nature of Skewed Frequency Ta- Brown, Jonathon D.—Staying Fit and Staying Well: Physical bles: An Information Loss Account of Distinctiveness- Fitness as a Moderator of Life Stress Based Illusory Correlations Brown, Jonathon D., and Smart, S. April—The Self and Social Fischer, Gregory W—see Linville, Patricia W. Conduct: Linking Self-Representations to Prosocial Behav- Fiske, Alan Page, Haslam, Nick, and Fiske, Susan T.—Confus- ing One Person With Another: What Errors Reveal About the Elementary Forms of Social Relations Bursik, Krisanne—Adaptation to Divorce and Ego Develop- ment in Adult Women Fiske, Susan T.—see Fiske, Alan Page Flett, Gordon L.—see Hewitt, Paul L. Christenfeld, Nicholas—see Schachter, Stanley Franz, Carol E., McClelland, David C., and Weinberger, Joel— Clark, Lee Anna—see Watson, David Childhood Antecedents of Conventional Social Accom- Clore, Gerald L., and Ortony, Andrew—hWa t More Is There to plishment in Midlife Adults: A 36-Year Prospective Study Emotion Concepts Than Prototypes? ... . Fridlund, Alan J.—Sociality of Solitary Smiling: Potentiation Colvin, C. Randall, and Funder, DavidC.—Predicting Personal- by an Implicit Audience ity and Behavior: A Boundary on the Acquaintanceship Funder, David C., and Colvin, C. Randall—Explorations in Be- Effect havioral Consistency: Properties of Persons, Situations, Colvin, C. Randall—see Funder, David C. and Behaviors Costa, Paul T., Jr.—see Piedmont, Ralph L. Funder, David C.—see Colvin, C. Randall iv AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 60 Gangestad, Steven W—see Simpson, Jeffry A. Kowaz, Andrea M., and Marcia, James E.—Development and Gibb, June—see Snyder, C. R. Validation of aM easure of Eriksonian Industry Gibbons, Frederick X., and McCoy, Sue Boney—Self-Esteem, Krosnick, Jon A.—see Judd, Charles M. Similarity, and Reactions to Active Versus Passive Down- ward Comparison . : 414 Langelle, Charyle—see Snyder, C. R. Gilbert, Daniel T., and Hixon, J. Gregory—The Trouble of Lanning, Kevin, and Gough, Harrison G.—Shared Variance in Thinking: Activation and Application of Stereotypic Be- the California Psychological Inventory and the California liefs . os 509 596 Gjerde, Per F—see Block, Jack H Leary, Mark R., and Meadows, Sarah—Predictors, Elicitors, Glisky, Martha L., Tataryn, Douglas J., Tobias, Betsy A., Kihl- and Concomitants of Social Blushing strom, John F, and McConkey, Kevin M.—Absorption, Lepper, Mark R.—see Desforges, Donna M. Openness to Experience, and Hypnotizability Linville, Patricia W, and Fischer, Gregory W—Preferences for Goldberg, Lewis R.—see John, Oliver P. Separating or Combining Events Gollob, Harry F—Methods for Estimating Individual- and Lipkus, Isaac—see Rusbult, Caryl E. Group-Level Correlations Lord, Charles G.—see Desforges, Donna M. Gomberg-Kaufman, Susan—see Mayer, John D. Lynn, Steven Jay, Milano, Matthew, and Weekes, John R.— Goto, Sharon G.—see Trafimow, David Hypnosis and Pseudomemories: The Effects of Prehypno- Gough, Harrison G.—see Lanning, Kevin tic Expectancies Greenberg, Jeff—see Rosenblatt, Abram Lynn, Steven Jay, Weekes, John R., Neufeld, Victor, Zivney, Oli- via, Brentar, John, and Weiss, Felicia—Interpersonal Cli- Hampson, Sarah E.—see John, Oliver P. mate and Hypnotizability Level: Effects on Hypnotic Per- Harney, Pat—see Snyder, C. R. formance, Rapport, and Archaic Involvement Harris, Cheri—see Snyder, C. R. Haslam, Nick—see Fiske, Alan Page Hazan, Cindy—see Kobak, R. Rogers Major, Brenda—see Crocker, Jennifer Heatherton, Todd F,, and Polivy, Janet—Development and Vali- Manis, Melvin—see Biernat, Monica dation of a Scale for Measuring State Self-Esteem Marcia, James E.—see Kowaz, Andrea M. Heatherton, Todd F, Herman, C. Peter, and Polivy, Janet—Ef- Mason, Julie A.—see Desforges, Donna M. fects of Physical Threat and Ego Threat on Eating Behavior Mayer, John D., Salovey, Peter, Gomberg-Kaufman, Susan, and Herman, C. Peter—see Heatherton, Todd F. Blainey, Kathleen—A Broader Conception of Mood Expe- Hertzog, Christopher—see Usala, Paul D. rience Hewitt, Paul L., and Flett, Gordon L.- Perfectionism in the McClelland, David C.—see Franz, Carol E. Self and Social Contexts: Conceptualization, Assessment, McConkey, Kevin M.—see Glisky, Martha L. and Association With Psychopathology McCoy, Sue Boney—see Gibbons, Frederick X. Hill, Craig A.—Seeking Emotional Support: The Influence of McCrae, Robert R.—see Piedmont, Ralph L. Affiliative Need and Partner Warmth Meadows, Sarah—see Leary, Mark R. Hixon, J. Gregory—see Gilbert, Daniel T. Mearns, Jack—Coping With a Breakup: Negative Mood Regula- Hodgins, Hoiley S.—see Zuckerman, Miron tion Expectancies and Depression Following the End of a Hogan, Robert—see Raskin, Robert Romantic Relationship Holleran, Sharon A.—see Snyder, C. R. Milano, Matthew—see Lynn, Steven Jay House, Robert J.—see Spangler, William D. Miyake, Kunitate—see Zuckerman, Miron Hoyt, Irene P—see Nadon, Robert Monteith, Margo J.—see Devine, Patricia G. Hsee, Christopher K., and Abelson, Robert P—Velocity Rela- Moore, Marlin K., and Neimeyer, Robert A.—A Confirmatory tion: Satisfaction as a Function of the First Derivative of Factor Analysis of the Threat Index Outcome Over Time Hunt, Julie R.—see Croyle, Robert T. Nadon, Robert, Hoyt, Irene P., Register, Patricia A., and Kihl- strom, John F—Absorption and Hypnotizability: Context Irving, Lori M.—see Snyder, C. R. Effects Reexamined Jamieson, Graham A.—see Sheehan, Peter W. Neimeyer, Greg J.,and Rareshide, Margaret B.—Personal Mem- John, Oliver P., Hampson, Sarah E., and Goldberg, Lewis R.— ories and Personal Identity: The Impact of Ego Identity The Basic Level in Personality-Trait Hierarchies: Studies Development on Autobiographical Memory Recall of Trait Use and Accessibility in Different Contexts .... Neimeyer, Robert A.—see Moore, Marlin K. Jourden, Forest J.—see Bandura, Albert Nelson, Greg—see Aron, Arthur Judd, Charles M., Drake, Roger A., Downing, James W, and Nelson, Thomas E.—see Biernat, Monica Krosnick, Jon A.—Some Dynamic Properties of Attitude Neufeld, Victor—see Lynn, Steven Jay Structures: Context-Induced Response Facilitation and Po- Newcomb, Michael D.—see Stacy, Alan W. larization Novacek, Jill—see Raskin, Robert Karau, Steven J.—see Eagly, Alice H. Ormel, Johan, and Wohlfarth, Tamar—How Neuroticism, Kerr, Norbert L.—see Sattler, David N. Long-Term Difficulties, and Life Situation Change Influ- Kihlstrom, John F—see Glisky, Martha L. ence Psychological Distress: A Longitudinal Model .. Kihlstrom, John F—see Nadon, Robert Ormel, Johan, and Schaufeli, Wilmar B.—Stability and Change Klein, Stanley B.—see Wenzlaff, Richard M. in Psychological Distress and Their Relationship With Kobak, R. Rogers, and Hazan, Cindy—Attachment in Self-Esteem and Locus of Control: A Dynamic Equilib- Marriage: Effects of Security and Accuracy of Working rium Model Ortony, Andrew—see Clore, Gerald L. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 60 Parker, James D. A.—see Endler, Norman S. Smith, Herbert L., and Dechter, Aimée—No Shift in Locus of Paulhus, Delroy L., and Reid, Douglas B.—Enhancement and Control Among Women During the 1970s Denial in Socially Desirable Responding Snyder, C. R., Harris, Cheri, Anderson, John R., Holleran, Pelham, Brett W—On Confidence and Consequence: The Cer- Sharon A., Irving, Lori M., Sigmon, Sandra T., Yoshinobu, tainty and Importance of Self-Knowledge Lauren, Gibb, June, Langelle, Charyle, and Harney, Pat— Piedmont, Ralph L., McCrae, Robert R., and Costa, Paul T., The Will and the Ways: Development and Validation of an Jr.—Adijective Check List Scales and the Five-Factor Individual-Differences Measure of Hope Spangler, William D., and House, Robert J.—Presidential Effec- Pierce, Gregory R.—see Sarason, Barbara R. tiveness and the Leadership Motive Profile Polivy, Janet—see Heatherton, Todd F. Stacy, Alan W, Newcomb, Michael D., and Bentler, Peter Poppe, Leslie—see Sarason, Barbara R. M.—Personality, Problem Drinking, and Drunk Driving: Mediating, Moderating, and Direct-Effect Models Ramsey, Shawna L.—see Desforges, Donna M. Stasser, Garold, and Taylor, Laurie A.—Speaking Turns in Rareshide, Margaret B.—see Neimeyer, Greg J. Face-to-Face Discussions Raskin, Robert, Novacek, Jill, and Hogan, Robert—Narcissis- Statham, Dixie—see Sheehan, Peter W. tic Self-Esteem Management Ravina, Bernard—see Schachter, Stanley Tataryn, Douglas J.—see Glisky, Martha L. Register, Patricia A.—see Nadon, Robert Taylor, Laurie A.—see Stasser, Garold Reid, Douglas B.—see Paulhus, Delroy L. Testa, Maria—see Crocker, Jennifer Rosenblatt, Abram, and Greenberg, Jeff—Examining the Thompson, Charles P—see Skowronski, John J. World of the Depressed: Do Depressed People Prefer Tice, Dianne M.—Esteem Protection or Enhancement? Self- Others Who Are Depressed? 620 Handicapping Motives and Attributions Differ by Trait Rusbult, Caryl E., Verette, Julie, Whitney, Gregory A., Slovik, Self-Esteem Linda F,, and Lipkus, Isaac—Accommodation Processes Tobias, Betsy A.—see Glisky, Martha L. in Close Relationships: Theory and Preliminary Empirical Trafimow, David, Triandis, Harry C., and Goto, Sharon G.— Evidence Some Tests of the Distinction Between the Private Self and Rush, Michael C.—see Slade, L. Allen the Collective Self Russell, James A.—In Defense of a Prototype Approach to Triandis, Harry C.—see Trafimow, David Emotion Concepts 37 Tudor, Michael—see Aron, Arthur Russell, James A.—see Fehr, Beverley Usala, Paul D., and Hertzog, Christopher—Evidence of Differ- ential Stability of State and Trait Anxiety in Adults Salovey, Peter—see Mayer, John D. Sarason, Barbara R., Pierce, Gregory R., Shearin, Edward N., Van Leeuwen, Marilyn D.—see Desforges. Donna M. Sarason, Irwin G., Waltz, Jennifer A., and Poppe, Leslie— Verette, Julie—see Rusbult, Caryl E. Perceived Social Support and Working Models of Self and Voelkl, Kristin—see Crocker, Jennifer Acutal Others Sarason, Irwin G.—see Sarason, Barbara R. Waltz, Jennifer A.—see Sarason, Barbara R. Sattler, David N., and Kerr, Norbert L_—Might Versus Morality Watson, David, and Clark, Lee Anna—Self- Versus Peer Rat- Explored: Motivational and Cognitive Bases for Social Mo- ings of Specific Emotional Traits: Evidence of Convergent and Discriminant Validity Schachter, Stanley, Christenfeld, Nicholas, Ravina, Bernard, Weekes, John R.—see Lynn, Steven Jay and Bilous, Frances—Speech Disfluency and the Structure Wegner, Daniel M.—see Wenzlaff, Richard M. of Knowledge Weinberger, Joel—see Franz, Carol E. Schaufeli, Wilmar B.—see Ormel, Johan Weiss, Felicia—see Lynn, Steven Jay Schooler, Jonathan W—see Wilson, Timothy D. Wenzlaff, Richard M., Wegner, Daniel M., and Klein, Stanley Sedikides, Constantine—see Anderson, Craig A. B.—The Role of Thought Suppression in the Bonding of Shannon, Laura—see Skowronski, John J. Thought and Mood 500 Shearin, Edward N.—see Sarason, Barbara R. West, Sylvia C.—see Desforges, Donna M. Sheehan, Peter W, Statham, Dixie, and Jamieson, Graham Whitney, Gregory A.—see Rusbult, Caryl E. A.—Pseudomemory Effects and Their Relationship to Wiebe, Deborah J.—Hardiness and Stress Moderation: A Test Level of Susceptibility to Hypnosis and State Instruction of Proposed Mechanisms Shepperd, James A., and Arkin, Robert M.—Behavioral Other- Wilson, Timothy D., and Schooler, Jonathan W—Thinking Too Enhancement: Strategically Obscuring the Link Between: Much: Introspection Can Reduce the Quality of Prefer- Performance and Evaluation ences and Decisions Sigmon, Sandra T.—-see Snyder, C. R. Wohlfarth, Tamar—see Ormel, Johan Simonton, Dean Keith—Latent-Variable Models of Posthu- Wong, Maria Mei-ha, and Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly—A ffilia- mous Reputation: A Quest for Galton’s G tion Motivation and Daily Experience: Some Issues on Simpson, Jeffry A., and Gangestad, Steven W—lIndividual Dif- Gender Differences ferences in Sociosexuality: Evidence for Convergent and Wortman, Camil!e B.—see Biernat, Monica Discriminant Validity Yoshinobu, Lauren—see Snyder, C. R. Skowronski, John J., Betz, Andrew L., Thompson, Charles P., and Shannon, Laura—Social Memory in Everyday Life: Zivney, Olivia—see Lynn, Steven Jay Recall of Self-Events and Other-Events Zuckerman, Miron, Miyake, Kunitate, and Hodgins, Holley Slade, L. Allen, and Rush, Michael C.—Achievement Motiva- S.—Cross-Channel Effects of Vocal and Physical Attrac- tion and the Dynamics of Task Difficulty Choices tiveness and Their Implications for Interpersonal Percep- Slovik, Linda F—see Rusbult, Caryl E. Smart, S. April—see Brown, Jonathon D. Zuwerink, Julia R.—see Devine, Patricia G. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 60 OTHER Correction to Hsee and Abelson Harvey Appointed Editor of Contemporary Psychology, Acknowledgment Detain aa 51 1992-1997 American Psychological Association Subscription Claims Informa- Instructions to Authors . 173, 335, 480, 641, 646, 814 tion 178, 338, 569, 940 Low Publication Prices for APA Members and Call for Nominations for Neuropsychology — secu a A ffiliates 52, 262, 397, 595, 710, 910

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